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The wind picks up, the sun disappears behind ashen clouds, and raindrops, small and sparse

at first, then large

and thick like fistfuls of water, fall on you... and that’s how you found yourself in the Orchard!

Unglorious : Sea of Bones

Welcome back to the world of the dead and, more specifically, to the Age of Undead Buccaneers! It’s been
many years since adventurers traversed the verdant glades, mysterious woods, and castles guarded by dragons.
And who knows, maybe that’s where you come from!

Now it is the sea that calls you and, with it, all the mysteries and treasures it hides. This time your inglorious
end will not make you rise from the earth, but rather rise to the surface in the Sea of Mora - that is, that endless
expanse of salt water inhabited by abyssal monsters, crews of pirates and exotic tribes that washes the coasts of
the Five Lands.

You will travel between the sea of the living and the sea of the dead, you will fight against the Livingjoy fleet
and the submarine towers of the Necrolovers, you will board ships to pilfer their treasures and you will venture
into remote islands where the forces of whodo reign.

Sea of Bones has everything you need to set your post-mortem adventures in the Age of Undead Buccaneers,
where the glamorous life of a pirate meets the even more glamorous life of the deceased! In addition to the setting
you will find a new Funerary Equipment, the rules for maneuvering ships, 4 new Types of Dead, crew roles, a
dedicated bestiary and Gravesure Island,
Island, an adventure in which you’ll face the waters of the Sea of Mora and
those of the Orchard to conquer a precious, and equally dangerous, treasure!

The sea awaits you. Are you ready or would you rather turn around in your grave a little longer before rising up?


Sea of Bones

“T he sea has no country either, and it belongs to all those who listen to it,
here and there where the sun is born and dies.”
- Giovanni Verga
Author: Simone "Aces" Morini
Editing: Laura Cardinale
Translation: Ginevra Pavone
Proofreading & Sensitivity Reading: Marta Palvarini
Graphics: Giulia Bernardini, Vincenzo Pratticò
Cover: Vincenzo Pratticò
Artwork: Edoardo Campagnolo, Fabio Porfidia, Vincenzo Pratticò, Giulio Primo,
Jacopo Schiavo, Lodovico Sartirana
Playtester Crew: Alessandro Marcheggiani, Alessandro Rocchi,
Alessandro Venti, Francesca Viganò

I’ve always loved the sea. Whenever I went to the beach as a kid (okay, even now sometimes) I pretended to be
a pirate who landed on a mysterious island. Beyond the beach, far beyond the ice cream stands, caves full of traps
and mysterious treasures awaited me. Behind me, however, a few hundred meters from the coast, my anchored
ship patiently awaited my return aboard, laden with loot. And ice cream from the kiosk. Later, it was my uncle
who fueled this love by taking me with him on a boat beyond the coasts of Tuscany and up to Corsica and Elba
Island. There, in the middle of the sea, I lost myself in reveries about wrecks sunk in the depths and the legends
they concealed in silence. And even though I haven’t been able to make a life as a buccaneer, I felt the need to pay
homage to this love in some way.
But it’s not the first time I’ve done this: in 2015 I wrote Slaves to the Tides, an expansion for Nameless Land
entirely set in a post-nuclear Pacific Ocean. I had a lot of fun, but not as much as writing Sea of Bones. In general,
writing Unglorious always amuses me a lot, but in this case even more. Anyone of us who has ever imagined a
life at sea, or has even just seen a movie or played a video game with such a setting, knows how closely the waves
and death are linked: curses, wrecks inhabited by the skeletons of buccaneers, legends of vengeful spirits that sail
the waters, not to mention series of movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean or the legend of Davy Jones (later
adapted for the aforementioned movies). There is no denying it: men of the sea are superstitious, they were then
and still are, and where there is superstition there is death. And where there is death, there is Unglorious. And well,
the marriage between the two was therefore a must.
I hope that these pages will effectively drag you beyond the lugubrious legends that are told onboard ships, to
show you that, after all, even after having reached the bottom, a sailor can always… go back up!

As always, I dedicate this book to you, but above all to my uncle Luciano. I hope that right now you’re carrying
your smile across the waves of other seas unknown to us. I am convinced that these pages would have made you
laugh a lot. Or at least, I hope so.
I love you.
- Simone
Published by Aces Games and printed at Standart Impressa - 2023
All contents in this book are protected by Copyright laws © Aces Games 2023

Distributed by
D Epitaph
1 - THE SEA OF MORA...........................5 Corally ........................................................64
Waves of Bones ..........................................6 Squashbuckler ......................................... 66
Mainland and Roughwaters ................11 Tanky ......................................................... 68
Adventures in the Sea of Mora ...........13 Whodeath .................................................. 70
The Four Seas............................................17
2 - THE HAR...BONES .........................24 Raising the Anchor... Again ................ 73
The Birth of Har...Bones! .................... 25 ABC of Navigation ................................ 77
Tourist Ferry ............................................ 26
Structure of the Harbones .................. 28
Fighting Against on the Sea ............... 85
Seas of the Orchard ................................31
Grab-Crab ................................................. 88
Noble Tibias and Ignoble Skulls ......34
Lost ............................................................ 89
3 - THE LAWS OF THE SEA ............. 38 Nautical Golem .......................................91
The Deceased of Sea of Bones .......... 39 Sand Shark ................................................ 92
Sea Dog (Mora) ...................................... 93
Sea Monster .............................................94
Buccaneering Equipment ...................45
Teasures and Tremors .........................49 8 - GRAVESURE ISLAND ................... 96
Harbor Market ........................................54 Steady... More or Less .......................... 97
To the Drinking Station ...................... 98
5 - WATERED DOWN FATE ............. 60
Up is Down... .........................................100
The Crew ...................................................61
... And Up is Down .............................. 103

Oh, look who it is! Fresh bones directly from the Sea of Mora! Come, I’ll help you
dock. Throw me the line. No, that’s a bucket. And that’s the corpse of a seagull. Drop it,
please, it doesn’t look too happy to be held by its paws. The line, I said. THE ROPE!
Here, now tie it tight. Or not, this little boat will still go adrift anyway. I welcome
you to the Orchard, sailor! My name is Popop. Captain Popop.
I’m a pirate, always have been, from the time I was born and until I died. And
then I continued to be. I am your designated guide (which doesn’t automatically make
me the most qualified one) to take you through the wonders, both living and dead, of
the Age of Undead Buccaneers!
Can you feel the brackishness on your skin? See that bewitching horizon, black as
the inside of a nun’s skirt? Isn’t that wonderful?
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the most important thing - you’re dead. That’s
right, you’re dead as a rock. You’re a beach scarecrow, a beach umbrella pole. Small as
it is, your face would look better on a ship’s flag than on the deck. Am I being clear?
How did it happen? What do I know - maybe you took a cannonball to the face,
slipped off the quarterdeck or strangled yourself while tying a knot at the top of the
jib. Or you’ve been dead a long time already and just woke up late.
Anyway, hop onto the pier and follow me: we don’t have much time and there
are many things to talk about. A legendary journey to the edge of the sea and beyond
awaits you, among fleets of marrowbone freebooters, cursed treasures and saber-in-
the-mouth (between the teeth, not down the throat) boardings. Let’s start with the
simplest question… can you swim? I’m kidding, you don’t need to anymore.
Chapter 1 - T he Sea of Mora

Well, the time has come to start our

journey. I don’t know what you know
about the world, where your memories
stop or how much attention you paid to
the stories about ancient times that your
grandparents told you.

However, you may as well throw

away whatever knowledge your shrunken
brain has learned and start learning all
over again because, judging by your
expression (as well as the way you got
here), you still have a lot to learn and
know. .

In this first part of our journey, I

will tell you how we got from the past
to today, the changes that affected the
World of Mora and how amagic has
changed and adapted.
Enjoy this sea voyage under the
benevolent sun, provided that hearing
words like “sea monsters”, “fleets
of Livingjoys” and “Necrolovers
submarines” don't make those few
shreds of flesh still clinging to your
bones tremble. In that case, well, we
have nothing more to say to each other!
“Quindici uomini sulla cassa del morto… sfido io che non riuscivo a muovermi!”
[Henry “Diecidenti” Mortan, meglio noto come il Deca-dente]

A lot of water has passed both above and would be (and certainly not because there’s many
below the bridge, since the World of Mora has choices)?
told the stories of heroes, armored warriors, In short, in order to decide to take to sea,
dragon hunters and saviors of damsels in distress. the pioneers of the Age of Undead Buccaneers


It's hard to say how many centuries have must have been truly bored with the mainland.
passed (when your employment contract includes In addition to this, what prompted them to
a retirement date that goes beyond eternity, let's continue their career as noisy floating beggars
say you stop marking days on your calendar), but was the actual discovery of unknown lands, full
it is certain that things have changed a lot since of hidden treasures: gold, precious stones no one
the armor of knights shone in the sun of the lands had ever seen before, exotic foods and attractive
of the living. And thank goodness, because many indigenous people attracted more and more
arrived here after being cooked to perfection adventurers, who spent all their savings, and in
inside those traps of iron and infections. some cases their pension, to put on a crew and
Broadswords have given way to sabers, while build a tub to cross the seas of the World of Mora.
banners now stand on the masts of majestic ships It was then that the problems began, both
and no longer on the towers of castles; now people for them and, above all, for us employees of the
die from cannon shots rather than regular blows, Orchard.
while a whole other host of diseases and dangers
threaten the adventurers of this era.
I'm talking about the Age of Undead More Bones than Flesh
Buccaneers, the treasures buried on paradise What gave this era its name, if you haven't
islands and the barrels of rum (main cause of figured it out yet, was not the desire of the living
wrecks against cliffs). I'm talking about the to take to the sea, but rather their inclination, now
pirate era! stronger than ever, to go beyond the gates of the
Orchard. The percentage of dead in the Sea of
Mora is decidedly higher than that of the living
THE AGE OF and the causes are always the same: inexperience,
bravado and perhaps a little too much, as well as
UNDEAD BUCCANEERS groundless, self-confidence.
If you're new to the world of the dead (which The adventurers and soldiers of the era of
means you were relatively new to the world heroes had just learned to stay inside their armor
of the living as well) there's no need to tell you when the world pushed them onto the decks of
anything and your Death Certificate probably says ships: trying to combine the profession of knight
things like "saber wound", "repeated tastings by with that of sailor is the quickest way to get to
an alligator”, “drunken boarding” and so on. If, the bottom of the sea. Literally, because there is
on the other hand, you are one of those ancient no lifesaver able to keep one hundred and twenty
adventurers with a sword, shield, etc. etc., and kilos of iron and muscles afloat.
maybe so far you've had your head stuck in your To the superstitious, it would seem that death
grave, well, we have a lot to cover. had become accustomed to having a certain flow
In any case, it is my (dubious) pleasure to of souls since after the War of the Dead and the
welcome you to the Age of Undead Buccaneers, advent of amagic, so much so that it wanted to add
where the adventurers of the World of Mora, dead some spice to the World of Mora, thus renewing
and alive, travel the seas to discover exotic islands the list of possible causes of death, some really
and buried treasures. It all started when, tired of being some pepper in the eye (the spice trade is as
traveling the same old lands, some daring pioneers profitable as it is dangerous).
began to sail the seas in search of unknown lands, The term "Age of Undead Buccaneers", which
as well as new ways to end their lives. Sure, there therefore identifies the high number of corpses
have always been navigators, but no one ever crossing the seas, is also gladly welcomed by
seriously considered life on board a ship. I mean, the Livingjoys who, nowadays just like centuries
how could anyone before now have wanted to ago, build their fortune on the fear of the dead: a
devote their lives to the deck of a rat-eaten, damp prejudice we’ll never be able to get rid of!
ship full of stinking, brute sailors, with whip-
happy captains, not knowing what their next meal
THE WHODO visions so varied that it would take a dictionary
What contributed most to the beginning to keep track of the pantheon of the Sea of Mora
of the Age of Undead Buccaneers is, as you and, more importantly, it controls the waves and
can imagine, treasure. But no one, not even the what lies above them. Whether it's a sudden storm
indigenous civilizations that store them, knows or, on the contrary, a calm sea that suddenly snuffs
where they came from: some were crammed into out any breath of wind, rest assured that it’s very
massive chests, others were found in caves that likely the whodo playing a sick joke.
descended to the cold darkness of the hinterland Its intentions? Unknown, like those of amagic.
and still others were used by the tribes as sacred However, it’s possible to predict the arrival of

jewels. Obviously, to those who lived on cannon whodo forces or its presence in a certain place
shots and alcohol gulped down from badly washed from some clues. First of all, the smell of fish: not
pewter mugs, it didn't matter who had hoarded so the stench you could smell under the arms of your
much wealth. Well, if they had asked themselves rowing partner, but that of well-cooked and spiced
a few more questions, we wouldn't keep meeting fish, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of
them here. Yes, you too. crunchy potatoes and toasted scales. It may seem
After a careful study carried out by the amagic like a small detail, but I’m sure you know that at
branch of the Cross-Control office of Esoteric sea most cooks aren't even able to cook a fried egg
Transitional Stages (CCETS), it emerged that without poisoning half the crew.
these treasures have been created precisely by The second clue is music: a faint, and often
amagic itself, perhaps with the aim of being imperceptible, melody carried by the wind, which
discovered by brave (or stupid, depending on sailors know as the Call of the Mermaid Queen.
your point of view) sailors of the seas sooner or And finally, a whole other series of small clues,
later. And it is precisely because they were built such as a fish swimming in the air, drops of water
in series by arcane forces that many of these that rise from the sea and go towards the sky, a
treasures, if not all, bring with them more or less deckhand who suddenly speaks in proper english
"annoying" curses. and other oddities.
The indigenous people, who have not only Learn to identify and interpret all these signs
learnt to deal with this force but have also found and I'm not saying you'll be able to face the forces
their own way of harnessing and manipulating it, of whodo, but at least anticipate them and hide...
do not call it amagic, but whodo. courageously!

