Antir Keep (Final)

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Antir 1

ntir is a small seaport on the southern side of Deb Bay in

northern Orbaal. It is held by the Fyrdaels, an Ivinian clan
that conquered the settlement in 658 TR. Sheltered from
the harsh westerly winds by Mounts Gond and Zola, Antir
faces a worse tempest as its valhakar is about to draw his
last breath. Rival claimants to the throne gird for war while
their overlord in Marby worries about the clan’s loyalty and foreign powers
extend their grip towards the keep. A hair’s breadth away from exploding FY R DAEL
into violence, with brother facing uncle across the blade of a sword, Antir
Location: Kingdom of Orbaal [I1]
indeed has interesting times ahead.
Holder: Valhakar of Clan Fyrdael
Tribute: Clan Serewyn of Marby
HISTORY Population: 55 Ivinians, 10 huscarls,
The Fyssen Peninsula was first settled by Jarin from Pentiel in the 4th 280 Jarin (includes nearby
century TR. Despite frequent raids by local tribes of Gargu-hyeka, the Jarin rural villages)
settlers flourished. After a falling-out with his brother, Prince Gwethyr took
a few loyal retainers and moved to a defensible rocky outcrop on the coast.
He gave his new clan, and the village they settled, the name Symys. After
several gargun raids, Gwethyr had a simple fortified house erected on the Clan Serewyn
rocky outcrop to ward off further attacks. By the late 6th century, gargun
attacks had increased to the point that Pentiel sought outside mercenary
help. Their vassal clans at Symys and Rymaen sent only token support in
hopes of seeing the gargun rid them of their overlords. After the villagers of Clan Fyrdael Clan Atejaal
Pentiel fought off the gargun, their wayward vassals were made to pay for
the newly built fortifications under threat of war.
A shaky peace held out on Fyssen Peninsula over the next six decades.
Head tax: 8d per year (Jarin)
In 643, the tributary village of Aernal, now Helnby, east of Pentiel was 3d per year (Ivinian)
raided and sacked by Ivinians, heralding the Ivinian Conquest of Jara. The Hawking: 9% goods’ value
princes of Pentiel, Symys, and Rymaen entered talks to strengthen their old Bonding: 2% goods’ value per month
alliance but personal misgivings and arrogance prevented an agreement. Pilotage: 20d flat fee
Morcan Symys began preparing for a full-scale Ivinian attack by refurbishing Wharfage: 3f per foot per day
the old tower house and upgrading the fortifications. He dug in and waited Registry: 30d per foot per year
for the hammer to fall.
In 658, a strong force of outlawed warriors of Clan Fyrdaar from
Lokemheim arrived at Sherwyn with two warboats. Valhakar Sweyn
Sherwyn offered to join forces in attacking the Jarin settlements to the west.
The leader of the Lokemheimers, Ulfgurd Fyrdaar, readily agreed.

Writing, Art, and Maps: Bernhard Bihler
Heraldry: C.I. Roegner, Matt Roegner
Editing and Layout: Brent Bailey
The illustration on page 2, drawn by Richard
Luschek, was published in Kingdom of Orbaal
(COL #5800) and is used with permission.

