Zhang 2021

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Case Report

Journal of International Medical Research

49(3) 1–5
Robert’s uterus with delayed ! The Author(s) 2021
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DOI: 10.1177/0300060521999531
consequences: a case report journals.sagepub.com/home/imr

Jing Zhang1,2,3 , Weili Zhou4, Ying Tang4,

Shiqiao Tan1,2,3 and Lin Qiao1,2,3

A 24-year-old woman who wished to become pregnant presented to our hospital with an
enlarged ovarian endometrioma and developmental abnormality of the uterus. Robert’s uterus
complicated by hematosalpinx, ovarian endometrioma, and endometriosis were finally identified
1 year after previously being diagnosed with a cyst and uterine abnormality at a local hospital. The
function of the salpinx and the pelvic environment were damaged because of the delayed diag-
nosis and operation. Gynecologists and sonologists should be aware of and alert to this rare
entity while evaluating and managing cases of uterine abnormalities and endometriosis. Prompt
early diagnosis and proper management of Robert’s uterus are important for avoiding future
morbidity because these are major factors in protecting fertility.

Endometriosis, fertility, hematosalpinx, ovarian endometrioma, Robert’s uterus, hematometra
Date received: 4 February 2021; accepted: 10 February 2021

Introduction 3
Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases,
Women and Children Ministry of Education, Sichuan
The prevalence of uterine anomalies is University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
approximately 0.50%. Robert’s uterus was Department of Ultrasound, West China Second
University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, West China Corresponding author:
Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Lin Qiao, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Sichuan, China West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan
Reproductive Endocrinology and Regulation Laboratory, University, No. 20, 3rd Section, Renmin South Rd.,
West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China.
University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Email: 54266753@qq.com

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits
non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed
as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Journal of International Medical Research

first reported in 1970 as a rare variant of a septum were scheduled to be performed.

complete, but oblique, septate uterus con- Laparoscopy showed that the basilar part
sisting of a non-communicating hemicavity of the uterus was wide with an obvious
and a contralateral unicornuate uterine bulge on the right fundus due to hematome-
cavity in a single uterine body with a tra (Figure 1b). Scattered violet blue nodules
normal fundus.1 We report a case of delayed were observed on the outer surface of the
diagnosis and treatment of Robert’s uterus, uterus (endometriosis). Extensive adhesions
although ultrasound-guided hysteroscopy were found among the adnexa, pelvic perito-
and laparoscopy were finally performed. neum, and posterior uterine wall. An ovarian
endometrioma (nearly 1 cm) was removed
from the left ovary after adhesiolysis.
Case report
However, a hematosalpinx (7  55 cm),
A 24-year-old woman presented to the but not ovarian endometrioma, was evacuat-
Reproductive Endocrinology Department ed from the right adnexa. The mucosa had
with the complaint of a gradually enlarging, disappeared from the inner surface of a dilat-
right ovarian, chocolate cyst. The cyst (3 cm ed, thickened, and stiff right fallopian tube.
in diameter) and uterine developmental Hydrotubation with methylene blue was per-
abnormality (complete septate uterus or formed. However, the liquid dye did not exit
bicornuate uterus) were found 1 year previ- the distal end of the right fallopian tube.
ously in a local hospital. However, this young During hysteroscopy, a thick muscular
woman wanted to attempt pregnancy because septum was found to extend from the
of normal levels of tumor biomarkers, with- fundus to the internal os (Figure 1c).
out any other examinations or treatments. A left uterine hemicavity with a single
The patient attained menarche at 13 ostium was identified without any commu-
years old and had regular menstrual cycles nication with the right hemicavity. A longi-
every 30 days with a 7-day duration, tudinal incision of the asymmetric septum
accompanied by mild dysmenorrhea that with a bipolar needle electrode under trans-
occasionally required medication. A gyne- abdominal ultrasonic monitoring was per-
cological examination showed an anatomi- formed to enter the right cavity (Figure 1d).
cally normal vulva, vagina, and cervix. The The corresponding tubal ostium and endo-
uterus was a normal size, but the right metrium were identified. The methylene
corpus was slightly larger than the left. blue dye then exited the distal end of the
Three-dimensional ultrasound showed right fallopian tube. Foley’s catheter,
that the uterus was divided by a septum. which was inflated with 7 mL of normal
Therefore, a complete septate or bicornuate saline, was then placed in the uterine
uterus was suspected. However, the right cavity for 7 days. Hyaluronic acid gel was
uterine hemicavity did not communicate then injected into the cavity after the cath-
with the single cervix, but was accompanied eter was pulled out. A follow-up three-
by hematometra (Figure 1a). Two cysts dimensional ultrasound 1 month later
were located in the right and left adnexa showed a larger normal uterine cavity
(7 cm and 1.8 cm, respectively), and these (Figure 1e). During a mini-hysteroscopic
were provisionally diagnosed as ovarian (2.9 mm in diameter) examination, bilateral
endometrioma. Urinary tract ultrasound tubal ostia were finally observed, with mild
showed that both kidneys, the bladder, postsurgical bulge in the upper part
and the ureters were normal. between the two cavities (Figure 1f).
Laparoscopic oophorocystectomy and The patient experienced regular menstrua-
hysteroscopic electrotomy of the uterine tion postoperatively, with a normal volume,
Zhang et al. 3

