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Tae leiaetig. i aeing len por ets 22 an inter, a ane ees 1G Era tee aoe es AID MW the epnati U System eee ereaice Sd aa a eaters es | gien_of the 0S dis to Tun Shen Peaguams an The _Puune: | sionband ih acts ay a. bsicge. batons pias ware. and SOP HUIANE EP the“ Computer eC ae. duo 4pes op. epanating dxstom. Dy i pamacten user inhenface (CUT) = CUT ts Neb aren fs. liendly _ama_ene. alias had to ype commands ta un thJS OS: SS ae [ig> DOS 4b A CUE operating Aystem. Be jd@maphical ten Injanface (0D + Gus Ib uber Priors: ly anc to make tid eperdting Kgstom tb neta com. Grand. bub the progsam. that fad tp be speneA_10¥) clicking with fhe mneubes 5 Lig 2windoud Cjpwa Gur eperabing hystionm.—— — mamages the Memes: ‘matin about: wre _peianyy Me ant ef the memory pan be} “app. Wheneen a program — _ Ki) Device mana jab. al devi (And xmabien ab- CombhTHe. gamenti 0S Keep in, * tb ds alpo called qo Ibe given and fos_ how longs oe ee liv) cecum & 7 pechnign ay ane ared In — - cap dllecaties and. deallocat |p ww file mana, ent-Th Qlocate> and. & the eos and decides uhich progsur chou be allocatie es ——— i liv eli cubiLfey Wil) Coot é ¢ can ae anhogedIG cam be ured eabily becaune, had a gxiphical usen inbenface- ANA New Us cap eanily sum. the. compen. ; g é Q g> LNox) WE Can su 1 on 0un Compiles) fog | wee: ee so. Veisacuantage #108 had made many pecple lozy in tod time peeple Like ef wiosk In “Gon aeeaby seulepies. amano. “| can) Wenig TN Ay ROOT |i mis ineweaded “memory access Hes Pos por — | fig Paget Gglenietn fea! ppicully fos Seome= Ss ( epenating Qybems can be de PPO BALN EAS OO ue | | typed of memor | cemeuten -Aystem he management 4 dlato- n beth he. {ype ef -memosy 1s dene bgp the Oper abi om, 08 per hele: wegisiement DUC Lo the. fou) citys of peimagy memo > (bd th2 S&P — lgibilizy of the OS. fo maxenhaceindign ti CP lie pao managen Ale pre programs suming — bey. je en. stip Od Sepanate pooced Ye os also sun _mose than ene. process at cans upedt for “pi Ls called Peo CO. apo as ee jp pe boston tre _QUSK 2G 0%}. jn memory to lek pile a syppepat — IOE. of ne inpowtart p Ry, cercive input eer 722, Ue} as 4 ing270 Alpi) © in GO) PUOCOMING = paola cue" qypeo of Mputs and ouiga “used with Ye eystam Such ad msi computa is also to Keep the ben’ pxagsan aid data safe. he oS used In he psegent sme @e mul wen OS alo infos the wen for tre vind ceming ip he CempubS)? and Moves fhe MWD fren th memory with the help op Anti. ILL Piogram: if DECOOSAYY « “ait J liser_intngace 06: cemmamnel i IDIACLD with fhe, COMPULD)_ wou, in SEEM = Hi X aK ke fo austen HONOR: O8 SAAN AN, an Intrfoce CULE) ANE the WO inberface Jy appeg hee Pohuene Command, ox a me PICA “PEOUGH A Set DOE. Trou gp thik BF ieee oe Ihiksn pace l icationn | 9? PS Ub intejach AE Machine, hand apsara Lesko Calee A - SANE a pga2tiac os windows XP, Wind old F;WiNAoWwA B10 . Jinn Name KemelsIn Namo Kennel enly bardume ay cackion Lb YfNEA Pe VANE No SQVECS i'n liz and Kemed space 4b alo minimum. | Dhro- KenL Fxo- keels. ane very. dligeesonts