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 2
The Fyrdaar vikings attacked Symys on 1 Savor 658, using the cover
of darkness granted by the new moon to take the settlement by surprise.
The Ivinians’ ignorance of Jarin customs had them overlook an important
detail: the Siemist festivities of the Night of Silent Renewal had just ended
and many of the villagers were up and about. The lucky coincidence gave
many villagers the chance to flee to the safety of the keep. However, with
the keep filled to overflowing with scared villagers, the limited water supply
quickly ran out. After a very short siege, the last Jarin lord of Symys was
forced to surrender. Ulfgurd Fyrdaar laid claim to the lordship, renounced
all allegiance to his former clan, and renamed his clan Fyrdael and his new
holding Antir. He also repudiated all Sherwyn demands of tribute, daring
them to come and take his holding should they find the courage.
The early years of Ivinian rule over Antir were hard on the Jarin. Only
when Ulfgurd’s warriors began taking Jarin wives in earnest did things begin Valhakar Arlaas Fyrdael
to stabilize. Repeated attempts by the Sherwyns to force tribute demands Arlaas Fyrdael, 33, the third valhakar to
on Antir were thwarted by the wily Ulfgurd. When he died of a fever in 677, rule over Antir, grew up in the shadow of
his second son Alfrik became valhakar after a bloody struggle that left Antir his father, Alfrik, who lost his sole reign
severely weakened. to Korrin Serewyn in 679. Alfrik never
overcame the indignity of being forced to
The expected attack from Sherwyn never came. Valhakar Jarri Sherwyn
pay tribute and bend his knee to Marby and
died of a stroke and was followed by his son Tyaran. Cunning as all harangued his son Arlaas to be a strong
Sherwyns, Tyaran still fell for the intrigues of Korrin Serewyn, who offered ruler and one day pay them back.
to take care of Antir for him. A year later, Korrin made good on his promise. Since being named as valhakar, Arlaas
With the help of bribed traitors and mercenaries, he infiltrated Antir and has disappointed those on the thrangaad
Asax to the south and forced them to accept tribute demands and submit to who believed they could control him. A
Marby sovereignty. competent and wily ruler, he has easily kept
An unwilling vassal, Alfrik had his hands full keeping Antir out of them in check. He has strengthened Antir’s
the blood feud between Marby and Sherwyn that escalated when Korrin economy by bettering the lot of skilled
Jarin crafters. His efforts have slowly paid
renounced all claims of tribute from their former parent clan. He had more
off as Antir has become more of a trade
than enough troubles at home. Under his rulership, the local Jarin picked counterweight to Marby. However, the
up an old tradition to make some coin on the side: wrecking. Setting false bitter rivalry between his uncles threatens
beacons to lure ships onto the rocks, the Antir wreckers have become more to nip the gentle growth in the bud.
than a nuisance. Riddled by ulcers from all his worries, Alfrik nonetheless Arlaas has made purposeful marriage
ruled for an astonishing 35 years until his health finally gave out in 712. choices. His first wife, Mjolhild Dalsyn,
The thrangaad was deadlocked for weeks as it struggled over his is the daughter of his vassal, the lord of
succession. The strongest claimants were Alfrik’s brothers Ulf and Sigurd. Daljom. Mjolhild, a headstrong woman
Fearing a repetition of the bloody struggles of 677, the thrangaad instead often at odds with her husband, has
nonetheless given him two strong sons,
compromised on Alfrik’s son Arlaas. Both of his uncles believed they could
Brodir, age 9, and Sighurd, 4. His second
control the young valhakar to their own advantage. Both were proven wrong wife, Aerron, hails from the respected Jarin
when Arlaas turned out to be both strong-willed and highly competent. Clan Mycant in Antir. Arlaas is unaware
He turned his energies toward improving the economic base in Antir by that his wife’s cousin Jarmic the chandler
strengthening the rights of skilled Jarin craftsmen, began work on improving leads the wreckers or that she warns her
the defenses and the water supply of the keep, and improved relations with cousin about Arlaas’ plans to step up
his Serewyn overlord by offering to help negotiate an end to their feud his efforts to uncover them. Aerron has
with the Sherwyns. These last efforts came to naught when valhakar Bjarri given birth to a daughter, Yrsa, 8, and
Serewyn was assassinated in 716. Arlaas was present when the killer struck son Carwyn, 5. Arlaas’ third wife, Yngvild
Atejaal, is the daughter of Valhakar
and was himself knifed in the chest. He barely survived and never recovered
Hjarn Atejaal of Asax. A fearful woman
completely from his injury. traumatised by her brutal father, she has
born one daughter, Magrun, 3. Arlaas
rightfully fears for the safety of his children
in the event of his death.

