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13& - My Pet / 14& - My favourite Sport

New Vocabulary:

Dad has a bald patch on the top of his head.

There is a damp patch on the wall.

She has a dog with a patch on the forehead.

The cat was playing with her kittens.

A young dog is called a puppy or pup. (ლეკვი)

A young horse is called a foal. (კვიცი)

Cat flap = a cat flap is a small opening with a cover in a door. The
cat can open the cover and so is able to come and go as it

The cat was very big and fat and got stuck in the cat flap in the
kitchen door.

Our dog hurt his paw and we took him to the vet.

Improve your vocabulary:

1. Find these words in the text, highlight and then translate into Georgian.
2. Translate these words into English.
a) ნიკოს ჰქონდა ჩხუბი. მას რაღაც წითელი ლაქა აქვს ცხვირზე.
b) როცა დაიბადა, მას ჰქონდა ლაქა მუცელზე.
c) თათიას ბევრი კნუტი ჰყავს, ამიტომაც ის აპირებს ერთი მისცეს თავის ბიძაშვილს .
d) ჩემი კატა არის ძალიან მსუქანი, ის ვერ გაეტია გასასვლელში.
e) გასასვლელი ძალიან დიდია, ამიტომაც მსუქანი კატაც კი გაეტევა.
f) ჩემმა ძაღლმა ფეხი მოიტეხა, ხვალ ვეტერინართან მიმყავს.
g) თუ შენ გინდა, რომ იცუროვაო ამ აუზზში, შენ გჭირდება საცურაო შორტები.
15& - My favourite book

1. The sailors had many adventures. In one of them they had a fight with pirates.
2. The big dog looks fierce but it never bites people. (მრისხანე)
3. Russia is a fierce enemy of Georgia.

4. We bought two jars of strawberry jam at the supermarket.

5. My key has got stuck in the lock.

Improve your vocabulary:

1. Find these words in the text, highlight and then translate into Georgian.
2. Translate these words into English.
a) როცა ბავშვი ვიყავი, მე მიყვარდა გულივერის თავგადასავალი .
b) ვეფხვი გამოიყურებოდა მრისხანედ, ძალიან შემეშინდა.
c) ჩემი მეზობელი იყო განრისხებული, რადგან ჩვენ გავტეხეთ მისი ფანჯარა .
d) დედამ მოიტანა თაფლის ქილა.
e) მისი ხელი გაიჭედა იმ ხვრელში.
f) - ვფიქრობ, ის დააგვიანებს. - რატომ? - ის გაიჭედა საცობში.
16& - My favourite Game

1. Chess is a board game.

2. Monopoly is a board game.

3. There was a storm. Some of the roof tiles blew off.

4. There are 100 tiles in a Scarbble set. (კაფელი/უჯრა სამაგიდო თამაშისა)
5. I got a chess set for Christmas.
6. My brother has a new train set. (კომპლექტი, ნაკრები)

Improve your vocabulary:

1. Find these words in the text, highlight and then translate into Georgian.
17& - My Birthday

If you invite someone to something, you ask them to come. You give them an invitation. Sometimes you
sen a card to invite them. This is called an invitation card:

1. I invited my friend to tea.

2. Lisa invited the whole school to the party.
3. I have had an invitation to a party.
4. My parents got invitation to the wedding of Anna and Nika.

If someone invites you to something and you want to go, you accept.

5. My parents were happy to go to the wedding so they accepted the invitation.

6. I wanted to go somewhere, so when Lisa invited the whole school, I accepted her invitation.

If someone invites you to something and you cannot go or do not want to go, you refuse.

7. I was ill, so when Lisa invited the whole school, I refused.

8. Nina never liked Anna and Nika, so she refused their invitation to the wedding.
9. The cake had orange icing on it. (შაქრის ფხვნილის სარკალა ნამცხვარზე)
10. The lights went out and we had to light candles.
11. There were nine candles on the birthday cake.

12. When you make a wish, you say that you want something very much. You often just say it to

I made a wish when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake. I wished for a new doll but I didn’t get a
new doll.