Not Just Pins and Dolls Whodo Shamans

Even if on your ship you were the one who The people of the islands fear and at the same
measured distances during spitting contests, time respect whodo shamans who, through these
you've probably heard a lot of whodo stories, forces, are able to bend the destiny of men and
but it's just as likely you've only heard the more of nature itself. Both the natives and the pirates
commercial versions: pin-ridden dolls, amulets stay away from the tents of whodo shamans for
made with crow's feet, concoctions worthy of a fear that some spell may be cast upon them, while
Necrolover’s cookbook, mixing newt's eyes with the bravest (or most desperate) ask them for an
turtle blood, and exotic rituals very similar to audience to buy amulets, sacred relics and spices
beach parties. that go well with grilled fish .
Given that whodo is ALSO that, know that However, even though their fame paints them
its power is much greater. Even if it's called as dark and cruel men and women, who take
something else, don't forget that it's still amagic, pleasure in using whodo to cause discomfort and
albeit in its maritime version. Even scholars argue curses the same way a youngster runs away after
that although it was born from the same womb, ringing a doorbell, some of them use their powers
whodo is a thing of its own that affects only the to help the natives by acting as doctors, fortune
seas, coasts and islands, but not the mainland. tellers and presenters during bingo nights. Nor is
Away from the beaches and cliffs you can always it uncommon for them to help adventurers, both
find the creatures you or your ancestors have alive (as long as they don't feel like eating them)
come to know, but in the Sea of Mora it's a whole and dead (as long as they don't feel like using their
other story. bodies to make unique amulets).
Whodo boils from the abyss, stirs the waters
and gives life to the progeny of the depths, which
includes tentacled giants to bipedal fish races (in
short, the fish-men); it penetrates deep into the
souls of the islanders taking the form of mystical
But how is a Maelstomb born? Let's see, have
you ever tried to put your hand in a bucket of
water and then quickly swirl your arm around to
create a whirlpool? I used to do it all the time as
a kid (there weren't many ways to have fun at the
time). Well, that’s exactly what Abyss-hoppers
do with the sea, only they use their paddle/oar
THE CURSES instead of their hands and create a whirlpool of a
The stories about curses created by hundred meters instead of ten centimeters.


the forces of whodo are many: some There are three types of Maelstomb, mainly
are so absurd that for this very reason set apart by the light they give off.
I consider them true, while others are
just the result of ravings in the throes Blue Maelstombs are characterized by an
of non-alcoholic rum intoxication (also unmoving vortex, making them look like a
a potential curse). For example, I know huge… hole in the water (arh arh arh). The seas
of a crew of pirates whose sailors, after around them are calm and water doesn't even
loading 17 barrels of a very precious slip into them. Inside, the consistency is that
and very sweet golden sugar on board, of pudding and only the dead can cross it. The
turned into ants the size of house cats. living, on the other hand, can barely get close
Certainly an unexpected return. And I to the edge. These are created by Abyss-hoppers
also know of others who, after dividing with arthritis problems.
up the treasure of a conquered tribe, Purple Maelstombs, on the other hand, are
began to crumble into tiny grains of characterized by extremely rough and noisy
sand. In addition to this, there are waters and attract any nearby deceased. The
countless stories of disasters, of food living, on the other hand, are not affected by
suddenly gone bad, of fogs so thick the tide, but they can still end up in it. These are
that you can't even see a rock half a created by left-handed Abyss-hoppers.
meter away and of grog that turns into Finally, Green Maelstombs (or
laxative syrup. Garganpools) are the most dangerous, at least
for the living, but also really annoying for the
dead. In addition to being the largest, the waters
that move them concentrate all the power of
the oceans and attract anyone within a hundred
meters. Garganpools bring many souls (as well as
wrecks) to the Orchard, which is why the Pities
are thinking of writing the preview of a draft
for a petition aimed at their permanent closure.
These are created by "younger" and therefore
more zealous Abyss-hoppers.
You may be thinking: “There are no cemeteries Maelstombs are generated in an apparently
in the middle of the sea! So how do I get back random way, although many argue that their
to my beloved and comfortable Orchard”, right? number always remains the same. So whenever
In reality, hidden in the embrace of the seabed, a Maelstomb closes, an Abyss-hopper, though
there are a lot of cemeteries, where submerged miles away, immediately opens another one right
wrecks and the remains of crews form expanses where it is at the moment, no matter where.
of swollen wood and crumbled sails. But believe When does a Maelstomb close? Who knows.
me, it’s very uncomfortable to sink into the abyss As I always say: “Every toilet flush stops sooner
waiting to touch the bottom. or later; I just hope it doesn't happen while I'm
But fear not, because even for cross-shined in it.”
sailors, Father Death has thought of a solution,
which has come about thanks to the work of
the Abyss-hoppers, the ferrymen of those who
died at sea. I'm talking about the Maelstombs:
unstoppable whirlpools of water capable of
swallowing the dead and spitting them out in the
vicinity of one of the harbors of the Orchard.
“The sea used to be a bigger place… soon we’ll even have to be careful when throwing someone overboard,
lest they could end up on the deck of another ship!”
[Gembiter Habsburgs, Joyvernor of Puerto Papaya]

Unknown islands, cursed treasures, shamans The largest joyships of all are the Galeomundi,
with mysterious powers: it's not difficult to immense galleons on which real fortresses tower
understand how fascination with all this has led - each has five hundred cannons, plus as many


so many people to take to the sea... and therefore Livingjoys and Cabin Joys.
arrive down here. And that wouldn't even be a Even if the Livingjoys claim to only fight
problem (I mean, we're used to dealing with a against crews of the dead, here we know for sure
large influx of souls by now), except that dead that many sailors and pirates, as well as natives of
pirates and sailors are EVEN more eager to get the islands, woke up in the Orchard after the last
back to sailing the waves. thing they saw was a wide, chilling smile.
Why? Can't you get there by yourself? The best-known Joyvernor is certainly Rotger
All the things that can kill even the strongest Woods, also called El Feliz for his almost constant
sea dog don't touch resurrected sailors: disease? laughter, so much so that the corners of his mouth
No sir. Rifle shots? Please. Drowning? Pff! Even widen almost to below his ears. They say he never
some of the treasure curses have no effect on stops laughing because otherwise the muscles in
the dead, and more importantly, treasures can be his face would collapse and turn his face into a
converted into heaps of crisp vouchers. The latter pitch-soaked bridge rag. He controls the Blighted
in particular is the main reason why so many dead Mermaids, a group of five islands in the Angery
sailors yearn to return to the surface to recover a Sea. Then, under the command of Joyvernor Seagul
treasure swallowed up by the ocean depths, left to Weatherbad is most feared Livingjoy Captain ever,
wander in the cursed mists with the carcass of their the terror of every seafarer with brackish-soaked
vessel or captured by the swords of a rival crew. bones: Joyful James Noringtomb who, aboard the
Galeomundi Mary Drown, is said to have shot down,
as of today, more than one hundred and sixty ships
Fleets of Life and Death from the Orchard. Quite a record for a stuttering
Naturally, the three major factions that we captain who can’t roll his r’s and has a lisp.
all know have not remained on the sidelines but
have indeed welcomed the change by becoming
an integral part of it. I speak of course of the Necrosneaky
Livingjoys, the Necrolovers and the Gravehoppers Even before the Livingjoys took to sea, the
who, having assembled their own fleets, have Necrolovers - seized by hysterical joy in knowing
extended their control and brought their schemes that the seas were not only full of deceased, but
to the seas of the World of Mora, where their that many of them were already comfortably
effigies now sway to the rhythm of the tides. packed in ships ready for boarding - literally
turned their towers into boats. Thanks to the forces
of amagic and the (more or less willing) help of
Livingjoy Fleet the alchemists, the Necrohulls were born - oblong
Of these three large fleets, the Livingjoys’ is stone boats able to float as much as to dive into
certainly the largest and most militarily organized, the depths of the sea, casting beams of purple light
with more than two thousand boats throughout the to illuminate the abyssal darkness. Over time, and
World of Mora, more than half of which are war thanks to their sudden incursions, the Necrolovers
vessels. Each ship of the Livingjoy Navy reports have not only managed to subjugate dozens and
to a Joyfort, towering structures built in harbors dozens of resurrected crews, but thanks to the
conquered by the Order, and ruled by a Joyvernor. Maelstombs they have also been able to call sea
These ruthless people of power, with voluminous monsters up from the Orchard: gigantic abyssal
red wigs and wide red smiles, are stretching creatures that already existed long before the
their menacing shadow over the seas, imposing advent of amagic, as well as beasts shaped by
themselves as the only saviors of mankind from the Lords of the Orchard themselves, which are
the plague of the ships of the dead. What they’re said to be able to swallow entire islands. Only
actually trying to do is grab all the treasures Necrolovers and a few dead who deliberately let
exhumed from remote islands, cram them into themselves sink know what the depths of the sea
the Joyforts and use their powers to cancel the hide and what mysteries lurk where the sunlight
curses… or to exploit them. dare not penetrate.
It’s also often possible to detect an approaching completely hide their faces: these outfits include
Necrohull thanks to the sighting of schools of gorgets as bulky as stocks, purple shirts with puffs
leaping fishbones, whales with more holes in their that look like skirts and dark blue shoes or boots
mouths than bristles and dolphins with a grim with fist-sized buckles that make them look more
whistle. Furthermore, their powers of subjugation like a chair full of clothes than sailors.
have adapted to this day and age: to control the The most famous Necrolover, whose feats
crews of undead, the most powerful Necrolovers date back to the times of swashbuckling heroes,
in fact only need to take possession of the ship’s is certainly Davy Bones, remembered by all for
banner. As long as this is in their tower-boats, having built the Krakillon, a music box capable of

at any moment any crew can find themselves trapping souls to be fed to the fearsome Kraken.
carrying out a task for their new master, often After meeting death he was not seen again until
without even being aware of it. the Age of Undead Buccaneers, where he refitted
Staying true to their inclination for drama, his awkward tower into a kind of spherical
the Necrolovers of this age dress in pompous submarine. Since then he’s been sailing the seas
and complex clothes as to be able to almost and searching the depths in solitude, but they say
that following him are a stable of small pets, each
the size of a mountain, not to mention a whole
colony of half-eaten mermaids.
Abyss-hoppers A lantern with an inextinguishable green fire
Death at sea has always existed, but now that is always suspended over the coffins with which
it too wears a tricorne and an eye patch, the time they cross the seas of the World of Mora, while
has come for Gravehoppers to follow it across wide-brimmed hats, enriched by a twisted white
the waves. Thus, placidly and with the calmness feather, hang above their heads. In the Age of
typical of their movements, many Gravehoppers Undead Buccaneers, as well as in the past, their
climbed aboard old coffins exhumed from who work and their goals are unknown to all, but it
knows what sepulcher, so large that they could is certainly thanks to them that the Maelstombs
contain a shark, and then went out into the sea, exist.


letting the waves do the rest. Some deceased, abandoned for one reason or
Using their massive shovels as oars, the another to the whims of the waves and without a
renamed Abyss-hoppers are able to cover vast boat to get back on, say they were rescued by a
distances without stopping, and can rival vessels benevolent Abyss-hopper who, with a few rows
blown by the strongest winds in speed. No storm of their shovel and to the rhythm of seafaring
can capsize the floating coffin of Abyss-hoppers, whistles, escorted them to the mouth of a
no sea monster dares even cross their wake, and Maelstomb.
no cannonball can hit them.


“When I look at the horizon from the deck of the ship, with my eyes fixed on a spectacular sunset and after a
day spent experiencing the mysteries of the sea, I wonder if this is not the meaning of life… then I remember that
I died falling off this deck and laugh until I slip again.”
[Scarnou De Palido, boatswain of the Dead Queen Mary]

If the lands touched by amagic are as THE ANCIENT CASKETS

mysterious as they are fascinating (and almost Among the most daring Undead Buccaneers
twice as dangerous) the seas touched by whodo there are those who decide to go in search of the
are ten times more insidious and, unfortunately, Ancient Caskets: unlike ordinary caskets, Ancient
just as tempting. It is not my intention to Caskets hold the much more precious Knick
discourage your desire to set sail again. I mean, Knacks of the Conquistamuertes, from which the
you're dead now, I'd just waste my breath. Which fearless deceased who go in search of them take
I don’t have. their name .
Aside from the Livingjoy Fleet, the A Knick Knack of the Conquistamuertes is
Necrolovers’ submarines, colossal sea monsters, the equivalent of a beating heart (I trust you still
and a poor sense of direction, which has caused remember how it works) which, with each beat,
nearly more deaths than all other threats causes the energies of whodo to flow all around
combined, an Undead Buccaneer runs the risk it, even invading entire islands. These then turn
of being targeted by both crews and of the into lands imbued with mysterious forces which,
living than of the dead. If the latter do it to steal in turn, are capable of giving shape to unknown
treasures and maps, the attacks by the living also creatures, devastating atmospheric events and
have more macabre objectives: the Joyvernors in upheavals of reality. If a Knick Knack is powerful
fact pay top dollar for each undead or dead-dead enough, it can even turn the very island or stretch
head brought to them, which is why, from the of sea it’s located in into a sentient being. When
outside, these forts look more like strongholds the Ancient Casket in which the Knick Knack
of hell, adorned with heads with stunned is kept is opened, the heart stops beating, but
expressions, whimpering pleas or telling jokes to the immense whodo energy potential remains
pass the time. confined to the physical body of the object (a
But hey, don't despair: there are many reasons goblet, an amulet, a pair of water wings, etc.) and
to unfurl the sails and let yourself be carried can be harnessed to gain access to mind-blowing
away by the winds of the Sea of Mora, which powers. Some Knick Knacks affect the objects
will often be strong enough to break trees and they are embedded into (even whole ships, if they
make you fly off like a blade of grass in front of are sealed in hulls or stored in holds) while others
a leaf blower. only affect whoever wears them. There are Knick
Knacks able to control sea monsters, to make and otherwise) and peg-legs markets, you'll find
ships fly or make them hard as steel, to enlarge information on mysterious islands, treasure maps
the wearer's body or to turn into weapons capable (discounted in the winter months), curses in a
of slicing ships in half and many other things that bottle and other whodo items, and best of all,
would make even those with no saliva left drool. someone crazy enough to agree to take you on
The road to an Ancient Casket is so winding journeys with little chance of survival.
and fraught with peril that almost no living being
would be able to travel it, which is why it is more
likely that some deceased will claim the Knick THE FIVE CONTINENTS

