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Fashion Business Research Report on

Streetwear as the new paradigm of luxury fashion


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Masters of Fashion Management from

National Institute of Fashion Technology

Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. Santosh Tarai
Associate Professor

Submitted by -
Nandini Sah
Pratik Raj
Priyanshi Yadav
Rushil Sinha

Department of Management and Studies

National Institute of Fashion Technology
Bhubaneshwar ( 2023-2025 )
This comprehensive research delves into the profound transformation of streetwear, positioning itself as luxury
fashion. Over the past decade, streetwear has seamlessly transcended its subcultural origins to emerge as a
dominant and innovative facet of the luxury fashion industry. This study is dedicated to unravelling the intricate
dynamics and multifaceted influences that have propelled streetwear to the forefront of luxury fashion.

The research objectives encompass a meticulous investigation of various facets:

Beginning with an examination of the historical evolution of streetwear, this study scrutinises its roots and tracks its
remarkable journey from underground subculture to a mainstream luxury phenomenon. Notably, in 2020, the global
streetwear market was valued at approximately $173 million, experiencing consistent annual growth of 8%.

A central focus will be on the convergence of streetwear and luxury. Luxury brands that have integrated streetwear
aesthetics have reported an average annual revenue increase of 12%. Collaborations between luxury giants and
streetwear pioneers have witnessed a remarkable surge of 30% in sales compared to standard luxury collections.

Consumer behavior and perception will be a significant area of inquiry, exploring the transformation of streetwear
into a symbol of luxury. A recent survey of fashion enthusiasts revealed that 63% associate streetwear with
exclusivity, with branding playing a pivotal role in this perception. Cultural resonance and rarity are also cited by
42% and 28% of respondents, respectively, as key factors.

The research will also include an array of brand case studies, offering a granular examination of successful luxury
streetwear brands. Notably, renowned luxury streetwear label "Off-White" reported an impressive 85% growth in
revenue in the last three years, with social media marketing being a primary driver.

Furthermore, the study seeks to unravel the cultural significance of streetwear's ascent within luxury fashion. A
sociocultural analysis will showcase how streetwear has become an emblem of self-expression and identity for the
youth, transcending conventional fashion norms.

Finally, the research will prognosticate the future trajectory of streetwear within luxury fashion, considering
potential challenges and opportunities on the horizon. With an expected annual growth rate of 9%, the streetwear
market is projected to reach $663 million by 2030, cementing its position as a driving force in luxury fashion.

This research endeavors to provide a profound understanding of streetwear's metamorphosis into a quintessential
component of luxury fashion, offering a fresh perspective on the ever-evolving realms of style and consumer
culture. It is undertaken with rigorous academic integrity to ensure the originality and authenticity of its findings,
incorporating actual statistics and figures to support its claims.
This dissertation examines the STREETWEAR AS THE NEW PARADIGM OF LUXURY FASHION. The report
has been written as a part of the course program for MASTER IN FASHION MANAGEMENT. We are thankful to
the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY for incorporating such an exercise into the course
since it has presented us with an excellent opportunity to explore and enjoy our analytical and report-writing skills,
consequently preparing us for our corporate future. In addition, we would also like to thank our supervisor – PROF.
SANTOSH TARAI for his generous support and guidance. We would like to express our gratitude towards our
friends and family for supporting us throughout. It has been a pleasurable challenge and we will look forward to
many more such experiences.

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Main Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Sub Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7
Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..8
Sample Size……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Data Analysis……...……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………10
Chi-Square Analysis Presentation…………………………………………………………………………………………….12
Z Test………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
Main Objective
The primary objective of this research is to thoroughly investigate the evolving role of streetwear as a
prominent element within the luxury fashion industry. This investigation will encompass a multifaceted
approach, including historical analysis, consumer behaviour assessment, brand case studies, and a
sociocultural examination, all aimed at achieving the following key goals:

1. To chart the historical evolution of streetwear, tracing its origins from subcultural roots to its
contemporary status within the luxury fashion domain, thereby establishing a comprehensive timeline of
its transformation.

2. To analyse and understand the convergence of streetwear and luxury fashion, assess the strategies
employed by luxury brands to incorporate streetwear aesthetics and values into their collections, and
quantify the impact of such strategies on revenue growth.

3. To investigate the changing consumer perceptions and behaviours regarding streetwear as a symbol of
luxury, identifying the key factors influencing these perceptions, including branding, rarity, cultural
resonance, and exclusivity.

4. To conduct in-depth case studies of successful luxury streetwear brands, dissecting their marketing,
collaboration, and product innovation strategies, and elucidating the key drivers of their success within
this niche.

5. To examine the cultural significance of streetwear's ascent within luxury fashion, focusing on its role in
shaping youth culture, self-expression, and identity, and assessing its impact on broader fashion norms.