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 3 Antir 3
CURRENT SITUATION could very well tip the scales in favor of one of them, a
Valhakar Arlaas lies on his deathbed. Over the favor whose value is certainly being bargained for as the
winter, pain from his old chest injury has flared up and current valhakar fades away.
shortness of breath has worsened into pneumonia. His
uncles, brother, and cousin wait for him to close his eyes MILITARY FORCES
for good so they can wrest control of the clan and Antir. The Antir warband of 10
Ulf and Sigurd in particular itch to assume the mantle of huscarls is currently led by
valhakar; each would consider it an added bonus should Skule Fyrdael, the valhakar’s
the other die in the process. cousin. At 29, he is in
The coming conflagration is fed by the efforts his prime as a warrior
of an outsider: Einar Fyrdaar, an emissary from the and cunning to boot.
parent clan in Lokemheim recently arrived from Ijehus. He wrested command
Claiming to merely come to visit with his relatives, he of the warband away
has clandestinely offered monetary and martial support from his father Sigurd
to some of the claimants. No one expects the Fyrdaar and the two have not
to act out of the generosity of their hearts, least of all been on speaking terms
valhakar Mikkaar Serewyn of Marby, who does not wish since. Skule has been
to see his vassals change sides and force him into another loyal to Arlaas but his
unwanted feud. loyalty does not extend to
The Jarin wreckers merrily continue to ply their his cousin’s wives and children.
trade, angering the lords of Marby and Zuden. Their He is not ruthless enough to butcher his own kin to
last victim has the potential to add even more fire to the cement his own claims. Instead, he has handpicked some
flames. The Golden Fist, a Rognan warboat sunk a month huscarls of low morals and ordered them to seize Arlaas’
ago, was captained by Snaegur Hulthard, a close cousin children and wives once he dies and secretly sell them
of Derki Hulthard, the feared pirate and jarl of Heling. into slavery in Golotha. Some of his huscarls despise
Although the surviving crew were sold into slavery by his cunning mind and have surreptitiously offered their
the wreckers, Snaegur escaped and haunts the outskirts services to one of the other claimants, resulting in a
of Antir, stealing food to survive and looking for a way creeping draining away of Antir’s military strength to
home. Rumors of treasure carried by the Rognans have the camps of the would-be valhakars. With each huscarl
surfaced and might very well lure some of the feared choosing a side, the chance of a peaceful outcome of the
blacked-sailed seawolves to Antir. succession diminishes further.

The Antir thrangaad is almost completely composed Fishing and whaling form the economic backbone of
of claimants to the valhakar’s seat, severely complicating Antir. Locally produced salted cod was once very popular
the process of choosing a successor. The valhakar’s in the region, but since the salter and the mercantyler
uncles Ulf and Sigurd both hold a fortified thran in responsible for transporting it to other markets are the
Antir. They hate each other and gird for battle. Thorgils, brothers Ulf and Sigurd, who refuse to cooperate even in
the valhakar’s brother, is clever but proud; he’s a good that regard, exports have plummeted.
steward but as a warrior he’s hardly the equal of the
other claimants. Skule, the son of Sigurd, is the leader of RELIGION
the clan warband; he is not on speaking terms with his Outwardly, all Ivinians in Antir worship Sarajin
father and secretly negotiates with his uncle Ulf, but both exclusively, but both Sigurd and Skule have recently
men intend to betray the other. The only member of the flirted with Agrikanism. Sigurd has been discreet in
thrangaad not in a position to claim rulership is Borgulf his dealings with the Order of the Crimson Dancer at
Osten, the innkeeper at the Blowing Whale, who tries Quimen and hopes to gain their services to rid himself of
to arbitrate between the others but increasingly sees his troublesome competition.
efforts as a forlorn hope. The Jarin worship at a small Ilviran temple in town
The valhakars of the tributary clans Buorn, Dalsyn, that has become a major focus for their cultural identity.
and Osten were not summoned to the traditional mid- Siemism is actively discouraged and practiced only in
winter theng due to Arlaas’ sickness. Their loyalties to secret at an old faerie circle to the east of Antir.
the individual claimants are unknown, but their huscarls

