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CEEE LSA work-text, tasks and exercises 1

* Student levels
1) Students, that studied before non-English foreign language - Beginners -> B,
2) Students, that studied English at previous educational stages, but still have the low level of
English -Low -> A,
3) Students that have sufficient level of English – Continuants -> C.

! Each student must have the work text at every lesson of the current (specified) week in printed copy
version or electronic copy version (on the portable personal platform),

T1. Digital electronics (Week 01)

in the Work-text: B. – paragraphs 1-3, A. – first page, C. – All paragraphs
Digital electronics, digital technology or digital (electronic) circuits are
electronics that operate on digital signals. In contrast, analog circuits manipulate
1 analog signals whose performance is more subject to manufacturing tolerance, signal
attenuation and noise. Digital techniques are helpful because it is much easier to get
an electronic device to switch into one of a number of known states than to accurately
reproduce a continuous range of values.
Digital electronic circuits are usually made from large assemblies of logic gates
2 (often printed on integrated circuits), simple electronic representations of Boolean
logic functions.
An advantage of digital circuits when compared to analog circuits is that signals
represented digitally can be transmitted without degradation caused by noise. For
3 example, a continuous audio signal transmitted as a sequence of 1s and 0s, can be
reconstructed without error, provided the noise picked up in transmission is not
enough to prevent identification of the 1s and 0s.
In a digital system, a more precise representation of a signal can be obtained by
using more binary digits to represent it. While this requires more digital circuits to
4 process the signals, each digit is handled by the same kind of hardware, resulting in
an easily scalable system. In an analog system, additional resolution requires
fundamental improvements in the linearity and noise characteristics of each step of
the signal chain.
With computer-controlled digital systems, new functions to be added through
5 software revision and no hardware changes. Often this can be done outside of the
factory by updating the product's software. So, the product's design errors can be
corrected after the product is in a customer's hands.
Information storage can be easier in digital systems than in analog ones. The noise
immunity of digital systems permits data to be stored and retrieved without
6 degradation. In an analog system, noise from aging and wear degrade the information
stored. In a digital system, as long as the total noise is below a certain level, the
information can be recovered perfectly. Even when more significant noise is present,
the use of redundancy permits the recovery of the original data provided too many
errors do not occur.

CEEE LSA work-text, tasks and exercises 2
In some cases, digital circuits use more energy than analog circuits to accomplish
the same tasks, thus producing more heat which increases the complexity of the
circuits such as the inclusion of heat sinks. In portable or battery-powered systems
7 this can limit use of digital systems. For example, battery-powered cellular telephones
often use a low-power analog front-end to amplify and tune in the radio signals from
the base station. However, a base station has grid power and can use power-hungry,
but very flexible software radios.
Many useful digital systems must translate from continuous analog signals to
discrete digital signals. This causes quantization errors. Quantization error can be
reduced if the system stores enough digital data to represent the signal to the desired
degree of fidelity.
A digital circuit is typically constructed from small electronic circuits called logic
gates that can be used to create combinational logic. Each logic gate is designed to
9 perform a function of boolean logic when acting on logic signals. A logic gate is
generally created from one or more electrically controlled switches, usually transistors.
The output of a logic gate can, in turn, control or feed into more logic gates.
Integrated circuits consist of multiple transistors on one silicon chip, and are the
least expensive way to make large number of interconnected logic gates. Integrated
10 circuits are usually interconnected on a printed circuit board which is a board which
holds electrical components, and connects them together with copper traces.
To choose representations, engineers consider types of digital systems. Most
digital systems divide into "combinational systems" and "sequential systems." A
11 combinational system always presents the same output when given the same inputs.
A sequential system is a combinational system with some of the outputs fed back as
inputs. This makes the digital machine perform a "sequence" of operations. The
simplest sequential system is probably a flip flop, a mechanism that represents a
binary digit or "bit".

CEEE LSA work-text, tasks and exercises 3
Tasks and exercises (3 lessons per week)
* All written exercises should be prepared in in the personal notebook (paper based)
** All tasks should be performed with actively use of any accessible computer platforms,
applications and resources for listening correct terms, phrases and whole text pronunciation (Ex.
Google Translate) and their results will be presented orally on teacher’s request.

for the Lesson #1.1

Task A. (levels B+A+C) Read and translate the specified portion in the work-text
all lexical structures, that the student needs)
 if the word/phrase have more translations – the context related should be first:
Notice (for the Portfolio) The composed Vocabulary should be printed or manually written on
separate sheet of paper with mandatory specification of the student’s name and topic name
Task B. (levels A+C) Find out parts of the work-text that are associated with classes studied in the
Task C. (level C) Identify at least two special terms for each part from p, A and explain them

for the Lesson #1.2

Task B. (levels B+A+C) Prepare the associated Vocabulary (for all underlined words/phrases)
Task A. (levels B+A+C) Learn Work-text Vocabulary terms by heart (in both translation directions)

Ex. 1 (B. –> a), A. –> a) – c), C. -> all)

Find the appropriate sentence in the work-text in which could be find an answer to the questions
a) What signals manipulate digital electronics?
b) What signals manipulate analog electronics?
c) What digital electronic circuits are usually made from?
d) Is the information storage easier in analog systems then in digital ones?
e) What kind of design errors can be corrected after the product is in a
customer's hands?
f) What can limit use of digital systems in portable or battery-powered systems?
Ex. 2 (B. – none, A. – one, C. - at least 3)
Write in your class notebook the list of main parameters for modern digital electronic devices and
their descriptors or/and measurements units:

for the Lesson #1.3

Task A. (levels B+A+C) Name main components of modern electronics
Present (speaking) main historical stages in Digital electronics development
Task B. (levels A+C) Give an example of innovative Digital electronics implementation in last 3-5
Task C. . (level C) Present a real interesting digital device (demonstrate the real device or
draw&show its structure image or show few pictures of it (2-3) then describe its functionality

Ex. 1 (for B. – none, for A. – one, C. - at least two)

On base of any part of the studied work-text compose questions and find the sentence with
answer to them
 Write in your class notebook:
1) composed question in your native language,
2) composed question in English,
3) the answer found in the work-text (in English),
4) the found answer, translated in your native language.

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