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Received: 6 March 2018 Revised: 25 June 2018 Accepted: 28 June 2018

DOI: 10.1002/er.4170


Graphene a promising electrode material for

supercapacitors—A review

Aicha S. Lemine1 | Moustafa M. Zagho1 | T. M. Altahtamouni1 | Nasr Bensalah2

Materials Science and Technology
Program, College of Arts and Sciences,
Qatar University, Doha 2713, Qatar The global demand for high performance and environmentally friendly energy
Department of Chemistry and Earth storage systems leads to intensive research on new and advanced electrode
Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, materials that are able to satisfy the fast‐growing global market in various
Qatar University, Doha 2713, Qatar
applications. The 2D graphene material is one of the most promising
Correspondence candidates for next‐generation energy storage applications, particularly
Dr Talal M. Altahtamouni, Materials
supercapacitor devices due to its exceptional intrinsic properties such as
Science and Technology Program, College
of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, highest theoretical specific surface area (2600 m2/g), high electrical charges
Doha 2713, Qatar. mobility (230 000 cm2/V·s), thermal conductivity (3000 W/mK), and highest
strength (130 GPa). This comprehensive review summarizes the most recent
Funding information progress made on the graphene material in its different structural forms of
GCC Co‐Fund, Grant/Award Number: foams (3D), thin films (2D), nano‐fibers (1D), and nano‐dotes (0D) for
supercapacitor electrodes. It initiates with a brief historical introduction on
graphene discovery and its current production techniques that retain its intrin-
sic properties ranging from mechanical exfoliation of graphene in high quality
to its epitaxial growth by chemical vapor deposition on metal substrates and its
derivation by chemical reduction of graphene oxide. In addition to highlighting
its main characterization techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, atomic force
microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, as well as, its critical
properties including electrical, optical, mechanical, and thermal properties.
Its potential applications are also illustrated with emphasizing on its usage as
an electrode material in supercapacitors. Finally, its main challenges and
future prospects are considerably pointed out.

advanced materials, two‐dimensional materials, graphene, energy storage, supercapacitors,
nanoporous material

1 | INTRODUCTION carbon allotropes were reported, and the scientific com-

munity is passionate to investigate the unique properties
In 1789, the “Carbone” was listed in “Traite´ Elementary of carbon that enable it to be formed in a range of various
de Chimie” by Antoine Lavoisier as a recently recognized structures starting from fullerenes in 0D, to nanotubes in
chemical element.1 He indicated that it is the elemental 1D, to graphene in 2D, or to diamond and graphite in 3D.
component in forming both diamond and graphite mate- The 3D carbon allotropes were well known and used
rials which highlight on its versatility. Thereafter, several for centuries, while the 1D and 0D allotropes are studied

Int J Energy Res. 2018;1–17. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

at a later time and discovered in past decades.2 The that are capable to satisfy the fast‐growing global market
graphite, nanotubes, and fullerenes are formed from in various applications such as memory backup systems,
graphene sheet either through stacking it, rolling it into energy capture sources, electric vehicles, hybrid electric
a cylindrical shape, or wrapping it into a spherical shape, vehicles, portable electronic devices, industrial power
respectively, as illustrated in Figure 1.3 and energy management, and recently in Airbus A380
Accordingly, graphene is the backbone for the planes.6-9 These devices are favorable among other energy
majority of graphitic materials.3 It is well known as a storage systems due to their long cyclic life (>100 000
two‐dimensional, flat carbon sheet, and a single layer of cycles), fast dynamics of charge propagation, safe and
carbon atoms bonded in a form of hexagonal lattice struc- reliable performance, high power capability, and low
ture. This sheet is the thinnest material in the universe maintenance.10,11 Besides their power density that is
with a thickness of one carbon atom; hence, it has gained thousands of times higher than the modern Li‐ion
a global attention in numerous fields including materials batteries with an energy density that is much larger than
science, chemistry, and physics.4 This attention is derived the conventional capacitors but lower than ordinary
from graphene exceptional properties including its batteries.12 Thus, there are great research efforts towards
high specific surface area of ~2630 m2/g, the strong enhancing the performance of supercapacitor devices to
mechanical strength of ~1 TPa, and excellent electrical have considerable energy densities exceed that of
and thermal conductivities.5 These properties lead ordinary batteries.
graphene to be an outstanding candidate particularly in Moreover, this review paper will comprehensively
applications of energy conversion and storage. summarize the up‐to‐date research efforts on the utiliza-
Nowadays, the supercapacitors or ultracapacitors are tion of 2D graphene material in upgrading the
the most high performance and environmentally friendly performance of energy storage systems, specifically
electrochemical systems for energy storage applications supercapacitor devices to overcome the conventional

FIGURE 1 Schematic diagrams of graphene as the backbone for various graphitic materials3 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

batteries and to fulfill global market demand. Accord-

ingly, it will illustrate on its effective preparation
techniques, latest discovered properties, and potential
applications. It will follow with a highlight of most recent
progress made in supercapacitor devices based on
graphene electrodes and explore its main challenges
besides pointing out on its future prospects.


