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You have watched a documentary about young children in poor areas who leave

school to work. Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Teenagers are dropping out of school to find a job. How can we help them to
continue their education?

Write about:

family problems
financial difficulties
…………… (your own idea) scholarships

Nowadays the progress of technology is so remarkable that we forget there is people that do
not even know what that subject is. People that are so poor that cannot have access to not
even a bit of tech. People that need to quit school to go to work. How is it possible for the
world to have two so different faces? Is there anything we can do?

Firstly, poor areas are by far the most affected by the problem of teenagers leaving school at
an early age. One of the reasons could be family problems. It is common knowledge that
these countries have plenty of believes, cults and behaviours that are “unusual”, being this
one of them. Although there is not much we can do to fight this topic, since we must respect
everyone’s opinions and let them speak freely.

Secondly, the biggest obstacle these teenagers encounter is the financial problems. Since
there is not barely any money to grant them the basic conditions they need to live, young
people need to drop school and find a source of money.

Finally, scholarships can be given to these teenagers, ensuring at the same time the
education and money they need.

To put all in a nutshell, it is a fact that teenagers are dropping school to get a job, but we
cannot give up on these unfortunate little humans and find solutions to fix this inconvenient.

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