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S EC T I O N 1 Questions 1+ 10

FgWef[a e ) .

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 Xad WSUZ S eiWd&


:jS b^W

EP I 0 H TI E PSQm...
<^^l_mm6 /1 . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Mi[^

R GRHI 17 '

Kbih_6 %gi\cf_& -44 331 0-5.



Olcj Jh_6

£ Gim <ha_f_m6 ]omnig_l q[hnm ni pcmcn mig_ 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++j[lem qcnb b_l ]bcf^l_h

£ Tim_gcn_ K[le6 ]omnig_l q[hnm ni mn[s ch [ fi^a_) hin [ )

Olcj Oqi6

£ >omnig_l q[hnm ni m__ nb_ 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ih nb_ q[s ni >[g\lc[

£ < n N[hn[ Hihc][6 hin chn_l_mn_^ ch mbijjcha

£ < n N[h ?c_ai) q[hnm ni mj_h^ ncg_ ih nb_ 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Questions 7 -1 0

Complete the table below.

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 6C9'DG 6 CJB7:G Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

I og \_l Oin[f ^cmn[h ]_ Klc]_ Dh]fo^_m

i ^[sm %j_l j_lmih&

Olcj Jh_ ./ ^[sm 4 +++++++++++++++ eg x2/2 £ []]iggi^[ncih

£ ][l

£ ih_ +++++++++++++++

Olcj Oqi 5 ^[sm 5 - eg 5 x +++++++++++++++ £ []]iggi^[ncih

£ ][l

£ .-

Test 1

S EC T I O N 2 Questions 11+20

FgWef[a e )) )

8ZaaeW ILD ^WffWde 6 :&

Rbc]b ORJ []cfcnc_m [n nb_ f_cmol_ ]fo\ b[p_ l_]_hnfs \__h cgjlip_^;

< nb_ asg

= nb_ nl[]em
> nb_ ch^iil jiif
? nb_ ion^iil jiif
nb_ mjilnm nl[chcha il ]bcf^l_h


Questions 1 3 -20

Complete the notes below.


Joining the leisure club

EWdea S^ 6eeWee W f
£ I_q g_g\_lm mbiof^ ^_m]lc\_ [hs . 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ Ob_ . 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++qcff \_ _rjf[ch_^ ni sio \_ il_ sio om_ nb_ _kocjg_hn+

£ Tio qcff \_ acp_h [ mcr*q__e . 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

IkbWe aX W TWdeZ[b
£ Ob_l_ cm [ ]igjofmils x5- . 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ __ il g_g\_lm+

£ Bif^ g_g\_lm [l_ acp_h . 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ni [ff nb_ GK ]fo\m+

£ Kl_gc_l g_g\_lm [l_ acp_h jlcilcns ^olcha . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++biolm+

£ Kl_gc_l g_g\_lm ][h \lcha mig_ . 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++_p_ls gihnb+

£ H_g\_lm mbiof^ [fq[sm n[e_ nb_cl / - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ qcnb nb_g+

Test 1

S EC T I O N 3 Questions 21+30

FgWef[a e ) -

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd <) = ad >+

Global Design Competition

/. Nno^_hnm _hn_lcha nb_ ^_mcah ]igj_ncncih b[p_ ni

< jli^o]_ [h _h_las*_ c]c_hn ^_mcah+

= [^[jn [h _rcmncha _h_las*m[pcha [jjfc[h]_+
> ^_p_fij [ h_q om_ il ]oll_hn n_]bhifias+

// Eibh ]bim_ [ ^cmbq[mb_l \_][om_ b_ q[hn_^ ni g[e_ ^cmbq[mb_lm

< gil_ [jj_[fcha+

= gil_ ]iggih+
> gil_ _]ihigc][f+

/0 Ob_ mnih_ ch Eibh m ~Mi]ejiif ^_mcah cm om_^

< il ^_]il[ncih+
= ni mqcn]b cn ih+
> ni mnij q[n_l _m][jcha+

/1 Dh nb_ bif^cha ]b[g\_l) nb_ ][l\ih ^circ^_

< ]b[ha_m \[]e ni [ a[m+

= ^lc_m nb_ ^cmb_m+
> cm [ffiq_^ ni ]iif+

/2 <n nb_ _h^ i nb_ ]f_[hcha jli]_mm) nb_ ][l\ih ^circ^_

< cm l_f_[m_^ chni nb_ [cl+

= cm ^cmjim_^ i qcnb nb_ q[mn_+
> cm ]iff_]n_^ l_[^s ni \_ l_*om_^+


Questions 2 6 -3 0

Complete the notes below.

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

£ Eibh h__^m b_fj jl_j[lcha il bcm / 3 ++++++++++++++++++

£ Ob_ jli _mmil [^pcm_m Eibh ni g[e_ [ / 4 ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++i bcm ^_mcah+

£ Eibh m g[ch jli\f_g cm a_nncha aii^ ko[fcns /

£ Ob_ jli _mmil moaa_mnm Eibh [jjfs il [ /5

£ Ob_ jli _mmil qcff ]b_]e nb_ 0 - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ ch ilg[ncih ch Eibh m qlcnn_h

Test 1

SEC T I O N 4 Questions 31+40

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&


General facts
£ Dn cm [ qbcn_ \_[l \_fihacha ni nb_ \f[]e \_[l [gcfs+

£ Dnm ]ifiol ]ig_m lig [h oh]iggih 0 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ Gi][f j_ijf_ \_fc_p_ nb[n cn b[m ohomo[f 0 / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ Ob_s jlin_]n nb_ \_[l lig 0 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ Ob_ \_[l m l_f[ncihmbcj q cnb nb_ il_mn cm ]igjf_r+

£ Ol__ liinm mnij 0 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[fiha m[fgih mnl_[gm+

£ Ob_ \_[lm __^cha b[\cnm jlipc^_ honlc_hnm il il_mn p_a_n[ncih+

£ Dn cm ]oll_hnfs ioh^ ih [ mg[ff hog\_l i 0 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ C[\cn[n cm \_cha fimn ^o_ ni ^_ il_mn[ncih [h^ ]ihmnlo]ncih i
0 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\s fiaacha ]igj[hc_m+

£ Phl_mnlc]n_^ 0 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++cm [ _]ncha nb_ m[fgih mojjfs+

£ Ob_ \_[lm _rcmn_h]_ cm [fmi nbl_[n_h_^ \s nb_cl fiq l[n_ i 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Going forward
£ Dhn_l_mn_^ j[lnc_m [l_ qilecha nia_nb_l+

£ Giaacha ]igj[hc_m gomn cgjlip_ nb_cl 0 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i fiaacha+

£ H[chn_h[h]_ [h^ 1 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i nb_ mjclcn \_[lm5n_llcnils cm h__^_^+


M < ? DI B

M < ? DI B K < N N < B .

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e ) ) iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a

GWSV[ Y ESeeSYW ) TW^ai&

A m illennium ago, s te p w e lls w e re f un d a m e n ta l to life in the d r ie s t
p a r t s o f India. R ich a rd Cox tr a v e lle d to n o rth -w e stern In dia to
do cu m en t th e se s p ec ta c u la r m onu m en ts fro m a bygon e era
?olcha nb_ mcrnb [h^ m_p_hnb ]_hnolc_m) q[n_l miol]_ %hilg[ffs [h oh^_lalioh^
nb_ chb[\cn[hnm i nb_ gi^_lh*^[s [koc _l& [m cn l_]_^_m iffiqcha nb_ l[chm+
mn[n_m i Bod[l[n [h^ M[d[mnb[h ch Rb_h nb_ q[n_l f_p_f q[m bcab) nb_ om_l
hilnb*q_mn_lh Dh^c[ ^_p_fij_^ [ h__^_^ ihfs ni ^_m]_h^ [ _q mn_jm ni
g_nbi^ i a[chcha []]_mm ni ]f_[h) l_mb l_[]b cn qb_h cn q[m fiq) m_p_l[f f_p_fm
alioh^q[n_l ^olcha nb_ ^ls m_[mih il qiof^ b[p_ ni \_ h_ainc[n_^+
^lchecha) \[nbcha) q[n_lcha [hcg[fm [h^
cllca[ncih+ Ciq_p_l) nb_ mcahc c][h]_ Nig_ q_ffm [l_ p[mn) ij_h ]l[n_lm q cnb
i nbcm chp_hncih * nb_ mn_jq_ff * ai_m boh^l_^m i mn_jm j[pcha _[]b mfijcha
\_sih^ cnm oncfcn[lc[h [jjfc][ncih+ mc^_) i n_h ch nc_lm+ Jnb_lm [l_ gil_
_f[\il[n_) q cnb fiha mn_jj_^ j[mm[a_m
Phcko_ ni nbcm l_acih) mn_jq_ffm [l_ f_[^cha ni nb_ q[n_l pc[ m_p_l[f mnil_sm+
i n_h [l]bcn_]nol[ffs ]igjf_r [h^ p[ls =ocfn lig mnih_ [h^ mojjiln_^ \s jcff[lm)
qc^_fs ch mct_ [h^ mb[j_+ ?olcha nb_cl nb_s [fmi ch]fo^_^ j[pcfcihm nb[n mb_fn_l_^
b_s^[s) nb_s q_l_ jf[]_m i a[nb_lcha) pcmcnilm lig nb_ l_f_hnf_mm b_[n+ =on
i f_cmol_ [h^ l_f[r[ncih [h^ i qilmbcj j_lb[jm nb_ gimn cgjl_mmcp_ _[nol_m
il pcff[a_lm i [ff \on nb_ fiq_mn ]f[mm_m+ [l_ nb_ chnlc][n_ ^_]il[ncp_ m]ofjnol_m
Himn mn_jq_ffm [l_ ioh^ ^inn_^ lioh^ nb[n _g\_ffcmb g[hs mn_jq_ffm) mbiqcha
nb_ ^_m_ln [l_[m i Bod[l[n %qb_l_ nb_s []ncpcnc_m lig cabncha [h^ ^[h]cha ni
[l_ ][ff_^ hSh [h^ M[d[mnb[h %qb_l_ _p_ls^[s []nm mo]b [m qig_h ]ig\cha
nb_s [l_ ][ff_^ TSad[ qbcf_ [ _q [fmi nb_cl b[cl il ]bolhcha \onn_l+
molpcp_ ch ?_fbc+ Nig_ q_l_ fi][n_^ ch
il h_[l pcff[a_m [m jo\fc] mj[]_m il nb_ ?iqh nb_ ]_hnolc_m) nbiom[h^m i q_ffm
]iggohcns inb_lm q_l_ jimcncih_^ \_mc^_ q_l_ ]ihmnlo]n_^ nblioabion hilnb
li[^m [m l_mncha jf[]_m il nl[p_ff_lm+ q_mn_lh Dh^c[) \on nb_ g [dilcns b[p_ hiq
[ff_h chni ^cmom_ g[hs [l_ ^_l_fc]n [h^
<m nb_cl h[g_ moaa_mnm) mn_jq_ffm ^ls) [m alioh^q[n_l b[m \__h ^cp_ln_^
]igjlcm_ [ m_lc_m i mnih_ mn_jm il ch^omnlc[f om_ [h^ nb_ q_ffm hi fiha_l
^_m]_h^cha lig alioh^ f_p_f ni nb_ l_[]b nb_ q[n_l n[\f_+ Ob_cl ]ih^cncih

Test 1

b[mh n \__h b_fj_^ \s l_]_hn ^ls mj_ffm Jh_ i nb_ f[la_l _r[gjf_m cm Raniji Ki
mionb_lh M[d[mnb[h mo _l_^ [h _cabn*s_[l B a o ri,
qbc]b q[m \ocfn \s nb_ ko__h i nb_
^lioabn \_nq__h .553 [h^ /--1+ l_acih) I[nb[p[ndc) ch .355+ <n 13 g_nl_m
^__j) /- g_nl_m qc^_ [h^ 1- g_nl_m fiha)
Ciq_p_l) mig_ cg jiln[hn mcn_m ch nb_ chnlc][n_fs ][lp_^ gihog_hn cm ih_ i
Bod[l[n b[p_ l_]_hnfs oh^_laih_ g[dil /. b a o ris
]iggcmmcih_^ ch nb_ =oh^c [l_[
l_mnil[ncih) [h^ nb_ mn[n_ aip_lhg_hn \s I[nb[p[ndc+
[hhioh]_^ ch Eoh_ f[mn s_[l nb[n cn jf[hm
ni l_mnil_ nb_ mn_jq_ffm nblioabion nb_ Dh nb_ if^ loch_^ niqh i <\b[h_lc) [\ion
mn[n_+ 52 ecfig_nl_m _[mn i E[cjol) cmChand
B ao ri ih_ i Dh^c[ m if^_mn [h^ ^__j_mn
Dh K[n[h) nb_ mn[n_ m [h]c_hn ][jcn[f) nb_ q_ffm [_mnb_nc][ffs cn m j_lb[jm ih_ i nb_
mn_jq_ff i Rani Ki Vav %Lo__h m Nn_jq_ff& gimn ^l[g[nc]+ =ocfn ch [lioh^ 2- <?
cm j_lb[jm nb_ ch_mn ]oll_hn _r[gjf_+ h_rn ni nb_ n_gjf_ i C[lmb[n H[n[) nb_
Dn q[m \ocfn \s Lo__h P^[s[g[nc ^olcha b ao ri]igjlcm_m boh^l_^m i tcat[aacha
nb_ f[n_ ..nb ]_hnols) \on \_][g_ mcfn_^ mn_jm nb[n loh [fiha nbl__ i cnm mc^_m)
oj iffiqcha [ fii^ ^olcha nb_ .0nb mn__jfs ^_m]_h^cha .. mnil_sm) l_mofncha
]_hnols+ =on nb_ <l]b[_ifiac][f Nolp_s ch [ mnlcecha j[nn_lh qb_h m__h lig [ [l+
i Dh^c[ \_a[h l_mnilcha cn ch nb_ .53-m) Jh nb_ iolnb mc^_) p_l[h^[m qbc]b [l_
[h^ ni^[s cn cm ch jlcmnch_ ]ih^cncih+ <n mojjiln_^ \s ilh[n_ jcff[lm ip_lfiie nb_
32 g_nl_m fiha) /- g_nl_m qc^_ [h^ /4
g_nl_m ^__j) Rani Ki Vav _[nol_m 2--
m]ofjnol_m ][lp_^ chni hc]b_m nblioabion
___Neemrana Ki Baori,
Nncff ch jo\fc] om_ cm
nb_ gihog_hn+ Dh]l_^c\fs) ch E[ho[ls fi][n_^ domn i nb_ E[cjol* ?_fbc bcabq[s+
/--.) nbcm [h]c_hn mnlo]nol_ molpcp_^ [h >ihmnlo]n_^ ch [lioh^ .4-- cn cm hch_
_[lnbko[e_ nb[n g_[mol_^ 4+3 ih nb_ mnil_sm ^__j) q cnb nb_ f[mn nqi \_cha
Mc]bn_l m][f_+ oh^_lq[n_l+ <n alioh^ f_p_f) nb_l_ [l_
3 ]ifihh[^_^ ij_hcham lig qb_l_ nb_
<hinb_l _r[gjf_ cm nb_ S u ry a K un d
ch pcmcnil ^_m]_h^m .4- mn_jm ni nb_ ^__j_mn
Hi^b_l[) hilnb_lh Bod[l[n) h_rn ni nb_ q[n_l miol]_+
Noh O_gjf_) \ocfn \s Fcha =bcg[ D ch .-/3
ni bihiol nb_ moh ai^ Nols[+ Dn []no[ffs Oi^[s) iffiqcha s_[lm i h_af_]n) g[hs i
l_m_g\f_m [ n[he (kund g_[hm l_m_lpicl nb_m_ gihog_hnm ni g_^c_p[f _hach__lcha
il jih^& l[nb_l nb[h [ q_ff) \on ^cmjf[sm b[p_ \__h m[p_^ \s nb_ <l]b[_ifiac][f
nb_ b[ffg[lem i mn_jq_ff [l]bcn_]nol_) Nolp_s i Dh^c[) qbc]b b[m l_]iahcm_^ nb_
ch]fo^cha iol mc^_m i mn_jm nb[n ^_m]_h^ cgjiln[h]_ i jl_m_lpcha nb_g [m j[ln i
ni nb_ \innig ch [ mnohhcha a_ig_nlc][f nb_ ]iohnls m lc]b bcmnils+ Oiolcmnm fi]e
ilg[ncih+ Ob_ n_ll[]_m biom_ .- mg[ff) ni q_ffm ch [l* foha ]ilh_lm i hilnb
chnlc][n_fs ][lp_^ mblch_m \_nq__h nb_ q_mn_lh Dh^c[ ni a[t_ ch qih^_l [n nb_m_
m_nm i mn_jm+ [l]bcn_]nol[f g[lp_fm lig boh^l_^m i
s_[lm [ai) qbc]b m_lp_ [m [ l_gch^_l i
M[d[mnb[h [fmi b[m [ q_[fnb i q_ffm+ \inb nb_ cha_hocns [h^ [lncmnls i [h]c_hn
Ob_ [h]c_hn ]cns i =oh^c) /-- ecfig_nl_m ]cpcfcm[ncihm [h^ i nb_ p[fo_ i q[n_l ni
mionb i E[cjol) cm l_hiqh_^ il cnm bog[h _rcmn_h]_+
[l]bcn_]nol_) ch]fo^cha cnm mn_jq_ffm+


Questions 1 -5

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ .;

> TajWe ) - a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e
. r[gjf_m i [h]c_hn mn_jq_ffm ][h \_ ioh^ [ff ip_l nb_ qilf^+

Nn_jq_ffm b[^ [ l[ha_ i oh]ncihm) ch [^^cncih ni nbim_ l_f[n_^ ni q[n_l ]iff_]ncih+

Ob_ _q _rcmncha mn_jq_ffm ch ?_fbc [l_ gil_ [nnl[]ncp_ nb[h nbim_ ioh^ _fm_qb_l_+

1 Dn niie qile_lm g[hs s_[lm ni \ocf^ nb_ mnih_ mn_jm ]b[l[]n_lcmnc] i mn_jq_ffm+
Not g
2 Ob_ hog\_l i mn_jm [\ip_ nb_ q[n_l f_p_f ch [ mn_jq_ff [fn_l_^ ^olcha nb_ ]iolm_Notgive
i [ s_[l+

FgWef[a e . 0
6 eiWd fZW cgWef[a e TW^ai&

8ZaaeW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe . 0 a kagd [,4mpc,_ eZWWf&

3 Rbc]b j[ln i mig_ mn_jq_ffm jlipc^_^ mb[^_ il j_ijf_;

4 pillars
Rb[n nsj_ i m_lciom ]fcg[nc] _p_hn) qbc]b niie jf[]_ ch mionb_lh M[d[mnb[h) cm
g_hncih_^ ch nb_ [lnc]f_;

Rbi [l_ l_ko_hn pcmcnilm ni mn_jq_ffm hiq[^[sm;


Test 1

Q uestions 9 -1 3

Complete the table below.

8ZaaeW DC: LDG9 6C9'DG 6 CJB7:G Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe 1 ) a kagd [hmq_l eZWWf&

N n_jq _ff ?[n_ A_[nol_m J nb_l hin_m

GS [ [ KSh G[n_ <m g[hs [m 2-- M_mnil_^ ch nb_ .53-m

..nb m]ofjnol_m ^_]il[n_ nb_
]_hnols gihog_hn r]_ff_hn ]ih^cncih) ^_mjcn_
nb_ 5 S
+++++++++++++++ i /--.

HgdkS g V .-/3 Nn_jm ih nb_ Giiem gil_ fce_ [i

. - +++++++++++++++ jli^o]_ [
a_ig_nlc][f j[nn_lh
. . +++++++++++++++ nb[h [ q_ff
>[lp_^ mblch_m

G S [\[ [ .355 Dhnlc][n_fs ][lp_^ Jh_ i /. TSad[e ch nb_ [l_[

N [ ih gihog_hn ]iggcmmcih_^ \s Lo__h

8ZS V 7Sad[ 2- <? Nn_jm n[e_ sio ^iqh .. Jf^) ^__j [h^ p_ls
mnil_sm ni nb_ \innig ^l[g[nc]

ntni .i.fi
C[m . / +++++++++++++++ qbc]b
jlipc^_ [ pc_q i nb_ mn_jm

CWW dS S .4-- Pm_^ \s jo\fc] ni^[s

C[m nqi . 0 +++++++++++++++
[ 7Sad[ f_p_fm


M < ? DI B K < N N < B /

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e ), . iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW a fZW Xa^^ai[ Y bSYWe&

FgWef[a e ), )

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ / b[m hch_ j[l[al[jbm) < * f+

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ZWSV[ Y Xad bSdSYdSbZe 6 : S V ^ Xda fZW ^[ef a X ZWSV[ Ye TW^ai&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf g TWd [ j [ [ TajWe ), ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

G cm n i C _[^cham
c < l_mb [h^ cgjiln[hn fiha*n_lg ai[f
cc >b[lacha il li[^m [h^ cgjlipcha inb_l nl[hmjiln g_nbi^m
ccc >b[ha_m [ _]ncha nb_ ^cmn[h]_m aii^m g[s \_ nl[hmjiln_^
cp O[echa [ff nb_ mn_jm h_]_mm[ls ni ]b[ha_ nl[hmjiln j[nn_lhm
Q Ob_ _hpclihg_hn[f ]imnm i li[^ nl[hmjiln

pc Ob_ _m][f[ncha ]imn i l[cf nl[hmjiln

pcc Ob_ h__^ ni []bc_p_ nl[hmjiln l_\[f[h]_

p ccc Ob_ l[jc^ aliqnb i jlcp[n_ nl[hmjiln

cr Kf[hm ni ^_p_fij g[dil li[^ h_nqilem

S M_mnlc]ncha li[^ om_ nblioab ]b[lacha jifc]c_m [fih_

rc Ol[hmjiln nl_h^m ch ]iohnlc_m [q[cncha P [^gcmmcih

.1 K[l[al[jb <
viii .5 K[l[al[jb B

K[l[al[jb =

K[l[al[jb >

ix K[l[al[jb C

K[l[al[jb D

.4 K[l[al[jb ?

. K[l[al[jb
:jS b^W 6 eiWd
K[l[al[jb A p cc
Test 1


W hat have been the trends and what are the prospects for
European transport systems?
< Dn cm ^c c]ofn ni ]ih]_cp_ i pcailiom _]ihigc] aliqnb qcnbion [h _ c]c_hn nl[hmjiln
msmn_g+ <fnbioab gi^_lh ch ilg[ncih n_]bhifiac_m ][h l_^o]_ nb_ ^_g[h^ il jbsmc][f
nl[hmjiln \s []cfcn[ncha n_f_qilecha [h^ n_f_m_lpc]_m) nb_ l_kocl_g_hn il nl[hmjiln
]ihncho_m ni ch]l_[m_+ Ob_l_ [l_ nqi e_s []nilm \_bch^ nbcm nl_h^+ Ail j[mm_ha_l
nl[hmjiln) nb_ ^_n_lgchcha []nil cm nb_ mj_]n[]of[l aliqnb ch ][l om_+ Ob_ hog\_l
i ][lm ih olij_[h Phcih % P& li[^m m[q [h ch]l_[m_ i nbl__ gcffcih ][lm _[]b s_[l
lig . 5 5 - ni /- . - ) [h^ ch nb_ h_rn ^_][^_ nb_ P qcff m__ [ olnb_l mo\mn[hnc[f
ch]l_[m_ ch cnm f__n+

= <m [l [m aii^m nl[hmjiln cm ]ih]_lh_^) aliqnb cm ^o_ ni [ f[la_ _rn_hn ni ]b[ha_m ch

nb_ olij_[h _]ihigs [h^ cnm msmn_g i jli^o]ncih+ Dh nb_ f[mn / - s_[lm) [m chn_lh[f
lihnc_lm b[p_ \__h [\ifcmb_^) nb_ P b[m gip_^ lig [ ~mni]e _]ihigs ni [ $ fiq'
_]ihigs+ Obcm jb_hig_hih b[m \__h _gjb[mcm_^ \s nb_ l_fi][ncih i mig_ ch^omnlc_m)
j[lnc]of[lfs nbim_ qbc]b [l_ f[\iol chn_hmcp_) ni l_^o]_ jli^o]ncih ]imnm) _p_h nbioab
nb_ jli^o]ncih mcn_ cm boh^l_^m il _p_h nbiom[h^m i ecfig_nl_m [q[s lig nb_ ch[f
[mm_g\fs jf[hn il [q[s lig om_lm+

> Ob_ mnliha _]ihigc] aliqnb _rj_]n_^ ch ]iohnlc_m qbc]b [l_ ][h^c^[n_m il _hnls ni
nb_ P qcff [fmi ch]l_[m_ nl[hmjiln fiqm) ch j[lnc]of[l li[^ b[of[a_ nl[ c]+ Dh .55 )
mig_ i nb_m_ ]iohnlc_m [fl_[^s _rjiln_^ gil_ nb[h nqc]_ nb_cl .5 5 - pifog_m [h^
cgjiln_^ gil_ nb[h cp_ ncg_m nb_cl . 5 5 - pifog_m+ <h^ [fnbioab g[hs ][h^c^[n_
]iohnlc_m chb_lcn_^ [ nl[hmjiln msmn_g qbc]b _h]iol[a_m l[cf) nb_ ^cmnlc\oncih \_nq__h
gi^_m b[m ncjj_^ mb[ljfs ch [piol i li[^ nl[hmjiln mch]_ nb_ .55-m+ =_nq__h
.5 5 - [h^ . 5 5 li[^ b[of[a_ ch]l_[m_^ \s .5+1") qbcf_ ^olcha nb_ m[g_ j_lci^ l[cf
b[of[a_ ^_]l_[m_^ \s 10+2" ) [fnbioab * [h^ nbcm ]iof^ \_h_ cn nb_ _hf[la_^ P cn cm
mncff ih [p_l[a_ [n [ go]b bcab_l f_p_f nb[h ch _rcmncha g_g\_l mn[n_m+

? Ciq_p_l) [ h_q cgj_l[ncp_ * momn[ch[\f_ ^_p_fijg_hn * i _lm [h ijjilnohcns il

[^[jncha nb_ P)m ]iggih nl[hmjiln jifc]s+ Obcm i\d_]ncp_) [al__^ \s nb_ Binb_h\ola
olij_[h >ioh]cf) b[m ni \_ []bc_p_^ \s chn_al[ncha _hpclihg_hn[f ]ihmc^_l[ncihm
chni >iggohcns jifc]c_m) [h^ mbc ncha nb_ \[f[h]_ \_nq__h gi^_m i nl[hmjiln fc_m [n
nb_ b_[ln i cnm mnl[n_as+ Ob_ [g\cnciom i\d_]ncp_ ][h ihfs \_ offs []bc_p_^ \s /-/-)
\on jlijim_^ g_[mol_m [l_ hih_nb_f_mm [ clmn _mm_hnc[f mn_j niq[l^m [ momn[ch[\f_
nl[hmjiln msmn_g qbc]b qcff c^_[ffs \_ ch jf[]_ ch 0 - s_[lm ncg_) nb[n cm \s /-1 -+


Dh .5 5 _h_las ]ihmogjncih ch nb_ nl[hmjiln m_]nil q[m ni \f[g_ il / " i

_gcmmcihm i >>D2 nb_ f_[^cha al__hbiom_ a[m+ <]]il^cha ni nb_ f[n_mn _mncg[n_m) c
hinbcha cm ^ih_ ni l_p_lm_ nb_ nl[ c] aliqnb nl_h^) BJ2 _gcmmcihm lig nl[hmjiln ][h
\_ _rj_]n_^ ni ch]l_[m_ \s [lioh^ 2-" ni .)..0 \cffcih nihh_m \s /-/ -) ]igj[l_^
qcnb nb_ 4 05 \cffcih nihh_m l_]il^_^ ch .55-+ Jh]_ [a[ch) li[^ nl[hmjiln cm nb_ g[ch
]ofjlcn mch]_ cn [fih_ []]iohnm il 1" i nb_ >J2 _gcmmcihm [nnlc\on[\f_ ni nl[hmjiln+
Pmcha [fn_lh[ncp_ o_fm [h^ cgjlipcha _h_las _ c]c_h]s cm nbom \inb [h _]ifiac][f
h_]_mmcns [h^ [ n_]bhifiac][f ]b[ff_ha_+

A <n nb_ m[g_ ncg_ al_[n_l _ ilnm gomn \_ g[^_ ni []bc_p_ [ gi^[f mbc n+ No]b [
]b[ha_ ][hhin \_ []bc_p_^ ip_lhcabn) [ff nb_ f_mm mi [ n_l ip_l b[f [ ]_hnols i
]ihmn[hn ^_n_lcil[ncih ch [piol i li[^+ Obcm b[m l_[]b_^ mo]b [ jcn]b nb[n ni^[s l[cf
l_cabn m_lpc]_m [l_ []cha g[lach[fcm[ncih) qcnb domn " i g[le_n mb[l_) [h^ qcnb
chn_lh[ncih[f aii^m nl[chm mnloaafcha [fiha [n [h [p_l[a_ mj__^ i . eg ,b + Obl__
jimmc\f_ ijncihm b[p_ _g_la_^+

B Ob_ clmn [jjli[]b qiof^ ]ihmcmn i i]omcha ih li[^ nl[hmjiln mif_fs nblioab jlc]cha+
Obcm ijncih qiof^ hin \_ []]igj[hc_^ \s ]igjf_g_hn[ls g_[mol_m ch nb_ inb_l gi^_m
i nl[hmjiln+ Dh nb_ mbiln n_lg cn gcabn ]ol\ nb_ aliqnb ch li[^ nl[hmjiln nblioab
nb_ \_nn_l fi[^cha l[nci i aii^m p_bc]f_m [h^ i]]oj[h]s l[n_m i j[mm_ha_l p_bc]f_m
_rj_]n_^ [m [ l_mofn i nb_ ch]l_[m_ ch nb_ jlc]_ i nl[hmjiln+ Ciq_p_l) nb_ f[]e i
g_[mol_m [p[cf[\f_ ni l_pcn[fcm_ inb_l gi^_m i nl[hmjiln qiof^ g[e_ cn cgjimmc\f_ il
gil_ momn[ch[\f_ gi^_m i nl[hmjiln ni n[e_ oj nb_ \[nih+

C Ob_ m_]ih^ [jjli[]b [fmi ]ih]_hnl[n_m ih li[^ nl[hmjiln jlc]cha \on cm []]igj[hc_^
\s g_[mol_m ni ch]l_[m_ nb_ _ c]c_h]s i nb_ inb_l gi^_m %\_nn_l ko[fcns i m_lpc]_m)
fiacmnc]m) n_]bhifias&+ Ciq_p_l) nbcm [jjli[]b ^i_m hin ch]fo^_ chp_mng_hn ch h_q
ch l[mnlo]nol_) hil ^i_m cn ao[l[hn__ \_nn_l l_acih[f ]ib_mcih+ Dn ]iof^ b_fj ni []bc_p_
al_[n_l oh]iojfcha nb[h nb_ clmn [jjli[]b) \on li[^ nl[hmjiln qiof^ e__j nb_ fcih m
mb[l_ i nb_ g[le_n [h^ ]ihncho_ ni ]ih]_hnl[n_ ih m[nol[n_^ [ln_lc_m) ^_mjcn_ \_cha
nb_ gimn jiffoncha i nb_ gi^_m+ Dn cm nb_l_ il_ hin _hioab ni ao[l[hn__ nb_ h_]_mm[ls
mbc n i nb_ \[f[h]_+

D Ob_ nbcl^ [jjli[]b) qbc]b cm hin h_q) ]igjlcm_m [ m_lc_m i g_[mol_m l[hacha lig
jlc]cha ni l_pcn[fcmcha [fn_lh[ncp_ gi^_m i nl[hmjiln [h^ n[la_ncha chp_mng_hn ch nb_
nl[hm* olij_[h h_nqile+ Obcm chn_al[n_^ [jjli[]b qiof^ [ffiq nb_ g[le_n mb[l_m i
nb_ inb_l gi^_m ni l_nolh ni nb_cl .55 f_p_fm [h^ nbom g[e_ [ mbc n i \[f[h]_+ Dn cm
[l gil_ [g\cnciom nb[h cn fiiem) \_[lcha ch gch^ nb_ bcmnilc][f cg\[f[h]_ ch [piol i
li[^m il nb_ f[mn c ns s_[lm) \on qiof^ []bc_p_ [ g[le_^ \l_[e ch nb_ fche \_nq__h li[^
nl[hmjiln aliqnb [h^ _]ihigc] aliqnb) qcnbion jf[]cha l_mnlc]ncihm ih nb_ gi\cfcns i
j_ijf_ [h^ aii^m+

Test 1

Questions 2 2 -2 6

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

> TajWe . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

// Ob_ h__^ il nl[hmjiln cm aliqcha) ^_mjcn_ n_]bhifiac][f ^_p_fijg_hnm+

/0 Oi l_^o]_ jli^o]ncih ]imnm) mig_ ch^omnlc_m b[p_ \__h gip_^ ]fim_l ni nb_cl
l_f_p[hn ]ihmog_lm+

/1 >[lm [l_ jlibc\cncp_fs _rj_hmcp_ ch mig_ P ][h^c^[n_ ]iohnlc_m+

/2 Ob_ Binb_h\ola olij_[h >ioh]cf q[m m_n oj 0- s_[lm [ai+

/3 =s nb_ _h^ i nbcm ^_][^_) > 2 _gcmmcihm lig nl[hmjiln [l_ jl_^c]n_^ ni l_[]b
405 \cffcih nihh_m+


M < ? DI B K < N N < B 0

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e / ,( iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

The psychology of innovation

Why a r e s o f e w c o m p a n ie s t r u ly inn o v a tiv e ?
Dhhip[ncih cm e_s ni \omch_mm molpcp[f) [h^ qbi iqh_^ Noh) q[hn_^ ni l_pifoncihcm_
]igj[hc_m jon mo\mn[hnc[f l_miol]_m chni jijof[l gomc] q cnb miham nb[n om_^
chmjclcha _gjfis__m ni ^_p_fij h_q c^_[m+ \f[]e [h^ q bcn_ gomc]) [h^ ]iohnls [h^
Ob_l_ [l_) h_p_lnb_f_mm) j_ijf_ q ilecha ch \fo_m+ Kl_mf_s) >[mb) K_lechm [h^ G_qcm
forolciom) mn[n_*i *nb_*[ln ]_hnl_m ^_mcah_^ chmnch]ncp_fs oh^_lmnii^ Kbcffcjm m [g \cncih
ni mncgof[n_ chhip[ncih qbi ch^ nb[n nb_cl [h^ \_fc_p_^ ch cn+ Jl\cmih q[mh n chmjcl_^
_hpclihg_hn ^i_mh n g[e_ nb_g __f [n [ff \s nb_ ai[f) [h^ ihfs _p_l []bc_p_^ ih_ bcn
]l_[ncp_+ <h^ nb_l_ [l_ nbim_ q bi ^ih n q cnb nb_ Noh f[\_f+
b[p_ [ \o^a_n) i l go]b mj[]_) \on qbi
chhip[n_ mo]]_mm offs+ Ob_ p[fo_ cn g[nn_lm) m[sm >c[f^chc)
\_][om_ chhip[ncih cm) ch j[ln) [ jli]_mm
Ail Mi\_ln =+ >c[f^chc) Kli _mmil i i ]b[ha_) [h^ oh^_l nb[n jl_mmol_ q_)
Kms]bifias [n <lctih[ Nn[n_ Phcp_lmcns) [m [ mj_]c_m) \_b[p_ ^c _l_hnfs) ~Rb_h
ih_ l_[mih nb[n ]igj[hc_m ^ih n mo]]__^ nbcham ]b[ha_) q_ [l_ b[l^*qcl_^ ni
[m i n_h [m nb_s mbiof^ cm nb[n chhip[ncih jf[s cn m[ _+ H[h[a_lm mbiof^ nb_l_ il_
mn[lnm q cnb l_]locng_hn+ M_m_[l]b mbiqm [^ijn [h [jjli[]b nb[n [jj_[lm ]iohn_l
nb[n nb_ cn \_nq__h [h _gjfis__ m p[fo_m ch nocncp_ * nb_s mbiof^ _rjf[ch q b[n mn[h^m
[h^ [ ]igj[hs m p[fo_m g[e_m [ ^c _l_h]_ ni \_ fimn c nb_ ]igj[hs [cfm ni m_ct_ [
ni qb[n ]ihnlc\oncih nb_s g[e_ [h^ j[lnc]of[l ijjilnohcns+ Nno^c_m mbiq nb[n
qb_nb_l) nq i s_[lm [ n_l nb_s di ch ) nb_s l_ q_ chp[lc[\fs n[e_ gil_ a[g\f_m qb_h
m ncff [n nb_ ]igj[hs+ Nno^c_m [n C[lp[l^ nbl_[n_h_^ q cnb [ fimm nb[h qb_h i _l_^ [
=omch_mm N]biif mbiq nb[n) [fnbioab mig_ l_q[l^+
ch^cpc^o[fm g[s \_ gil_ ]l_[ncp_ nb[h
inb_lm) [fgimn _p_ls ch^cpc^o[f ][h \_ H[h[acha chhip[ncih cm [ ^_fc][n_ [ln+
]l_[ncp_ ch nb_ lcabn ]cl]ogmn[h]_m+ D n m _[ms i l [ ]igj[hs ni \_ joff_^ ch
]ih fc]ncha ^cl_]ncihm [m nb_ g[le_ncha)
Jh_ i nb_ gimn [giom jbinial[jbm ch nb_ jli^o]n ^_p_fijg_hn) [h^ ch[h]_
mnils i li]e h li ff _gjb[mcm_m > c[f^chc m ^_j[lng_hnm _[]b a_n ^c _l_hn __^\[]e
pc_qm+ Ob_ .523 jc]nol_ i mcha_lm fpcm lig ^c _l_hn m_nm i j_ijf_+ <h^ q cnbion
Kl_mf_s) >[lf K_lechm) Eibhhs >[mb [h^ [ msmn_g q bc]b _hmol_m ]iff[\il[ncp_
E_lls G__ G_qcm d[g g cha [n [ jc[hi ch Noh _r]b[ha_m q cnb ch nb_ ]igj[hs) cn m [fmi
Nno^cim ch H_gjbcm n_ffm [ bc^^_h mnils+ _[ms i l mg[ff ~ji]e_nm i chhip[ncih ni
Noh m ~g cffcih*^iff[l ko[ln_n ]iof^ b[p_ ^cm[jj_[l+ Dhhip[ncih cm [ ]ihn[]n mjiln+
\__h [ kochn_n+ Hcmmcha lig nb_ jc]nol_ Tio ][h n \ lc_ j_ijf_ do m n \s m[scha) ~R_ l_
cm Mis Jl\cmih) [ al_[n_l h[nol[f mcha_l aicha ch nbcm ^cl_]ncih [h^ D g aicha ni n[e_
nb[h G_qcm) K_lechm il >[mb+ N[g Kbcffcjm) sio q cnb g _,

Test 1

>c[f^chc \_fc_p_m nb[n nbcm ~ iffiq*nb_* j[]e_nm _h]iol[a_^ om ni q lcn_ ch m[scha)

leader syndrome, is dangerous, not least ch hi gil_ nb[h .- qil^m6 ~D fce_ F_ffiaa m
because it encourages bosses to go it >ig Af[e_m \_][om_+++ £ Ob_ p_ls []n i
alone. ‘It’s been scientifically proven that q lcnch a g[e_m om gil_ fce_ fs ni \_fc_p_ cn+
three people will be better than one at
solving problems, even if that one person < o nbi lcns ^i_mh n b[p_ ni ch b c\ cn chhip[ncih
is the smartest person in the field., To \on cn i n_h ^i_m+ Ob_ qliha ech^ i
prove his point, Cialdini cites an interview f_[^_lmbcj q cff f_[^ ni qb[n > c[f^chc ][ffm
with molecular biologist James Watson. ~][jn[chcncm nb_ l_al_nn[\f_ n_h^_h]s
Watson, together with Francis Crick, i n_[g g_g\_lm ni ijn ion i n_[g
discovered the structure of DNA, the l_mjihmc\cfcnc_m nb[n [l_ jlij_lfs nb _ clm $ C_
genetic information carrier of all living ][ffm cn ][jn[chcncm \_][om_) b_ m[sm) ~]l_q
organisms. ‘When asked how they had g_g\_lm i g o fncj cfi n [cl]l[ n _rbc\cn [
cracked the code ahead of an array of mig_ncg_m ^_[^fs j[mmcpcns qb_h nb_ fcabn
highly accomplished rival investigators, he ][jn[ch g[e_m [ ]f_[lfs qliha*b_[^_^
m[c^ mig_nbcha nb[n mnohh_^ g_+ C_ m[c^ ^_]cmcih + Obcm \_b[pciol cm hin) b_ m[sm)
he and Crick had succeeded because they ohcko_ ni [ cl nl[p_f) \on ][h b[jj_h ch [hs
q_l_ [q[l_ nb[n nb_s q_l_h n nb_ gimn qilejf[]_ qb_l_ nb_ f_[^_l cm ip_l\_[lcha+
intelligent of the scientists pursuing the
answer. The smartest scientist was called < n nb_ inb_l _h^ i nb_ m][f_ cm nb_ .5 -m
Rosalind Franklin who, Watson said, “was H_gjbcm ^_mcah ]iff_]ncp_) [ alioj i
mi chn_ffca_hn mb_ l[l_fs mioabn [^pc]_ sioha ^_mcah_lm i l qbig ~nb_ ihfs
lof_ q[m nb[n nb_l_ q_l_ hi lo f_ m$ Obcm
O_[gqile n[jm chni ih_ i nb_ \[mc] _hpclihg_hn _h]iol[a_^ [ l__ chn_l]b[ha_
^lcp_lm i bog[h \_b[pciol+ ~Ob_ jlch]cjf_ i c^_[m) q bc]b f_^ ni gil_ ]l_[ncpcns q cnb
i mi]c[f jli i cm mi j_lp[mcp_ nb[n q_ ^ih n ilg) oh]ncih) ]ifiol [h^ g[n_lc[fm nb[n
_p_h l_]iahcm_ cn m[sm >c[f^chc+ ~D siol l_pifoncihcm_^ [nncno^_m ni olhcnol_ ^_mcah+
jlid_]n cm \_cha l_mcmn_^) i l _r[gjf_) \s [
alioj i p_n_l[h _gjfis__m) [me [hinb_l H[hs nb_ilcmnm \_fc_p_ nb_ c^_[f \imm
if^*ncg _l ni mj_[e oj i l cn+ >c[f^chc cm hin mbiof^ f_[^ lig \_bch^) n[echa jlc^_ ch
[fih_ ch [^pi][ncha nbcm mnl[n_as+ M_m_[l]b ]iff_]ncp_ []]igjfcmbg_hn [h^ acpcha
mbiqm nb[n j__l jiq_l) om_^ bilctihn[ffs ]l_^cn qb_l_ cn cm ^o_+ >c[f^chc m[sm6
hin p_lnc][ffs) cm go]b gil_ jiq _l of nb[h ~G_[^_lm mbiof^ _h]iol[a_ _p_lsih_ ni
[hs \imm m mj__]b+ ]ihnlc\on_ [h^ mcgofn[h_iomfs [mmol_ [ff
]ih]_lh_^ nb[n _p_ls l_]igg_h^[ncih cm
Rlcncha) pcmo[fcmcha [h^ jlininsjcha ][h cg jiln[hn ni g[echa nb_ lcabn ^_]cmcih [h^
mncgof[n_ nb_ fiq i h_q c^_[m+ >c[f^chc q cff \_ acp_h o ff [nn_hncih+) Ob_ lomnl[ncha
]cn_m m]il_m i l_m_[l]b j[j_lm [h^ nbcha [\ion chhip[ncih cm nb[n nb_l_ [l_
bcmnilc][f _p_hnm nb[n jlip_ nb[n _p_h g[hs [jjli[]b_m) \on hi g[ac] ilgof[+
mig_nbcha [m mcgjf_ [m q lcnch a ^__j_hm Ciq_p_l) [ g[h[a_l qbi q[hnm ni ]l_[n_
_p_ls ch ^cpc^o[fY _ha[a_g_hn ch nb_ [ nlo fs chhip[ncp_ ]ofnol_ ][h g[e_ nb_cl
jlid_]n+ Dn cm) b_ m[sm) nb_ l_[mih q bs [ff di \ [ fi n _[mc_l \s l_]iahcmcha nb_m_
nbim_ ]ig j_ncncihm ih \l_[e [mn ]_l_[f jms]bifiac][f l_[fcnc_m+


Questions 2 7 -3 0

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ TajWe / ( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

/4 Ob_ _r[gjf_ i nb_ ~gcffcih*^iff[l ko[ln_n oh^_lfch_m nb_ q lcn_l m jichn [\ion
l_]iahcmcha n[f_hn)
qilecha [m [ n_[g)
" b[pcha [ mb[l_^ i\d_]ncp_)
# \_cha [h _ _]ncp_ f_[^_l+

/ E[g_m R[nmih moaa_mnm nb[n b_ [h^ Al[h]cm >lc]e qih nb_ l[]_ ni ^cm]ip_l nb_
?I< ]i^_ \_][om_ nb_s
< q_l_ ]ihm]ciom i nb_cl iqh fcgcn[ncihm+
= \lioabn ]igjf_g_hn[ls mecffm ni nb_cl j[lnh_lmbcj+
> q_l_ ^_n_lgch_^ ni ionj_l ilg nb_cl \lcabn_l lcp[fm+
? _h]iol[a_^ _[]b inb_l ni l_[fcm_ nb_cl dichn [g\cncih+

/5 Ob_ qlcn_l g_hncihm ]igj_ncncihm ih \l_[e [mn ]_l_[f j[]e_nm [m [h _r[gjf_ i

biq ni

< chmjcl_ ]l_[ncp_ nbchecha+

= a_h_l[n_ ]ih]cm_ qlcncha+
> jligin_ fis[fns ni [ alioj+
? mnl_hanb_h ]iggcng_hn ni [h c^_[+

0- Dh nb_ f[mn j[l[al[jb) nb_ qlcn_l moaa_mnm nb[n cn cm cgjiln[hn il _gjfis__m ni

\_ [q[l_ i nb_cl ]igj[hs m ai[fm+

__f nb[n nb_cl ]ihnlc\oncihm [l_ p[fo_^+
" b[p_ l_mj_]n il nb_cl ]i*qile_lm []bc_p_g_hnm+
# oh^_lmn[h^ qbs ]_ln[ch g[h[a_g_hn ^_]cmcihm [l_ g[^_+

Test 1

Questions 31—35

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A -G , below.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe ) - a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

0. gjfis__m qbim_ p[fo_m g[n]b nbim_ i nb_cl _gjfis_lm [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni

0/ <n ncg_m i ]b[ha_) j_ijf_ n_h^ ni


D j_ijf_ [l_ [q[l_ i qb[n nb_s gcabn fim_) nb_s qcff i n_h

K_ijf_ qilecha oh^_l [ ^igch[hn \imm [l_ fc[\f_ ni

脉 DA

02 gjfis__m qilecha ch ila[hcm[ncihm qcnb _q lof_m [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni

< n[e_ ]b[h]_m+

= mb[l_ nb_cl c^_[m+

> \_]ig_ ]igj_ncncp_+

? a_n jligincih+

[pic^ lcme+

A cahil_ nb_cl ^onc_m+

B l_g[ch ch nb_cl di\m+


Questions 3 6 -4 0

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ]f[cgm i nb_ qlcn_l ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ 0;

> TajWe . ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

N:H [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW U^S[ e aX fZW id[fWd

CD [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW U^S[ e aX fZW id[fWd
CDI >K:C [X [f [e [ baee[T^W fa eSk iZSf fZW id[fWd fZ[ e STagf fZ[e

03 Ob_ jbsmc][f mollioh^cham ch qbc]b [ j_lmih qilem jf[s [ e_s lif_ ch ^_n_lgchcha
nb_cl ]l_[ncpcns+

04 Himn j_ijf_ b[p_ nb_ jin_hnc[f ni \_ ]l_[ncp_+

0 O_[gm qile \_mn qb_h nb_cl g_g\_lm [l_ i _ko[ffs g[n]b_^ chn_ffca_h]_+
05 Dn cm _[mc_l il
mg[ff_l ]igj[hc_m ni \_ chhip[ncp_+

1-< g[h[a_l m [jjlip[f i [h c^_[ cm gil_ j_lmo[mcp_ nb[h nb[n i [ ]iff_[ao_+


Test 1


R M DO DI B O < N F .

Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




Ld[fW Sf ^WSef )-( iadVe&

<omnl[fc[h biom_bif^ _h_las om_

q[n_l b_[ncha


l_ lca_l[ncih

]iifcha inb_l [jjfc[h]_m


<omnl[fc[h biom_bif^ al__hbiom_ a[m _gcmmcihm



R M DO DI B O < N F /

Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Kl_m_hn [ qlcnn_h [laog_hn il ][m_ ni [h _^o][n_^ l_[^_l qcnb hi mj_]c[fcmn ehiqf_^a_

i nb_ iffiqcha nijc]+






Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+

Test 1

N K < F DI B

K<MO .
Ob_ _r[gch_l [mem nb_ ][h^c^[n_ [\ion bcg,b_lm_f ) bcm,b_l big_) qile il mno^c_m [h^
inb_l [gcfc[l nijc]m+


R __e_h^m
£ Ciq ^i sio omo[ffs mj_h^ siol q__e_h^m; VRbs;X
£ Rbc]b cm siol [piolcn_ j[ln i nb_ q__e_h^; VRbs;X
£ ?i sio nbche siol q__e_h^m [l_ fiha _hioab; VRbs,Rbs hin;X
£ Ciq cgjiln[hn ^i sio nbche cn cm ni b[p_ l__ ncg_ [n nb_ q__e_h^m; VRbs;X

K<MO /

? _m]lc\_ mig _ih_ si o eh i q q b i Tio qcff b[p_ ni n[fe [\ion nb_ nijc] il
^i_m mi g _ nb ch a q _ff+ ih_ ni nqi gchon_m+
Tio b[p_ ih_ gchon_ ni nbche [\ion
Tio m b i o f^ m[s6 qb[n sio [l_ aicha ni m[s+
q b i nb cm j_lmih cm Tio ][h g[e_ mig_ hin_m ni b_fj sio
biq sio eh i q nb cm j_lmih c sio qcmb+
q b [ n nb _ s ^ i q _ff
[h^ _rjf[ch q b s s i o nb ch e nb cm
j_lmih cm mi aii ^ [n ^ i ch a nb cm+

K<MO 0
N e cffm [h^ [ \ cfcnc_ m

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Rb[n mecffm [h^ [\cfcnc_m ^i j_ijf_ gimn q[hn ni b[p_ ni^[s; Rbs;
Rbc]b mecffm mbiof^ ]bcf^l_h f_[lh [n m]biif; <l_ nb_l_ [hs mecffm qbc]b nb_s mbiof^ f_[lh
[n big_; Rb[n [l_ nb_s;
Rbc]b mecffm ^i sio nbche qcff \_ cgjiln[hn ch nb_ onol_; Rbs;
N[f[lc_m i l m e cff_ ^ j_ijf_

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Rbc]b ech^m i di\m b[p_ nb_ bcab_mn m[f[lc_m ch siol ]iohnls; Rbs cm nbcm;
<l_ nb_l_ [hs inb_l di\m nb[n sio nbche mbiof^ b[p_ bcab m[f[lc_m; Rbs ^i sio nbche nb[n;
Nig_ j_ijf_ m[s cn qiof^ \_ \_nn_l il mi]c_ns c _p_lsih_ ain nb_ m[g_ m[f[ls+ Rb[n ^i
sio nbche [\ion nb[n; Rbs;

O_mn /

N > O DJ I . Questions 1+10

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 6C9'DG 6 CJB7:G Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Transport Survey
:jS b^W

Ol[p_ff_^ ni ni q h ni^[s6 \ s ++++++++++++\om++++++++++++

I[g_6 Gocm[ . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

< ^ ^l_ mm6 / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Rbcn_ Nnih_ M^

<l_[6 =l[^ c_f^

Kimn]i^_6 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


M_[mih i l p cm cn ni ni q h 6 ni ai ni nb_ 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

N o aa_mnci hm i l cg jlip_g _hn6

£ \_nn_l 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ b[p_ gil_ iinj[nbm

£ gil_ l_ko_hn 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Test 2

O b cham nb [ n q i o f^ _h]iol[a_ ] s ] fch a ni q i le 6

£ b[pcha +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++j[lecha jf[]_m il \c]s]f_m

£ \_cha [\f_ ni om_ [ 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[n qile

£ nb_ ijjilnohcns ni b[p_ ]s]fcha . - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ih \oms li[^m


SECTI ON 2 Questions 11+20

FgWef[a e )) ),

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 N ad 8&

New city developments

11 Ob_ c^_[ il nb_ nqi h_q ^_p_fijg_hnm ch nb_ ]cns ][g_ lig

! fi][f j_ijf_)
$ nb_ >cns >ioh]cf)
nb_ NRM?>+

12 Rb[n cm ohomo[f [\ion =l[]e_hmc^_ jiif;

cnm [l]bcn_]nol[f mnsf_
cnm b_[ncha msmn_g
cnm g_nbi^ i q[n_l nl_[ng_hn

.0 Gi][f h_qmj[j_lm b[p_ l[cm_^ qillc_m [\ion

< nb_ f[n_ ij_hcha ^[n_+

= nb_ ]imn i nb_ jlid_]n+
> nb_ mct_ i nb_ []cfcnc_m+

.1 Rb[n ^_]cmcih b[m hin s_n \__h g[^_ [\ion nb_ jiif;

< qbim_ mn[no_ qcff \_ [n nb_ ^iil

= nb_ _r[]n ij_hcha ncg_m
> qbi qcff ij_h cn

Test 2

Questions 1 5 -2 0

Rbc]b _[nol_ cm l_f[n_^ ni _[]b i nb_ iffiqcha [l_[m i nb_ qilf^ l_jl_m_hn_^ ch nb_

8ZaaeW H>M S eiWde Xda fZW Taj S V id[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 ^ Wjf fa cgWef[a e
)- (&


< [h]c_hn ilnm

= q[n_lq[sm

> c]_ [h^ mhiq

? d_q_fm

fi][f [hcg[fm

A giohn[chm

B gomc] [h^ cfg

C mj[]_ nl[p_f

D pif][hi_m

<l_[m i nb_ q i lf^

.2 <mc[ ++++++

.3 <hn[l]nc][ ++++++

.4 Nionb <g_lc][ ++++++

. Iilnb <g_lc][ ++++++

.5 olij_

/- < lc][


SECTI ON 3 Questions 21+30

FgWef[a e ) S V

8ZaaeW ILD ^WffWde 6 :&

Rbc]b ORJ bi\\c_m q[m Obil C_s_l^[bf p_ls chn_l_mn_^ ch [m [ sionb;

" ]iff_]ncha
# bohncha

FgWef[a e S V ,

8ZaaeW ILD ^WffWde 6 :&

Rbc]b ^i nb_ mj_[e_lm m[s [l_ nb_ ORJ l_[mihm qbs C_s_l^[bf q_hn ni fcp_ ih
[h cmf[h^;
ni _r[gch_ [h]c_hn ][lpcham
ni _rj_lc_h]_ [h cmif[n_^ jf[]_
" ni ilgof[n_ [ h_q nb_ils
# ni f_[lh molpcp[f mecffm
ni mno^s nb_ cgj[]n i [h _rnl_g_ _hpclihg_hn

Test 2

Questions 2 5 -3 0

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 ad 8&

The later life of Thor Heyerdahl

/2 <]]il^cha ni Qc]nil [h^ Jfcpc[) [][^_gc]m nbioabn nb[n Kifsh_mc[h gcal[ncih lig
nb_ _[mn q[m cgjimmc\f_ ^o_ ni

< nb_ []n nb[n [mn_lh ]iohnlc_m q_l_ [l [q[s+

= nb_ f[]e i g[n_lc[fm il \i[n \ocf^cha+
> nb_ ^cl_]ncih i nb_ qch^m [h^ ]oll_hnm+

/3 Rbc]b ^i nb_ mj_[e_lm [al__ q[m nb_ g[ch l_[mih il C_s_l^[bf m l[ n diolh_s;

< ni ip_l]ig_ [ l_m_[l]b m_n\[]e

= ni ^_gihmnl[n_ [ j_lmih[f ko[fcns
> ni n_mn [ h_q nb_ils

/4 R b[n q[m gimn cgjiln[hn ni C_s_l^[bf [\ion bcm l[ n diolh_s;

< nb_ []n nb[n b_ q[m nb_ clmn j_lmih ni ^i cn

= nb_ mj__^ i ]limmcha nb_ K[]c c]
> nb_ om_ i [onb_hnc] ]ihmnlo]ncih g_nbi^m

/ Rbs ^c^ C_s_l^[bf ai ni [mn_l Dmf[h^;

< ni \ocf^ [ mnih_ mn[no_

= ni m[cf [ l__^ \i[n
> ni f_[lh nb_ fi][f f[hao[a_

/5 Dh Jfcpc[$m ijchcih) C_s_l^[bf m al_[n_mn ch fo_h]_ q[m ih

< nb_ilc_m [\ion Kifsh_mc[h ilcachm+

= nb_ ^_p_fijg_hn i [l]b[_ifiac][f g_nbi^ifias+
> _mn[\fcmbcha [l]b[_ifias [m [h [][^_gc] mo\d_]n+

0- Rbc]b ]lcnc]cmg ^i nb_ mj_[e_lm g[e_ i Rcffc[g Jfcp_l m n_rn\iie;

< Dnm mnsf_ cm ion i ^[n_+

= Dnm ]ihn_hn cm ip_l*mcgjfc c_^+
> Dnm g_nbi^ifias cm f[q_^+


SECTI ON 4 Questions 31+40

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&


= omch_mm g [le_nm

£ al_[n_l 0 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[giha ]igj[hc_m

£ ch]l_[m_ ch jiq_l i f[la_ 0 / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]igj[hc_m

£ lcmcha 0 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ch ]_ln[ch ]iohnlc_m

rn_lh[f ch fo_h]_ m ih \omch_mm_m

£ gil_ ^cm]ommcih qcnb 0 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \_ il_ g[echa \omch_mm ^_]cmcihm

£ _hpclihg_hn[f ]ih]_lhm qbc]b g[s f_[^ ni gil_ 0 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

= omch_mm m nlo ]no l_ m

£ gil_ n_[gm qcff \_ ilg_^ ni qile ih [ j[lnc]of[l 0 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ \omch_mm_m g[s h__^ ni i _l biolm nb[n [l_ 0 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ il nb_

]b[h]_ ni qile l_gin_fs

H [h[a_g _hn m nsf_ m

£ ch]l_[mcha h__^ il g[h[a_lm ni jlipc^_ aii^ 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ ]b[ha_m ch fo_h]_^ \s 0 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++n[echa m_hcil lif_m

Test 2

Changes in the economy

£ m_lpc]_ m_]nil ]ihncho_m ni \_ cgjiln[hn

£ ch]l_[mcha p[fo_ i chn_ff_]no[f jlij_lns

£ gil_ [h^ gil_ 1 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++qile_lm


M < ? DI B

M < ? DI B K < N N < B .

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a IVWMSRV ' iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW ) a fZW Xa^^ai[ Y bSYWe&

FgWef[a e ) /

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ . b[m m_p_h j[l[al[jbm) < *B +

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ZWSV[ Y Xad WSUZ bSdSYdSbZ Xda fZW ^[ef aX ZWSV[ Ye TW^ai&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf g TWd M M [ TajWe ) / a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

G cm n i C _[^cham

c Ob_ m_[l]b il nb_ l_[mihm il [h ch]l_[m_ ch jijof[ncih

cc Dh^omnlc[fcm[ncih [h^ nb_ _[l i oh_gjfisg_hn

ccc Ob_ ^_p_fijg_hn i ]cnc_m ch E[j[h

cp Ob_ ncg_ [h^ jf[]_ i nb_ Dh^omnlc[f M_pifoncih

Q Ob_ ][m_m i Ciff[h^) Al[h]_ [h^ >bch[

pc >b[ha_m ch ^lchecha b[\cnm ch =lcn[ch

p cc Oqi e_sm ni =lcn[ch$m ch^omnlc[f l_pifoncih

p ccc >ih^cncihm l_kocl_^ il ch^omnlc[fcm[ncih

cr >igj[lcmihm qcnb E[j[h f_[^ ni nb_ [hmq_l

. K[l[al[jb <

/ K[l[al[jb =

0 K[l[al[jb >

1 K[l[al[jb ?

2 K[l[al[jb

3 K[l[al[jb A

4 K[l[al[jb B

Test 2

Tea and the Industrial Revolution

A Cambridge professor says that a change in drinking habits was the reason f o r
the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Anjana Ahuja reports
A Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at Kings College, Cambridge, has, like
other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution. Why
did this particular Big Bang the world-changing birth of industry —happen in Britain? And

why did it strike at the end of the 18th century?

B Macfarlane compares the puzzle to a combination lock. 'There are about 20 different
factors and all of them need to be present before the revolution can happen,5he says. For
industry to take off, there needs to be the technology and power to drive factories, large
urban populations to provide cheap labour, easy transport to move goods around, an
affluent middle-class willing to buy mass-produced objects, a market-driven economy and
a political system that allows this to happen. While this was the case for England, other
nations, such as Japan, the Netherlands and France also met some of these criteria but were
not industrialising. All these factors must have been necessary but not sufficient to cause the
revolution,,says Macfarlane. ‘After all, Holland had everything except coal, while China also
had many of these factors. Most historians are convinced there are one or two missing factors
that you need to open the lock

C The missing factors, he proposes, are to be found in almost every kitchen cupboard. Tea and
beer, two of the nations favourite drinks, fuelled the revolution. The antiseptic properties
of tannin, the active ingredient in tea, and of hops in beer - plus the fact that both are
made with boiled water allowed urban communities to flourish at close quarters without
succumbing to water-borne diseases such as dysentery. The theory sounds eccentric but once
he starts to explain the detective work that went into his deduction, the scepticism gives
way to wary admiration. Macfarlanes case has been strengthened by support from notable
quarters - Roy Porter, the distinguished medical historian, recently wrote a favourable
appraisal of his research.

D Macfarlane had wondered for a long time how the Industrial Revolution came about.
Historians had alighted on one interesting factor around the mid-18th century that required
explanation. Between about 1650 and 1740, the population in Britain was static. But then
there was a burst in population growth. Macfarlane says: ‘The infant mortality rate halved
in the space of 20 years, and this happened in both rural areas and cities, and across all
classes. People suggested four possible causes. Was there a sudden change in the viruses and
bacteria around? Unlikely. Was there a revolution in medical science? But this was a century
before Listers revolution*. Was there a change in environmental conditions? There were
improvements in agriculture that wiped out malaria, but these were small gains. Sanitation
did not become widespread until the 19th century. The only option left is food. But the
height and weight statistics show a decline. So the food must have got worse. Efforts to
explain this sudden reduction in child deaths appeared to draw a blank

* Joseph Lister was the first doctor to use antiseptic techniques during surgical operations to prevent infections.


E This population burst seemed to happen at just the right time to provide labour for the
Industrial Revolution. ‘When you start moving towards an industrial revolution, it is
economically efficient to have people living close together,
’ says Macfarlane. ‘But then you
get disease, particularly from human waste.’ Some digging around in historical records
revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that time,
especially dysentery. Macfarlane deduced that whatever the British were drinking must have
been important in regulating disease. He says, ‘We drank beer. For a long time, the English
were protected by the strong antibacterial agent in hops, which were added to help preserve
the beer. But in the late 17th century a tax was introduced on malt, the basic ingredient of
beer. The poor turned to water and gin and in the 1720s the mortality rate began to rise
again. Then it suddenly dropped again. What caused this

F Macfarlane looked to Japan, which was also developing large cities about the same time,
and also had no sanitation. Water-borne diseases had a much looser grip on the Japanese
population than those in Britain. Could it be the prevalence of tea in their culture?
Macfarlane then noted that the history of tea in Britain provided an extraordinary
coincidence of dates. Tea was relatively expensive until Britain started a direct clipper trade
with China in the early 18th century. By the 1740s, about the time that infant mortality
was dipping, the drink was common. Macfarlane guessed that the fact that water had to
be boiled, together with the stomach-purifying properties of tea meant that the breast
milk provided by mothers was healthier than it had ever been. No other European nation
sipped tea like the British, which, by Macfarlanes logic, pushed these other countries out of
contention for the revolution.

G But, if tea is a factor in the combination lock, why didn’t Japan forge ahead in a tea-soaked
industrial revolution of its own? Macfarlane notes that even though 17th-century Japan had
large cities, high literacy rates, even a futures market, it had turned its back on the essence
of any work-based revolution by giving up labour-saving devices such as animals, afraid that
they would put people out of work. So, the nation that we now think of as one of the most
technologically advanced entered the 19th century having abandoned the wheel5.

Test 2

Questions 8 -1 3

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ .;

> TajWe 0 ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

>bch[ m nl[hmjiln msmn_g q[m hin mocn[\f_ il ch^omnls ch nb_ . nb ]_hnols+

5 O_[ [h^ \__l \inb b_fj_^ ni jl_p_hn ^sm_hn_ls ch =lcn[ch+

.- Mis Kiln_l ^cm[al__m qcnb Kli _mmil H[] [lf[h_ m ch^cham+

.. < n_l .41- nb_l_ q[m [ l_^o]ncih ch jijof[ncih ch =lcn[ch+

./ K_ijf_ ch =lcn[ch om_^ ni g[e_ \__l [n big_+

.0 Ob_ n[r ih g[fn ch^cl_]nfs ][om_^ [ lcm_ ch nb_ ^_[nb l[n_+


M < ? DI B K < N N < B /

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a IVWMSRV iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a


Gifted children and learning

< Dhn_lh[ncih[ffs) ,ac n_^h_mm, cm gimn l_ko_hnfs ^_n_lg ch_^ \s [ m]il_ ih [

a_h_l[f chn_ffca_h]_ n_mn) ehiqh [m [h DL n_mn) qbc]b cm [\ip_ [ ]bim_h ]on
i jichn) omo[ffs [n [lioh^ nb_ ni j /*2"+ >bcf^l_h$m _^o][ncih[f _hpclihg_hn
]ihnlc\on_m ni nb_ DL m]il_ [h^ nb_ q[s chn_ffca_h]_ cm om_^+ Ail _r[gjf_)
[ p_ls ]fim_ jimcncp_ l_f[ncihmbcj q[m ioh^ qb_h ]bcf^l_h$m DL m]il_m q_l_
]igj[l_^ qcnb nb_cl big_ _^o][ncih[f jlipcmcih %Al__g[h) /-.-&+ Ob_ bcab_l
nb_ ]bcf^l_h$m DL m]il_m) _mj_]c[ffs ip_l DL .0-) nb_ \_nn_l nb_ ko[fcns i nb_cl
_^o][ncih[f \[]eoj) g_[mol_^ ch n_lgm i l_jiln_^ p_l\[f chn_l[]ncihm qcnb
j[l_hnm) hog\_l i \iiem [h^ []ncpcnc_m ch nb_cl big_ _n]+ =_][om_ DL n_mnm [l_
^_]c^_^fs ch fo_h]_^ \s qb[n nb_ ]bcf^ b[m f_[lh_^) nb_s [l_ ni mig_ _rn_hn
g_[mol_m i ]oll_hn []bc_p_g_hn \[m_^ ih [a_*hilgm7 nb[n cm) biq q_ff nb_
]bcf^l_h b[p_ f_[lh_^ ni g[hcjof[n_ nb_cl ehiqf_^a_ [h^ ehiq*biq qcnbch nb_
n_lgm i nb_ n_mn+ Ob_ pi][\of[ls [mj_]n) il _r[gjf_) cm ^_j_h^_hn ih b[pcha
b_[l^ nbim_ qil^m+ =on DL n_mnm ][h h_cnb_l c^_hnc s nb_ jli]_mm_m i f_[lhcha
[h^ nbchecha hil jl_^c]n ]l_[ncpcns+

= r]_ff_h]_ ^i_m hin _g_la_ q cnbion [jjlijlc[n_ b_fj+ Oi l_[]b [h

_r]_jncih[ffs bcab mn[h^[l^ ch [hs [l_[ p_ls [\f_ ]bcf^l_h h__^ nb_ g_[hm ni
f_[lh) qbc]b ch]fo^_m g[n_lc[f ni qile qcnb [h^ i]om_^ ]b[ff_hacha nocncih
* [h^ nb_ _h]iol[a_g_hn ni iffiq nb_cl ^l_[g+ Ob_l_ [jj_[lm ni \_ [
ko[fcn[ncp_ ^c _l_h]_ ch nb_ q[s nb_ chn_ff_]no[ffs bcabfs [\f_ nbche) ]igj[l_^
qcnb gil_ [p_l[a_*[\cfcns il if^_l jojcfm) il qbig _rn_lh[f l_aof[ncih \s nb_
n_[]b_l i n_h ]igj_hm[n_m il f[]e i chn_lh[f l_aof[ncih+ Oi \_ [n nb_cl gimn
_ _]ncp_ ch nb_cl m_f *l_aof[ncih) [ff ]bcf^l_h ][h \_ b_fj_^ ni c^_hnc s nb_cl iqh
q[sm i f_[lhcha * g _n[]iahcncih * qbc]b qcff ch]fo^_ mnl[n_ac_m i jf[hhcha)
g ihcnilcha) _p[fo[ncih) [h^ ]bic]_ i qb[n ni f_[lh+ gincih[f [q[l_h_mm cm
[fmi j[ln i g _n[]iahcncih) mi ]bcf^l_h mbiof^ \_ b_fj_^ ni \_ [q[l_ i nb_cl
__fcham [lioh^ nb_ [l_[ ni \_ f_[lh_^) __fcham i ]olcimcns il ]ih c^_h]_) il

> Ccab []bc_p_lm b[p_ \__h ioh^ ni om_ m_f *l_aof[nils f_[lhcha mnl[n_ac_m
gil_ i n_h [h^ gil_ _ _]ncp_fs nb[h fiq_l []bc_p_lm) [h^ [l_ \_nn_l [\f_ ni
nl[hm _l nb_m_ mnl[n_ac_m ni ^_[f qcnb oh [gcfc[l n[mem+ Obcm b[jj_hm ni mo]b [
bcab ^_al__ ch mig_ ]bcf^l_h nb[n nb_s [jj_[l ni \_ ^_g ihmnl[ncha n[f_hn ch
j[lnc]of[l [l_[m+ Jp_lpc_qcha l_m_[l]b ih nb_ nbchecha jli]_mm i bcabfs [\f_

Test 2

]bcf^l_h) %Nbil_ [h^ F[h_pmes) .550& jon nb_ chmnlo]nil$m jli\f_g mo]]ch]nfs6
D nb_s Vnb_ ac n_^X g_l_fs nbche gil_ koc]efs) nb_h q_ h__^ ihfs n_[]b gil_
koc]efs+ D nb_s g_l_fs g[e_ _q_l _llilm) nb_h q_ ][h mbiln_h nb_ jl[]nc]_$+ =on
i ]iolm_) nbcm cm hin _hncl_fs nb_ ][m_7 [^domng_hnm b[p_ ni \_ g[^_ ch g_nbi^m
i f_[lhcha [h^ n_[]bcha) ni n[e_ []]iohn i nb_ g[hs q[sm ch^cpc^o[fm nbche+

? T_n ch il^_l ni f_[lh \s nb_gm_fp_m) nb_ ac n_^ ^i h__^ mig_ mojjiln lig nb_cl
n_[]b_lm+ >ihp_lm_fs) n_[]b_lm qbi b[p_ [ n_h^_h]s ni $ip_l^cl_]n$ ][h ^cgchcmb
nb_cl ac n_^ jojcfm$ f_[lhcha [onihigs+ <fnbioab $mjiih* __^cha$ ][h jli^o]_
_rnl_g_fs bcab _r[gch[ncih l_mofnm) nb_m_ [l_ hin [fq[sm iffiq_^ \s _ko[ffs
cgjl_mmcp_ fc _ mo]]_mm_m+ Oii go]b ^_j_h^_h]_ ih nb_ n_[]b_l lcmem fimm i
[onihigs [h^ g incp[ncih ni ^cm]ip_l+ Ciq_p_l) qb_h n_[]b_lm b_fj jojcfm ni
l_ f_]n ih nb_cl iqh f_[lhcha [h^ nbchecha []ncpcnc_m) nb_s ch]l_[m_ nb_cl jojcfm$
m_f *l_aof[ncih+ Ail [ sioha ]bcf^) cn g[s \_ domn nb_ mcgjf_ ko_mncih $R b[n b[p_
sio f_[lh_^ ni^[s;$ qbc]b b_fjm nb_g ni l_]iahcm_ qb[n nb_s [l_ ^icha+ Bcp_h
nb[n [ oh^[g_hn[f ai[f i _^o][ncih cm ni nl[hm _l nb_ ]ihnlif i f_[lhcha lig
n_[]b_lm ni jojcfm) cg jlipcha jojcfm$ f_[lhcha ni f_[lh n_]bhcko_m mbiof^ \_ [
g[dil ion]ig _ i nb_ m]biif _rj_lc_h]_) _mj_]c[ffs il nb_ bcabfs ]igj_n_hn+
Ob_l_ [l_ kocn_ [ hog\_l i h_q g_nbi^m qbc]b ][h b_fj) mo]b [m ]bcf^*
chcnc[n_^ f_[lhcha) [\cfcns*j__l nonilcha) _n]+ No]b jl[]nc]_m b[p_ \__h ioh^ ni
\_ j[lnc]of[lfs om_ of il \lcabn ]bcf^l_h lig ^_jlcp_^ [l_[m+

=on m]c_hnc c] jlial_mm cm hin [ff nb_il_nc][f) ehiqf_^a_ cm [fmi pcn[f ni

ionmn[h^cha j_l ilg[h]_6 ch^cpc^o[fm qbi ehiq [ al_[n ^_[f [\ion [ mj_]c c]
^ig[ch qcff []bc_p_ [n [ bcab_l f_p_f nb[h nbim_ qbi ^i hin % fmbion) .552&+
M_m_[l]b qcnb ]l_[ncp_ m]c_hncmnm \s Ncgihnih %.5 & \lioabn bcg ni nb_
]ih]fomcih nb[n [\ip_ [ ]_ln[ch bcab f_p_f) ]b[l[]n_lcmnc]m mo]b [m ch^_j_h^_h]_
m__g_^ ni ]ihnlc\on_ gil_ ni l_[]bcha nb_ bcab_mn f_p_fm i _rj_lncm_ nb[h
chn_ff_]no[f mecffm) ^o_ ni nb_ al_[n ^_g[h^m i _ iln [h^ ncg _ h__^_^ il
f_[lhcha [h^ jl[]nc]_+ >l_[ncpcns ch [ff ilgm ][h \_ m__h [m _rj_lncm_ gcr_^
qcnb [ bcab f_p_f i g incp[ncih %R_cm\_la) .550&+

A Oi mog oj) f_[lhcha cm [ _]n_^ \s _gincihm i \inb nb_ ch^cpc^o[f [h^

mcahc c][hn inb_lm+ Kimcncp_ _gincihm []cfcn[n_ nb_ ]l_[ncp_ [mj_]nm i f_[lhcha
[h^ h_a[ncp_ _g incihm chbc\cn cn+ A_[l) il _r[gjf_) ][h fcg cn nb_ ^_p_fijg _hn
i ]olcimcns) qbc]b cm [ mnliha il]_ ch m]c_hnc c] [^p[h]_) \_][om_ cn gincp[n_m
jli\f_g *mifpcha \_b[pciol+ Dh =i_e[_lnm$ %.55.& l_pc_q i _g incih ch nb_
f_[lhcha i p_ls bcab DL [h^ bcabfs []bc_pcha ]bcf^l_h) mb_ ioh^ _gincih[f
il]_m ch b[lh_mm+ Ob_s q_l_ hin ihfs ]olciom) \on i n_h b[^ [ mnliha ^_mcl_ ni
]ihnlif nb_cl _hpclihg_hn) cgjlip_ nb_cl f_[lhcha _ c]c_h]s) [h^ ch]l_[m_ nb_cl
iqh f_[lhcha l_miol]_m+


Questions 1 4 -1 7

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ / b[m mcr j[l[al[jbm) < *A +

Rbc]b j[l[al[jb ]ihn[chm nb_ iffiqcha ch ilg[ncih;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe ), )/ a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

.1 [ l_ _l_h]_ ni nb_ ch fo_h]_ i nb_ ^ig_mnc] \[]ealioh^ ih nb_ ac n_^ ]bcf^

.2 l_ _l_h]_ ni qb[n ][h \_ fimn c f_[lh_lm [l_ acp_h nii go]b aoc^[h]_

.3 [ l_ _l_h]_ ni nb_ ^[g[acha _ _]nm i [hrc_ns

.4 _r[gjf_m i ]f[mmliig n_]bhcko_m qbc]b [piol mi]c[ffs*^cm[^p[hn[a_^ ]bcf^l_h

FgWef[a e )0

Aaa Sf fZW Xa^^ai[ Y efSfW W fe FgWef[a e )0 S V fZW ^[ef aX bWab^W TW^ai&

BSfUZ WSUZ efSfW W f i[fZ fZW UaddWUf bWdea ad bWab^W 6 :&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 : [ TajWe )0 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

. G_mm ncg_ ][h \_ mj_hn ih _r_l]cm_m qcnb ac n_^ jojcfm qbi jli^o]_ []]ol[n_ qile+

.5 N_f *l_fc[h]_ cm [ p[fo[\f_ niif nb[n b_fjm ac n_^ mno^_hnm l_[]b nb_cl ai[fm+

/- Bc n_^ ]bcf^l_h ehiq biq ni ]b[hh_f nb_cl __fcham ni [mmcmn nb_cl f_[lhcha+

/. Ob_ p_ls ac n_^ ]bcf^ \_h_ cnm lig [jjlijlc[n_ mojjiln lig ]fim_ l_f[ncp_m+

// M_[ffs mo]]_mm of mno^_hnm b[p_ f_[lhn [ ]ihmc^_l[\f_ [giohn [\ion nb_cl mo\d_]n+


0 Al__g[h
1 Nbil_ [h^ F[h_pmes

> fmbion
3 Ncgihnih
4 =i_e[_lnm

Test 2

Questions 2 3 -2 6

8a b^WfW fZW eW fW UWe TW^ai&

8ZaaeW : 9 3 6 : C C 2? Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

/0 Jh_ mno^s ioh^ [ mnliha ]ihh_]ncih \_nq__h ]bcf^l_h m DL [h^ nb_ [p[cf[\cfcns
i +++++++++++++++ [ h ^ ++++++++++++++++ [n big_+
/1 >bcf^l_h i [p_l[a_ [\cfcns m__g ni h__^ gil_ ^cl_]ncih lig n_[]b_lm \_][om_
nb_s ^i hin b [ p _ +++++++++++++++++
/2 H_n[]iahcncih chpifp_m ]bcf^l_h oh^_lmn[h^cha nb_cl iqh f_[lhcha mnl[n_ac_m) [m q_ff
[m ^_p_fijcha+++++++++++++++++
/3 O_[]b_lm qbi l_fs ih qb[n cm ehiqh [ m +++++++++++++++ i n_h jli^o]_ m_nm i cgjl_mmcp_
al[^_m ch ]f[mm n_mnm+

M < ? DI B K < N N < B 0

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a IVWMSRV * iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

M use u ms o f fin e art an d t h eir p u b lic

Ob_ [ ]n nb[n j _ijf_ ai ni nb_ Giopl_ g om_og ch
K[lcm ni m__ nb_ i lca ch [ f j [ ch nch a M ona Lisa q b_h
nb_s ][h m__ [ l_ j li ^ o ]nci h [hsq b_l_ f_[^m om
ni ko_mncih mig_ [mmog jncihm [\ i o n nb_ lif_ i
g om_og m i ch _ [ln ch ni^[s$m q i lf^
Jh_ i nb_ gimn [giom qilem i [ln ch ]ihn_hn ni [mmcah
nb_ qilf^ cm G_ih[l^i ^[ Qch]c$m Ba S nb_ l_jli^o]ncih
A[eS& I_[lfs _p_lsih_ qbi ai_m ni m__ nb_ i nb_cl ]l_[ncihm
ilcach[f q cff [fl_[^s \_ [g cfc[l qcnb cn lig ni nb_cl qilembij
l_jli^o]ncihm) \on nb_s []]_jn nb[n ch_ [ln [jjl_hnc]_m [m
cm gil_ l_q[l^chafs pc_q_^ ch cnm ilcach[f l_aof[l $\l_[^ [h^ \onn_l$ qile+ <h^
ilg+ ni^[s nb_ n[me i l_jli^o]cha jc]nol_m cm
Ciq_p_l) c Ba S A[eS q[m [ [giom ch]igj[l[\fs gil_ mcgjf_ [h^ l_fc[\f_)
hip_f) _q j_ijf_ qiof^ \inb_l ni qcnb l_jlial[jbc] n_]bhcko_m nb[n [ffiq
ai ni [ gom_og ni l_[^ nb_ qlcn_l$m nb_ jli^o]ncih i bcab*ko[fcns jlchnm g[^_
[]no[f g[hom]lcjn l[nb_l nb[h [ jlchn_^ _r[]nfs ni nb_ ilcach[f m][f_) qcnb [cnb of
l_jli^o]ncih+ Obcm gcabn \_ _rjf[ch_^ \s ]ifiol p[fo_m) [h^ _p_h qcnb ^ojfc][ncih i
nb_ []n nb[n nb_ hip_f b[m _pifp_^ jl_]cm_fs nb_ mol []_ l_fc_ i nb_ j[chncha+
\_][om_ i n_]bhifiac][f ^_p_fijg_hnm =on ^_mjcn_ [h cg jfc]cn l_]iahcncih nb[n
nb[n g[^_ cn jimmc\f_ ni jlchn ion boa_ nb_ mjl_[^ i aii^ l_jli^o]ncihm ][h \_
hog\_lm i n_rnm) qb_l_[m icf j[chncham b[p_ ]ofnol[ffs p[fo[\f_) gom_ogm ]ihncho_ ni
[fq[sm \__h jli^o]_^ [m ohcko_ i\d_]nm+ Dh jligin_ nb_ mj_]c[f mn[nom i ilcach[f qile+
[^^cncih) cn ]iof^ \_ [lao_^ nb[n nb_ jl[]nc]_ Ph ilnoh[n_fs) nbcm m__gm ni jf[]_ m_p_l_
i chn_ljl_ncha il $l_[^cha$ _[]b g_^cog fcgcn[ncihm ih nb_ ech^ i _rj_lc_h]_ i _l_^
iffiqm ^c _l_hn ]ihp_hncihm+ R cnb hip_fm) ni pcmcnilm+
nb_ l_[^_l [nn_h^m g[chfs ni nb_ g_[hcha i Jh_ fcgcn[ncih cm l_f[n_^ ni nb_ q[s nb_
qil^m l[nb_l nb[h nb_ q[s nb_s [l_ jlchn_^ gom_og jl_m_hnm cnm _rbc\cnm+ <m l_jimcnilc_m
ih nb_ j[a_) qb_l_[m nb_ $l_[^_l$ i [ i ohcko_ bcmnilc][f i\d_]nm) [ln gom_ogm
j[chncha gomn [nn_h^ domn [m ]fim_fs ni nb_ [l_ i n_h ][ff_^ $nl_[mol_ biom_m$+ R_ [l_
g[n_lc[f ilg i g[lem [h^ mb[j_m ch nb_ l_gch^_^ i nbcm _p_h \_ il_ q_ pc_q
jc]nol_ [m ni [hs c^_[m nb_s g[s mcahc s+ [ ]iff_]ncih \s nb_ jl_m_h]_ i m_]olcns
T_n cn b[m [fq[sm \__h jimmc\f_ ni g[e_ ao[l^m) [nn_h^[hnm) lij_m [h^ ^cmjf[s ][m_m
p_ls []]ol[n_ []mcgcf_m i jl_nns q_ff [hs ni e__j om [q[s lig nb_ _rbc\cnm+ Dh g[hs
ch_ [ln qile+ Ob_ m_p_h molpcpcha p_lmcihm ][m_m) nb_ [l]bcn_]nol[f mnsf_ i nb_ \ocf^cha
i Ba S A[eS \_[l qcnh_mm ni nb_ []n nb[n olnb_l l_ch il]_m nb[n hincih+ Dh [^^cncih)
ch nb_ .3nb ]_hnols) [lncmnm m__g_^ j_l _]nfs [ g[dil ]iff_]ncih fce_ nb[n i Gih^ih$m

Test 2

I[ncih[f B[ff_ls cm biom_^ ch hog_liom nb_ [o^c_h]_ _h]iohn_lm [h ij_l[ il [ jf[s

liigm) _[]b qcnb ^it_hm i qilem) [hs ip_l [ mj_]c c] ncg_) qbc]b cm nb_ ^ol[ncih
ih_ i qbc]b cm fce_fs ni \_ qilnb gil_ i nb_ j_l ilg[h]_+ Ncgcf[lfs) hip_fm [h^
nb[h [ff nb_ [p_l[a_ pcmcnil jimm_mm_m+ Dh [ ji_gm [l_ l_[^ ch [ jl_m]lc\_^ n_gjil[f
mi]c_ns nb[n do^a_m nb_ j_lmih[f mn[nom i nb_ m_ko_h]_) qb_l_[m [ jc]nol_ b[m hi ]f_[l
ch^cpc^o[f mi go]b \s nb_cl g[n_lc[f qilnb) jf[]_ [n qbc]b ni mn[ln pc_qcha) il [n
cn cm nb_l_ il_ ^c c]ofn hin ni \_ cgjl_mm_^ \s qbc]b ni chcmb+ Obom [ln qilem nb_gm_fp_m
ih_$m iqh l_f[ncp_ $qilnbf_mmh_mm$ ch mo]b [h _h]iol[a_ om ni pc_q nb_g moj_l c]c[ffs)
_hpclihg_hn+ q cnbion [jjl_]c[ncha nb_ lc]bh_mm i ^_n[cf
Aolnb_lgil_) ]ihmc^_l[ncih i nb_ Q[fo_$ [h^ f[\iol nb[n cm chpifp_^+
i nb_ ilcach[f qile ch cnm nl_[mol_ biom_ >ihm_ko_hnfs) nb_ ^igch[hn ]lcnc][f
m_nncha cgjl_mm_m ojih nb_ pc_q_l nb[n) [jjli[]b \_]ig_m nb[n i nb_ [ln bcmnilc[h)
mch]_ nb_m_ qilem q_l_ ilcach[ffs jli^o]_^) [ mj_]c[fcm_^ [][^_gc] [jjli[]b ^_pin_^ ni
nb_s b[p_ \__h [mmcah_^ [ boa_ gih_n[ls $^cm]ip_lcha nb_ g_[hcha$ i [ln q cnbch nb_
p[fo_ \s mig_ j_lmih il chmncnoncih gil_ ]ofnol[f ]ihn_rn i cnm ncg_+ Obcm cm ch j_l _]n
jiq_l of nb[h nb_gm_fp_m+ pc^_hnfs) b[lgihs qcnb nb_ gom_og$m oh]ncih) mch]_
hinbcha nb_ pc_q_l nbchem [\ion nb_ qile nb_ [jjli[]b cm ^_^c][n_^ ni m__echa ion [h^
cm aicha ni [fn_l nb[n p[fo_) [h^ mi ni^[s$m ]ihm_lpcha $[onb_hnc]$) $ilcach[f$ l_[^cham i
pc_q_l cm ^_n_ll_^ lig nlscha ni _rn_h^ nb[n nb_ _rbc\cnm+ <a[ch) nbcm m__gm ni jon j[c^
mjihn[h_iom) cgg_^c[n_) m_f *l_fc[hn ech^ i ni nb[n mjihn[h_iom) j[lnc]cj[nils ]lcnc]cmg
l_[^cha qbc]b qiof^ ilcach[ffs b[p_ g_n nb_ qbc]b ][h \_ ioh^ ch [\oh^[h]_ ch
qile+ ]lcnc]cmg i ]f[mmc] qilem i fcn_l[nol_) \on cm
Ob_ pcmcnil g[s nb_h \_ mnlo]e \s nb_ [\m_hn lig gimn [ln bcmnils+
mnl[ha_h_mm i m__cha mo]b ^cp_lm_ j[chncham) Ob_ ^cmjf[sm i [ln gom_ogm m_lp_
^l[qcham [h^ m]ofjnol_m \lioabn nia_nb_l [m [ q[lhcha i qb[n ]lcnc][f jl[]nc]_m
ch [h _hpclihg_hn il qbc]b nb_s q_l_ hin ][h _g_la_ qb_h mjihn[h_iom ]lcnc]cmg
ilcach[ffs ]l_[n_^+ Obcm $^cmjf[]_g_hn _ _]n$ cm mojjl_mm_^+ Ob_ gom_og jo\fc]) fce_
cm olnb_l b_cabn_h_^ \s nb_ mb__l pifog_ i [hs inb_l [o^c_h]_) _rj_lc_h]_ [ln gil_
_rbc\cnm+ Dh nb_ ][m_ i [ g[dil ]iff_]ncih) l_q[l^chafs qb_h acp_h nb_ ]ih c^_h]_
nb_l_ [l_ jli\[\fs gil_ qilem ih ^cmjf[s ni _rjl_mm nb_cl pc_qm+ D [jjlijlc[n_
nb[h q_ ]iof^ l_[fcmnc][ffs pc_q ch q__em il qilem i ch_ [ln ]iof^ \_ l_h^_l_^
_p_h gihnbm+ j_lg[h_hnfs []]_mmc\f_ ni nb_ jo\fc] \s
Obcm cm j[lnc]of[lfs ^cmnl_mmcha \_][om_ g_[hm i bcab* c^_fcns l_jli^o]ncihm) [m
ncg_ m__gm ni \_ [ pcn[f []nil ch nb_ fcn_l[nol_ [h^ gomc] [fl_[^s [l_) nb_ jo\fc]
[jjl_]c[ncih i [ff [ln ilgm+ < oh^[g_hn[f g[s __f mig_qb[n f_mm ch [q_ i nb_g+
^c _l_h]_ \_nq__h j[chncham [h^ inb_l [ln Ph ilnoh[n_fs) nb[n g[s \_ nii go]b ni [me
ilgm cm nb[n nb_l_ cm hi jl_m]lc\_^ ncg_ lig nbim_ qbi m__e ni g[chn[ch [h^ ]ihnlif
ip_l qbc]b [ j[chncha cm pc_q_^+ =s ]ihnl[mn) nb_ [ln _mn[\fcmbg_hn+


Questions 27 -31

Complete the summary using the list o f words A -L , below.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 A [ TajWe / ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

The value attached to original works of art

K_ijf_ ai ni [ln gom_ogm \_][om_ nb_s []]_jn nb_ p[fo_ i m__cha [h ilcach[f qile i [ln+
=on nb_s ^i hin ai ni gom_ogm ni l_[^ ilcach[f g[hom]lcjnm i hip_fm) j_lb[jm \_][om_ nb_
[p[cf[\cfcns i hip_fm b[m ^_j_h^_^ ih / 4 ++++++++++++++++ il mi fiha) [h^ [fmi \_][om_ qcnb hip_fm) nb_
/ +++++++++++++++ [l_ nb_ gimn cgjiln[hn nbcha+

Ciq_p_l) ch bcmnilc][f ncg_m [lncmnm mo]b [m G_ih[l^i q_l_ b[jjs ni chmnlo]n / 5 +++++++++++++++
ni jli^o]_ ]ijc_m i nb_cl qile [h^ nb_m_ ^[sm h_q g_nbi^m i l_jli^o]ncih [ffiq _r]_ff_hn
l_jfc][ncih i mol []_ l_fc_ _[nol_m [m q_ff [m ]ifiol [h^ 0 - +++++++++++++++++

Dn cm l_al_nn[\f_ nb[n gom_ogm mncff jligin_ nb_ moj_lcilcns i ilcach[f qilem i [ln) mch]_
nbcm g[s hin \_ ch nb_ chn_l_mnm i nb_ 0 . +++++++++++++++++

< chmncnoncih = g[mm jli^o]ncih > g_]b[hc][f jli]_mm_m

? jo\fc] j[chnm A [lncmn
B mct_ C oh^_lfscha c^_[m D \[mc] n_]bhifias

E l_[^_lm F jc]nol_ l[g_m G [mmcmn[hnm

Test 2

Questions 3 2 -3 5

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ TajWe - a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

0/ Ob_ qlcn_l g_hncihm Gih^ih m I[ncih[f B[ff_ls ni cffomnl[n_

nb_ oh^_mcl[\f_ ]imn ni [ h[ncih i g[chn[chcha [ boa_ ]iff_]ncih i [ln+
" nb_ ]ih fc]n nb[n g[s [lcm_ ch mi]c_ns \_nq__h ch[h]c[f [h^ [lncmnc] p[fo_m)
# nb_ h_a[ncp_ _ _]n [ gom_og ][h b[p_ ih pcmcnilm ijchcihm i nb_gm_fp_m)
nb_ h__^ ni jon ch^cpc^o[f q_ff*\_cha [\ip_ f[la_*m][f_ [lncmnc] m]b_g_m+

00 Ob_ qlcn_l m[sm nb[n ni^[s) pc_q_lm g[s \_ ohqcffcha ni ]lcnc]cm_ [ qile \_][om_

< nb_s f[]e nb_ ehiqf_^a_ h__^_^ ni mojjiln [h ijchcih+

= nb_s _[l cn g[s b[p_ ch[h]c[f cgjfc][ncihm+
> nb_s b[p_ hi l_[f ]ih]_jn i nb_ qile m p[fo_+
? nb_s __f nb_cl j_lmih[f l_[]ncih cm i hi mcahc c][h]_+

01 <]]il^cha ni nb_ qlcn_l) nb_ ~^cmjf[]_g_hn _ _]n ih nb_ pcmcnil cm ][om_^ \s

nb_ p[lc_ns i qilem ih ^cmjf[s [h^ nb_ q[s nb_s [l_ [ll[ha_^)
nb_ cgjimmc\cfcns i pc_qcha j[lnc]of[l qilem i [ln ip_l [ fiha j_lci^)
" nb_ mcgcf[l h[nol_ i nb_ j[chncham [h^ nb_ f[]e i al_[n qilem)
# nb_ ch[jjlijlc[n_ h[nol_ i nb_ ch^cpc^o[f qilem m_f_]n_^ il _rbc\cncih+

02 Ob_ qlcn_l m[sm nb[n ohfce_ inb_l ilgm i [ln) [ j[chncha ^i_m hin
chpifp_ ^cl_]n ]ihn[]n qcnb [h [o^c_h]_)
l_kocl_ [ mj_]c c] fi][ncih il [ j_l ilg[h]_)
" h__^ nb_ chpifp_g_hn i inb_l jli _mmcih[fm)
# b[p_ [ mj_]c c] \_achhcha il _h^+


Questions 3 6 -4 0

Do the following statements agree with the views o f the writer in Reading Passage 3?

> TajWe . ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

N:H [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW h[Wie aX fZW id[fWd

CD [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW h[Wie aX fZW id[fWd
CDI 7B3: [X [f [e [ baee[T^W fa eSk iZSf fZW id[fWd fZ[ e STagf fZ[e

03 <ln bcmnils mbiof^ i]om ih ^cm]ip_lcha nb_ g_[hcha i [ln omcha [ l[ha_ i g_^c[+

04 Ob_ [jjli[]b i [ln bcmnilc[hm ]ih fc]nm qcnb nb[n i [ln gom_ogm+

0 K_ijf_ mbiof^ \_ _h]iol[a_^ ni acp_ nb_cl ijchcihm ij_hfs ih qilem i [ln+

05 M_jli^o]ncihm i ch_ [ln mbiof^ ihfs \_ mif^ ni nb_ jo\fc] c nb_s [l_ i bcab ko[fcns+

1- Dh nb_ onol_) nbim_ qcnb jiq_l [l_ fce_fs ni _h]iol[a_ gil_ j_ijf_ ni _hdis [ln+

Test 2


R M DO DI B O < N F .

Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




Ld[fW Sf ^WSef )-( iadVe&

Sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas (1999 & 2004)

Coffee 1 99 9 2004
(millions of euros) (millions of euros)
PF .+2 /-
Nqcnt_lf[h^ 0 3
?_hg[le .+ /
=_facog . .+4
Nq_^_h -+ .

