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To perform dimensional analysis and determine the dimensionless parameters that affect the efficiency

(n) of geometrically similar fans, we'll consider the variables you mentioned: mass density of air (ρ),
viscosity (μ), speed of fan (N), diameter of blades (D), and discharge (Q).

We can express the efficiency (n) as a function of these variables, which can be represented as follows:

n = f(ρ, μ, N, D, Q)

Now, we'll apply Buckingham π theorem to find dimensionless groups. There are three fundamental
dimensions in this problem: [M] for mass, [L] for length, and [T] for time. Let's derive the dimensionless

1. Π1: A dimensionless group related to the effect of fan speed:

Π1 = (N * D) / ν

where ν represents the kinematic viscosity (μ/ρ), which is a property of the fluid.

2. Π2: A dimensionless group related to the effect of discharge:

Π2 = (Q * ρ) / (N^2 * D^5)

3. Π3: A dimensionless group related to the effect of viscosity:

Π3 = μ / (ρ * N * D)

The efficiency (n) can then be expressed as a function of these dimensionless groups:

n = f(Π1, Π2, Π3)

By performing dimensional analysis and reducing the variables to these dimensionless groups, you can
investigate how efficiency depends on the various factors while maintaining similarity for geometrically
similar fans.
Dimensional analysis is a method used to relate physical quantities and derive relationships between
them based on their dimensions. In this case, we want to determine the relationship between the
efficiency (n) of geometrically similar fans and various parameters, such as mass density (ρ) of air,
viscosity (μ) of air, fan speed (N) in revolutions per second, blade diameter (D), and discharge (Q).

Let's define the dimensions of the variables:

n (efficiency) is dimensionless.

ρ (mass density) has dimensions [M]/[L]^3 (mass per unit volume).

μ (viscosity) has dimensions [M]/[L]/[T] (mass per unit length per unit time).

N (fan speed) has dimensions [1]/[T] (revolutions per second).

D (blade diameter) has dimensions [L] (length).

Q (discharge) has dimensions [L]^3/[T] (volume per unit time).

Now, we can set up a dimensionless equation to relate these variables:

n = f(ρ, μ, N, D, Q)

Using the Buckingham Pi theorem, we can determine how many dimensionless groups are required to
describe this relationship. The variables involved are 5 (n, ρ, μ, N, D, Q), and there are 3 fundamental
dimensions ([M], [L], [T]). Therefore, there will be 5 - 3 = 2 dimensionless groups.

We can choose two dimensionless groups, for example:

1. Π₁ = (ρ * N^2 * D^5) / μ

2. Π₂ = Q / (N * D^3)

The efficiency (n) is a function of these two dimensionless groups:

n = g(Π₁, Π₂)
The specific form of this function would depend on the specific properties of the fan and the nature of
the flow. Unfortunately, I can't derive the exact functional relationship without more information about
the fan and its operating conditions.

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