an} gnalle? ham the tebt Gf the kennels: Td ube. Lb very leds + SAS pau reel pelle Shell Iba progeam frat acts’ as an fridge Ve a\betucen ne _usen-ancl the. opfiating eystem-Lb fa leviles..a cemmandl—line_intenface trough: ushich Us) lan can interact wiih We Comput) System ky 2! iPaakien of epenaving Simple batch proces in] $17 2 dsimilan Tabs 4s made-at d j _ punch cand cit shoved clgit tes data) amd that punch cad Ly giten_t ¢ mel. that: -epenato’. punch. gh qa Gna Sebh hak tp waits winvil: eaeeanaN eee I= me _secenct _peeblem wads that Mme Sheult be alk |sne acme ~pype of sebd. in a batch and it ured tp paxe move time. to maxe the fatch= gosoleich | A een sgl une jy On i ere or agate J an vtng..gygiern in. cilech— ents -05- oe ie QYSHTO™ dimes ce bE ae single uyer oS Fs ws _ dlecument 1 then ee aAimalt= pysiem denigt in te pag ating 23 on atime res SK a gingle: Uber os IG Me —perfosmance Gf the comp — |The main ebrectve PIN OS | Gib. Mudtitanxing = mulbibarking cpaating system is thas 6 RAmating Aystien ta ulich many tarks can Le co), ©. at A-LtiMe. 1 Apple's Mac 0 single fading: A single asking epoiatang sytem |; ating Ay bern 0 tdaich enty ene tabk can |, eA at a Lime. tt —eTlGtly couplecl. ste, (ia), Malis psocesy 99 OPDAHRG dyShom x /) Miulkipsocesain ePIAHNg. KYSLEM LS an) epelating Syston TAH tur) were than ene Cry. Due Lhaving more than enh UD 1ne5E ade DS biincrease tye |= {| efficiency. AA Speed ef He SyStem = a SMA —lAduantazes ln it hak seyenal jproce’sos fails, Coron a 2 BS fo = as BEG nieve PSachantage: Buc ty ie Milbple CPU, it can be m\ — es —cempler. amd. Senne hei) ApPioily to Ken stars } [eves J MGIN. Moyne, PECCEA CH, S0 IP ene | Can proceed tif notoen_ pro |ethipcogeaming =P multi SOQ RAMMING &pTating lem 45am pNAHNg_ Oyster that aloiues me. progam fo be execuled by a Single | opbors Mubsbregeaming oS- include. comperenth such 2b ple_ aystiem, commancl pooceanes, 4samsionti cea. ,|/o ceniyel tO» (eos k} B “i pgicadl Ex lemulzzanving lb tog mul ais aauanioge 4! ane sc Advantage and clisadvaniage of Milhi-Tanking og. | Adwamiage :- Multiple proxys Can be BX cub.) |Simuttancourly tn Multi TANIRG. ©PAAHAG Buster. Eb cored With PLP MEMO Management: [Sisaqwamtage : The Lystem Get beatecl, jp Care 4 ie heayy progeams multiple. Aer. 4 Advantage and. disaclantage Aystion. fo : Advambage 1) Md one GPE 10bds are Kept jn batch + the.seby placed in the bosch Ge execu fi A hyena fabter which Saver time. 1022 an eanity snanage bi toby. Mibtes idle tipo is VERY Lea. P Bich spenating en x sf PSacbamiage- Lebugging J Aheses SW > veny expensive. S ee i = x = 7 In tld MPO USE? Can NADACH tity the Compe. Nien aireetiy. a STE Big: ae AG E ___ wrime _shaxin OPN Ay Sto” 2 " = — a9 stem in_Wwhich each process i f Axed “Hime ty rECUbe. Luppese mca "Ef , z ree 2.2 dystem, pe Ach ney Lui do acest nna magmas. BEPSMID tp use a 0 | lalen en GhLA Quaila. (pe als® call Here ieee 1 vey olppicule, the Is tio & SC Lo. QnothE? le a Se Hiag sa Time. sharing Sys1em O25) Ny» Tefiminae “CPU : lwid@istsibabel eperating aystem +1 is also kno, ad Nos in Showtr ld