Bananas 199 9 2004

(millions of euros) (millions of euros)
Nqcnt_lf[h^ .2 14
PF . 2+2
=_facog -+3 1
Nq_^_h .+ .
?_hg[le / -+5

' A[clnl[^_6 [ ][n_ails i jli^o]nm il qbc]b [lg_lm lig ^_p_fijcha ]iohnlc_m b[p_ \__h j[c^ [h
i c]c[ffs [al__^ [cl jlc]_+


R M DO DI B O < N F /

Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Rlcn_ [\ion nb_ iffiqcha nijc]6




Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+

Test 2

N K < F DI B

K<MO .
Ob_ _r[gch_l [mem nb_ ][h^c^[n_ [\ion bcg,b_lm_f ) bcm,b_l big_) qile il mno^c_m [h^
inb_l [gcfc[l nijc]m+


H omc]

£ Rb[n nsj_m i gomc] ^i sio fce_ ni fcmn_h ni; VRbs;X

£ <n qb[n ncg_m i ^[s ^i sio fce_ ni fcmn_h ni gomc]; VRbs;X
£ ?c^ sio f_[lh ni jf[s [ gomc][f chmnlog_hn qb_h sio q_l_ [ ]bcf^; VRbs,Rbs hin;X
£ ?i sio nbche [ff ]bcf^l_h mbiof^ f_[lh ni jf[s [ gomc][f chmnlog_hn; VRbs,Rbs hin;X

K<MO /

? _m]lc\_ [ mb i j h_[l q b_l_ sio fcp_ Tio qcff b[p_ ni n[fe [\ion nb_ nijc] il
nb [ n sio mig _ncg _m om_+ ih_ ni nqi gchon_m+
Tio b[p_ ih_ gchon_ ni nbche [\ion
Tio mb i o f^ m[s6 qb[n sio [l_ aicha ni m[s+
q b [n m i lnm i j li ^ o ] n i l Tio ][h g[e_ mig_ hin_m ni b_fj sio
m_lpc]_ cn m_ ffm c sio qcmb+
q b [n nb_ mb i j fi i em fce_
q b_l_ cn cm fi][n_^
[h^ _rjf[ch q b s sio om_ nb cm mbij+

K<MO 0
Gi][f \omch_mm

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Rb[n nsj_m i fi][f \omch_mm [l_ nb_l_ ch siol h_cab\iolbii^; <l_ nb_l_ [hs
l_mn[ol[hnm) mbijm il ^_hncmnm il _r[gjf_;
?i sio nbche fi][f \omch_mm_m [l_ cgjiln[hn il [ h_cab\iolbii^; Dh qb[n q[s;
Ciq ^i f[la_ mbijjcha g[ffm [h^ ]igg_l]c[f ]_hnl_m [ _]n mg[ff fi][f \omch_mm_m;
Rbs ^i sio nbche nb[n cm;

K_ijf_ [h^ \omch _ mm

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

R bs ^i mig_ j_ijf_ q[hn ni mn[ln nb_cl iqh \omch_mm;
<l_ nb_l_ [hs ^cm[^p[hn[a_m ni lohhcha [ \omch_mm; Rbc]b cm nb_ gimn m_lciom;
Rb[n [l_ nb_ gimn cgjiln[hn ko[fcnc_m nb[n [ aii^ \omch_mm j_lmih h__^m; R bs cm nb[n;
AI (

N > O DJ I . Questions 1+10

8a b^WfW fZW Xad TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 6C9'DG 6 CJB7:G Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Early Learning Childcare Centre

Enrolment Form
:jS b^W
K[l_hn il ao[l^c[h6 > [ li f+++++++++ Ng cnb++++++++++

K_lmih[f ?_n[cfm
>bcf^ m h[g_6 F[n_
<a_6 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
<^^l_mm6 / ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Mi[^) Rii^mc^_) 1-0/
Kbih_6 0012 5 32

> bcf^][l_ Dh i lg [ nci h

?[sm _hliff_^ il6 Hih^[s [h^ 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Nn[ln ncg_6 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [g
>bcf^][l_ alioj6 nb_ 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++alioj
Rbc]b g_[f,m [l_ l_kocl_^ _[]b ^[s; 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
H_^c][f ]ih^cncihm6 h__^m 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
g_la_h]s ]ihn[]n6 E_hhs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Kbih_6 0013 42/0
M_f[ncihmbcj ni ]bcf^6 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Rcff j[s _[]b . - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Test 3

S ECT I ON 2 Questions 11+20

FgWef[a e )) S V )

8ZaaeW C ^WffWde 3

Rbc]b ORJ nbcham ^i_m <fc]_ m[s [\ion nb_ ?ifjbch >ihm_lp[ncih Olomn;

>bcf^l_h g[e_ oj gimn i nb_ g_g\_lmbcj+

! Dn m nb_ ]iohnls m f[la_mn ]ihm_lp[ncih ila[hcm[ncih+
" Dn b_fjm ch[h]_ ][gj[cahm il ]b[ha_m ch cmbcha jl[]nc]_m+
# Dn _gjfism m_p_l[f ^ifjbch _rj_lnm off*ncg_+
% Qifohn__lm b_fj ch p[lciom q[sm+

FgWef[a e ) )-

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 0 ad 8&

.0 Rbs cm <fc]_ mi jf_[m_^ nb_ Olomn b[m qih nb_ >b[lcns >iggcmmcih [q[l^;

Dn b[m \lioabn ch _rnl[ gih_s+

! Dn g[^_ nb_ qile i nb_ nlomn \_nn_l ehiqh+
Dn b[m [nnl[]n_^ gil_ g_g\_lm+

.1 <fc]_ m[sm icf _rjfil[ncih ][om_m jli\f_gm ni ^ifjbchm \_][om_ i

< hicm_+
= icf f_[em+
> gip_g_hn i mbcjm+

.2 <fc]_ \_][g_ chn_l_mn_^ ch ^ifjbchm qb_h

mb_ m[q ih_ mqcggcha h_[l b_l big_)
mb_ b_[l^ [ mj_[e_l [n b_l m]biif)
mb_ l_[^ [ \iie [\ion nb_g+


Questions 16 -20

Rbc]b ^ifjbch ^i_m <fc]_ g[e_ _[]b i nb_ iffiqcha ]igg_hnm [\ion;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 8 ad 9 Wjf fa cgWef[a e ). (&


0 Hiih^ah]_l

1 ]bi

2 Fcqc

3 N[gmih

2 RP P I

Dn b[m hin \__h m__h nbcm s_[l+

, Dn cm jbinial[jb_^ gil_ nb[h nb_ inb_lm+

- Dn cm [fq[sm p_ls _h_la_nc]+

. Dn cm nb_ h_q_mn ih_ ch nb_ m]b_g_+

' Dn b[m [h ohomo[f mb[j_+

Test 3

S ECT I ON 3 Questions 21+30

FgWef[a e ) -

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 ad 8&

Theatre Studies Course

/. Rb[n b_fj_^ Mi\ ni jl_j[l_ ni jf[s nb_ ]b[l[]n_l i [ ^i]nil;

< nb_ mnilc_m bcm al[h^ [nb_l nif^ bcg

= nb_ ncg_m qb_h b_ q[n]b_^ bcm al[h^ [nb_l qilecha
> nb_ q[s b_ cg[ach_^ bcm al[h^ [nb_l [n qile

// Dh nb_ jf[s m clmn m]_h_) nb_ \il_^ig i pcff[a_ fc _ q[m moaa_mn_^ \s

< l_j_ncncih i qil^m [h^ jbl[m_m+

= m]_h_ls j[chn_^ ch ^off ]ifiolm+
> fiha j[om_m qcnbch ]ihp_lm[ncihm+

/0 Rb[n b[m Mi\ f_[lh_^ [\ion bcgm_f nblioab qilecha ch [ alioj;

< C_ fce_m ni b[p_ ]f_[l aoc^_fch_m+

= C_ ]ij_m q_ff qcnb mnl_mm+
> C_ nbchem b_ cm [ aii^ f_[^_l*

/1 Oi mojjiln nb_ jli^o]ncih) l_m_[l]b g[n_lc[f q[m om_^ qbc]b ^_m]lc\_^

< jifcnc][f ^_p_fijg_hnm+

= ]b[hacha mi]c[f [nncno^_m+
> _]ihigc] nl[hm ilg[ncihm+

/2 R b[n jli\f_g ^c^ nb_ mno^_hnm ip_l]ig_ ch nb_ ch[f l_b_[lm[f;

< ih_ j_lmih ila_nncha nb_cl qil^m

= [h _kocjg_hn [cfol_
> nb_ chdols i ih_ ]b[l[]n_l


Questions 2 6 -3 0

Rb[n []ncih cm h__^_^ il nb_ iffiqcha mn[a_m ch ^icha nb_ ~s_[l [\li[^ ijncih;

8ZaaeW >K: S eiWde Xda fZW Taj S V id[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 Wjf fa
cgWef[a e . (&

0 G MR

0 \_ ih ncg_

1 a_n [ f_nn_l i l_]igg_h^[ncih

> jf[h il nb_ ch[f s_[l

3 g[e_ mol_ nb_ chmncnoncih m i]om cm l_f_p[hn

4 mbiq [\cfcns ch Ob_[nl_ Nno^c_m

5 g[e_ nl[p_f [ll[ha_g_hnm [h^ \iiecham

6 [me il b_fj


/3 ch nb_ m_]ih^ s_[l i nb_ ]iolm_ ++++++

/4 qb_h clmn ]biimcha qb_l_ ni ai

/ qb_h m_h^cha ch siol ]bic]_m

/5 qb_h qlcncha siol j_lmih[f mn[n_g_hn ++++++

0- qb_h ^icha nb_ s_[l [\li[^

Test 3

S ECT I ON 4 Questions 31+40

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

'Self-re g ulatory focus th e ory' and le a d ership


K_ijf_$m i]om cm ni [jjli[]b jf_[mol_ il [pic^ j[ch

Kligincih ai[fm i]om ih 0 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Kl_p_hncih ai[fm _gjb[mcm_ [pic^cha johcmbg_hn


Ob_ >blihc] A[]nil

£ ]ig_m lig ih_$m 0 / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ob_ 0 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A[]nil

£ q_ [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni i]om ih jligincih ai[fm qb_h qcnb [ 0 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ q_ [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni i]om ih jl_p_hncih ai[fm qcnb iol \imm


Kligincih Ai]om6 K_ijf_ nbche [\ion [h c^_[f p_lmcih i nb_gm_fp_m) nb_cl

0 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[h^ nb_cl a[chm+

Kl_p_hncih Ai]om6 K_ijf_ nbche [\ion nb_cl $ioabn$ m_f [h^ nb_cl i\fca[ncihm



G_[^_lmbcj \_b[pciol [h^ 0 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ _]nm j_ijf_$m i]om

IdS eXad Sf[a S^ AWSVWde2

£ j[s mj_]c[f [nn_hncih ni nb_ 0 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i nb_cl iffiq_lm

£ j[mmcih[n_fs ]iggohc][n_ [ ^_[ l 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ chmjcl_ jlig incih i]om ch iffiq_lm

IdS eSUf[a S^ AWSVWde2

£ ]l_[n_ 0 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ni g[e_ _rj_]n[ncihm ]f_[l

£ _gjb[mcm_ nb_ l_mofnm i [ gcmn[e_

£ chmjcl_ jl_p_hncih i]om ch iffiq_lm


Kligincih Ai]om cm aii^ il di\m l_koclcha 1 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Kl_p_hncih Ai]om cm aii^ il qile mo]b [m [ mola_ih
G_[^_lm$ []ncihm [ _]n qbc]b i]om j_ijf_ om_

Test 3

M <?DIB K<NN<B .

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a IVWMSRV ' iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW ) a fZW Xa^^ai[ Y bSYWe&

FgWef[a e ) ,

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ . b[m cp_ j[l[al[jbm) 0 4

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ZWSV[ Y Xad bSdSYdSbZe N * Xda fZW ^[ef aX ZWSV[ Ye TW^ai&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf g TWd M Y MM [ TajWe ) , a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&


c ]ihigc] [h^ mi]c[f mcahc c][h]_ i niolcmg

cc Ob_ ^_p_fijg_hn i g[mm niolcmg

ccc Ol[p_f il nb_ q_[fnbs

cp [lhcha il_cah _r]b[ha_ nblioab niolcmg

p ?c c]ofns ch l_]iahcmcha nb_ _]ihigc] _ _]nm i niolcmg

pc Ob_ ]ihnlc\oncih i [cl nl[p_f ni niolcmg

p cc Ob_ qilf^ cgj[]n i niolcmg

p ccc Ob_ bcmnils i nl[p_f

:jS b^W 6 eiWd

K[l[al[jb 0 X MMM

K[l[al[jb 1

/ K[l[al[jb >

( K[l[al[jb 3
) K[l[al[jb 4


The Context, Meaning

and Scope of Tourism
A Travel has existed since the beginning of time, when primitive man set out, often
traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing
necessary for his survival. Throughout the course of history, people have travelled
for purposes of trade, religious conviction, economic gain, war, migration and other
equally compelling motivations. In the Roman era, wealthy aristocrats and high
government officials also travelled for pleasure. Seaside resorts located at Pompeii
and Herculaneum afforded citizens the opportunity to escape to their vacation villas
in order to avoid the summer heat of Rome. Travel, except during the Dark Ages,
has continued to grow and, throughout recorded history, has played a vital role in the
development of civilisations and their economies.
B Tourism in the g[mm form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century
phenomenon. Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England
during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and the availability
of relatively inexpensive transportation. The creation of the commercial airline
industry following the Second World War and the subsequent development of the
jet aircraft in the 1950s signalled the rapid growth and expansion of international
travel. This growth led to the development of a major new industry: tourism. In turn,
international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments since
it not only provided new employment opportunities but also produced a means of
earning foreign exchange.
C Tourism today has grown significantly in both economic and social importance. In
most industrialised countries over the past few years the fastest growth has been
seen in the area of services. One of the largest segments of the service industry,
although largely unrecognised as an entity in some of these countries, is travel
and tourism. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (1992),‘Travel
and tourism is the largest industry in the world on virtually any economic measure
including value-added capital investment, employment and tax contributions, . In
1992, the industry’s gross output was estimated to be $3.5 trillion, over 12 per cent
of all consumer spending. The travel and tourism industry is the world’s largest
employer with almost 130 million jobs, or almost 7 per cent of all employees. This
industry is the world’s leading industrial contributor, producing over 6 per cent of
the world’s gross national product and accounting for capital investment in excess
of $422 billion in direct, indirect and personal taxes each year. Thus, tourism has a
profound impact both on the world economy and, because of the educative effect of
travel and the effects on employment, on society itself.

Test 3

? Ciq_p_l) nb_ major jli\f_gm i nb_ nl[p_f [h^ tourism industry nb[n b[p_ bc^^_h)
or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the
industry itself. The travel industry includes: hotels, motels and other types of
accommodation; restaurants and other food services; transportation services and
facilities; amusements, attractions and other leisure facilities; gift shops and a
large number of other enterprises. Since many of these businesses also serve
local residents, the impact of spending by visitors can easily be overlooked or
underestimated. In addition, Meis (1992) points out that the tourism industry
involves concepts that have remained amorphous to both analysts and decision
makers. Moreover, in all nations this problem has made it difficult for the industry
to develop any type of reliable or credible tourism information base in order to
estimate the contribution it makes to regional, national and global economies.
However, the nature of this very diversity makes travel and tourism ideal vehicles
for economic development in a wide variety of countries, regions or communities.
Jh]_ nb_ _r]fomcp_ jlipch]_ i nb_ q_[fnbs) nl[p_f [h^ tourism b[p_ \_]ig_ [h
institutionalised way of life for most of the population. In fact, McIntosh and
Bi_f^h_l %.55-& moaa_mn nb[n niolcmg b[m \_]ig_ nb_ f[la_mn ]ig g i^cns ch
international trade for many nations and, for a significant number of other countries,
it ranks second or third. For example, tourism is the major source of income in
Bermuda, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and most Caribbean countries. In
addition, Hawkins and Ritchie, quoting from data published by the American
Express Company, suggest that the travel and tourism industry is the number
one ranked employer in the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, France, (the former) West
Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and
the United States. However, because of problems of definition, which directly affect
statistical measurement, it is not possible with any degree of certainty to provide
precise, valid or reliable data about the extent of world-wide tourism participation
or its economic impact. In many cases, similar difficulties arise when attempts are
made to measure domestic tourism.


Questions 5 -1 0

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ .;

> TajWe - )( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

2 Ob_ f[la_mn _gjfisg_hn caol_m ch nb_ qilf^ [l_ ioh^ ch nb_ nl[p_f [h^ niolcmg
3 Oiolcmg ]ihnlc\on_m ip_l mcr j_l ]_hn i nb_ <omnl[fc[h alimm h[ncih[f jli^o]n+

4 Oiolcmg b[m [ mi]c[f cgj[]n \_][om_ cn jligin_m l_]l_[ncih+

Oqi g[ch _[nol_m i nb_ nl[p_f [h^ niolcmg ch^omnls g[e_ cnm _]ihigc] mcahc c][h]_
^c c]ofn ni [m]_ln[ch+
5 Qcmcnil mj_h^cha cm [fq[sm al_[n_l nb[h nb_ mj_h^cha i l_mc^_hnm ch niolcmn [l_[m+

.- Dn cm _[ms ni mbiq mn[ncmnc][ffs biq niolcmg [ _]nm ch^cpc^o[f _]ihigc_m+

FgWef[a e )) )

8a b^WfW fZW eW fW UWe TW^ai&

8ZaaeW CD BDG: I=6C I=G:: LDG9H Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe )) ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

.. Dh Bl__]_) niolcmg cm nb_ gimn cg jiln[hn+++++++++++++++++

./ Ob_ nl[p_f [h^ niolcmg ch^omnls ch E[g[c][ cm nb_ g [ di l+++++++++++++++++

.0 Ob_ jli\f_gm [mmi]c[n_^ qcnb g_[molcha chn_lh[ncih[f niolcmg [l_ i n_h l_ f_]n_^ ch
nb_ g_[mol_g_hn i +++++++++++++++++

Test 3

M <?DIB K<NN<B /

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e ), . iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

A utum n leaves
C a n a d ia n w r ite r J a y I n g r a m i n v e s tig a te s the
m y s t e r y o f w h y le a v e s tu rn r e d in th e f a ll
< Jh_ i nb_ gimn ][jncp[ncha h[nol[f _p_hnm i nb_ s_[l ch g[hs [l_[m throughout
North America is the turning of the leaves in the fall. The colours are magnificent,
but the question of exactly why some trees turn yellow or orange, and others red or
purple, is something which has long puzzled scientists.

B Summer leaves are green because they are full of chlorophyll, the molecule that
captures sunlight and converts that energy into new building materials for the tree.
As fall approaches in the northern hemisphere, the amount of solar energy available
^_]fch_m ]ihmc^_l[\fs+ Ail g[hs nl__m * _p_lal__h ]ihc _lm \_cha [h _r]_jncih
the best strategy is to abandon photosynthesis* until the spring. So rather than
maintaining the now redundant leaves throughout the winter, the tree saves its
precious resources and discards them. But before letting its leaves go, the tree
dismantles their chlorophyll molecules and ships their valuable nitrogen back into
the twigs. As chlorophyll is depleted, other colours that have been dominated by it
throughout the summer begin to be revealed. This unmasking explains the autumn
colours of yellow and orange, but not the brilliant reds and purples of trees such as
the maple or sumac.

> Ob_ miol]_ i nb_ l_^ cm qc^_fs ehiqh6 cn cm ]l_[n_^ \s [hnbi]s[hchm) q[n_l*mifo\f_
plant pigments reflecting the red to blue range of the visible spectrum. They belong to
a class of sugar-based chemical compounds also known as flavonoids. What’s puzzling
is that anthocyanins are actually newly minted, made in the leaves at the same time as
the tree is preparing to drop them. But it is hard to make sense of the manufacture of
anthocyanins - why should a tree bother making new chemicals in its leaves when it’s
already scrambling to withdraw and preserve the ones already there?

D Some nb_ilc_m [\ion anthocyanins have [lao_^ that they might act as a ]b_gc][f
defence against attacks by insects or fungi, or that they might attract fruit-eating
birds or increase a leafs tolerance to freezing. However there are problems with
each of these theories, including the fact that leaves are red for such a relatively
short period that the expense of energy needed to manufacture the anthocyanins
would outweigh any anti-fungal or anti-herbivore activity achieved.

* photosynthesis: the production of new material from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide

E It has also been proposed that trees may produce vivid red colours to convince
herbivorous insects that they are healthy and robust and would be easily able
to mount chemical defences against infestation. If insects paid attention to
such advertisements, they might be prompted to lay their eggs on a duller, and
presumably less resistant host. The flaw in this theory lies in the lack of proof
to support it. No one has as yet ascertained whether more robust trees sport the
brightest leaves, or whether insects make choices according to colour intensity.

A Perhaps the most plausible suggestion [m to why leaves q iof^ go to the trouble
of making anthocyanins when they’re busy packing up for the winter is the
theory known as the ‘light screen,hypothesis. It sounds paradoxical, because the
idea behind this hypothesis is that the red pigment is made in autumn leaves to
protect chlorophyll, the light-absorbing chemical, from too much light. Why does
chlorophyll need protection when it is the natural world’s supreme light absorber?
Why protect chlorophyll at a time when the tree is breaking it down to salvage as
much of it as possible?

B >bfilijbsff) [fnbioab exquisitely _pifp_^ ni ][jnol_ nb_ _h_las i mohfcabn)

can sometimes be overwhelmed by it, especially in situations of drought, low
temperatures, or nutrient deficiency. Moreover, the problem of oversensitivity
to light is even more acute in the fall, when the leaf is busy preparing for winter
by dismantling its internal machinery. The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll
molecules of the unstable autumn leaf is not immediately channelled into useful
products and processes, as it would be in an intact summer leaf. The weakened fall
leaf then becomes vulnerable to the highly destructive effects of the oxygen created
by the excited chlorophyll molecules.

H Even if you had h_p_l momj_]n_^ that this is what was going on when f_[p_m turn
red, there are clues out there. One is straightforward: on many trees, the leaves that
are the reddest are those on the side of the tree which gets most sun. Not only that,
but the red is brighter on the upper side of the leaf. It has also been recognised for
decades that the best conditions for intense red colours are dry, sunny days and cool
nights, conditions that nicely match those that make leaves susceptible to excess
light. And finally, trees such as maples usually get much redder the more north you
travel in the northern hemisphere. It’s colder there, they’re more stressed, their
chlorophyll is more sensitive and it needs more sunblock.

D Rb[n cm m ncff hin o ffs oh^_lmnii^) biq_p_l) cm q bs mig_ nl__m l_miln ni jli^o]cha
red pigments while others don’t bother, and simply reveal their orange or yellow
hues. Do these trees have other means at their disposal to prevent overexposure to
light in autumn? Their story, though not as spectacular to the eye, will surely turn
out to be as subtle and as complex.

Test 3

Questions 14 -18

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ / b[m hch_ j[l[al[jbm) < *f+

Rbc]b j[l[al[jb ]ihn[chm nb_ iffiqcha ch ilg[ncih;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 ^ [ TajWe ), )0 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

.1 [ ^_m]lcjncih i nb_ mo\mn[h]_ l_mjihmc\f_ il nb_ l_^ ]ifiol[ncih i f_[p_m

.2 nb_ l_[mih qbs nl__m ^lij nb_cl f_[p_m ch [onogh

.3 mig_ _pc^_h]_ ni ]ih clg [ nb_ils [\ion nb_ joljim_ i nb_ l_^ f_[p_m

.4 [h _rjf[h[ncih i nb_ oh]ncih i ]bfilijbsff

. [ moaa_mncih nb[n nb_ l_^ ]ifiol[ncih ch f_[p_m ]iof^ m_lp_ [m [ q[lhcha mcah[f

FgWef[a e )1

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

8ZaaeW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe )1 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

Why believe the ‘light screen hypothesis?

£ Ob_ gimn pcpc^fs ]ifiol_^ l_^ f_[p_m [l_ ioh^ ih nb_ mc^_ i nb_ nl__ []cha nb_

£ Ob_ / - +++++++++++++++ mol []_m i f_[p_m ]ihn[ch nb_ gimn l_^ jcag_hn+

£ M_^ f_[p_m [l_ gimn [\oh^[hn qb_h ^[sncg_ q_[nb_l ]ih^cncihm [l_ / . ++++++++++++
[h^ mohhs+

£ Ob_ chn_hmcns i nb_ l_^ ]ifiol i f_[p_m ch]l_[m_m [m sio ai olnb_l / / +++++++++++++++


Questions 2 3 -2 5

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ /;

> TajWe - a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

/0 Dn cm fce_fs nb[n nb_ l_^ jcag_hnm b_fj ni jlin_]n nb_ f_[ lig l__tcha n_gj_l[nol_m+

/1 Ob_ ~fcabn m]l__h bsjinb_mcm qiof^ chcnc[ffs m__g ni ]ihnl[^c]n qb[n cm ehiqh [\ion

/2 G_[p_m qbc]b nolh ]ifiolm inb_l nb[h l_^ [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni \_ ^[g[a_^ \s

FgWef[a .

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 8 ad 9&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ Taj . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

Ail qbc]b i nb_ iffiqcha ko_mncihm ^i_m nb_ qlcn_l i _l [h _rjf[h[ncih;

< qbs ]ihc _lm l_g[ch al__h ch qchn_l

= biq f_[p_m nolh il[ha_ [h^ s_ffiq ch [onogh
> biq b_l\cpiliom chm_]nm ]biim_ qbc]b nl__m ni f[s nb_cl _aam ch
? qbs [hnbi]s[hchm [l_ l_mnlc]n_^ ni ]_ln[ch nl__m

Test 3


Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e / ,( iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

Beyond the blue horizon

Ancient voyagers who settled the far-flung islands o f the
Pacific Ocean

An important archaeological discovery on

the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago Hawaii
of Vanuatu has revealed traces of an ancient Guam 6
seafaring people, the distant ancestors of todays
Polynesians. The site came to light only by chance. Papua New Guinea
An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of
a derelict plantation, scraped open a grave - the

first of dozens in a burial ground some 3,000
Vanuatu ...
years old. It is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Tahiti
Pacific islands, and it harbors the remains of an
ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita. the international team digging up the site, Tor it
conclusively identifies the remains as Lapita.’
They were daring blue-water adventurers
who used basic canoes to rove across the ocean. DNA teased from these human remains may
But they were not just explorers. They were also help answer one of the most puzzling questions in
pioneers who carried with them everything they Pacific anthropology: did all Pacific islanders spring
would need to build new lives —their livestock, from one source or many? Was there only one
taro seedlings and stone tools. Within the span outward migration from a single point in Asia, or
of several centuries, the Lapita stretched the several from different points? ‘This represents the
boundaries of their world from the jungle-clad best opportunity we’ve had yet/ says Spriggs, to
volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest find out who the Lapita actually were, where they
coral outliers of Tonga. came from, and who their closest descendants are
The Lapita left precious few clues about
themselves, but Efatd expands the volume of data There is one stubborn question for which
available to researchers dramatically. The remains archaeology has yet to provide any answers: how
of 62 individuals have been uncovered so far, did the Lapita accomplish the ancient equivalent
and archaeologists were also thrilled to find six of a moon landing, many times over? No-one
complete Lapita pots. Other items included a has found one of their canoes or any rigging,
Lapita burial urn with modeled birds arranged which could reveal how the canoes were sailed.
on the rim as though peering down at the human Nor do the oral histories and traditions of later
remains sealed inside. ‘It’s an important discovery,J Polynesians offer any insights, for they turn into
says Matthew Spriggs, professor of archaeology at myths long before they reach as far back in time
the Australian National University and head of as the Lapita.


All we can say for certain is that the Lapita easy. Vanuatu, for example, stretches more than
had canoes that were capable of ocean voyages, 500 miles in a northwest-southeast trend, its
and they had the ability to sail them,, says Geoff scores of intervisible islands forming a backstop
Irwin, a professor of archaeology at the University for mariners riding the trade winds home.
of Auckland. Those sailing skills, he says, were
developed and passed down over thousands of All this presupposes one essential detail, says
years by earlier mariners who worked their way Atholl Anderson, professor of prehistory at the
through the archipelagoes of the western Pacific, Australian National University: the Lapita had
making short crossings to nearby islands. The real mastered the advanced art of sailing against the
adventure didn’t begin, however, until their Lapita wind. And there’s no proof they could do any
descendants sailed out of sight of land, with such thing, ,Anderson says. ‘There has been
empty horizons on every side. This must have this assumption they did, and people have built
been as difficult for them as landing on the m o on canoes to re-create those early voyages based on that
is for us today. Certainly it distinguished them assumption. But nobody has any idea what their
from their ancestors, but what gave them the canoes looked like or how they were rigged/
courage to launch out on such risky voyages? Rather than give all the credit to human
The Lapitas thrust into the Pacific was skill, Anderson invokes the winds of chance. El
eastward, against the prevailing trade winds, Nino, the same climate disruption that affects the
Irwin notes. Those nagging headwinds, he argues, Pacific today, may have helped scatter the Lapita,
may have been the key to their success. ‘They Anderson suggests. He points out that climate data
could sail out for days into the unknown and assess obtained from slow-growing corals around the
the area, secure in the knowledge that if they Pacific indicate a series of unusually frequent El
didn’t find anything, they could turn about Ninos around the time of the Lapita expansion. By
and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds. reversing the regular east-to-west flow of the trade
This is what would have made the whole thing winds for weeks at a time, these super El Nifios’
work.,Once out there, skilled seafarers would might have taken the Lapita on long unplanned
have detected abundant leads to follow to land: voyages.
seabirds, coconuts and twigs carried out to sea by However they did it, the Lapita spread
the tides, and the afternoon pile-up of clouds on themselves a third of the way across the Pacific,
the horizon which often indicates an island in the then called it quits for reasons known only to
distance. them. Ahead lay the vast emptiness of the central
For returning explorers, successful or not, the Pacific and perhaps they were too thinly stretched
geography of their own archipelagoes would have to venture farther. They probably never numbered
provided a safety net. Without this to go by, more than a few thousand in total, and in their
overshooting their home ports, getting lost and rapid migration eastward they encountered
sailing off into eternity would have been all too hundreds of islands —more than 300 in Fiji alone.

Test 3

Questions 2 7 -3 1

Complete the summary using the list of words and phrases, A -J , below.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 ? [ TajWe / ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

The Efate burial site

< 0)---*s_[l*if^ \olc[f alioh^ i [ m_[ [lcha j_ijf_ ][ff_^ nb_ G[jcn[ b[m \__h ioh^
ih [h [\[h^ih_^ / 4 +++++++++++++++ ih nb_ K[]c c] cmf[h^ i [n_+ Ob_ ]_g_n_ls) qbc]b cm [
mcahc c][hn / +++++++++++++++ +q[m oh]ip_l_^ []]c^_hn[ffs \s [h [alc]ofnol[f qile_l+

Ob_ G[jcn[ _rjfil_^ [h^ ]ifihcm_^ g[hs K[]c c] cmf[h^m ip_l m_p_l[f ]_hnolc_m+ Ob_s
niie g[hs nbcham qcnb nb_g ih nb_cl pis[a_m ch]fo^cha / 5 +++++++++++++++ [h^ niifm+

Ob_ \olc[f alioh^ ch]l_[m_m nb_ [giohn i ch ilg[ncih [\ion nb_ G[jcn[ [p[cf[\f_ ni
m]c_hncmnm+ < n_[g i l_m_[l]b_lm) f_^ \s H[nnb_q Njlcaam lig nb_ <omnl[fc[h I[ncih[f
Phcp_lmcns) [l_ b_fjcha qcnb nb_ _r][p[ncih i nb_ mcn_+ Njlcaam \_fc_p_m nb_ 0 - +++++++++++++++
qbc]b q[m ioh^ [n nb_ mcn_ cm p_ls cgjiln[hn mch]_ cn ]ih clgm nb[n nb_ 0 . +++++++++++++++ ioh^
chmc^_ [l_ G[jcn[+

< jlii
= jf[hn[ncih

> b[l\iol

9 \ih_m

A [l]b[_ifiac][f ^cm]ip_ls

B \olc[f olh
C miol]_

D [hcg[fm

E g[jm


Questions 3 2 -3 5

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ TajWe - a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

0/ <]]il^cha ni nb_ qlcn_l) nb_l_ [l_ ^c c]ofnc_m _rjf[chcha biq nb_ G[jcn[
[]]igjfcmb_^ nb_cl diolh_sm \_][om_ AC
< nb_ ][hi_m nb[n b[p_ \__h ^cm]ip_l_^ i _l l_f[ncp_fs _q ]fo_m)
= [l]b[_ifiacmnm b[p_ mbiqh fcgcn_^ chn_l_mn ch nbcm [l_[ i l_m_[l]b)
> fcnnf_ ch ilg[ncih l_f[ncha ni nbcm j_lci^ ][h \_ l_fc_^ ojih il []]ol[]s)
? n_]bhifiac][f [^p[h]_m b[p_ [fn_l_^ nb_ q[s mo]b []bc_p_g_hnm [l_ pc_q_^+

00 <]]il^cha ni nb_ mcrnb j[l[al[jb) qb[n q[m _rnl[il^ch[ls [\ion nb_ G[jcn[;

Ob_s m[cf_^ \_sih^ nb_ jichn qb_l_ f[h^ q[m pcmc\f_+ B
! Ob_cl ]ofnol[f b_lcn[a_ ^cm]iol[a_^ nb_ _rjl_mmcih i _[l+
" Ob_s q_l_ [\f_ ni \ocf^ ][hi_m nb[n qcnbmnii^ i]_[h pis[a_m+
# Ob_cl h[pca[ncih[f mecffm q_l_ j[mm_^ ih lig ih_ a_h_l[ncih ni nb_ h_rn+

01 Rb[n ^i_m ~Obcm l_ _l ni ch nb_ m_p_hnb j[l[al[jb;

< nb_ G[jcn[ m m_[ [lcha n[f_hn

Ax D
= nb_ G[jcn[ m [\cfcns ni ^_n_]n mcahm i f[h^
> nb_ G[jcn[ m _rn_hmcp_ ehiqf_^a_ i nb_ l_acih
? nb_ G[jcn[ m \_fc_ nb_s qiof^ \_ [\f_ ni l_nolh big_

02 <]]il^cha ni nb_ _cabnb j[l[al[jb) biq q[m nb_ a_ial[jbs i nb_ l_acih
mcahc c][hn;
Dn jf[s_^ [h cgjiln[hn lif_ ch G[jcn[ ]ofnol_+
! Dn g_[hn nb_l_ q_l_ l_f[ncp_fs _q mnilgm [n m_[+
" Dn jlipc^_^ [ h[pca[ncih[f [c^ il nb_ G[jcn[+
# Dn g[^_ [ f[la_ hog\_l i cmf[h^m b[\cn[\f_+

Test 3

Q uestions 3 6 -4 0

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ pc_qm i nb_ qlcn_l ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ 0;

> TajWe . ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

N:H [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW h[Wie aX fZW id[fWd

CD [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW h[Wie aX fZW id[fWd
CDI >K:C [X [f [e [ baee[T^W fa eSk iZSf fZW id[fWd fZ[ e STagf fZ[e

03 Dn cm hiq ]f_[l nb[n nb_ G[jcn[ ]iof^ m[cf chni [ jl_p[cfcha qch^+
04 rnl_g_ ]fcg[n_ ]ih^cncihm g[s b[p_ jf[s_^ [ lif_ ch G[jcn[ gcal[ncih+

0 Ob_ G[jcn[ f_[lhn ni jl_^c]n nb_ ^ol[ncih i f Ichim+ 荷

05 Dn l_g[chm oh]f_[l qbs nb_ G[jcn[ b[fn_^ nb_cl _rj[hmcih []limm nb_ K[]c c]+
1- Dn cm fce_fs nb[n nb_ g[dilcns i G[jcn[ m_nnf_^ ih Acdc+




Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




Rlcn_ [n f_[mn .2- qil^m+

? _ mnch [ nci h i P F a l[ ^ o [ n_ m %_ r]fo ^ ch a o ff*ncg _ q i le & /--




a) "

TJ '


K[ln*ncg_ qile Qifohn[ls qile Aolnb_l mno^s Ph_gjfisg_hn

? _ m nch [ nci h i P F j i m na l[ ^ o [ n_ m %_ r]fo ^ ch a o ff*ncg _ q i le & /--


K[ln*ncg_ qile Qifohn[ls Aolnb_l mno^s Ph_gjfisg_hn

Test 3


Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Rlcn_ [\ion nb_ iffiqcha nijc]6



Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+


K<MO .
Ob_ _r[gch_l [mem nb_ ][h^c^[n_ [\ion bcg,b_lm_f ) bcm,b_l big_) qile il mno^c_m [h^
inb_l [gcfc[l nijc]m+

4C0 :4


£ ?i sio _hdis nl[p_ffcha; VRbs,Rbs hin;X

£ C[p_ sio ^ih_ go]b nl[p_ffcha; VRbs,Rbs hin;X
£ ?i sio nbche cn m \_nn_l ni nl[p_f [fih_ il qcnb inb_l j_ijf_; VRbs;X
£ Rb_l_ qiof^ sio fce_ ni nl[p_f ch nb_ onol_; VRbs;X

K<MO /

3 I GTMFI E G L MOH L E R W N RY Tio qcff b[p_ ni n[fe [\ion nb_

nijc] il ih_ ni nqi gchon_m+
DRW L R W OH E Tio b[p_ ih_ gchon_ ni nbche
Y L R L M G L MOH M E H LRY R I RW [\ion qb[n sio [l_ aicha
II LMP R T LIT ni m[s+
L RY R OH L M G L MOH M Tio ][h g[e_ mig_ hin_m ni
Y L E LI R T LI M OMNI b_fj sio c sio qcmb+

K<MO 0

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Ciq go]b ncg_ ^i ]bcf^l_h mj_h^ qcnb nb_cl j[l_hnm ch siol ]iohnls; ?i sio nbche nb[n
cm _hioab;
Ciq cgjiln[hn ^i sio nbche mj_h^cha ncg_ nia_nb_l cm il nb_ l_f[ncihmbcjm \_nq__h
j[l_hnm [h^ ]bcf^l_h; Rbs;
C[p_ l_f[ncihmbcjm \_nq__h j[l_hnm [h^ ]bcf^l_h ]b[ha_^ ch l_]_hn s_[lm; R bs ^i sio
nbche nb[n cm;


:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Rb[n [l_ nb_ gimn jijof[l l__*ncg_ []ncpcnc_m qcnb ]bcf^l_h ni^[s;
?i sio nbche nb_ l__*ncg_ []ncpcnc_m ]bcf^l_h ^i ni^[s [l_ aii^ il nb_cl b_[fnb; Rbs cm nb[n;
Ciq ^i sio nbche ]bcf^l_h m []ncpcnc_m qcff ]b[ha_ ch nb_ onol_; Rcff nbcm \_ [
jimcncp_ ]b[ha_; sa
AI )

N >ODJI . Questions 1+10

FgWef[a e ) .

8a b^WfW fZW afWe TW^ai&

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&


:jS b^W

>omnig_l b_[l^ [\ion Obilh^se_ m lig [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I[g _6 ^cnb . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Address: Flat 4,

/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ K[le Af[nm

%=_bch^ nb_ 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++&

Kbih_ h o g \_ l6 42501

B e s t t i m e t o c o n t a c t c u st o m e r: ^olcha nb_ 4 ..............................

R b _ l_ ni j [ le6 ijjimcn_ _hnl[h]_ h_rn ni nb_ 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I__^m off koin_ mbiqcha [ff nb_ di\m [h^ nb_ 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Questions 7 -1 0

Complete the table below.

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&


9M GLI M_jf[]_ nb_ , Acr nigilliq

ch nb_ ^iil

K[chn q[ff [\ip_ Nnlcj j[chn [h^ jf[mn_l

nb_ - [jjlircg[n_fs ih_
. +++++++++++++++ ch [^p[h]_

6ETHI Jh_ +++++++++++++++ h__^m

l_jf[]cha %_h^ i a[l^_h&

Test 4

S ECT I ON 2 Questions 11+20

FgWef[a e )) )-

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 ad 8&

.. Rbs ^c^ [ jiln ilcach[ffs ^_p_fij [n H[hb[g;

< Dn q[m m[ _ lig _h_gs [nn[]e+

= Dn q[m ]ihp_hc_hn il lcp_l nl[hmjiln+
> Dn b[^ [ aii^ jimcncih ih nb_ m_[ ]i[mn+

./ Rb[n ][om_^ H[hb[g m mo^^_h _rj[hmcih ^olcha nb_ Dh^omnlc[f M_pifoncih;

< nb_ cgjlip_g_hn ch gchcha n_]bhcko_m

= nb_ ch]l_[m_ ch ^_g[h^ il g_n[fm
> nb_ ^cm]ip_ls i nch ch nb_ [l_[

.0 R bs ^c^ li]em b[p_ ni \_ m_hn [q[s lig H[hb[g ni \_ jli]_mm_^;

< mbiln[a_ i o_f

= jiil nl[hmjiln msmn_gm
> f[]e i mecffm [giha fi][f j_ijf_
.1 Rb[n b[jj_h_^ qb_h nb_ jiln ^_]fch_^ ch nb_ nq_hnc_nb ]_hnols;

< Ob_ qile_lm q_hn [q[s+

= Ol[^cncih[f mecffm q_l_ fimn+
> =ocf^cham q_l_ om_^ il h_q joljim_m+

.2 Rb[n ^c^ nb_ H[hb[g Olomn bij_ ni ^i;

< ^cm]ip_l nb_ fi][ncih i nb_ ilcach[f jiln

= jlipc^_ di\m il nb_ oh_gjfis_^
> l_\ocf^ nb_ jiln ]igjf_r


Questions 1 6 -20

Complete the table below.


Tourist attractions in Manham

Kf[]_ A_[nol_m [h^ [ ] ncp cnc_ m < ^ pc]_

]ijj_l gch_ mj_]c[ffs [^[jn_^ gch_lm nb_ gch_ cm . 4 +++++++++++++++

. 3 +++++++++++++++ n[e_ pcmcnilm chni [h^ _h]fim_^ }ohmocn[\f_
nb_ giohn[ch il ]bcf^l_h [h^ [hcg[fm

pcff[a_ m]biif ]f[mmliigm [h^ [ mj_]c[f [ . 5 +++++++++++++++ cm

_rbc\cncih i . +++++++++++++++ l_]igg_h^_^

O b _ B_ila_ nb_ mbcj m qb__f %q[m fimn \on ]bcf^l_h mbiof^h n om_ nb_
%if^ m[cfcha mbcj& b[m hiq \__h l_mnil_^& / - +++++++++++++++

Test 4

SEC T I O N 3 Questions 21+30

FgWef[a e ) S V

8ZaaeW ILD ^WffWde 6 :&

Rbc]b ORJ mecffm ^c^ G[ol[ cgjlip_ [m [ l_mofn i b_l qile jf[]_g_hn;

< ]iggohc][ncih
= ^_mcah
> DO
? g[le_ncha

FgWef[a e S V ,

8ZaaeW ILD ^WffWde 6 :&

Rbc]b ORJ cgg_^c[n_ \_h_ cnm ^c^ nb_ ]igj[hs a_n lig G[ol[ m qile jf[]_g_hn;

< oj^[n_m il cnm mi nq[l_

= ]imn m[pcham
> [h cgjlip_^ cg[a_
? h_q ]fc_hnm
[ aliqnb ch m[f_m


Questions 2 5 -3 0

Rb[n miol]_ i ch ilg[ncih mbiof^ Ocg om_ [n _[]b i nb_ iffiqcha mn[a_m i nb_ qile

8ZaaeW H>M S eiWde Xda fZW Taj S V id[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 Wjf fa cgWef[a e
- (&


< ]igj[hs g[h[a_l

= ]igj[hs m j_lmihh_f ^_j[lng_hn

2 j_lmih[f nonil

? jms]bifias ^_j[lng_hn


A ohcp_lmcns ][l__lm i c]_l

B chn_lh_n


/2 i\n[chcha \iief_n +++++++++

/3 ^cm]ommcha ijncihm +++++++++

/4 a_nncha oj^[n_m +++++++++

/ l_mjih^cha ni chpcn[ncih il chn_lpc_q +++++++++

/5 ch ilgcha [\ion ion]ig_ i chn_lpc_q +++++++++

0- l_ko_mncha [ l_ _l_h]_ +++++++++

Test 4

S ECT I ON 4 Questions 31+40

FgWef[a e )

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 ad 8&

Nanotechnology: technology on a small scale

0. Ob_ mj_[e_l m[sm nb[n ih_ jli\f_g qcnb h[hin_]bhifias cm nb[n

! cn ]iof^ nbl_[n_h iol q[s i fc _)
$ cn ]iof^ \_ om_^ ni mjs ih j_ijf_)
cn cm gcmoh^_lmnii^ \s nb_ jo\fc]+

0/ <]]il^cha ni nb_ mj_[e_l) mig_ m]c_hncmnm \_fc_p_ nb[n h[hi*j[lnc]f_m

mbiof^ \_ l_mnlc]n_^ ni m_]ol_ _hpclihg_hnm+
mbiof^ \_ om_^ qcnb gil_ ][oncih+
mbiof^ ihfs \_ ^_p_fij_^ il _mm_hnc[f jli^o]nm+

00 Dh nb_ mj_[e_l m ijchcih) l_m_[l]b chni h[hin_]bhifias

b[m s_n ni qch jijof[l mojjiln)
]iof^ \_ m__h [m oh_nbc][f)
ioabn ni \_ ]ihncho_^+


Questions 3 4 -4 0

Complete the notes below.

Ld[fW DC: LDG9 DCAN Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Uses of Nanotechnology

£ I[hin_]bhifias ]iof^ [ffiq nb_ ^_p_fijg_hn i mnliha_l 0 1 ++++++++++++++++

£ Kf[h_m qiof^ \_ go]b fcabn_l ch q_cabn+

£ 0 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++nl[p_f qcff \_ g[^_ [p[cf[\f_ ni nb_ g[mm_m+


£ >igjon_lm qcff \_ _p_h mg[ff_l) [mn_l) [h^ qcff b[p_ [ al_[n_l

0 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

£ 0 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++_h_las qcff \_]ig_ gil_ [ il^[\f_+


£ I[hi*li\inm ]iof^ l_\ocf^ nb_ itih_ f[s_l+

£ Kiffon[hnm mo]b [m 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]iof^ \_ l_gip_^ lig q[n_l

gil_ _[mcfs+

£ Ob_l_ qcff \_ hi 0 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lig g[ho []nolcha+


£ I_q g_nbi^m i ii^ jli^o]ncih ]iof^ _l[^c][n_ [gch_+

£ <h[fsmcm i g_^c][f 1 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ qcff \_ mj__^_^ oj+

£ Gc _ _rj_]n[h]s ]iof^ \_ ch]l_[m_^+

Test 4


M <?DIB K<NN<B .

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e ) ) iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a

GWSV[ Y ESeeSYW ) TW^ai&

The megafires of California

Drought, housing expansion, and oversupply of tinder make for
bigger, hotter Gies in the western United States
Wildfires are becoming an increasing been to halt the natural eradication of
menace in the western United States, underbrush, now the primary fuel for
with Southern California being the megafires.
hardest hit area. There’s a reason fire Three other factors contribute to the
squads battling more frequent blazes trend, they add. First is climate change,
in Southern California are having such marked by a 1-degree Fahrenheit rise in
difficulty containing the flames, despite average yearly temperature across the
better preparedness than ever and western states. Second is fire seasons
decades of experience fighting fires that on average are 78 days longer
fanned by the 'Santa Ana Winds’. The than they were 20 years ago. Third
wildfires themselves, experts say, are is increased construction of homes in
generally hotter, faster, and spread more wooded areas.
erratically than in the past. ‘We are increasingly building our
Megafires, also called ‘siege fires’, homes in fire-prone ecosystems,1says
are the increasingly frequent blazes that Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor
burn 500,000 acres or more - 10 times of biology at Clark University Graduate
the size of the average forest fire of 20 School of Geography in Worcester,
years ago. Some recent wildfires are Massachusetts. 1Doing that in many
among the biggest ever in California in of the forests of the western US is like
terms of acreage burned, according to building homes on the side of an active
state figures and news reports. volcano.’
One explanation for the trend to In California, where population
more superhot fires is that the region, growth has averaged more than 600,000
which usually has dry summers, has had a year for at least a decade, more
significantly below normal precipitation residential housing is being built. ‘What
in many recent years. Another reason, once was open space is now residential
experts say, is related to the century- homes providing fuel to make fires
long policy of the US Forest Service to burn with greater intensity,’ says Terry
stop wildfires as quickly as possible. McHale of the California Department
The unintentional consequence has of Forestry firefighters’ union. ‘With so

much dryness, so many communities invested in better command-and-control

to catch fire, so many fronts to fight, it facilities as well as in the strategies
becomes an almost incredible job.1 to run them. ‘In the fire sieges of
That said, many experts give earlier years, we found that other
California high marks for making jurisdictions and states were willing
progress on preparedness in recent to offer mutual-aid help, but we were
years, after some of the largest fires not able to communicate adequately
in state history scorched thousands with them/ says Kim Zagaris, chief
of acres, burned thousands of homes, of the state’s Office of Emergency
and killed numerous people. Stung in Services Fire and Rescue Branch.
the past by criticism of bungling that After a commission examined and
allowed fires to spread when they revamped communications procedures,
might have been contained, personnel the statewide response ‘has become
are meeting the peculiar challenges of far more professional and responsive/
neighborhood - and canyon- hopping he says. There is a sense among both
fires better than previously, observers government officials and residents that
say. the speed, dedication, and coordination
State promises to provide more of firefighters from several states and
up-to-date engines, planes, and jurisdictions are resulting in greater
helicopters to fight fires have been efficiency than in past ‘siege fire’
fulfilled. Firefighters’ unions that in situations.
the past complained of dilapidated In recent years, the Southern
equipment, old fire engines, and California region has improved building
insufficient blueprints for fire safety are codes, evacuation procedures, and
now praising the state's commitment, procurement of new technology. ‘I
noting that funding for firefighting has am extraordinarily impressed by the
increased, despite huge cuts in many improvements we have witnessed,’ says
other programs. ‘We are pleased that Randy Jacobs, a Southern California-
the current state administration has based lawyer who has had to evacuate
been very proactive in its support of us, both his home and business to escape
and [has】come through with budgetary wildfires. ‘Notwithstanding all the
support of the infrastructure needs we damage that will continue to be caused
have long sought,1says Mr. McHale of by wildfires, we will no longer suffer the
the firefighters’ union. loss of life endured in the past because
Besides providing money to upgrade of the fire prevention and firefighting
the fire engines that must traverse measures that have been put in place,’
the mammoth state and wind along he says.
serpentine canyon roads, the state has

Test 4

Questions 1 -6

Complete the notes below.