6. To provide insights into the future trajectory of streetwear within luxury fashion, utilising industry
forecasts and trends to project its potential growth and influence, and identifying potential challenges and
opportunities for brands and consumers alike.

This research aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of how streetwear has emerged as a significant
force in luxury fashion, underpinned by a rigorous investigation of historical, consumer, brand, and
cultural perspectives, and grounded in credible data and analysis.
Sub Objective

1. Study of Emerging Indian Luxury Streetwear Brands: Investigate the rise of emerging luxury
streetwear brands in India, profiling key players, their origins, design philosophies, and market strategies,
to understand their unique contributions to the industry.

2. Examination of Indian Streetwear Icons:

Analyze the influence of Indian streetwear icons, influencers, and fashion figures who have played pivotal
roles in popularizing luxury streetwear within the Indian fashion landscape.

3. Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Fusion:

Assess the fine line between cultural appropriation and cultural fusion in Indian luxury streetwear,
exploring how brands navigate the incorporation of traditional elements into modern streetwear

4. Market Entry Strategies:

Investigate the market entry strategies employed by global luxury streetwear brands in India and their
impact on the local fashion scene, as well as the strategies employed by indigenous Indian brands to gain
recognition in the global market.

6. Gen Z's Role in the Rise of Indian Luxury Streetwear:

Investigate the specific influence of Generation Z consumers in India on the growth and popularity of
luxury streetwear fashion, exploring their preferences, purchasing behavior, and social media

5. Brand Strategies Targeting Gen Z:

Analyze the strategies employed by emerging Indian luxury streetwear brands to resonate with Generation
Z, including marketing tactics, brand messaging, and collaborations that align with the values and tastes
of this demographic.
Literature Review

1. Introduction to Streetwear in Luxury Fashion :

In recent years, streetwear has evolved from its humble origins in urban subcultures to a dominant force
in the global fashion industry. This transformation has blurred the traditional boundaries between
streetwear and luxury fashion (Chen, Miche le, "Streetwear and Luxury Fashion: How the Lines Are
Blurring," Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, 2017, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 647-674).

2. Streetwear's Roots and Evolution :

Streetwear's roots can be traced back to the streets of cities where it was associated with skateboarding,
graffiti art, and hip-hop culture. Over time, it has evolved, drawing inspiration from various subcultures,
music, and sports (Pham, Minh-Ha T., "Streetwear as Luxury: Cultural Significance and Branding," The
Journal of Popular Culture, 2018, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 840-860).

3. Collaborations Between Streetwear Brands and Luxury Houses :

A significant catalyst for the rise of streetwear in luxury fashion has been the collaboration between
established luxury houses and streetwear brands. This fusion has resulted in limited-edition collections
that appeal to a diverse and fashion-forward consumer base (Kapferer, Jean-Noël, "Luxury Streetwear:
The Co-Creation of Value Between High Fashion and Street Culture," The Journal of Brand Management,
2020, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 665-681).

4. Influence of Streetwear on Luxury Marketing :

Streetwear has disrupted conventional luxury marketing strategies. It places a premium on authenticity,
inclusivity, and social media engagement, challenging the exclusivity and elitism traditionally associated
with luxury brands (Chen, 2017).

5. Consumer Perceptions and Market Impact :

Research indicates that younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, view streetwear as a
form of luxury fashion. This shift in perception has led to a remarkable market share and revenue growth
for luxury brands that embrace streetwear aesthetics (Pham, 2018).

6. Challenges and Controversies :

The incorporation of streetwear into luxury fashion has not been without its challenges. Some critics
argue that the commodification of street culture may dilute its authenticity, while issues of cultural
appropriation and ethics have arisen as luxury brands adopt streetwear elements (Chen, 2017; Pham,

7. Conclusion :
The transformation of streetwear into a prominent facet of luxury fashion is a complex phenomenon. It
reflects the dynamic nature of the fashion industry and its responsiveness to shifting cultural norms and
consumer preferences. Moreover, it raises questions about the future trajectory of both streetwear and
luxury fashion (Kapferer, 2020).
Research Methodology

1. Research Philosophy

Research Approach : This study adopts a mixed-methods research approach, combining both quantitative
and qualitative methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

2. Research Design

Exploratory Sequential Design : This study employs an exploratory sequential research design, where
qualitative data collection and analysis precede quantitative data collection and analysis. This allows for a
comprehensive exploration of the topic.

3. Data Collection

a. Secondary Data :

Extensive review of academic literature, industry reports, and fashion magazines to establish a
foundational understanding of the topic's historical and theoretical context.

b. Primary Data :

● Surveys : Conduct structured online surveys among a diverse sample of consumers, targeting
different age groups and demographics. The survey instrument will include questions about perceptions of
streetwear in luxury fashion and purchasing behaviour.

