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ME323 Design of Machine Elements

Fall 2021 (Dec. 29nd, 2021) Hw-6

1) [20 + 20 marks] Consider the following simply supported circular long steel shaft with the
intermediate P load is applied. Assume that the shaft is massless and d=30 mm, P=1000 N,
E=2E+11Pa. Hint: use the following formula where you expect max. deflection. See Elastic Curve!

a. Find the maximum deflection on the shaft (20 pts).

b. After you made all the calculations, the maximum allowed design deflection is specified
as all=50 mm, based on this value, calculate the new shaft diameter to satisfy this
constraint. For this part (b) ONLY! Take the factor of safety as 1.2 (15 pts).

2. [25 marks] A steel bar with 2-in dia. is subjected to

the loading T=15 and F=2 kips as shown. Locate
and estimate the maximum shear stress in the weld throat.

3. [35 marks] A steel bar of thickness h is subjected to a bending force F. The vertical
support is stepped such that the horizontal welds are b1 and b2 long. Determine F if the
maximum allowable shear stress is τallow. Use the appropriate parameters from the table
below for this specific problem.

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