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 4 GM Map

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 5
1 Caer
Antir, seat of Valhakar Arlaas Fyrdael, was
intriguer and prone to using
foul play, but he is respected for
constructed by the Jarin in 562. It sits on a rocky outcrop coming up with excellent plans for
some 20 feet above the surrounding terrain. The steep, raids. Einar Fyrdael sees him as
narrow steps hewn into the stone can be treacherous untrustworthy and has not made
when wet. The keep lacks an adequate water supply and him an offer. Sigurd wants to see
fell to the Ivinians after a very brief siege in 658. Arlaas his brother Ulf dead and Arlaas’
had begun a project of enlarging the keep’s cistern to family murdered to clear the
store more rainwater, but the work has languished since way for his assumption of the
he fell ill. The fortified tower house is little more than a valhakar title. To that end,
residence for the valhakar and his family and an armory he currently houses a trio of
and storage in the event of a siege. Crimson Dancer assassins that
only wait for Arlaas to die. Byrna
The cramped conditions at the caer do not provide
Flaar, the leader of the Agrikans, admires his cunning and
ambition and is busy converting him to her faith.
barracks for Antir’s 10 huscarls, who are instead lodged
here in Clan Fyrdael’s former longhouse. The warband is
led by Skule Fyrdael, 29, the valhakar’s cousin, a cunning
5 Páll
Dalsyn, 48, a righteous champion of the Ljarl,
warrior held in low regard by many of his underlings. is appalled at the dishonorable, underhanded dealings
Over the last few weeks, four huscarls, becoming apparent as the claimants to the throne
defying their oath of service, have maneuver into position. He especially fears for the lives
quietly left the lodge and moved in of Valhakar Arlaas’ children and has been preaching
with one of the claimants to the honor and truthfulness to little avail. He has threatened to
valhakar’s title. The valhakar’s denounce as a coward and oath-breaker anyone who lays
brother Thorgils, 31, normally has a finger on the valhakar’s children.
his quarters here as well but
has recently taken up lodgings 6 THE BLOWING WHALE (Borgulf Osten)
Size: 8 Quality: ✰✰✰ Prices: Average
at the Blowing Whale [06] to Borgulf, 59, is a member of the thrangaad and has been
preempt any assassination trying to mediate between the claimants. His inn has
attempts by his cousin Skule. become informal neutral ground for parlays and for
Ulf Fyrdael, 54, is the valhakar’s uncle. He is a loud-
meetings of the thrangaad. Among his current guests
is Einar Fyrdaar, 38, the emissary from Lokemheim. A
mouthed bully but also a strong leader and warrior who mercantyler by trade, Einar is a diplomat and spy in
has made a name for himself as a viking. He has taken the employ of Valhakar Magbjorn Fyrdaar of Ijehuus,
up the salter’s trade and produces who tasked him to steer the succession process in Antir
a popular salted cod that was once to his liking, with the new valhakar renouncing Marby
popular all over the region. Since and swearing fealty to Ijehuus. Einar has a strongbox
his hated brother Sigurd refused containing 4£ in silver with him with which to grease
to export it to other ports, sales the palms of the competitors. He is not above arranging
have plummeted. Ulf wants fatal “accidents” for those who meddle in his intrigues.
to become the next valhakar The crew of his 48-foot seagoing nivik, Swanmay, include
but wants even more to see six hardened vikings under the command of Ringmar
Sigurd dead. Emissary Einar Lofrgar, formerly first warrior on a dragonship.
Fyrdaar has offered him £16
and the aid of a Lokemheim 7 AHARBORMASTER
distant cousin of the valhakar, Berni Fyrdael, 42,
warboat on declaring oversees his duties as harbormaster in a leisurely manner.
independence from Marby. A mediocre pilot, his services are in little demand, as
Sigurd Fyrdael, 51, is the valhakar’s other uncle. He
Deb Bay is easy to negotiate. He occupies himself with
whittling and has become the informal toymaker of Antir.
is a successful merchant and the former leader of the
Antir warband. His son Skule recently wrested leadership 8 SHIPWRIGHT
Size: 3
(Gurni Dalsyn)
Quality: ✰✰ Prices: High
of the warband from him and the two have not been Gurni’s skills as a shipwright are barely adequate. He was
on speaking terms since. Sigurd is known as a cunning a skilled carpenter once but his drinking habit has taken