The outstanding properties of graphene sheet are highly

dependent on its preparation techniques; hence, they
are the key challenge in synthesizing a high‐quality
graphene sheet. For instance, if graphene sheets are not
separated sufficiently from each other, the graphene will
undergo irreversible agglomerates to restock through
Van der Waals interactions which will result in the for-
mation of graphite.13 The prevention of this aggregation
is the key challenge in processing graphene, as its unique
properties are associated particularly with the individual
graphene sheets.14 Following are the most popular and
FIGURE 2 The application of simple scotch tape method on
effective preparation techniques for graphene:
HOPG for graphene mechanical exfoliation18 [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

2.1 | Mechanical exfoliation

This simple technique was developed by Geim and production. In 2006, Somani and coworkers were able to
Novoselov in which an adhesive scotch tape undergoes successfully synthesize graphene films in very few layers
stick and peel process dozen times on the highly oriented via using camphor to be the precursor on underneath
pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) that is commercially available Ni substrate before application of CVD technique.19 This
in cheap cost as illustrated in Figure 2.15,16 The result of pioneer research work has established a novel synthesis
this technique is monolayer thin graphene sample exfoli- method of graphene films with a set of unresolved
ated from 1‐μm‐thick graphite flakes. Then, the graphene concerns such as minimizing graphene folding and con-
sample on the tape will be tested using an optical micros- trolling its layers number. Thereafter, much advancement
copy before transferring it onto a clean substrate (eg, pure was achieved by controlling the thickness of deposited
SiO2) through the gentle press of the tape.17 graphene layers on various metal substrates. Conse-
The main drawback of this technique is the contami- quently, it is found that it is possible to transfer the
nation of graphene sample by the glue residues from graphene layers from one metal substrate to another
scotch tape which limit the mobility of its electrical through the chemical etching of coated metal substrate.20
charge carriers (electrons and holes). Thus, a post‐deposi- This will upgrade the quality of obtained graphene layers
tion heat treatment is required to remove these residues and lower the necessity to undergo any complicated
by heating the deposited sample on the substrate up to chemical or mechanical routs.
~500°C under vacuum pressure.18 Also, this method is Moreover, the growth of graphene on metal sub-
restricted in minor scale production due to the intensive strates (eg, Co, Cu, and Ni foils) via CVD mechanism
need of labors and its uneven graphene films; hence, with high to mediate carbon solubility of >0.1%atomic
other approaches for graphene preparation are developed C is through the carbon diffusion into the thin film of
and attracted more interest. metal substrate at a certain growth temperature followed
by the carbon precipitation on metal surface from bulk
metal due to cooling.21 For instance, the graphene
2.2 | Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
growth onto underneath copper (Cu) foil is through
It is the most favorable approach to produce graphene undergoing following four‐step processes as stated by Li
films in mono‐layer or few layers on a large‐scale and coworkers22:

1 The Cu substrate will be exposed to direct contact 2.3 | Chemically derived graphene
with hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) flows simul-
taneously which will lead to the formation of CxHy It is another viable route in which the graphite will be
species under certain temperature due to methane chemically converted into graphene oxide that will
catalytic decomposition onto the Cu surface. Thus, be reduced to afford considerable quantities of graphene
the saturation of Cu surface with CxHy species is single sheets. The graphite oxide (GO) is usually pro-
highly dependent on hydrogen partial pressure, meth- duced based on Hummers method in which the graphite
ane flow and partial pressure, and temperature. will undergo oxidation using various oxidants such as
2 Then, the supersaturated Cu surface with CxHy spe- concentrated nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and potassium
cies will undergo nuclei formation upon its cooling. permanganate.23 This GO has less hydrophobicity and
3 These nuclei will grow further forming islands of thus easier to be exfoliated using water to produce
graphene onto the Cu surface which is still saturated highly stable single‐layered sheets with uniform
to supersaturate with CxHy species. thickness which are the graphene oxide. Then, the
4 After a period of time, the Cu surface will be fully cov- obtained graphene oxide sheets will be chemically
ered by graphene under a certain temperature (T), reduced into graphene using various reducing agents
methane partial pressure (PMe), and methane flow like sodium borohydride and hydrazine as demonstrated
rate (JMe). in Figure 3.25

FIGURE 3 (A) Is a schematic illustration of graphite oxidation into graphene oxide followed by its reduction by hydrazine to form reduced
graphene oxide, while (b) is the reaction mechanism of epoxy reduction in presence of hydrazine24

Moreover, the comparison between each of the pre‐

mentioned techniques in terms of their main advantages
and disadvantages is clearly demonstrated in Table 1.



3.1 | Graphene characterization

3.1.1 | Raman spectroscopy:
Shows fingerprints for various carbon allotropes through
displaying clearly their 2D, G, and D peaks at Raman
shifts of ~2700, ~1580, and ~1350 cm−1, respectively,
which are resulted from the alteration of their electron
bands.29 The detection of these bands will allow the char-
acterization of graphene layers including the presence of FIGURE 4 The Raman spectra of single layer graphene and
defects, doping concentration, and number of available graphite at 514‐nm excitation30
layers. The G band arises near 1580 cm‐1 as a result of
sp2 carbon atoms undergoing in‐plane vibration. While Additionally, most of the researchers use Raman spectra
the 2D band appears at 2700 cm‐1 from the second‐order because it is one of the non‐destructive tools for charac-
Raman scattering process at double frequency of D band. terizing and controlling the quality of mono/few‐layer
For D band, it originates at 1350 cm‐1 as a consequence of graphene. This is due to the crucial dependence of
edge dislocation defect or presence of atomic disorder in graphene properties on its number of layers and impuri-
graphene. These bands are illustrated clearly on the ties presence. Also, following the trend of Raman spectra
Raman spectra for both single layer graphene and graph- for graphene will assist in determining its thickness,
ite at 514‐nm excitation as shown in Figure 4.30 strain in its layers, the effect of defects, and doping.31

