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30 Mark Scheme
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___/___/___

Circle the correct answer: True or False (1 Mark per Question)

1. The splitting of the moon was the greatest miracle F

2. Seeking refuge in God helps control anger T
3. A woman’s father cannot be her mahram F
4. The main source of usul al-fiqh is the Qur’an T
5. The hijab of Fatima (r) is kept in the Topkapi palace F
6. Even the ants make dua for people who cover their awrah F
7. The Prophet s split the moon in Muzdalifah F
8. The best way to show love towards the Prophet s is to follow the sunnah T
9. Men and women were commanded to lower their gaze T
10. The companion Zayd ibn Harith (r) was sent to Yemen to govern F
11. If a person gets angry whilst sitting, they should stand up F
12. Mockery is making fun of others T

Answer in the space provided

13. Fill in the table below (4 Marks)

Usul al-Fiqh Principles Definition

The Quran The holy book of Islam, the word of God

The sunnah The example of the Prophet Muhammad (s)
Ijma The agreement of scholars
Qiyas An analogy or comparison with previous rulings

14. Write down 4 conditions for a mu’jizah, or miracle to be considered truthful (4 Marks)

A mu’jizah can only occur by the permission, command and power of God.
It has to be performed at the hands of a prophet.
Other people have to be incapable of performing the same miracle.
It has to be an extraordinary event, as opposed to an ordinary event.
It has to be impossible to contradict.
It had to have happened at the exact time and in the same manner as announced by the prophet.

15. Name 4 people who can be a mahram for a woman (4 Marks)

Father Brother Grandfather Uncle

16. Write down 5 ways in which a person can respect their teachers (5 Marks)

Listen in class - do their homework - be polite - not argue - be respectful - study well
2.30 Mark Scheme

17. Colour in the minimum amount of clothing

needed to cover the awrah for a man and a
woman (4 Marks) Man Woman

Full marks for

Man - Navel to Knees
Woman - All except hands, face and feet

Not Full marks if too much is covered

18. List 4 ways in which a person can control anger (4 Marks)

1. Perform Wudu 2. Sit or Lie Down 3. Seek refuge in God 4 Keeping Quiet

19. According to the hadith, The Prophet s said, “He is not one of us, who...”? (3 Marks)

does not know the rights of those who teach

does not respect the elderly is not merciful to the youth

19. What is meant by the hadith, “The learned are the heirs of the prophets” ? (3 Marks)

Scholars and teachers are to be respected - They have a very high status with God - People should
respect teachers and scholars - Learning and seeking knowledge is important in Islam

20. Explain what happened in the hadith of the Date Palm. (5 Marks)

This was a miracle witnessed by the companions. The Prophet (s) used to stand and
lean on a date-palm on Fridays whilst delivering the khutbah. Some of the
companions of the Prophet (s) made a minbar, or pulpit, for him.

The following Friday when the Prophet (s) was on the minbar delivering the khutbah,
everyone heard a crying noise, and realised that the date-palm was crying! The
Prophet (s) came off the minbar, walked over to the tree, placed his hand on it, and
it stopped crying.

21. What did Aisha (r) mean when she said the Prophet (s) as a “walking Qur’an.”? (2 Marks)

The Prophet (s) was always well mannered and had the best adaab and akhlaq. To follow the
Prophet’s (s) example is to fulfil the command of God in the Qur’an. The sunnah is necessary in
Islam. Complete faith is following the Qur’an and sunnah.

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