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Brain Drain is a wide spread phenomenon these days. It is a process

through which the most skilled and competent individuals leave their
homecountries to other countries.

These individauls leave their less developed country to developed ones
for many reasons.
The major ones include : unemployment and poor quality of life.
As they suffer from joblessnes, poor working conditions, law paying
jobs, absense of research facilities, limited access to health care,
discrimination and sometimes political instability, the highly skilled
individuals choose to leave for developed countries that offer better
apportunities at all levels.

Brain Drain has a negative impact on home countries. It can be harmful
to their economic development, as these countries lose their talented
professionals and trained workers.
solutions Jobl

The Governments and authorities should take some strict measures to
controle this phenomenon. They should provide better working
conditions, create more employment apportunities, increase salaries.
If these steps are taken into consideration, Brain Drain problem would
be solved and stopped to exist.

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