Make my material more interesting and add some sentences. Use “make a wish”.
18& - My Favourite Food

healthy = if food is healthy it is good for you and helps to make you strong and well

I am very fat, I need to start eating healthy food.

treat = a treat is something special that you enjoy very much

Our parents took us to the circus as a treat.

dessert = a sweet food. You eat it at the end of a meal after the mainc course.

Mom, I want to have some sweets. Can I move on to the dessert?

cone = a cone for ice-cream is a piece of thin biscuit. It’s wide at the top and comes to a point at the
bottom. The ice cream goes on top.

It was very hot and I bought an ice-cream cone.

van = a van oftens has no windows in the sides of the back half of it. It’s used to carry goods from place
to place.

I saw my neighbour was moving into his new house. The van was near our building and there was some

Fill the blank with the words above (Don’t use word “CONE”)

1. We had apple pie for ________________.

2. My packed lunch contained ______________ things such as salad and apples.
3. Dad hired a ________ to move some of our things to the new house.
4. It was my birthday and we had ice-cream for dessert as a __________.
19& - My School

principal = a person who is in charge of (პასუხისმგებელი) a school:

My principal always had to do a lot of work. She was in charge of teachers, students and the whole

Principal = Headteacher, Headmaster, Headmistress.

retire = when someone retires, they stop work for good, usually because they are quite old:

Mr.Charles was 80 years old when he retired and left his company to his son.

assembly = a school assembly is a gathering of all the students and teachers in one place, often at the
beginning of the school day:

There was a murder at the beginning of the school day so our principal gather us at assembly.

perform = if you perform a play, you act it in front of people, called an audience:

Our music teacher was teaching us how to sing or play on musical instruments whole year. Tomorrow
we are performing in front of the famous musician.

When you do something to entertain people, it is called a performance:

Performace lasted 2 hours and musician was excited because the youngsters played well.

Fill the blank with the words above

1. Mr. Wang is nearly 65. He’s going to ________ soon.

2. The pupils have written a short play. They are going to ___________ it in front of the whole
school tomorrow.
3. The principal read out the list of prize winners at _____________.
4. If pupils are very bad, they are sent to the ___________ office.
5. We went to the ballet and the _____________________lasted two hours.

20& - My toys

truck = is used for carrying goods from place to place. In British English a truck is called a lorry.

The truck was carrying a large load of tins of food.

The car crahsed into a lorry.

castle = is a large old building with very thick walls. The walls were to stop people from attacking it and
getting inside. Kings or other important people lived in castles:

The castle was built on top of a stony hill.

submarine = is a kind of ship that travels under water. It’s often used in war:

The enemy are building nuclear submarines.

21& - The Subject I Like Best

 When you draw, you use a pencil or pen to make a picture of someone or something:
a) The teacher asked us to draw some trees.
b) I drew a picture of a ship.

 When you paint, you use a coloured liquit (called paint) to make a picture of someone or
something. You put paint on with a brush:
a) I painted a picture of my little sister.
b) The teacher asked us to paint a bunch of flowers.

 You can also paint walls. You put paint on them with a large brush to change their colour:
a) The walls are white. I am going to paint them yellow. I have bought some yellow paint.

 A clown is a person who does things to make people laugh. He also wears
funny clothes. You will see clowns at the circus.
 An easel is kind of wooden frame with three legs. You put your paper or
canvas on an easel when you paint a picture:

I sat in front of my easel and painted a picture of a boat on the see.

22& - The TV Programme I Like Best

1. Math the words with their definitions

1) destroy a) is something that is broadcast on

2) wildlife television
3) programme b) place where animals are born and
4) natural home/habitat usually live
c) damage something so badly that it is
completely ruined or no longer exists
d) the name given to all the animals, birds,
insects and, sometimes, plants in their
natural home or surroundings

If animals are in danger, they might all die. They are said to be endangered. If all members of a group of
animals (called a species) die, the species become extinct.

endangered - საფრთხეში მყოფი

species - სახეობები

extinct - გადაშენებული

2. Let’s discuss the sentences

 The wildlife of the region will be badly affected by the new road.
 I watched a TV programme about volcanoes last night.
 I hate to see tigers in cages in the zoo. I would rather see TV pictures of them in their natural
 This pond is the habitat of frogs and several other creatures.
 The gorillas are in danger. They are being killed by hunters.
 These are the ruins of a castle. It was destroyed by fire more than a hundred years ago.
23& - The Film I Like Best

 A film is known as a movie in American English:

We are going to see the new Harry Potter film/movie.