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 6
its toll. He keeps himself afloat with over-priced repairs wolf, bear, and small game pelts delivered by trappers.
to the ships of captains in need and by maintaining the He is angry that he is not allowed to export the finished
valhakar’s warboat, Purple Thorn, in seaworthy condition. goods to Geldeheim himself but must instead employ as
an intermediary Sigurd Fyrdael, who takes a cutthroat’s
9 The
bonding house rarely holds valuable cargo. It share of the winnings. Eilian’s disgruntled workers
mostly serves as Antir’s tithe barn to store the tribute frequently discuss forming a resistance group but are far
owed to Marby and taken from Buorn, Daljom, Gilinon, more bluster than action.
and Ostenheim. Cradoc, the town’s Jarin ratter, is allowed
to sleep here in exchange for keeping the vermin down.
14 Size:
METALSMITH (Ifan of Pownyr)
3 Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: High
An unsavory individual, he is said to be able to speak Ifan, 32, is one of the Jarin craftsmen who has greatly
with rats. He is unusually well informed, so maybe there profited from Valhakar Arlaas’ patronage. He is very
is a shred of truth to the claim. skilled at casting bronze goods, and his large cauldrons
are exported far and wide. He secretly forges weapons
Size: 5
(Jarmic of Mycant)
Quality: ✰✰✰ Prices: Average for Jarmic [10]. He believes these are destined for the
resistance but they actually end up in the hands of the
Jarmic, 41, sells a hodgepodge of items in his cluttered
wreckers or other outlaws.
store, many of them used but serviceable. A sly but
outwardly charming fellow, he is the secret head of the
Antir wreckers, a “trade” passed down in his clan for
15 Size:
WOODCRAFTER (Rhawn of Aehlyn)
6 Quality: ✰✰✰✰✰ Prices: Average
generations. On moonless nights and in bad weather, his Rhawn, 27, is a headstrong beauty who took over the
band of misfits and outcasts lights false beacons on the family business when her father drowned three years ago.
shore west of Henonue Point to lure captains unfamiliar She steadfastly refuses to marry or submit to any man.
with the area onto the sharp reefs of the Kjen Rocks. Her furniture is much sought after for the beautiful knot-
The wrecked vessels are robbed of all valuables, most of work decorations she skillfully carves into it. Rhawn is an
which are sold off to Asberg Rosstahl in Marby. Jarmic active member of the Ilviran community and is having a
sells scavenged goods in his own store only if they secret affair with the priest, Marloc [17].
have no distinguishing features. Crew members of the
capsized ships are captured and sold to Rosstahl as slaves 16 THE FULL CYCLE (Glendonwy of Mycant)
Size: 7 Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: Average
or slain on the spot should they fight back. His cousin Frequented mostly by Jarin, Glendonwy’s tavern is always
Aerron, second wife of the valhakar, passes information
a good place to hear the latest gossip. Glendonwy’s
to him about planned raids or traps laid for the wreckers,
grandfather got the inn’s name from Ilviran theology, but
keeping them safe.
the current tavernmaster is considerably less spiritual. His
11 This
old stone bridge named after the town’s
regulars are thankful for his mundane outlook and for the
three prostitutes he keeps on retainer.
founder is the only obvious reminder of Antir’s Jarin
past. The Fyrdaels refrained from renaming it as a 17 Antir’s
small Ilviran temple is central to the local
mocking concession to their underlings but also out of Jarin community’s cultural identity. The priest, Marloc of
superstitious fear of angering Gwethyr’s ghost into once Offred, came from Tawheim six years ago after having
again defending his home, as local legend claims he learned a lot about aquatic Ivashu at the Enclave of
would do. the Verdant Pool near there. His blessings of the local
Size: 8
(Krael Buorn)
Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: High
fishermen have resulted in unusually bountiful catches;
his congregation’s devotion has grown commensurately.
Krael, 38, is a bear of a man and deemed to be the Marloc is in a secret affair with Rhawn [15].
strongest man in Antir. He once lifted a full barrel of
mead with an alewife on top. His mill uses a water wheel 18 POTTER
Size: 5
(Emlyd of Haeflynn)
Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: Average
when Gwethyr Stream carries enough water, otherwise he Emlyd, 36, crafts delicate ceramics from the rich, bluish
can shift to an oxen-powered drive-shaft. clay found upstream alongside Gwethyr Stream. She has
13 Size:
HIDEWORKER (Eilian of Tredec)
16 Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: Average
experienced several prophetic visions in the wake of her
husband’s suicide, always revolving around doom and
Eilian’s tannery is the most important employer among death. The locals are beginning to shun her for fear of
Antir’s Jarin community. He tans and cures the seal getting caught in her “doom-mongery,” but her brother
skins brought in by the annual hunting drives, as well as Cairden [26] has been steadfast in his support.