TABLE 1 The main advantages and disadvantages of graphene

production techniques26-28 3.1.2 | Atomic force microscopy (AFM):
Graphene It is one of the common imaging techniques that success-
Production Advantages Disadvantages fully determine the thickness of graphene layers in nano-
Technique (Pros) (Cons) meter scale. It has an attractive feature for phase imaging
Mechanical ‐Easy and low ‐Labor intensive. which enables distinguishing pristine graphene free of
exfoliation in cost. defects from its functionalized version. This is due to
‐No need for ‐Uneven films. variation of interaction forces in between attached
certain functional groups to graphene and the AFM tip.32
equipment. However, the AFM is not only used for graphene imaging
‐Unsuitable for and thickness detection; instead, it is also used for its
large‐scale production. mechanical characterization due to its ability in deter-
Epitaxial ‐Utmost even ‐High operating mining minor forces arisen from a process of deforma-
growth by films. temperatures. tion. Thus, various AFM modes allow the investigation
CVD of electrical, magnetic, elastic, and mechanical properties
‐Large‐scale ‐Difficulties in controlling of graphene flake.33
production. adsorption energy and
3.1.3 | Transmission electron microscopy
Graphene oxide ‐Versatile ‐Low stability of the (TEM):
reduction handling of colloidal dispersion.
suspension. Is the most used tool for imaging nano‐size material to
‐Rapid process. ‐Partial reduction about atomic scale resolution by transmitting a beam of
‐Straightforward to graphene. electrons to pass across the ultra‐thin sample towards
imaging lenses and finally detector.34 It is the proper tool

to resolve the atomic features of graphene as it is a one‐ 37.43 This fine structure constant could be used to well
atom‐thick layer. However, the traditional TEM cannot describe transmittance property of graphene.43
be operated at high voltage as it will damage the
graphene monolayer; hence, its resolution is limited by
3.2.3 | Mechanical properties:
the low operating voltages.
It is well known that redistribution of electrical charges
within any crystalline material is due to alteration of its
3.2 | Graphene properties inter‐atomic distances via application of external stress
on it,44 thus, modifying significantly its electron mobility
Graphene has many attractive properties such as highest
and introducing a band gap in its electronic structure. For
specific surface area (2600 m2/g), high electrical charge
graphene material, it has been frequently observed with
mobility (230 000 cm2/V·s), thermal conductivity
an uppermost modulus of elasticity and strength after
(3000 W/mK), and highest strength (130 GPa).35,36 This
carbon nanotubes.45-47 The summary of the recently
section will briefly illustrate the main properties of
reported mechanical properties of mono/bi/tri‐layers
graphene that are highly utilized in various potential
graphene investigated via AFM and Raman spectroscopy
is demonstrated in Table 2. It is noted that a monolayer
graphene (2D) has the utmost tensile strength of
3.2.1 | Electrical properties: ~130 GPa and stiffness of 1.02 TPa close to graphite
(3D). It is also observed that graphene has a high
Graphene is a zero energy gap semiconductor due to its tensile strain of ~1.3% in tension compared with that
2D honeycomb carbon lattice structure. It has a high den- in compression.
sity of charge carriers (electrons and holes) that behave in
unusual nature as massless relativistic particles (Dirac
fermions).37 These charge carriers are very fast and free 3.2.4 | Thermal properties:
to move across the graphene. Thus, its electrical conduc- The presence of phonon scattering property and strong
tivity is high particularly in single layer due to low defect C―C covalent bonds resulted in high thermal conductiv-
density within its crystal lattice which refers to its high ity for graphene. This leads to its utilization in numerous
quality. This is because defects are main scattering sites electronic devices for thermal management which nowa-
that limit charge carriers mean‐free paths, hence days is a crucial parameter for high efficiency and better
inhibiting charge mobility and lowering conductivity. reliability in any electronic device. Additionally, single
Beside intrinsic sources, there are other extrinsic sources layer graphene is repeatedly reported with a thermal
that affect graphene electrical conductivity including conductivity of ~5000 W/mK at 25°C (RT). Whereas,
substrate ripples, surface charge traps, interaction with supported graphene is reported with a thermal conductiv-
underneath substrate during measurement, and interfa- ity of ~600 W/mK.51 The value of graphene thermal
cial phonons.38 conductivity is measurable by a set of methods and sum-
marized in Table 3. It is proven that monolayer graphene
has a highest thermal conductivity of ~5300 W/mK as
3.2.2 | Optical properties:
The large area of mono/few‐layer graphene with zero TABLE 2 The intrinsic stiffness and tensile strength for different
energy band gaps is commonly utilized as ultra‐fast graphene structures48-50
photo‐detector. This is because the light absorbed on
graphene surface will generate pairs of electron and hole Method Material Properties
(charge carriers) that will recombine rapidly in Pico‐sec-
onds depending on the density of charge carriers as well Raman Graphene Strain ~1.3%
spectroscopy in tension
as the temperature.39 Thus, the application of an external
Strain ~0.7%
field on graphene will separate these pairs and generate in compression
the photocurrent. Additionally, numerous research
AFM Mono‐layer E = 1.02 TPa;
papers have reported that monolayer graphene is capable
σ = 130 GPa
of absorbing around 2.3% of incident light in wide‐range
Bi‐layer E = 1.04 TPa;
wavelength.40-42 It is also reported that linear increase
σ = 126 GPa
of graphene layers will increase the amount of absorbed
light as the absorption of every layer is A = 1 – T = πα = 2.3%, Tri‐layer E = 0.98 TPa;
Graphene σ = 101 GPa
where the α is fine structure constant and equals ≅ 1/