 If you do something occasionally, you do not do it very often:

Occasionally, it rains here in the summer. Usually, it is hot and dry.

 If people are odd, they are unusual in some way. They are not the kind of people you would
usually meet:

I met rather an odd person on the train. He was wearing funny clothes.

 The word strange is used in the same way as odd:

He was rather a strange young man. He was completely different from brother’s usual friends.

 if you have courage, you are very brave:

It look a lot of courage to go into the dark house alone.

 The word bravery means the same as courage:

The soldier got a medal for his bravery in the battle.

 If someone or something is frigtening, it makes you feel afraid:

The book was about monsters and it was very frightening.

 The word scary means the same as frightening.

The film about witches was very scary.

24& - My favourite Colour

1. shade = there are different shades of many colours. One shade is slightly different from another.
Some shades are slightly darker and some are slightly lighter.
2. duvet = a duvet is a kind of bed cover to kepp you warm. It’s a kind of large, soft bag filles with
feathers or something else soft.
3. wear = if you wear something, you have it on part of your body.
4. blouse = is worn by girls or women on the part of the body. It is made of a light material. It is like
a man’s shirt.
5. sweater = you wear a sweater on the top part of the body. Iy is made of wool or a material like it
and it usually has long sleeves. It keeps you warm.

25& - My favourite Story

boast = to talk a lot about what you can do or what you have done. You are very proud of yourself:

 Liza is boasting about her new school.

steady = it does not move or change suddenly. It stays the same:

 The temperature of the room must remain steady.

if you go along steadily it means that you walk at the same speed all the time.

 Prices were steadily increasing.

pace = speed at which someone or something moves:

 They worked at a slow pace.

finishing post = marks the end of a race.

 He was near the finishing post when the other car left him behind.

rush = when you move very quickly, sometimes too quickly:

 If you rush, you will do the job badly.

Fill the blanks with the words below:

steady, pace, rush, boasted, finishing point

1. I must _________ or I will miss the train.

2. I’ll hold the boat __________ so you can put your things without any fears.
3. Eddie ________________about having won the race.
4. The walkers started at a fast ___________________.
5. Patrick passed the _______________ __________ first and won the race easily.

26& - My Favourite Dessert

melt = if something hard or solid melts, it becomes soft or liquid.

 It was a hot day and the ice in my drink melted quickly.

special = if something is special, it does not happen very often. It means a lot or is very important:

 It was a very special day. It was my grandfather’s seventieth birthday.

 My friend had been very kind to me and I wanted to give her a special present.

A Christmas pudding is a kind of dark brown cake made with a lot of dried fruit, such as raisins. It’s
cooked by steaming it. It is eaten at the end of the main meal on Christmas Day.
27& - Children’s Day

Definitions (slithers, slither, keeper, packed lunch, obviously)

1. A ___________________ is a light meal, made up of things such as sandwiches. You put the
things in a box of some kind to keep them fresh. You take the box with you from home and et
the food later.
2. The person who looks after the animals in a a zoo is called a ________________.
3. The word _______________means that something is clear and easy to see or understand.
4. If something ___________________, it moves along smoothly, often close to the ground and
twists from side to side. If people ______________on ice or mud, they slide about and find it
difficult to walk.

Fill the blank with the words below:

keeper, packed lunch, slithered, obviously

1. The lizard ___________________ away under a rock.

2. One of the elephants was ill and the ___________ sent for the vet.
3. We did not go to the restaurant at the beach. We took a _____________ and ate it by the sea.
4. The little girl was ________________ upset.

28& - Mother’s Day


1. If something, such as a rocket, goes into space, it goes outside the Earth and into the place
where the planets and stars are. Space is sometimes called outer space.
2. If something is difficult, it is not easy to do or understand.
3. A bouquet is a bunch of flowers put together in a pretty way. You give it to someone as a gift.
The word is pronounced boo-kay.
4. Scent is a pleasant smell. Scent also means a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your
skin to make you smell nice. The word perfume means the same as scent.

