Otros Apuntes Inglés

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1. Too much – Excessive
2. Suitably – appropriately (adecuadamente)
3. Common – ordinary
4. Pleased – Delighted (encantado/ contento)
5. Worn out – frayed (desgastado)
6. Surprisingly – Remarkably
7. Company –
8. Enjoy –
9. Breaking off –
10. Finding solutions –
11. Luck –
12. Restrict –
13. Enthusiastic –
14. Put –

1. Anti-social
2. Messy (desordenado)
3. Demanding
4. Sophisticated
5. Demanding (exigente)
6. Sophisticated
7. Dreadful – espantoso
8. Stiff – tieso/rígido
9. Unhelpful – de poca ayuda
10. 10. Opposite - enfrente

1. Cruise - crucero
2. Tourists
3. Ferry
4. Yacht - yate
5. Hotels
6. Harbour - puerto
7. Cabin – cabina/cabaña
8. Travel agent
9. Flight
1. To repopulate – to restart/start again with a new population
2. Infancy – Beginning
3. Extinct – no longer on Earth
4. Breakthrough – A Discovery/ significant development
5. To generate – to make / grow
6. Housed – Stored / kept – almacenado /guardado
7. Tanks – metal containers
8. Brink – Edge - borde
9. Puddle – a small pool of water
10. Witnessing – seeing – visto / ser testigo

1. At first
2. At his best
3. At once- de inmediato
4. At least- al menos/por lo menos
5. At war – en guerra
6. At (long) last – al fin
7. At risk – en riesgo
Actividad -Another book – pág 40
1. Here are some examples of what is tested in Paper 1 Part 2. Complete each
sentence with one word.
a. Quantifiers - many, every, each, etc. There were only a ......few...
people at the zoo yesterday.
b. Collocations - set an example, change the subject, be in favour of, etc. I
expect you to ....keep... your promise to give me a lift.
c. Determiners - a, some, the, etc. I've lived in ..the. USA for some years
d. Modals - would, should, etc. You absolutely ..must.. not use this path
through the valley - it's dangerous.
e. Verb forms - done, taking, see, etc. He's ...been... working on his car
for two hours now.
f. Phrasal verbs - give up, carry on, make out, etc. Susie has taken .up
g. Pronouns - me, it, that, etc. Tom hurt ..himself... while playing football
- he had to go to hospital.
h. Relative pronouns - who, whose, which, etc. My wife, .who.... is
Brazilian, works in the university.
i. Comparison - more than, one of the worst, etc. Suzanne has twice as
many clothes as I do.
j. Linkers - if, although, before, etc. You won't lose weight ..unless.. you
go on a diet.
k. Prepositions - on, by, in, etc. According ..to... the website, all flights to
Berlin are delayed this morning.

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