Called Mary _Contial PICHNT ANE Wed jn Us rsibuatoy al 08 _amAd_ data _PecerbinG Jobs QE Astribureer B long ere processors. his Central LE0CESAoE Cay h, |a_computen, Site shade ot any aren clevicor-AUL there B PEOCDAOC AIC Cenneded tt Cach aye tecougsh Com», lanicatien lines. hat Lb Why 1 4d also c2llect Loosely 4 Coupled stem. = bE cloucl. |[Aduantage ancl dsddvantagze of Dos. Adianbage HNDAGA proc ING time Ls leds. a ___lidmerxe “systema ane Cabiley Scalable ay ynulbiple 1 —Aystems cen be eadty addled amd xemp mi Ibe. NebuworKe —_ pri — WT 2 dos ,cven if ene site ox comptd F bs Plain, wosk can he clone F570 Sten _Cempee Wreduce tye leaden ne it Computer. — Wis maxer ne 40K CL latn Proceysing cary. A : Sc ines Many clients ane adhe : mM WER in thi, jo — break ocuns (Wihese -eypen they ane Pen GP Quste col fem fo # UME Sewen fAild The commu DO Net Quanable ay | machine- = “legen deo gt Real-Time epaating Aystem: [ihe imeostant tanks ae camplelet 1é s which seme. vis Reab time epretng ystems lem db also Par ce Inat IN Used to hanelle seal eee RTOS Completes Ith Wows within a ae ve abt 1h ds see lubed in Rocket launch anc ie = Hack Real-Time open ing Qystion: UBand RTOS +IN ten Real: time opanating aystom al within He g tom Rolie Signal js frapic Conboken(fic); Med. (ALS + 60ft Rtos tb that _operaing system in eC clelay can be accepted thal i; ines or pooceny £8 Some. comple the l0oxk. HOC May be _A Meg time: EG also had a fix time. to | buts Id aocepe. a Slight clelay, — ut a> 5 BSS ots Sess PENS peas oh GS laduantege and Bisadvanteg of ATS: iy at in agoval We | pdwantage < EG udbizes_ the alvicen t impostance de. the- qpplica tith PEt gives ose i ening ee ii 20 cs yepy leads fame to Shife. fae ong LAD Va micwo-SeC* Namcthen, bout ee tao exc ponsives RTOS laipnence between HarA/R7PS eee OP chsy(h The Size id dum 06 smal: |4-2TOS a ofety {IVI Syste 10 Morhals TIME censisant is lo Here. the file 4s me. KivIn dis System is essential | rime _condwaint 4d ver Iti Sb time id |) The xerponce. Aime Ly high: i > Aistrafhc contsal er, fe j.2 Blectsonic game, muy, System, Relay SB} m2 ia System, [VW peak load perfrsrrance|Viin B SAL RTOS, PeaK load till be predictable "| can be PLTIAF- ee _ bo Netwonk operating Sysiemif) netwosk og f Sa Tepe er ae’2 laHNG Custom Cbeck to CNM UNI COA UN Hy Lo [other cemputer= A nekwosk OS ir A Lye ep inter Nthaz Cennects multiple devices oy Po DEWOSK and by Pain Shanin: LICEN +» NEFWOXK Op. HAG Sy ste, (NOS) tioh Stupparcén\ ts, BKSIQ J ty pots Wook cn : PAA Cempednrn Copnectact wb LAN. | ———panatbe PHAUNG S3stoms- ae MOVE PSOCeouA iy ae : abbreviated ay 2008} Unite, Paralet Computing OOF sini : AIS ULEA I) Paraiicl. tp sewe |p Wes Ul Parblon: HE wore pers PM Sa tee PBSC A. 445,10 Peovel —2meng, De P80ceE Clem) Ly Aivit UB = Prebleyy is Cm ple “| proceads-Precery ip ecectbed by the procepos: INethel tatds, it com VIT-IE de computen -P’ iso be Called jprtance op a PIyrart= sqgiam that in being ie Lemme activity at ar poniiculan Hime 4d Krounad Pree! [:g> Batch os) Single uaer Mtudty t2dKINg « “| psocex Comparer | fechitectire [Streuchae aga. 4, tose Vania ay EMposcny adctress, local in_bairg CS PxOCeDD- A pean yo f the proc hve jyrocens Tesch = 72 B SE cp epmas process thi PEOCSA to Secondary me | called Sunpenct ready (vidSuspencl Wait sbate & The || in weatds tt Ld Sc then it ts called ai | | me ony clue te lack of resonce May slate. PELAD which is init but due to Poh fron. Peimay ne enc gto | ex => Submit | é | | I< sri exo | t pele po [acer unit} — ME | Geax ood : I nc Recap ext ; I T= Reinet] [erorol weit] i | Peg (process Caztyel Glocx):-0CB dd o.clatea she fk ire to Sse infsmatien About proceysed. PSocey, | —_|titfesmetion Ly" Ubeck by tre’ CPu- tip i) clone at we i RS 4meC-The Pe 1) idlentifiecl ky an jnbe: CGD) PEOCEDA Fol (PED) It ts dd Qlyo called Tani corel Block. ay Secencany walt State. UY Mey Hove DN, Stet a a ao Pooce ID Be Regishews é Sle Peegam ceunten| 1p: bed ” oe. the PICCEDD - | pegistens aia Bata Regist) Bi DO se dewey : Iuict of open Piles 2 Bouts pL IM. apSarg I poccess sbhediding i-ie went te mascimize copy, p= And alo quickly Switch P50C As en “the cpu pons Shaxing Sptem: fox thie we the proces, Sheeley) a Vat had been clone ay Lheclulen Schediley see, lameng available procars Res poxt erecisiey, Sia made hy schectuley Here oS mninbalnd MPpent [Scheduling QWeKe. ede ane figs a |Web queue: ry io he seb ef all seen jn tp, __lltReacly bucue + 74 46 Set of att PoOCe plec |memovyReacky waiting 10 execute. ai : DOvICC QUuCuC Th id Set oP AU Process Walting Bor ap Wo device. : oe 2 |proceods sPhedluling lScheclul 7 z= eb Cf the Windlotud. Thos lececution i> in rea, | SE EYS4 oy, HOME. ty re I SUEUS han al SPECS Waiting , Cf BUCKE- BL Queue t (eaoly a oo t D_muleprogramming. i P2 ep PyCCEr Schecluling 3 i. oe t long tenn Scheduten-(min ec) ~~~ i) Shost LE9M Sopeclul 2 (milli Mectiim GEM schalulen D Gekeng Perresentation cf Process shectaling Moguene |< —i/o xequest 7 _ frime stice | : <- expised | Pek 2 chide} — | [> sepsexens_ouene HF Hanclaseie prsocenting gymbels / —>_PROCera, dd Chill process ib created nanerty PeoceDs, in _os abing fk O system call eP ong tenn. Setter: -leng pe sere duling exceeded ab an ‘ox two minete> becuse | _ | there may pe 2p _intewal - i ai. _ || procensess when anew [guystezans S| ee pends rest ef the. fine nig pre <0 Jae mixing >>To bownd i=proe cas <= CPy_boumnal proc 204s spend mest. of the me wing Lo- n= oe jon. ‘corel dp differ: works ON Ove SS daa tm “checluler_ 4 Processed: Tp ne. ie m_echedul p we. swopped cut - OCeHSOD neds gome Lie Hme—) Is need to ChOe wen thPe— ” sun nire— do_ eS Pally eecutecl SusaPPed Pre eck in cae ot ae Swapret 2 IAPPEA Ot | Tom hoch term |< — $4 eee] Lo > ep ets rae Cenal ‘ Lace i tee] Compane anal centTast op Schedulabi- : i) aes Meng term Scheduler | Short tem SCheclulen| Medim-TOM Sobek) H IDA Jeb Scheclulen ie cpu Schedule |i A proceas susape ~ li i peel ty ofa it then 106 D (iidcentsels the dlege-lli) Provides leds cenii Recucer te | ee of. math pecgeam| ch Oe) the egrecdlegree of. mudbink ells ming of multi progéanming \egramming. Ve \y (lib takes psocara