Fill the blank with the words below:

space/outer space, scent/perfume, difficult(2x), bouquet, scent,

1. It was _________________ to hear that she was saying.

2. You could smell the ________from the lilies at the other side of the room.
3. Some men once travelled through _________ to the moon.
4. Some of the words in the book were _____________________.
5. When my granny was in hospital, we took her a lovely ______________ of flowers.
6. We gave Mum a bottle of her favourite ______________.
29& - Father’s Day


racing driver, think hard, work hard, racing car, dangerous, expensive, architect, racetrack,

1. An ____________________ is a person who designs buildings.

2. If something is _____________, it costs a lot of money.
3. If something is ________________, you could hurt yourself or kill yourself doing it.
4. If you _____________________ about something, you think carefully and for a long time about
it. You put a lot of effort.
5. A _______________ drives a very fast car, called a __________________. He takes part in
competitions round a ______________ with other racing drivers to see who can drive the
6. If you ________________, you put a lot of effort into your work.

Fill the blank with the words below:

think hard, architect, racing driver, dangerous, worked hard, expensive

1. Swimming in that part of the river is ___________________.

2. I __________________ and finished my homework before tea.
3. Dad bought a new car. It was very ___________________.
4. The young __________________ easily won the race.
5. You should ________________ before leaving the class without permission.
6. Mr White is the ______________ who designed our new school.
30& - Christmas

sack, present (gift), decorations, crowd

32& - New Year’s Day


New Year’s Eve is the evening or night before New Year’s Day.

 My parents had a party on New Year’s Eve.

The word eve means the night before something. Christmas Eve is the evening or night before

If you stay up late, you go to bed later than you usually do:

 On Christmas Eve, the children stay up late and have a late dinner with their parents.

If you provide someone with something, you give it to them so that they can use it.

 We provide students with textbooks.

If you do something in advance you, do it before it is needed or before a particular time:

 We knew that the concert would be popular and so we booked the tickets in advance.
 Christmas Day is three months away, but Mum always make the Christmas pudding well in

You store food at very low temperatures for quite a long time in a freezer. The food is frozen:

 We bought some packets of frozen fish fingers at the supermarket. We took them home right
away and put them in our freezer.

If you say that something is delicious, you mean that it tastes very nice:

 We had some delicious cookies with tea.

31& - Teacher’s Day

Perfume is a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make you smell nice:

 Granny wears perfume that smells like roses.

Perfume also means a pleasant smell:

 These flowers have a lovely perfume.

The word scent means the same as perfume in both meanings.

Drama means a school subject that teaches you about plays and things to do with them:

 My favourite subject is drama.

 The drama class is putting on a play for the rest of the school.

A drama is also a play for the theatre, television or radio:

 We watched a historical drama about World War 1 last night.

If someone is brilliant, they are very good at something.

 My mother is a brilliant cook.

 Jack is a brilliant student (very clever/intelligent). He passed all the exams easily.

A play is a story or piece of writing which people act. It is performed in a theatre or on television or

 Hamlet is the name of a play by Shakespeare.

A comedy is a play or film that is meant to be funny:

 We went to see a comedy about a little car that could drive itself. It made us laugh a lot.
33& - First Day at School

Fill the blank with the words below:

lonely, nursery(2x), screamed, jacket, refused

1. She ___________________ when she saw a spider.

2. She ___________________ to give me the book.
3. My aunt collects her baby from ____________after work.
4. My best friend was away on holiday and I was ____________.
5. You should wear a _____________. The sun is shining, but it is quite cool.
6. We put the baby’s cot in the ________________.