Knacks of the Conquistamuertes (often dying- For people like me - great sailors who have
dying in the attempt). The lust for conquest passed away - it’s easy to think that true adventure
emanating from these precious amulets is such exists only on the waves of the sea, however
that more and more sailors "accidentally" let adventure also continues to thrive inland, albeit
themselves fall overboard, only to rise again and with some differences. The lifestyle has remained
go in search of them. more or less unchanged, but not the influence of
The clues that lead to the discovery of an amagic, which likes to keep up with the times
Ancient Casket are very difficult to find and to unlike the mentality of the land-dwellers of World
decipher: they range from the legends of tribes of Mora, who are always obsessed with their wars,
living on undiscovered islands to maps drawn with their conquests and their village fairs.
illegible handwriting, up to the stories of drunken
sailors (often even more difficult to decipher). Cupidardom
In a land where gods fight each other in titanic
clashes that devastate grasslands and mountains,
ISLANDS AND HARBORS it’s not strange to believe that almost all the
At least a thousand islands have been inhabitants who had remained over time moved
discovered in the World of Mora so far, and they away from what they no longer felt was their
say that just as many are yet to be discovered. land... a place where as soon as you grew even a
Of those now marked on the maps, a good thirty simple tomato the giants crushed it. All attempts
percent is under the control of the Livingjoys, to reason with the titans, to try to appease them
while the rest are uninhabited, claimed by pirates, with offers and prayers, and even “warning!”
still governed by proud (and feral) natives or signs, were useless.
ruled by the governments of those kingdoms Now Cupidardom is more dangerous than
which, thanks to their geographical location, ever and they say that only villages of possessed
have harbors, shipyards and beaches. The latter madmen are left in these lands, trying to call upon
are interested in the treasures, like anyone else, who knows what entities from space. As if the
but they are mostly engaged in warfare with each ones they already have weren't enough.
other, as is the tradition of the World of Mora. Since, apart from the Land of Fooldom,
As for the natives, however, they are the most which by now has become too small even for
diverse: some with skin as black as ebony or white its inhabitants, the Cupidards had nothing left
to the point of resembling backlit Windies. There but the sea. They built ships in large numbers by
are those who speak languages never heard before exploiting the woods kindly already destroyed by
and those who just gesticulate. There is one thing, the giants and their flotillas made from dark wood
however, that they all have in common: they know literally invaded the seas. Since the beginning of
nothing of the rest of the world. Consequently, the Age of Undead Buccaneers Cupidardom has
each tribe has its own version and beliefs about churned out the most notorious pirates of the four
life and death, also thanks to the fact that, once seas, including Bobby Be Bone, also known as
they pass away, they do not reach the Mortopolis, the Son of the Giants, who, being a Skinny, lost
but rather settle in the Atolls - oases located in the all his flesh, but not his height of five meters,
seas of the Orchard which serve to preserve the which made him famous. He owns a fleet of
natives’s desire for isolation even after death. But more than thirty ships, commanded in turn by
we’ll talk about them later. the three admirals Annabis Bone (who’s also
Harbors controlled by pirates are those where his sister), Gustav "Le Chef" Patè and Grisella
a deceased is least likely to be attacked or seen as "the Blade" Filer. And speaking of giants, in
a divine creature to be worshiped (or sacrificed). the Angery Sea and in the Broken Sea a self-
It’s also here that all the greatest adventures propelled island was allegedly sighted, as noisy
and most ambitious journeys start. Among the as a hundred taverns on free drinks day. In reality
stinky taverns, recruiting houses (both forced this isn’t an island, but the overturned shell of an
Abyssal Turtle used as a ship by the Gigantusks, centuries ago right here, with the construction of
a crew of giants led by siblings Boriona and the Stoneamagic Platforms (special constructions
Tallos, plus a third sibling no one ever remembers that extract amagical energy from the seabed
the name of, knowns simply as Dude. to this day) by the Rasputead Kingdom. When
Queen Melo Dee, fed up with wars over the
control of amagical sources, discovered that the
Flatterdom precious energy was also found under the waters
In the lands of illusion, this has become even of the Broken Sea, she began to build warships
more present, adapting to the expansionist aims of and transport ships with the task of erecting


its inhabitants, who began to think about power, amagical sea extractors. After learning about it,
profit and industrialization. Perhaps tired of a life the other kingdoms did the same, giving life to
spent daydreaming, they decided to open their another great war within the continent, this time
eyes to dreams (get the pun?) learning to exploit no longer fought on the plains, now tired of seeing
them as if they were an inexhaustible source of blood, but above the sea waves.
wishes. In the coming years desertions, losses and
Training one's mind to dream is by no means simple military leave which turned into eternal
child's play, but for Flatterdom this resulted in holidays, gave birth to a new breed of great
replacing balloon forests and salty jelly rivers navigators, though this is not the official version.
with huge stone buildings that soar to the sky However, staying true to its reputation of
and produce never-before-seen weapons, great being a war-prone continent, Fooldom gave birth
cities where houses change shape according to to the fiercest and most warmongering crews in
the whims of their citizens, clearings with mobile all of the Sea of Mora. The ships of Father Bell's
grass carpets called tread-plains and so on. All Heptabuccaneers set sail from the Holyturn
these oddities represent the wishing chaos of the Kingdom, intending to spread the word of the
living, who often don't even know what they want, heptacaidecaists to all the indigenous tribes
but are willing to do anything to get it. They’re (beating it into them, if necessary). The Royal
spoiled, I say. Fleet of Red Vespers, ruled by Melo Dee’s direct
Seeing in the Age of Undead Buccaneers an descendant, Nikolaj Singmoar, instead extended
opportunity to expand their aims towards the sea, its control over almost the entire Broken Sea.
they began to try to replicate the forces of whodo, Then there are the Grim Corsairs’ Vindicta
eventually giving life to Dream-Condensers: from the Lugubrious Kingdom, Krak-A-Toe's
surrogate shamans so full of amagic that they Guanossa from the Triskerial Kingdom, and the
almost explode, used as inexhaustible dream War Arks from the Warriful Kingdom, massive
generators. What exactly is happening in those ships with only one purpose: to sink each other.
lands I can't say either, but it is almost certain
that it’s there that the next age of the world will Limpdom
begin. Let's hope it doesn't come now that I've just What better way to relax than going to the
learned how to steer a ship. beach? Well, the citizens of the laziest continent
As for the sea, Flatterdom has given birth to of the World of Mora made this thought their
the most bizarre pirate crews, such as the Flying mantra and, thanks to it, focused all their (little)
Flattermen of Variala Alavaria, a fleet of sailing energy on the naval industry. Not to excel in battle
ships capable of flying thanks to enormous bird or to explore new worlds or even to trade with
wings and equipped with dangerous sentence- distant countries - simply because the idea of
shooting cannons, or Monsieur Le Mouton's building a full-optional boat and letting yourself
Deleterious Dreamers, a crew whose sailors be pushed by the waves of the sea was too great a
sleep continuously, giving life to their destructive dream not to be fulfilled. Thus, the largest cities of
dreams thanks to their captain, one of the most Limpdom, moving thanks to gigantic mechanical
powerful Dream-Condensers on the continent. limbs, settled along the coasts of the continent and
here they were transformed into shipyards, ready
to satisfy the needs of every idle swimmer and
Fooldom sailor.
Finally, let’s talk about the center of the world, Since practically all kingdoms turn to
the mild, small but intrusive Fooldom which, as Limpdom to buy ships of all shapes and sizes, its
everyone knows, is the beating heart of the World citizens could be said to have been the forerunners
of Mora. Its beats are few, but when it pulsates it of the Age of Undead Buccaneers. In fact, they
spreads its strength and its contaminating will to learned the name by accident. They just wanted
all other continents. And so it happened - indeed, to build ships to relax off the coast, regardless of
they say that the Age of Undead Buccaneers began which ones they were pulled into.
Limpdom doesn’t have crews of warriors, Trivialdom
prospectors or particularly well-known sailors, Over the years, more and more different people
but it certainly has the largest and most luxurious began to tread the lands of Trivialdom: in addition
ships you will ever see sailing the four seas. The to dwarves, elves, gnomes and mail order sellers,
largest of all, even larger than the Galeomundi we now have half-elves, half-dwarves, half-elves-
Mary Drown, is the Reina de Siesta: it has no half dwarfs, half-elves-half gnomes - half-sellers
sails or ropes (no one would want to get their and… you get it. These unique beings were born
hands on them), its hull is made of iron and it’s when the original species were forced to unite to
said to be powered by pure amagical energy, face new malevolent species, such as that of the

puffing from twenty-four chimneys. Its captain is wolf-men, leech-men or man-men.

Lord Dontmoov who, together with practically Exploring the boundaries of species this way
all the citizens of his former Kingdom, sails the led the inhabitants of Trivialdom to go beyond the
seas sleeping, swimming in the pool and drinking boundaries of their continent itself, forming crews
drinks with little umbrellas in them. of explorers among the most tenacious and eager
Limpdom is also home to the most famous to know all the lands of the world, on top of their
and exclusive harbor ever, managed by Madame more colorful ones.
Slotha. They say that mooring your boat for a day An example is the Speciesprobes of Kusplei
can cost even a whole month’s pay, but the markets d'Altemura, an elf whose wish is that his crew
are well stocked and the clubs are definitely fun. be made up of all different species. I mean fish.
Or again, the Small Close-knit Flotilla of Golzo
Beardchard, made up of no less than one hundred
and fifty boats, each carrying a couple of members
of different species, forced to sail to learn how
to overcome their respective differences. And it
works, except that couples become so close that
they start to hunt others.


The name Sea of Mora refers to the union of Because of the Maelstombs, which appear and
the four seas it consists of. Actually, they should disappear quickly, and the forces of whodo which
be called oceans, but try and explain that to the mutate and shuffle the lands, updated maps of the
cartographers. The Four Seas in turn contain other Four Seas are worth a lot of money, while older
smaller seas, as well as a great variety of islands ones are about as useful as a napkin for a castaway


and harbors. without any food.
In which of these seas did you die?

“And when the seas are swollen with men’s selfishness and greed, then they will be engulfed by the tides and the
world drowned in a spiral of salt water, while we soar blissfully in the sky. Believe me brothers. And keep building
your paper wings!”
[Crumenifer Twistbeak, Chieftain of the Ohovipary]

The Angery Sea touches the eastern coasts of Queen swims within this perimeter, the first-born
Limpdom, the southern coasts of Cupidardom and daughter of whodo, who, in addition to having
Fooldom, plus the western coasts of Trivialdom. the power to control the whole sea, has legions
It’s not the largest sea, but it’s certainly the one of mermaids under her command. Everyday
where trade is the most prosperous and therefore Livingjoy divers descend into the depths of this
where you’re more likely to come across crews of area, determined to meet and forge an alliance
pirates looking for some easy loot. with the sweet singing queen.
But the Angery Sea is also known for another There are at least thirty necrohulls roaming
disturbing feature: they say that somewhere in these waters, five of which belong to the
its depths lies the cradle of the Kraken, a regular Sisterhood of the Grim Temptresses, who joined
guest of the Orchard for some time now. Despite their underwater towers together to form a sort of
this, however, it seems that the Kraken was not gloomy castle capable of diving underwater and
the only being to inhabit these abysses: in fact, for emerging, carrying with it an army of over four
some years now, it seems that the Krakil, better hundred undead pirates. At the top of the tallest
known as the Sons of the Kraken, have been tower, belonging to the head of the sisterhood.
migrating from its cradle. Could the lair of one of Grimiferya O’Brackish, stands the banner of
the largest and most destructive creatures of the the Grim Temptresses, an overturned heart from
seas hide a nest full of its progeny? And if so… which eight spider legs sprout.
where is Mrs. Kraken?
The approximately four hundred islands that
dot these waters make the Angery Sea the most PIRATES IN THE ANGERY SEA
populated sea in the Sea of Mora (forgive the The rate of pirates in the Angery Sea is fairly
repetitions). high, but only the strongest crews manage to
survive and thrive here, while the others are shot
down by Livingjoys or by pirates who, well, are
LIVINGJOYS AND just doing their job. The richness of these waters
NECROLOVERS IN THE leads many pirates to think they can quickly amass
ANGERY SEA a fortune, but almost all of them end up touching
Almost a third of the islands and harbors the seabed on their first boarding.
of the Angery Sea are under the control of the The most famous pirate of the Angery Sea is
Livingjoys, many of whom protect the ships the imposing and susceptible Enricarda Drago
of the idle and wealthy sailors of Limpdom full from the Warriful Kingdom of Fooldom, dubbed
time in exchange for a generous fee. The most Yellowbeard due to her very thick hair, so thick
famous of these islands are certainly the Blighted and knotted that it frames her chin.
Mermaids, under the control of the Joyvernor
Rotger "El Feliz" Woods: these are five islands
about fifty miles from each other and arranged to
form a star. The Livingjoys claim that the Mermaid
Very few islands are run by pirates, but at the In the face of these cowardly assaults,
same time they are the most protected, as well the pioneer Gurpfish Squishyrind devised a
as the most visited by any buccaneer looking for navigation technique to exit the Maelstombs
shelter and refreshment. The largest is Tortoga, before reaching the sea surface. Taking advantage
so famous that it even has its own counterpart of the updraft of the vortex, the ship is pushed into
in the Orchard: Mortuga. Forever governed by the depths at great speeds and is thus able to go
free sailors, it was conquered by the Livingjoys right by any possible waiting attacker. If you try
during the first months of the Age of Undead this, remember to lower the sails.
Buccaneers. In reality, the pirates voluntarily gave

up the territory, waiting for the Livingjoys to erect

their fortress to then conquer it with a sudden ANGERY SEA TRIBES
assault - those pirates were all great warriors, Only a tenth of the islands in the Angery Sea
but none of them had studied architecture. With is inhabited by indigenous tribes and, between
the great fortress under pirate control, Tortoga the Heptacaidecaist missionaries and the frequent
grew and prospered. Here dead and alive pirates conquests by the Livingjoys, their number is
enjoy themselves day and night, and many of the destined to decrease. To face this growing threat,
greatest adventures in history began at its docks. more and more tribes on the run are settling on
Easter Monday Island, originally inhabited by
the indigenous Ohovipary who are said to be
DECEASED IN THE descended from a lineage of celestial birds and,
ANGERY SEA therefore, born inside eggs. The chieftain of the
Everyday the Orchard pours dozens of crews Ohovipary, Crumenifer Twistbeak, takes care
fresh from the abyss into the Angery Sea who, of all tribes seeking shelter, provided that its
convinced that thanks to death they can easily members pray to the same gods, the Ten Raptors,
plunder any passing rich ships, instead find whose stone busts protrude from the ground of
themselves facing Livingjoys in war gear, who the highest mountain in the island. According to
often wait patiently near a Maelstomb, ready to Crumenifer, one day they will awake from their
blow out any battered hull that comes out of the slumber and fly the whole island back to the bird
water with their cannons. world from which they came.