8ZaaeW DC: LDG9 6C9'DG 6 CJB7:G Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe ) . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

£ >b[l[]n_lcmnc]m i qcf^ cl_m [h^ qcf^ cl_ ]ih^cncihm ni^[s ]igj[l_^ ni nb_ j[mn6

* i]]oll_h]_6 gil_ l_ko_hn

* n_gj_l[nol_6 binn_l

* mj__^6 [mn_l

* gip_g_hn6 . +++++++++++++++ gil_ ohjl_^c]n[\fs

* mct_ i cl_m6 / +++++++++++++++ al_[n_l ih [p_l[a_ nb[h nqi ^_][^_m [ai

£ M_[mihm qcf^ cl_m ][om_ gil_ ^[g[a_ ni^[s ]igj[l_^ ni nb_ j[mn6

l[ch [ff6 0 +++++++++++++++ [p_l[a_

* gil_ \lomb ni []n [m 1 +++++++++++++++

* ch]l_[m_ ch s_[lfs n_gj_l[nol_

* _rn_h^_^ cl_ 2 +++++++++++++++

* gil_ \ocf^cha i 3 +++++++++++++++ ch pofh_l[\f_ jf[]_m


Questions 7—13

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ .;

> TajWe / ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWfrid[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

4 Ob_ [giohn i ij_h mj[]_ ch >[fc ilhc[ b[m ^cgchcmb_^ ip_l nb_ f[mn n_h s_[lm+

H[hs _rj_lnm \_fc_p_ >[fc ilhc[ b[m g[^_ fcnnf_ jlial_mm ch l_[^scha cnm_f ni
cabn cl_m+

5 K_lmihh_f ch nb_ j[mn b[p_ \__h ]lcnc]cm_^ il gcmb[h^fcha cl_ ]ihn[chg_hn+

.- >[fc ilhc[ b[m l_jf[]_^ [ l[ha_ i cl_ cabncha niifm+

.. Hil_ cl_ cabn_lm b[p_ \__h bcl_^ ni cgjlip_ cl_* cabncha ][j[]cns+

./ >cnct_hm [h^ aip_lhg_hn aliojm ^cm[jjlip_ i nb_ _ ilnm i ^c _l_hn mn[n_m [h^
[a_h]c_m qilecha nia_nb_l+

.0 M[h^s E[]i\m \_fc_p_m nb[n fimm i fc _ lig cl_m qcff ]ihncho_ [n nb_ m[g_ f_p_fm)
^_mjcn_ ]b[ha_m g[^_+

Test 4

M <?DIB K<NN<B /

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e ),R . iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

Second nature
Your personality isn't necessarily set in stone. With a little experimentation,
people can reshape their temperaments and inject passion, optimism, joy and
courage into their lives
A Psychologists have long held that a person's character cannot undergo a
transformation in any meaningful way and that the key traits of personality are
determined at a very young age. However, researchers have begun looking more
closely at ways we can change. Positive psychologists have identified 24 qualities
we admire, such as loyalty and kindness, and are studying them to find out why
they come so naturally to some people. What they're discovering is that many of
these qualities amount to habitual behaviour that determines the way we respond
to the world. The good news is that all this can be learned.
Some qualities are less challenging to develop than others, optimism being one of
them. However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of skills which are
diverse and sometimes surprising. For example, to bring more joy and passion into
your life, you must be open to experiencing negative emotions. Cultivating such
qualities will help you realise your full potential.
B 'The _pc^_h]_ is good that most j_lmih[fcns traits can be [fn_l_^, says Christopher
Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, who cites himself
as an example. Inherently introverted, he realised early on that as an academic,
his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall. So he learned to be
more outgoing and to entertain his classes. 'Now my extroverted behaviour is
spontaneous/ he says.
> ? [pc^ A[da_h\[og b[^ ni g[e_ [ similar nl[hmcncih+ C_ q[m jl_j[lcha il
university, when he had an accident that put an end to his sports career. On
campus, he quickly found that beyond ordinary counselling, the university had no
services for students who were undergoing physical rehabilitation and suffering
from depression like him. He therefore launched a support group to help others in
similar situations. He took action despite his own pain ω a typical response of an
D Not[hh_ Segerstrom, jli _mmil of jms]bifias at the University of F_hno]es)
believes that the key to increasing optimism is through cultivating optimistic
behaviour, rather than positive thinking. She recommends you train yourself to pay
attention to good fortune by writing down three positive things that come about
each day. This will help you convince yourself that favourable outcomes actually
happen all the time, making it easier to begin taking action.


E You can l_]iahcm_ a person who is passionate about a pursuit by the way they
are so strongly involved in it. Tanya Streeter's passion is freediving ω the sport
of plunging deep into the water without tanks or other breathing equipment.
Beginning in 1998, she set nine world records and can hold her breath for
six minutes. The physical stamina required for this sport is intense but the
psychological demands are even more overwhelming. Streeter learned to untangle
her fears from her judgment of what her body and mind could do. 'In my career
as a competitive freediver, there was a limit to what I could do - but it wasn't
anywhere near what I thought it was/ she says.
F A ch^cha a jo lmo cn that _r]cn_m you can improve anyone's fc _+ The m_]l_n about
consuming passions, though, according to psychologist Paul Silvia of the
University of North Carolina, is that 'they require discipline, hard work and ability,
which is why they are so rewarding/ Psychologist Todd Kashdan has this advice
for those people taking up a new passion: 'As a newcomer, you also have to tolerate
and laugh at your own ignorance. You must be willing to accept the negative
feelings that come your way/ he says.
G In /--1) physician-scientist Mauro Zappaterra began bcm PhD l_m_[l]b at Harvard
Medical School. Unfortunately, he was miserable as his research wasn't compatible
with his curiosity about healing. He finally took a break and during eight months
in Santa Fe, Zappaterra learned about alternative healing techniques not taught
at Harvard. When he got back, he switched labs to study how cerebrospinal fluid
nourishes the developing nervous system. He also vowed to look for the joy in
everything, including failure, as this could help him learn about his research and
One thing that can hold joy back is a person's concentration on avoiding failure
rather than their looking forward to doing something well. 'Focusing on being safe
might get in the way of your reaching your goals/ explains Kashdan. For example,
are you hoping to get through a business lunch without embarrassing yourself, or
are you thinking about how fascinating the conversation might be?
H Usually, we think of courage in physical terms but ordinary life demands
something else. For marketing executive Kenneth Pedeleose, it meant speaking
out against something he thought was ethically wrong. The new manager was
intimidating staff so Pedeleose carefully recorded each instance of bullying and
eventually took the evidence to a senior director, knowing his own job security
would be threatened. Eventually the manager was the one to go. According to
Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the
point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation. Pury
also believes that people can acquire courage. Many of her students said that faced
with a risky situation, they first tried to calm themselves down, then looked for a
way to mitigate the danger, just as Pedeleose did by documenting his allegations.
Over the long term, picking up a new character trait may help you move toward
being the person you want to be. And in the short term, the effort itself could be
surprisingly rewarding, a kind of internal adventure.

Test 4

Q uestions 14~18

Complete the summary below.

8ZaaeW CD BDG: I=6C ILD LDG9H Xda fZW bSeeSYW Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe ), )0 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

Kms]bifiacmnm b[p_ nl[^cncih[ffs \_fc_p_^ nb[n [ j_lmih[fcns . 1 +++++++++++++++ q[m cgjimmc\f_

[h^ nb[n \s [ . 2 +++++++++++++++++ [ j_lmih$m ]b[l[]n_l n_h^m ni \_ cr_^+ Obcm cm hin nlo_
[]]il^cha ni jimcncp_ jms]bifiacmnm) qbi m[s nb[n iol j_lmih[f ko[fcnc_m ][h \_ m__h
[m b[\cno[f \_b[pciol+ Jh_ i nb_ _[mc_mn ko[fcnc_m ni []kocl_ cm . 3 +++++++++++++++++ Ciq_p_l)
l_a[l^f_mm i nb_ ko[fcns) cn cm h_]_mm[ls ni f_[lh [ qc^_ p[lc_ns i ^c _l_hn . 4 +++++++++++++++
ch il^_l il [ h_q ko[fcns ni ^_p_fij7 il _r[gjf_) [ j_lmih gomn oh^_lmn[h^ [h^ __f
mig_ . +++++++++++++++ ch il^_l ni ch]l_[m_ nb_cl b[jjch_mm+


Questions 19-22

Look at the following statements (Questions 19-22) and the list o f people below.

BSfUZ WSUZ efSfW W f i[fZ fZW UaddWUf bWdea 6 &

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe )1 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

.5 K_ijf_ gomn []]_jn nb[n nb_s ^i hin ehiq go]b qb_h clmn nlscha mig_nbcha h_q+

/- Dn cm cgjiln[hn il j_ijf_ ni []ncp_fs hinc]_ qb_h aii^ nbcham b[jj_h+

/. >iol[a_ ][h \_ f_[lh_^ ih]_ cnm ilcachm ch [ m_hm_ i l_mjihmc\cfcns [l_ oh^_lmnii^+

// Dn cm jimmc\f_ ni ip_l]ig_ mbsh_mm qb_h []_^ qcnb nb_ h__^ ni mj_[e ch jo\fc]+

G cm n i K_ijf_
< >blcmnijb_l K_n_lmih

= ?[pc^ A[da_h\[og

> Not[hh_ N_a_lmnlig

? O[hs[ Nnl__n_l

Oi^^ F[mb^[h

A F_h 3nb K_^_f_im_

B >shnbc[ Kols

Test 4

Questions 2 3 -2 6

M_[^cha K[mm[a_ / b[m _cabn m_]ncihm) < *C +

Rbc]b m_]ncih ]ihn[chm nb_ iffiqcha ch ilg[ncih;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 = [ TajWe . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

/0 [ g_hncih i biq l[ncih[f nbchecha _h[\f_^ mig_ih_ ni []bc_p_ jbsmc][f ai[fm

/1 [h []]iohn i biq mig_ih_ ip_l][g_ [ m[^ _rj_lc_h]_

/2 [ ^_m]lcjncih i biq mig_ih_ ^_]c^_^ ni l_nbche nb_cl [][^_gc] ][l__l j[nb

/3 [h _r[gjf_ i biq mig_ih_ lcme_^ bcm ][l__l ion i [ m_hm_ i ^ons


M <?DIB K<NN<B 0

Nag eZag^V ebW V STagf ( [ gfWe a FgWef[a e / ,( iZ[UZ SdW TSeWV a GWSV[ Y
ESeeSYW TW^ai&

When evolution runs backwards

Evolution isn’t supposed to run backwards - yet an increasing number
of examples show that it does and that it can sometimes represent the
future of a species
Ob_ ^_m]lcjncih i [hs [hcg[f [m [h ch n_lgm i jli\[\cfcns) mn[ncha nb[n nb_l_ cm hi
~_pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]e cm ]ihnlip_lmc[f+ l_[mih qbs _pifoncih ][hhin loh \[]eq[l^m
Ail nb_ \_nn_l j[ln i [ ]_hnols) gimn * cn cm domn p_ls ohfce_fs+ <h^ mi nb_ c^_[ i
\cifiacmnm b[p_ \__h l_fo]n[hn ni om_ nbim_ cll_p_lmc\cfcns ch _pifoncih mno]e [h^ ][g_ ni
qil^m) gch^ of i [ jlch]cjf_ i _pifoncih \_ ehiqh [m ~?iffi m f[q +
nb[n m[sm ~_pifoncih ][hhin loh \[]eq[l^m +
=on [m gil_ [h^ gil_ _r[gjf_m ]ig_ ni D ?iffi m f[q cm lcabn) [n[pcmgm mbiof^
fcabn [h^ gi^_lh a_h_nc]m _hn_lm nb_ m]_h_) i]]ol ihfs p_ls l[l_fs) c [n [ff+ T_n [fgimn
nb[n jlch]cjf_ cm b[pcha ni \_ l_qlcnn_h+ Iin mch]_ nb_ c^_[ niie liin) _r]_jncihm b[p_
ihfs [l_ _pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em jimmc\f_) \__h ]lijjcha oj+ Dh .5.5) il _r[gjf_)
nb_s mig_ncg_m jf[s [h cgjiln[hn lif_ ch nb_ [ bogj\[]e qb[f_ qcnb [ j[cl i f_a*fce_
ilq[l^ g[l]b i _pifoncih+ [jj_h^[a_m ip_l [ g_nl_ fiha) ]igjf_n_
qcnb [ off m_n i fcg\ \ih_m) q[m ][oabn
Ob_ n_]bhc][f n_lg il [h _pifoncih[ls i Q[h]iop_l Dmf[h^ ch >[h[^[+ rjfil_l
nbliq\[]e cm [h ~[n[pcmg lig nb_ G[nch Mis >b[jg[h <h^l_qm [lao_^ [n nb_ ncg_
SfShge g_[hcha il_ [nb_l+ Ob_ qil^ b[m nb[n nb_ qb[f_ gomn \_ [ nbliq\[]e ni [
oafs ]ihhin[ncihm nb[hem f[la_fs ni >_m[l_ f[h^*fcpcha [h]_mnil+ ~D ][h m__ hi inb_l
Gig\limi) [ .5nb*]_hnols Dn[fc[h g_^c] qbi _rjf[h[ncih b_ qlin_ ch .5/.+
[lao_^ nb[n ]lcgch[fm q_l_ \ilh hin g[^_
[h^ ]iof^ \_ c^_hnc c_^ \s ]_ln[ch jbsmc][f Nch]_ nb_h) mi g[hs inb_l _r[gjf_m
_[nol_m nb[n q_l_ nbliq\[]em ni [ jlcgcncp_) b[p_ \__h ^cm]ip_l_^ nb[n cn hi fiha_l
mo\*bog[h mn[n_+ g[e_m m_hm_ ni m[s nb[n _pifoncih cm [m aii^
[m cll_p_lmc\f_+ <h^ nbcm jim_m [ jottf_6
Rbcf_ Gig\limi q[m g_[molcha biq ][h ]b[l[]n_lcmnc]m nb[n ^cm[jj_[l_^
]lcgch[fm) [ =_fac[h j[f[_ihnifiacmn ][ff_^ gcffcihm i s_[lm [ai mo^^_hfs l_[jj_[l;
Giocm ?iffi q[m mno^scha immcf l_]il^m Dh .551) Mo^if M[ [h^ ]iff_[ao_m [n
[h^ ]igcha ni nb_ ijjimcn_ ]ih]fomcih+ Dh^c[h[ Phcp_lmcns ch nb_ PN< ^_]c^_^
Dh . 5- b_ jlijim_^ nb[n _pifoncih q[m ni om_ a_h_nc]m ni jon [ hog\_l ih nb_
cll_p_lmc\f_6 nb[n ~[h ila[hcmg cm oh[\f_ ni jli\[\cfcns i _pifoncih aicha chni l_p_lm_+
l_nolh) _p_h j[lnc[ffs) ni [ jl_pciom mn[a_ Ob_s l_[mih_^ nb[n qbcf_ mig_ _pifoncih[ls
[fl_[^s l_[fcm_^ ch nb_ l[hem i cnm [h]_mnilm + ]b[ha_m chpifp_ nb_ fimm i a_h_m [h^ [l_
[lfs /-nb*]_hnols \cifiacmnm ][g_ ni [ nb_l_ il_ cll_p_lmc\f_) inb_lm g[s \_ nb_
mcgcf[l ]ih]fomcih) nbioab nb_s ko[fc c_^ cn l_mofn i a_h_m \_cha mqcn]b_^ i + D nb_m_

Test 4

mcf_hn a_h_m [l_ mig_biq mqcn]b_^ \[]e bcmnils i [ alioj i Nionb <g_lc][h fct[l^m
ih) nb_s [lao_^) fiha*fimn nl[cnm ]iof^ ][ff_^ =[]bc[+ H[hs i nb_m_ b[p_ gchom]of_
l_[jj_[l+ fcg\m7 mig_ fiie gil_ fce_ mh[e_m nb[h
fct[l^m [h^ [ _q b[p_ ]igjf_n_fs fimn nb_
M[ m n_[g q_hn ih ni ][f]of[n_ nb_ ni_m ih nb_cl bch^ fcg\m+ Jnb_l mj_]c_m)
fce_fcbii^ i cn b[jj_hcha+ Ncf_hn a_h_m biq_p_l) mjiln oj ni iol ni_m ih nb_cl
[]]ogof[n_ l[h^ig gon[ncihm) nb_s bch^ f_am+ Ob_ mcgjf_mn _rjf[h[ncih cm nb[n
l_[mih_^) _p_hno[ffs l_h^_lcha nb_g om_f_mm+ nb_ ni_^ fch_[a_m h_p_l fimn nb_cl ni_m)
Ni biq fiha ][h [ a_h_ molpcp_ ch [ mj_]c_m \on R[ah_l \_am ni ^c _l+ <]]il^cha ni
c cn cm hi fiha_l om_^; Ob_ n_[g ][f]of[n_^ bcm [h[fsmcm i nb_ =[]bc[ [gcfs nl__) nb_
nb[n nb_l_ cm [ aii^ ]b[h]_ i mcf_hn a_h_m ni_^ mj_]c_m l_*_pifp_^ ni_m lig ni_f_mm
molpcpcha il oj ni 3 gcffcih s_[lm ch [n f_[mn [h]_mnilm [h^) qb[n cm gil_) ^cacn fimm
[ _q ch^cpc^o[fm ch [ jijof[ncih) [h^ nb[n [h^ a[ch b[m i]]oll_^ ih gil_ nb[h ih_
mig_ gcabn molpcp_ [m fiha [m .- gcffcih i]][mcih ip_l n_hm i gcffcihm i s_[lm+
s_[lm+ Dh inb_l qil^m) nbliq\[]em [l_
jimmc\f_) \on ihfs ni nb_ l_f[ncp_fs l_]_hn Ni qb[n m aicha ih; Jh_ jimmc\cfcns cm
_pifoncih[ls j[mn+ nb[n nb_m_ nl[cnm [l_ fimn [h^ nb_h mcgjfs
l_[jj_[l) ch go]b nb_ m[g_ q[s nb[n
<m [ jimmc\f_ _r[gjf_) nb_ n_[g jichn_^ mcgcf[l mnlo]nol_m ][h ch^_j_h^_hnfs [lcm_
ni nb_ gif_ m[f[g[h^_lm i H_rc]i [h^ ch ohl_f[n_^ mj_]c_m) mo]b [m nb_ ^ilm[f
>[fc ilhc[+ Gce_ gimn [gjbc\c[hm nb_m_ chm i mb[lem [h^ ecff_l qb[f_m+ <hinb_l
\_ach fc _ ch [ dop_hcf_ ~n[^jif_ mn[n_) nb_h gil_ chnlcaocha jimmc\cfcns cm nb[n nb_ a_h_nc]
g_n[giljbim_ chni nb_ [^ofn ilg * _r]_jn ch ilg[ncih h__^_^ ni g[e_ ni_m mig_biq
il ih_ mj_]c_m) nb_ [rifinf) qbc]b [giomfs molpcp_^ il n_hm il j_lb[jm boh^l_^m i
fcp_m cnm _hncl_ fc _ [m [ dop_hcf_+ Ob_ mcgjf_mn gcffcihm i s_[lm ch nb_ fct[l^m [h^ q[m
_rjf[h[ncih il nbcm cm nb[n nb_ [rifinf fch_[a_ l_[]ncp[n_^+ Ob_m_ [n[pcmnc] nl[cnm jlipc^_^
[fih_ fimn nb_ [\cfcns ni g_n[giljbim_) qbcf_ [h [^p[hn[a_ [h^ mjl_[^ nblioab nb_
inb_lm l_n[ch_^ cn+ Alig [ ^_n[cf_^ [h[fsmcm jijof[ncih) _ _]ncp_fs l_p_lmcha _pifoncih+
i nb_ m[f[g[h^_lm [gcfs nl__) biq_p_l)
cn cm ]f_[l nb[n nb_ inb_l fch_[a_m _pifp_^ =on c mcf_hn a_h_m ^_al[^_ qcnbch 3 ni
lig [h [h]_mnil nb[n cnm_f b[^ fimn nb_ .- gcffcih s_[lm) biq ][h fiha*fimn nl[cnm
[\cfcns ni g_n[giljbim_+ Dh inb_l qil^m) \_ l_[]ncp[n_^ ip_l fiha_l ncg_m][f_m; Ob_
g_n[giljbimcm ch gif_ m[f[g[h^_lm cm [h [hmq_l g[s fc_ ch nb_ qig\+ [lfs _g\lsim
[n[pcmg+ Ob_ m[f[g[h^_l _r[gjf_ cnm qcnb i g[hs mj_]c_m ^_p_fij [h]_mnl[f _[nol_m+
M[ m .-*gcffcih*s_[l ncg_ l[g_+ Nh[e_ _g\lsim) il _r[gjf_) mjlion bch^
fcg\ \o^m+ G[n_l ch ^_p_fijg_hn nb_m_
Hil_ l_]_hnfs) biq_p_l) _r[gjf_m b[p_ _[nol_m ^cm[jj_[l nb[hem ni ^_p_fijg_hn[f
\__h l_jiln_^ nb[n \l_[e nb_ ncg_ fcgcn) jlial[gm nb[n m[s ~fim_ nb_ f_a + D il [hs
moaa_mncha nb[n mcf_hn a_h_m g[s hin \_ nb_ l_[mih nbcm ^i_m hin b[jj_h) nb_ [h]_mnl[f
qbif_ mnils+ Dh [ j[j_l jo\fcmb_^ f[mn s_[l) _[nol_ g[s hin ^cm[jj_[l) f_[^cha ni [h
\cifiacmn Bohn_l R[ah_l i T[f_ Phcp_lmcns [n[pcmg+
l_jiln_^ mig_ qile ih nb_ _pifoncih[ls


Questions 27- 31

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ TajWe / ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

/4 Rb_h
^cm]ommcha nb_ nb_ils ^_p_fij_^ \s Giocm ?iffi) nb_ qlcn_l m[sm nb[n
" cn q[m cgg_^c[n_fs l_ _ll_^ ni [m ?iffi m f[q+
# cn mojjiln_^ nb_ jimmc\cfcns i _pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em+
cn q[m gi^c c_^ \s \cifiacmnm ch nb_ _[lfs nq_hnc_nb ]_hnols)
cn q[m \[m_^ ih g[hs s_[lm i l_m_[l]b+

/ Ob_ bogj\[]e qb[f_ ][oabn i Q[h]iop_l Dmf[h^ cm g_hncih_^ \_][om_ i

nb_ _r]_jncih[f mct_ i cnm \i^s)
" nb_ q[s cn _r_gjfc c_m ?iffi m f[q+
# nb_ [giohn i fi][f ]ihnlip_lms cn ][om_^)
nb_ l_[mih acp_h il cnm ohomo[f _[nol_m+

/5 Rb[n cm m[c^ [\ion ~mcf_hn a_h_m

Ob_cl hog\_lm p[ls []]il^cha ni mj_]c_m+
M[ ^cm[al__^ qcnb nb_ om_ i nb_ n_lg+
" Ob_s ]iof^ f_[^ ni nb_ l_*_g_la_h]_ i ]_ln[ch ]b[l[]n_lcmnc]m+
# Ob_s ][h b[p_ [h ohfcgcn_^ fc _ mj[h+

0- Ob_ qlcn_l g_hncihm nb_ gif_ m[f[g[h^_l \_][om_

cn _r_gjfc c_m qb[n b[jj_hm ch nb_ ^_p_fijg_hn i gimn [gjbc\c[hm+
cn moaa_mnm nb[n M [ m nb_ils cm ]ill_]n+
" cn b[m fimn [h^ l_a[ch_^ gil_ nb[h ih_ [\cfcns+
# cnm [h]_mnilm b[p_ \_]ig_ nb_ mo\d_]n i _rn_hmcp_ l_m_[l]b+

0. Rbc]b i nb_ iffiqcha ^i_m R[ah_l ]f[cg;

H_g\_lm i nb_ =[]bc[ fct[l^ [gcfs b[p_ fimn [h^ l_a[ch_^ ]_ln[ch _[nol_m
m_p_l[f ncg_m+
pc^_h]_ mbiqm nb[n nb_ _pifoncih i nb_ =[]bc[ fct[l^ cm ^o_ ni nb_
$ 3 pclihg_hn+
# Ccm l_m_[l]b chni Nionb <g_lc][h fct[l^m mojjilnm M[ m [mm_lncihm+
Ccm ch^cham qcff [jjfs ni inb_l mj_]c_m i Nionb <g_lc][h fct[l^m+

Test 4

Questions 3 2 -3 6

Complete each sentence with the correct ending A -G , below.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe . a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

0/ Ail [ fiha ncg_ \cifiacmnm l_d_]n_^

00 Jjjimcha pc_qm ih _pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em [l_ l_jl_m_hn_^ \s

01 r[gjf_m i _pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em b[p_ f_^ ni

02 Ob_ mb[le [h^ ecff_l qb[f_ [l_ g_hncih_^ ni _r_gjfc s

03 Jh_ _rjf[h[ncih il nb_ ch^cham i R [ah_l m l_m_[l]b cm

< nb_ ko_mncih i biq ]_ln[ch fiha*fimn nl[cnm ]iof^ l_[jj_[l+

= nb_ i]]oll_h]_ i [ j[lnc]of[l _[nol_ ch ^c _l_hn mj_]c_m+

> j[l[ff_fm ^l[qh \_nq__h \_b[pciol [h^ [jj_[l[h]_+

? nb_ ]ihncho_^ _rcmn_h]_ i ]_ln[ch a_h_nc] ch ilg[ncih+

nb_ ^io\nm _fn [\ion _pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em+

A nb_ jimmc\cfcns i _pifoncih \_cha l_p_lmc\f_+

B ?iffi m ch^cham [h^ nb_ ]ihpc]ncihm b_f^ \s Gig\limi+

FgWef[a e / ,(

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ]f[cgm i nb_ qlcn_l ch M_[^cha K[mm[a_ 0;

> TajWe / ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWfrid[fW

N:H [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW U^S[ e aX fZW id[fWd

CD [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW U^S[ e aX fZW id[fWd
CDI >K:C [X [f [e [ baee[T^W fa eSk iZSf fZW id[fWd fZ[ e STagf fZ[e

04 R[ah_l q[m nb_ clmn j_lmih ni ^i l_m_[l]b ih Nionb <g_lc][h fct[l^m+

0 R[ah_l \_fc_p_m nb[n =[]bc[ fct[l^m qcnb ni_m b[^ ni_f_mm [h]_mnilm+
05 Ob_ n_gjil[ls i]]oll_h]_ i fiha*fimn nl[cnm ch _g\lsim cm l[l_+

1- pifoncih[ls nbliq\[]em gcabn \_ ][om_^ \s ^_p_fijg_hn[f jli\f_gm ch nb_ qig\+




Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




Ld[fW Sf ^WSef )-( iadVe&

Test 4


Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Rlcn_ [\ion nb_ iffiqcha nijc]6




Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+



K<MO .
Ob_ _r[gch_l [mem nb_ ][h^c^[n_ [\ion bcg,b_lm_f ) bcm,b_l big_) qile il mno^c_m [h^
inb_l [gcfc[l nijc]m+



£ ?c^ sio ai ni m_]ih^[ls,bcab m]biif h_[l ni qb_l_ sio fcp_^; VRbs,Rbs hin;X
£ Rb[n ^c^ sio fce_ [\ion siol m_]ih^[ls,bcab m]biif; VRbs;X
£ O_ff g_ [\ion [hsnbcha sio ^c^h n fce_ [n siol m]biif+
£ Ciq ^i sio nbche siol m]biif ]iof^ \_ cgjlip_^; VRbs,Rbs hin;X

K<MO /

3 I GTMFI R P I L M K RW H R LEXI RY F W Tio qcff b[p_ ni n[fe [\ion nb_

Y R W OH TIEOO OMNI R RY M LI W W TI nijc] il ih_ ni nqi gchon_m+
Tio b[p_ ih_ gchon_ ni nbche
DRW L R W OH E [\ion qb[n sio [l_ aicha
YLE LM LM K M ni m[s+
LRY OR K RW LEXI Y E IH R RY M Tio ][h g[e_ mig_ hin_m ni
Y LITI RW MT EY M b_fj sio c sio qcmb+

K<MO 0

:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

Rb[n nsj_m i nbcham ^i sioha j_ijf_ ch siol ]iohnls gimn q[hn ni iqh ni^[s;
Rbs cm nbcm;
Rbs ^i mig_ j_ijf_ __f nb_s h__^ ni iqh nbcham;
?i sio nbche nb[n iqhcha finm i nbcham g[e_m j_ijf_ b[jjs; Rbs;


:jS b^W cgWef[a e2

?i sio nbche n_f_pcmcih [h^ cfgm ][h g[e_ j_ijf_ q[hn ni a_n h_q jimm_mmcihm;
Rbs ^i nb_s b[p_ nbcm _ _]n;
<l_ nb_l_ [hs \_h_ cnm ni mi]c_ns i j_ijf_ q[hncha ni a_n h_q jimm_mmcihm;
Rbs ^i sio nbche nbcm cm;
?i sio nbche j_ijf_ qcff ]ihmc^_l nb[n b[pcha finm i jimm_mmcihm cm [ mcah i mo]]_mm
ch nb_ onol_; Rbs; 1 La
B_h_l[f Ol[chcha M_[^cha [h^ Rlcncha

N >ODJI . Questions 1+14

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e ) /&

Smoke alarms in the home

Ngie_ [f[lgm [l_ hiq [ mn[h^[l^ _[nol_ ch <omnl[fc[h
big_m [h^ [l_ l_kocl_^ \s nb_ I[ncih[f =ocf^cha >i^_ ch
[hs l_]_hnfs \ocfn jlij_lnc_m+ Ob_s [l_ chmn[ff_^ ni ^_n_]n nb_
jl_m_h]_ i mgie_ [h^ _g cn [ ]f_[l mioh^ ni [f_ln sio ch nb_
_p_hn i cl_ ni acp_ sio ncg _ ni _m][j_+

Ob_l_ [l_ nqi jlch]cj[f nsj_m i mgie_ [f[lgm+ Dihct[ncih

[f[lgm [l_ nb_ ]b_[j_mn [h^ gimn l_[^cfs [p[cf[\f_ mgie_
[f[lgm+ Ob_s [l_ [fmi p_ls m_hmcncp_ ni $ f[g cha cl_m$ * cl_m
nb[n \olh c_l]_fs * [h^ qcff ^_n_]n nb_g \_ il_ nb_ mgie_
a_nm ni i nbc]e+ Ciq_p_l) jbini_f_]nlc] [f[lgm [l_ gil_
_ _]ncp_ [n ^_n_]ncha mfiq*\olhcha cl_m+ Ob_s [l_ f_mm fce_fs ni ai i []]c^_hn[ffs [h^
mi [l_ \_mn i l big_m qcnb ih_ fiil+ Ail nb_ \_mn jlin_]ncih) sio mbiof^ chmn[ff ih_ i

Himn \[nn_ls*jiq_l_^ mgie_ [f[lgm ][h \_ chmn[ff_^ \s nb_ big_ iqh_l [h^ ^i
hin l_kocl_ jli _mmcih[f chmn[ff[ncih+ Ail nb_ chmn[ff[ncih i b[l^*qcl_^ mgie_ [f[lgm)
jiq_l_^ lig nb_ g[chm _f_]nlc]cns mojjfs) biq_p_l) sio qcff h__^ nb_ m_lpc]_m i [
fc]_hm_^ jli _mmcih[f+ Ngie_ [f[lgm [l_ omo[ffs gimn _ _]ncp_ qb_h fi][n_^ ih nb_
]_cfcha) h_[l il ch nb_ g c^^f_ i nb_ liig il b[ff+

Kbini_f_]nlc] mgie_ [f[lgm ch [hs ko[hncns g[s \_ ^cmjim_^ i ch ^ig_mnc] q[mn_+ D sio
b[p_ _q_l nb[h n_h cihct[ncih [f[lgm ni a_n lc^ i ) sio g[s jon nb_g ch siol ^ig_mnc]
q[mn_+ D sio b[p_ gil_ nb[h n_h ni ^cmjim_ i ) sio mbiof^ ]ihn[]n siol fi][f ]ioh]cf+

Tiol \[nn_ls*jiq_l_^ mgie_ [f[lg qcff jli^o]_ [ mbiln \__j _p_ls 3- m_]ih^ ni [f_ln
sio qb_h nb_ \[nn_ls cm lohhcha ion [h^ h__^m l_jf[]cha+ I_p_lnb_f_mm) cn mbiof^ \_
n_mn_^ _p_ls gihnb ni _hmol_ nb[n nb_ \[nn_ls [h^ nb_ [f[lg mioh^_l [l_ qilecha+ Iin_
nb[n nb_ m_hmcncpcns ch [ff mgie_ [f[lgm qcff l_^o]_ ip_l ncg_+


Questions 1 -7

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch nb_ n_rn ih j[a_ .-1;

> TajWe ) / a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

. <ff h_q biom_m ch <omnl[fc[ gomn b[p_ mgie_ [f[lgm+

/ Kbini_f_]nlc] mgie_ [f[lgm ]imn f_mm nb[h cihct[ncih mgie_ [f[lgm+

0 Dn n[e_m [ mbiln ncg_ ni cn gimn mgie_ [f[lgm+

1 <hs b[l^*qcl_^ mgie_ [f[lg gomn \_ cnn_^ \s [ mj_]c[fcmn n_]bhc]c[h+

2 Tio mbiof^ a_n ch nio]b qcnb siol fi][f ]ioh]cf \_ il_ jf[]cha [hs cihcm[ncih mgie_
[f[lgm ch biom_bif^ lo\\cmb+

3 Ngie_ [f[lgm acp_ [ q[lhcha mioh^ ni ch^c][n_ nb[n \[nn_ls jiq_l cm fiq+

4 Jf^ mgie_ [f[lgm h__^ ni \_ ]b_]e_^ gil_ nb[h ih]_ [ gihnb+

General Training Reading and Writing

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e 0 ),&

Sydney Opera House Tours

We offer three different tours of this iconic building.
A The Essential Tour brings to life the story E Takes place: Daily at 7am
behind the design and construction of one
Prices: $155. No concessions.
of the worlds most famous landmarks.
Using interactive audio-visual technology, To purchase: Bookings are essential.
your guide will take you on a memorable Limited to 8 people per tour.
journey inside the youngest building ever Online sales expire at 4.30pm two days
to be World Heritage listed. prior.
B Afterwards, why not stay around and Notes:
eat at the Studio Cafe, with its modern The tour includes up to 300 steps.
Australian menu? Not only can you enjoy Flat, rubber-soled shoes must be worn.
the best views in Sydney, you can claim a For safety reasons, children of 12 years old
20% reduction on the total cost of your and under are not permitted.
meal. (Don’t forget to show your ticket in
order to claim your discount.) Opera High Tea consists of a tour where
you will walk in the footsteps of world-
C Languages: English, French, German class singers, dancers and musicians,
Takes place: Daily between 9am and 5pm followed by fine food and music in the
spectacular surroundings of the Bennelong
Prices: Adults $35 I Online $29.75
Dining Room. What could be better
Concessions: Australian seniors and than a treat of delicious light snacks and
pensioners; students and soft drinks followed by a live recital by a
children of 16 and under leading Australian singer?
$24.50. An unforgettable treat for young and old!
Prior bookings are not essential. G Takes place: Every second Wednesday,
D The =[]emn[a_ Tour gives you backstage
access to the Sydney Opera House. It is Duration: 1.5 hours
a unique opportunity to experience the
Prices: $145 per person
real-life dramas behind the stage! You
might even get to stand on the concert hall Book online or visit the Guided Tours
stage, take up a conductors baton in the Desk.
orchestra pit and imagine you are leading
the performance. You will also get to see
inside the stars,dressing rooms. The tour
concludes with a complimentary breakfast
in the Green Room, the private dining area
of performers past and present.


Questions 8 -1 4

IZW fWjf a bSYW )(. ZSe eWhW eWUf[a e < *B + LZ[UZ eWUf[a W f[a e fZW Xa^^ai[ Y5

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe 0 ), a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

^cm]iohnm [p[cf[\f_ ni sioha_l pcmcnilm

5 nb_ h__^ il mocn[\f_ iinq_[l

.- nb_ ijjilnohcns ni jl_n_h^ sio [l_ n[echa j[ln ch [ ]ih]_ln

.. [ l_mnlc]ncih ih nb_ hog\_l i j[lnc]cj[hnm

./ [ l_^o]ncih nb[n [jjfc_m ni jol]b[m_m omcha nb_ chn_lh_n

.0 nb_ h__^ ni \iie siol nc]e_n ch [^p[h]_

.1 nb_ f_hanb i ih_ i nb_ niolm

General Training Reading and Writing

N >ODJI / Questions 15+27

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e )- )&

Rb_h sio b[p_ m_n oj siol iqh \omch_mm) sio gomn) i ]iolm_) mn[ln m_ffcha siol
aii^m il m_lpc]_m+ Jh_ q[s cm \s omcha ^cl_]n g[cf * ch inb_l qil^m) m_h^cha [ m[f_m
f_nn_l %il _g[cf& ^cl_]nfs ni ]igj[hc_m nb[n gcabn q[hn ni ^i \omch_mm q cnb sio+

Jh_ cgjiln[hn []nil cm siol g[cfcha fcmn * nb[n cm) qbi sio ]ihn[]n+ Tio ][h \ocf^
nbcm oj lig siol iqh g[le_n l_m_[l]b) _rcmncha ]fc_hnm [h^ [^p_lncmcha l_mjihm_m)
il sio ][h ]ihn[]n fcmn \lie_lm [h^ l_hn il \os [ ]igjcf_^ fcmn+ D sio [l_ ]ihn[]ncha
[ \omch_mm) cn cm cgjiln[hn ni [^^l_mm nb_ f_nn_l ni nb_ ^_]cmcih g[e_l) c^_[ffs \s
h[g_ il [n f_[mn \s di\ ncnf_+

Rbcf_ nb_ ^_mcl[\cfcns [h^ jlc]_ i nb_ jli^o]n ih i _l qcff i\pciomfs ch fo_h]_ m[f_m)
sio [fmi h__^ ni a[ch nb_ g[rcgog cgj[]n lig siol m[f_m f_nn_l+ Oi []bc_p_ nb[n)
\_[l nb_ iffiqcha jichnm ch gch^6

£ Tio b[p_ hi gil_ nb[h nq i m_]ih^m lig qb_h nb_ l_[^_l mn[lnm nb_ f_nn_l ni
]ihpch]_ nb_g ni ]ihncho_+ D sio [cf) nb_s qcff nbliq cn [q[s+ Ob_ ij_hcha cm
]lo]c[f ni [nnl[]n nb_cl [nn_hncih+ <h^ mi nb[n nb_s ^ih$n fim_ chn_l_mn) [pic^ b[pcha
nii go]b n_rn+

£ Ols ni m_h^ _[]b g[cfcha ch [ qbcn_ _hp_fij_+ Dn gcabn \_ ]b_[j_l ni om_ [ \liqh
_hp_fij_ \on cn ^i_mh$n g[e_ il mo]b aii^ jl_m_hn[ncih+

£ Dh]fo^_ [ \li]bol_+ ?_j_h^cha ih nb_ pifog_ [h^ ih qb_nb_l sio ][h [ il^ nb_
]imn) nls ni om_ [n f_[mn nqi*]ifiol jlchncha il nbcm+ D jl[]nc][\f_) cn g[s \_ qilnb
_h]fimcha [ l__ m[gjf_ * nbcm cm [ go]b al_[n_l ch]_hncp_ nb[h jbinial[jbm+

£ Ciq_p_l chn_l_mn_^ siol jin_hnc[f ]fc_hnm [l_ ch \oscha) nb_s qcff ihfs ^i mi c cn
][h \_ ^ih_ _[mcfs+ Ni) ch]fo^_ [h il^_l ilg %[h^ i ]iolm_ ^_n[cfm i biq ni
l_nolh cn& q cnb siol f_nn_l+

£ Rb_h sio l_]_cp_ siol l_jfc_m) [mm_mm siol l_mjihm_ l[n_ [h^ gihcnil nb_ m[f_m+
D h_]_mm[ls) nb_ m[f_m f_nn_l ][h nb_h \_ [g_h^_^ ni [nnl[]n inb_l ]fc_hnm ih
mo\m_ko_hn g[cf mbinm7 g[e_ mol_ _[]b ^c _l_hn f_nn_l cm ]i^_^ mi nb[n gihcnilcha
cm _[ms [h^ _ _]ncp_+

£ hmol_ nb[n _[]b l_jfs cm ^_[fn qcnb koc]efs [h^ jli _mmcih[ffs+ D olnb_l ^_n[cfm
[l_ l_ko_mn_^) nb_m_ gomn \_ m_hn ion jligjnfs+ Ob_l_ cm hi jichn ch _h]iol[acha
jin_hnc[f ]omnig_lm ni ]ihn[]n sio c siol m_lpc]_ cm mfiq il hih*_rcmn_hn+


Questions 15-21

Complete the sentences below.

8ZaaeW CD BDG: I=6C ILD LDG9H Xda fZW fWjf Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe )- ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

.2 N[f_m f_nn_lm mbiof^ \_ m_hn ni nb _ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ch [ ]igj[hs+

.3 Tiol f_nn_l mbiof^ g[e_ [m g o ] b ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [m jimmc\f_+

.4 Ob_ l_[^_l m [nn_hncih h__^m ni \_ ][oabn \s nb _ ++++++++++++++++i siol f_nn_l+

. G_nn_lm mbiof^ \_ m_hn ch [ ++++++++++++++++

.5 Dn cm \_mn ni jlchn nb _ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ch nqi il gil_ ]ifiolm+

/- >ihmc^_l m_h^cha [ +[m nbcm cm gil_ _ _]ncp_ nb[h [ jc]nol_+

/. Tio mbiof^ ][f]of[n_ nb _ +++++++++++++++ ni siol f_nn_l+

General Training Reading and Writing

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e /&

IFCES, the International Federation of Chemical Engineering Societies

Job Specification: Communications Manager

Contract: Permanent (with 3-month probationary period)
Reports to: Chief Executive
Hours: 9:15am - 5:30pm with 1 hour for lunch
Holidays: 23 days per annum + statutory public holidays
Jo b Summary
To raise the international profile o f IFCES. To communicate our objectives, programmes and services to
members, the chemical engineering community, the media and the wider public.
Key Responsibilities Employee Specification
• Develop and implement a programme of Essential
communications to member associations, the • Degree (any discipline)
chemical engineering industry, sponsors and the
media • M in im u m 4 years’ experience in a
communications role
• Plan and implement marketing strategies for all
IFCES programmes including the World Chemical • Excellent copy writing skills with strong attention
Engineering Congress to detail, a keen sense o f audience and an ability to
tailor writing to its particular purpose
• Write and edit copy for publications intended
for internal and external use including Chemical • Demonstrable track record of producing high
Engineer Monthly quality corporate publications and marketing
• Work with design agencies, web developers and
other external contractors to produce high quality • Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills
corporate and marketing materials • Sound IT skills, including working knowledge of
• Research, write and distribute news releases as Microsoft Office applications
required, often at short notice and under pressure • Willingness to travel internationally
• Deal with media enquiries and interview requests.
Ensure that good relationships with both D esira b le
mainstream and chemical engineering media are • Recognised post-graduate qualification in public
developed and maintained relations / journalism / marketing communications
• Assist in the production of presentations and • Knowledge of the global chemical engineering
speeches for board members industry and the production of new materials in
• Ensure website content is up to date and consistent
• Develop a consistent corporate identity and ensure • Understanding of the concerns surrounding
its application by all member associations and sustainability in chemical engineering
partner organisations • Ability to speak a foreign language

• Carry out specific duties and projects as directed

from time to time


Questions 2 2 -2 7

Complete the notes below.

8ZaaeW CD BDG: I=6C ILD LDG9H Xda fZW fWjf Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe / a kagd [hmq_l eZWWf&

Position: Communications Manager

Nog g [ls i lif_6 ni cgjlip_ DA> N m / / +++++++++++++++ [lioh^ nb_ qilf^


£ qlcncha il [ hog\_l i / 0 +++++++++++++++ ) jli^o]_^ il \inb DA> N [h^ [

qc^_l l_[^_lmbcj

£ jli^o]cha h_qm l_f_[m_m koc]efs qb_h h_]_mm[ls

£ g[echa mol_ nb_ / 1 +++++++++++++++ ]ihn[chm ]oll_hn ch ilg[ncih+


£ bcab f_p_f mecff ch qlcncha [jjlijlc[n_fs

* il nb_ / 2 +++++++++++++++ ni l_[^

* ni []bc_p_ [ mj_]c c] / 3 +++++++++++++++

£ aii^ DO mecffm+


£ l_f_p[hn ko[fc c][ncih [n [ / 4 +++++++++++++++ f_p_f

£ [q[l_h_mm i cmmo_m i momn[ch[\cfcns ch l_f[ncih ni nb_ ch^omnls

£ ehiqf_^a_ i [ il_cah f[hao[a_+

General Training Reading and Writing

N >ODJI 0 Questions 28+40

GWSV fZW fWjf a bSYWe )) S V )) S V S eiWd FgWef[a e n,(&

a piece of New Zealand's history
The kauri tree is a massive forest tree native to New Zealand. Kauri once
formed vast forests over much of the north of the country. Whereas
now it is the wood of the kauri which is an important natural resource,
in the past it was the tree's sap (the thick liquid which flows inside a
tree) which, when hardened into gum, played an important role in New
Zealand's early history.
After running from rips or tears in the bark of trees, the sap hardens
to form the lumps of gum which eventually fall to the ground and are
buried under layers of forest litter. The bark often splits where branches
fork from the trunk, and gum accumulates there also.
The early European settlers in New Zealand collected and sold the gum. Gum fresh from
the tree was soft and of low value but most of the gum which was harvested had been
buried for thousands of years. This gum came in a bewildering variety of colours, degree of
transparency and hardness, depending on the length and location of burial, as well as the
health of the original tree and the area of the bleeding. Highest quality gum was hard and
bright and was usually found at shallow depth on the hills. Lowest quality gum was soft,
black or chalky and sugary and was usually found buried in swamps, where it had been in
contact with water for a long time. Long periods in the sun or bush fires could transform
dull, cloudy lumps into higher quality transparent gum.
Virtually all kauri gum was found in the regions of New Zealand where kauri forests grow
today _ from the middle of the North Island northwards. In Maori and early European times
up until 1850, most gum collected was simply picked up from the ground, but, after that, the
majority was recovered by digging.
The original inhabitants of New Zealand, the Maori, had experimented with kauri gum well
before Europeans arrived at the beginning of the nineteenth century. They called it kapia,
and found it of considerable use.
Fresh gum from trees was prized for its chewing quality, as was buried gum when softened
in water and mixed with the juice of a local plant. A piece of gum was often passed around
from mouth to mouth when people gathered together until it was all gone, or when they
tired of chewing, it was laid aside for future use.
Kauri gum burns readily and was used by Maori people to light fires. Sometimes it was
bound in grass, ignited and used as a torch by night fishermen to attract fish.


The first kauri gum to be exported from New Zealand was part of a cargo taken back to
Australia and England by two early expeditions in 1814 and 1815. By the 1860s, kauri gum's
reputation was well established in the overseas markets and European immigrants were
joining the Maoris in collecting gum on the hills of northern New Zealand. As the surface
gum became more scarce, spades were used to dig up the buried 'treasure;The increasing
number of diggers resulted in rapid growth of the kauri gum exports from 1,000 tons in 1860
to a maximum of over 10,000 tons in 1900.
For fifty years from about 1870 to 1920, the kauri gum industry was a major source of income
for settlers in northern New Zealand. As these would-be farmers struggled to break in the
land, many turned to gum-digging to earn enough money to support their families and
pay for improvements to their farms until better times arrived. By the 1890s,there were
20,000 people engaged in gum-digging. Although many of these, such as farmers, women
and children, were only part-time diggers, nearly 7,000 were full-timers. During times of
economic difficulty, gum-digging was the only job available where the unemployed from
many walks of life could earn a living, if they were prepared to work.

The first major commercial use of kauri gum was in the manufacture of high-grade furniture
varnish, a kind of clear paint used to treat wood. The best and purest gum that was exported
prior to 1910 was used in this way. Kauri gum was used in 70% of the oil varnishes being
manufactured in England in the 1890s. It was favoured ahead of other gums because it was
easier to process at lower temperatures. The cooler the process could be kept the better, as it
meant a paler varnish could be produced.
About 1910, kauri gum was found to be a very suitable ingredient in the production of some
kinds of floor coverings such as linoleum. In this way, a use was found for the vast quantities
of poorer quality and less pure gum, that had up till then been discarded as waste. Kauri
gum's importance in the manufacture of varnish and linoleum was displaced by synthetic
alternatives in the 1930s.
Fossil kauri gum is rather soft and can be carved easily with a knife or polished with fine
sandpaper. In the time of Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901), some pieces were made
into fashionable amber beads that women wore around their necks. The occasional lump
that contained preserved insects was prized for use in necklaces and bracelets. Many of the
gum-diggers enjoyed the occasional spell of carving and produced a wide variety of small
sculptured pieces. Many of these carvings can be seen today in local museums.
Over the years, kauri gum has also been used in a number of minor products, such as an
ingredient in marine glue and candles. In the last decades it has had a very limited use in
the manufacture of extremely high-grade varnish for violins, but the gum of the magnificent
kauri tree remains an important part of New Zealand's history.

