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1. Procedure. Write it out. Include pictures.

First, we used a spoon to evenly divide the applesauce into three portions, taking
each portion in a 400ml beaker, of which 120g of applesauce per cup.

In the second step, we measured the original weight of the beaker and then
ensured the actual data of the applesauce.

In the third step, we added the applesauce with tablets and stirred thoroughly.

In the fourth step, we heated the beaker with a heater, timed it for 5 minutes, and
then measured the temperature with a thermometer

Finally, we poured the heated applesauce into a funnel and filtered it, and the
apple juice we got was the result of our experiment

2. Pictures of your results.

1) 17,2) 14,3) 14

3. Written statements about your results. What effect did temperature or pH

have on the enzymes ability to work?

Jimmy: The way applesauce breaks down is sped up by enzymes, which makes it more liquid. It
can speed up the metabolism of organisms and speed up different biochemical processes in the
body under very mild conditions. Put a small amount of the apple sauce in a hot place (about
52°C). Enzymes break down and stop working when they reach high temperatures. Pectinase
and amylase could stop working, and the applesauce could get thicker, heavy, and harder.


Enzymes speed up the rate at which applesauce dissolves, making it more liquid.It can catalyze
various biochemical reactions efficiently and promote the metabolism of organisms under very
mild conditions in the body.
What do you think about your experiment?

Jimmy:I think the experiment followed some aspects of the scientific method, but there still are
areas for improvement。


Was the scientific method strictly followed?

Jimmy:Observation,Hypothesis,Data Collection, Analysis

What things were not ideal about your experiment?

Jimmy: Quantitative data, we do not have a clear control of the weight of applesauce,
may have a certain amount of error, where the spoon is not good at accurately
controlling the number of grams

What could have you done to have more confidence in your results?

Jimmy:Repeating the experiment multiple times and getting consistent results would increase
confidence in my findings.

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