“Even with no hood and no skin on the face, I'm sure I've seen that smile before. Even when he was alive his
sightings struck fear even in hearts that had been still for decades and now he's back in a new form to haunt our
seas. But you know what? I had too much to drink and I can't remember who the hell I’m talking about!"
[Elder Oldbrush, deceased from the age of heroes]

The waters of the Broken Sea are the most The Broken Sea holds almost two hundred
populated with deceased: it’s here that newly islands, many of which are just handkerchiefs
resurrected crews love to venture and the reasons with signs leading to the other more important
range from the scarcity of Livingjoys to the high islands.
concentration of Maelstombs, all the way to the
multiple islands managed entirely by undead
pirates, who use them as holiday homes.
The Broken Sea is a godsend for all pirates NECROLOVERS IN THE
who have no particular aspirations of wealth and BROKEN SEA
who are not interested in filling their holds with Only a dozen harbors and islands are under
treasures, but with rum. But let’s be clear - this the control of the Livingjoys here and the reason
does not mean that there aren’t any dangers. In is their lack of resources and strategic points:
fact, another thing that abounds in these seas is the seas of Fooldom are crowded by constant
abyssal monsters, who love to munch on the wars between the kingdoms, while the coasts of
bones of the living as much as those of the dead. Cupidardom are nothing but rocky deserts and
If it's good, old-fashioned adventure you're after beaches with more sea urchins than sand. Initially
and if you're not afraid of tentacles over fifteen there weren't even many deceased to hunt, but their
meters long hugging your hull (and especially if meager deployment of forces meant that these
you've yet to learn how to steer a ship) then the actually proliferated. Now it’s too late to regain
Broken Sea is for you. control of the Broken Sea, although rumors say
that Rotger Woods has sent a formidable captain, DECEASED IN THE
his cousin, to drown the dead’s wanderlust. His
name is Vasco “Teeth-Freezer” Montorn, who
by himself governs the Red Pellican, a sailing While it’s true that undead pirates often bear
ship over which he’s said to have complete Marks of Dishonor, in the Broken Sea especially
control thanks to the powers of a Knick Knack of it’s extremely difficult to find one that has never
the Conquistamuertes. been marked by at least one purple swirl. This is
On the contrary, upon learning of the high because, with their desire to have fun and with the
concentration of deceased in these parts, the light-heartedness that they boast, they violate one


Necrolovers moved in great numbers, and even of the primary laws of the Orchard: no pro-death
those who distrusted life at sea stuck their towers campaigning.
in the water to go and feast on inexperienced One pirate among these violated this law so
deceased. Sixteen of the twenty-five Necrolovers many times that he had more than thirty Marks
present here have formed the Circle of Nets, of Dishonor, which he also distributed on five
where once a month the famous Marine Deceased skulls of other captains he defeated in battle. He
Hunts are held, in which the Necrolovers invest doesn't have a name, but they call him Bonsmile
all their resources and their powers to capture because of his smile, so wide and with such sharp
as many dead as possible, who are then sold at teeth that it has nothing to do with that of a human
Circle auctions. Fidèlia Lecrost is the reigning skeleton. Also, he’s said to be a Livingjoy who
champion of the club, with more than fifty crews was once quite famous.
of captive pirates.

BROKEN SEA Just like its sailors, members of the tribes of
There aren't many living pirate crews around the Broken Sea also have fun and get crazy, not
here, as many are quickly drawn to the allure of a having to fear raids aimed at subjugating them.
scurvy-free life at sea. For this reason, sailors of Their islands, thirty in all, gladly harbor both
the Broken Sea are also the most reckless and least pirates and the dead, and beyond that, some of
careful about things like curses, outnumbered them are even excellent seafarers who, on more
assaults and bad hygiene. Those who survive than one occasion, have left their mark in the
become the most feared daredevils of the four history of navigation. Among these tribes of
seas, so unpredictable and crazy in their idea of navigators we find the Cartomancers, famous
freedom and wealth that they’re capable of any for having learned the art of cartography by
feat, especially those where their life is at stake. asking the gods of the stars in which they believe.
Some of them, such as the notorious Captain Equally renowned are the Wundabarrs, locals
Han Some, known as Redcomb, have challenged characterized by such thick hair that they resemble
fate so many times that they are considered almost amagical creatures, and experts in hunting abyssal
immortal. As much as they want or are ready monsters.
to welcome death, there seems to be no deed Among the sedentary tribes worthy of note are
foolish enough to guarantee them a place in the the Zombulu, whose whodo priests are able to
Orchard. You know what they say, right? Wanting resurrect their brothers and sisters without letting
something is the best way NOT to get it! them arrive in the Orchard.
“You don't get power from rifles, cannons or armed crews, power is hidden inside a chest filled with the powers
of the world beyond ours… plus guns, cannons and armed crews!”
[Erick Brass, Joyvernor of Isla Trombòn]

North of the Sea of Mora, where temperatures PIRATES IN THE WAITEN SEA
drop as you get closer to the apex of the world The Waiten Sea is only for the most famous
and where islands are shrouded in dark mysteries, pirates: there are only eight crews that sail its

the waters of the Waiten Sea open up, suited only waters and all their ships, none excluded, have
for the most daring, treasure-hungry navigators come together to form the Grand Alliance of
and pirates. Here, where death is always lurking Stubborn Marauders, ruled by Grand Admiral
around the corner and death-death is immediately Ubaldiero Libeccio, known as "Greenbrow
behind it, treasures await to be unearthed only by ” because of his very thick emerald-colored
the most deserving sailors, who, at the same time, eyebrows, which he keeps in order with
must be ready to face the curses they contain. the Obsidian Comb, a Knick Knack of the
Epic battles, slumbering giant sea monsters Conquistamuertes. In addition to hair, this item
emerging, and storms as violent as a god’s coughing is also able to "comb" the sails of other people's
fits are daily occurrences, so much so that anyone who ships, which get torn apart by sharp cuts with
survives its waters can say they are a true sea dog… black edges.
or a deceased who picked the wrong Maelstomb. The Alliance has three small islands, plus
The Waiten Sea washes the coasts north of Krakil Rock, a large rocky atoll where their
Trivialdom and Limpdom, and its waters host less headquarters are located, built entirely from
than a hundred known islands, but it’s believed that Krakil bones. All pirates are welcome, provided
those still unexplored are more than double that. they bring a symbol of their courage as a gift,
such as the wig of a Joyvernor, the banner of an
opposing crew or… the bone of a Krakil.
The Livingjoys can barely maintain control Ships coming from the Orchard once
over their twelve islands and harbors, which abounded in the Waiten Sea and their crews
they mainly use to ensure a provision and trade scoffed at the dangers of these waters for years.
network. For this reason, ships carrying provisions “We can't die anyway,” they said, only to realize
and basic necessities (such as clean wigs for the that death-death is not the only destiny that the
Joyvernors) are very well protected and only the Waiten Sea had in store for them. In these parts
most armored ships are able to attack them. On the storms are so imbued with the forces of
the other hand, the Livingjoys in these parts don't whodo that they even close the Maelstombs, or
have much time to go hunting for the dead. hurl ships miles away, ending up causing most
It’s also said that on Isla Trombòn, so called of the adventurers to get lost in its waves. The
because the volcano at its center resembles the living who cannot find their way back arrive in
mouth of a trumpet, Joyvernor Erick Brass has the Orchard, but for the dead there is a much
three Knick Knacks of the Conquistamuertes, worse fate. They become Lost: corpses who
whose strength he seeks to combine in order to have lost their minds, becoming extremely
control the Waiten Sea. Some argue that the power violent, and attracted to anything that might
generated by this trio of Knick Knacks is what’s point them towards some sea route that could
wreaking havoc on the waters of these seas. save them from their eternal damnation.
Brass’ Knick Knacks attracted the Necrolover The most notorious Lost in the world sails
Desmond Jarvis “DJ Nou” Nouarc, who appears in the Waiten Sea: Malvilda "Broken Needle"
to be hoarding abyssal puffer fish from the Orchard Cardinal, who with the huge Décès Barque
to make a destructive attack on the island, using goes in search of other Lost to inflate the ranks
them as landing crafts for his army of Lost pirates. of her crew. They say that her navigator is a
In addition to Desmond, there are about fifteen giant and that the wheel is made up of more
other Necrolovers, all experts in banner hunting. than forty wheels taken from the wrecks of
They gather in Port Rotten, a landing whose exact ships torn down by the Décès.
location is unknown, exchanging banners and resting
their backs after the brutality of the Waiten Sea.
TRIBES IN THE WAITEN SEA No one in their right mind would attempt to
Between cannibals, bone hunters and tax approach an island in the Waiten Sea under the
evaders, the tribes living in the islands of the control of a tribe, because their fate would be
Waiten Sea are among the most violent in seeing whatever’s left of their body used as an
the world. They do not tolerate any intrusion amagical ragdoll or as decoration for the holidays.
and are ready to attack anyone who lands on However, these islands hide the most precious
their shores. Almost all members are first and treasures of all and the most powerful Ancient
foremost skilled warriors and use their strength, Caskets, such as the one hidden in the depths
mixed with the most powerful whodo spells, in of Bogey Island, at the end of a maze so full of


order to increase it. In each of these islands traps that not even a cockroach could land on it.
there are dozens of whodo shamans, who gather The casket is said to hold the power to turn the sea
in circles capable of awakening the innermost upside down, thus revealing all the secrets, wrecks
forces of these abysses. and treasures of the seabed... and killing a lot of fish.

“I will avenge my brother John the bold, my brother James the reckless and Franco, taken in the prime of their
lives! Then I will also avenge my sister abandoned at the altar, my father who caught a cold on a cruise, the dog
stung by bees, and then again my cousin..."
[Earnest of Deeprock, vengeful pirate]

The one called Wheeze, which in the Land those built on islands and harbors, are erected
of Fooldom is known as Wheezy Ocean, is the at strategic points in order to bombard passing
smallest sea, mainly occupied by three of the targets with long-range cannons. The Livingjoys
largest islands in the world, which fall within the who live in these structures almost never go out,
borders of Flatterdom and Limpdom. isolating themselves to the point of spending time
Furthermore, the depths of this sea are the on useless practices such as the bombardment of
shallowest ever and shallows and stony expanses birds or role-playing games.
abound on the surface of the water, so much so The Livingjoy John “Round Smile”
that many of its islands are artificial and formed by Shortball is considered the most infallible sniper
piers and wrecks of stranded ships. Only the most of the Wheeze Sea, so much so that he travels
experienced and cunning navigators are capable from fort to fort to put his skills as an olympic
of crossing these seas without “scratching” their gunner at the service of the Joyvernors.
keel against a rock outcropping or hitting the The Livingjoys also own five harbors in the
massive body of a whale. large islands of Flatterdom and Limpdom (the
The Wheeze Sea touches the eastern coast of latter managed by Joyvernor Val Goodjoy), but
Flatterdom and the western coasts of Limpdom Earnest of Deeprock’s pirates are organizing a
and Fooldom, making it in fact a warmongering massive assault that aims to conquer them in one
sea, as well as full of commercial trade, so much fell swoop.
so that it has given life to the Rottenaries, crews of This is also the only sea with a large number
expert sailors with the task of guiding, protecting, of Necrolover islands. Seven in all, from whose
fighting and acting as entertainers for anyone who center their menacing towers emerge which, with
can afford their services. a snap of the fingers, settle down on the ground
The Wheeze Sea hosts three hundred islands and roll towards the water to plunge into the
in all, a third of which are artificial and under the abyss. It’s rumored that the immortal (or dead and
control of different factions. resurrected) Miserduke Mortuarius lives on these
blasphemous islands, full of arcane altars and
nudist beaches.
The Wheeze Sea is famous for its floating Who dominates piracy in these seas is
Joyforts, which are nothing more than fortresses undoubtedly Earnest of Deeprock, the third
built over some of the shallows, making them of four brothers, all killed at the hand of Val
unreachable by any boat. These forts, smaller than Goodjoy, towards whom he has sworn revenge.
On Goodjoy’s Joyfort the three heads of John, Once these three pirates are freed and reunited
James and Franco stand out above all the others, under a single banner, it’s believed that nothing
waiting for their little brother to come and rescue and no one will be able to stop them from
them and bring them back to the Orchard. Earnest, conquering the Wheeze Sea.
called Bluestache after he raised a can of blue paint
instead of a mug of rum to his lips, can count on
a fleet of more than sixty ships. Attracted by the TRIBES IN THE WHEEZE SEA
benevolence and honor of this man, many crews The Wheeze Sea is known for the nomadic
join his crusade: especially those of the dead, who tribes that cross its waters. On foot. However,

ask nothing more than to destroy the Livingjoys the stories of indigenous people who, thanks to
once and for all. whodo, appeared to be able to walk on the surface
of the water have been disproven by careful
exploration, which revealed shoals so extensive
DECEASED IN THE that they branch out to form passages between
WHEEZE SEA some of the islands where indigenous tribes
The brothers Tall John Gold, Little James dwell. This constant migration leads to the mixing
Copper and Franco are so famous around here of religions, creeds and customs of the almost
that they have unwittingly given birth to religious eighteen great tribes of the Wheeze Sea, who in
orders that see them as their patrons. The flags the end found it more practical to found a single
of almost all the crews of the dead who sail or religion rather than carrying idols and amulets
arrive in the Wheeze Sea are enriched with the with them on travels. This tribal religion, called
Gold Stone, in honor of Tall John Gold, protector Alsorz-ov-Dingz, includes a pantheon so diverse
of holds (but only full ones), with the Powder that it has a god or goddess for everything: rocks,
Jem, symbol of Little James Copper, protector of plants, insects, huts, roasts, and even a god who
ammunition dumps, or with Franco's Napkin, as a keeps track of all the others. In these islands even
good luck symbol for smooth sailing. simply stepping on a plant may anger the gods
and, therefore, the locals who live there.