General Training Reading and Writing

FgWef[a e 0

Ob_ n_rn b[m mcr m_]ncihm) < *A +

Rbc]b m_]ncih ]ihn[chm nb_ iffiqcha ch ilg[ncih;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe 0 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

/ [h _r[gjf_ i [ ^ig_mnc] jli^o]n g[^_ i bcab*ko[fcns aog

/5 []nilm [ _]ncha aog ko[fcns

0- biq e[olc aog cm ilg_^

0. biq aog q[m a[nb_l_^

0/ nb_ g[ch ch^omnlc[f om_m i nb_ aog

00 l_]_hn om_m i e[olc aog


Questions 3 4 -3 9

Aaa Sf fZW Xa^^ai[ Y WhW fe [ fZW Z[efadk aX Sgd[ Yg [ CWi OWS^S V

FgWef[a e , 1 S V fZW ^[ef aX f[ W bWd[aVe TW^ai&

BSfUZ WSUZ WhW f i[fZ fZW UaddWUf f[ W bWd[aV 6 ^&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 ^ [ TajWe , 1 a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

01 F[olc aog q[m clmn om_^ ch I_q U_[f[h^+

02 Ob_ [giohn i e[olc aog m_hn ip_lm_[m j_[e_^+

03 Ob_ ]iff_]ncih i e[olc aog mojjf_g_hn_^ [lg _lm ch]ig_m+

04 F[olc aog q[m g[^_ chni d_q_ff_ls+

0 F[olc aog q[m om_^ ch nb_ jli^o]ncih i mnlcha chmnlog_hnm+

05 Himn i nb_ e[olc aog q[m ioh^ oh^_lalioh^+

G cm n i Ocg _ K _lci^m

< \_ il_ nb_ . --m = ch .5--

> ch .5.- ? \_nq__h nb_ f[n_ . --m [h^

nb_ _[lfs .5--m

\_nq__h nb_ . 0-m [h^ .5-- A ch . .1 [h^ . .2

B [ n_l . 2- C ch nb_ .50-m

D ch l_]_hn ncg_m

FgWef[a ,(

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 8 ad 9&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd [ Taj ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

1- Rb[n q[m gimn fce_fs ni l_^o]_ nb_ ko[fcns i e[olc aog;

biq fiha cn q[m \olc_^
_rjimol_ ni q[n_l
" biq ^__j cn q[m \olc_^
# _rjimol_ ni b_[n

General Training Reading and Writing



Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




£ Wjb^S[ iZk kag iS f fa YWf S bSdf f[ W \a T
£ egYYWef Zai kag d Xd[W V Uag^V ZW^b kag X[ V S \a T

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn .2- qil^m+

Tio ^i IJO h__^ ni qlcn_ [hs [^^l_mm_m+

=_ach siol f_nn_l [m iffiqm6

D e a r++++++++++++ )


Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Rlcn_ [\ion nb_ iffiqcha nijc]6




Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+

B_h_l[f Ol[chcha M_[^cha [h^ Rlcncha
O_mn =
M <?DI

N >ODJI . Questions 1+14

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e ) /&

Tio qcff h__^ ni cff ch [h [jjfc][ncih il [ Kf_[m_ jlipc^_ nqi c^_hnc][f j[mmjiln
j[mmjiln ch nb_ iffiqcha ]cl]ogmn[h]_m6 jbinim i siolm_f + =inb jbinim gomn \_
c sio [l_ [jjfscha il [ j[mmjiln il nb_ m[g_ ch [ff l_mj_]nm [h^ gomn \_ f_mm
nb_ clmn ncg_) c sio qcmb ni l_jf[]_ siol nb[h ./ gihnbm if^+
]oll_hn j[mmjiln) c siol j[mmjiln b[m
_rjcl_^) il c cn b[m \__h fimn il mnif_h+ <me mig_ih_ qbi ][h c^_hnc s sio ni cff
Tiol [jjfc][ncih ilg gomn \_ ]igjf_n_^ ch nb_ ~Klii i D^_hncns ch ilg[ncih [h^
ch siol iqh b[h^qlcncha+ c^_hnc s ih_ i siol jbinim+ Obcm j_lmih
qcff \_ ][ff_^ siol qcnh_mm [h^ h__^m
<m jlii i siol ]cnct_hmbcj [h^ c^_hncns) ni g__n nb_ iffiqcha l_kocl_g_hnm6
sio gomn _h]fim_ _cnb_l siol j[mmjiln il [ qcnh_mm gomn \_ [a_^ .3 s_[lm il
siol \clnb ]_lnc c][n_+ <ff ^i]og_hnm gomn ip_l) \_ ]ihn[]n[\f_ \s jbih_ ^olcha
\_ ilcach[fm7 nb_m_ qcff \_ l_nolh_^ qcnb hilg[f i c]_ biolm [h^ \_ nb_ bif^_l i
siol j[mmjiln+ [ p[fc^ j[mmjiln+ < qcnh_mm mbiof^ cff ch
nb_ ~Klii i D^_hncns j[a_ ch nb_cl iqh
Ob_ mn[h^[l^ ncg_ ni jli]_mm [h b[h^qlcncha+ < qcnh_mm gomn [fmi qlcn_
[jjfc][ncih cm oj ni .- qilecha ^[sm+ nb_ off h[g_ i nb_ j_lmih [jjfscha il
Ob_ jli]_mmcha \_achm lig qb_h q_ nb_ j[mmjiln ih nb_ \[]e i ih_ i nb_
b[p_ l_]_cp_^ nb_ ]igjf_n_^ [jjfc][ncih jbinim) mcah nb_cl iqh h[g_ [h^ ^[n_
ilg+ <jjfc][hnm mbiof^ _rj_]n ^_f[sm c nb_ \[]e i nb_ m[g_ jbini+ Kbinim qcnb
nb_ K[mmjiln J c]_ l_]_cp_m [ ilg qcnb nbcm c^_hnc scha ch ilg[ncih qlcnn_h ch nb_
gcmmcha ch ilg[ncih+ rnl[ ncg_ mbiof^ [jjfc][hn m iqh b[h^qlcncha qcff hin \_
\_ [ffiq_^ il ^_fcp_ls ni [h^ lig nb_ []]_jn_^+
K[mmjiln J c]_+

General Training Reading and Writing

FgWef[a e ) /

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch nb_ n_rn ih j[a_ ..4;

> TajWe ) / a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

. < bom\[h^ ][h cff ch [h [jjfc][ncih ilg il bcm qc _+

/ Kbini]ijc_m i ^i]og_hnm [l_ []]_jn[\f_ ch mig_ ]cl]ogmn[h]_m+

0 <h ch]igjf_n_ [jjfc][ncih qcff [ _]n jli]_mmcha ncg_+

1 Ob_ j[mmjiln jbinim ch]fo^_^ qcnb siol [jjfc][ncih gomn \_ ch ]ifiol+

2 < qcnh_mm ][h \_ [ l_f[ncp_ i nb_ [jjfc][hn+

3 <hsih_ []ncha [m [ qcnh_mm gomn b[p_ [ j[mmjiln+

4 Ob_ j[mmjiln [jjfc][hn gomn mcah nb_cl h[g_ ih nb_ \[]e i \inb jbinim+


Questions 8 -1 4

Ob_ n_rn ih j[a_ ./- b[m m_p_h m_]ncihm) < *B +

8ZaaeW fZW UaddWUf ZWSV[ Y Xad WSUZ eWUf[a Xda fZW ^[ef aX ZWSV[ Ye TW^ai&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf g TWd M [ TajWe 0 ), a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&


M ?_j[lnol_ jli]_^ol_m

MM J\m_lp[ncih [l_[

MMM =[aa[a_ m_lpc]_m

MX H__ncha []cfcnc_m

Q C_[fnb][l_ m_lpc]_m

XM Afcabn ch ilg[ncih

X MM >oll_h]s _r]b[ha_

X MMM C_[fnb [h^ m[ _ns [^pc]_

M ?_j[lnol_ __m

S Oiolcmn nl[p_f ]_hnl_

N_]ncih 0
c N_]ncih 1

N_]ncih 2

N_]ncih 3

2 N_]ncih 4

0 N_]ncih 5
) N_]ncih 6

General Training Reading and Writing

Auckland International
Airport Services
0 The second floor of the international 4 Every international passenger, with the
terminal offers a view of the airfield exception of children under 12 years of
and all incoming and outgoing flights. age and transit passengers in Auckland
There is a cafe situated here as well as for less than 24 hours, is required to
a restaurant, which is available for all make a payment of $25 when leaving
airport visitors to use. the country. This can be arranged at the
National Bank on the ground floor.
1 We are open for all international flights
and provide a comprehensive service 5 As Auckland International Airport has
for visitors to the city. Brochures on a adopted the 'quiet airport' concept,
range of attractions are available, and there are usually no announcements
we also offer a booking service for made over the public address system.
accommodation and transport. Shuttle Details of all arrivals and departures are
buses into the city centre are provided at displayed on the monitors located in the
a competitive price. terminal halls and lounge areas.

2 Passengers who require urgent medical 6 The airport caters for the needs of
attention should dial 9877 on any public business travellers and has several
telephone in the terminal. The airport rooms available for seminars or business
pharmacy is located on the ground floor gatherings. These are located adjacent
near the departure lounge, and stocks a to the airport medical centre on the first
comprehensive range of products. floor. For information and bookings
please contact the Airport Business
3 Departing passengers can completely seal Manager on extension 5294.
their luggage or packages in recyclable
polythene to protect them from damage.
Luggage storage, charged at $10 per
hour, is available on the first floor.
Transit passengers have free access to
storage facilities.


SECTI ON 2 Questions 15+27

GWSV fZW fWjf TW^ai S V S eiWd FgWef[a e )- (&

S h oo tin g S t a r is a n o r g a n i s a tio n w hich o ffe rs s p ec ia l

tr a in in g f o r sc h oo l le a v e rs .

The best reason to take a gap year between school and work or higher education is to
improve your CV with experience overseas. This is why some school leavers in Britain
now consider a year out to be essential. Many want to travel, with Sydney the favourite
destination. Shooting Star is an organisation that helps school leavers by offering training
followed by appropriate employment.
We at Shooting Star offer much more than a trip abroad. At Shooting Star you acquire
skills that lead to interesting jobs both for your gap year and future holidays. Magazines
are full of ‘Wanted’ adverts for washing up in a restaurant. Well, we don’t do that ω it’s not
our idea of excitement. We offer school leavers the chance for outdoor adventure, to teach
things like sailing and snowboarding. No choice, really! In your year out you train, travel
and work; you can combine work with pleasure and reap the rewards. You could become
an experienced yacht skipper or instructor and many people go on to spend their future
holidays being paid to enjoy their favourite sport.
Australians and New Zealanders travel to Europe and North America in large numbers to
gain overseas experience. Those who qualify with Shooting Star are very soon using their
skills in jobs they could only dream about before, working outdoors and seeing more of the
world. Wherever you come from, a gap year with Shooting Star means professional training
and international adventure.
Top tips for a successful gap year:
☆ Design your gap year in outline before applying for a permanent job or a college place.
Human Resources officers or Admissions tutors will be impressed by a thought-out plan.
☆ What’s more important to you - travel or work experience? You can be flexible with
travel plans but you must research job opportunities in advance. Go to our website and
click on Recruitment for ideas.
☆ Who do you know who has taken a gap year before? Shooting Star can put you in touch
with someone who has just completed one.
☆ Sort out the admin in plenty of time - air tickets, visas, insurance and medical matters
such as vaccinations for some destinations. These are your responsibility.
☆ Who is in charge of your affairs while you are away? There will be forms to fill and
letters to answer.
☆ Allow plenty of time to m_nnf_ back home on siol return - and ^ih n be surprised if it
takes some time to reac^ust to everyday life!

General Training Reading and Writing

Questions 1 5 -2 0

?i nb_ iffiqcha mn[n_g_hnm [al__ qcnb nb_ ch ilg[ncih acp_h ch nb_ n_rn ih j[a_ ./.;

> TajWe )- ( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf id[fW

IGJ: [X fZW efSfW W f SYdWWe i[fZ fZW [ Xad Sf[a

6AH: [X fZW efSfW W f Ua fdSV[Ufe fZW [ Xad Sf[a
CDI >K:C [X fZWdW [e a [ Xad Sf[a a fZ[e

.2 Ail mig_ sioha =lcncmb j_ijf_) nb_ joljim_ i [ a[j s_[l cm ni cgjlip_ nb_cl
[][^_gc] ko[fc c][ncihm+

.3 Nbiincha Nn[l ch^m _gjfisg_hn il sioha j_ijf_ ch nb_ ][n_lchach^omnls+

.4 Ol[chcha qcnb Nbiincha Nn[l ][h \_ _rj_hmcp_+

. I_q nl[ch__m ch^ cn _[ms ni a_n nb_ miln i qile nb_s q[hn+

.5 I_q nl[ch__m qbi q[hn qile _rj_lc_h]_ mbiof^ ]b_]e ion p[][h]c_m \_ il_ nb_s

/- Nbiincha Nn[l b_fjm qcnb nl[p_f [ll[ha_g_hnm+


Questions 2 1 -2 7

Read the text below and answer Questions 21-27.

Succeeding at Interviews
A Getting invited to an interview means E It is also crucial to give plenty of thought
you have passed the first hurdle - your to what you are going to wear. This will
application must have made a good depend on the job you are going for. There
impression. Now you need to prepare is no need to buy a new outfit, but aim to
yourself for the interview to make sure you look neat and tidy. Remember, if you look
make the most of this opportunity. There good it will help you feel good.
are a number o f things you can do.
F Tio h__^ to g[e_ a aii^ impression.
= Aclmnfs sio ][h ^i mig_ l_m_[l]b+ Ach^ ion Interviews can vary from a relatively
about the employer and the job, ask for an informal ‘one-to-one chat to a very
information pack or speak to people you formal panel situation. Whatever the
know who work for the company. Try to circumstances, you will give yourself an
plan for the interview by asking who will advantage by being friendly and polite, by
be interviewing you and whether there making eye contact with the interviewer
will be a test to take. and by selling yourself by focusing on your
C Prepare for questions you might be asked.
Some common ones are the reason why G Ob_l_ are [fmi things sio should [pic^
you want the job, whether you have doing at your interview. First o f all, don’t
done this kind o f work before, what your exaggerate. For example, if you don’t
strengths and weaknesses are, and which have the exact experience the employer
leisure pursuits you enjoy. is looking for, say so and explain you are
willing to learn. Don’t simply give ‘yes,
D Another important point is never to run and ‘no answers, but answer questions as
the risk o f arriving late. For example, fully as you can. And lastly don’t forget to
consider making a 'dummy run in ask questions as well as answering them.
advance to see how long the journey will
take. Check out public transport or, if H One final thing to remember: it is
you are going by car, the nearest parking. important to show good team spirit, that
Aim to arrive about 10 minutes before the you possess good people skills and that
interview is due to start. you are friendly and approachable. Finally,
remember to be enthusiastic and show
that you can be flexible.

General Training Reading and Writing

Questions 2 1 -2 7

Ob_ n_rn ih j[a_ ./0 b[m _cabn m_]ncihm) 0 7

Rbc]b m_]ncih g_hncihm nb_ iffiqcha;

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 = [ TajWe ) / a kagd ei.d eZaaf&

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

21 nb_ cgjiln[h]_ i aii^ g[hh_lm

22 omcha siol ]ihn[]nm

/0 acpcha [^_ko[n_ l_mjihm_m

/1 a_nncha ih q_ff qcnb ]iff_[ao_m

/2 nb_ ch ilg[ncih sio g[s h__^ ni jlipc^_

/3 \_cha bih_mn qcnb nb_ chn_lpc_q_l

/4 \_cha joh]no[f


S ECTI ON 3 Questions 28+40

GWSV fZW fWjf a bSYWe ) - S V ) . S V S eiWd FgWef[a e 0 ,(&

Serendipity accidental
discoveries in science
Rb[n ^i jbinial[jbs) ^sh[gcn_) chmofch [h^ [lnc c]c[f mq__n_h_l b[p_ ch
]iggih; N_l_h^cjcns Ob_m_ ^cp_lm_ ^cm]ip_lc_m) qbc]b b[p_ g[^_ iol _p_ls^[s
fcpcha gil_ ]ihp_hc_hn) q_l_ ^cm]ip_l_^ j[lnfs \s ]b[h]_+ Ciq_p_l) Giocm K[mn_ol
hin_^ nb_ [^^cncih[f l_kocl_g_hn chpifp_^ ch m_l_h^cjcns qb_h b_ m[c^) ]b[h]_
[piolm ihfs nb_ jl_j[l_^ gch^$+
Ob_ ^cm]ip_ls i gi^_lh jbinial[jbs jlipc^_m [h _r[gjf_ i m_l_h^cjcns+
Dh . 0 ) G+ E+ H+ ?[ao_ll_ q[m [nn_g jncha ni $ cr$ cg[a_m ihni [ ]ijj_l
jbinial[jbc] jf[n_+ < n_l [^^cha [ mcfp_l ]i[ncha ni nb_ jf[n_ [h^ _rjimcha cn ni
ci^ch_ p[jiol) b_ ioh^ nb[n nb_ jbinial[jbc] cg[a_ q[m cgjlip_^ \on mncff p_ls
q_[e+ ?_mj_l[n_ [ n_l [h chp_mnca[ncih f[mncha m_p_l[f gihnbm) ?[ao_ll_ jf[]_^ [
fcabnfs _rjim_^ jbinial[jbc] jf[n_ ch nb_ ]oj\i[l^ ch qbc]b f[\il[nils ]b_gc][fm
mo]b [m [f]ibif [h^ ]iffi^cih q_l_ mnil_^+ Oi bcm [g[t_g_hn) qb_h b_ l_gip_^
nb_ jf[n_ m_p_l[f ^[sm f[n_l) ?[ao_ll_ ioh^ [ mnliha cg[a_ ih cnm mol []_+
Obcm cg[a_ b[^ \__h ]l_[n_^ \s ]b[h]_+ Dn q[m [n nbcm jichn nb[n Giocm K[mn_ol$m
$[^^cncih[f l_kocl_g_hn$ ][g_ chni jf[s6 ?[ao_ll_$m nl[chcha ni f^ bcg nb[n ih_ il
gil_ i nb_ ]b_gc][fm ch nb_ ]oj\i[l^ q[m l_mjihmc\f_ il chn_hmc scha nb_ cg[a_+
< n_l [ \l_[e i nqi q__em) ?[ao_ll_ msmn_g[nc][ffs jf[]_^ h_q jbinial[jbc]
jf[n_m ch nb_ ]oj\i[l^) l_gipcha ih_ ]b_gc][f _[]b ^[s+ Phjl_^c]n[\fs) aii^
jbinial[jbc] cg[a_m q_l_ ]l_[n_^ _p_h [ n_l [ff ]b_gc][fm b[^ \__h l_gip_^+
?[ao_ll_ nb_h hinc]_^ nb[n mig_ g_l]ols b[^ mjcff_^ ihni nb_ ]oj\i[l^ mb_f )
[h^ b_ ]ih]fo^_^ nb[n nb_ g_l]ols p[jiol gomn b[p_ cgjlip_^ nb_ jbinial[jbc]
l_mofn+ Alig nbcm ^cm]ip_ls ][g_ nb_ ohcp_lm[f [^ijncih i nb_ mcfp_l*g_l]ols
jli]_mm ni ^_p_fij jbinial[jbm+
?[ao_ll_$m m_l_h^cjcniom l_m_[l]b _ iln q[m l_q[l^_^) [ s_[l f[n_l) qcnb [ g_^[f
]ih _ll_^ \s nb_ Al_h]b aip_lhg_hn+ H[hs al_[n m]c_hncmnm b[p_ \_h_ cn_^ lig
m_l_h^cjcns) ch]fo^cha Ii\_f Klct_ qchh_lm+ Dh []n nb_ m]c_hncmn qbi _mn[\fcmb_^
nb_ Ii\_f Klct_ q[m bcgm_f \f_mm_^ qcnb m_l_h^cjcns+ Dh . 3.) nb_ Ii\_f
[gcfs \ocfn [ []nils ch Nni]ebifg ni jli^o]_ hcnliafs]_lch_) [ ]ifiolf_mm [h^
bcabfs _rjfimcp_ icf nb[n b[^ clmn \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h Dn[fc[h ]b_gcmn c n__h
s_[lm _[lfc_l+ Icnliafs]_lch_ q[m ehiqh ni \_ pif[ncf_ [h^ ohjl_^c]n[\f_) i n_h
_rjfi^cha [m [ l_mofn i p_ls mg[ff ehi]em+ =on nb_ Ii\_f [gcfs \_fc_p_^ nb[n nbcm
h_q _rjfimcp_ ]iof^ mifp_ [ g[dil jli\f_g []cha nb_ Nq_^cmb Nn[n_ M[cfq[sm *
nb_ h__^ ni ^ca ]b[hh_fm [h^ nohh_fm nblioab giohn[chm mi nb[n nb_ ^_p_fijcha
l[cfq[s msmn_g ]iof^ _rj[h^+

General Training Reading and Writing

Ciq_p_l) [m nolhip_l ch]l_[m_^) mi ^c^ nb_ hog \_l i []]c^_hn[f _rjfimcihm

l_mofncha lig nb_ om_ i hcnliafs]_lch_+ Nig_ j_ijf_ \f[g_^ nb_ j_ijf_ qbi
om_^ nb_ _rjfimcp_ gil_ nb[h nb_ mo\mn[h]_ cnm_f ) \_][om_ hcnliafs]_lch_ b[^
\_]ig_ jijof[l i l ch[jjlijlc[n_ joljim_m mo]b [m jifcmbcha nb_ f_[nb_l i
< n nb_ [a_ i nbclns) <f l_^ Ii\_f g[^_ nb_ clmn i bcm g[dil chp_hncihm6 [h
chhip[ncp_ \f[mncha ][j) [ ^_pc]_ ^_mcah_^ ni ]ihnlif nb_ hcnliafs]_lch_ _rjfimcih+
Ii\_f q[m [fmi ^_n_lg ch_^ ni ^cm]ip_l [ q[s ni g[e_ nbcm _rjfimcp_ m[ _l ni
g[ho []nol_) nl[hmjiln [h^ om_+ Aclmnfs) b_ _rj_lcg _hn_^ qcnb [^^cha ]b_gc][fm
ni hcnliafs]_lch_) \on \_][om_ nb_ ]b_gc][fm l_kocl_^ boa_ [giohnm i l_miol]_m
[h^ _h_las ni q[mb ion) nbcm jli]_mm q[m ]ihmc^_l_^ ni \_ cgjl[]nc][f+ C_ nb_h
nlc_^ ni om_ c\liom g[n_lc[f mo]b [m m[q^omn) ]b[l]i[f i l j[j_l ni mn[\cfcm_ nb_
_rjfimcp_) \on nb_m_ ]ig \omnc\f_ g[n_lc[fm n_h^_^ ni ][n]b cl_ qb_h jf[]_^
h_[l hcnliafs]_lch_+ <m [h [fn_lh[ncp_) b_ [^^_^ jiq^_l_^ \lc]e ^omn ni n[g_
nb_ _rjfimcp_) [m b_ eh_q nb[n \lc]e ^omn qiof^ hin ][n]b cl_+ Ciq_p_l) nb_ \lc]e
^omn l_^o]_^ nb_ _rjfimcp_ jiq_l i nb_ jli^o]n) [h^ mi q[m [fmi ioh^ ni \_
ohm[ncm []nils+
<]]il^cha ni ih_ p_lmcih i biq nb_ _p_hno[f mifoncih q[m ioh^) [ g_n[f
]ihn[ch_l i hcnliafs]_lch_ mjl[ha [ f_[e) [h^ mig_ i nb_ fckoc^ mi[e_^ chni
j[]e[acha g[n_lc[f nb[n f[s [lioh^ nb_ ]ihn[ch_l+ Ii\_f cg g _^c[n_fs m_n ni
qile ni _r[gch_ nb_ ]ihh_]ncih \_nq__h nb_ nq i g[n_lc[fm [h^ ioh^ nb[n
qb_h nb_ j[]e[acha g[n_lc[f q[m gcr_^ qcnb hcnliafs]_lch_ cn ]iof^ \_ jl_mm_^
chni [ ]ig j[]n mifc^+ Obcm mifc^ l_n[ch_^ nb_ _rjfimcp_ jiq_l i nb_ fckoc^)
\on q[m _hncl_fs m[ _ [h^ l_fc[\f_ \_][om_ cn qiof^ hin cahcn_ ohncf m_n i \s [
\f[mncha ][j+
<m [ m]c_hncmn qbi b[^ qile_^ msmn_g[nc][ffs niq[l^m [ mifoncih il [ hog\_l i
s_[lm) Ii\_f cg g _^c[n_fs oh^_lmnii^ nb_ cgjiln[h]_ i nbcm ^cm]ip_ls+ =on nb_
^cm]ip_ls b[^ ihfs ]ig_ [\ion \_][om_ i bcm j_lm_p_l[h]_+ Oblioab Ii\_f$m
^_[l pcmcih) msmn_g[nc] l_m_[l]b [h^ bcm koc]e al[mj i nb_ mcahc c][h]_ i bcm
^cm]ip_ls) b_ m_n bcgm_f [j[ln lig nb_ g[hs m]c_hncmnm qbi q_l_ hin $ ilnoh[n_$
_hioab ni ]l_[n_ h_q jli^o]nm nb[n qiof^ g[e_ nb_g [giom+
<f l_^ Ii\_f) [ fc _fiha j[]c cmn) bij_^ nb[n bcm _rjfimcp_ qiof^ \_ [ jiq_l of
^_n_ll_hn ni q[l [l_+ Ii\_f mioabn ni []bc_p_ j_lg [h_hn q ilf^qc^_ j_[]_+
Dh m_nncha oj nb_ Ii\_f Aioh^[ncih [h^ nb_ Ii\_f K_[]_ Klct_m) b_ bij_^
ni []]igjfcmb qb[n b_ b[^ hin \__h [\f_ ni ^i ^olcha bcm fc _ncg_6 ni
_h]iol[a_ l_m_[l]b [h^ []ncpcnc_m nb[n qiof^ \_mniq nb_ $al_[n_mn \_h_ cn ni
g[hech^$) _mj_]c[ffs j_[]_ [h^ l[n_lhcns \_nq__h h[ncihm+ Ccm pcmcih q[m i [
j_[]_ of qilf^+


Questions 28 -31

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A -G , below.

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 [ TajWe 0 ) a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

/ Ii\_f ioh^ nb[n [^^cha ]b_gc][fm 0- Ii\_f ioh^ nb[n [^^cha \lc]e ^omn

/5 Ii\_f ioh^ nb[n [^^cha m[q^omn [h^ 0. Ii\_f ioh^ nb[n gcrcha hcnliafs]_lch_
j[j_l qcnb j[]e[acha

< ^_]l_[m_^ nb_ _h_las i nb_ g[^_ nb_ jli]_mm m[ _l+

A ch]l_[m_^ nb_ f[gg[\cfcns i
= f_hanb_h_^ nb_ ncg_ l_kocl_^+ nb_ gcrnol_+
> g[^_ nb_ jli]_mm ohqile[\f_+ B l_mofn_^ ch fiq_l l_fc[\cfcns+
? l_^o]_^ nb_ g[ho []nolcha

FgWef[a e /

Aaa Sf fZW Xa^^ai[ Y efSfW W fe FgWef[a e / S V fZW ^[ef aX abf[a e TW^ai&

BSfUZ WSUZ efSfW W f i[fZ fZW UaddWUf abf[a 6 7 ad 8&

Ld[fW fZW UaddWUf ^WffWd 6 7 ad 8 [ TajWe / a kagd S eiWd eZWWf

C7 Nag Sk geW S k ^WffWd adW fZS a UW&

0/ C_ l_]iahcm_^ nb_ mcahc c][h]_ i [h oh_rj_]n_^ l_mofn+

00 C_ ^_j_h^_^ ih nb_ b_fj i ]iff_[ao_m ni mifp_ [ jli\f_g+

01 C_ om_^ ^c _l_hn g_nbi^m ni ch^ [ mifoncih ni nb_ jli\f_g+

02 C_ q[m _h]iol[a_^ ni ^i nbcm l_m_[l]b \s bcm aip_lhg_hn+

03 C_ l_]_cp_^ [h [q[l^ ch l_]iahcncih i bcm m]c_hnc c] qile+

04 C_ qile_^ il [ fiha ncg_ ni ch^ [ q[s i e__jcha [ jli]_mm oh^_l ]ihnlif+

G cm n i J j ncihm
6 fdgW a X TafZ 9SYgWddW S V CaTW^
7 fdgW aX W[fZWd 9SYgWddW ad CaTW^
8 fdgW aX a ^k a W aX fZW
General Training Reading and Writing

FgWef[a e 0 ,(

8a b^WfW fZW eg Sdk TW^ai&

8ZaaeW CD BDG: I=6C ILD LDG9H Xda fZW fWjf Xad WSUZ S eiWd&

Ld[fW kagd S eiWde [ TajWe 0 ,( a kagd S eiWd eZWWf&

Daguerre s Experiments
?[ao_ll_ m qile cffomnl[n_^ nb_ ]igg_hn g[^_ \s Giocm K[mn_ol nb[n ch il^_l ni n[e_ off
[^p[hn[a_ i [ fo]es ^cm]ip_ls) m]c_hncmnm h__^ ni b[p_ [ 0 +++++++++++++++++ C_ ioh^ nb[n
_rjimol_ ni 0 5 +++++++++++++++ b[^ nb_ ^_mcl_^ _ _]n ih [ mcfp_l*]i[n_^ jbinial[jbc] jf[n_)
\on ihfs ni [ p_ls fcgcn_^ _rn_hn+ Oi bcm al_[n moljlcm_ nb_ cg[a_ nb_h \_][g_ go]b
]f_[l_l qb_h cn q[m mnil_^ ch [ ]oj\i[l^+ =s [ jli]_mm i _fcgch[ncih) b_ ^cm]ip_l_^ nb[n
]iffi^cih [h^ [f]ibif q_l_ hin l_mjihmc\f_ il nbcm cgjlip_g_hn+ Dh []n) nb_ l_gip[f i
[ff nb_ 1 - +++++++++++++++ ^c^ hin [ _]n nb_ ko[fcns i nb_ cg[a_+ Dn q[m mig_ mjcfn g_l]ols nb[n
b[^ jli^o]_^ nb_ _ _]n+




Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion /- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+




£ Y[hW VWfS[^e a X kagd h [e [f fa fZW dWefSgdS f
£ eSk iZSf iSe YaaV STagf fZW XaaV S V fZW eWdh[UW

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn .2- qil^m+

Tio ^i IJO h__^ ni qlcn_ [hs [^^l_mm_m+

=_ach siol f_nn_l [m iffiqm6

Dear Sir or Madam,


Tio mbiof^ mj_h^ [\ion 1- gchon_m ih nbcm n[me+

Rlcn_ [\ion nb_ iffiqcha nijc]6




Bcp_ l_[mihm il siol [hmq_l [h^ ch]fo^_ [hs l_f_p[hn _r[gjf_m lig siol iqh
ehiqf_^a_ il _rj_lc_h]_+

Rlcn_ [n f_[mn /2- qil^m+


OM<Q G <B IO6 Bii^ gilhcha+ Rilf^ Oiolm+ Hs h[g_ cm E[gc_+ Ciq ][h D b_fj sio;
<I?M <6 Bii^ gilhcha+ D q[hn mig_ ch ilg[ncih ih m_f *^lcp_ niolm ch nb_ PN<+
>iof^ sio m_h^ g_ [ \li]bol_;
OM<Q G <B IO6 J ]iolm_+ >iof^ D b[p_ siol h[g_ jf_[m_;
<I?M <6 <h^l_[ =liqh+ : jS b ^W
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob[he sio+ <h^ siol [^^l_mm;
<I?M <6 /1) <l^f_c[b Mi[^+ F)
OM<Q G <B IO6 >[h sio mj_ff nb[n;
<I?M <6 <*M*?*G* *f*B*C Mi[^+
OM<Q G <B IO6 Kimn]i^_;
<I?M <6 = C 2/-K
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob[hem+ <h^ ][h D b[p_ siol jbih_ hog\_l;
<I?M <6 Dm [ gi\cf_ [flcabn;
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ach_+
<I?M <6 Dn m -44 3310-5.+
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob[he sio+ <h^ ][h D [me sio qb_l_ sio b_[l^ [\ion Rilf^ Oiolm; Alig
[ lc_h^; Jl ^c^ sio m__ [h [^p_ln mig_qb_l_;
<I?M <6 Ii) D l_[^ [\ion sio ch nb_ h_qmj[j_l+ F
OM<Q G <B IO6 JF) D ff a_n nb_ \li]bol_m ch nb_ jimn ni sio \on ][h D acp_ sio mig_
ch ilg[ncih ip_l nb_ jbih_+ Rb[n ech^m i nbcham ^i sio q[hn ni ^i ih
siol bifc^[s;
<I?M <6 i’m chn_l_mn_^ ch aicha ni >[fc ilhc[ qcnb gs [gcfs+ D p_ ain nqi ]bcf^l_h
[h^ q_ q[hn ni bcl_ [ ][l+
OM<Q G <B IO6 JF+ R_ b[p_ [ ]iojf_ i m_f *^lcp_ niolm nb_l_ pcmcncha ^c _l_hn jf[]_m
i chn_l_mn ch >[fc ilhc[+ Ob_ clmn ih_ \_achm ch Gim <ha_f_m [h^ nb_l_ m
jf_hns i ncg_ ni pcmcn mig_ i nb_ nb_g_ j[lem nb_l_+ F
<I?M <6 Ob[n m mig_nbcha ih gs ]bcf^l_h m fcmn mi D ^ q[hn ni ch]fo^_ nb[n+
OM<Q G <B IO6 Bii^+ Ob_h sio ^lcp_ ni N[h Al[h]cm]i+ Alig N[h Al[h]cm]i sio ][h
^lcp_ ni Tim_gcn_ K[le qb_l_ sio mj_h^ [ ]iojf_ i hcabnm+ Tio ][h
]biim_ ni mn[s ch [ fi^a_ il ih nb_ ][gjmcn_+
<I?M <6 D ^ih n fce_ nb_ c^_[ i mn[scha ch [ n_hn+ Dn ^ \_ nii bin+ F,
OM<Q G <B IO6 Mcabn+ <h^ nb_ niol _h^m ch G[m Q_a[m+
<I?M <6 JF+
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob_ inb_l nlcj q_ ][h [ll[ha_ cm mfcabnfs ^c _l_hn+ Dn mn[lnm ch N[h
Al[h]cm]i+ Ob_h sio ^lcp_ mionb ni >[g\lc[+
<I?M <6 Nig_ih_ nif^ g_ nb_l_ m [ l_[ffs hc]_ ][mnf_ h_[l >[g\lc[+ Rcff q_ ai F-
h_[l nb[n;
OM<Q G <B IO6 C_[lmn >[mnf_ cm ih nb[n li[^ mi sio ]iof^ mnij nb_l_+
<I?M <6 Bii^+ D ^ fce_ ni ^i nb[n+ ?i_m nbcm nlcj [fmi ai chni nb_ ^_m_ln;
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ii) cn ]ihncho_m ni N[hn[ Hihc][ qb_l_ gimn j_ijf_ fce_ ni mnij [h^ ^i
mig_ mbijjcha+
<I?M <6 R_ b[p_ _hioab i nb[n [n big_ mi nb[n ^i_mh n chn_l_mn om+

Test 1

nl[ p _ f [ a _ h n JF+ R_ff sio ]iof^ ai mnl[cabn ih ni N[h ?c_ai+

[ h ^ l_ [ Ob[n m aii^ il \_[]b_m cmh n cn; F.
nl[ p _ f [a_hn Ob[n m lcabn) nb[n m [ aii^ jf[]_ ni l_f[r [h^ siol]bcf^l_h gcabn fce_ ni
pcmcn nb_ tii \_ il_ fscha big_+
[ h ^ l_ [ D ^ih n nbche mi+ R_ q[hn mig_ ncg_ il moh\[nbcha [h^mqcggcha+

<I?M <6 Ni biq g[hs ^[sm [l_ nb_ nlcjm [h^ biq go]b ^i nb_s ]imn;
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob_ clmn ih_ D nif^ sio [\ion cm [ m_f *^lcp_ niol nblioab >[fc ilhc[ qbc]b
f[mnm nq_fp_ ^[sm [h^ ]ip_lm /+-/- ecfig_nl_m+ Ob_ mbiln_mn diolh_s cm L4
/-3 eg [h^ nb_ fiha_mn cm 30/ ecfig_nl_m+ Ob_ ]imn cm x2/2 j_l j_lmih+
Ob[n ch]fo^_m []]iggi^[ncih) ][l l_hn[f [h^ [ fcabn \on hi g_[fm+ F0
<I?M <6 JF+ <h^ nb_ inb_l nlcj;
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob[n f[mnm hch_ ^[sm \on sio mj_h^ ihfs nbl__ ^[sm ih nb_ li[^+ Tio ]ip_l
[\ion 5 - ecfig_nl_m [fnia_nb_l+
<I?M <6 Ni cm nb[n ]b_[j_l nb_h;
OM<Q G <B IO6 T_m) cn m [fgimn [ boh^l_^ jioh^m ]b_[j_l+ Dn m x1/5 j_l j_lmih) qbc]b cm F1
[ aii^ ^_[f+
<I?M <6 Ni nb[n ]ip_lm []]iggi^[ncih [h^ ][l bcl_+ Rb[n [\ion fcabnm;
OM<Q G <B IO6 Ob_s [l_h n ch]fo^_^+ =on nb_m_ bin_fm i _l ^chh_l ch nb_ jlc]_+ F )(
<I?M <6 JF+ R_ff) nb[he sio p_ls go]b+ D ff \_ ch nio]b qb_h D p_ b[^ [ ]b[h]_ ni
fiie [n nb_ \li]bol_+
OM<Q G <B IO6 D g jf_[m_^ ni b_fj+ Bii^\s_+
<I?M <6 Bii^\s_+

Jh \_b[f i GK >fo\m) f ^ fce_ ni q_f]ig_ sio [ff b_l_ ni^[s+ Hs h[g_ m N[h^s Acmb_l
[h^ D g ih_ i nb_ cnh_mm g[h[a_lm b_l_+ =_ il_ q_ mn[ln iol niol i nb_ ]fo\ f ff domn
loh nblioab mig_ \[mc] ch ilg[ncih [\ion nb_ []cfcnc_m q_ b[p_ b_l_) ch]fo^cha l_]_hn
cgjlip_g_hnm) [h^ _rjf[ch nb_ nsj_m i g_g\_lmbcj [p[cf[\f_+
Jol al_[n_mn [mm_n cm jli\[\fs iol mqcggcha jiif qbc]b [n /2 g_nl_m cmh n Jfpgjc]*mct_^+ F)) )
\on hiq q_ p_ _rj[h^_^ cn ni _cabn f[h_m) cn m go]b qc^_l+ bcm g_[hm nb_l_ [l_ l[l_fs
gil_ nb[h [ ]iojf_ i j_ijf_ [n [ ncg_ ch _[]b f[h_+ Ph ilnoh[n_fs) nb_l_ cmh n mj[]_ il
[h ion^iil jiif b_l_ \on nb_ af[mm lii ih nb_ mqcggcha jiif cm j[lnfs l_nl[]n[\f_) qbc]b
g_[hm sio ][h _hdis mig_nbcha i nb_ ij_h*[cl _rj_lc_h]_ ih q[lg_l ^[sm+
Jol l_]_hnfs l_ ol\cmb_^ cnh_mm mocn_ b[m [ff nb_ f[n_mn _r_l]cm_ _kocjg_hn ch]fo^cha n_h F)) )
h_q lohhcha g[]bch_m) [h^ [ qc^_ l[ha_ i q_cabn*nl[chcha g[]bch_m+ []b g_g\_l cm
acp_h off nl[chcha ch biq ni ij_l[n_ nb_ _kocjg_hn [h^ nb_l_ cm [fq[sm [ nl[ch_l ih ^ons ni
i _l b_fj [h^ [^pc]_+ <fnbioab q_ ^i b[p_ [^ofn*ihfs ncg_m [ n_l 3 [h^ [n ]_ln[ch ncg_m
[n q__e_h^m) ]bcf^l_h [l_ q_ff ][n_l_^ il+ Jf^_l ]bcf^l_h ]ihncho_ ni \_h_ cn lig [ qc^_
l[ha_ i nocncih7 [hsnbcha lig nl[gjifchcha ni sia[+

Jh_ nbcha [ff iol g_g\_lm [jjl_]c[n_ [\ion om cm nb[n q_ n[e_ p_ls aii^ ][l_ i
nb_g+ Obcm mn[lnm ih ^[s ih_ qcnb siol j_lmih[f [mm_mmg_hn+ Tio [l_ [me_^ ni cff ch [
ko_mncihh[cl_ acpcha ^_n[cfm i [hp b_[fnb jli\f_gm+ Jh_ i iol j_lmih[f nl[ch_lm qcff nb_h F)
ai nblioab nbcm qcnb sio+
Ob_ nl[ch_l qcff nb_h n[e_ pio nblioab nb_ m[ _ns lof_m il omcha nb_ _kocjg_hn ch nb_ cnh_mm F),
mocn_+ ?olcha siol h_rn _r_l]cm_ m_mmcih [ j_lmih[f nl[ch_l qcff qile qcnb sio ni g[e_ mol_
sio oh^_lmn[h^ nb_m_+ Dn m p_ls cgjiln[hn ni ^i nbcm \_][om_ q_ l_[ffs ^i q[hn ni [pic^

b[pcha [hs mjilnm chdolc_m+ Ob_l_ m [ fin gil_ ni fiiecha [ n_l siolm_f nb[h mcgjfs fc ncha
<n nb_ _h^ i nb_ j_lmih[f [mm_mmg_hn) nb_ nl[ch_l qcff ^l[q o j [ jf[h) ionfchcha qb[n sio F)-
mbiof^ nlp ni []bc_p_ qcnbch [ mcr*q__e j_lci^+ Obcm qcff nb_h \_ l_pc_q_^ [n nb_ _h^ i nb_
mcr q__em+
Iiq) D ff domn koc]efs loh nblioab nb_ nsj_m i g_g\_lmbcj q_ b[p_ [p[cf[\f_+ <ff g_g\_lm F ).
gomn i[p [ dichcha XW W a X x5- ch [^^cncih ni nb_ l[n_m il nb_ gihnbfs g_g\_lmbcj __m+
Bif^ g_g\_lmbcj _hncnf_m pio ni l__ _hnls [n [ff GK >fo\m+ Ob_l_ [l_ hiq GK ]fo\m ch [ff F )/
g[dil ]cnc_m [h^ niqhm mi c sio nl[p_f [ fin nbcm qcff \_ [ al_[n [^p[hn[a_+ Dh^cpc^o[f aif^
g_g\_lmbcj ]imnm x2- [ gihnb [h^ dichn g_g\_lmbcj il sio [h^ siol j[lnh_l qcff ]imn
Kl_gc_l g_g\_lmbcj cm il jli _mmcih[f j_ijf_ qbim_ qile ]iggcng_hnm g[e_ cn ^c c]ofn
il nb_g ni om_ nb_ ]fo\ ^olcha nb_ ^[s [h^ mi GK acp_m \iiecha jl_ _l_h]_m ni Kl_gc_l F )0
g_g\_lm [n j_[e ncg_m+ Obcm g_[hm sio qcff ch^ cn _[mc_l ni \iie nb_ m_mmcihm [n ncg_m
nb[n mocn sio+ M_]cjli][f [ll[ha_g_hnm qcnb inb_l GK >fo\m [l_ [p[cf[\f_ ni Kl_gc_l
g_g\_lm+ Kl_gc_l g_g\_lmbcj cm il ch^cpc^o[fm ihfs) \on pio qcff \_ m_hn j[mm_m il F )1
ko_mnm _p_ls gihnb+ Ob_ gihnbfs __ cm x32+
Tio ^ih n b[p_ ni b[p_ [hs mj_]c[f ]finb_m il _kocjg_hn qb_h sio pcmcn nb_ ]fo\+ R_
jlipc^_ li\_m [h^ b[cl^ls_lm ch nb_ ]b[hacha liigm) \on cn m p_ls cgjiln[hn ni l_g_g\_l F (
piol ? bini ][l^ \_][om_ sio qih n \_ [\f_ ni a_n ch qcnbion cn+
Ail j_ijf_ qbi [l_h n qilecha ^olcha nb_ ^[s nb_h +++

N >ODJ I 0
EJCI6 lg +++ b_ffi Kli _mmil) D g Eibh Rcmb[ln+ D g qilecha ih gs _hnls il nb_
Bfi\[f ?_mcah >igj_ncncih+ Hs nonil m[c^ sio gcabn \_ [\f_ ni b_fj g_
qcnb cn+
KMJA NNJM6 <b) s_m) D ain [ ]ijs i siol ^l[qcham+ >ig_ ch [h^ n_ff g_ [\ion cn+ Rb[n
miln i ]igj_ncncih cm cn;
EJCI6 R_ff) cn m [h chn_lh[ncih[f ^_mcah ]igj_ncncih [h^ q_ b[p_ ni ]ig_ oj qcnb Q21
[ h_q ^_mcah il [ nsjc][f ^ig_mnc] ecn]b_h [jjfc[h]_+
KMJA NNJM6 D m__) [h^ [l_ nb_l_ [hs mj_]c[f ]ih^cncihm; ?i_m cn b[p_ ni m[p_ _h_las
il _r[gjf_;
EJCI6 <]no[ffs nb[n q[m nb_ i]om ch f[mn s_[l m ]igj_ncncih+ Obcm s_[l m ^c _l_hn+
R_ b[p_ ni [^ijn [h chhip[ncp_ [jjli[]b ni _rcmncha n_]bhifias) omcha cn
ch [ q[s nb[n b[mh n \__h nbioabn i \_ il_+
KMJA NNJM6 D m__) nb[n mioh^m nlc]es+ <h^ qb[n ecn]b_h [jjfc[h]_ b[p_ sio ]bim_h;
EJCI6 R _ ff) ^_]c^_^ ni ]biim_ nb_ ^cmbq[mb_l+
KMJA NNJM6 Dhn_l_mncha) qb[n g[^_ sio ]biim_ nb[n;
EJCI6 R_ff) nb_s l_ [h _p_ls^[s ecn]b_h [jjfc[h]_ ch gimn <omnl[fc[h biom_m
\on nb_s l_ [ff jl_nns \ilcha [h^ [fgimn c^_hnc][f ni _[]b inb_l+ D nbche F
mig_ j_ijf_ qcff \_ jl_j[l_^ ni j[p [ fcnnf_ _rnl[ il mig_nbcha nb[n fiiem
^c _l_hn+
KMJA NNJM6 Ob[n m [ hc]_ c^_[+ D m__ sio p_ ][ff_^ siol ^_mcah ~nb_ Mi]ejiif qbs cm
EJCI6 =[mc][ffs \_][om_ cn fiiem fce_ nb_ li]e jiifm sio ch^ ih [ \_[]b+ Ob_ nij
cm g[^_ i af[mm mi nb[n sio ][h fiie ^iqh chni cn+
KMJA NNJM6 <h^ nb_l_ m [ mnih_ [n nb_ \innig+ Dm nb[n domn il ^_]il[ncih;
Test 1

EJCI6 <]no[ffs cn ^i_m b[p_ [ oh]ncih+ Dhmn_[^ i jombcha [ \onnih) pio nolh F
nb_ mnih_+
KMJA NNJM6 Ni cn m l_[ffs domn [ hip_f q[s i mn[lncha nb_ ^cmbq[mb_l+
EJCI6 Ob[n m lcabn+
KMJA NNJM6 Dn m [ l_[ffs hc]_ ^_mcah) \on qb[n g[e_m cn chhip[ncp_;
EJCI6 R_ff) D ^_]c^_^ ni g[e_ [ ^cmbq[mb_l nb[n om_m ][l\ih ^circ^_+
KMJA NNJM6 Dh jf[]_ i q[n_l [h^ ^_n_la_hn; Ciq qcff sio g[h[a_ nb[n;
EJCI6 Ob_ c^_[ cm ni jl_mmolcm_ nb_ ][l\ih ^circ^_ mi nb[n cn \_]ig_m [ fckoc^+
Ob_ foc^ cm nb_h l_f_[m_^ chni nb_ ^cmbq[mb_l qb_l_ cn ]f_[hm nb_ ^cmb_m
[ff \s cnm_f +
KMJA NNJM6 Nioh^m fce_ [ \lcffc[hn c^_[ Tiol msmn_g qcff nin[ffs ^i [q[s qcnb nb_ h__^
il mnliha ^_n_la_hnm+ Ni qb[n b[jj_hm ih]_ nb_ ^cmb_m [l_ ]f_[h;
EJCI6 R_ff) ni [ffiq nb_g ni ^ls) nb_ fckoc^ ][l\ih ^circ^_ [h^ nb_ q[mn_
g[n_lc[fm [ff ai ni [h [l_[ ][ff_^ nb_ bif^cha ]b[g\_l+ Ob[n m qb_l_ nb_ F ,
fckoc^ cm ^_jl_mmolcm_^ [h^ mi cn l_p_lnm ni [ [[m+ Ob_h nb_ icf [h^ al_[m_
[l_ m_j[l[n_^ ion [h^ m_hn ni nb_ q[mn_ msmn_g+
KMJA NNJM6 Dn mioh^m fce_ sio p_ nbioabn cn [ff ion p_ls nbilioabfs+ Ni) qb[n b[jj_hm
ni nb_ ][l\ih ^circ^_ ih]_ nb_ jli]_mm cm ]igjf_n_; Iin q[mn_^ D bij_+
EJCI6 <]no[ffs) nb[n m qb_l_ nb_ l_[f m[pcham [l_ g[^_+ Ob_ ][l\ih ^circ^_ cm F -
m_hn \[]e ni nb_ ]sfch^_l [h^ ][h \_ om_^ [a[ch [h^ [a[ch+
KMJA NNJM6 Rb[n [ n_llc c] c^_[+ ?i sio nbche cn qcff _p_l \_ \ocfn;
EJCI6 Kli\[\fs hin) \on nb[n m JF+
KMJA NNJM6 R_ff) D g mol_ [ fin i jimcncp_ nbcham qcff ]ig_ ion i siol ^_mcah+

KMJA NNJM6 Iiq) sio m__g ni b[p_ nbioabn [\ion _p_lsnbcha mi qb[n _r[]nfs ^c^ sio
h__^ g_ ni b_fj sio qcnb;
EJCI6 R_ff) gs ^_mcah b[m g[^_ cn ni nb_ ch[f mn[a_ i nb_ ]igj_ncncih [h^) ch [ L/3
_q gihnbm ncg_+ D b[p_ ni acp_ [ jl_m_hn[ncih) [h^ nb[n m nb_ j[ln q[m
bijcha pio ]iof^ b_fj g_ qcnb+
KMJA NNJM6 Mcabn) q_ff nb[n mbiof^ \_ _[ms _hioab+ Rb[n b[p_ sio g[h[a_^ ni ^i mi
EJCI6 R_ff) D p_ ain ^_n[cf_^ ^l[qcham ni mbiq biq cn qcff qile [h^ D p_ [fmi
qlcnn_h [ 2--*qil^ j[j_l ih cn+
KMJA NNJM6 D m__+ R_ff) c pio q[hn ni mn[h^ [ aii^ ]b[h]_ i qchhcha pio l_[ffs h__^ L/4
[ gi^_f i nb_ g[]bch_+
EJCI6 T_m) D nbioabn D gcabn \on D g b[pcha [ _q jli\f_gm+
KMJA NNJM6 Rb[n cm nb_ g[ch ^c c]ofns mi [l; G_n g_ ao_mm * cm cn nb_ g[n_lc[fm;
EJCI6 T_m q[hn cn ni fiie jli _mmcih[f \on _p_lsnbcha nb[n m nij ko[fcns cm [fmi F 0
p_ls _rj_hmcp_+
KMJA NNJM6 Giie) jlid_]nm fce_ nbcm [l_ p_ls cgjiln[hn ni om+ Ob_s l_[ffs b_fj fc n iol
jli cf_+ Ni qbp ^ih$n pio n[fe ni nb_ ohcp_lmcns [\ion [ al[hn; D ][h b_fj F 1
sio cff ion nb_ [jjfc][ncih ilgm c sio fce_+
EJCI6 Ob[n qiof^ \_ al_[n+
KMJA NNJM6 Tio ^ \_nn_l mbiq g_ nbcm j[j_l pio p_ qlcnn_h [m q_ff+ Ail [ afi\[f F (
]igj_ncncih mo]b [m nbcm pio h__^ ni g[e_ mol_ nb_ n_]bhc][f ^_n[cfm
pioQ_ acp_h [l_ []]ol[n_ [h^ nbilioab+
EJCI6 Ob[n qiof^ \_ [ al_[n b_fj+
KMJA NNJM6 Dm nb_l_ [hsnbcha _fm_ D ][h ^i;
EJCI6 R_ff) D g l_[ffs +++


