Black Mirror Nosedive

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Jasmin Richoux

December 6, 2023

Computers 10

Black Mirror

My reaction to the episode is that it was very odd. It almost made me uncomfortable because the

way that like dystopia world made everyone almost like aliens. They were all so fake, awkward,

and desperate for people to like them that it was ungodly. The sad part is people like that exist

now a days and it makes my blood boil. I think Lacie is just so, like I said earlier, desperate and

seeking everyone else’s approval/validation, and she solely bases her happiness off that which is

very unreliable, and she can’t expect everyone to like who she is if she’s forcing herself to be

someone she isn’t. She posted pictures of things that she didn’t even like but just wanted the

attention for it, for example, the coffee and cookie at the café. Her bubble she lived in at the start

of the movie was insane. It was hysterical almost. The whole premises that the episode was on

was that Lacie wanted her 4.2 rating to go to a 4.5 so she could get a 20% discount on the

apartment she was trying to lease, then she got invited to her old childhood best friends wedding,

who is crazy fake and a very cold person, but she is a high four which meant hundreds of other

high fours were going to be there so she was going to use her “friends” wedding to raise her

rating to the 4.5 she needed by doing a tear jerking maid of honour speech in front of the crowd.

The idea of living a life like that blows my mind, I could quite literally never. In today’s society

it is already so judgy and the standards is insanely high when it comes to beauty or your

personality that in a world that every little interaction was criticized and rated would cripple me

and I’m sure millions of others and their self respect and confidence. So, no I would not use that
app if it was available because current standards are already almost unreachable why add another

20 steps that could be detrimental to everyone, especially younger generations and their self

esteem. How are people expected to be themselves and have their own opinions and personalities

if everyone wants everything the same/ in everyone else’s standards. How am I supposed to get

through a day if the second I talk to someone I am getting analyzed and judged by them to then

be rated on how people will perceive me. I find surprising that people continued to care about the

ratings after so long, like why wouldn’t previous generations overthrow it or riot against it, there

is strength in numbers. Why didn’t anyone search for a change and try to go back how it used to


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