34& - What I did during the School Holidays

Fill the blank with the words below:

resort, guest house, restaurant, suburb

1. It was my father’s birthday and we went to a ______________ for dinner.

2. We are going on holiday to a ski _____________.
3. We moved to one of the ___________. The city centre became too busy and noisy for us.
4. We stayed in a _______________ in the city. We could not afford to stay in one of the large

35& - A Family Celebration

Fill the blank with the words below:

expect (2x), arranging, arranged, celebration, celebrate, surprise, cousin

1. I do not know what my parents are giving me for my birthday. They want it to be a
2. We all arrived at the celebration on time, _______ Doreen, who missed the bust and arrived
3. We are _______________ a dinner party for our new friends.
4. We are going on holiday with my aunt and uncle and my two _______________.
5. I _______________ to meet him next week.
6. My father is going to be 40 next week. He says that he does not want any kind of celebration.
7. I ate everything __________the fish. I don’t like fish!
8. We are going for dinner to _________________my mother’s birthday.
36& - My town

A commuter is a person who travels a long way to work each day:

 There is train to the city at 7.30 in the morning. It is mainly used by commuters.

If a shop stock something it means that it has it for sale:

 The local store does not stock wine.

A hypermarket is a very large supermarket which sells a wide range of things:

 We will get most of the things that we need for our holiday at the hypermarket. There is one
just outside the town.


37& - At the Dentist’s

Fill the blank with the words below:

injection(2x), drilled, drill, filling, sore, cavities, appointment

1. If you eat to many sweet things, you get ___________in your teeth.
2. I try not to eat sweets. I don’t want to get any ______________.
3. I have an ________________with the dentist at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
4. I hurt my leg and it is very _____________.
5. The old man was given an _______________ to help him sleep.
6. The dentist ______________my tooth and put a filling in it.
7. Babies get an ___________to stop them from getting measles.
8. The dentist’s __________ made a loud noise.
38& - A Day at the Beach

Prom is short for promenade. You find a prom beside the sea in a town. It is a kind of wide path that
people walk along:

 We walked on the prom. We did not want to get sand in our shoes by going on the beach.

A swimming costume is a piece of clothing that is worn while swimming, especially by women and girls.
It is also known as a swimsuit.

Men and boys wear swimming trunks when swimming.

Chilly means too cold to be comfortable:

 It was a chilly day and I wore my heavy coat.

 The heating was not on and we felt chilly.

If you paddle in the sea or in a river, you walk or stand in the water with your bare feet:

 It was hot and we took off our socks and shoes and paddled in the river.

If you decorate something, you try to make it look nicer by putting something on it or in it:

 We decorated the room with vases of flowers.

If you decorate a room, you paint the walls or you put wallpaper on them:

 I bought some paint to decorate my bedroom with.

39& - A Day at the Zoo

A sign tells you about something. It gives you information or gives you a warning. It can be a piece of
paper on a wall. It can also be made of wood or metal:

 There was a sign on the door saying 'No Entry'.

 There was a road sign saying that it was a one-way street.

If you spray something or someone you cover them with drops of liquid:

 Dad is spraying the roses with something that kills insects.

If you are forbidden to do something, you must not do it. You are not allowed to do it:

 We were forbidden to leave the school playground during break.

 People are forbidden to walk on the grass in the park.

A cafeteria is a kind of restaurant. You choose and pay for your food and drink. You then take it to a
table to eat it. You often find cafeterias in a department store or in places such as factories and
40& - A visit to the Farm

A cockerel is a young male chicken. When it crows it makes loud, high sounds early in the morning.

If somewhere or something is peaceful, it is very quiet:

 We had a peaceful holiday in the country.

A group of sheep is called a flock:

 We saw a flock of sheep on the side of the hill.

A baby sheep or a young sheep is called a lamb:

 There were some pretty white lambs in the field beside the sheep.

A young cow is called a calf:

 There was a cow in the field with her calf.

A group of cows is called a herd.

 A herd of cows followed us across the field.

A group of elephants is also called a herd:

 When my parents were in Africa, they saw a herd of elephants.

A dairy is a place that sells milk:

 All the shops in town get their milk from the same dairy.
41& - My school Library

Fill the blank with the words below:

suggest, astronaut, space/outer space, project, section

1. I worked on a school ___________about frogs.

2. They are building a new ___________ of the motorway.
3. Can you _____________ a good hotel in that area?
4. The rocket was sent into ___________________.
5. The _______________ were killed because something went wrong with the spacecraft.

42& - A Family Outing

Clothes that are old-fashioned are in a style that was popular in the past, but is no longer fashionable:

 I saw an old photograph of my grandfather wearing very old-fashioned clothes.