fib taxed process \IWIb taker pr = | rem the Jeb port» _|Psem the ready state| rom seeming es | — | wait/olacte Sate 2 { \\ ID ThYe4gh puts 26 meant 3 in a nib time. I do meampe throughput 1 to MSZduNe how mt \ ny Procerser a cempusen compleds !P a unit: Hime: t \ wo efeproceys, ececued in unit time db C2Uek tht) Stewed pround Time = Bundt time + waiping +ime (= De pio sa complehen time — Aviva time _ fae (wrespance Tinie - Amoumh ef Time is baked from whe| _ Until be fissh sespence it produce, nob eutpuj: : | _Brospense tite =Tine at ehich procear first. seb the chk e Avoival time. te time = Prrval Time 4s the tine when apwoe (vil: cempletion Time: cempletion ime is a echeclung algositnm eptimizatien cxitenlat iid TwMnancuncl Time:-Mininnum t Amour “wrespense Timer Minimum: Ameumnds when a requent wars Submiet Wi |dp poeclucecl. net culpub- 4) he “Nib ghostcat Job Pisstt(STO a bg a a ae o.cemplete,..its exdcutien en tre cpu 2 gystem-Th is alpo walled exlt Hime. @) CPU Utilization t- Maximum: The Sgbor Woskd beat n te cpu 4b Kept _as bury a pordible: — iT ough pub = Mazcirnum & Nwmbe? GP peoceny exec unis me is called tnsoughpus: uted in ty Of ime to ex ect | | pisticulan psoceds F ae - (Waiting Time: Minimumor pounds of HimE a. PEOCES han} been waiting in the seady Gucue. = “of time it taxed sem mii. he first Terpense. “op Schectuling. algosiiton = ( £issb-come - fits -senved (FCPS —— s 5 tii) Shoxtest_Pemal liv) Rouncl_ Rebin( RR) ___— ) psiowity scheduling __— —— i ning Time firs (STR) wi - yi) Mulbiple —Level queue S i) Psb come pus eel PCES eT tb Hos simplest a4go To ohasen jpab. the preceds tat Sequel he — ariton 5 Stax cpu fick: ad Jp allocated he = empHve amok NEw PEE cpv fisst acpenhicd (0) Th 4D pee ; 1 he eS SS pive schectuling alg 6 ae fi! ad alblags execute Advan (Dib Ls Simple anol aay to umcerdian| UD TS: cam be Cadily implementeA USING SUC4e fe.) Stsucte. Disadvantage (74 suppers fren convoy effect U1) Slow perfosmance/ leys ep ficient = |'9-> = process Burk #me Pr au H 2 8 . Ps, t \IGamtt chant | @aiting Time sp) = Pe ae ee 323 t 43, r t ‘ BY waiting Timer 5-0 2 Cembiden whe 2 given Table belous and pein completion MCC, Tenn fount Time (TAT, waiting Time (ud. FA |Spenbe Time( RT), Avcrage ran prouncl The (ATAD and | —Aieiege waiting 7ime. process Pa Po Ps Py Ps Axsival time 2. ab Of alt available Pr} | _ “linchostent Jee pixsti (SIF aoe ; with thee ] [eon cpu £0 adpignect foe Proce to ‘Shocteat Luant hime: ‘i eithYO 1 chenighcs Dt dd-2 pba 2 Gas St nis .algositor Jvc eplirnal Waly Tee fst iW we ire i oC ppive. made oP ShOLTA S| ip a. ox Gi) the prcempiuive eet ine fast (SATE) lon 1 jcallect Shostest Lemalning. =u ——| ail) SS coy minimum axzage Walt) |G | Acluantagad UU). wana ltime- : ——— : lina provicles a Sthandatal fot che AgO% itor i liibaloetnen_aalgonithnn Car? parson bela) team this. __ time algosi thn. Giver “pinimum ONFAGe Ame: 2 = felsadianiapen Pxiositie> can't be Seb fas PSCev« en burst Hime have Pows R&SPens) |G@procerses write (ang _||nme- ce ut ee eee hire cant be implemented practical because the time of