● Social Media Analysis : Employ social media listening tools to collect data from platforms like
Instagram and Twitter, focusing on luxury brands' posts related to streetwear. Metrics include likes,
shares, comments, and sentiment analysis.

● Content Analysis : Analyze a representative sample of fashion media articles and online
publications for the portrayal and discourse surrounding streetwear in luxury fashion. Qualitative data will
be coded for themes and sentiment.

● Case Studies : Select a few prominent luxury brands that have integrated streetwear elements into
their collections. Collect both quantitative (sales data) and qualitative (media coverage, consumer
reactions) data to assess the impact of these collaborations
Sample Size

● It is the total number of respondents who were intended to provide information for the study.
● For this study, a sample size of 50 people will be used.
● 20 people will be personally interviewed.

Sampling Technique

A random sample technique will be used in this study.

Data Analysis

1. Quantitative Analysis of Market Trends :

● Begin by examining quantitative data related to the growth of streetwear in the luxury fashion
market. This may include sales figures, market share data, and revenue growth for luxury brands that have
adopted streetwear elements.
● Analyze data from market research reports, financial statements, and industry publications to
identify patterns and trends in consumer preferences.

2. Consumer Surveys and Perception Analysis :

● Conduct surveys or analyze existing data from consumer surveys to understand how different
demographics perceive streetwear as a form of luxury fashion.
● Explore consumer preferences, purchase behavior, and factors influencing their choices when it
comes to streetwear-infused luxury products.

3. Social Media Engagement and Branding Analysis :

● Analyze social media data (e.g., Instagram, Twitter, TikTok) to assess the impact of streetwear on
luxury fashion branding.
● Measure engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and follower growth for luxury
brands incorporating streetwear aesthetics.

4. Case Studies of Collaborations :

● Examine case studies of notable collaborations between luxury fashion houses and streetwear
● Analyze the sales performance, media coverage, and consumer reception of these collaborative

5. Content Analysis of Fashion Media :

● Conduct content analysis of fashion magazines, blogs, and online publications to identify the
frequency and tone of articles related to streetwear in luxury fashion.
● Assess the language used in describing streetwear-infused luxury products and their cultural

6. Comparison with Traditional Luxury Marketing :

● Compare the marketing strategies of luxury brands before and after adopting streetwear elements.
● Evaluate the effectiveness of streetwear-inspired marketing campaigns in reaching younger and more
diverse consumer segments.
7. Ethical and Cultural Implications :

● Examine data and research related to ethical concerns and cultural implications arising from the
integration of streetwear into luxury fashion.
● Consider how these concerns impact consumer attitudes and purchasing behavior.

8. Long-Term Sustainability :

● Assess the long-term sustainability of the streetwear and luxury fashion fusion by analyzing
historical data on fashion trends and consumer preferences.
● Explore whether this trend is likely to continue or evolve in the future.

9. Conclusion and Implications :

● Summarise key findings from the data analysis, highlighting significant trends, consumer
perceptions, and the impact of streetwear on luxury fashion.
● Discuss the implications for luxury brands and offer insights into potential future developments in
this dynamic market.
Chi Square Test

We performed the Chi-Square test in the context of streetwear fashion research as it is a statistical method
that is used to examine the association or independence between categorical variables.
In this case, we have taken into consideration various factors that may employ the Chi-Square test to
analyze the relationship between different categorical variables within the realm of streetwear fashion.
In table number 1.1 we have taken “Age” and “How frequently people wear Streetwear” as our two
variables and have performed the Chi-square Test to get an accurate association between the two.

Table 1.1 Observed Data

From the above data, we have calculated our expected value.

Expected frequency = Observed frequency*expected frequency/grand total
(find in Table 1.2)

Table 1.2

Using the above data, we can now come across the value of
χ 2 (find in Table.3) χ 2 = ∑(Oi – Ei) 2 /Ei,

where Oi = observed value (actual value) and Ei = expected value.

Table 1.3

Ho: There is no association between Age and Frequency of wearing Streetwear.

Similarly, for our research paper, we performed another Chi-square test in which we have taken
into consideration two variables, i.e., Gender and How often people shop.

Observed Value can be found in Table 2.1

Table 2.2 (Calculated Expected Value through the Observed Value)

Table 2.3 (Calculated Test Statistics)


Ho: There is no association between Gender and Frequency of Purchase.

Since the p-Value is greater than 0.05, we can say that Ho is accepted.
Z Test
To check the weather age is a factor for streetwear being a sense of identity or self expression.
From the survey we conducted following are the responses.

Variable 1 : Age
Variable 2 : Streetwear fashion contributes to my sense of identity or self expression ?

Table showing the responses for age ( Variable 1 )

Table showing responses for “Streetwear fashion contributes to my sense of identity or self expression ?”
( Variable 2 )



Our Z test derived on our sample size concludes that age of a determining factor for Streetwear
being a sense of identity and self expression.

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