There are people born to be captains and others who have to wait for death to become one. This is the case with Captain Jack Scarrow,
known as Jacques Carreau when he was still in the flesh, who spent all thirty-eight years of his life chasing a dream that seemed unattainable
for him: to own a ship, a crew and above all, a custom flag. He worked on every type of ship and served as a deckhand under every kind
of banner: he served as a sailor, as an apprentice Livingjoy, as a solitary navigator and even as a parrot for a rather eccentric captain who liked
to put him on his shoulders. All this unfortunately led to nothing, so the only thing left for him to do was try piracy. According to what they
said, to rise among the ranks of the most stinking sailors it was enough to take without asking. And that was what he did with the Purple
Ostrich, the ship of Captain Bonestache, a pirate as notorious in life as in death. In fact Bonestache - who suffocated to death when his pet
monkey out of spite dropped a peanut in his mouth while he was sleeping - ever since resurrecting as Squishy has increased his buccaneering
activities, managing to put together a mixed crew of almost three hundred pirates with and without flesh in a very short time.
When Jacques took the anchor off the Purple Oyster while it was moored off an unexplored island, he could not have known that he
had just signed his death warrant. His escape didn't last long, also because in all those years as an apprentice, there was only one thing he
had never done: take the wheel. So it was that he ran aground in a shoal after just five miles.
Bonestache’s lifeboats reached him and in a short time Jacques found himself in front of his executioner, who drew his pistol, aimed it
at his forehead and… click. Nothing. Due to the wet gunpowder, the gun misfired. Bonestache is certainly one of the meanest, cruelest,
rudest and most ill-mannered pirates there are, but like many seafarers, he is superstitious - he decreed that, since the pistol had not fired,
Jacques was protected by the gods and therefore deserved a second chance.
But Pickhord, one of Bonestache’s sailors, still suggested that they teach him a lesson and use the pistol as a club. Bonestache
consented, he made Jacques place his hand on a rock and… and… etchoo! The peanut-flavored breath, to which Jacques was allergic,
unleashed a sneeze so violent that the scoundrel’s head snapped forward just as the gun lowered, thus making it crash into his
skull instead of his knuckles and killing him instantly.
After a moment of silence, Bonestache and his friends burst into laughter and set off again, leaving Jacques' body on a rock
outcropping from the water.
Now that the renamed Jack Scarrow has returned to adventure, his dream of becoming a captain is even stronger and
among his unfinished business the recovery of the Purple Oyster stands out and consequently, the title that - according
to him - is rightfully his!
Chapter 2 - T he Har...Bones

Now take a moment to look around.

Isn’t all this wonderful? Squashbucklers
dangling from ropes hanging from the
sky, newly resurrected sailors in line
to get back on board a battered tub,
pirates playing Sword-point - you can
experience all this and much more only
in the harbors of the Orchard! You must
know that once upon a time the inhabited
centers in these parts consisted only of
the Mortopolis, but already centuries
ago the Lords of the Orchard began to
entrust more and more Pities with also
erecting offices in the Salt Fields, more
precisely along the coasts that separate
the mainland from the gloomy seas of
the Orchard.
The aim was to establish communication
by sea with the other Mortopolis and
also offer a ferry service for souls who,
for a handful of vouchers, could go and
visit the other wonderful cities of the
Thus, at the Pities’ usual pace, the
first harbors slowly arose and, with
them, the centers from where practically
all the Undead Buccaneers raise anchors
and set sail for the seas of the two
“Go to the beach, they said. There, a future made up of roaring waves and Skinnies in bathing suits awaits you,
they said... But no one ever said anything about having found a cursed harbor!”
[Malemanner, Pity-Founder of Isla de Cucaracha]

As I’ve already mentioned, long story short, Captain Macabr really did his best to hoist the
the Age of Undead Buccaneers began when the flag of justice on the Sargone Sea once again, but
living started to find ever more colorful ways to the war between him and the pirates of Mortuga

die at sea instead of on land. However, here in was abruptly stopped by the Kraken’s arrival in
the Orchard, preparations had already begun on the Orchard, one of the largest and most ancient
the foundations to support this change (no one abyssal creatures of the Sea of Mora, which
can say that the Lords aren’t far-sighted): the first reduced the boats of the two factions to splinters.
Harbones, ports licensed by the Orchard, from The creature’s fury continued to reap souls until
which today we souls can set sail to go to the Sea a group of brave heroes managed to appease the
of Mora and vice versa, began to arise in the height sea monster with the help of the sweet melodies
of the age of heroes. And it’s precisely the story of of the Krakillon, an object created by Necrolover
one of these that lay the foundations on which the Davy Bones. But by then it was too late: Macabr
Age of Undead Buccaneers stands today. disappeared mysteriously, and without him no one
was able to control the spread of piracy and the
strengthening of Mortuga, which grew to become
THE SARGONE SEA the capital of pirates in the Orchard.
During the Age of Heroes there were very few
known seas and even fewer were those with a name,
given to them by the deceased most hungry for
conquest (or simply by the most creative ones). The
most famous sea, which extends beyond the borders
of the Mortopolis of Bandead, is the Sargone Sea.
Here some dead, whom one may call the forerunners
of piracy, gave themselves over to the most unbridled
banditry: they built ships and illegal borders to rise
and sow panic on the coasts of the world of the living
as well as on those of the Orchard.
It was an honorable Windy sailor named EDWARD “DEADBEARD” TIC
Macabr who tried to put a stop to the rampant One of the most famous pirates spat out
crime of these pirates, founding Mort Royal, a by Mortuga's unhealthy belly was Edward
lighthouse harbor for the salvation of the Sargone "Deadbeard" Tic. Such was his ambition
Sea. Macabr's victory against the pirates was that he struck a deal with the Necrolover
complete and this seemed to lead to a period of Davy Bones, to whom he commissioned
tranquility and peace which, however, would not the construction of the Krakillon. That's
last long. While the Lords of the Orchard rewarded right, the very tool that ultimately inhibited
Macabr and Mort Royal with independence the Kraken's fury was originally designed
from the Mortopolis and the chance to manage to control it. Tic's plan was to engage a
their own legal borders in the Sargone Sea, the fairly gullible group of dead to recover the
surviving pirates crept into the gears of this new Krakillon from the world of the living on
order, exploiting it to set up shady businesses and his behalf. Once in control of the beast, Tic
to rebuild their crews… and they also littered! would eliminate the hired dead and then
Gradually. piracy returned, stronger than ever take control of the Sargone Sea.
before, and when Macabr realized it it was already However, his dreams of glory were
too late: the bandits of the seas had already extinguished by that group of gullible
founded another harbor - Mortuga. deceased, after which he fled and never
returned, just like Macabr. It’s said that the
two have been fighting a fierce eternal battle
The End of Mort Royal ever since in a stretch of sea of the Orchard
The Lords giveth, the Lords taketh away, and so unknown even to the Lords.
it was with Macabr's power over Mort Royal. At first
the Lords of the Orchard gave him an ultimatum: he
could either put a stop to piracy in the Sargone Sea,
or their pact would fail. Sorry, I meant decay.
THE FOUNDING OF THE Both the pirates and the bandits of Salt
HARBONES Fields ferociously opposed this invasion by the
Despite the failure of Mort Royal, it was now Pities, but their protests, attempts at sabotage
evident to the Lords of the Orchard that their and banners bearing curse words (which I won't
jurisdiction had to extend beyond the coasts, in repeat because I'm a gentleman) were useless.
order to curb what seemed to be a disease even Thus it was that, strengthened by the protection of
more dangerous than that represented by the honorable dead, the first Undead Port Authority
common bandits of the Salt Fields. Thus the was erected on Isla de Cucaracha, the nerve
projects for the founding of the Harbones were center from which the Orchard’s bureaucracy

created, the first of which arose - wouldn’t you spread throughout the seas.
know it - in the Salt Fields near the Mortopolis of
Bandead, on Isla de Cucaracha to be precise.

“You know the old adage - as long as the boat’s moving, let it be? - Well, I think it referred to it moving AHEAD,
[Mr. Smeeg, Navigator on the Swallow Sea]

Soon the Harbones arose along all the coasts There are many whirlpools, but unless you have a
of the Salt Fields, from the Mortopolis of Bandead permit signed by a Pity and with a marked destination,
to that of Flatterdom. With them, however, illegal they’ll spit the ship back into a random spot on the
harbors also increased and, as did the rules of Sea of Mora at the speed of a catapult’s bullet.
maritime transit. Now the seas of the Orchard
are teeming with harbors, islands inhabited by
indigenous people and others where there are HARBONES AND
clusters of shacks and wrecks, within which the BUCCHARBORS
most notorious pirates of both worlds hatch plans There are essentially two types of ports where
to overthrow the Orchard Navy. you can dock your tub: Harbones and Buccharbors.
The former are those under the management of the
Lords of the Orchard and therefore where there
DESCENT INTO are one or more Undead Port Authorities, while
MURKINESS the latter are harbors thousands of nodes away
Before the Maelstombs were born, those who from legality where the worst kind of bandits from
died at sea reached their Mortopolis like all the the world of the dead gather. For comparison,
others, but since the Gravehoppers took to the the concentration of scoundrels present in the
sea, becoming Abyss-hoppers, whoever meets the Buccharbors is the same that you could find in the
reaper while sailing the waters of the World of Underground Tunnels of the Mortopolis.
Mora ends up in those of the Orchard. Now, you may be wondering which of the two
The entry procedures for the Windies, the we are in, since around here it’s full of drunken
Stuffies and the Skinnies are the same as always, corpses, brothels with dubious aesthetic taste (not
while the Squishies, called the Bloaties by some in to mention the staff) and pirates arm wrestling and
this age, must be thrown (or be “lucky” enough to cursing at each other. Well, you are in a Harbone!
die) near a Maelstomb, so they can be swallowed Although the Pities are present in large numbers,
and sent to the Orchard straight away... always the fact that the Lords of the Orchard rarely get
accounting for the standard paperwork waiting to keep an eye on them (as well as the fact that
times. the Pities themselves aren't particularly happy
Then, the deceased find themselves in these to be here… but when are they ever?) makes
waters aboard a ramshackle boat and in the the Harbones somewhat loose places. Fights,
company of a fluttering blue flame which has the robberies, forced enlistments and jokes in bad
task of guiding them towards the nearest Harbone. taste are the norm, especially in those Harbones
In order to return to the world of the living, with more taverns than homes. That is, all of
however, it’s necessary to have a rising permit them. This doesn't mean that foreheads won’t be
filled out at a Undead Port Authority and then jump marked with Marks of Dishonor or that the Scythe
into one of the gigantic whirlpools that connect Nuns have a hard time entering a harbor, so be
the seas of the Orchard to the Maelstombs. good. Just, not too much.
In the Buccharbors, on the other hand, it’s a even though they’re dismantled, broken down and
completely different tune: they are populated with burned in the Grinding Ovens, they contain drops
evil and ruthless deceased, who gather together of energy which, once released, travels through
sacking the coasts of the Orchard and assaulting the Orchard in its original form.
ferries of souls traveling towards the Mortopolis, Fortunately, it seems that the indigenous
Orchard Navy ships and the Pities’ Raftitoes. people of the Atolls, through their ceremonies and
Like any place run by self-respecting bandits, in beach bonfires, recall part of the whodo energy
the Buccharbors you can find contraband goods, released from the chests, though not enough to
fake maps to sell to your worst enemies and keep them all under control.