N >ODJ I 1
Oi^[s q_ ]ihncho_ iol m_lc_m ih _]ifias [h^ ]ihm_lp[ncih qcnb [ fiie [n [ j[lnc]of[lfs
_h^[ha_l_^ g_g\_l i nb_ \f[]e \_[l [gcfs+ Jh_ ch n_h \f[]e \_[lm cm []no[ffs \ilh qcnb F )
[ qbcn_ ]i[n) qbc]b cm nb_ l_mofn i [ mj_]c[f [_h_ nb[n mol []_m ch [ _q+ Gi][f j_ijf_ b[p_
h[g_^ cn ~nb_ mjclcn \_[l + <h^ []]il^cha ni nb_ f_[_h^m i nb_m_ ]iggohcnc_m) cnm mhiqp ol F
\lcham qcnb cn [ mj_]c[f jiq_l+ =_][om_ i nbcm) cn b[m [fq[sm \__h bcabfs l_a[l^_^ \s nb_g
mi go]b nb[n nb_s ^i hin mj_[e i m__cha cn ni [hsih_ _fm_+ Dn cm nb_cl q[p i jlin_]ncha cn F
qb_h mnl[ha_lm pcmcn nb_ [l_[+
Ob_ qbcn_ \_[l m b[\cn[n cm kocn_ chn_l_mncha+ Ob_ \_[l m mnliha l_f[ncihmbcj qcnb nb_ if^*
aliqnb l[ch il_mn cm [ ]igjf_r ih_+ Ob_ qbcn_ \_[l l_fc_m ih nb_ boa_ ]_hnolc_m*if^ nl__m ch
nb_ il_mn ch g[hs q[sm+ Ail _r[gjf_) nb_ if^*[liqnb nl__m b[p_ _rnl_g_fs Dih[ liinm nb[n F ,
b_fj jl_p_hn _limcih i nb_ micf [fiha nb_ \[hem i nb_ g[hs cmb mnl_[gm+ F__jcha nb_m_
\[hem chn[]n cm cgjiln[hn \_][om_ nb_m_ mnl_[gm [l_ big_ ni m[fgih) qbc]b [l_ nb_ \_[l m
g[ch ii^ miol]_+ Dh l_nolh) nb_ \_[l m __^cha b[\cnm holnol_ nb_ il_mn+ <m nb_ \_[lm _[n
nb_ m[fgih) nb_s ^cm][l^ nb_ mech [h^ \ih_m ch al_[n [giohnm ih nb_ il_mn fiil) qbc]b
jlipc^_ pcn[f honlc_hnm+ Ob_m_ jli^o]_ fomb p_a_n[ncih nb[n momn[chm nbiom[h^m i inb_l
nsj_m i fc _ ilgm) lig \cl^m ni chm_]nm [h^ gil_+
Oi^[s) nb_ mjclcn \_[l fcp_m i nb_ ]i[mn i nb_ jlipch]_ i =lcncmb >ifog\c[ ih [ _q F -
cmf[h^m+ Ob_l_ cm al_[n ]ih]_lh il nb_cl molpcp[f mch]_ cn cm _mncg[n_^ nb[n f_mm nb[h nqi
boh^l_^ i nb_m_ qbcn_ \_[lm l_g[ch+ Ob_ \_mn q[s ni jlin_]n nb_g cm ni g[e_ _p_ls
_ iln ni jl_m_lp_ nb_ ^_fc][n_ \[f[h]_ i nb_cl il_mn _hpclihg_hn * ch inb_l qil^m) nb_cl

Ob_ al_[n_mn nbl_[n ni nb_ \_[l m _rcmn_h]_ cm nb_ fimm i cnm b[\cn[n+ Jp_l g[hs s_[lm)
fiaacha ]igj[hc_m b[p_ mnlcjj_^ nb_ f[h^ \s ]onncha ^iqh [ f[la_ hog\_l i nl__m+ Dh
[^^cncih) nb_s b[p_ \ocfn li[^m qbc]b b[p_ l[]nol_^ nb_ [l_[m qb_l_ nb_ \_[l omo[ffs 036
__^m) [h^ g[hs bc\_lh[ncih mcn_m b[p_ [fmi \__h fimn+ Ob_ fiaacha i nb_ nl__m [fiha
nb_ mnl_[gm b[m ^[g[a_^ nb_ jf[]_m qb_l_ nb_ \_[lm cmb+ Oi g[e_ g[nn_lm qilm_) nb_ F /
hog\_l i m[fgih ch nbim_ mnl_[gm cm ^_]fchcha \_][om_ nb_l_ cm hi f_a[f fcgcn ih cmbcha
[n nb_ gig_hn+
<ff nb_m_ ch fo_h]_m b[p_ [ h_a[ncp_ cgj[]n ih nb_ mjclcn \_[l m p_ls _rcmn_h]_) qbc]b cm F 0
g[^_ [ff nb_ gil_ l[acf_ \p nb_ []n nb[n l_jli^o]ncih [giha nb_m_ \_[lm b[m [fq[sm \__h
^cm[jjichnchafs fiq+
<h^ mi) qb[n m nb_ mcno[ncih aicha ilq[l^; >iggohcns ila[hct[ncihm) _hpclihg_hn[f
aliojm [h^ nb_ =lcncmb >ifog\c[ aip_lhg_hn [l_ hiq qilecha nia_nb_l ih nb_ jli\f_g+
Ob_ aip_lhg_hn cm hiq l_koclcha fiaacha ]igj[hc_m ni [^ijn [ \_nn_l fi[[ch[ g_nbi^) F 1
qbc]b cm [ jimcncp_ mn_j+ Ciq_p_l) nb_m_ g_[mol_m [fih_ g[s hin \_ mo c]c_hn ni _hmol_ [
b_[fnbs jijof[ncih i nb_ mjclcn \_[l ch nb_ onol_+
Jnb_l mn_jm [fmi h__^ ni \_ n[e_h+ Rbcf_ cn cm cgjiln[hn ni g[chn[ch nb_ mjclcn \_[l$m b[\cn[n)
nb_l_ [fmi h__^m ni \_ gil_ _gjb[mcm ih cnm _rj[hmcih+ b_ gip_ cm domnc c_^ [m cn qcff [fmi F ,(
]l_[n_ mj[]_ il inb_l \_[lm nb[n [l_ fimcha nb_cl big_m +++

Test 2

O NO /

DIO MQD R M6 r]om_ g_+
GPDN<6 T_m;
DIO MQD R M6 D qih^_l c sio ]iof^ mj[l_ [ _q gchon_m ni ^i [ molp_s ih nl[hmjiln+
Dn qih n n[e_ fiha+
GPDN<6 Ii) nb[n m ch_+
DIO MQD R M6 Gip_fs+ Ob_ molp_s cm ih \_b[f i nb_ fi][f ]ioh]cf+ Ob_s ^ fce_ ni ehiq
[\ion qb[n nl[hmjiln sio om_ [h^ [hs moaa_mncihm il cgjlip_g_hn+
>[h D mn[ln \s [mecha sio biq sio nl[p_ff_^ ni niqh ni^[s;
GPDN<6 Nol_+ D ][g_ ih nb_ \om+ : jS b ^W
DIO MQD R M6 Bl_[n+ Iiq ][h D a_n [ _q ^_n[cfm [\ion siolm_f ;
DIO MQD R M6 Rb[n m siol h[g_;
GPDN<6 Dn m Gocm[ ++++
GPDN<6 C[l^c_+ F)
DIO MQD R M6 >[h sio mj_ff nb[n) jf_[m_;
GPDN<6 T_m) cn m C*<*M*?*f* +
DIO MQD R M6 Bl_[n+ Ob[hem+ <h^ ][h D b[p_ siol [^^l_mm;
GPDN<6 Dn m .5) Rbcn_ Nnih_ Mi[^+ F
DIO MQD R M6 Jb) lcabn+ D ehiq nb[n [l_[+ Dn m =l[^ c_f^) cmh n cn;
GPDN<6 Ob[n m lcabn+
DIO MQD R M6 Dm nb_ jimn]i^_ BO4;
GPDN<6 Dn m []no[ffs B*O* + /*G*>+ F
DIO MQD R M6 Bl_[n+ <h^ ]iof^ D [me qb[n siol di\ cm; <l_ sio [ mno^_hn;
GPDN<6 D p_ []no[ffs domn chcmb_^ gs nl[chcha+ D g [ b[cl^l_mm_l+ F,
DIO MQD R M6 Jb) lcabn+ <h^ ih_ gil_ ko_mncih ch nbcm m_]ncih+ Rb[n cm nb_ l_[mih il
sio ]igcha chni niqh ni^[s;
GPDN<6 <]no[ffs nc m hin il mbijjcha ni^[s) qbc]b qiof^ \_ gs hilg[f l_[mih) \on
ni m__ nb_ ^_hncmn+ F-
DIO MQD R M6 Mcabn+ Ob[hem+

DIO MQD R M6 Iiq ch nbcm f[mn m_]ncih f ^ fce_ sio ni acp_ om mig_ c^_[m [\ion nb_
[]cfcnc_m [h^ [ll[ha_g_hnm ch nb_ ]cns il a_nncha ni [h^ lig qile) _l [hs
moaa_mncihm sio b[p_ il cgjlip_g_hnm+
GPDN<6 R_ff) mig_nbcha f p_ nbioabn [\ion il mig_ ncg_ cm nb[n qb_h D ^i q[fe
[h^ D g ^icha [ f[n_l mbc n D nbche nb_ fcabncha mbiof^ \_ \_nn_l+ F.
DIO MQD R M6 T_m) aii^ jichn+
GPDN<6 <h^ i ]iolm_) D nbche nc m [ l_[f mb[g_ nb_s p_ \__h ]onncha ^iqh ih nb_
hog\_l i iinj[nbm+ Ob_s mbiof^ b[p_ gil_ i nbim_+ Ob_h j_ijf_ qiof^
q[fe gil_+
DIO MQD R M6 T_m) lcabn+
GPDN<6 <h^) D ^ih n nbche nb_l_ [l_ _hioab nl[chm+ Ob[n m qbs D ^ih n om_ nb_g * F/
pio b[p_ ni q[cn mi fiha+
DIO MQD R M6 Ob[hem+ <h^ ch[ffs D ^ fce_ ni [me siol ijchcih ih ]s]fcha+ <m sio g[s
ehiq) nb_l_ m [ ^lcp_ ch nb_ ]cns ni a_n gil_ j_ijf_ ni ]s]f_ ni qile+


GPDN<6 Mcabn+
DIO MQD R M6 =on q_ l_[fcm_ nb[n nb_l_ [l_ nbcham qbc]b nb_ ]ioh]cf) \on [fmi _gjfis_lm)
gcabn ^i ni b_fj _h]iol[a_ qile_lm ni ]s]f_ ni qile+
GPDN<6 T_j+ R_ff) D b[p_ nbioabn [\ion cn [h^ qb_l_ D qile nb_l_ [l_ hi m[ _ F0
jf[]_m ni f_[p_ piol \ce_m+
GPDN<6 <h^ [fmi) D ^ b[p_ ni ]s]f_ ojbcff [h^ ih [ bin ^[s D ^ [llcp_ [n qile jl_nns
mq_[ns mi .nbche D ^ h__^ [ mbiq_l mig_qb_l_ [n qile+ F1
DIO MQD R M6 Mcabn+
GPDN<6 <h^ D mojjim_ nb_ f[mn nbcha cm nb[n D qiof^h n \_ [ff nb[n ]ih c^_hn [\ion F )(
]s]fcha ih mo]b \oms li[^m+ D nbche f ^ fce_ ni m__ pio i _lcha nl[chcha il
nb[n) sio ehiq) f ^ __f [ fin \_nn_l [\ion mn[lncha c nb[n q[m nb_ ][m_+
DIO MQD R M6 R_ff) nb[n m p_ls b_fj of+ Ob[he sio p_ls go]b Xa d siol ncg_+
GPDN<6 Ii jli\f_g+ =s_+

N >ODJ I 2
Bii^ gilhcha+ D g p_ls jf_[m_^ ni b[p_ nbcm ijjilnohcns ni m[s [ fcnnf_ [\ion nqi _r]cncha
h_q ^_p_fijg_hnm ch nb_ ]cns6 nb_ =l[]e_hmc^_ Jj_h*<cl Nqcggcha Kiif [h^ nb_ ]bcf^l_h m
<^p_hnol_ Kf[salioh^ ch >_hnl[f K[le+ <m g[hs i sio g[s ehiq) nb_ c^_[ il nb_m_ F ))
chcnc[ncp_m ][g_ lig pio+ nb_ jo\fc]) ch nb_ _rn_hmcp_ ]ihmofn[ncih _r_l]cm_ qbc]b nb_ >cns
>ioh]cf ]ih^o]n_^ f[mn s_[l+ <h^ nb_s b[p_ \__h l_[fcm_^ omcha gih_s lig nb_ NRM?> *
nb_ Nionb R_mn M_acih[f ?_p_fijg_hn >iggcmmcih+
Aclmn i [ff) =l[]e_hmc^_ Kiif+ <m g[hs i nb_ if^_l g_g\_lm i nb_ [o^c_h]_ qcff
l_g_g\_l) nb_l_ om_^ ni \_ [ qih^_l of ij_h*[cl jiif ih nb_ m_[ lihn 0- s_[lm [ai \on cn
b[^ ni ]fim_ qb_h cn q[m do^a_^ ni \_ ohm[ _+ Ail nb_ ^_mcah i nbcm h_q b_[n_^ jiif) q_
q_l_ p_ls b[jjs ni m_]ol_ nb_ n[f_hnm i chn_lh[ncih[ffs l_hiqh_^ [l]bcn_]n f_h R_h^ih)
qbi b[m g[h[a_^ ni ]ig\ch_ [ ]b[lgcha .50-m ^_mcah) qbc]b cnm ch mi q_ff qcnb g[hs i
nb_ inb_l \ocf^cham ch nb_ [l_[) qcnb oj*ni*nb_*gchon_ _[nol_m mo]b [m [ l_]s]fcha msmn_g * F)
nb_ ihfs ih_ i cnm ech^ ch nb_ qilf^ * qbc]b _h[\f_m m_[q[n_l ni \_ om_^ ch nb_ jiif+
Iiq) nb_l_ b[m \__h kocn_ [ \cn i ^cm]ommcih ch nb_ fi][f jl_mm [\ion qb_nb_l nb_l_ F)
qiof^ \_ _hioab liig il nb_ hog\_l i pcmcnilm q_ l_ bijcha ni [nnl[]n) \on nb_ ^_mcah
cm ^_]_jncp_ [h^ nb_l_ b[p_ \__h lcailiom ]b_]em [\ion ][j[]cns+ <fmi) domn ch ][m_ sio
q_l_ qih^_lcha) q_$l_ ih m]b_^of_ il [ Eoh_ .2nb ij_hcha ^[n_ [h^ q_ff qcnbch \o^a_n6 [
n_mncgihs ni nb_ _r]_ff_hn qile i fi][f ]ihnl[]nilm Cc]eg[h m+
R_ bij_ nb[n [m g[hs j_ijf_ [m jimmc\f_ qcff \_ nb_l_ ih Eoh_ .2nb+ R_ b[p_ _ha[a_^
[q[l^*qchhcha []nl_mm >il[f Rbcn_ ni ^_]f[l_ nb_ jiif ij_h [h^ nb _ l_ \_ ^lchem [h^
mh[]em [p[cf[\f_ [n nb_ jiif mc^_+ Ob_l_ ff [fmi \_ [ ]igj_ncncih il nb_ jo\fc] ni ^_]c^_ F ),
ih nb_ m]ofjnol_ q_ jf[h ni b[p_ [n nb_ _hnl[h]_6 pio qcff ^_]c^_ qbc]b [giom bcmnilc][f
caol_ lig nb_ ]cnp q_ mbiof^ b[p_+

<h^ hiq) gipcha ih ni nb_ >_hnl[f K[le Kf[salioh^) qbc]b i W odW jf_[m_^ ni [hhioh]_ b[m
domn qih nb_ ?ioaf[m <q[l^ il m[ _ns6 nb_ h_qm ][g_ nblioab ihfs f[mn q__e+ Ob_ ohcko_
^_mcah cm \[m_^ ih nb_ ]ih]_jn i nb_ Bfi\[f Qcff[a_) qcnb nb_ jf[salioh^ \_cha ^cpc^_^
chni mcr [l_[m mbiqcha ^c _l_hn j[lnm i nb_ qilf^ * _[]b qcnb [ l_jl_m_hn[ncp_ _[nol_+ Ail
_r[gjf_) nb_l_ cm [ m_]ncih ih <mc[) [h^ nbcm cm l_jl_m_hn_^ \p lc^_m [h^ _kocjg_hn ch nb_ F)-
mb[j_ i mh[e_m) il[ha*on[hm) nc[_lm [h^ mi ih * [oh[ h[ncp_ ni nb_ il_mnm i nb_ l_acih+
Hipcha mionb ni nb_ <hn[l]nc] * q_ ]iof^h n loh ni [h c]_ lche D g [ l[c^ \on ijn_^ chmn_[^

Test 2

il ]fcg\cha \fi]em ch nb_ mb[j_ i giohn[chm D nbioabn nb_s ]iof^ b[p_ b[^ mfc^_m il nb_ F ).
af[]c_lm \on nb_ ^_mcah_lm ^c^ q[hn ni [pic^ \_cha nii fcn_l[f Ob_h ih ni Nionb <g_lc][ *
[h^ b_l_ nb_ nb_g_ cm f ?il[^i * a[g_m l_jfc][ncha nb_ m_[l]b il gch_m off i jl_]ciom F )/
mnih_m+ <h^ nb_h gipcha oj ni Iilnb <g_lc][) b_l_ nb_l_ q[m ]ihmc^_l[\f_ ^_\[n_ * D
ehiq nb_ ]ihnlc\oncih i ]ch_g[ [h^ d[tt q[m ]ihmc^_l_^ \on nb_ ^_mcah_lm ch[ffs ijn_^ F )0
il li]e_nm [h^ nb_ Dhn_lh[ncih[f Nj[]_ Nn[ncih+ [mnq[l^m ni olij_ nb_h) [h^ j_lb[jm
nb_ gimn nl[^cncih[f ]bic]_ i [ff nb_ [l_[m6 g_^c_p[f ][mnf_m [h^ inb_l ilnc c][ncihm+ Ob_h F )1
f[mn) \on hin f_[mn) gipcha mionb ni < lc][ [h^ [ qbif_ m_n i qih^_l of gim[c]m [h^ nl[cfm F (
ni l_jl_m_hn nb_ al_[n lcp_lm i nbcm [m]ch[ncha [h^ p[lc_^ ]ihnch_hn+
Iiq) nb_ ij_hcha ^[n_ il iol Bfi\[f Kf[salioh^ cm .-nb Eofs+ <h^ [a[ch q _ ^ fip_ ni m__
sio nb_l_ * mi g[e_ [ ^[n_ [h^ ]ig_ [h^ m__ nbcm g[ahc c]_hn) ilcach[f h_q [g_hcns lcabn
ch nb_ b_[ln i nb_ ]cns+

p c] ni l M ca b n) q _ ff) i l i o l j l_ m _ h n[ nci h m b [ ff D m n[ ln q cnb nb _ _ [ lfs fc _ i O b i l
i fcp c[ N o l_ + R b s ^ i h n s i o \ _ a ch q cnb ^ _ m ] lc\ ch a nb _ ns j _ i \ i s b_ q [ m )
_mj_]c[ffs bcm j[mmcih il ]iff_]ncha nbcham+ F )
p c] ni l Ob[n m lcabn) b_ b[^ bcm iqh fcnnf_ gom_og+ <h^ D nbche cn m ohomo[f il
]bcf^l_h ni ^_p_fij nb_cl iqh p[fo_m [h^ hin dich ch nb_cl j[l_hnm bi\\c_m7
f g nbchecha i biq C_s_l^[bf qiof^h n ai bohncha qcnb bcm ^[^) il
i fcp c[ T _[ b) b_ j l_ _ ll_ ^ ni f_ [ lh [ \ i o n h [ no l_ \ s fcm n_ h ch a ni b cm g i nb _ l l_ [ ^ ni
bcg+ <h^ kocn_ _[lfs ih b_ eh_q b_ q[hn_^ ni \_]ig_ [h _rjfil_l qb_h
b_ al_q oj+ Ob[n ][g_ lig bcm ][gjcha nlcjm b_ q_hn ih ch Iilq[s D
nbche +++
p c] ni l I i) cn q [ m ^ cg \ ch [ nb [ n b_ m j _ h n b cm ncg _ i h [ m [ p i o h [ g [ h + F )
i fcp c[ J b ) l c a b n +++ < n_ l o h cp _ lm cns b _ g [ llc_ ^ [ ] f[ m m g [ n_ [ h ^ ni a _ nb _ l) nb _ s F ,
^_]c^_^ ni _rj_lc_h]_ fcpcha ih [ mg[ff cmf[h^) ni ch^ ion biq b[lmb F ,
q_[nb_l ]ih^cncihm mb[j_^ j_ijf_$m fc _mnsf_m+
p c] ni l < m j [ ln i nb _ cl j l_ j [ l[ nci h \ _ i l_ nb _ s f_ n b i g _ ) nb _ s f_ [ lh n \ [ m c]
molpcp[f mecffm fce_ \ocf^cha [ mb_fn_l+ D ao_mm nb_s h__^_^ nb[n ehiqf_^a_
ch il^_l ni fcp_ qcf^ ch [ l_gin_ fi][ncih qcnb _q chb[\cn[hnm) ]on i \s nb_
m_[) qbc]b cm qb[n nb_s q_l_ [cgcha ni ^i+
i f cp c[ < h cg j i ln[ h n j [ ln i s i o l n[ fe m b i o f^ \ _ nb _ l[ ^ c] [ f nb _ i ls C _ s _ l^ [ b f
ilg_^ lig _r[gchcha gsmn_lciom [h]c_hn ][lpcham nb[n b_ b[jj_h_^ ni
ch^ ih nb_ cmf[h^+ D nbche sio mbiof^ chcmb qcnb nb[n+
p c] ni l JF+

i fcp c[ <ff lca b n) Qc]nil) mi [ n_ l s i o l j [ ln f ff n[ fe [ \ i o n Obil C_s_l^[bf m [ ^ o fn fc _)

]ihnchocha lig nb_ nb_ils b_ b[^ [\ion Kifsh_mc[h gcal[ncih+ Pj ohncf
nb[n ncg_ i ]iolm_) [][^_gc]m b[^ \_fc_p_^ nb[n bog[hm clmn gcal[n_^ ni
nb_ cmf[h^m ch Kifsh_mc[ lig <mc[) ch nb_ q_mn+
p c] ni l T_m) nb _ s nb i o a b n nb [ n nl[ p _ f li g nb _ _ [ m n q [ m cg j i m m c\ f_ ) \ _ ] [ o m _ i F -
nb_ boa_) _gjns mnl_n]b i i]_[h nb[n fc_m \_nq__h nb_ cmf[h^m [h^ nb_
h_[l_mn chb[\cn_^ f[h^+
i fcp c[ T_m) \ o n C_s_l^[bf m j _ h n [ a _ m m no ^ s ch a nb _ ] fi o ^ g i p _ g _ h nm ) i ] _ [ h
]oll_hnm [h^ qch^ j[nn_lhm ni ch^ c cn q[m []no[ffs jimmc\f_+ <h^ [hinb_l


[ la o g _ h n q [ m nb [ n nb_ l_ q [ m hi nl[ ^cncih i f[la_ mb cj *\ o cf^ ch a ch nb_

]i g g o h cnc_ m fscha ni nb_ _[mn i K ifsh_mc[+ =on C _s_l^[bf eh_ q nb _ s
g [^_ finm i ]i[mn[f p i s[ a _ m ch fi][ffs \ ocfn ][hi_m+
p c] ni l T_m) i l m[cfcha ih l[ nm) [m q [ m mbiq h \s nb _ fiha pi s[ a _ nb [ n C _s_l^[bf
^c^ h_rn+ Dn q [ m [h ch ]l_ ^c\ fs lcmes di o lh _ s ni oh ^ _ ln[ e_ mi g _ ncg _ m D
q i h ^ _ l c b_ ^c^ nb [ n nlcj i l jlcp[n_ l_[mihm) sio ehiq ; Oi mb i q inb_lm
nb [ n b_ ]iof^ b[p_ m j _ ]n[ ]o f[ l [^p_hnol_m+ R b [ n ^i sio nbche) J fcpc[;
J fcp c[ R _ff) D nb ch e cn q [ m g il_ [ g [ nn_ l i mcg i fp nlscha i o n bcm c^_[) ni m_ _ c F .
g cal[ncih lig nb_ _[mn q [ m jimmc\f_+
p c] ni l T_m) nb [ n m j li \ [ \ fs cn+ < h^ nb_ j i i l ao s mo _l_^ [ \cn [n nb [ n ncg _
\_][om_ nb_ q[l il]_^ bcg ni mnij bcm qile il mig_ s_[lm +++
i fcp c[ T_m+ R b_h b_ a i n mn[ln_^ [a[ch [h^ jf[hh_^ bcm _ j c] pis[a_) ^i sio nb ch e
cn q [m cg j iln[ hn ni bcg nb [ n b_ [ ]b c_ p_ cn \ _ il_ [ h si h _ _fm_ ^c^;
p c] ni l Pg) D b [ p_ h n l_[^ [ h sq b _l_ nb [ n nb [ n q [m bcm g incp[ nci h + O b_ g imn 027
cg j i ln[ h n [ ]ni l m__g m ni b[p_ \__h nb [ n b_ om_ i h fs [ h ] c_ hn n_ ]b h ck o _ m
[h^ fi][f g[n_lc[fm ni \ocf^ bcm l[ n+
i fcp c[ T_m+ D q i h ^ _ l bi q [ m n cn q _hn+
p c] ni l R_ff) cn niie nb_g 54 ^[sm lig Nionb <g_lc][ ni nb_ K[]c c] Dmf[h^m+
i fcpc[ Hg+ <h^ [ n_l nb[n) C_s_l^[bf q_hn ni [mn_l Dmf[h^) ^c^h n b_; R_ mbiof^
g _hncih nb _ j o lj i m_ i nb [ n nlcj+ D nb ch e b_ m[cf_^ nb _ l_ ch [ \ i[n g [^_ ion
i l__^m+
p c] ni l Ii) nb [ n q [ m f[n_l ih ch asjn) J fcpc[+
i fcp c[ J b) s_m) nb [ n m lcabn+
p c] ni l =on q b [ n b_ q [hn_^ ni ^i q [ m n[ fe ni nb _ fi][fj _ijf_ [ \ i o n nb _ cl if^ 028
mnih_ ][ lpch a m [h^ nb_h g [e_ ih_ b cg m _ f ni f_[lh g il_ [ \ i o n nb_
i fcp c[ D m__+ R _ff) q b [ n [ a l_ [ n fc _+ p_h nb i o a b g [ h s i bcm nb _ i lc_ m b[p_
\__h ^cmj li p_ h ) b_ ]_ ln[ ch fs f_ n [ f[mncha cg jl_mmcih ih g [hs ^cm]cjfch_m)
^ c^ h n b_; Oi g p gch^) b_ q [ m nb _ clm n j_lmih ni _ mn[ \ fcmb q b [ n g i^_lh F 1
[][ ^ _ g c]m ][ff jl[]nc][f [l]b[_ifias+ D g _[h) nb [ n nb _ s nls ni l_]l_[n_
mig _nbcha lig nb_ i[ mn ni^[s) fce_ b_ ^c^ q cnb bcm l[ n nlcj+ Dn m o h ilnoh[n_
nb [ n bcm c^_[m [ \ i o n q b _ l_ K i fsh_mc[hm i lca ch [ n_ ^ lig b[p_ \__h
] i g j f_ n_ fs ^ cm]l_^cn_^+
p c] ni l T_m+ M cabn) q _ff) D ff j l_ j[l_ [ K i q _ lK i ch n mfc^_ [ n nb _ _h^ nb [ n
[]ehiqf_^a_m iol miol]_m+ D g[chfs om_^ I Z W A [XW S V L a d a X I Z a d
= W k W dV S Z ^ \s Rcffc[g Jfcp_l+ D nbioabn nb_ l_m_[l]b g_nbi^m b_ om_^
q _ l_ p _ ls mioh^) [ fnbioab D g omn m[p D ioh^ nb_ ip_l[ff ni h _ mi g _ q b [ n F (
if^* [mb cih _ ^ + D nb ch e nb _ s h__^ ni ^i [ h_q) l_pcm_^ _^cncih+
i f cp c[ T _[ b) D [ a l_ _ + R b [ n [ \ i o n nb _ m o \ d_ ] n g [ nn_ l * D i o h ^ cn l_ [ ffs ] b [ ff_ h a ch a
p c] ni l R_ff) cn m [ ]i g j f_ r cmmo_ +++
i fcp c[ D nb i o a b n nb_ \i ie b[^ finm i aii^ jichnm+ R b [ n ^c^ sio nb ch e i +++

N >ODJ I 1
R _ff) f p_ \__h n[fecha ni g [ h [ a _ lm ch [ h o g \ _ l i \omch_mm_m) [h^ l_[^cha mo lp_sm [\i o n
nb_ o no l_ i g [h[a_g _hn+ < h^ q b [ n D g aicha ni j l_ m_ h n ch nb cm m_ g ch [ l cm [ _ q c^_[m
[ \ i o n biq nb_ [ ]ncpcns cm fce_ fs ni ]b [ h a _ ch nb _ h _ rn n_h s_[lm+ Dn cmh n [ m]c_hnc c]) mn[ncmnc][f
[ h [ fsmcm * do m n mi g _ c^_[m i l om ni ^cm]omm+

Test 2

Jh_ [l_[ D q[hn ni g_hncih cm \omch_mm g[le_nm) [h^ f g mol_ [ l_[ffs mcahc c][hn
^_p_fijg_hn qcff \_ [ g[dil ch]l_[m_ ch ]igj_ncncih) qcnb ]igj[hc_m lig [ff lioh^ F )
nb_ qilf^ nlscha ni m_ff mcgcf[l jli^o]nm+ >ihmog_lm qcff b[p_ go]b gil_ ]bic]_ * il
chmn[h]_) ii^ jli^o]nm mif^ ch <omnl[fc[ gcabn \_ g[ho []nol_^ ch nb_ PN<) >bch[) Achf[h^
[h^ ^it_hm i inb_l ]iohnlc_m+ <n nb_ m[g_ ncg_) g_la_lm [h^ n[e_ip_lm g_[h nb[n
aip_lhg_hnm [l_ []no[ffs fimcha jiq_l ni g[dil afi\[f ]iljil[ncihm+ R_ ][h jli\[\fs [ff F
nbche i ]igj[hc_m nb[n _r_ln [ al_[n ^_[f i ch fo_h]_) qbc]b g[s \_ aii^ il ]ihmog_lm+
< nbcl^ jichn D q[hn ni g[e_ [\ion g[le_nm cm nb[n ch nb_ l[jc^fs _rj[h^cha _]ihigc_m) mo]b F
[m Dh^c[+ >bch[+ =l[tcf [h^ Mommc[) ^_g[h^ cm aliqcha p_ls [mn+ Obcm cm jonncha jl_mmol_ ih
l_miol]_m [ff ip_l nb_ qilf^+
D nbche \omch_mm_m [l_ \_]igcha gil_ ij_h ni _rn_lh[f ch fo_h]_m+ Dh j[lnc]of[l) ]igj[hc_m F ,
[l_ ]ihmofncha ]omnig_lm gil_ [h^ gil_ \_ il_ g[echa nb_cl \omch_mm ^_]cmcihm+
>igj[hc_m [l_ ch^cha ion qb[n nb_s q[hn [h^ jlipc^cha cn) chmn_[^ i g[echa jli^o]nm [h^
nb_h nlscha ni m_ff nb_g) qbc]b cm nb_ gi^_f i s_[lm [ai+
<hinb_l ch fo_h]_ cm nb[n ]ih]_lhm [\ion nb_ _hpclihg_hn qcff il]_ g[ho []nol_lm ni F -
_rn_h^ jli^o]n fc _]s]f_m) ni l_^o]_ nb_ [giohn i jiffoncih [h^ q[mn_+ <h^ ch mig_ ][m_m)
l_aof[ncih qcff h__^ ni \_ mnl_hanb_h_^+
H[hs mi]c_nc_m [l_ go]b gil_ foc^ [h^ ^_gi]l[nc]) [h^ nb_ mnlo]nol_ i ]igj[hc_m cm
]b[hacha ni l_ f_]n nb[n+ D nbche q _ l_ aicha ni m__ [ al_[n_l _gjb[mcm qcnbch ]igj[hc_m ih F .
n_[gm ]l_[n_^ qcnb [ mj_]c c] jlid_]n ch gch^+ <h^ qb_h nb_s l_ ]igjf_n_^) nb_ n_[gm qcff
\_ ^cm\[h^_^ [h^ h_q ih_m ilg_^+
Hil_ [h^ gil_ j_ijf_ m__ qile [m mcgjfs ih_ j[ln i nb_cl fc _mnsf_) [h^ hin nb_ gimn
cgjiln[hn ih_) [h^ [m nb_ qile il]_ cm mblchecha ch mig_ ]iohnlc_m) \omch_mm_m [l_ b[pcha
ni ]igj_n_ il mn[ chmn_[^ i \_cha [\f_ ni ]biim_ [giha [ fin i [jjfc][hnm+ Osjc][f F /
_r[gjf_m nb[n qcff [nnl[]n [h^ l_n[ch mn[ [l_ nl[^cncih[f ih_m fce_ f_rc\f_ biolm [h^ *
mig_nbcha nb[n b[m \__h g[^_ jimmc\f_ \s [^p[h]_m ch n_]bhifias l_gin_ qilecha)
qcnb j_ijf_ \[m_^ [n nb_cl big_) [\li[^) il [fgimn [hsqb_l_ nb_s ]biim_+

H[h[a_g_hn mnsf_m qcff [fgimn ]_ln[chfs ]ihncho_ ni ]b[ha_+ N_hcil g[h[a_lm qcff l_kocl_
[ fin gil_ nb[h nb_ _ c]c_h]s nb[n nb_s p_ [fq[sm h__^_^+ <\ip_ [ff nb_pff h__^ al_[n mecffm F 0
ch f_[^_lmbcj) mi nb[n nb_cl ila[hcm[ncih ][h chcnc[n_ [h^ l_mjih^ ni ]b[ha_ ch [ [mn*gipcha
qilf^) qb_l_ nb_s []_ finm i ]igj_ncha l_kocl_g_hnm [h^ jin_hnc[f ]ih fc]nm+
Dh gimn i nb_ qilf^) nb_ m_hcil g[h[a_lm i f[la_ \omch_mm_m [l_ g[chfs g_h ch nb_cl
c nc_m [h^ mcrnc_m+ Ob_ jl_^igch[hn mnpf_ i g[h[a_g_hn qcff [fgimn ]_ln[chfs \_]ig_ F 1
gil_ ]ihmofn[ncp_ [h^ ]iff[\il[ncp_) ][om_^ [\ip_ [ff) \p gil_ qig_h gipcha chni m_hcil
g[h[a_g_hn jimcncihm+
H[hs i nb_ ]b[ha_m [l_ ch fo_h]_^ \s ^_p_fijg_hnm ch nb_ qc^_l _]ihigs+ Ob_
nl[^cncih[f _gjb[mcm i \omch_mm q[m g[ho []nolcha) [h^ i ]iolm_ nb_ m_lpc]_ m_]nil cm
p_ls cgjiln[hn+ =on q_ mbiof^h n ip_lfiie nb_ aliqcha ch[h]c[f ]ihnlc\oncih i DK) nb[n cm)
chn_ff_]no[f jlij_lns+ Nig_ \iiem [h^ cfgm a_h_l[n_ _hilgiom mogm lig nb_ m[f_ i
l_f[n_^ ?Q?m) gomc]) a[g_m) ]finb_m) [h^ mi ih+
<hinb_l jichn f ^ fce_ ni g[e_ cm nb[n [fnbioab D p_ \__h n[fecha [\ion ]igj[hc_m) ih_ nl_h^
nb[n nb_s b[p_ ni []_ cm nb_ gip_ [q[s lig j_ijf_ qilecha il nb_ m[g_ _gjfis_l il
s_[lm+ Dhmn_[^) gil_ [h^ gil_ j_ijf_ [l_ \_]igcha m_f *_gifip_^+ ni a[ch nb_ l__^ig F ,(
[h^ ]ihnlif ip_l nb_cl fcp_m nb[n nb_s l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n lig \_cha _gjfis_^+
JF) q_ff nb[n m [ff D q[hn ni m[s) mi f_n m ij_h cn oj il ^cm]ommcih+


O NO 0

?DM >OJM6 Bii^ gilhcha+ R_f]ig_ ni nb_ [lfs G_[lhcha >bcf^][l_ >_hnl_+ Ciq
g[s D b_fj sio;
><MJG6 Cc+ D mjie_ ni sio f[mn q__e [\ion _hliffcha gs ^[oabn_l il h_rn s_[l+
?DM >OJM6 Jb) s_m+ D ff domn a_n mig_ ^_n[cfm lig sio+ Ni) sio l_ b_l ginb_l;
><MJG6 Ob[n m lcabn+
?DM >OJM6 <h^) ][h D b[p_ siol h[g_;
><MJG6 Dn m >[lif) >[lif Ngcnb+ : jS b ^W
?DM >OJM6 <h^ siol ^[oabn_l m h[g_;
><MJG6 Dn m F[n_+
?DM >OJM6 Iiq) q_ b[p_ m_p_l[f aliojm [n nb_ ]_hnl_ [h^ q_ ][n_l il ]bcf^l_h lig
nbl__ ni cp_ s_[lm if^+ Ciq if^ cm siol ^[oabn_l;
><MJG6 Nb_ m nbl__ hiq \on mb_ nolhm iol h_rn gihnb+
?DM >OJM6 D ff jon iol ^iqh \_][om_ nb[n m biq if^ mb_ ff \_ qb_h mb_ mn[lnm+ F)
><MJG6 Ach_) mb_ m mi _r]cn_^ [\ion b_l \clnb^[s [h^ ]igcha ni nb_ ]_hnl_+
?DM >OJM6 Ob[n m aii^ ni b_[l+ <h^ qb[n m siol [^^l_mm;
><MJG6 Dn m 13 Rig\[n Mi[^) nb[n m R*J*H*=*<*O+ Rii^mc^_ 1-0/+ F
?DM >OJM6 <h^ qb[n m nb_ jbih_ hog\_l;
><MJG6 Jb +++ cn m +++ 0012 5 32+
?DM >OJM6 Ni) b[p_ sio ^_]c^_^ ih nb_ ^[sm sio$^ fce_ ni \lcha siol ^[oabn_l b_l_;
><MJG6 D ^ jl_ _l Hih^[s [h^ R_^h_m^[s c jimmc\f_+
?DM >OJM6 Hgg+ D ff ]b_]e) Hih^[s m ch_) \on D nbche nb_ ]_hnl_ cm [fl_[^s off il
R_^h_m^[s+ lg+ T_m+ Nills+ Dn m__gm ni \_ [ p_ls jijof[l ^[s+ R_ ][h
i _l sio [ Obolm^[s il [ Alc^[s [m q_ff+
><MJG6 Jb ^_[l+ D mojjim_ Obolm^[s qiof^ \_ [ff lcabn \_][om_ mb_ b[m F
mqcggcha ih Alc^[s+
?DM >OJM6 JF) ain nb[n+ =_][om_ [ fin i j[l_hnm qile) q_ ^i i _l f_rc\f_ mn[ln [h^
chcmb ncg_m+ R_ [l_ ij_h lig 460- ch nb_ gilhcha ohncf 3 i ]fi]e [n hcabn+
Rb[n ncg_ qiof^ sio fce_ siol ^[oabn_l ni mn[ln;
><MJG6 D h__^ ni a_n ni qile ch nb_ ]cns \s 56-- mi c$ff ^lij b_l i [n 60-+ Tio l_ F,
jl_nns ]fim_ ni nb_ ]cns b_l_ mi nb[n mbiof^ acp_ g_ jf_hns i ncg_ ni a_n
?DM >OJM6 Ob[n m ch_+ Iiq) q_ [fmi h__^ ni ^_]c^_ qbc]b alioj mb_ ff \_ ch+ R_
b[p_ nqi ^c _l_hn aliojm [h^ nb_s l_ ^cpc^_^ oj []]il^cha ni [a_+ Ob_l_ m
nb_ al__h alioj) qbc]b cm il nbl__* ni iol*s_[l*if^m+ <h^ nb_h nb_l_ m nb_
l_^ alioj qbc]b cm il iol* ni cp_*s_[l*if^m+
><MJG6 Nb_$m kocn_ g[nol_ il b_l [a_ [h^ mb_ ][h [fl_[^s qlcn_ b_l h[g_ [h^
l_[^ [ fcnnf_+
?DM >OJM6 R_ff) D ff jon b_l ch nb_ l_^ alioj [h^ q_ ][h [fq[sm ]b[ha_ b_l ni nb_ L2
al__h ih_ c nb_l_ [l_ [hs jli\f_gm+
><MJG6 Ob[n mioh^m ch_+
?DM >OJM6 JF+ G_n m gip_ ih ni g_[fm+ R_ ][h jlipc^_ \l_[e [mn) foh]b [h^ ^chh_l+
<m mb_$m chcmbcha jl_nns _[lfs) mb_ qih n h__^ ^chh_l) qcff sio acp_ b_l
\l_[e [mn \_ il_ mb_ ]ig_m;
><MJG6 T_m) mb_ ff ihfp h__^ foh]b+ F.