TABLE 3 The thermal conductivities of graphene and reduced graphene oxide51-53

Thermal Conductivity
Method Material at RT (25°C)

Confocal micro‐Raman spectroscopy Suspended graphene flake mono‐layer graphene 4100‐4800 W/mK 4840‐5300 W/mK
Thermal measurement method Mono‐layer (suspended) 3000‐5000 W/mK
Mono‐layer (on SiO2 support) 600 W/mK
Electrical four‐point measurement Reduced graphene oxide flake 0.14‐0.87 W/mK

measured using confocal micro‐Raman spectroscopy Thus, the polymeric acceptor and donor materials usually
compared with suspended graphene flake with conduc- result in current leakage due to recombination of charge
tivity up to ~4800 W/mK. On the other hand, the thermal carriers.59 Therefore, to overcome this unfavorable effect,
measurement method indicates that suspended single graphene was introduced to obtain a new configuration
graphene layer is more thermally conductive than single of ITO/GO/P3HT:PCBM/Al which shows high efficiency
layer deposited on the SiO2 support. in holes collection with band energies around 4.4‐4.5/
4.9/4.9:4.2/4.2 eV, respectively.59 It is also reported that
graphene film in 2‐nm thickness leads to optimum effi-
4 | GR APHENE: P OTENTIAL ciency in contrast to graphene films with >4‐nm thick-
A PP L I C A T IO N S ness.60 This is due to enlargement of serial resistance as
a consequence of the decrease in film transmittance with
The graphene unique properties have been utilized in a its thickness.
range of potential applications including transparent
conductors, terahertz devices, touch screens, optical
limiters, photodetectors, upgrading ordinary batteries, 4.3 | Electrochemical sensors and
and light emitting devices.54,55 Following is a brief illus- biosensors
tration on some of the potential applications based on Graphene is also a promising candidate for numerous
graphene material: biological and electrochemical sensors as a result of its
unique properties that enable it to be sensitive to the
4.1 | Transparent electrodes changes in the chemical and biological environments.
The change in these environments is monitored by
Graphene thin film (<30nm) is reported as semi‐trans- recording the changes in the graphene conductivities as
parent to the visible light compared with thick films displayed in Table 4. The reduced graphene oxide (rGO)
which are non‐transparent.56 Thus, conductivity and could be utilized alone as active material within electro-
transmittance of graphene film are adjustable via con- chemical/bio‐sensors or in combination with other mate-
trolling its film thickness and its reduction degree. It is rials such as Gold (Au) in biosensors for DNA molecules
also proven that conductivity of graphene thin film through monitoring the change in its electrical current (I)
increases with decreasing its transmittance and increas- versus applied electric potential (V), and such sensors
ing its degree of reduction.57 Consequently, these param- have a detection limit up to ~μM/L. Whereas, it could
eters have to be optimized to achieve a high performance be used unaccompanied to detect the presence of gases,
conducting and transparent thin film of graphene. Addi- particularly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3)
tionally, the flexible, conducting, and transparent nature via measuring the change of electric current (I) over a
of graphene thin film results in being a promising candi- period of time (t) with a detection limit that reaches
date for electrode material in both electronic and opto- ~100 ppm which is significant in industrial applications
electronic applications.58 for monitoring such pollutant gaseous emissions.

4.2 | Solar cell 4.4 | Next‐generation batteries

The pre‐illustrated graphene transparent electrodes are The unique properties of graphene specifically its high
also used in solar cells.58 It is reported that most of the surface area to volume ratio (SA/V), chemical stability,
vertical solar cells consist of ITO/P3HT:PCBM/Al config- ultrathin flexible nature, and superior electrical conduc-
uration.59 In such cell, both electron acceptor (PCBM) tivity have been utilized in composing it with several
and donor (P3HT) phases are placed in direct electrical transition metal oxide nanoparticles such as: SnO2,
contact with the anode (ITO) and cathode (Al) electrodes. Fe3O4, Co3O4, and Mn3O4 which have very high

TABLE 4 The biosensors and electrochemical sensors based on reduced graphene oxide (rGO)

Active Material Method Sensor Type Analyte Measurement Detection Limits Reference

rGO Thermal Gas NO2, NH3 I vs t ~100 ppm 61

Molecular HCN, DDT G vs t ~ppb 61
Chemical Gas NO2, NH3 R vs t ~ppm 62
rGO+Au Electrochemical Bio DNA I vs V ~μM/L 63
rGO+DNA Chemical Bio DNA, Bacterium G ~Single stranded DNA 63
~Single bacterium