the precious Flush Shells, capable of creating Now, what’s the danger of whodo roaming free
whirlpools that lead straight into the world of the in the seas of the Orchard? Simple: it creates other
living without the need for rising permits . chests, like those in the world of the living. The
difference is that these pitch-black chests dripping
with purplish ichor hide neither treasure nor dead
Life (and Death) as a Pirate energy, but the dreaded Greapers. Basically, when
When you think of pirates, you can't help but one of these chests is opened, the amagic collects
picture rough, stinking seafarers with eyepatches information from our world as it does with that
and wooden legs, sword in one hand and a glass of of the living but, instead of creating fantastic or
rum in the other. In short, clichés. But as corny as it bizarre creatures, it creates the antithesis of death,
sounds, well, that's exactly right! Especially when which in this case is not life but the death of death.
it comes to the Orchard, however, it’s necessary to So far, reports of sightings of Greapers are
be more specific. Being a risen pirate doesn't have so rare that many don't even believe in their
to mean looting and pushing prisoners onto the existence. But what if I told you that I've seen
plank to see a nice acrobatic dive. Piracy means one? Forget it, you wouldn't believe me. What’s
freedom: freedom from the laws (not those of the for sure is that every day more treasures are
Orchard though!), freedom from skin subject to brought into the Orchard and this makes me think
sunburn, freedom to be able to scan the horizon that with all those riches up there on the surface,
again from the deck of a ship and go in search amagic, or whodo, has devised an infallible plan
of precious treasure. It means being able to hand to finally reach us.
over your Death Certificate with pride and with Anyway, talking about these disturbing stuff
so much loot in your pocket that you could buy made me thirsty. How about buying me a drink?
yourself a place in the most exclusive heavens. Oh yeah, I forgot you don't have any vouchers.
Although people like you and me (though in Might as well continue with the tour.
your case I'm not sure) are not ruthless criminals
like the pirates who inhabit the Buccharbors, we’re
still considered as such because we steal from the ECTOCORAL
world of the living and bring the spoils down here Ectoglue, the glue of the world of the dead, the
to the Orchard, where they’re converted into large miraculous sticky mucus that holds houses and
amounts of energy for the Mortopolis. Of course, bones together and is even excellent for building
we’re given something in return, we don't do it for trampolines, also exists under the surface of the
the glory (not only at least), but it’s also true that seas of the Orchard. Normally the herbicide effect
with our conquests we ensure an unprecedented of our waters works on ectoglue as on the coasts,
supply of dead energy! consuming it rapidly to avoid its uncontrolled
spread, but sometimes, from the depths of the
ground, a lump of ectoglue travels and grows
WHODO IN THE ORCHARD until it bursts near the coast, pouring into the
Like amagic, whodo also changes once it enters sea even at depths of kilometers. This process
the Orchard. However, we must not forget that the is so sudden that our sea is unable to destroy the
treasures we recover from the world of the living yellowish substance, which nevertheless hardens
are made of the same energy that the Orchard and fragments, partly returning to the surface and
has been trying to keep at bay for centuries, and partly settling on the submerged cliffs.
This particular material is called ectocoral: the hulls of most ships of the dead (since they sure
it maintains the yellowish color of ectocolla, wouldn’t float to the surface with all the holes they
but takes on branched and stocky shapes and is have) as well as to forge special floating shoes,
as hard as iron. Though ectocoral does not have floating mines and so on.
the healing abilities of the ectoglue, it’s used Some deceased, called Dead-divers, venture
by the sailors of the Orchard for another of its into the depths of the sea every day wearing
formidable qualities: it floats better than a corpse. diving suits that light up the surrounding abyss in
Not only does ectocoral float, but it is practically order to scrape ectocoral from the rocky walls, to
impossible to push it underwater, as if under each then return to the surface, collect it and sell it to

fragment there was the arm of a colossus keeping the shipyards.

it afloat. Consequently, ectocoral is used to line


“So let me get this straight, Mr. Cross: you would like a map of the seabed of the Sea of Mora, so as to find the
engagement ring that a fish snatched from your hand while you proposed to your girlfriend? Do you realize what
you’re asking me? I'd have to reach up to the top drawer to give it to you!"
[Impatiente, Pity of Shin Island]

As in the Mortopolis, there are several an even more unrewarding task, forced to work to
structures that you’ll have to visit sooner or later the sound of constant ruckus made up of burps,
if your goal is to go on an adventure. Meanwhile, cackles and dirty jokes.
almost all Harbones have buildings that you may Though on the one hand they are permissive,
already know, such as the License Collection on the other, some of these Pities have begun to
and Squeezing Centers or the offices (or rather, impose themselves as governors of the harbors:
branches) of the Orders. they dictate laws, they hire deceased for personal
On the other hand, you will not find any matters (yes, they have personal matters too) and
License Sorting Centers and not even the well- they dominate the place accompanied by faithful
known Mortopolis Borders, partially replaced by armed bodyguards. Who could blame them?
the Undead Port Authorities. Undead Port Authorities are tall buildings,
narrow, dangerously twisted and with a sloping
roof so pointed it seems to want to stab the sky.
UNDEAD PORT There are never fewer than twenty floors in an
AUTHORITIES Undead Port Authority building, and they’re all
The Undead Port Authorities are the nerve empty except for the top floor, where our Pity-
center of every Harbone. The bigger this is, the Founder sits, surrounded by filing cabinets so
more Undead Port Authority offices there are, full that they could burst at any moment (and
from a minimum of one to a maximum of… two. sometimes they do). The rotten wooden stairs
These buildings always stand in the inevitable that lead to the upper floors are usually filled with
central square of the Harbone, in the center of deceased queuing up to get an Rising Permit filled
which stands the equally inevitable Statue of the out and while you’re waiting for your turn it’s
Pity-Founder - a marble depiction of the Pity to not uncommon to see some sailor falling down
whom we owe the foundation of that Harbone: a the stairwell. Maybe they got distracted? Or they
legend in the eyes of other Pities, one of the most slipped? Or were they pushed…? Well, always
expert bureaucrats and towards whom the Lords watch your back when you're in line.
of the Orchard have a lot of respect... and that’s
the same Pity you will find sitting behind the
desk of the Undead Port Authority office. Alone. Rising Permit
Forced to carry out all the rising procedures Do you want to rise in the Sea of Mora with
and keep track of the movements of the crews a ship, a crew and a freshly embroidered banner?
passing through the Harbone. Unlike the Pities Then you need a Rising Permit, also called a
of the Mortopolis, these ancient bureaucrats are Surfacing Permit. As already mentioned, only the
more permissive, though a better word would Pities of the Undead Port Authority can fill out
be listless, since they hoped to have a retirement one (or you could always get a counterfeit one,
bonus (which perhaps they are already enjoying, but DON'T!) so as to allow you to enter one of the
at least in the eyes of the Lords of the Orchard), whirlpools that leads from the sea of the Orchard
while instead they found themselves carrying out to the world of the living.
The procedure to follow in order to obtain a The Undead Buccaneers Code
Rising Permit is the same that you may already be In addition to the well-known Orchard laws,
used to if you were in a Mortopolis: stand in line, there is a code of honor written for and by pirates.
explain your reasons for rising, sign and voilà, More like guidelines, to be honest, but it’s followed
there’s your permit. The Surfacing Permit consists religiously by almost all Undead Buccaneers. You
of yellowish parchment that, for some strange can find this note hanging almost everywhere in
reason, is always damp and dripping with salt the Harbones: taverns, brothels, public toilets
water, no matter how much you squeeze it or how and so on. Even Buccharbors pirates are loyal to
long it stays in the sun. Unlike a normal verbal the Undead Buccaneers Code, even though their

authorization to cross the border, an Rising Permit cunning has trained them to circumvent the rules
is therefore a tangible document, which you must that compose it.
always carry with you if you don't want to risk
getting lost in the sea of the Orchard. As I said,
without a Permit, the Orchard’s whirlpools (the
legal ones of course) will spit you and your ship
out like mucus from a sore throat, while if you go
through a Maelstomb you won’t find yourself near
a Harbone, but in a random spot of the immense
ocean of the sea of the dead. And if you can't find
someone to give you directions, you're toast!

Once in a harbor, there’s nothing better than
having a drink in a tavern. But be careful, these THE UNDEAD BUCCANEERS CODE
are not simply places to drink, spit and dance - Always respect lord death, on land as
on tables: or rather, only real pirates and sailors well as in water;
returning from an adventure can do that. First of - Disagreements are resolved at sea,
all, at the entrance to every tavern, tavern or inn of never in harbors or on islands. However, a
an Harbone there are two overseers: one, chosen fist fight is always legitimate;
among the biggest and most threatening corpses, - What belongs to an Undead
has the task of throwing troublemakers out onto Buccaneer or a pirate, may belong to any
the pavement and the other, usually smaller and other Undead Buccaneer or pirate;
annoying, questions would-be patrons about their - Never turn down a free mug of rum
latest feat at sea, to figure out whether or not they (or anything else that’s free);
are worthy enough to enter. - If they float for two hours they’re
Every crew that enters usually has the dead, thus enlistable;
attention of all those present, who are waiting to - Sails and let sail. Die and let die!
hear an adventurous story, preferably including a Signed: Captain Mortan and Captain
treasure and some (more) limbs lost at sea. If the Mortholomew.
story is good, someone usually offers the crew a
drink, otherwise there’s always a great chorus of
laughter, unkind jokes and curses.
The Bacchanalia, as these special recreational
centers are called, are precious containers of
stories, legends and information that are tempting
to every self-respecting sailor. Then, if you don't SHIPYARDS
have a good story to tell or if your life is as What does a pirate need besides a wooden leg,
adventurous as that of a dentist for Windies, you a plucked parrot and poor inclination towards
can always take refuge in some tavern or bar that humanistic studies? A ship, of course! Since
serves business lunches. every sunken ship in the world of the living ends
up in the Orchard, our seas abound with floating
wrecks ready to be picked up, dusted off and put
back on the market for a new crew. Or maybe for
the same one.
This tiring but profitable task is handled by There are stalls that sell treasure maps,
the deceased of the shipyards who, in addition to others that sell ectocoral, amulets, personalized
searching for and recovering wrecks lost in the banners, cursed cannonballs, eye patches, eyes
black waters, coat them with ectocoral, straighten and everything you need to embark on your next
the masts and mend the sails. And while they still journey. And do you know what you can also buy
look like heaps of wood chewed up and spat out here? Slander. That’s right! Has someone been
by some abyssal monster, it’s the best a dead man rude to you, stolen treasure from right under your
can hope to steer. And let’s face it, they have their nose, or is always stealing your lunch vouchers?

charm. For an honest fee you can turn to a special

You can find the shipyards along the piers, deceased capable of spreading slander throughout
just as you can often spot the carpenters’ boats, the harbor in less than a quarter of an hour. Their
perhaps while they exchange cannon fire with spies and hosts of gossip can spread any kind of
other wreck-fishing vessels to compete for a rumor, and no one will ever know who started
beautiful, freshly sunk sailing ship. it. Actually you know what? Let’s go there after
this - you know, my brother didn't invite me to his
birthday party.
Want to do some shopping? I don’t mean now, GRINDING OVENS
you already told me you don’t have any vouchers. Special machines have been installed in
However, should you find yourself with a few the License Sorting Centers into which chests
pieces of paper to spend, this is where you need swollen with valuables are thrown, which are
to go (after having a drink, of course): I'm talking then burned, shredded, minced and squeezed.
about the Undead Buccaneer Markets, exclusive The result is pure dead energy, part of which is
streets full of stalls with merchants ready to sell converted into vouchers and another into energy:
all kinds of tools and souvenirs to the sailors of this is distributed among the requesting dead,
the Orchard. while a small portion is used to feed the Orchard.
Serving both as extractors and generators cannot refuse such a powerful supply of energy. But
of dead energy, the Grinding Ovens absorb the be careful: only caskets imbued with the forces
energy of whodo-generated treasures and scatter it of whodo can be shredded, just as they are the
into the ether (or whatever it is), so that our world only objects in the world of the living capable
can benefit from it… until a Greaper spawns. of entering the Orchard without turning to dust
The Pities and the Lords of the Orchard are without the use of a Deadtight Container. I hope
aware of this risk, but the reserves of our world have you’ll visit the Grinding Ovens often and in this
not been doing so well lately and therefore they case, remember that you owe me a drink. Or two.

“Straight to the goal, and conquer the pr… wait, what do you mean we have to queue first?”
[Jack Scarrow, apiring captain]

There are three things you need to know second thing you need to know about the seas of
about the seas of the Orchard: first of all, they are the Orchard is that they’re bottomless: you can let
not made of water, but of a viscous and murky yourself sink even for whole days, but you would
substance with psycho-repellent and herbicide only end up suspended in total darkness, without
qualities. Basically, it prevents the Salt Fields from even knowing if you're going up or down.
continuing to expand. Didn't you know that the The third and last thing to remember, perhaps
lands of the Orchard are alive and therefore able to the most important, is that the water of the Orchard
grow? Well, if it weren't for the seas of the Orchard, keeps us and our boats afloat, no matter how many
after joining together in a single, large, arid block, holes they have (both bodies and hulls), unlike
they would even include the Mortopolis. But this that of the living which is a little more picky about
is too complicated a discussion to have now. The leaks.
Despite the herbicide action of the sea of the The Atolls are islands replicated to perfection
Orchard, it hosts a varied number of islands: by the architects which house the deceased of
mostly remnants of land still waiting to be the indigenous tribes. In order not to make them
swallowed up by the waves, or agglomerations of want for anything, a long time ago the Lords of
dead stuff that arrives in the Salt Fields and which, the Orchard also annexed the various burial places
accidentally or not, rains down in the middle of of the tribes to the list of centers of connection
the sea. There are islands formed from wrecked with the Orchard, with only one exception: these
ships, from chests or giant barrels, from huge would only lead to the respective Atolls and