China is very hard but it is easy to break. Cups, saucers and plates are sometimes made from china.
China is made by baking white clay:

 My mother's best teacups are made of china.

A nanny is a person who looks after young children:

 Our nanny takes care of my brother and me when our parents are at work.

If you think that something is boring you do not think it is interesting. You do not want to do it or look at

 I think history is boring.

If you are bored, you have nothing to do:

 It was a long bus journey. I was bored.

If you have a clockwork toy, you turn a small key to wind it up and make it go. Clockwork toys do not
need batteries or electricity to make them work.
43& - A visit to Grandmother’s House

Fill the blank with the words below:

pianist, orchestra, tune, filling, cancer, widow

1. At the party, Sam played a few __________ on the piano and we all danced.
2. My aunt has been a _______________for 2 years. My uncle was killed in a car accident.
3. The singer sang well, but the ________________was not very good.
4. If you smoke a lot, you might get lung ______________.
5. The was a delicious chocolate _____________ in the birthday cake.
6. My aunt plays the violin in an ______________.

44& - At the supermarket

Fill the blank with the words below:

boot, checkouts, aisle, entrance, fortnight

1. The __________ to the library is in Short Street.

2. Dad opened the _____________ and put the suitcase in.
3. There were long queues at all the _______________.
4. The _____________ in that supermarket are too narrow.
5. I was ill and I was off school for a ___________.
45& - A Class Outing

A theatre is a place where you go to see actors acting in plays:

 The actor is appearing in a play at the theatre in the High Street.

People usually go to the theatre in the evenings. Sometimes plays are performed in the afternoon. A
performance in the afternoon is called a matinee:

 The play is on too late in the evening for the children. We can take them to the matinee on

In the theatre, an interval is a short period of time between two or three parts of a play:

 There was an interval after the first two acts of the play.
 During the interval some of the audience went and had a drink.

A person or animal that is written about in a book or play is called a character:

 It is a long book. There are a lot of characters in it.

 One of the characters in the play dies near the start of it.

A performance is something, such as acting, singing, or dancing, which is done, often on stage, to
entertain people:

 We're going to the play at the Queen's Theatre, but I've just heard that last night's performance
wasn't very good.

46& - At the Doctor’s

Fill the blank with the words below:

bandage, painful, swollen, examined (2x), surgery, mates

1. I cut my finger and it is very ___________.

2. The driver _____________ the car to see if it had been damaged.
3. I went to the cinema with a few of my ________________.
4. Harry hurt his knee. It was bleeding and his mother put a ________________ round it.
5. I was stung by a bee on the lip and my lip is now badly _________________.
6. There is a large waiting room at the doctor’s ____________.
7. The doctor _______________ me and said that I was perfectly well.
47& - At the Airport

The suitcases and bags that people take with them when they travel are known as luggage:

 Dad put the luggage in the boot of the car and drove us to the airport.

A tip is a small amount of money given to someone as well as payment for what they have done for you:

 The waiter in the restaurant was very helpful and my father gave him a large tip.

The check-in at the airport is the place where you go to when you first arrive at an airport. You show
your ticket and then get your luggage taken. Then you are told what your seat number on the plane is.

A queue is a line of people waiting for something:

 There is usually a queue at the bus stop for the first bus.

The aisle is the name given to the long narrow passage between the rows of seats in an aeroplane:

 The cabin attendant was pushing drinks trolley up the aisle of the plane.

The word aisle is also used to describe the passage between rows of seats in a church and between the
rows of shelves in a supermarket.

If you board a plane, you get on it:

 We waited at the gate until it was time to board the plane.

When you show your ticket at the check-in you are given a boarding pass. You show it when you board
the plane:

You can also board a bus or train.

48& - My first visit to London
49& - In the Playground
50& - When Our parents were away

Fill the blank with the words below:

miss, upset, tease, glasses/spectacles, twins, twin

1. The little girl was very _________ when her dog died.
2. I didn’t know that Vincent and Dave were ___________________, but Vincent introduced Dave
as his ___________ brother.
3. The other children _____________ Jill about being fat.
4. My sister is away at school camp. I ____________ her a lot. I have no one to play with.
5. My mother has to wear _______________for reading.

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