theoretical capacities.64 This composite will advance the adsorption on electrode interface resulting in the forma-
energy storage applications including the Li‐S, Li‐O2, tion of electric double layer (EDL‐capacitors) or via elec-
Na‐ion, and Li‐ion batteries. The Li‐ion batteries (LIBs) trons transfer between electrode material and electrolyte
are frequently reported with remarkable rechargeable as a result of Faradic redox reactions (pseudo‐capaci-
characteristics, longer life cycle, and high specific tors).70 It is frequently reported that pseudo‐capacitors
energy.64 Accordingly, numerous electrode materials are have higher energy densities than EDL capacitors.70
proposed for LIBs based on these nanoparticles for Whereas, their cyclic stability and rate capability are very
enhancing its specific capacities to overcome the cur- low with respect to EDL capacitors as their electrodes are
rently being used electrodes that are based on pure graph- based on the low conductivity materials and involve
ite material. However, the direct application of these the slow electrochemical reaction processes. However,
metal oxides in LIBs is restricted due to their low electri- the pseudo‐active species are often used to improve
cal conductivity.65 Thus, a new strategy of composing overall energy storage capacitance for supercapacitors.
them with graphene will overcome such issue as it will On the other hand, supercapacitor devices are in a
provide a mechanical support for these nanoparticles as similar structure to the batteries because they consist
well as prevent their volume from expansion‐contraction mainly of two‐current collector followed by two
during the charging‐discharging processes.65 In such
TABLE 5 The resultant properties of graphene‐based composite
composition, the nanoparticles of metal oxide will be
materials for lithium‐ion batteries
encapsulated by graphene sheets via assembly of oxide
nanoparticles in positive charge and graphene oxide Energy Current
sheets in negative charge by electrostatic attraction Density, Density,
between unlike charges.65 For instance, the resultant Material mA·h/g mA/g Cycles Reference
composite of graphene‐encapsulated Co3O4 has been Pure Co3O4 900 ‐ ‐ 66
reported with an ultra‐high reversible capacity around Graphene 1000‐ 74 ~130 66
1100 mA·h/g at its initial 10 cycles and 1000 mA·h/g after encapsulated‐Co3O4 1100
130 cycles as illustrated in Table 5.66 Free Mn3O4 115‐300 40 ~10 66
Graphene‐Mn3O4 730‐780 400 ~50 66
5 | GR APHENE: AS ELECTR ODE Pure SnO2 782 ‐ ‐ 66
M A T E R I A L I N SU P E R C A P A C I T O R Graphene‐SnO2 625 10 ~10 66
Graphene‐wrapped 1026 35 ~30 67
5.1 | Supercapacitors: principle and
performance Graphene‐Si 2200 ‐ ~50 67
Graphene 290 50 ~50 68
The supercapacitor devices are used for short load cycle nanosheets
applications due to their static electrical energy storage.69
CNS+CNT 480 50 ~20 68
These devices are the best candidates for hybrid electric
Disordered 794‐1054 ‐ ‐ 68
automobiles and mobile electronic gadgets. This is a
consequence of their optimum power density and rapid
charging/discharging abilities in the absence of degrada- Pure 372 ‐ ‐ 68
tion. They store the electrical energy either via ion

electrodes that are separated by an ion‐permeable separa- of electrode matrix and electrolyte solution, contact resis-
tor in an electrolyte solution to avoid short‐circuit as tance from the electrode with the current collector, and
shown in Figure 5.71 These components must be taken mass transfer resistance resulted from ions within
into high consideration for designing any supercapacitor matrix.74 Whereas, thermodynamic stability of electrolyte
device as they build up such devices and thus certainly solution limits cell operating voltage and the electrode
will affect its overall performance. Therefore, the perfor- material which impact significantly the cell capacitance.
mance evaluation of supercapacitor devices is typically Thus, the advancements of electrode material and
based on the following criteria72,73: electrolyte solution will obviously optimize the overall
performance of supercapacitors.
1 Power and energy densities (>conventional batteries) Therefore, the effective electrode materials for
2 Outstanding cycle stability (>100 times of conven- supercapacitors must have a high surface area with
tional batteries) suitable pore sizes, high electrical conductivity with good
3 Rapid charging‐discharging processes (within stability, and high density to attain highest volumetric
seconds) energy densities for dense power and energy sources.75
4 Minimum self‐discharging rate (ie, high time constant Thus, numerous electrode materials including carbon
value (τ = R × C)) fibers, carbon nanotubes, mesoporous carbon, and
5 Safe in operation activated carbons were frequently studied and tested to
6 Low in cost enlarge power density as well as the specific capacitance
of supercapacitors as displayed in Table 6. The carbon‐
Additionally, supercapacitors with optimum effi- based materials owe long cycle life, excellent mechanical
ciency have to fulfill necessities of minimum equivalent and chemical stability, good electrical conductivity, and
series resistance (ESR), large cell operating voltage, and adjustable nano‐structures.80 On the other hand, the
high capacitance (C). In which the ESR comes from electrolyte solution has to be chosen carefully, and
intrinsic resistance associated with electronic properties the non‐aqueous electrolytes are usually recommended

FIGURE 5 (A) Is a schematic illustration of the equivalent circuit model for a supercapacitor with two electrodes (B). (C) demonstrates the
typical structure and components of conventional supercapacitor, and (D) shows its flexible counterpart71 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 6 The summary for main carbon electrode materials used frequently in supercapacitor devices