Figure 1. Uterus with hematometra (red arrow) in the right uterine hemicavity on three-dimensional
ultrasound before surgery (a). An obvious bulge in the right fundus was observed by laparoscopy (red
arrow) (b). Hysteroscopy before (c) and after (d) incision of an asymmetric septum (black arrows). Three-
dimensional ultrasound examination 1 month after surgery shows an enlarged cavity (e). A mini-hysteros-
copy (2.9 mm in diameter) examination 1 month after surgery shows a uterine cavity with a bulge (f).

but without dysmenorrhea. She has been hemicavity and a contralateral unicornuate
attempting to become pregnant for 7 uterine cavity. Unilateral cervical aplasia
months up to December 2020. should be present according to classifica-
tion of the European Society of Human
Reproduction and Embryology–European
Discussion Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy.2
Robert’s uterus is an uncommon congenital However, the cervix is normal in
Müllerian abnormality, with one blind some cases, which demonstrates the
4 Journal of International Medical Research

embryological/anatomical paradox of the endometrectomy of the blind cavity.8

European Society of Human Reproduction However, in a previous report, a scar
and Embryology–European Society for formed around the operation site, the
Gynaecological Endoscopy classification cavity shape and volume of the uterus
for this abnormality. Unilateral hematome- were not improved, and placenta accreta
tra, hematosalpinx, and endometriosis are had the possibility of occurring during
secondary features of Robert’s uterus. pregnancy (amputation and ablative surgi-
Robert’s uterus can be divided into three cal therapy).9 All of these factors greatly
clinical categories by the status of hemato- postponed the following attempt at
metra in the blind hemicavity as follows: pregnancy.
with a large hematometra in the blind hemi- Currently, ultrasound combined with hys-
cavity and acute pelvic pain; with an inactive teroscopy is considered as a practical, mini-
blind hemicavity without hematometra and mally invasive, safe choice for Robert’s
recurrent miscarriages; and with a small uterus, and this could be an option in
hematometra in the blind hemicavity.1 women without visible signs of endometri-
Blind horns are more common on the right osis in ultrasound (https: //www.youtube.
side because the left Müllerian duct advances
com/watch?v=4DWwCrwEeF4).1,10 Use of
slightly ahead of a right Robert’s uterus.
laparoscopy may be helpful for some condi-
However, a left Robert’s uterus has occa-
tions, such as infertility with hematosal-
sionally been reported.3
pinx.11 These methods significantly reduce
Rare complications of Robert’s uterus,
surgical trauma, result in prompt postoper-
such as pregnancy in the blind cavity (con-
sidered as one type of ectopic pregnancy), ative recovery, and preserve the integrity of
unique ipsilateral renal agenesis, and a the uterus, which are good for protecting
bicornuate uterus, have been reported.4 In fertility. However, if doctors do not have
contrast to the classical symptoms, Robert’s sufficient expertise in treatment or the
uterus in the present patient did not show patient is young and without any major
prominent symptoms related to hematome- symptoms, conservative management with
tra as previously reported.5 Therefore, diag- long-term follow-up, but delayed therapy,
nosis and treatment were delayed and the could be considered.12
function of the salpinx and pelvic environ- To protect fertility and avoid inappropri-
ment were severely damaged. Three- ate management, gynecologists and sonolo-
dimensional ultrasound and magnetic reso- gists should be aware of and alert to
nance imaging are suggested as being useful Robert’s uterus while evaluating and man-
for evaluating Robert’s uterus.6,7 In the dif- aging cases of uterine abnormality and
ferential diagnosis, a unicornuate uterus endometriosis. Prompt early diagnosis and
with non-communicating rudimentary proper management of Robert’s uterus are
horn should be considered. important for avoiding future morbidity,
Management of Robert’s uterus is not and these are major factors for protecting
fully established because of the few reports fertility.
on this condition. Drainage and prevention
of recurrence of hematometra, and excision Ethics statement
of adnexal endometriomas and hematosal- The patient gave informed consent for treatment
pinx are the main therapies. Robert’s uterus and publication of this case report. Approval by
was typically previously managed via lapa- the Medical Ethics Committee of West China
rotomy (hysterotomy incision, horn resec- Second University Hospital of Sichuan
tion, and repair of the myometrium) or University (No. 128) was received for
Zhang et al. 5

publication of this case report. The CARE 2020. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.13274. (Online ahead
guidelines were followed for this case report. of print)
5. Singhal S, Agarwal U, Sharma, D, et al.
Acknowledgments Pregnancy in asymmetric blind hemicavity
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Biol 2003; 107: 93–95.
Declaration of conflicting interest 6. Ludwin A, Martins WP and Ludwin I.
Uterine cavity imaging, volume estimation
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
and quantification of degree of deformity
using automatic volume calculation: descrip-
tion of technique. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
Funding 2017; 50: 138–140.
This study was supported by the Key Research 7. Mittal P, Gupta R, Mittal A, et al. Magnetic
and Development Projects of Sichuan Province Resonance Imaging (MRI) Depiction of
(2021YFS0127) and the Scientific Research Robert’s Uterus: A Rare Müllerian Duct
Program of the Health Commission of Sichuan Anomaly Presenting with Cyclical Pain in
Province (20PJ075). Young Menstruating Woman. Pol J Radiol
2017; 82: 134–136.
ORCID iD 8. Kiyak H, Karacan T, Wetherilt LS, et al.
Jing Zhang https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1978- Laparoscopic blinded endometrial cavity
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Invasive Gynecol 2018; 25: 340.
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