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Jolina Kliempt

December 6, 2023

Computers 10

Black Mirror

This first episode in the series Black Mirror I was shocked on how overreacted this episode was

with all the rating people and treating them based on how many stars they have. I thought it

was insane but now actually thinking about it we do this in the modern world without realizing

it. This for me was a reality check in the world on how technology is ruling over people. The

main character in this show is Lacy, she has the obsession of getting her rating from a 4.2 to a

4.5. She cares way too much about what others think of her, but she knows that in her world

without that high star rating she would be treated horribly, and people would automatically

hate her. In this show I feel bad for her and everyone in this show because of how much they

idolize other people’s opinions. With is app I can’t imagine the exact app being in this world

today and nor would I ever want it to be. This app consumes others and makes people not

express themselves. I find that if this app were a thing everyone would be the same each

person seeking validation from others and making it their personality would drive me insane. I

would never use this app if it were a thing even though I would probably be cancelled if I didn’t

but I for sure don’t want to get sucked into this trap. This episode related to the real world, and

I didn’t realize it until after the episode. Teenagers during this time are also idolizing other

people’s opinions weather we realize it or not that’s what’s happening. We treat other people

based on popularity and looks. That is exactly how it works In this world and its disturbing
because I thought it was overreacted but again technology has taken over peoples minds and

how we act. We pretend to like people and others things in order to gain that validation from to

her people that are more popular then you.

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