Aqueous Organic
Electrolyte Electrolyte

Carbon Specific surface Density Electrical Cost F/g F/cm3 F/g F/cm3 Reference
material area (m2/g) (g/cm3) conductivity
0D fullerene 1100‐1400 1.72 10−8‐10−1418 Medium ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 76
1D CNTs 120‐500 0.6 10 ‐10
4 519
High 50‐100 <60 <60 <30 76
2D graphene 2630 >1 10 High 100‐205 >100‐205 80‐110 >80‐110 76
3D graphite 10 2.26 10 423
Low ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 76
Carbon aerogels 400‐1000 0.5‐0.7 1‐10 Low 100‐125 <80 <80 <40 77
Activated carbon 1000‐3500 0.4‐0.7 0.1‐1.0 Low <200 <80 <100 <50 78
Activated 1000‐3000 0.3‐0.8 5‐10 Medium 120‐370 <150 80‐200 <120 78
carbon fibers
Templated 500‐3000 0.5‐1.0 0.3‐10 High 120‐350 <200 60‐140 <100 79
porous carbon
Functionalized 300‐2200 0.5‐0.9 >300 Medium 150‐300 <180 100‐150 <90 79
porous carbon

for designing supercapacitors with high power and resulted in overall capacitance of ~216 F/g which exceeds
energy densities due to their low resistivity (hence mini- bulk MnO2 (~6.8 F/g) and individual graphene (~10.9 F/
mizing ESR) and operability at high cell voltages up to g).77 It is also reported that asymmetric supercapacitor
3.5 to 4.0eV.81 with MnO2/graphene composite as its positive electrode
Moreover, the supercapacitor devices store the electri- and individual graphene as its negative electrode have
cal charges electrostatically via electrolyte ions adsorption shown an ideal power density of ~30 kW/kg as well as
onto electrodes with the ultimate reachable specific an energy density of ~42 Wh/kg.77
surface area; hence, electrode materials with large spe- Furthermore, graphene‐based supercapacitors show
cific capacitance considerably contribute in determining specific energy densities of ~85.6 Wh/kg at RT and
the efficiency of energy storage in such devices. Graphene ~136 Wh/kg at 80°C, at a high current density of ~1 A/
has been also reported as a satisfactory candidate for g as reported by Jang and coworkers.78 They have also
supercapacitor electrodes because of its chemical stabil- reported that face‐to‐face restacking is prevented between
ity, low cost, the uppermost specific surface area of graphene sheets due to their curved nature which
~2630 m2/g, outstanding electrical conductivity, good maintains large pores in 2 to 25‐nm sizes as shown in
mechanical flexibility, and an intrinsic capacitance of Figure 6.78 Besides that, fast charging/discharging capa-
~21 μF/cm2.76 Thus, the surface area of the graphene bilities within few seconds and negligible deficiency in
sheet affects significantly the performance of either energy density or capacitance have made it the
supercapacitor devices. However, the main drawback of ideal candidate compared with present batteries.
using graphene as an electrode material in supercapacitor
devices is its agglomeration and then restacking via Van
5.2 | Graphene‐based supercapacitor
der Waals attraction forces in between adjacent sheets.76
electrode materials
This restocking will reduce its effective surface area and
thus dropping its capacitance. Graphene is frequently reported as a key electrode mate-
Therefore, the addition of metal oxide nanoparticles rial in supercapacitor devices as it can be assembled into
such as MnO2 and RuO2 to the graphene can overcome sets of various structures such as free‐standing graphene
this drawback and its superior capacitance.76 This in the form of dots or powders with zero‐dimensional
approach of utilizing nanoparticles to advance the elec- (0D) structure, graphene in the form of fibers or yarns
trochemical performance of supercapacitors based on with one‐dimensional (1D) structure, graphene in the
graphene electrodes indicates the positive interaction form of thin films or sheets with two‐dimensional (2D)
between the nanoparticles and graphene sheets. For structure, and graphene in the form of foams or compos-
instance, the composition of graphene with MnO2 nano- ite network with metal oxides/hydroxides nanoparticles
particles as electrode materials for supercapacitors has or conductive polymers with three‐dimensional (3D)

preventing them from restocking. For instance, it is

reported that the synthesis of nanocomposite powders of
rGO‐Fe3O4 is accomplished through a facile method of
electrostatic interaction between GO and Fe3O4 nanopar-
ticles, followed by a hydrothermal method for rGO for-
mation via GO reduction.85 Such nanocomposite
electrode showed upgraded specific capacitance of
169 F/g which is larger compared with 68 F/g for Fe3O4
at a current density of 1 A/g and well‐retained capaci-
tance of ~88% after 1000 charging‐discharging cycles in
the presence of KOH as an electrolyte with 6 M.85