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 7
19 Jørve
Fyrdael, 46, is a distant cousin of the valhakar.
[22] has berated him in front of the other wreckers for
senselessly killing men that could have been sold into
As a trapper and hunter, he spends a lot of time on the slavery for a tidy profit. Ruar waits for the right moment
slopes of Mounts Kjen and Gond checking on his traps. to kill Dirmaid and take his place as the man in charge.
He recently spotted Snaegur Hulthard, captain of the
shipwrecked Golden Fist, but nightfall prevented him from 24 Torvald,
FARMER (Torvald Buorn)
42, was formerly first warrior on Antir’s
tracking the stranger down. He has since told his drinking warboat, Purple Thorn. After killing another huscarl in
buddies at the Blowing Whale of the encounter. a blind rage, he was disgraced and forced to take up
Size: 2
(Baerndal Fyrdael)
Quality: ✰✰✰✰✰ Prices: High
farming. Torvald is completely useless at tilling the soil
and takes out his anger on his wife and children. He
Baerndal, 42, a morose loner, is a distant cousin of the would happily kill anyone for a chance at redeeming
valhakar. He carves drinking horns, game pieces, handles, himself as a huscarl and would make a good patsy for
buttons, and jewelry from horn, bone, antler, whale teeth, one of the contenders. His half-brother is the miller [12].
and walrus tusks. Ten years ago, he broke with his clan
after a particularly vicious fight. The only person who 25 Tearan,
SERF/REEVE (Tearan of Saernan)
52, is the grandson of the last trehaen of
can stand being around him is his Jarin wife, Aifa, who Antir. He has kept the knowledge of the old laws and
handles all sales of his beautifully scrimshawed work. stories alive and is teaching them to his own grandson,
Baerndal misses his family but is far too proud to admit it. Piersin. The valhakars of Antir have treated their Jarin
If approached the right way by one of the contenders, he subjects fairly well by Orbaalese standards but have
might be willing to commit almost any deed to regain his adamantly refused them the right to keep the office of
standing with the other Fyrdaels. trehaen. As reeve, Tearan serves as a liaison between the
Size: 1
(Brona of Pownyr)
Quality: ✰✰ Prices: Average
Ivinian lords and the Jarin peasants. He hopes his faithful
service will impress his lord and eventually give him the
Brona, 37, is a midwife and the closest thing Antir has chance to revive the old traditions.
to a physician. A burly, no-nonsense woman, she cares
for all ailments from broken bones to marital problems. 26 FARMER (Cairden of Haeflynn)
Cairden, 31, is the only Jarin freehold farmer left
She also treats the valhakar but knows that her poultices in Antir. A lucky fellow whose fields always seem to
and tonics can do little more than ease his pain. She produce more bountiful harvests than those of the other
was recently approached by one of the huscarls with peasants, he explains his blessings as a gift from the gods.
the demand to mix some poison in with her medicine to He is a covert inthiar, one of the rare human priests of
speed the valhakar’s demise. She refused and now fears Siem. Cairden tends to the ruined faerie circle [27] and
for her life, especially since she does not know which occasionally leads the handful other worshipers in prayer
of the claimants the huscarl worked for. She is the older there. His peace of mind has been disturbed of late by
sister of Ifan the metalsmith [14]. his sister Emlyd’s [18] morbid visions. He fears these may
22 Dirmaid,
FISHERMAN (Dirmaid of Trelain)
36, is the most successful fisherman in
be due to interference by demons serving Naveh. His
normally placid dreams have taken a darker turn since he
Antir. He often sells his catch directly to Ulf Fyrdael [3], began counseling her, strengthening his suspicions.
who has taken a liking to the brash Jarin and pays him a
fair price for his fish. Dirmaid is one of the leaders of the 27 This
small wooded glade holds the remains of a
wreckers and often accompanies the scavenging crews. faerie circle, a holy grove sacred to Siem. The simple
He does the dirty work for Jarmic [10], who prefers to fieldstone cairn and circle were torn down and scattered
stay warm in bed and simply sell off the booty later. by the Ivinian invaders after they conquered Symys in
Dirmaid would love to do away with Jarmic and take 658. Siemist practices were outlawed and the last inthiar
over the wreckers but is not as cunning as the chandler went underground, hidden by Clan Haeflynn. The current
and has no idea how to turn the stolen goods into silver. inthiar, Cairden [26], clandestinely rebuilt the cairn and
23 Fisherman (Ruar of Nearal)
Ruar, 28, is a troublemaker and tends to get into
occasionally holds services here. The Ivinians shun the
place out of superstitious fear. The wreckers use the
fights when he drinks too much. He is responsible for thick bushes that surround the site to temporarily stash
setting the false beacons for the wrecker gang, a job he salvaged goods before they can be sold or moved out
resents because it means that he is always late for the of town. Cairden fears that this might bring unwanted
plundering and violence. A brutal man, he loves to kill attention to his own worship here.
any half-drowned survivors who resist capture. Dirmaid
Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 8