Test 3

?DM >OJM6 Iiq) ^i_m mb_ b[p_ [hs g_^c][f ]ih^cncihm q_ h__^ ni ehiq [\ion;
?i_m mb_ b[p_ [mnbg[ il [hs b_[lcha jli\f_gm il _r[gjf_;
><MJG6 Ii+ =on mb_ ^i_m h__^ ni q_[l af[mm_m+ L4
?DM >OJM6 Jb) lcf g[e_ [ hin_ i nb[n+
><MJG6 T_m) e Z W !e jl_nns aii^ [\ion q_[lcha nb_g) mb_ ][h n m__ go]b qcnbion
?DM >OJM6 Mcabn+ JF+ Iiq) D [fmi h__^ _g_la_h]s ]ihn[]n ^_n[cfm+
><MJG6 Ni qb[n miln i ch ilg[ncih ^i sio h__^;
?DM >OJM6 Eomn nb_ h[g_ [h^ hog\_l i [ lc_h^ il [gcfs g_g\_l q_ ][h ]ihn[]n ch
][m_ q_ ][h n a_n bif^ i sio [n [hs ncg_+
><MJG6 JF+ Ob[n ^ \_nn_l \_ gs m cm n_ l+++ E_hhs =[ff+ Ob[n m =*<*^io\f_ G+ C_l F0
jbih_ hog\_l cm 0013 42/0+
?DM >OJM6 Bl_[n+ Ni mb_ cm nb_ ]bcf^ m [ohn; F1
><MJG6 T_m) nb[n m lcabn+
?DM >OJM6 Dff g[e_ [ hin_ i nb[n [m q_ff+ Iiq) cm nb_l_ [hsnbcha sio ^ fce_ ni [me;
><MJG6 Rb[n [\ion j[sg_hn; Ciq go]b [l_ nb_ __m _[]b n_lg;
?DM >OJM6 R_ff) il nqi ^[sm [h^ nb_ biolm sio p_ ]bim_h) nb[n qcff \_ !12-
><MJG6 JF) [h^ ^i D b[p_ ni j[s nb[n hiq;
?DM >OJM6 Ii) q_ m_h^ ion chpic]_m ih]_ nb_ ]bcf^l_h mn[ln [n nb_ ]_hnl_+ Tio ][h
]biim_ ni j[s [n nb_ _h^ i _[]b n_lg il q_ ^i i _l [ mfcabnfs ^cm]iohn_^
l[n_ c pio i[p _p_ls gihnb+
><MJG6 Jb+ lcf ^i nb[n nb_h+ D ch^ cn _[mc_l ni \o^a_n nb[n q[s [h^ f ghin om_^ ni F )(
nb_ n_lg ^[n_m domn s_n+
?DM >OJM6 Bii^) cn g[e_m cn [ fin mcgjf_l il om [m q_ff+ R_ff) nb[n m _p_lsnbcha+
Riof^ sio fce_ g_ ni mbiq sio [lioh^

DIO MQD R M6 Oi^[s q_'l_ jf_[m_^ ni b[p_ ih nb_ mbiq <fc]_ =omm_ff lig nb_ ?ifjbch
>ihm_lp[ncih Olomn+ O_ff om [\ion nb_ Olomn) <fc]_+
<GD> 6 R_ff) i\pciomfs cnm joljim_ cm ni jlin_]n ^ifjbchm ch m_[m [ff [lioh^ nb_
qilf^+ Dn nlc_m ni l[cm_ j_ijf_ m [q[l_h_mm i nb_ jli\f_gm nb_m_ g[lch_
]l_[nol_m [l_ mo _lcha \_][om_ i jiffoncih [h^ inb_l nbl_[nm+ Dn mn[ln_^
n_h s_[lm [ai [h^ cn m ih_ i nb_ [mn_mn aliqcha [hcg[f ]b[lcnc_m ch nb_
]iohnls * [fnbioab cn m mncff [clfs mg[ff ]igj[l_^ qcnb nb_ \ca jf[s_lm
ch [hcg[f jlin_]ncih+ R_ [l_ j[lnc]of[lfs jlio^ i nb_ qile q_ ^i ch
_^o][ncih * f[mn s_[l q_ pcmcn_^ [ boa_ hog\_l i m]biifm ch ^c _l_hn
j[lnm i nb_ ]iohnls) aicha lioh^ ni n[fe ni ]bcf^l_h [h^ sioha j_ijf_
[a_^ lig cp_ ni _cabn__h+ Dh []n) [\ion nbclns* cp_ j_l ]_hn i iol
g_g\_lm [l_ ]bcf^l_h+ Ob_ ]b[lcns om_m cnm gih_s ni mojjiln ][gj[cahm F )) )
* il _r[gjf_) il ]b[ha_m ch cmbcha jifc]s [h^ mi ilnb+ Dn bij_m miih ni
\_ [\f_ ni _gjfis cnm clmn off*ncg_ \cifiacmn qcnb ^ifjbch _rj_lncm_ * ni
gihcnil jijof[ncihm+ J ]iolm_) g[hs j_ijf_ acp_ nb_cl m_lpc]_m ih [
pifohn[ls \[mcm [h^ q_ hiq b[p_ pifohn__lm qilecha ch i\m_lp[ncih) i c]_ F )) )
qile [h^ inb_l nbcham+
D mbiof^ [fmi n_ff sio [\ion nb_ [q[l^ q_ qih lig nb_ >b[lcns
>iggcmmcih f[mn s_[l il iol qile ch _^o][ncih+ <fnbioab cn m hin g_[hn
[h _hilgiom [giohn i gih_s il om cn b[m g[^_ iol []ncpcnc_m _p_h F)
gil_ qc^_fs jo\fc]cm_^ [h^ oh^_lmnii^+ Dh nb_ fiha n_lg cn g[s hin \lcha
ch _rnl[ g_g\_lm \on q_ l_ bijcha cn ff b[p_ nbcm _ _]n+

c h n _ l p c_ q _ l Dm cn jimmc\f_ ni m__ ^ifjbchm ch PF q[n_lm;

[ f c] _ T_m+ Dh m _ p _ l[ f fi ] [ nci h m + <h^ q _ b [ p _ [ \ ca j li d_ ] n ch nb _ _ [ m n j [ ln i
N]inf[h^+ Obcm b[m fiha \__h [ b[p_h il ^ifjbchm \_][om_ cn b[m p_ls
fcnnf_ mbcjjcha+ Ciq_p_l) nb[n g[s \_ [\ion ni ]b[ha_ miih \_][om_ icf
]igj[hc_m q[hn ni ch]l_[m_ _rjfil[ncih nb_l_+ R_ l_ ][gj[cahcha [a[chmn
nbcm \_][om_) [fnbioab nb_l_ ff \_ fcnnf_ jiffoncih lig icf) _rjfil[ncih F),
]l_[n_m [ fin i oh^_lq[n_l hicm_+ Dn g_[hm nb_ ^ifjbchm ][h n l_mn [h^
Obcm cm biq D \_][g_ chn_l_mn_^ ch ^ifjbch ]ihm_lp[ncih ch nb_ clmn jf[]_+
D b[^ h_p_l m__h ih_ [h^ D b[^h n \__h j[lnc]of[lfs chn_l_mn_^ ch nb_g [n
m]biif+ Ob_h D ][g_ []limm nbcm mnilp [\ion [ [gcfs i ^ifjbchm qbi b[^ Q 15
ni f_[p_ nb_cl big_ ch nb_ Hil[s Aclnb \_][om_ i nb_ icf ]igj[hc_m [h^
[\ion [ ]bcf^ qbi ][gj[cah_^ ni m[p_ nb_g+ D ]iof^h n ion nb_ \iie ^iqh
* .q[m biie_^+

DIO MQD R M6 D g mol_ iol fcmn_h_lm qcff q[hn ni ch^ ion qb[n nb_s ][h ^i ni b_fj+ Tio
g_hncih_^ nb_ ~<^ijn [ ?ifjbch m]b_g_+ >[h sio n_ff om [\ion nb[n;
<GD> 6 J ]iolm_ K_ijf_ ][h ]biim_ ih_ i iol ^ifjbchm ni mjihmil+ Ob_s
l_]_cp_ [ jc]nol_ i cn [h^ h_qm oj^[n_m+ D ^ fce_ ni n_ff sio [\ion iol
qbc]b [l_ ]oll_hnfs \_cha [^ijn_^ \s iol g_g\_lm6 Hiih^[h]_l) ]bi)
Fcqc [h^ N[gmih+ Ph ilnoh[n_fs) ]bi cm \_cha l[nb_l _fomcp_ nbcm s_[l Q 16
[h^ b[mh n p_n \__h mcabn_^ \p iol i\m_lp_lm \on q_ l_g[ch ijncgcmnc]
nb[n b_$ff \_ ion nb_l_ miih+ <ff nb_ inb_lm b[p_ \__h ion ch il]_ *
N[gmih [h^ Hiih^[h]_l [l_ i n_h jbinial[jb_^ nia_nb_l \on cn cm Fcqc Q 17
q bi m i o l l_[f ~] b [ l[ ] n_ l [m mb_ m__g m ni fip_ ]ig cha oj ^ i m _ i l nb_
][g_l[m [h^ q_ p_ ][jnol_^ b_l ih cfg boh^l_^m i ncg_m+ Ob_s [ff b[p_
nb_cl iqh j_lmih[fcnc_m * Hiih^[h]_l cm p_ls _f_a[hn [h^ ]olp_m ion [h^
chni nb_ q[n_l p_ls mgiinbfs) qb_l_[m N[gmih b[m [ fin i _h_las * b_ m Q 18
[fq[sm _[?ch[ ion i nb_ q[n_l qcnb al_[n pcaiol+ Tio ^ jli\[\fs _rj_]n
bcg ni \_ nb_ sioha_mn b_ m hin kocn_ nb[n m Fcqc * \on N[gmih m nb_ Q 19
f[n_mn i iol ^ifjbchm ni \_ ]bim_h il nb_ m]b_g_+ Fcqc g[e_m [ fin i
hicm_ mi q_ ][h i n_h jc]e b_l ion mnl[cabn[q[s+ ]bi [h^ Hiih^[h]_l
[l_ hicms nii) \on Hiih^[h]_l m _[ms ni ch^ \_][om_ mb_ b[m [ Q 20
j[lnc]of[lfs [l[_ ch ih b_l \[]e) qbc]b g[e_m b_l _[ms ni c^_hnc s+ Ni)
s_m) nb_s l_ [ff p_ls ^c _l_hn+++
ch n _ l p c_ q _ l R_ff) nb_s mioh^ [ [m]ch[ncha alioj +++

N >ODJ I 0
gc[ Cc) Mi\+ Ciq m nb_ ]iolm_ aicha;
MJ= Jb) bc) Hc[+ T_[b) al_[n+ D ][h n \_fc_p_ nb_ clmn n_lg m h_[lfs ip_l+
gc[ D m [ q s i o l a li o j m j_ l i lg [ h ]_ f[mn hca b n [ n nb_ mno ^ _ h n nb_[nl_+ Dn q [ m
MJ= M _[ffs; T_[b +++ \on hiq q _ b[p_ ni q lcn_ [ l_jiln ih nb _ q b i f_ nbcha) [h
ch*^_jnb [h[fsmcm+ D ^ih n ehiq qb_l_ ni mn[ln+ Gce_) D b[p_ ni qlcn_ [\ion
nb_ lif_ D jf[s_^) nb_ ^i]nil) biq D ^_p_fij_^ nb_ ]b[l[]n_l+
gc[ R _ff) q b [ n q [ m si o l mn[lncha jichn;
li \ l +++ g s a l[ h ^ [ nb _ l q [m [ ^ i ] ni l \_ il_ b_ l_ncl_^) [h^ D do m n \[m_^ cn
ih bcg+

Test 3

HD<6 JF) \on biq; ?c^ sio n[fe ni bcg [\ion cn;
MJ=6 C_ gomn b[p_ [ff milnm i mnilc_m) \on b_ h_p_l m[sm go]b [\ion bcm qile)
_p_h hiq+ C_ b[m [ miln i [onbilcns nbioab+
HD<6 Ni biq ^c^ sio g[h[a_ ni ][jnol_ nb[n;
MJ=6 D ^ +++ D ^ pcmo[fcm_ qb[n b_ gomn b[p_ \__h fce_ ch nb_ i[mn) qb_h b_ q[m F )
mcnncha ch bcm ]ihmocnch[ liig fcmn_hcha ni bcm j[nc_hnm+
HD<6 JF) mi nb[n m qb[n sio _rjf[ch ch siol l_jiln+
MJ=6 Mcabn+
HD<6 Ob_h nb_l_ m nb_ cmmo_ i [ngimjb_l_ mi ch nb_ clmn m]_h_ q_ h__^_^ ni
ehiq biq \ilcha fc _ q[m ch nb_ ^i]nil m pcff[a_ ch nb_ .52-m) mi qb_h nb_
]oln[ch q_hn oj ih nb_ clmn m]_h_ ch nb_ q[cncha liig) nb_l_ q[m nb[n fiha
mcf_h]_ \_ il_ [hsih_ mjie_+ <h^ nb_h j_ijf_ e_jn m[pcha nb_ m[g_ nbcha F
ip_l [h^ ip_l) fce_ ~>if^) cmh n cn;
MJ=6 T_m) [h^ _p_lsih_ qil_ al_s [h^ \liqh) [h^ domn m[n ch [ liq+
HD<6 T_m) [ff nbim_ ^_n[cfm i nb_ jli^o]ncih+
MJ=6 <h^ D b[p_ ni [h[fsm_ biq D oh]ncih_^ ch nb_ alioj qb[n D ioh^ ion
[\ion gsm_f + D ehiq D q[m mi lomnl[n_^ [n ncg_m) qb_h q_ ]iof^h$n [al__+
HD<6 T_m+ Ni ^c^ ih_ j_lmih _g_la_ [m nb_ f_[^_l;
MJ=6 Nijbc[ ^c^+ Ob[n q[m JF * mb_ b_fj_^ om qile ion _r[]nfs qb[n ni ^i+ il L/0
nb_ jli^o]ncih+ <h^ nb[n g[^_ g_ __f \_nn_l+ D mojjim_+
HD<6 Rb_h sio oh^_lmnii^ qb[n h__^_^ ^icha;
MJ=6 T_m+ <h^ Nijbc[ ^c^ mig_ l_m_[l]b) nii+ Ob[n q[m om_ of ch ^_p_fijcha
iol [jjli[]b+
HD<6 Gce_ qb[n;
MJ=6 R_ff) mb_ ioh^ nb_m_ [lnc]f_m lig nb_ .52-m [\ion biq l_f[ncihmbcjm F ,
\_nq__h ]bcf^l_h [h^ nb_cl j[l_hnm) il \_nq__h nb_ jo\fc] [h^ j_ijf_ fce_
\[he g[h[a_lm il nb_ jifc]_ q_l_ mbc ncha+
HD<6 Dhn_l_mncha+ <h^ ^c^ sio b[p_ [hs jl[]nc][f jli\f_gm ni ip_l]ig_;
MJ=6 R_ff) ch nb_ ch[f l_b_[lm[f _p_lsnbcha q[m aicha ch_ ohncf nb_ f[mn m]_h_
nb[n m qb_l_ nb_ ^i]nil m clmn j[nc_hn [jj_[lm ih mn[a_ ih bcm iqh+
HD<6 Ob_ ih_ ch nb_ qb__f]b[cl;
MJ=6 T_m) [h^ b_ b[^ nbcm l_[ffs fiha mj__]b) qcnb nb_ mn[a_ [ff ^[le _r]_jn
il ih_ mjinfcabn [h^ nb_h nb[n mno]e mig_biq mi cn q[m mbchcha ih nb_ L/2
qliha mc^_ i nb_ mn[a_ +++ \on [hsq[s q_ ain nb[n cr_^) nb[he aii^h_mm+
HD<6 T_m) cn q[m ch_ ih nb_ hcabn+

MJ=6 =on qbcf_ sio l_ b_l_) Hc[) D q[hn_^ ni [me sio [\ion nb_ s_[l [\li[^
ijncih+ Riof^ sio l_]igg_h^ ^icha nb[n;
HD<6 T_m) ^_ chcn_fs+ Dn m [ [hn[mnc] ]b[h]_ ni mno^s ch [hinb_l ]iohnls il [
MJ=6 D nbche D ^ fce_ ni ^i cn) \on cn fiiem p_ls ]igj_ncncp_ * nb_l_ m ihfs [ fcgcn_^
hog\_l i jf[]_m+
HD<6 T_m) mi h_rn s_[l qb_h pio [l_ ch nb_ m_]ih^ s_[l i nb_ ]iolm_) pio F .
h__^ ni qile l_[ffs b[l^ ch [ff piol nb_[nl_ mno^c_m gi^of_m+ Jhfs mno^_hnm
qcnb aii^ g[lem a_n jf[]_m * pio b[p_ ni jlip_ nb[n pio ehiq piol
mo\d_]n l_[ffs q_ff+
MJ=6 Mcabn+ Ni biq ^c^ sio ]biim_ qb_l_ ni ai;
HD<6 R_ff+ u ^_]c^_^ D q[hn_^ [ jlial[gg_ nb[n qiof^ cn ch qcnb qb[n D q[hn_^ L/4
ni ^i [ n_l D al[^o[n_) mi D fiie_^ il [ ohcp_lmcns qcnb _gjb[mcm ih []ncha
l[nb_l nb[h ^cl_]ncha il _r[gjf_+ Dn ^_j_h^m ih pio+ Ob_h [\ion mcr
gihnbm \_ il_ sio ai) sio b[p_ ni _g[cf nb_ m]b_g_ ]iil^ch[nil qcnb


siol nij nbl__ ]bic]_m+ D b[^ [ lc_h^ qbi gcmm_^ nb_ ^_[^fch_ [h^ ^c^h n 028
a_n b_l clmn ]bic]_) mi pio ^i h__^ ni a_n [ gip_ ih [n nb[n mn[a_+ Tio
ch^ nb[n ]_ln[ch jf[]_m [l_ p_ls jijof[l qcnb _p_lsih_+
li \ <h^ ^ih n sio b[p_ ni qlcn_ [ j_lmih[f mn[n_g_hn [n nb[n mn[a_;
gc[ T_m+
li \ Mcabn+ D ff a_n mig_ i nb_ ch[f s_[l mno^_hnm niacp_ g_ mig_ ncjm + ££ F 1
g[s\_ m__ c D ][h l_[^ qb[n nb_s qlin_+
gc[ D nbchenb[n m [ p_ls aii^ c^_[+ D^ih n gch^mbiqcha sio qb[n D ^c^+
<h^ qbcf_ pio l_ [\li[^ ^ih n g[e_ nb_ gcmn[e_ D g[^_+ D [in mi chpifp_^ F (
D ilain [ff [\ion g[echa [ll[ha_g_hnm il qb_h D ][g_ \[]e b_l_ il
nb_ ch[f s_[l+ H[e_ mol_ pio mn[s ch nio]b mi nb_s ehiq piol ]bic]_m il
nb_ ijncih[f gi^of_m+ Tio ^ih n q[hn ni gcmm ion ^icha siol jl_ _ll_^
li \ Mcabn+

N >ODJ I 1
Oi^[s q[hn ni n[fe [\ion m_f *l_aof[nils i]om nb_ils [h^ biq nb_ []ncihm i f_[^_lm
][h [ _]n nb_ q[s iffiq_lm [jjli[]b ^c _l_hn mcno[ncihm+ N_f *l_aof[nils i]om nb_ils cm
[ nb_ils ^_p_fij_^ \s Oilc Ccaachm+ C_ m[sm nb[n [ j_lmih m i]om [n [hs acp_h ncg_ cm ni
_cnb_l [jjli[]b jf_[mol_ il [pic^ j[ch+ Ob_m_ [l_ nqi \[mc] gincp[ncihm nb[n _[]b [h^
_p_ls ih_ i om b[m) [h^ nb_s ][om_ om ni b[p_ ^c _l_hn ech^m i ai[fm+ Kligincih ai[fm ch
^c _l_hn fc _ mcno[ncihm _gjb[mcm_ []bc_p_g_hn+ Kl_p_hncih ai[fm [l_ ilc_hn_^ niq[l^m nb_ F )
[pic^[h]_ i johcmbg_hn+
Dh [ mj_]c c] mcno[ncih) iol nbioabnm gcabn i]om gil_ ih jligincih ai[fm il gil_ ih
jl_p_hncih ai[fm+ Ob_ nb_ils moaa_mnm nb[n nqi []nilm [ _]n qbc]b ai[fm q_ [l_ i]omcha
ih+ Aclmn) nb_l_ cm [ ]blihc] []nil+ Obcm []nil cm ]ihh_]n_^ ni [ j_lmih m j_lmih[fcns [h^ F
m[sm nb[n _[]b j_lmih b[m [ \[mc] n_h^_h]s ni _cnb_l i]om gil_ ih jligincih ai[fm
il i]om gil_ ih jl_p_hncih ai[fm [m j[ln i bcm il b_l j_lmih[fcns+ N_]ih^) nb_l_ cm [
mcno[ncih[f []nil qbc]b g_[hm nb[n nb_ ]ihn_rn q_ [l_ ch ][h g[e_ om gil_ fce_fs ni F
i]om ih ih_ m_n i ai[fm il nb_ inb_l+ Ail _r[gjf_) q_ [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni \_ nbchecha
[\ion jf_[mol_ [h^ ni b[p_ jligincih ai[fm qb_h q_ [l_ mj_h^cha ncg_ qcnb [ lc_h^+ Dh F ,
]ihnl[mn) c q_ [l_ qilecha ih [h cgjiln[hn jlid_]n il iol \imm) q_ [l_ gil_ fce_fs ni nls ni
[pic^ g[echa gcmn[e_m [h^ nb_l_ il_ b[p_ gil_ jl_p_hncih ai[fm ch iol gch^+
M_m_[l]b b[m mbiqh nb[n nb_ ai[fm q_ [l_ i]omcha ih [n [ acp_h ncg_ [ _]n nb_ q[s q_
nbche+ Ail _r[gjf_) qb_h i]omcha ih jligincih ai[fm) j_ijf_ ]ihmc^_l nb_cl c^_[ m_f +
nb_cl [mjcl[ncihm [h^ a[chm+ Ob_s ^ih n nbche [\ion qb[n nb_s ][h fim_) mi nb_s nbche ch [ F -
b[jjc_l gi^_+ Ob_s __f gil_ chmjcl_^ ni ]b[ha_+
Rb_h j_ijf_ [l_ i]omcha ih jl_p_hncih ai[fm) nb_s nbche [\ion nb_cl ioabn m_f + Rb[n
[l_ nb_s mojjim_^ ni \_; Rb[n [l_ j_ijf_ _rj_]ncha lig nb_g; Ob_s ]ihmc^_l nb_cl
i\fca[ncihm ni inb_lm+ <m [ l_mofn) nb_s _rj_lc_h]_ gil_ [hrc_ns [h^ nls ni [pic^ mcno[ncihm
qb_l_ nb_s ]iof^ fim_+

Iiq nb[n D b[p_ n[fe_^ [\ion nb_ nqi i]om_m [h^ biq nb_s [ _]n j_ijf_) D q[hn ni fiie
[n nb_ c^_[ nb[n nb_ q[p f_[^_lm \_b[p_) il nb_cl mnsf_ i f_[^cha) ][h [ _]n nb_ i]om F .
nb[n iffiq_lm [^ijn ch [ mj_]c c] mcno[ncih+ Dh n[fecha [\ion f_[^_lmbcj) q_ i n_h g_hncih
nl[hm ilg[ncih[f f_[^_lm [h^ nl[hm[]ncih[f f_[^_lm+ Ol[hm ilg[ncih[f f_[^_lm) qb_h
chn_l[]ncha qcnb nb_cl iffiq_lm) i]om ih nb_cl ^_p_fijg_hn+ Dh nb_cl qil^m [h^ []ncihm F /

Test 4

nl[hm ilg[ncih[f f_[^_lm bcabfcabn ]b[ha_+ Ob_cl mj__]b cm j[mmcih[n_ [h^ ]ihp_sm [
^_ chcncp_ pcmcih+ <ff i nb_m_ nbcham ][h _h]iol[a_ iffiq_lm ni nbche [\ion qb[n ]iof^ \_+ F 0
Dh inb_l qil^m) nb_s chmjcl_ [ jligincih i]om ch nb_cl iffiq_lm+
Dh ]ihnl[mn) nl[hm[]ncih[f f_[^_lm i]om ih ^_p_fijcha ]f_[l mnlo]nol_m nb[n n_ff nb_cl F 1
iffiq_lm _r[]nfs qb[n cm _rj_]n_^ i nb_g+ Rbcf_ nb_s ^i _rjf[ch nb_ l_q[l^m j_ijf_
qcff a_n il iffiqcha il^_lm) nb_s _gjb[mcm_ gil_ biq [ iffiq_l qcff \_ johcmb_^ il
nb[n [ iffiq_l qih n a_n l_q[l^_^ c bcm il b_l \_b[pciol ^i_mh n ]b[ha_+ Dh mbiln) nb_s
_gjb[mcm_ nb_ ]ihm_ko_h]_m i g[echa [ gcmn[e_+ Obcm _gjb[mcm qcff ]f_[lfs f_[^
iffiq_lm ni i]om ih [pic^cha johcmbg_hn [h^ jli\f_gm+ Obcm cm ]f_[lfs [ jl_p_hncih i]om+
Dh ]ih]fomcih) cn cm cgjiln[hn ni oh^_lmn[h^ nb[n ih_ i]om cm hin h_]_mm[lcfs \_nn_l nb[h
nb_ inb_l ih_+ Ail [ ^_mcah_l qbi qilem ch [ c_f^ qb_l_ [ fin i chhip[ncih cm h__^_^) [ F ,(
jligincih i]om cm jli\[\fs \_nn_l+ Dh ]ihnl[mn) [ jl_p_hncih i]om qbc]b ][om_m j_ijf_
ni qile gil_ ][onciomfs [h^ jli^o]_ bcab_l ko[fcns qile gcabn \_ p_ls [jjlijlc[n_ il [
di\ fce_ [ mola_ih) il _r[gjf_+ Ob_ g[ch jichn i nb_ l_m_[l]b) nbioab) cm nb[n nb_ []ncihm
i f_[^_lm ][h al_[nfs ch fo_h]_ qb_nb_l j_ijf_ [jjli[]b [ mcno[ncih qcnb gil_ i [
jligincih i]om il gil_ i [ jl_p_hncih i]om+

O NO 1

N > O DJ I .

HM OCJMI?TF 6 Obig^se_ m+
?DOC6 Bii^ gilhcha+ Dm nb[n Hl Obilh^se_;
HM OCJMI?TF 6 Nj_[echa+ Ciq ][h D b_fj;
?DOC6 D p_ ain kocn_ [ _q nbcham qbc]b h__^ j[chncha [h^ crcha ch nb_ f[n [h^ D
qih^_l qb_nb_l sio ^ \_ [\f_ ni ^i nb_ qile+
HM OCJMI?TF 6 D g mol_ f ^ \_ [\f_ ni b_fj \on f_n g_ n[e_ ^iqh [ _q ^_n[cfm+
?DOC6 T_m) i ]iolm_+
HM OCJMI?TF 6 R_ff) clmnfs) biq ^c^ sio b_[l [\ion om;
?DOC6 Dn q[m gp lc_h^ H[p C[ginih +++ pio ^c^ mig_ _r]_ff_hn qile il b_l [ : jS b ^W
]iojf_ i s_[lm [ai+ ?i sio l_g_g\_l;
HM OCJMI?TF 6 Jb) s_m) nb[n q[m ch R_mn K[le Af[nm) fip_fs f[^s+
?DOC6 T_m) mb_ cm+
HM OCJMI?TF 6 <h^ qb[n m siol h[g_) jf_[m_;
?DOC6 Dn m ^cnb K[l[_nn_l+ F)
HM OCJMI?TF 6 ^cnb +++ ][h sio mj_ff siol molh[g_) jf_[m_;
?DOC6 Dn m K*<*M*B* *^io\f_ O* *M+
HM OCJMI?TF 6 ?io\f_ O) lcabn+ <h^ ^i sio fcp_ ch R_mn K[le Af[nm [m q_ff;
?DOC6 Ii) []no[ffs cn m [mn K[le) Af[n 1+ F
HM OCJMI?TF 6 J b ) lca b n) nb [ n m i p _ l nb _ li [ ^ ) D m _ _ g ni l_ g _ g \ _ l k o cn_ ^ c c] o fn ni a _ n
?DOC6 T_m+ cn m [n nb_ \[]e i nb_ fc\l[lp+ F
HM OCJMI?TF 6 Mcabn) D ehiq+ <h^ qb[n m siol jbih_ hog\_l;
?DOC6 42501 \on D g ion [ al_[n ^_[f ch nb_ [ n_lhiihm [h^ _p_hcham+
HM OCJMI?TF 6 Ni qiof^ nb_ \_mn ncg_ ni lch[ pio \_ ch nb_ gilhch[; F,
?DOC6 T_m+


g l nb i lh ^ s e _ Ach_+ D p_ g[^_ [ hin_ i nb[n+ >[h D domn [me) D ff \_ ch [ p[h [h^ D ehiq
j[lecha m l[nb_l ^c c]ofn lioh^ siol f[nm+ Rb_l_ qiof^ sio l_]igg_h^;
_ ^ cn b R_ff) D [fq[sm n_ff j_ijf_ ch f[la_l p_bc]f_m ni j[le \p nb_ jimn\ir ih nb_ Q5
inb_l mc^_ i nb_ li[^ lig nb_ _hnl[h]_+
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ Bii^) nb [ h e m +
_ ^ cn b <h^ qcff sio \_ [\f_ ni acp_ g_ [ off cn_gcm_^ koin_;
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ Jb) s_ m ) ... fcmn [ ff nb _ di \ m m _ j [ l[ n_ fs q cnb ch ^ cp c^ o [ f j lc] _ m + L6
_ ^ cn b Ob[n ^ \_ [ al_[n b_fj+
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ Ii jli\f_g+

g l nb i lh ^ s e _ I i q ) q b [ n q i o f^ s i o fce _ g _ ni ^ i ;
_ ^ cnb A clmnfs [h^ g i mn o la _ h nfs cm ch nb _ ecn]b_h+ R cnb [ff nb _ q _ [ nb _ l ^[g [a_)
nb_ af[mm ch nb_ ^iil b[m ]l[]e_^ [h^ D ^ h__^ nb[n crcha +++
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ D j l_ m o g _ p i o g _ [ h l_ j f[ ] ch a ; Q7
_ ^ cn b Oh, s_m+ <h^ [ m m i i h [ m j i m m c\ f_ +++
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ R b [ n D ff ^ i cm ] i g _ li o h ^ ni g i lli q g i lh ch a [ h ^ ^ i nb [ n cg g _ ^ c[ n_ fs +
_ ^ cn b Ob[he sio mi go]b+ Ob_ inb_l nbcham [l_h n mi ola_hn \ o n+++
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ I i q ) f ff g [ e _ [ h i n_ i _ p _ ls nb ch a s i o q [ h n ^ i ch a +
_ ^ cn b R _ ff) ch nb _ e cn] b _ h f ^ fce _ m i g _ j [ ch nch a ^ i ch a +
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ < ff nb _ e cn] b _ h q [ ffm ;
Eo mn nb _ [l_[ i p_ l nb_ ]iie_l+ Dn m p _ ls a l_ [ ms +++ -
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ M c a b n +++ cn ^ i _ m n_ h ^ ni a _ n nb [ n q [ s
_ ^ cnb T_m
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ R _ ff) c s i o q [ h n [ j li j _ l di \ ^ i h _ q b [ n f ^ h _ _ ^ ni ^ i cm m nlcj nb _ if^ Q9
j[chn [h^ jf[mn_l cn [\ion [ q__e \_ il_ D j[chn cn+
_ ^ cnb J ]iolm_+ Iiq) H [s n_ ffm g _ sio [fmi ^i q i le ch nb_ a[l^_h+
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ O b [ n m lca b n+
_ ^ cnb R _ff) D ^ fce_ sio ni l_jf[]_ [ _h]_+ Q 10
HM OCJMI?TF 6 E o m n J h_;
_ ^ cnb T_m) [ n nb _ [ l _h^+
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ A ch _ + N b i o f^ h n \ _ [ j li \ f_ g +
_ ^ cn b < h ^ nb [ n m nb _ fin+
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ A ch _ + T _ [ b ) [ m D m [ s D ] [ h ] i g _ li o h ^ ni g i lli q g i lh ch a ni fi i e i p _ l
nbcham qcnb sio+
_ ^ cn b O b [ n m a l_ [ n) nb [ h e s i o +
g l nb i lh ^ s e _ Ni) D ff fiie ilq[l^ ni m__cha sio nigilliq [ n +++

N >ODJ I /
R_f]ig_ ni H[hb[g Kiln) qb_l_ [ nbiom[h^ s_[lm i bcmnils [l_ \lioabn ni fc _+ <ff nb_
[gcfs ][h _hdis [ ^[s ion [n H[hb[g6 pcmcn iol ]ijj_l gch_) m__ gi^_fm i nb_ g[]bch_ls
cn om_^) b[p_ siol jbini n[e_h ch hch_n__hnb*]_hnols ]imnog_) _rj_lc_h]_ [n clmn b[h^ biq
j_ijf_ fcp_^ [n ^c _l_hn mn[a_m nblioabion bcmnils) [h^ _mj_]c[ffs biq ]bcf^l_h mno^c_^)
qile_^ [h^ jf[s_^+
Ob_ jiln i H[hb[g cm fi][n_^ ch \_[onc of [h^ j_[]_ of ]iohnlsmc^_) ih [ \_h^ ch nb_
al_[n Mcp_l <pih) [h^ ^_p_fij_^ b_l_ \_][om_ cn m nb_ bcab_mn h[pca[\f_ jichn i nb_ F))
<pih * \i[nm ][h ai hi bcab_l oj nbcm lcp_l * [h^ jlip_^ [ b[h^p jf[]_ ni fi[^ [h^
ohfi[^ ][lai ni [h^ lig nb_ m_[) qbc]b cm ip_l /0 gcf_m [q[s+ < mg[ff jiln q[m [fl_[^s

Test 4

_mn[\fcmb_^ b_l_ qb_h) [\ion 5-- s_[lm [ai) nch q[m ^cm]ip_l_^ h_[l\s) nbioab cn q[mh n F)
ohncf nb_ Dh^omnlc[f M_pifoncih) qb_h [ nl_g_h^iom h__^ il g_n[fm i [ff ech^m ^_p_fij_^)
nb[n H[hb[g _rj[h^_^ ni \_]ig_ ih_ i nb_ \omc_mn jilnm ch nb_ ]iohnls+ <h^ \_][om_
cn q[m [fl_[^s mi \oms) jlimj_]nilm \_a[h ni fiie il inb_l gch_l[fm) [h^ \s nb_ _h^ i
nb_ hch_n__hnb ]_hnols) f_[^) ]ijj_l) g[ha[h_m_ [h^ [lm_hc] q_l_ [^^_^ ni nb_ ][laim
f_[pcha H[hb[g+
Dh nb_ _[lfs ^[sm) nb_ il_m b[^ \__h mg_fn_^ * il jli]_mm_^ ch nb_ m[g_ [l_[ nb_s q_l_
gch_^+ =on) [m ^_g[h^ al_q) nb_ mg_fncha jli]_mm l_kocl_^ boa_ []nils olh[]_m il cl_m
ni g_fn nb_ g_n[f lig nb_ li]e [h^ nb_l_ q[m hin _hioab ]i[f ch nb_ fi][f [l_[) mi nb_ F)
li]em ]ihn[chcha gch_l[fm b[^ ni \_ mbcjj_^ Dih[ ^cmn[h]_m+
N[^fs) ch nb_ nq_hnc_nb ]_hnols) nb_ al_[n jiln i H[hb[g ^_]fch_^) [h^ nbiom[h^m i F),
qile_lm q_l_ il]_^ ni _gcal[n_ ion i nb_ [l_[+ Ob_ \ocf^cha [n nb_ jiln _ff chni ^cml_j[cl)
[h^ nb_ jf[]_ \_][g_ [fgimn ilainn_h+ =on nb_h) nb_ H[hb[g Olomn q[m ilg_^ ni
]ihm_lp_ nb_ bcmnilc][f l_miol]_m i nb_ [l_[+ Dn ila[hcm_^ m]il_m i fi][f pifohn__lm ni
l_gip_ oh^_laliqnb ni ch^ nb_ ilcach[f ionfch_m i nb_ chmn[ff[ncihm+ Dn nb_h \lioabn ch j[c^ F )-
jli _mmcih[fm ni g[n]b chmn[ff[ncihm qcnb g[jm i nb_ ilcach[f jiln ]igjf_r [h^ ni m_n [\ion
l_]ihmnlo]ncha cn+ Oi^[s sio ][h m__ nb_ l_mofnm i nbcm [g\cnciom jlial[gg_ i l_mnil[ncih+
Ob_ chn_hncih) [h^ q_ \_fc_p_ nbcm qcff \_ l_[fcm_^ \_ il_ nb_ _h^ i nb_ s_[l) cm ni l_nolh
H[hb[g Kiln ni nb_ ]ih^cncih cn l_[]b_^ [n cnm j_[e [m ~nb_ al_[n_mn ]ijj_l jiln ch nb_
]iohnls +

=on qb[n ][h sio ^i [h^ m__ ih siol pcmcn ni^[s; C_l_ [l_ domn [ _q bcabfcabnm+ R_
moaa_mn sio mn[ln qcnb nb_ pcmcn ni nb_ ]ijj_l gch_+ Ol[p_f ih ]ihp_ln_^ gchcha nl[chm [h^ F ).
diolh_s chni nb_ ^_jnbm i nb_ giohn[ch [fiha m_[gm ih]_ qile_^ \p boh^l_^m i gch_lm+
R[n]b ion _mj_]c[ffs il nb_ al_[n jogjcha g[]bch_m qbc]b lc^ nb_ gch_ i q[n_l+ =on
jf_[m_ \_ q[lh_^ nb[n) fce_ [ff gch_m) iolm cm p_ls ^[le [h^ ]fim_^ ch [h^ q_ ^i m[p nb[n F )/
]bcf^l_h oh^_l cp_ [h^ [fmi ^i[m mbiof^ IJO \_ n[e_h chni nb_ gch_+
Ob_ h_rn l_]igg_h^_^ pcmcn cm ni nb_ pcff[a_ m]biif+ Rbcf_ iiech[ lioh^ nb_ ]f[mmliigm+ F )0
n[e_ [ mj_]c[f fiie [n iol ^cmjf[s i a[g_m) qbc]b cm ih_ i nb_ [l[_mn ch nb_ qilf^+ <h^ cn m F ) 1
l_]igg_h^_^ nb[n pio ncg_ piol pcmcn ni ]ich]c^_ qcnb [ aoc^_^ niol+ Obcm qcff acp_ sio nb_
ijjilnohcns ni [me finm i ko_mncihm+ I_[l nb_ m]biif cm nb_ \_[onc of if^ m[cfcha e_n]b ][ff_^
Ob_ B_ila_ + Tio [l_ q_f]ig_ ni \i[l^ nb_ \i[n [h^ fiie lioh^ nb_ ][\chm+ Giie ion il
nb_ mbcj m qb__f qbc]b q[m gcmmcha ohncf ihfs cp_ s_[lm [ai qb_h cn q[m ^l_^a_^ ion i
nb_ mcfn \s [ fi][f cmb_lg[h+ R_ b[p_ hi c^_[ biq cn ain nb_l_ \on cn m \__h jifcmb_^ [h^
jlio^fs l_mnil_^ ni cnm ilcach[f jf[]_ ih nb_ \i[n+ Kf_[m_ n[e_ ][l_ aicha ^iqh nb_ f[^^_lm F (
c pio qcmb ni pcmcn nb_ fiq_l ^_]e * q_ ^ih n l_]igg_h^ pio [ffiq pioh[ ]bcf^l_h ni om_
Ni q_ bij_ sio b[p_ [ g_gil[\f_ pcmcn ni H[hb[g Kiln [h^ qcff n_ff siol lc_h^m [ff
[\ion om+

ODH6 Cc) G[ol[ ]iof^ sio mj[l_ [ _q gchon_m ni n[fe [\ion nb_ qile
jf[]_g_hn sio ^c^ f[mn mogg_l; D g nbchecha i ^icha ih_ gsm_f £
G<PM<6 Cc) Ocg+ Nol_+
ODH6 ?c^h n sio ^i siolm [n [h _hpclihg_hn[f m_lpc]_m ]igj[hs;
G<PM<6 Ob[n m lca b n+++ Dn m ihfs [ p_ls mg[ff ]igj[hs [h^ nb_s h__^_^


mig_ih_ ni jli^o]_ [ ]igj[hs \li]bol_) [h^ D q[hn_^ ni a_n mig_

\omch_mm _rj_lc_h]_ \_][om_ D g chn_l_mn_^ ch [ ][l__l ch i]]oj[ncih[f
jms]bifias ch [ \omch_mm _hpclihg_hn+ Dn q[m aii^ \_][om_ D b[^ ip_l[ff
l_mjihmc\cfcns il nb_ jlid_]n+
ODH6 Rb[n ech^ i mecffm ^i sio nbche sio ^_p_fij_^ ih nb_ jf[]_g_hn; D g_[h)
[j[ln lig nb_ ih_m sio [fl_[^s b[^ +++ ?c^ sio b[p_ ni ^i [ff nb_ [lnqile
il nb_ \li]bol_) nb_ f[sion [h^ _p_lsnbcha;
G<PM<6 R_ bcl_^ nb_ m_lpc]_m i [ jli _mmcih[f jbinial[jb_l il nb[n+ D ^c^ b[p_
ni om_ gs DO mecffm ni [ ]_ln[ch _rn_hn \_][om_ D ]on [h^ j[mn_^ n_rn lig
g[le_ncha f_[ f_nm) \on nb[n ^c^h n chpifp_ [hsnbcha D b[^h n ^ih_ \_ il_+
ODH6 ?i pio nbche sio ain [hp \_nn_l [n g[h[acha piol ncg_ [h^ jlcilcncmcha F )
nbcham; Tio [fq[sm om_^ ni m[p pio b[^ nlio\f_ qcnb nb [ n+++
G<PM<6 Jb+ ^_ chcn_fs+ Ob_l_ q[m mi go]b jl_mmol_ ni g__n nb_ jlid_]n ^_[^fch_+
<h^ D [fmi ain \_nn_l [n _rjf[chcha nbcham [h^ [mm_lncha gp ijchcihm) F )
\_][om_ D b[^ ni b[p_ q__efs ]ihmofn[ncihm qcnb nb_ g[le_ncha g[h[a_l
[h^ acp_ bcg [ jlial_mm l_jiln+
ODH6 Dn mioh^m [m c sio ain [ fin ion i cn nb_h+
G<PM<6 <\mifon_fs+ Dn q[m l_[ffs qilnbqbcf_ +++ =on sio ehiq) nb_ ]igj[hs
\_h_ cn_^ nii £
ODH6 T_m) nb_s gomn b[p_ ^ih_+ < n_l [ff) c nb_s ^ om_^ [ jli _mmcih[f
[^p_lncmcha [a_h]s ni jli^o]_ nb_cl \li]bol_ chmn_[^ i ^icha cn ch*biom_)
jl_mog[\fs nb _ s ^ b[p_ j[c^ [ fin gil_;
G<PM<6 Jb) s_m+ D qile_^ cn ion * cn qiof^ b[p_ \__h /2- j_l ]_hn gil_+ <h^ D F ,
nbioabn nb_ _h^ l_mofn q[m aii^) _p_h nbioab q_ ^c^ _p_lsnbcha ih mcn_+
Ob_ ]igj[hs b[m kocn_ [ jiq_l of ]igjon_l [h^ D g[h[a_^ ni \illiq
mig_ m][hhcha mi nq[l_ lig nb_ ohcp_lmcns+ Ob_ h_q \li]bol_ fiiem
l_[ffs jli _mmcih[f7 cn _hb[h]_m nb_ cg[[_ i nb_ ]igj[hs mnl[cabn [q[p+ F ,
ODH6 Ni ch nb_ fiha loh cn mbiof^ b_fj nb_g ni [nnl[]n ]fc_hnm) [h^ cgjlip_ nb_cl
m[f_m caol_m;
G<PM<6 Ob[n m nb_ c^_[+ T_[b+

ODH6 R_ff) [ff ch [ff cn mioh^m p_ls jimcncp_ D nbche D qcff ai [b_[^ [h^ [jjfs il
[ jf[]_g_hn gsm_f + Ciq ^i D ai [\ion cn;
G<PM<6 Dn m _[ms _hioab ni ^i) \_][om_ nb_l_ m [ aip_lhg_hn [a_h]s ][ff_^
NO K * N*O* *K nb[n ila[hcm_m jf[]_g_hnm il mno^_hnm+ Tio mbiof^
mn[ln \s a_nncha nb_cl \iief_n qcnb [ff nb_ ^_n[cfm * D _rj_]n sio ][h
^iqhfi[^ ih_ lig nb_cl q_\mcn_+
ODH6 <]no[ffs) nb_pQ_ ain ]ijc_m ch nb_ jmp]bifi[p ^_j[lng_hn * D p_ m__h F -
nb _ g nb _ l_ + D ff co m n a i ni nb _ i c] _ [ h ^ ?c]e i h _ oj+
G<PM<6 Mcabn+ <h^ nb_h c D q_l_ sio) [ n_l D ^ fiie_^ [n cn D ^ ai ip_l [ff nb_
ijncihm qcnb mig_ih_ ££+
ODH6 D mojjim_ D mbiof^ [me gs nonil m [^pc]_+ C_ ehiqm gil_ [\ion g_ nb[h
G<PM<6 Jh_ i nb_ ][l__l i c]_lm qiof^ \_ \_nn_l) nb_s p_ ain gil_ ehiqf_^a_ F .
[\ion nb_ di\m g[le_n nb[h siol j_lmih[f nonil qiof^ b[p_+
ODH6 JF +++
G<PM<6 <h^ nb_h qb_h sio ehiq qb[n sio q[hn sio ][h l_acmn_l qcnb NO K *
sio ch^ nb_cl [^^l_mm ch nb_ \iief_n+ <h^ ih]_ sio p_ l_acmn_l_^ nb_s
[mmcah sio ni [ g_hnil qbi fiiem [ n_l siol [jjfc][ncih+
ODH6 <h^ nb_h D mojjim_ sio domn mcn \[]e [h^ q[cn ncff sio b_[l mig_nbcha;
G<PM<6 Ob_s nif^ g_ [n nb_ ][l__lm i c]_ nb[n cn m \_mn ni \_ jli[]ncp_) [h^ a_n F /

Test 4

oj^[n_m piolm_f \p ]b_]echa nb_ q_\mcn_ il h_q jf[]_g_hn [f_lnm+ Tiol

g_hnil cm mojjim_^ ni e__j sio ch ilg_^) \on sio ][h n l_fs ih nb[n+
ncg D ^ i h n m o j j i m _ cn m [ a i i ^ c^ _ [ ni a _ n ch ni o ] b q cnb ] i g j [ h c_ m ^ cl_ ] nfs ) cm
G [ o l[ Iin l_[ffs +++ =on cn cm nb_ ]igj[hs qbi hinc c_m pio c nb_s q[hn pio ni ai F 0
il [h chn_lpc_q+ Tio a_n [ f_nn_l i chpcn[ncih il [h _g[cf lig j_lmihh_f
ncg < h^ ^i l_j fp ^ cl_ ]nfs ni nb_g ;
f[ o l [ T_m) pio ^i+ NO K ihfs a_nm chpifp_^ [a[ch ih]_ sio p_ \__h g[^_ [
di\ i _l+
ncg Mcabn £££ Ni+ ih]_ pioQ_ b [ ^ [h ch n_ lp c_ q p i o m b i o f^ f_ n p i o l g _ h ni l F 1
ehiq qb[n nb_ ion]ig_ cm; D g_[h qb_nb_l pio l_ i _l_^ [ di\) [h^
qb_nb_l pioQ_ ^_]c^_^ ni []]_jn cn;
f[ o l [ Ob[n m lcabn+ Ob_s ff ch ilg nb_ ][l__lm i c]_ ih]_ [ jf[]_g_hn b[m \__h
[al__^) mi sio ^ih n b[p_ ni ^i nb[n+
ncg cm nb [ n [ff nb _ h ;
f[ o l [ Hil_ il f_mm+ Jhfs ih]_ sio p_ []]_jn_^ [h i _l sio ff jli\[\fs b[p_ ni
mojjfs [ l_ _l_h]_) \_][om_ nb_ jf[]_g_hn qcff \_ ]ih^cncih[f ih nb[n+
<h^ nb[n m mig_nbcha pio mbiof^ [me piol iqh nonil ni jlipc^_+ C_ ehiqm F (
[\ion siol [][^_gc] [\cfcns [h^ [fmi [\ion siol ko[fcnc_m) fce_ l_fc[\cfcns+
ncg R _ ff) nb [ h e m p _ ls g o ] b i l nb _ ch i lg [ nci h * D g m n[ lnch a ni fi i e i lq [ l^ +++

Oi^[s i W rdW aicha ni fiie [n [h cgjiln[hn [l_[ i m]c_h]_) h[g_fs h[hin_]bhifias+ Ni
qb[n cm cn; I[hi g_[hm nchs) mi cn$m m]c_h]_ [h^ _hach__lcha ih nb_ m][f_ i [nigm [h^
gif_]of_m+ Ob_ c^_[ cm nb[n \s ]ihnliffcha [h^ l_[ll[hacha [nigm) sio ][h fcn_l[ffs ]l_[n_
[hsnbcha+ Ciq_p_l) [m q_ ff m__ nb_ m]c_h]_ i nb_ mg[ff b[m mig_ \ca cgjfc][ncihm
[ _]ncha om ch g[hs q[sm+
Ob_l_ m hi ^io\n nb[n h[hin_]bhifias jligcm_m mi go]b il ]cpcfcm[ncih+ Ciq_p_l) [ff h_q
n_]bhifiac_m b[p_ nb_cl n__nbcha jli\f_gm+ <h^ qcnb h[hin_]bhifias) mi]c_ns i n_h a_nm nb_ F )
qliha c^_[ [\ion cnm ][j[\cfcnc_m+ Iog_liom m]c_h]_* c]ncih \iiem [h^ gipc_m b[p_ l[cm_^
j_ijf_ m _[lm [\ion h[hin_]bhifias * qcnb m]_h[lcim mo]b [m chm_lncha fcnnf_ h[hi*li\inm
chni siol \i^s nb[n gihcnil _p_lsnbcha sio ^i qcnbion sio l_[fcmcha cn il m_f *l_jfc][ncha
h[hi*li\inm nb[n _p_hno[ffs n[e_ ip_l nb_ qilf^+
Ni biq ^i q_ m[ _ao[l^ mo]b [ jin_hnc[ffs jiq_l of n_]bhifias; Nig_ m]c_hncmnm F
l_]igg_h^ nb[n h[hi*j[lnc]f_m \_ nl_[n_^ [m h_q ]b_gc][fm qcnb m_j[l[n_ m[ _ns n_mnm [h^
]f_[l f[\_ffcha+ Ob_s \_fc_p_ nb[n al_[n_l ][l_ mbiof^ [fmi \_ n[e_h qcnb h[hi*j[lnc]f_m ch
f[\il[nilc_m [h^ []nilc_m+ Jnb_lm b[p_ ][ff_^ il [ qcnb^l[q[f i h_q h[hi jli^o]nm mo]b
[m ]img_nc]m [h^ [ n_gjil[ls b[fn ni g[hs ech^m i h[hin_]b l_m_[l]b+
=on [m [l [m D g ]ih]_lh_^ nb_l_ m [ h__^ ni jfioab [b_[^ qcnb nb_ ^cm]ip_lc_m [h^ F
[jjfc][ncihm i h[hin_]bhifias+ D l_[ffs \_fc_p_ nb[n gimn m]c_hncmnm qiof^ q_f]ig_ [ q[s
ni ao[l^ [a[chmn oh_nbc][f om_m i mo]b n_]bhifias+ R_ ][h n ai [lioh^ nbchecha nb[n [ff
chhip[ncih cm \[^) [ff [^p[h]_g_hn cm \[^+ <m qcnb nb_ ^_\[n_ [\ion [hs h_q n_]bhifias) cn
cm biq sio om_ cn nb[n m cgjiln[hn+ Ni f_n m fiie [n mig_ i cnm jimmc\f_ om_m+


Ob[hem ni h[hin_]bhifias) nb_l_ ]iof^ \_ [ g[dil \l_[enblioab ch nb_ c_f^ i

nl[hmjiln[ncih qcnb nb_ jli^o]ncih i gil_ ^ol[\f_ g_n[fm+ Ob_m_ ]iof^ \_ pclno[ffs F ,
oh\l_[e[\f_) fcabn_l [h^ go]b gil_ jfc[\f_ f_[^cha ni jf[h_m nb[n [l_ 2- ncg_m fcabn_l nb[h
[n jl_m_hn+ Obim_ m[g_ cgjlip_^ ][j[\cfcnc_m qcff ^l[g[nc][ffs l_^o]_ nb_ ]imn i nl[p_ffcha F -
chni mj[]_ g[echa cn gil_ []]_mmc\f_ ni il^ch[ls j_ijf_ [h^ ij_hcha oj [ nin[ffs h_q
bifc^[s ^_mnch[ncih+
Dh n_lgm i n_]bhifias) nb_ ]igjon_l ch^omnls qcff \_ [\f_ ni mblche ]igjon_l j[lnm ^iqh ni
gchon_ mct_m+ R_ h__^ h[hin_]bhifias ch il^_l ni ]l_[n_ [ h_q [_h_l[nci i ]igjon_lm ( .
nb[n qcff qile _p_h [mn_l [h^ qcff b[p_ [ gcffcih ncg_m gil_ g_gils \on qcff \_ [\ion nb_
mct_ i [ mo[[l ]o\_+ I[hin_]bhifias ]iof^ [fmi l_pifoncihcm_ nb_ q[s nb[n q_ a_h_l[n_
jiq_l+ Ob_ ]imn i mif[l ]_ffm qcff \_ ^l[mnc][ffs l_^o]_^ mi b[lh_mmcha nbcm _h_las qcff \_ F /
[l gil_ _]ihigc][f nb[h [n jl_m_hn+
=on h[hin_]bhifias b[m go]b qc^_l [jjfc][ncihm nb[h nbcm [h^ ]iof^ b[p_ [h _hilgiom
cgj[]n ih iol _hpclihg_hn+ Ail chmn[h]_) nchs [cl\ilh_ h[hi*li\inm ]iof^ \_ jlial[gg_^
ni []no[ffs l_\ocf^ nb_ itih_ f[s_l) qbc]b ]iof^ f_mm_h nb_ cgj[]n i afi\[f q[lgcha ih
iol jf[h_n+ Ob[n m [ jl_nns [g[tcha nbioabn) cmh n cn; Jh [ gil_ fi][f m][f_) nbcm h_q
n_]bhifias ]iof^ b_fj qcnb nb_ ]f_[h*oj i _hpclihg_hn[f ^cm[mn_lm [m h[hin_]bhici[p qcff F 0
[ffiq om ni l_gip_ icf [h^ inb_l ]ihn[gch[hnm lig nb_ q[n_l [l gil_ _ _]ncp_fs+ <h^) c
h[hin_]bhifias jlial_mm_m [m _rj_]n_^ * [m [ miln i \ocf^cha \fi]e m_n i [\ion 5- [nigm
* nb_h sio ]iof^ \ocf^ [hsnbcha sio q[hn_^ lig nb_ \innig oj+ Dh n_lgm i jli^o]ncih) nbcm F 1
g_[hm nb[n pio ihfs om_ qb[n pio h__^ [h^ mi nb_l_ qiof^h n \_ [hp q[mn_+
Ob_ hincih nb[n sio ]iof^ ]l_[n_ [hsnbcha [n [ff b[m g[dil cgjfc][ncihm il iol b_[fnb+ Dn
g_[hm nb[n q_ ff _p_hno[ffs \_ [\f_ ni l_jfc][n_ [hsnbcha+ Obcm qiof^ b[p_ [ jb_hig_h[f
_ _]n ih iol mi]c_ns+ Dh ncg_ cn ]iof^ _p_h f_[^ ni nb_ _l[^c][ncih i [gch_ nblioab nb_
chnli^o]ncih i g[]bch_m nb[n jli^o]_ ii^ ni __^ nb_ bohals+
=on nc m ch nb_ [l_[ i g_^c]ch_ nb[n h[hin_]bhifias g[s b[p_ cnm \caa_mn cgj[]n+ Ciq q_
^_n_]n ^cm_[m_ qcff ]b[ha_ [m nchp \cim_hmilm [l_ ^_p_fij_^ ni [h[fsm_ n_mnm ch gchon_m F ,(
l[nb_l nb[h ^[pm+ Ob_l_ m _p_h mj_]of[ncih h[hi*li\inm ]iof^ \_ om_^ ni mfiq nb_ [a_cha
jli]_mm) f_hanb_hcha fc _ _rj_]n[h]s+
<m sio ][h m__) D g p_ls _r]cn_^ \s nb_ cgjfc][ncihm nb[n ]iof^ \_ [p[cf[\f_ ni om ch nb_
h_rn _q ^_][^_m+ Eomn biq fiha cn ff n[e_) D bih_mnfs ^ih n ehiq+




<l^f_cab >
h_qmj[j_l <
nb_g_ =
n_hn <
][mnf_ >
\_[]b,\_[]b_m jl_m_hn[ncih
/-/- gi^_f
fcabn g[n_lc[f,g[n_lc[fm
1/5 al[hn
^chh_l n_]bhc][f


.. ./ IN EITHER ORDER a_h_
< jiq_l,jiq_lm
] mnl[ha_lm
b_[fnb jli\f_gm _limc]g
m[ _ns lof_m cmf[h^m
jf[h li[^m
dichcha cm b ch a
l__ _hnls l_jli^o]ncih
j_[e g_nbi^,g_nbi^m
ao_mnm _rj[hmcih
jbini ][l^ > jbini ][l^m

D sio m]il_+++
-*.. ./}/3 /41-

sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

< > < ? H D> M <? DI B

Reading Passage 1ÇQuestions 1+13 &

" cp
. A<GN &
/ OMP &
" A<GN
2 OMP & A<GN
3 j[pcfcihm
4 ^lioabn
niolcmnm Reading Passage 0) Questions 27+40
5 _[lnbko[e_ /4 >
.- 1, iol mc^_m / <
.. n[h e /5 ?
./ p _ l[ h ^ [ m ,p _ l[ h ^ [ b m 0- =
.0 oh^_lq[n_l 0. B
Reading Passage 2ÇQuestions 14+26 00 <
01 A
.1 pccc 02 =
.2 ccc 03 IJ
.3 rc 04 T N
.4 c 0 IJO BDQ I
. p 05 IJO BDQ I
.5 r 1- IJ

D sio m]il_+++
-*.. ./*/4 / *1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

O NO /



C[l^c_ 21&22 IN EITHER ORDER
.5 =
BO /G>
b[cl^l_mm_l 24
^_hncmn,^_hncmn m
m[ _
1 1
1 2


m_f *_gjfis_^

D sio m]il_+++
-*.. ./* / /51-

sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

A[efW [ Y S V GWSV[ Y <hmc,p_l Wke

<><? H D> M <? DI B

IE , VVEKI I V WMS R V ' // ]

/ \iiem%[h^&
0 []ncpcnc_m
1 &
" chn_lh[f l_aof[ncih > m_f *l_aof[ncih
2 &
" _gincih[f [q[l_h_mm
& mjiih* __^cha
F/ S
L /4 =
/ C
/5 G
OT 0- B
0. ?
K EKI 0/ >
00 ?
01 <
02 ?
04 IJ
0 T N
1- IJ

D sio m]i
-*./ .0*/ /5*1-

sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

O NO 0



13 Rig\[n


& IN EITHER ORDER 0. []bc_p_g_hn , []bc_p_g_hnm
0/ j_lmih[fcns , ]b[l[]n_l
00 Ncno[ncih[f
01 lc_h^
02 [mjcl[ncihm , [g\cncihm
03 mnsf_
04 ^_p_fijg_hn
0 pcmcih
05 mnlo]nol_m
1- chhip[ncih , chhip[ncihm

D sio m]il_+++
-*.. ./*/4 / 1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

< > < ? H D> M <? DI B


" ojj_l
" ^ls
. &
" hilnb
/ c &
" A<GN
0 Q &
1 pcc &
2 OMP & =
5 IJO BDQ I /4
.- A<GN /
.. miol]_ i ch]ig_ ) ch^omnls /5
./ _gjfis_l 0-
.0 ^ig_mnc]
( niolcmg 0.
, d/ )
) .,( (, +& +( )( &
( 00
.- 03 /

04 (
05 T N

- SC
-*.. ./*/4 / 1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

O NO 1



pa r
g er 2 1& 22 :^
2 li <
1 ar
-rn /0 /1 >C :^
2 p
4 s
8 gl
5 c
we ok
11 =
12 =
? I GWMS R SR V ' (
.0 < 0. >
.1 < 0/ =
.2 > 00 >
.3 nl[chm 01 g_n[f,g_n[fm
.4 ^[le 02 0
. a[g_m 03 ry
.5 aoc^_^ niol 04 -
20 f[^^_l,f[^^_lm 0 0 1
05 -
1- 0
D sio m]il_+++ 1

-*.. ./*/4 / 1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys

< > < ? H D> M <? DI B

Reading Passage 1, Questions 1+13 &

mjl_[^ &
.-,n_h ncg_m &
\_fiq &
o_f &
m_[mihm &
A<GN Reading Passage 0ÇQuestions 27ô40
OMP /4 >
" OMP / ?
IJO BDQ I /5 >
" A<GN 0- =
A<GN 0. <
0/ A
Reading Passage 2ÇQuestions 14^26 00 B
01 <
nl[hm ilg[ncih,]b[ha_ 02 =
sioha [a_ 03 ?
ijncgcmg 04 IJO BDQ I
mecffm,n_]bhcko_m 0 T N
h_a[ncp_ _gincihm , __fcham 05 IJ
1- T N

D sio m]il_+++
-*.. ./*/ /51-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys


HWUf[a )rFg a e ), ' % l__& m[gjf_

21 l_mjihm_ l[n_
OMP // %chn_lh[ncih[f& jli cf_
A<GN 23 jo\fc][ncihm
IJO BDQ I 24 q_\mcn_ ]ihn_hn
OMP 25 [o^c_h]_
A<GN 26 joljim_
OMP 27 jimn*al[^o[n_
HWUf[a Qui !a ,(
" ? !