5.2.2 | 1D graphene‐based yarns and

Are the most promising candidates for upcoming
supercapacitors generation for portable and wearable
electronics due to their combined advantages of high
flexibility, light‐weight, tiny volume, and high electrical
conductivity. For instance, a supercapacitor with elec-
trodes composed of rGO in fiber‐form deposited on Au
FIGURE 6 The curved graphene sheets image under scanning
wires is proven to have large specific capacitance around
electron microscopy (sem) in a scale bar of 10 μm79
101.9 μF/cm and a small loss in capacitance <1% when it
is twisted into S‐shape or bent to 120°.86 However, it is
structure.82 Following is an illustration of these various recently reported that hybrid electrode materials of 1D
graphene structures: carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown by CVD technique on
2D graphene sheets (G) have significantly improved the
mechanical flexibility, thermal, and electrical conductiv-
5.2.1 | 0D graphene dots and powders
ity compared with each of them before the hybridiza-
Are usually obtained through the graphene oxidation‐ tion.86 This hybrid fiber of CNT‐G showed an overall
reduction technique, and they regularly have a fast capacitance of 1.2 to 1.3 mF/cm2 and steady cyclic volt-
charge transfer and high power density as a result of their ammetry performance even at high bending cycles more
high surface area and good electrical conductivity.83 than 200 in fabric structure.86 It is also reported that its
However, supercapacitor electrodes based on such struc- capacitance was increased through the implementation
ture are reported with a modest capacitance value of of the coaxial wet‐spinning assembly process in forming
~200 F/g, hence, low energy density and unsatisfactory polyelectrolyte wrapped into CNT‐G in the form of core‐
overall performance of such device.83 Thus, it is usually sheath fibers,86 in which the wrapped polyelectrolyte act
hybridized with conductive polymers (polythiophenes or as a sheath layer to prevent the short circuit from occur-
polypyrrolesor) and metal oxides (MnO2 or Fe3O4) / rences as a result of CNT‐G contact with each other, thus,
hydroxides (Co (OH)2 or Ni (OH)2). This will result in attaining a high surface area and effective ion mobility
hybrid electrodes with integrating the pseudo‐capacitance between electrodes resulting in a large capacitance of
and EDL capacitance, hence maximizing its modest 177 mF/cm2.86
capacitance value. For instance, the composite powders
of graphene‐MnO2 have been experimentally reported
5.2.3 | 2D graphene‐based films and
with a specific capacitance of 211.5 F/g at a scan rate of
2 mV/s and ~75% retained capacitance even after 1000
charging‐discharging cycles in the presence of 1 M of Particularly, the thin films are frequently used for the
Na2SO4 as an electrolyte.84 However, superior electrical formation of flexible supercapacitors due to their light-
conductivity and high surface area of graphene powders weight, tunable thickness, and combined merits of: high
can be fully utilized through properly loading the nano- electrical conductivity that lowers the diffusion resistance
particles of metal oxides/hydroxides on its surface and leads to enhancement of the energy and power den-
which will provide additional pseudo‐capacitance and sities, superior mechanical property which makes them
act as spacers between the graphene nano‐dots, hence effortless gathered into freestanding films for strong

mechanical stability, and 2D structure that provides high density of 10 A/g; hence, the 3D graphene foam is
surface area to act as wide electrolytes transport observed as a promising supporter for pseudo‐active
platform.87,88 The graphene‐based films are produced in species.96 On the other hand, the unique class of porous
numerous processing methods such as Langmuir‐ and ultralight carbon materials is well known as
Blodgett, interfacial self‐assembly, layer‐by‐layer graphene aerogels. This class of materials shows high
deposition, vacuum filtration, and spin‐coating.89 The ratios of surface area‐to‐volume and strength‐to‐weight.97
processing of graphene films is limited by its restocking This resulted in a reduction of the transport distances
due to Van der Waals attractive forces and inter‐planar between the electrolyte and bulk electrode material
π‐π interactions. This restocking will diminish the surface through providing multi‐dimensional transport pathways
area of graphene films and limit electrolyte ions diffusion for ions/electrons. Thus, the graphene aerogels are poten-
in between them. Thus, appropriate spacers are often tially used to form high‐performance and binder‐free
used to overcome the stacking of graphene films such as electrodes for numerous electrochemical applications.
conductive polymers, transition metal oxides/hydroxides, For example, a high flexibility and all solid‐state
metals (Au or Pt) /metal oxides (SnO2) materials, or supercapacitor were developed based on attaching a
carbonaceous materials (CNT or carbon powders).90 For high‐density and free‐standing graphene hydrogel on its
instance, a supercapacitor based on flexible graphene flexible current collector with the use of polyvinyl alcohol
films has used carbon powders as spacers between its as its gel electrolyte.98 This type of 3D nano‐hybrid
films to avoid their restocking, hence form an open electrode material resulted in a specific capacitance of
structure for ion diffusion channels and charge storage.91 298 F/g and a well‐retained capacitance of ~87% after
It is reported that this multilayered graphene structure 10 000 charging‐discharging cycles.98
resulted in a large specific capacitance of 138 F/g at a
scan rate of 10 mV/s and a low capacitance loss of
3.85% even after 2000 cycles at a specific current of 6 | G RAPHENE: C HALLENGES A ND
10 A/g in aqueous electrolyte.91 It is also proven that FUTURE PROSPECTS
use of Pt metal in nanoparticles form as spacers between
the graphene sheets have enlarged its specific capacitance The proven remarkable intrinsic properties of graphene
to 269F/g compared with 14F/g for un‐spaced graphene material involving its long electron mean free paths, opti-
sheets.92 This specific capacitance can be further enlarged cal, electrical, thermal, and mechanical had made it a
through the hybridization of graphene sheets with competitive candidate in range of potential applications.
pseudo‐active species such as Co (OH)2 metal hydroxide Thus, most of the published researches in last 5 years
nanoparticles that will contribute in pseudo‐capacitance have extremely investigated graphene as it opens up a
and provide a desirable void spacing between graphene promising future for nano and microscale electronics.99
sheets. Thus, such type of hybrid electrode materials On the other hand, graphene as a new 2D material is still
showed a remarkable specific capacitance of 1335 F/g at yet facing countless challenges starting from its prepara-
a current density of 2.8 A/g.93 tion mechanisms, to its characterization techniques, and
final device fabrication. Thus, latest reports have exten-
sively illustrated on the scalability of graphene through
5.2.4 | 3D graphene‐based foams and
CVD synthesis technique to chip scale on various
substrates which will ease the transfer of graphene layer
Are extremely appropriate for outstanding supercapacitor for following device fabrication.100 Such discoveries
performance, optimum power and energy densities due to provide attractive prospects for further development of
their consistency of macro/micro/meso‐interconnected semiconductor manufacturing.
pores resulted in the large surface area for rapid Additionally, exfoliation of graphite into graphene
electron/ion transport channels.94 Thus, numerous oxide (GO) chemically and then into graphene via chem-
processing techniques are available to fabricate 3D ical and thermal reduction offers profitable production
graphene‐based electrodes in supercapacitor devices such approach on a large scale for reduced GO.100 The main
as template‐directed assembly technique that is com- challenge of such approach is that its thermal and chem-
monly used to form the 3D macro‐porous graphene ical reduction drops significantly the mechanical and
foam.95 For instance, it is reported that Co3O4 nanoparti- electrical properties as well as the chemical stability of
cles were assembled into the 3D graphene foam through produced graphene.101 Therefore, the control of graphite
the CVD technique on a Ni substrate. This flexible oxidation and GO reduction is highly significant in
nanocomposite electrode material resulted in a specific adjusting produced graphene properties as electrical con-
capacitance of ~1100 F/g up to 500 cycles at a current ductivity, mechanical properties, and energy band gap.102