[1] Cellar: The cellar underneath the kitchen is [1] Entrance: The entrance to the keep is secured by
cramped and stuffed with supplies. The caer’s thrall a sturdy oak door reinforced with bands of iron and
servants, Druna, 57, and Nianwyn, 23, share a cot locked with an iron bar. During the day, one huscarl
here. Druna, a stout and proud Jarin woman, cooks is supposed to stand watch here and receive callers.
and looks after the children while the timid Nianwyn Discipline has grown lax since the valhakar has
keeps the place clean while dodging the grasping fallen ill. A number of the huscarls have defected
hands of the huscarls. into the camps of the various contenders, leaving
[2] Secret Escape Door: Hidden in the arrow slit nook the keep understaffed and the entrance unguarded
behind an old, empty barrel is the keep’s secret for hours at a time.
escape door. A rather simple affair, the entire wall [2] Kitchen: The kitchen is little more than a nook
section pivots out along a central iron rod once the cut into the keep’s 6-foot thick walls and is
iron bar holding it locked on the inside is unhooked. barely adequate to serve the needs of the keep’s
The escape door cannot be opened from the outside inhabitants. It is separated from the hall by an open
and is well concealed by lichen and mold covering arch. The kitchen fireplace is far too small to roast
the outside wall. Once outside, shallow hand- and whole animals; an open fire-pit next to the keep is
footholds cleverly cut into the rock face can be used used during thengs or other festivities.
to climb down to the beach. Only Valhakar Arlaas, [3] Great Hall: Dominated by the huge fireplace,
his son Brodir, and his brother Thorgils know of its Antir’s barrel-vaulted great hall serves as the
existence, although the thrall servants suspect it as traditional gathering place for the thengs hosted
well due to a constant cold draft that blows through by the valhakar. During these gatherings, the heavy
the thin cracks. oaken table is reserved for the Fyrdael valhakar, his
[3] Cistern: Water collected on the roof flows into vassal valhakars from Buorn, Daljom, Gilinon, and
a cistern tank here. It is the keep’s sole source of Ostenheim, and the priest from the local temple
water, a critical weakness that Arlaas is well aware of Sarajin. Thrangaad members and important
of. Preparations to have it enlarged have languished retainers are seated on the benches running along
since he fell ill and very little has been accomplished the walls and the window nooks. With a full theng
since draining the cistern. The tank is now entirely crowd in place, the lofty hall heats up quickly
dry and the keep relies upon water brought up from and the large keg of beer near the arch is visited
town in barrels. Should the looming succession frequently by thirsty vikings. With tempers running
conflict turn violent, any contender taking refuge in high and beer flowing freely, the hall has seen quite
the keep will soon run out of drinkable water. a bit of blood spilled over the years. The tapestry in
the corner depicts Ulfgurd Fyrdaar and his vikings
heroically storming Symys keep in 658. Although
soot and grime have obscured many details and
dulled the colors, it still serves as an object of pride
for the Ivinians and a reminder of all they lost for
the Jarin of Antir.