coconuts cut in half once used for exotic cocktails vice versa, effectively forming completely self-
or even from the skeletons of sea monsters (some managed borders.
dead-dead, some sleeping). Just as the living natives know nothing of
Like those of the world of the living, the islands of what surrounds the borders of their islands, the
the Orchard differ from each other according to who dead believe that beyond their Atoll there is only
lives there: there are islands conquered by pirates of an infinite sea of darkness, no matter how many
the worst kind, by indigenous corpses, by magiphiles crews land on their shores. The interesting thing
fighting for independence, and islands that serve as about these islands is that when a tribe becomes
headquarters or hiding places for passing crews, not extinct, due to epidemics, time or the swords
to mention the wild ones, apparently uninhabited, of rude conquerors, all the treasures hidden
which are actually the lairs of the amagical creatures in their Atoll (including Ancient Caskets) and
of the islands of the Sea of Mora. which therefore have not been brought to light,
immediately end up in the Orchard. Who knows
how many of these islands of the living world,
Abstrisles now abandoned, once belonged to some tribe that
The past centuries weren’t enough to integrate now lives on an Atoll, where perhaps immense
the Abstruse into our society, so much so that fortunes await, to be taken and stuffed into a
even in death they decided to isolate themselves. Grinder Oven.
In the truer sense of the term. Once they arrive It seems that the whodo shamans of the Atolls
in the Harbones, the Abstruse hide at the edge of gain extraordinary powers in death, such as
the wharves, in the basements of inns and houses, separating their remnant soul from their body and
waiting for one of them with enough vouchers to wandering between the world of the living and the
buy a ship. At that point the Harbone empties of infinite dimensions of the Orchard, or assembling
all the hidden Abstruses who, sometimes even Knick Knacks of the Conquistamuertes that act as
by the hundreds, swarm swiftly aboard the ferry, gifts for their indigenous brothers still living. And
in a chaotic spectacle of deceased with features they can always guess which card you chose from
shattered by amagic. Anchor away, and the a deck.
bizarre crew sails in search of an island ready to
be claimed. These oases, called Abstrisles, would
not constitute any danger in and of themselves, Banished Islands
were it not for the fact that the Abstruse islanders Corruption in the Buccharbors is so high that it
are so suspicious of the rest of humanity (and of not only contaminates the docks and the structures
all beings in general) that in order not to exploit that compose them, but also the islands where they
legal borders they rely on those of the bandit arise. The banished islands are inhabited by evil
pirates, often doing them favors that jeopardize creatures, sadistic beasts and the most annoying
the stability of the seas of the Orchard. insects; their jungles hide cursed ruins that the
The Orchard Navy is trying to raise awareness world of the living has decided to get rid of and
among the inhabitants of the Abstrisles, but when that caves where the most sordid and filthy secrets
fails, the Navy is ready to use stronger methods which of this and the other world are hidden, including
have the sole purpose of making the situation worse. heaps of dirty laundry.
Dead like you and me better not approach the Anyone who gets lost in the rotting forests
Abstrisles: we could be mistaken for spies and that arise in these islands or decides to stay there
torn to pieces to be sent to different Harbones with longer than allowed, is devoured to the bone by
a bow on them. corruption (if they’re not already like that, in
However, they say that some honorable sailors which case the process just speeds up), which
manage to make agreements with the Abstruse, wears out soul and body to the point of turning
who agree to store their treasures, act as links any dead person into a Lost, ready to spread
with the Buccharbor pirates and sometimes even chaos in the seas… if they manage to return to
as mercenaries for sea shipments. them.
In the taverns of the Buccharbors, as well as in the Fortress of the Ignoble Skulls stands, the
the darkest corners of the forests and mountains seat of an alliance among the cruelest pirates who
of the banished islands, the secrets of the crews aim to take control of the waters of the Orchard.
lost at sea (and often the whole crews) are also I mean literally. At that point, the lands would be
hidden, and the condemned souls of those who under their will and they could even decide to
have made wicked pacts with the forces of whodo. extend the Salt Fields to absorb all the Mortopolis.
Somewhere on one of these islands, they say that

The homeland of piracy in the Orchard is undoubtedly Mortuga. This port, which was the birthplace of
notorious buccaneers such as Deadbeard and Saggy Jack, now houses the headquarters of the Noble Tibias, an
exclusive club that only accepts the most honorable, courageous and wealthy pirates of the Orchard.
Although it’s not a Harbone, the Lords of the Orchard for now have given the inhabitants of Mortuga a lot
of freedom, even granting them the management of a whirlpool located in a basin in the center of the island, and
which directly connects to the island of Tortoga. This permission certainly does not come from the generosity of the
Lords, but from their awareness that, by doing otherwise, they would have run the risk of unleashing yet another
war on the seas of the Orchard, one in which an apocalyptic number of souls, including all the scoundrels of the
Buccharbors, would have taken part. And who was going to clean up all that mess then? You?
However, only Noble Tibias and their allies are given permission to use Mortuga's whirlpool. When this happens,
great celebrations and sumptuous banquets take place in Tortoga which serve as a good omen for the pirates' journey.
On the contrary, all pirates can use the Maelstomb always present in the center of Tortoga and end up in
Mortuga, the homeland of pirates, where for every house there are four taverns, the mugs are never empty and
there is no trace of killjoy Pities. I've never been there, so in case you have to go, remember to bring me a souvenir.

ORCHARD FLEETS and the ferries of souls traveling towards the

Just as in the world of the living, there are Mortopolis. The exponential growth of deaths
organized fleets here too. And I'm not talking at sea has required precise laws for crossing the
about alliances between two or three crews of marine stretches in the Orchard, but where the
pirates, but about large groups of ships united jurisdiction of the Lords fails to arrive and the
under the same banner. There are fleets made up Pities don’t want to go, there’s the Orchard Navy:
of pirates united under the banners of the Noble a fleet of volunteer sailors who decided to follow
Tibias or the Ignoble Skulls, rafts of Pities and in the footsteps of the heroic Macabr in order to
sailors who have joined together to safeguard the maintain the order on these waters.
waters of the Orchard. Their ships are piles of wrecked boats, held
Who knows, maybe one day you too will be together by ectoglue and with more ectocoral at
famous enough to raise your own crew… after all, their bases than wood. Their mast flies the banner
you have time from here until eternity. of the Orchard Navy: the symbol of the Orchard ...
with the addition of an eye patch. Creative, right?
It’s estimated that more than three thousand ships
Orchard Navy of the Orchard Navy sail in the vast oceans of the
The seas of the Orchard are indomitable: Orchard, from the most rancid sloops, made up of
every day more and more pirates give in to the lifeboats stacked one on top of the other, to galleons
corruption of the Buccharbors, just as more and with dozens of masts, arranged on so many floors as
more abyssal monsters attack the boats of sailors to require an elevator to travel them quickly.
All the bravest and most loyal sailors devoted to Instead of ropes and cannons, on the decks
the rules of the Orchard sea can apply to take part in of the raftitoes there are large desks and filing
one of the expeditions of the Orchard Navy or even cabinets with drawers full of papers, reports,
request the banner to show off for official deeds. sextants and compasses. Even the wheel is
Such expeditions may include escorting lost surrounded by the large desk of the navigator,
souls to the nearest Harbone, sinking bandit capable of holding the course while writing
pirates or the much less heroic and alluring down the changes that occurred in the stretch of
cleaning of Harbones docks. Because Pities sure sea traveled, in alphabetical order. But how do
won't take care of that. The grand admiral of the they get so much information? Well, the main

Orchard Navy is Figuredead Crux, who died mast of each raftito consists of a mechanical arm
while imprisoned by the Bonestache pirates and terminating in a large needle, similar to a syringe.
in death turned from a naive lost girl to a captain Once the arm is lowered into the water, the Pities
who collects buccaneers’ heads. As they say: use the needle to take a sample which, in turn, is
death makes you stronger. analyzed to reveal all kinds of information: which
ships have crossed that stretch of sea and when,
how many abyssal creatures swim in its depth and
Raftitoes how many whirlpools (legal or not) are nearby.
Much calmer and less numerous than the Attacking a raftito is such a serious
Orchard Navy, but perhaps even more dangerous transgression that it is punishable with a Mark of
for law breakers, is the raftitoes fleet: special Dishonor large enough to cover the whole body,
boats built by joining together the trunks of main or even with releasing the Scythe Nuns.
masts recovered from the sea, governed by groups It’s not strange for a raftito to be escorted
of Pities with the purpose of updating the nautical by one or more ships of the Orchard Navy,
charts of the Orchard. especially when they’re crossing waters close to


“Well, brothers and sisters, we are gathered here to address a matter of the utmost importance that could seal
the future and destiny of some of you… so now tell me, which one of you broke my chair?”
[Nectunos, Head of the Brotherhood of the Noble Tibias]

In the Orchard and in the Sea of Mora the Eight No one knows the reason for these ties, not
Noble Tibias and the Eight Ignoble Skulls sail and even the Pity-Founders: is it a sadistic game of
thrive, the first being honorable and the second being the gods of the afterlife or a terrible coincidence?
true scourges of the seas. Their deaths are linked
by a sinister destiny that doesn't seem to want to
abandon them. In fact, for each Noble Tibia there’s a
corresponding Ignoble Skull, one of whom caused, DRY-TIDE AND
indirectly or otherwise, the death of the other. And HUGGIA ROTTENTIDE
so far it could be a singular coincidence (after all, a Both dead and resurrected as Squishies
fair percentage of pirates have died at the hands of while dueling on the edge of a Maelstomb, into
other pirates), if it weren’t for the fact that even their which they were sucked, losing their ship, crew
feats in death are connected to each other. and honor. While Rotmarshal spent a decade
In addition to the normal raids and loitering on searching for his old sailing companions, from the
the seas, each Noble Tibia aims to annihilate their first mate to the humblest deckhand, Huggia allied
counterpart and vice versa, although aware that himself with Ground-Must, a whodo shaman of
the death-death of one leads to the death-death the Pressistok, with whom he concocted a serum
of the other. In fact, when one of these couples capable of taking control of all the pirates who
meets their end, another one immediately takes its find themselves ingesting it.
place. The only way to break this chain is to have Their bond consists in never being able to be
a Noble Tibia or an Ignoble Skull kill someone in the same plane, so when one rises in the Sea
else's counterpart, but that’s not easy at all, due of Mora, the other is sucked into the Orchard and
precisely to the powerful alliance between these vice versa.
captains, who constantly defend each other.
OLIVER ARTROS AND The bond of the two pirates consists in
JEAN “EL CARDINAL” DU sharing honors and dishonors: when one gets a
ROTULIER Recommendation, the same happens to the other -
What binds Oliver and Jean, one a Skinny and the same goes for Marks of Dishonour. As a result
the other a Stuffy, is a story that finds its roots Rancho is frowned upon by malevolent pirates
in the noble houses of the Land of Limpdom. and Zombijote cannot get the reward he deserves
The faithful mercenary Oliver Artros had been for a lifetime of heroism.
commissioned to transport a precious jewel
offered by the Eighthands Kingdom to the

Rasputead Kingdom, as a sign of alliance for
future trade between the two continents, but the DEVIL” GORGIAS
malevolent Jean Du Kneecapier, heptacaidecaist Pablo was a whodo shaman who turned to
priest of the Holyturn Kingdom, could not allow piracy after gaining huge power thanks to a Knick
it: he therefore decided to put together a small Knack of the Conquistamuertes: the Copper
fleet to meet Oliver's ship. And so he did. While Pendant. Thanks to the pendant, he could make
Oliver’s ship was docked at the harbor of Puerto the wishes of any man or woman come true,
Papaya Island, Jean's ship went out of control and which he then traded for their soul. One day
ended up inside it, shattering it and sinking it. Pablo met a boatman named Le Chip, to whom he
Both sailors were killed in the battle. offered what must have been his greatest desire:
In the Orchard the two ships became one: nails and copper for his work. Go figure with
since then, when they are on board, the two these boatmen. In any case, Le Chip accepted
pirates hunt each other without ever being able to and, after a few years, Pablo returned to claim
find each other, while the two crews always battle his soul. In the meantime, however, the boatman
to govern the ship (which is why they’re always had used the copper to build a faithful replica of
the last to arrive at the meetings of their respective Pablo's pendant and when the latter activated its
alliances). powers, the forces of whodo were mysteriously
confused, so much so that Pablo's soul ended up
in Le Chip’s body and vice versa, delivering them
ZOMBIJOTE AND to the arms of the Orchard.
RANCHO PANZA Now the Skinnies Pablo and Le Chip take to
The Squishy Zombijote was an aspiring hero the sea in search of their respective bodies and a
of the previous age, who for centuries had been way to restore the power of the two pendants.
trying to reach the longed-for paradise. With
him was a squire, Skinny Rancho Panza, who
accompanied him on all his bizarre journeys, EMMA “DAME BLANCHE”
whether these were crusades against barns or GENTIL AND DESPOTIA
battles against herds of cattle. “DAME NOIR” AGACANT
Before ascending to heaven, there was These two Squishy cousins from Flatterdom
only one thing left for him to do: kill his killer; always fought over everything, from baby food
however, he couldn't remember who it was, nor to husbands. The hatred between the two was
was he able to read it, because whenever Rancho such that they even trained their dreams to wage
showed him his Death Certificate, of which he war against each other, from field skirmishes to
was the jealous keeper, he took care to hide that cannon fire at sea. And it was during one of these
specific Unfinished Business with his thumb... naval battles that the world of dreams betrayed
because the name of the murderer was that of the them: the two ladies never woke up and, while
squire, who followed him only to make sure he their bodies were rotting, their dreams on the
didn't take revenge. When Zombijote took his contrary became more and more vivid, until they
Death Certificate, determined to learn to read, died taking with them the sailing ships they had
and saw the name of Rancho Panza, the latter had invented.
already fled to a harbor in Bandead and embarked The war between the two cousins continues
on a tub, certain that his hunter would not pursue unabated, but as soon as one falls asleep, the
him there (Zombiejote couldn’t swim). dream ships of both vanish, only to reappear when
Since then, the aspiring hero has continued to they wake up. And since death has made them
hunt him down, hoping to take revenge and thus narcoleptics (don't ask me how) this happens
finally be able to deliver his Death Certificate... often.
which is still in Rancho’s hands.
ARNO FULLBELLIE AND The two angry lovers continue to travel the
DORA BALTEA OFFARTERIE sea, determined to take back half of each other's
True love between two people is an unbreakable hearts... but they can't: this is because whenever
bond. Well, almost. The Squishies Arno and their ships get close, the seabed, the lands and
Theresa, two famous navigators in the service of the the mountains shatter in half up to the center of
Livingjoys, are a perfect example of how a broken the world, only to reunite when they move away
heart can also break everything else around it. It’s from each other. What a cruel fate, don't you
unknown who betrayed who, but their separation think? And what a mess!
was so painful that it killed them both. Not only

that: their beating hearts remained stuck in their

chest even after their death, albeit cut in half, each
of which in one of their two ribcages.
Some say that the Squishy Nectunos and the “HARDCASKET” DEGAUNT
Stuffy Calhipsos have been dead so long that they The Windies Malleulus and Corpulentia are
no longer have a name, other than the epithets by the treasures of their respective alliances, that is,
which they are known. They’re the leaders of their those tasked with guarding and keeping track of
respective alliances and have always lived on the all their treasures and their location in the two
seas, waging war on each other. No one knows worlds. The two were once part of a crew of

the reason for such hatred, but whenever they cheap thieves. Their career ended when they were
fight the Sea of Mora and the Sea of the Orchard devoured by a ravenous wardrobe they’d been
collide, the storms thicken and the monsters of hiding in. Resurrected in the Orchard, they always
the abyss rage on. Some say they’re not ordinary blamed each other for their deaths, swearing that
dead but rather the spirits of the sea itself, seeking from that moment on, their respective treasures
to prevail in order to dominate all waters of all would never be safe from the other one’s clutches.
worlds. The only way they can destroy the other Being forced to hide their chests in the most
is with two particular Knick Knacks of the unlikely places caused them to be noticed by the
Conquistamuertes: the Sea Queen’s Sharktooth Noble Tibias (Malleulus) and the Ignoble Skulls
Trident and the Sea King’s Red Claw Horn. I'm (Corpulentia).
sure there are abbreviations. However, according Their mysterious bond is that whenever one of
to what they say, only the trident can kill the them steals a treasure from the other, the location
queen and only the horn can kill the king. And of one of their treasures appears on the map of
guess who has one and who has the other? That’s the other.
right: Nectunos has the Horn and Calhipsos the
Trident. They say that when one of them finally
manages to defeat the other, the Age of Undead
Buccaneers will come to an end.
Chapter 3 - T he Laws of the Sea

Now that you have an overview of

the sea of the Orchard and the Sea of
Mora, you’re ready to set sail. Sorry,
that was supposed to be a question. So,
are you ready to set sail? Let me give
you the answer: no! No one out there,
dead or alive, has ever survived solely
on books or the patience of someone like
me to explain everything to them.

