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Week 9 - Task


Cesar Morales Flores Luigui David Moya Rojas


A trip to the past

Who was Ricardo Palma?

Ricardo Palma, born in Lima, Peru, on February 7, 1833, and passing away on October

6, 1919, was a prominent Peruvian writer and journalist. Best known for "Peruvian

Traditions," he preserved Peru's rich history and culture through engaging historical

stories. He also edited newspapers and magazines, despite facing exile and

censorship due to his political views. Palma's passion for literature and Peru propelled

him past adversities. In summary, Ricardo Palma, a celebrated Peruvian writer and

journalist, used the past simple tense to recount his life's achievements, contributing

significantly to preserving his country's history and culture.

Who was Jose Carlos Mariátegui?

Born on June 14, 1894, in Moquegua, Peru, José Carlos Mariátegui was a renowned

Peruvian writer and political thinker. He critically analyzed Peru's social and economic

issues in his influential work "Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality."

Mariátegui founded the Peruvian Socialist Party and actively championed workers'

rights. Despite health challenges, he left a lasting intellectual legacy. In summary, José

Carlos Mariátegui, a prominent Peruvian writer and political thinker, employed the past

simple tense to recount his ideas, profoundly impacting Peru's social and political


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