In other words, controlling the modifications on graphite, iv. The self‐powered hybrid systems with multifunc-
GO, and reduced GO is critical in expanding its use in tional have attracted a considerable interest in future
various applications that are based on high‐quality development of supercapacitors in high flexibility to
graphene materials. be combined with other energy devices such as
Besides that, there are health risks associated with nano‐generators, solar cells, and LIBs.107 Thus, the
the production of graphene and its derivatives due to main future challenge will be optimization of inte-
the possibilities of handling and inhaling toxic reducing grated flexible graphene‐based supercapacitors with
chemicals.103 These risks must be assessed via other electronic devices to attain an efficient and
examination of bio‐compatibility and toxicity for these valuable multifunctional system.
carbon‐based structures and derivatives.103 On the other
hand, the distinguishability of single‐layer graphene
using optical microscope needs an appropriate substrate
to generate contrast between dissimilar layers because 7 | C ON C L U S I ON S
of their interference.104 This means that visibility of
graphene under the optical microscope is highly depen- In summary, graphene is a new 2D material with out-
dent on incident light wavelength as well as substrate standing properties that have been utilized in numerous
thickness. Thus, further research is required for develop- potential applications such as supercapacitor devices
ing more advance characterization method of pristine which have utilized it as its electrode material to improve
graphene without being affected by the underneath their capacitance, energy, and power densities towards
substrate material. more efficient energy storage devices. These devices store
Moreover, the main future prospects of graphene‐ the electrical energy either through the ion adsorption to
based electrode material in energy storage systems, par- form the EDL‐capacitance or via the reversible Faradic
ticularly supercapacitor devices, involve the consideration reactions to form the pseudo‐capacitance. It is frequently
of the following future aspects: proven that a simultaneous function of these capacitances
will improve the overall performance of supercapacitors
i. Efficient design architectures of graphene‐based which can be attained through compositing graphene
electrodes that will alter its chemical, physical, and with either conductive polymers or metal hydroxides/
mechanical behaviors which will, in turn, reflect oxides. These outstanding electrode materials need more
on its energy storage performance and subsequently research efforts to improve the interactions between their
the overall efficiency of supercapacitor device. Thus, composite materials in order to optimize the pseudo‐
the future prospects should pay more attention to capacitance as well as upgrading the performance of
the graphene in 3D structures compared with supercapacitors. For instance, it is proven that the
other structures; due to its unique network which Co3O4 metal oxide nanoparticles which were assembled
is based on an interconnected porous structure into the 3D graphene foam through the CVD technique
that is utilizable for more ion/charge pathways, on a Ni substrate resulted in a flexible nanocomposite
large surface area, and overcome the collapse of electrode material with specific capacitance around
graphene layers.105 1100 F/g up to 500 cycles at constant current density of
ii. Nanocomposites electrodes comprising graphene 10 A/g; hence, the 3D graphene foam is observed as the
with either nano‐conductive polymers or nano‐metal most promising supporter for pseudo‐active species due
hydroxides/oxides are still the most favorable combi- to its porous structure. Additionally, the graphene mate-
nation for high power and energy densities. Conse- rial in its various forms ranging from 3D, 2D, 1D to 0D
quently, the future prospects should explore more is still facing a number of critical issues particularly in
such nanohybrid structure which is necessary to developing a cost‐effective and environmentally process-
control the graphene interfacial interaction with ing method that synthesize graphene on high quality
pseudocapacitive nano‐materials towards advancing and large quantity. This requires more investigation of
the Faradic processes occurring across this interface. its physics and chemistry in order to obtain its optimum
iii. The current industry market requires more deform- processing conditions. Accordingly, future research
able and flexible energy storage devices for commer- prospects should focus on the development of flexible,
cialization purposes to broaden its usage.106 free‐standing, nano‐composite, and multifunctional
Accordingly, one of the most important future pros- graphene‐based supercapacitors in order to attain a com-
pects is the emphasis on upgrading the mechanical bination of high‐performance pseudo‐capacitance and
flexibility of energy storage devices, particularly the EDL‐capacitance to effectively satisfy the global demand
graphene‐based supercapacitors. of efficient energy storage systems.

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