we \prccare can'ts be Knousn in aol a be i Ce The psebtem ib ts) Knowl tee length SP tine fear hic Cp feedtect by 2 pIocedd-f\ prediction Poxrule aa: pe Ube re Piehicth We Amour of Hime for i —< wequisel fis Q_ procer ici AS amriden the i aes E folléwing set of processes having) ad amial fme almost ai (m8) Bipash Time (BT) i a 14 | pv waiting ime = O24 sand pelt is Ger es. aac 2 | agi apes that tbe prrOCEDNCD ponies aS | miive bate (p2_ynen_whar could be the PIS 1} Pp blbo calculate pve waiting Time. ‘[lialling of Peccays Pr =O* a a(t ye p)/Time Sharing i) oun. eovin( 5 schedlulin algesithm tho ged specific me pauiod H 1b suppose context § < s 2 bE pice jprocans Ps Pena nil seconds Lett UP Num 2s Jp tnich al he peocash Bis process ea Pe : Gamit Cross lal of waiting Heme of PIE waiting Hme of Pe = = (8 =a) Us=t A IE waiting Hme F. 5 |pverqge wT= ame = 192 66 what id Abs fl Showt interval op Ame. allotect fo ach ) oo. ben Os PIOg TAM Ina mulbarKsng OF ime 2 Shaming Qyse 4 ene DEDTIME SL ice [TIME Ex Cuarrteal THE Slogan | Rvantagexticicry pscod wilh get equa 4 amount f \ lime fre executien- g Seppe =< algostib Ls puTely poempue and ure Pe | Hime Shaising Syston [ithe penfosmance Cf this algosithm clepercld uf per | mang. factor size a time quantum (Ab) -@) iP. ab 3 sia Bilage tan ti Asjosithm btemear Same ad PPS algositom. a [e5P he 9 Pat id vey Small than system wid | SYED Conteh Salting which 1S a. Kircl of even heact- ard isi} apsara bean i Cpu. = rs — lbisacwantage x) Bepenclent upen at (rime slice) _| i) Sequence ef process cant be Change. _____| _ du |lprioxify scheoluling. oy TYPED OP PTOCENNERS IG” ligystemn psocerser =a ae I enactive processed ( Pore gsoune PECCeaaeS) (idgasch _pyocCaNed |Back gxounc paocedyend) pase (Bie D> Premption ue AG P Prost aie ey ee > A higher Pslociyy Tel shad get CPU, whee ab Hn _|towen priosty seb cam be mace te Walt Key cone: pb cf ids Algositen, a. fos of pscompive Sche— dul ing: Whe psiowity he bani sf preempien seme system implementx—a_nen preempHie Scha= Inling whore a higher psiosizy Jeb & adldedk to the front GP weanylQueucr 6 > aceDNeD VPLIPLGnE Pa anging. Arf 1,243 Leb abswme = highent: Pelooey “ancl 3 lowent prionity Pink | yr prion — Asivab ri — buthene is no idea &, _|Leime. R5e, Ee [pv wal tig Hime Z Ipduamoage Wweidt oc Ob VEO — > t plgoxitom: — rea pseerpii cam be = prob 12 Ane 4 cos Shamatien p spEPSE 41 |oisecbvantages i) Px er hab io Stonuation Awaiting psocess ‘looms neti_ge fe yequired renounced. fox_a-long Hme, b€ca tre TDWI AE being allocated fo Seme ehh PSOCESS. ASG i |5 lowest priosity ProCeOA Sup POr-—_ a mulbileel quene scheduling En nulsileveh eueue echeduting- the $e gueue tb dividect into cit! Sposedl (allocated) accoscling fo thals Pxiositey. The Cud- [IN Cach “Sueue) he PYOCAAC) ANC proceved which have high prlosteey wilt be Kept. jin the top-level queue anh the Psacedsden whitt me ae poiowity till be Kept in #E low-level ut} apsara Hohess Pritts —>1_ System Proces5em oc ar Sammie re ee PS Enel OBEN lowest Pxios ay

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