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 9


[1] Family Hall: The family hall is the domain of [1] Tower Walk: The platform atop the keep affords
Arlaas’ first wife, Mjolhild Dalsyn, 31, the daughter a good view of the surroundings for more than 10
of Peer Dalysn, lord of Daljom. Headstrong and miles on a clear day. A huscarl is usually on guard
arrogant and with a vicious streak a league wide, duty.
Mjolhild is often at odds with her husband. She [2] Aerron of Mycant: The western half of the attic
resents his other wives and often throws them from houses Arlaas’ second wife, Aerron of Mycant,
the family hall, which is supposed to be a communal 28, her daughter Yrsa, 8, and her son Carwyn, 5.
space shared by the whole family. Arlaas was able to Aerron hates living in a chilly, dark, shed-like part
reign in her imperiousness when his health was still of the keep she considers only slightly better than a
passable, but her tempers have run rampant since beggar’s lean-to. She resents her husband’s weakness
he fell ill. for allowing his wife, Mjolhild, to treat her and her
The bunk bed next to the stairwell entrance is children like the lowliest of thralls. This abasement
shared by Mjohild’s sons Brodir, 9, and Sighurd, 4. has driven her even further from her family and
Mjolhild may resent her marriage to Arlaas but her firmly into the clutches of her cousin Jarmic the
misgivings do not extend to their children, whom chandler [10]. She had always been aware of her
she adores like mad. The boys have the run of the clan’s traditional family business of wrecking but
place and like to use their wooden toy swords on had been indifferent to the “mens’ business,” as
everything in reach. Mjolhild shares her husband’s her mother always called it. Stung to the quick
fear for their safety and plans to take them to her by Mjolhild’s slighting, Aerron realized that she
father’s hall in Daljom when Arlaas passes away. could hurt the Ivinians in turn by turning traitor
[2] Valhakar’s Chamber: Arlaas Fyrdael’s bedchamber on her husband. For months she has been passing
has taken on a forlorn and dismal mood since the information to her cousin about her husband’s plans
valhakar has fallen ill. Where he once busily planned to set traps for the wreckers. In one case, she even
the future of Antir, he now lies dying in his large gave false directions to a non-local captain that
bed, watched over by the thrall servants. His wife helped lure him onto the reefs of the Kjen Rocks.
Mjolhild has barred everyone else from his presence, Should her duplicity be uncovered, it would surely
even his other wives, while she mulls over her cost her everything.
options to resolve the current crisis. One of the few [3] Yngvild Atejaal: The eastern half of the attic is
undeterred by her strong-arm tactics is Páll Dalsyn, home to Arlaas’ third wife, Yngvild Atejaal, 23, and
the Sarajinian priest. As her kinsman and outspoken her daughter Magrun, 3. The daughter of the violent
supporter of her children, he enjoys her trust and lord of Asax, Yngvild is a deeply traumatized young
regularly looks in on the fading valhakar. woman. She prefers to keep her own company and
The locked chests hold the valhakar’s personal is easily cowed by the other wives. Yngvild loves
belongings. Among the articles of clothing and her dying husband and is deeply desperate to find a
mementos is a locked leather coffer filled with his way out of her predicament, as she has nowhere to
personal notes. These include detailed plans for run to once Arlaas has breathed his last. To make
Antir’s future development as well as copious notes matters worse, she is about five months pregnant
on his relatives and their weaknesses and secrets. with her second child and often unwell.

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Antir 10 Player Map

Copyright © 2020, Bernhard Bihler, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

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