B !

HWUf[a rF gWef[a e )- /

5 ^_]cmcih g[e_l %

3 cgj[]n !

7 ij_hcha &

qbcn_ _hp_fij_ '

9 \li]bol_ #

If you score...
-*.3 .4*/ /5*1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Listening and Reading Answer Keys


HWUf[a )rF gWef[a e ) ), & F

& *
A<GN +
A<GN ,


cc &
r HWUf[a & Fg a e 2< (
" p 28 >
ccc 29 A
" cr 30 <
" pc 31
cp 32 <
33 =
HWUf[a rF gWef[a e )- / 34 >
35 =
A<GN 36 >
A<GN 37 >
IJO BDQ I 38 jl_j[l_^ gch^
OMP 39 ci^ch_ p[jiol,p[jil
OMP 40 ]b_gc][f,]b_gc][fm
If you score...
-*. .5*0- 0.*1-
sio [l_ ohfce_fs ni a_n [h sio g[s a_n [h []]_jn[\f_ sio [l_ fce_fs ni a_n [h
[]]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l m]il_ oh^_l _r[gch[ncih []]_jn[\f_ m]il_ oh^_l
_r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm [h^ ]ih^cncihm \on q_ l_]igg_h^ _r[gch[ncih ]ih^cncihm \on
q_ l_]igg_h^ nb[n sio mj_h^ nb[n sio nbche [\ion b[pcha l_g_g\_l nb[n ^c _l_hn
[ fin i ncg_ cgjlipcha siol gil_ jl[]nc]_ il f_mmihm chmncnoncihm qcff ch^ ^c _l_hn
hafcmb \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ \_ il_ sio n[e_ D GON+ m]il_m []]_jn[\f_+

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

Hi^_f [h^ m[gjf_ [hmq_lm il

Rlcncha n[mem


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 1+2 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[gch_l m ]igg_hn6

Ob_ l_mjihm_ a_h_l[ffs [^^l_mm_m nb_ l_kocl_g_hnm i nb_ n[me \on nb_l_ cm hi
]f_[l ip_lpc_q+ F_s _[nol_m i nb_ nqi jc_ ]b[lnm [l_ jl_m_hn_^ \on hin [^_ko[n_fs
]ip_l_^) [h^ nb_l_ cm [ n_h^_h]s ni i]om ih ^_n[cfm qcnbion l_ _llcha ni nb_ \caa_l
jc]nol_+ Jla[hcm[ncih cm _pc^_hn+ Ob_ l_f[ncihmbcj i c^_[m ][h \_ iffiq_^ S V
[def Tgf HWUa V^k IZW Xad Wd IZW ^SffWd \on nb_ m_hn_h]_m [l_ hin fo_hnfs
fche_^ ni _[]b inb_l+ Qi][\of[ls cm fcgcn_^ \on domn [^_ko[n_ il nb_ n[me+ Ncgjf_
pi][\of[ls cm om_^ []]ol[n_fs \on nb_ l[ha_ ^i_m hin [ffiq go]b p[lc[ncih ch
_rjl_mmcih+ Ob_l_ [l_ hinc]_[\f_ _llilm ch mj_ffcha) nbioab nb_m_ ^i hin ][om_
mnl[ch+ < fcgcn_^ l[ha_ i al[gg[nc][f mnlo]nol_m cm om_^7 mo\il^ch[n_ ]f[om_m [l_
l[l_ [h^ gimn m_hn_h]_m [l_ mcgjf_+ p_h mcgjf_ m_hn_h]_m i n_h ]ihn[ch _llilm
IZW ^SffWd ZShW mi al[gg[nc][f _llilm [l_ l_ko_hn [h^ ][h ][om_ m_p_l_ mnl[ch
il nb_ l_[^_l+ >ihnlif ip_l m_hn_h]_ ilg[ncih cm q_[e+

T h is c h a r i s/iooj- M e . e n e rg y co trid u p iio n o f an A u s tra lia n household a n d hooj p ro p o ito n o f

ttr)iH in Q Q r tt nhou S t gaS in eac/i is jp t o f
FirS Ќ, Ќh i /nos/ bigger di-F-Ftrtni irrforMa Ќ io*i5 are, using hto^ing and o ih tr appliance, re.laie,Ќ?
and 15%, bmi Mey going up Side, Joojn in gas e.^iH'ions, ojhich is 15% and 28%.

Stcondlsj, using e,ne,rgy o f Iigh Ќ ing and re/Frige^aЌion are, Sifnilar change, in gre,e,nhouSe,
ttr)iHions. T h t -For/r^r using energy and produce double, nuhibe^r o-f ttr)iH ions Ќ? 8%. The.
havt Me Same sifua Ќ ion obouЌ 7% in using energy buЌ Ќ IH% greenhouses gas.
T/)e /as/ Hjjo parH o f ЌhingS are cua/er htaiinQ ojhich is Second large, Source, o f us irig tne^rgy
and Ќhit 3n^alle^si cu^sufnirig one, - cooling. I n U , i h t r t areJ u s f a marginally change, in
grttnhouse, gas e./n/H'ions ojhich grooj -From 30% Ќ? 32% and rise. -Fro^n 2% io 3%.

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O N O .) R M D O D I B O < N F /


Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

Jh_ cgjiln[hn mn[a_ ch [ ]bcf^$m aliqnb cm ]_ln[chfs nb_ ^_p_fijg_hn i [

]ihm]c_h]_) qbc]b cm fche_^ ni nb_ [\cfcns ni n_ff lcabn lig qliha+ Obcm mecff ]ig_m
qcnb ncg_ [h^ aii^ j[l_hncha) [h^ gs clg ]ihpc]ncih cm nb[n johcmbg_hn ^i_m hin
b[p_ go]b i [ lif_ ni jf[s ch nbcm+ Ob_l_ il_ D b[p_ ni ^cm[al__ [fgimn _hncl_fs qcnb
nb_ acp_h mn[n_g_hn+

Oi mig_ _rn_hn nb_ ko_mncih ^_j_h^m ih nb_ [a_ i nb_ ]bcf^+ Oi johcmb [ p_ls
sioha ]bcf^ cm \inb qliha [h^ iifcmb) [m [h ch [hn qcff hin oh^_lmn[h^ qb[n cm
b[jj_hcha il qbs b_ il mb_ cm \_cha johcmb_^+ Jh]_ nb_ [a_ i l_[mih cm l_[]b_^
biq_p_l) [ ]bcf^ ][h \_ l_q[l^_^ il aii^ \_b[pciol [h^ ^cm]iol[a_^ lig \[^+
Obcm ech^ \on clg [jjli[]b qcff []bc_p_ gil_ nb[h b[lmb johcmbg_hnm) qbc]b gcabn
_hn[cf g[hs h_a[ncp_ ]ihm_ko_h]_m ohchn_h^_^ \s nb_ j[l_hnm+

Oi b_fj [ ]bcf^ f_[lh nb_ ^c _l_h]_ \_nq__h lcabn [h^ qliha) n_[]b_lm [h^ j[l_hnm
mbiof^ clmnfs jlipc^_ aii^ lif_ gi^_ffcha ch nb_cl iqh \_b[pciol+ < n_l nb[n) c
m[h]ncihm [l_ h__^_^) nb_ johcmbg_hn mbiof^ hin \_ i [ jbsmc][f h[nol_) [m nb[n
g_l_fs m_h^m nb_ g_mm[a_ nb[n cn cm []]_jn[\f_ il f[la_l j_ijf_ ni bcn mg[ff_l ih_m
* [h ion]ig_ qbc]b g[s q_ff l_mofn ch nb_ ]bcf^ mn[lncha ni \offs inb_lm+ Iil mbiof^
nb_ johcmbg_hn \_ ch [hs q[s ]lo_f+

M[nb_l) n_[]b_lm [h^ j[l_hnm ][h om_ [ p[lc_ns i g_nbi^m ni ^cm]cjfch_ nb_cl sioha
]b[la_m) mo]b [m ^_n_hncih) qcnb^l[q[f i jlcpcf_a_m) [h^ ncg_*ion+ H[echa nb_
johcmbg_hn cn nb_ ]lcg_ cm [ om_ of hincih) qbc]b qiof^ m__ ]bcf^l_h \_cha g[^_ ni
jc]e oj lo\\cmb nb_s b[p_ ^lijj_^) ]f_[h oj al[ cnc nb_s b[p_ ^l[qh) il [jifiacm_
ni mig_ih_ nb_s b[p_ boln+ Dh nb_m_ q[sm l_mjihmc\cfcns cm ^_p_fij_^ ch nb_ ]bcf^)
qbc]b f_[^m ni go]b \_nn_l onol_ \_b[pciol nb[h ^i_m johcmbg_hn+

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks



Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

Ob_ nqi n[\f_m ]ihn[ch m[f_m ^[n[ il A[clnl[^_ ]i __ [h^ \[h[h[m ch .555 [h^
/--1 ch cp_ h[ncihm i olij_+

Ob_ clmn n[\f_ mbiqm fiq*f_p_f ]i __ m[f_m ch]l_[mcha ch [ff cp_ ]iohnlc_m) [f\_cn ni
qc^_fs p[lscha ^_al__m+ Dh nqi jf[]_m m[f_m ch]l_[m_^ \s nb_ m[g_ mg[ff [giohn6
.+ */ gcffcih _olim ch ?_hg[le) [h^ -+ *. gcffcih ch Nq_^_h+ Ob_ ch]l_g_hn q[m
mfcabnfs f[la_l ch =_facog) lig .*.+4 gcffcih _olim+ H_[hqbcf_) ch Nqcnt_lf[h^ m[f_m
^io\f_^ lig 0 *3 gcffcih _olim+ Ach[ffs) ch nb_ PF nb_l_ q[m [h _hilgiom ch]l_[m_)
lig .+2*/- gcffcih _olim+

Dh nb_ m_]ih^ n[\f_) cn cm Nqcnt_lf[h^ qbc]b mn[h^m ion [m \oscha [l gil_ A[clnl[^_
\[h[h[m nb[h nb_ inb_l iol ]iohnlc_m+ Nqcmm m[f_m caol_m dogj_^ lig .2}14
gcffcih _olim []limm nb_m_ cp_ s_[lm) qbcf_ ch nb_ PF [h^ =_facog m[f_m ihfs
al_q lig .*2+2 [h^ lig - +3 *1 gcffcih _olim l_mj_]ncp_fs+ Nq_^_h [h^ ?_hg[le
mbiq_^ [ ^c _l_hn j[nn_lh) qcnb [ffm ch \[h[h[ m[f_m lig 1 +8 - 1 [h^ / *- +5 gcffcih

>igj[lcha nb_ nqi n[\f_m) cn cm ]f_[l nb[n ch .555 A[clnl[^_ ]i __ m[f_m l[ha_^ lig
-+ *0 gcffcih _olim ch nb_m_ cp_ ]iohnlc_m) qbcf_ \[h[h[ m[f_m [fmi gimnfs ]fomn_l_^
\_nq__h -+3 [h^ / gcffcih _olim) qcnb Nqcnt_lf[h^ nb_ ionfc_l [n [ boa_ .2 gcffcih
_olim+ =s /--1) m[f_m caol_m il \inb jli^o]nm b[^ lcm_h []limm nb_ \i[l^) _r]_jn
il Nq_^_h [h^ ?_g[le qbc]b l_]il^_^ ^lijm ch \[h[h[ m[f_m+

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O NO / R M DODI B O < N F /


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 0+2 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[gch_l m ]igg_hn6

Obcm l_mjihm_ cm nii mbiln [n ihfs /0/ ilcach[f qil^m) mi ^i_m hin g__n nb_
gchcgog f_hanb l_kocl_^ il nb_ n[me+ Dn cm ^c c]ofn ni qile ion qb[n nb_ qlcn_l
cm nlscha ni m[s) [m bcm,b_l jimcncih cm hin g[^_ ]f_[l+ Ob_ c^_[m ^i m__g ni \_
l_f_p[hn) \on jli\f_gm ch nb_ qlcncha g_[h nb[n hi j[ln i nb_ n[me cm [^_ko[n_fs
[^^l_mm_^+ <fnbioab mig_ fchecha qil^m [h^ jbl[m_m [l_ om_^) [h^ nb_
j[l[al[jbcha fiiem b_fj of ih nb_ j[a_) nb_ il^_l i ch ilg[ncih cm hin ]ib_l_hn [h^
nb_ l_mjihm_ ^i_m hin jlial_mm ]f_[lfs ni nb_ _h^+ Ob_ pi][\of[ls cm \[mc] [h^ nb_
qlcn_l b[m ihfs fcgcn_^ ]ihnlif i qil^ ilg[ncih+ Ob_ mj_ffcha _llilm ][om_ mnl[ch
il nb_ l_[^_l+ Oqi f_hanbs jbl[m_m b[p_ \__h ]ijc_^ lig nb_ qlcncha ko_mncih
j[j_l+ Nig_ ]igjf_r al[gg[nc][f mnlo]nol_m [l_ [nn_gjn_^ \on [l_ [ff [ofns+ Nig_
mcgjf_ mnlo]nol_m [l_ ]ill_]n \on ip_l[ff _llilm jl_^igch[n_+ >igg[m) offmnijm [h^
][jcn[f f_nn_lm [l_ gcmom_^ nblioabion mi joh]no[ncih cm [ofns+

<R i oNYa __ Gb[G o \\ PlpGp_lmGG_d mGi^_lWGm b[p_ llqYGl:^ ][lW OQp_s oN_ Gi GbGlE]
]WlW^ ]fYiiN_ cG _+ OO:_ aip_lllW_lWGm lp__^ Gi \_ \_GG_l GlW YiGil_+

OQ:_ \Ga ]cddGmnGih 2 Cio: co fs o:_ oGlpf i l_eYG*t*_ GhG_l_mG_^ mGi^_lpGm

nb _
A Glmn i Gb_ mig_ j_ijf_ GbGlIe+ [P ilmGp_lmGGs mGi^_lpGm
study (Lke. "TV^ere are e x p e rts. TV^e ex perts co Jd be aLv/e os Lhe
l_NicG NifG[I_ i l nb _ mGi^_lYGm) [lp^ ^l_pi i l Gb_ aii^ ]biim_+ c \\s o n mbii_^
\_ OQ:_ aJp_lli_hG j i n il o no l_ ) i l _SpJplije) C]ri j[ C i n) H]ri llppWs
G_[G]b_l il GoG_l nb _ ]iilYGls h__^+ Hil_ip_l) Irs m]biifm \r^\p mGi^_lpGm i l ]biim_
YGe+_ i di \ + Ailnb_lllmil_) ]iili_G [P L\ne. HGhmGil %Gia[Gb_l
]io]b \ _ nn_ l&

or\ Gb_ inb _l F[lp^ D GRGlWe lWiG aii^ Lde.c\ c\ ^l_ci Gb_ i l mGo^_lpGm+ No]R
c\S^ G[e_ ocbi mGi^s Gl: N]PrY Gi m ni ^ s NJinY_]G ci_ nGe+_ IiG b_ WGe+_+
cwl LheS Sc^rv>e a s roe. u^herv I ioaS sLoder^,roe Loter LoUl roe “ pAeo^Se sLodey
]ig jin_l m]c_h]_ [lp^ lp:s ^i hiG cGe+_ ]illjoG_l N]G_h]_+ IE]ri D oYGP mGi^s
another Sok^ecL. I c\Lro arvl I cx>s\ do I ^Lk.e. I aaree people.
SLc\d JOIYs \_ ]rceri_^ Gi mGi^s NieY_]Gm GbipG \_ iN_ if GlW Gb_ o no l_ +

LfN cOfNckjSLOTv, I uiOjWl \Lk.e Lo Say L\^oh Lhe 5Loder\Ls have rrv^Lrvd. T V ^j uscLh CXX
_]ilillY_lpc Gi nQY_li+ OQY_s oYGH \_ YGp_ ilY_ i Gb_ aii^ WGp_N Gh ]JdlYGlG_N [YNJ Gb_
N]G_lm]_ ]Ylp^ G_]blpie:as jY]WsN oe+ Glijiln_lpG Glm JdO YG _+

I hop yOu

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O NO 0 R M DODI B O < N F .


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 3+2 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[gch_l m ]igg_hn6

Obcm l_mjihm_ l_jilnm nb_ ^[n[ ih nb_ \[l ]b[lnm []]ol[n_fs [h^ acp_m [h _rn_h^_^
ip_lpc_q [n nb_ _h^+ Dh ilg[ncih cm fiac][ffs ila[hcm_^ [h^ nb_l_ cm [ ]f_[l
jlial_mmcih nblioabion+ Ob_ g_mm[a_ ][h \_ iffiq_^ qcnb _[m_ [m [ l[ha_ i
]ib_mcp_ ^_pc]_m [l_ om_^ f_rc\fs+ M_ _l_h]cha [h^ mo\mncnoncih [l_ [fmi q_ff
g[h[a_^) biq_p_l nb_l_ [l_ f[jm_m ch j[l[al[jbcha+ < l[ha_ i pi][\of[ls
cm om_^ qcnb hi mj_ffcha _llilm) nbioab qil^ ]bic]_ cm hin [fq[sm [jjlijlc[n_
mfa eWW XgdfZWd efgVk dagYZ^k S^ aef fZW bWdUW fSYW a fZW S ag f aX ip_lom_
i eagYZf & Ob_m_ _llilm ^i hin ^_nl[]n lig ip_l[ff ]f[lcns \on nb_s ^i l_^o]_ nb_
]iggohc][ncp_ _ _]n+ < l[ha_ i ]igjf_r mnlo]nol_m cm [fmi om_^ []]ol[n_fs+ llil*
l__ m_hn_h]_m [l_ l_ko_hn [h^ ihfs [ _q gcmn[e_m i]]ol IZW YdSbZe dWbdWeW fe
iW i[^^ af[UW mi al[gg[l [h^ joh]no[ncih [l_ a_h_l[ffs q_ff ]ihnliff_^+

The. graph* fepresen-t-s UH gradoa-tes and pos gcadoa e-s did a fte r leaving college
in ZOOS-
On -tine. graph, rt shows iina I7,75t> gfadoa s+oden-f* sooglrrt ejmploymen
in 200& 5,t>00 did volon acij toork. and V),lolo^ decided o seek, fortiner s-tody.
According +o -tine graph, gradoa-te s-toden+s loere onemployed a fte r college., u)hic.h is
fooglnli^ alrrosi -tine, same amoon-t as -those toho soogVrt par+--hme toorlc.
On -tine, second graph, see -t1na.-t 2,%t> UIC pos gradoa¸ did part-time toork. u)hile
only bAt did volon-t-ary u)ork.. 1,11^ UlfC postgradoa decided o £r\vd^ for+lner tohicln is
sligVrtiij moce. -tinan -tinose u)ho decided part--tln\e ejmplcxjmen . La.5.-tiuj, I,&2¸’ UH
pos+gradoa+e s.-tvx3en+s toere n o t in -tine u)ofk. force. Tine, overall -trend shou)* na m ost
o f -tine, s-toden-ts, gcadoa¸ &£> and pos-tgradoai-t-e* alik-e, sooglrrt oet fortiner edoca+ion u)hile
only a small number o f s+uderrts in both groups, did volon-fafy u)ork. a fte r leaving college.
We u>ill also ncrtice -tha+ about a -third in each gcoop loere one-mployed. Las-tiy, -tine, only
difference -t1na.+ u)e u)ill rvrtice be+u)e.en -the u>o groops is -the percentage^ on -tine arrvDon
o f s-toden-ts u)ho on ? do part--tlme. toork. lOiiin only one--tinird o f -tine, -total amoon
in -the gfadoa-te srtude>n s and almos one-half toHin -iine po^-tgradoa+e s od&rvts.

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O NO 0 R M DODI B O < N F /


Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

Dn cm m[c^ nb[n ]iohnlc_m [l_ \_]igcha mcgcf[l ni _[]b inb_l \_][om_ i nb_ afi\[f
mjl_[^ i nb_ m[g_ jli^o]nm) qbc]b [l_ hiq [p[cf[\f_ il jol]b[m_ [fgimn
[hsqb_l_+ D mnlihafs \_fc_p_ nb[n nbcm gi^_lh ^_p_fijg_hn cm f[la_fs ^_nlcg_hn[f ni
]ofnol_ [h^ nl[^cncihm qilf^qc^_+

< ]iohnls m bcmnils) f[hao[a_ [h^ _nbim [l_ [ff ch_rnlc][\fs \ioh^ oj ch cnm
g[ho []nol_^ [ln_ []nm+ D nb_ l_f_hnf_mm [^p[h]_ i chn_lh[ncih[f \l[h^m chni _p_ls
]ilh_l i nb_ qilf^ ]ihncho_m) nb_m_ \f[h^ j[]e[a_m gcabn ih_ ^[s ]igjf_n_fs iomn
nb_ nl[^cncih[f i\d_]nm i [ h[ncih) qbc]b qiof^ \_ [ fimm i lc]bh_mm [h^ ^cp_lmcns
ch nb_ qilf^) [m q_ff [m nb_ m[^ ^cm[jj_[l[h]_ i nb_ g[hc _mn[ncihm i [ jf[]_ m
]b[l[]n_l+ Rb[n qiof^ [ E[j[h_m_ n_[ ]_l_gihs \_ qcnbion cnm mj_]c[ffs ]l[ n_^
n_[jin) il [ Acdc[h e[p[ lcno[f qcnbion cnm \iqf g[^_ lig [ ]_ln[ch nsj_ i nl__ \[le;

G_n om hin ila_n _cnb_l nb[n nl[^cncih[f jli^o]nm) qb_nb_l nb_m_ \_ g_^c]ch_m)
]img_nc]m) nism) ]finb_m) on_hmcfm il ii^) jlipc^_ _gjfisg_hn il fi][f j_ijf_+ Ob_
mjl_[^ i gofnch[ncih[f jli^o]nm ][h i n_h \lcha ch cnm q[e_ [ fimm i di\m) [m j_ijf_
nolh ni \oscha nb_ h_q \l[h^) j_lb[jm nbchecha cn gil_ af[giliom nb[h nb_ ih_ nb_s
[l_ om_^ ni+ Obcm _p_hno[ffs jonm if^*m]biif ]l[ nmj_ijf_ ion i qile+

Ach[ffs) niolcmg hog\_lm g[s [fmi \_ [ _]n_^) [m nl[p_ff_lm \_]ig_ ^cmcffomcih_^

qcnb ch^cha _p_ls jf[]_ domn nb_ m[g_ [m nb_ ih_ nb_s pcmcn_^ jl_pciomfs+ Oi m__
nb_ m[g_ jli^o]nm ch mbijm nb_ qilf^ ip_l cm \ilcha) [h^ ^i_m hin cgj_f pcmcnilm ni
ij_h nb_cl q[ff_nm ch nb_ m[g_ q[s nb[n nlche_nm il miop_hclm ohcko_ ni nb_ j[lnc]of[l
[l_[ ^i+

Nig_ g[s [lao_ nb[n [ff j_ijf_ [l_ _hncnf_^ ni b[p_ []]_mm ni nb_ m[g_ jli^o]nm)
\on D m[s nb[n fi][f i\d_]nm mocn fi][f ]ih^cncihm \_mn) [h^ nb[n []_f_mm ohc ilgcns
qilf^qc^_ cm [h ohq_f]ig_ [h^ ^l_[ls jlimj_]n+

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks



Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

N[fgih \_ach fc _ [m _aam ih [ j_\\fs lcp_l\_^) bc^^_h [giha l__^m ch nb_ mfiq*
gipcha ojj_l l_[]b_m i [ lcp_l+ < n_l cp_ ni mcr gihnbm nb_ _aam b[n]b chni ~ ls +
Ail [jjlircg[n_fs nb_ h_rn iol s_[lm) nb_m_ \[\s m[fgih qcff fcp_ ch nb_ fiq_l)
[mn_l* fiqcha q[n_lm i nb_cl lcp_l+ ?olcha nbcm ncg_ nb_s g_[mol_ \_nq__h nbl__
[h^ _cabn ]_hncg_nl_m ch f_hanb+

=s nb_ ncg_ m[fgih l_[]b nq_fp_ ni c n__h ]_hncg_nl_m) nb_s [l_ n_lg_^ ~mgifn.) [h^
[n nbcm ncg_ nb_s gcal[n_ olnb_l ^iqhlcp_l chni nb_ ij_h m_[+ < n_l cp_ s_[lm [n m_[
nb_ m[fgih qcff b[p_ aliqh ni [^ofn mct_) qbc]b cm \_nq__h m_p_hns [h^ m_p_hns*mcr
]_hncg_nl_m+ Ob_s nb_h \_ach mqcggcha \[]e ni nb_cl \clnbjf[]_) qb_l_ nb_s qcff f[s
nb_cl _aam) [h^ nb_ ]s]f_ mn[lnm [h_q+

Dh mogg[ls) nb_ m[fgih j[mm_m nblioab nbl__ ^cmnch]n jbsmc][f mn[a_m [m cn aliqm
ni g[nolcns+ []b i nb_m_ mn[a_m n[e_m jf[]_ ch [ p_ls ^c _l_hn [ko[nc] fi][ncih+
Dn cm hin_qilnbs nb[n nb_ clmn nqi mn[a_m i nbcm cmb$m fc _ i]]ol ch [ l_mbq[n_l
_hpclihg_hn) qbcf_ nb_ nbcl^ mn[a_ cm fcp_^ ch m[fnq[n_l+

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O NO 1 R M DODI B O < N F /


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 2+2 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[g ch_l m ]igg_hn6

Obcm m]lcjn cm nii mbiln [n ihfs /.5 qil^m) mi [cfm ni g__n nb_ gchcgog qil^
]iohn l_kocl_^ \s nb_ n[me+ Ciq_p_l cn ^i_m [^^l_mm [ff j[lnm i nb_ jligjn) [h^
jl_m_hnm [ l_f_p[hn jimcncih+ Ob_ g[ch c^_[m [l_ ]f_[l [h^ ^_p_fij_^ \on ]iof^ \_
gil_ offs _rn_h^_^ [h^ mojjiln_^+ Dh ilg[ncih cm [ll[ha_^ ]ib_l_hnfs [h^ nb_l_
cm [ ]f_[l ip_l[ff jlial_mmcih) qcnb [^_ko[n_ om_ i fchecha qil^m =aiWhWd S^ea
JegS^^k e[ UW Tgf Ha [h^ j[l[al[jbcha+ Ob_ pi][\of[ls cm a_h_l[ffs [^_ko[n_
[h^ [jjlijlc[n_ il nb_ n[me PXg Ve S[ fS[ [h^ g_[hcha cm a_h_l[ffs ]f_[l+
Ciq_p_l) gcmom_ i nb_ qil^ SV [ee[a [h^ inb_l mfcabn ch[jjlijlc[]c_m Va[ Y S
UZSd[fk mbiq [ f[]e i jl_]cmcih ch qil^ ]bic]_+ H[hs ^c _l_hn ]igjf_r mnlo]nol_m
[l_ om_^ \on nb_l_ [l_ mncff [clfs l_ko_hn _llilm+ Ciq_p_l) nb_m_ l[l_fs cgj_^_
]iggohc][ncih7 ch a_h_l[f al[gg[l [h^ joh]no[ncih [l_ [clfs q_ff ]ihnliff_^+

BgeWgZ e SdW AU [agW b^SUWe hhZWXW kag YWf fa WjbWd[Wh[UW fZW Z[efadk XdaZ bSef fa fZW
^SfWef fWUZ a^aYk& =ahRWhWf SVZ [ee[ak[ [e [dWUXg[RWU^ q,;_h

X6geWgZ e adW babg^Sd b^SUWe fa Ya fa ih [ hRWW W a^e LUfZ XVZ [^k ad Xd[Wk[Ve&
'mVZ [ee[ak[e adW a W a X fZW Xgk[Ve hQ'Z[UZ WWbe fZW Z geWgf dgkk Z[R Sk[V S^ea fa
[ D[[ \fD[[[^ [fe WjATffe& L [fZagf SU^Z [ee[a[ Z geWgZ e iag^V TW V^dfk bagd^k kd[V^kdfa^k[WU^ ad[V
^[ W^k [Z baeeAT^W fa ab da[W g ^Wee Xgh[U^WU^ 6aZ RahWdZ WhIf ad UZadffk&

=aQR'WhWf [U^Z [ee[a e D?dW a W fZ[ c iZ[UZ f Sk WWb fZW UgefaZ WR 'daf WkRf d!U R JegS^^k
q_ ZShW fa bSk adagN[V ,i l SUX[d[[eeAa e& 8Z[^U^fWk[ il qXa?d[^k hRZ[UZ U'aWeh[f Wa\d [ gUZ
e[Z[b^k US a f a?RadUX egUZ SZ agkdfs
& J[Wk i [^^ Ya fa Z geWgZ QR'Z[UZ [e fdWW ad WhW af
D? V^ WjbWXd[Wk[UW fZW RWaUfk[WHH WdX fZW Z geWgZ R R'Z[UZ D fZ [ [e ZaQdQd[T W TWUSgeW Uf
eZag^V TW abWh[ XaR WhWdka W&

D fZ[k[ ZVh[k[R [h SVZ [ee[ak[ [e [ V[eUgRVkIfSRW e[ UW Z geWgZ e eZag^V TW abWh[ XaR

WhWdka W Tgf DAU'f [ee[ak[e [l_ WeeWk[f^V^ ,i l k!gkh [N R fZW Z geWgf e& Ni D fZ[k[ f f [e hWRk
[Z badfSk[f fa UaZ W gb LUfJ [ bZh[ ea fZ S f Z geWgZ e Uag^V TW ab dafWU^ Tgf S^ea TW
SV[d[[ee[S XdWW egUZ Se RahWQdk W ddf Xgk[V!a R ad Va[ Y [ UZSfffk& 6gU ^Sk[V XR^geWgZ [e a W
a\dWaf WjSZ b^W& > f [e a W a X fZW T[RcWef Z geWgZ e [ <,_q U_[,[hk Tgf !Uf [e V^ea XdWW
a X F[U^Z [ee[aZ e[k[UW Uf e RahWRZ Wkdf dg VWU^&

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O N O <) R M D O D I B O < N F . % B I M < G OM < DI DI B &


Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

?_[l N[ffs)

Hs ^_j[lnol_ ^[n_ il I_q U_[f[h^ cm ^l[qcha h_[l) [h^ D [g \oms qcnb

jl_j[l[ncihm+ D b[p_ _hliff_^ [n [h chmncnoncih ][ff_^ $<=> hafcmb$ ch R_ffchanih)
il [ mcr*gihnb <^p[h]_^ ]iolm_) off*ncg_+ Dn cm kocn_ _rj_hmcp_ \on D [g bij_ of i
cgjlipcha gs jlihoh]c[ncih) _mj_]c[ffs+

Oi [mmcmn ch ]ip_lcha nb_ ]imnm i gs mno^s) D [cg ni ch^ [ j[ln*ncg_ di\+ Iin ihfs
[l_ nb_ ]iff_a_ __m l[nb_l bcab) \on [fmi D ehiq nb[n l_hn[f []]iggi^[ncih ch nb_
][jcn[f ]cns qcff hin \_ ]b_[j) ni m[s hinbcha i ii^ [h^ b_[ncha _rj_hm_m Ni D
qiof^ p_ls go]b fce_ ni [ll[ha_ mig_ n_gjil[ls _gjfisg_hn \_ il_ D [llcp_+

D q[m qih^_lcha c sio ]iof^ [me [lioh^ [giha siol lc_h^m [h^ ]iff_[ao_m ni m__
c [hsih_ q[hnm [ biom_*]f_[h_l) a[l^_h_l) il h[hhs il nb_cl ]bcf^l_h+ D ehiq sio
b[p_ [ qc^_ mi]c[f h_nqile ch R_ffchanih qbc]b sio ]iof^ ][hp[m il g_) c sio
qiof^h n gch^) c ^ \_ mi al[n_ of+

D fiie ilq[l^ ni m__cha sio miih+

=_mn qcmb_m)


Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O N O <) R M DO DI B O < N F / %B I M < G O M <DI DI B &


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 2 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[g ch_l m ]igg_hn6

=inb j[lnm i nb_ jligjn [l_ [^^l_mm_^) [fnbioab nb_ g[ch c^_[m [h^ nb_ q lcn_l m
jimcncih ]iof^ \_ \_nn_l ^_p_fij_^+ Ii ]f_[l ]ih]fomcihm [l_ ^l[qh mi nb_l_ cm [
f[]e i ip_l[ff jlial_mmcih+ Jla[hcm[ncih cm _pc^_hn \on hin [fq[sm fiac][f) [h^ nb_
m_hn_h]_m [l_ hin fo_hnfs fche_^ ni _[]b inb_l) qbcf_ _[]b j[l[al[jb f[]em [ ]f_[l
nijc]+ Ob_ pi][\of[ls cm fcgcn_^ \on gchcg[ffs [^_ko[n_) qcnb hin go]b p[lc[ncih
ch _rjl_mmcih) [h^ nb_ l_ko_hn mj_ffcha _llilm [l_ hinc]_[\f_ [h^ ][om_ mig_
^c c]ofns il nb_ l_[^_l+ Ob_ l[ha_ i m_hn_h]_ nsj_m cm fcgcn_^ [h^ l[nb_l l_j_ncncp_+
>igjf_r m_hn_h]_m [l_ [nn_gjn_^ \on n_h^ ni \_ [ofns) [h^ nb_l_ [l_ [ hog\_l i
\[mc] _llilm+ Koh]no[ncih cm jiilfs ]ihnliff_^) qcnb oh^_lom_ i ][jcn[f f_nn_lm [h^

Osrr\ 0OiV \ 0 + o w r i e i\io( biq h e i c r ir ^ e \S iV \ c re a 5 in 0 ch ]ioh(lc_Y

F,Jp,^YsN b_l_ (XrQ Yy^OiYWj ]ioplblc_m cQW]l_]RcQW- Jh b_ Ovrr\OU(^d i ]lcg _ CXy\A (bchf%
b_ jli\f_gm c5 b[ i b_ ]hQlW NQUQe ^ih_ b_ j_ijf_ qbc]b Qe oh^_l
. ' lip: b_ aRW Yio eWW Yio oh^_lm [h^ qb[( [e aicha ih \o( ch
ij_hcih S bcQWe (b_ g[cQs UageWe [e b_ [ h^ b_ m]biif) b_ (b_
[h ^[^ b_Y b[p_ (i fiiF [* (_l b_cl_ _hJ0_lWm oh(cf b_Y aliq oj [h^ ^i hi( f_(
b_lY q [c]b * cfqpm qbc]b b[m [ * cabc i l \ fi ^ ) b_ m]biif [e b_ m[g_ [m b_ m_]ih^ biom_
il b_ c_h[a_lY [h^ b_Y b[p_ (i _[]b biq (i aliq oj ch aii^ q[ [h^ _Yc]b
b_g biq l_mj_] b_ if^ j_ijf_
i l _r[gjf_ b[p_ \__h if^ li g if^_Yc \ li nb _ l b[( ch b_ PF 2 eZWSde aab S
\iY * lig L[ [ l b_ Qe cn RWSde if^ b[m Fcff_^ nY a li o \ _ i _hJ0_lm ch Cio:bQ\0 [h^ b_Y
Fcff_^ bch[ p,c(bio( 0PNQ4\ dWSeahRe [h^ qb_h (b_ Kifc]_ [mF_^ b_sp: ^c^ io ^i b[ b_p
m[c^ q_ q[q (i Ybiq i q_ [l_ b_ \_Y(+ Ni Yio ][h eaR b_Y f_[g * lilY b_ [](cih p
bij_ [ff (b_ j_ijf_ UakQ b_fj (b_ _h[a_lm i acp_ [^pc]_ [h^ i f_( (b_qW
ehiq qb[ qcff b[jj_h [* (_l b_ ]hQY_+ 6Qea ch eUZaaQe b_Y qWo5( _[]b b_q: biq
[pic_^ b_ \[^ gipc_m [h^ i aliq oj ch m[ _ q[&

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O NO = R MDODIB O < N F . %B I M < G OM < DI DI B v


Obcm cm [h [hmq_l qlcnn_h \s [ ][h^c^[n_ qbi []bc_p_^ [ =[h^ 8 m]il_+ C_l_ cm nb_
_r[gch__m ]igg_hn6

Ob_ l_mjihm_ [^^l_mm_m [ff nb_ \off_n jichnm p_ls h[nol[ffs) [h^ _rj[h^m offs ih
nqi i nb_g+ Ob_ l_[mih il nb_ ]_f_\l[ncih cm ]ip_l_^ [n nb_ \_achhcha [h^ nb_
_h^) \on ]iof^ \_ gil_ offs ^_p_fij_^+ Ob_ g_mm[a_ cm _[ms ni iffiq) c^_[m
[l_ fiac][ffs m_ko_h]_^ [h^ [ff [mj_]nm i ]ib_mcih [l_ q_ff g[h[a_^+ Ob_
j[l[al[jbcha cm mo c]c_hn \on ]iof^ \_ cgjlip_^6 nb_ nbl__ mbiln) mchaf_*m_hn_h]_
j[l[al[jbm qiof^ \_ \_nn_l ]ig\ch_^ chni ih_+ < qc^_ l[ha_ i pi][\of[ls cm
fo_hnfs om_^ ni ]ihp_s jl_]cm_ g_[hcham+ Ob_l_ [l_ m_p_l[f mj_ffcha _llilm qbc]b
^i hin l_^o]_ nb_ ]iggohc][ncp_ _ _]n+ < qc^_ l[ha_ i al[gg[nc][f mnlo]nol_m
cm []]ol[n_fs om_^) qcnb off f_rc\cfcns [h^ ]ihnlif+ Koh]no[ncih [h^ al[gg[l [l_
[jjlijlc[n_ nblioabion) qcnb hi _llilm+

"Dear SLr or Madam,

I c\rrs usTLtLfNg Lo yCX) Lo ex^preSS rrvj de^Lght, LV>e ex^ce^r\L ServLce cwi WLgh
]doipcGGs i ii^ siol l_mG]Wil[lpG jlipG^_^ Rrmn N[Gpdl^[s ih Gb_
J]][NNG]r: i llqd N J Gb \GlnQpf[s+
lOe u>ere a party o f lohLch Lrvcioded my fcvr\Ly c\o Se. frLervlS c\rvi coWegueS
frorrs uyxk.. Vour s L c \ ff u^ervL Oot o f LV\eLr Lo provLde seabLfNg ovrrarsgerrversLs
D n o h u^ere ecxsHy accessLbk, dLd r\ot Lrsterfere ot^ver dLr>ers. I rvl UnojL
LhLS LS ot vjSoo ^ Lrs rrvcv^j resLaorarsLs Lhese days. TV\e u^ai-Lers eXvLrerwe^
profesSLorva^ cwi po^LLe, and u^ere obvLouS^j eXvperLenced c\E> Lhey dLd r\oL ervcroach
Loo mocW on t>ve procedLrvgS.
Vour correnL rr>ervj o ffers a areaL o f c^vOLce, a s does yOor u^Lrve U s t, arvl
ev/eryLhLr%0 c\v/c\Uab^e• TV>ere ioere r\o corrp^LrvLs c\bojt LVye. c^oaiLLy or cjjc\r>LLby
of dLsV\es Served, cwl Lhe presersLatLon o f each dLsh ak-Lr> Lo Lhe dLsheS
prodoced Lr\ s^ou^s SocW a s 4MasLer CV\ef'
I orderedrack, o f pork, rib s , u^hLc^v uxxs deiLcLouS^y Soccvj^ervL cvvi, Lf arvyLhLrNg,
rrvxybe L oo U^fge. NJeverthekSS, I rrv^rNoyged Lo ^r>LsV-> LL\
I ioc\S SLroLl^dy LmpreSSed u^Lth LV>e iarge varLeLy o f k>cai arvl InLerr^\Li.or^\\
uiLr>es av/aLiaNe. TVve voLr>e LVv^L u^as ordered cxrrLved aL t>ve correct LeroperaLore
LV>aL eacW uiLr^ sV%oJd be conSorrsed c\L. T W ioaLLers u^ere faroHLar uscLh Lhe
eLcc^jeLLe o f drLrNk-Lrvg cv\d er^OyLrvg r\e loLfNeS", arvd LV>e Service uias pararooorsL.
Aw-Ln-aW, our aroop er^oyed a de^LcLooS rrveai a t yOor esLafc^LsWrvent 9 cv>d I Wad a
p_ls \Glnb^[s+
Corvgfo^Lu^LLor\S orsce o^gc^Ln.
Vo j t s sncere^

Model and sample answers for Writing tasks

O N O =) R M D O D I B O < N F / % B I M < G O M < DI DI B &


Obcm gi^_f b[m \__h jl_j[l_^ \s [h _r[gch_l [m [h _r[gjf_ i [ p_ls aii^ [hmq_l+
Ciq_p_l) jf_[m_ hin_ nb[n nbcm cm domn ih_ _r[gjf_ ion i g[hs jimmc\f_ [jjli[]b_m+

Dn cm nlo_ nb[n g[hs j[l_hnm jol]b[m_ [ gofncno^_ i jf[snbcham il nb_cl i mjlcha+

R b_nb_l il hin nbcm cm [ aii^ nbcha il nb_ ]bcf^) cm [ giin jichn+ Jh nb_ []_ i
cn nb_ [^p[hn[a_m m__g gimn [jj[l_hn) \on ]iof^ nb_l_ \_ [ ^iqhmc^_ ni nbcm
jb_hig_hih i ^_pin_^ j[l_hncha [m q_ff;

Himn j_ijf_ qiof^ ]ihmc^_l ]bcf^l_h qbi b[p_ g[hs nism ni \_ nb_ ilnoh[n_ ih_m+
Dhn_l_mncha nbcham ni jf[s qcnb mncgof[n_ g[hs jimcncp_m ch nb_ sioha \is il aclf)
mo]b [m ijncgog \l[ch ^_p_fijg_hn) b[h^*_s_ ]iil^ch[ncih [h^ ]ifiol l_]iahcncih)
[j[ln lig nb_ mcgjf_ dis i jf[scha+ Hi^_lh nism [l_ ^_mcah_^ ni \_ _^o][ncih[f
[m q_ff [m oh) [h^ ]ih]_lh_^ j[l_hnm ][l_ offs m_f_]n jli^o]nm qbc]b gcabn mj__^
nb_cl ]bcf^ m []kocmcncih i hog\_lm il nb_ [fjb[\_n+

Dm cn jimmc\f_ nb[n iqhcha gofncjf_ nism ]iof^ \_ ch [hs q[s ^_nlcg_hn[f ni [

]bcf^; Obcm cm [h ohomo[f ko_mncih) \on nb_l_ [l_ mig_ bc^^_h jcn [ffm+ Ail ih_)
q_[fnbs j[l_hnm gcabn mjicf nb_cl mih il ^[oabn_l \s mbiq_lcha bcg,b_l qcnb nism)
l_mofncha ch [ h_a[ncp_ _ _]n ih nb_ ]bcf^ m ]b[l[]n_l+ Ail [hinb_l) [ aliqcha ]bcf^$m
]ih]_hnl[ncih mj[h g[s mo _l c nb_s [l_ ]ihmn[hnfs mollioh^_^ \s nii g[hs
n_gjncha i\d_]nm) mi nb[n nb_s \_]ig_ oh[\f_ ni i]om ih [hs ih_ a[g_ il [
^_]_hn f_hanb i ncg_ \_ il_ \_cha ^cmnl[]n_^+ Jh nb_ mi]c[f mc^_) if^_l ]bcf^l_h g[s
\_]ig_ n[la_nm i _hps lig ]f[mmg[n_m) c nb_s [l_ j_l]_cp_^ [m b[pcha [l gil_
jimm_mmcihm nb[h nb_cl j__lm+ Ach[ffs) nb_ g[dilcns i nism ni^[s [l_ g[^_ i jf[mnc]
qbc]b ]iggihfs ]ihn[chm nb_ ]b_gc][f =K<) jlip_h ni \_ ^[ha_liom il ch [hnm ni
mo]e ih il cha_mn+

Dn cm ]f_[l nb_h nb[n nbcm mcno[ncih cm hin [m mnl[cabn ilq[l^ [m cn clmn [jj_[lm+ Dn qiof^
m__g nb[n ih_ i nb_ g[hs ^onc_m i j[l_hnm cm ni g[e_ [h ch ilg_^ ]bic]_ [\ion
biq g[hs nism nb_s \os il nb_cl sioha ih_m+


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