You know the history, some crews,

the dangers that lurk in the depths and
some tavern games (assuming you were
listening to me) but you still don't know
a damn thing about the laws that govern
all this: yes, laws are everywhere, even
where chaos reigns and freedom has the
appearance of holey hulls and musty sails.
No matter how famous you were in
the age of heroes, you’re only a third-
rate deckhand here. You have to earn
the respect of the sea and of the other
sailors, learn how to steer a ship and
take the most suitable role within your
new crew, not to mention a banner,
equipment, cannonballs and… no, I'm
getting ahead of myself - let’s just start
with the basics, then we’ll figure out
how you can buy all that stuff.
"What!? How long did you say it's been? Wow, that troll must have headbutted me pretty hard if I resurrected
a few centuries later!”
[Gurdulf, troll hunter deckhand on the Dark Forest]

For all the dead, after a while time begins CREATING (AND KILLING)
to flow differently: years become seconds, A PIRATE
decades become days and centuries become In Sea of Bones, the steps to create a deceased
years. Boredom, on the other hand, grows are the same, albeit with some small differences


exponentially, so that one day seems to last and just as many additions, useful to enrich
a century. In any case, in the Age of Undead your deceased and make them in line with this
Buccaneers there are many freshly drowned setting. To begin with, you can come from any
deceased as well as corpses that have been continent of the World of Mora and then be
around for quite some time and who, for one resurrected in the respective Mortopolis or in
reason or another, still inhabit the Orchard. one of the Harbones connected to it (Flatterdom,
After all, there’s no rent to pay. Trivialdom, Cupidardom, Limpdom or Bandead),
Among these dead there are some who remembering that, if this entry is different among
preferred to wait for a better moment to rise, characters belonging to the same group, it will
some who abandoned adventure, getting used be necessary to agree on some background on
to "living like a dead man", and some who how they got together, or set up one (or more)
procrastinated so much that a bunch of decades sessions focused on their mutual acquaintance
passed before they decided to rise. Then there and therefore the birth of their crew.
are those who will continue to wait until who Although we’ve only talked in depth about the
knows what age before showing up at the border Land of Bandead (see chapter 1 of the Corebook,
with their Death Certificate so faded and worn as “History of the World of Mora”) in the same chapter
to be illegible. But this is not your case… is it? you’ll find a brief description with information for
each continent, albeit marginal... for now.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Although you will often read the word

TRANSITION BETWEEN AGES “pirate” throughout these pages, that doesn’t
If you’re reading this book, chances mean that your origins and your past life must
are you’ve had the opportunity to create an necessarily have been devoted to such a wicked
Unglorious character (at least I really hope life. You could have been a simple seaman
so!) and play in the world described in the hired on a merchant ship, a fisherman, a harbor
Corebook. As you may have guessed, this book carpenter or even a man or woman who lived on
is set a few centuries after the events you read the mainland and who, for one reason or another,
about, but that doesn’t mean your old character found themselves in a Harbone in death, to then
isn’t playable - quite the contrary! If there is begin their sea adventure.
one positive thing about death after all, it is that
the permanence of each corpse in the Orchard is
not subject to expiration. Name and Origin
Thus, your Johnbroke of Ribsdom can Times have changed and with them also
decide to get back into adventure, abandoning changed the names we give to babies. Now even the
the horse’s bridle to hold the wheel instead, poorest families have a surname (more or less) and
bringing with him all the merits (and demerits) chivalric titles have gone to hell, as titles, official or
that he gathered in his previous death. otherwise, now come from the new professions and
At the end of the following paragraphs you government and military organizations.
will find guidelines to follow for the conversion In general, since Sea of Bones is set in the age
of your already existing dead, now ready to of piracy of our world (1600-1700), you can take
put on an eye patch and learn to spit like a true a cue from the names of that era from countries
pirate. then known for their naval strength: therefore
English, Spanish, French and Italians, but also
Chinese and Berber.

What really makes the difference in a sailor's name is their nickname (in the case of the dead, this always gets
changed following their passing). Aboard a ship, sometimes a sailor's nickname is even more pretentious than a title

and is able to carry their fame across the four seas as a boat powered by four motorized oars would. From Long John
Silver of Treasure Island to the Black Corsair of the homonymous book series, at sea more than on land, nicknames
have a bigger impact than even the title of captain! Here are some examples of sailor nicknames that you can use for
your characters, some of them already adapted in their "dead" version as well.

Nicknames for Gunners (or anyone with a passion for gunpowder): Twistedpipe, Boneflame, Brokenfire.
Nicknames for Carpenters: Hammerdrown, The Oar-king, Splinter-spitter.
Nicknames for Cooks: El Cucharon, Bellyfiller, Bellyfest.
Generic Nicknames: Black Scum, Coral Crust, El Cortar, Waterpit, Jolly Rotten, Rottencore, Maelstomb,
Anchorbone, Blackpit, Beefybones, Talking Skull, Rottensail.
Nicknames for Boatswains: Saint Torment, Nervesnapper, Pitchmelter.
Nicknames for Quartermasters: Bonbarrel, Dry Sanctorum, Gravemaster.
Nicknames for Helmsmen: Shallowcatcher, Risen Whee l, Wheelbone.

Some nicknames may consist of a title paired Some common professions of this age are:
with a given name. Using some of the examples sailor (which can range through all the typical
already given, a sailor's name could therefore be titles of a seaman), fisherman, harbor tavern
Johnny Barrel, Ramon Cucharon, Italo Oar-king keeper, shipwright, lifeguard, coast guard and
and so on. so on.
Note that in any case it’s not mandatory for a However, note that, as explained in the
seafarer to have a nickname. Like that one-eyed, Corebook, you’re allowed (indeed, encouraged)
armless old man everyone calls… Larry. to invent absurd or non-existent professions such
as knots-untangler, essential for all those ships
whose ropes get tangled up, ship jester, bilge rats
Profession hunter, salt water taster and so on.
Generally, the chosen profession should be in
line with the Sea of Bones setting and therefore
range from jobs that are performed on board a Cause of Death
ship or those typical of a harbor. However, since The most important part of any Death
some harbors are as big as cities, it’s possible Certificate, as well as the most distinguishing
to choose one of the many more common entry for the character: the cause of death. Here
professions, therefore from farmer to carpenter, too the same premise applies - the closer your
from blacksmith to miller. However, the same death was to water (or maybe it was the direct
premise of the previous paragraph applies: if your cause) the more your deceased will be immersed
character lived inland, they may also have an (indeed) in the Sea of Bones setting. But guess
inland profession, such as a miner or a forester. what? It's not mandatory!
In any case, the further your job is from sea life,
the more your story will have to include elements
that led you to die (or be resurrected) at sea.

Here are some examples of causes of death in true seafaring style, and more importantly, in true Unglorious style.
So, you died due to:


- The recoil of a cannon during a boarding;
- The cork of a bottle of rum gone down the wrong pipe;
- A duel with pistols (you forgot yours at home);
- The song of a siren. She was really, really off-key;
- A cannon shot: they used you instead of the ball;
- A cursed casket that fell on your head;
- A sumptuous banquet, of which you were the main course;
- Your captain's sword after answering an order with a loud belch;
- A heart attack after a loud burp;
- Indigestion of clams that had an unappetizing smell;
- An insult too sharp during a duel;
- A shroud jumping contest, in which you broke your neck (but also the jumps record);
- A keel lap too many;
- A duel with swords. Drunk. Against a Krakil;
- A prank, during which you locked yourself in a chest. No one went looking for you;
- A lie, because of which you were put in the lie-jail.
- A belly-flop in the water;

RESURRECTION The corpses of Windies, on the other hand,

The four Bodies of the Dead you may rise may have been crunched and swallowed by sharks
as are the same ones you already know: the or sea monsters, ended up on the menu of a tribe
Squishies (Bloaties), i.e. zombies, the Skinnies, of cannibals or have been targeted by an explosive
i.e. skeletons, the Stuffies, i.e. mummies, and the cannon. Finally, those who rise as Stuffies were
Windies, i.e. ghosts. victims of volcanic explosions, of barrels of pitch
To resurrect as a Squishy your body must emptied on their heads, of carnivorous corals,
have fallen into the sea and been sucked up by a of giant fish that swallowed them alive or who
Maelstomb. It doesn't matter that the body ends up knows what absurd curse.
directly in the whirlpool, since Purple and Green
Maelstombs are capable of attracting corpses that
are even fifty kilometers away from them, slower Type of Dead
as the distance from the whirlpool increases. In this book (see chapter 5, "Watered Down
Note that this suction force is so effective only Fate") there are four new Types of Dead to
on corpses awaiting resurrection, while to all choose from, but only for characters who died at
other objects or bodies the normal force from sea sea (whether in water, in the harbor or on board a
motion applies. Sometimes it even happens that ship) . The Types of Dead present in the Corebook
the Abyss-hopper who comes across a corpse may be used normally.
decides to take it on board in order to escort it Also in the same chapter, if desired, you can
towards a maelstrom. choose a Seafaring Rank at the cost of 1 point (2 if
To resurrect as a Skinny, the normal laws the Captain rank is chosen), which allows access
for entering the Orchard apply: if the corpse to additional skills for all your sea adventures.
does not reach, in this case, a Maelstomb or a
sunken cemetery, it must wait for the regular
decomposition times and when the fish and the
sea have eaten all the flesh off the bones, another
creaking sailor arrives in the Orchard.
Given their eagerness to enlist more and more The Abyssed Ward-leader is Skinny Tiff "The
dead, the Ward-leaders ordered the foundation Leak" Puerillio, captain of the Shallowseeker,
of headquarters of their respective orders in all who sank along with his ship after a thrilling
Harbones, with the difference that, given the limited battle against a Krakil. In reality, they say that the
space and the scarcity of volunteers, they all occupy Shallowseeker sank due to a leak that had been
the same building: the headquarters of the United ignored for too long, and that Tiff, lost in his
Coordinations of Militant Deceased (UCMD). thoughts on the freedom of a tax-free life, only
The orders are the same as those described in realized he had sunk when the wreck touched
the Corebook, but with new additional preferential the bottom of the sea. However, the captain is

passages to which the Pities in charge of emerging so proud that he’s never confirmed these rumors,
have consented... after about thirty-six years from preferring to say that he stayed with his beloved
the initial request. Shallowseeker to the last, tying himself to the
wheel as she sank into the depths.
Blue Flame: Any alchemical vessel.
Deathplorers: Any uninhabited island beach. Preferential Passage: Any wreck, abandoned
Dutiful Dead: Any port authority office. or stranded ship.
Eternal War: Any ammunition dump.
Hunters: Any stretch of sea where carnivorous Decomposed Swimmer: While in water, you
fish hunt or where the lair of a deep-sea receive +2 to meters of movement. In addition, by
monster is found. spending 1 SP, the motion of water (such as the
Farmers: Any formation of algae or palm pull of a Maelstomb or the raging waves) has no
groves. effect on you for half an hour.
Living Love: Any romantic cliff (from which,
for example, you can enjoy the view of
breathtaking sunsets!) or gondola. Order of the Bone Pin
Outlaws: Any haltered port square. The allure of whodo attracts more sailors than
Penitents: Any cell on a ship. amages and alchemists have ever been attracted
Wandering Souls: Any abandoned shoal or to amagic, although they’re practically the same
ruin on an island. thing. The reason is probably linked to the cursed
treasures generated by whodo, and it’s precisely
There are also three new orders to choose of their victims that the order of the Bone Pin is
from, but membership is reserved for sailors, composed. All explorers, pirates and sailors who
pirates and harbor drunks only. died from a curse or while looking for a whodo
chest carry a fragment of that energy with them:
they embrace it as part of themselves, they try to
Order of the Abyssed understand it and exploit its potential. The same
Several bravely sunk dead (willingly or happens to whodo priests who preferred life at sea
unwillingly) arrive in the Orchard together with to confinement on an island.
their ships, often bringing with them broken In short, all those deceased who would go
ropes, shreds of sails and wooden planks from around showing off dolls full of pins, chicken
which they hang before filling their lungs with heads, crocodile teeth and T-shirts with slogans
water. like "Whodo Rocks" are welcome among the ranks
These dead are the favorite targets for the of the Bone Pin. Their feats include searching for
order of the Abyssed, which welcomes all those cursed chests or stories of cursed crews, collecting
sailors who drowned along with their vessels or cursed trinkets and devising new ways to curse
who in any case wished to leave in a poetic way. someone (verbally of course).
The Abyssed devote themselves to the salvage
of wrecks and often organize expeditions to the The Ward-leader of the Bone Pin is Squishy
seabed in search of sunken treasure. Tia-Tarma, former chieftain of the Aidudis, who
They are also very attached to the sea, so much count among themselves the most powerful whodo
so that if they stay on an island too long you can shamans in all of the Sea of Mora. Tia-Tarma
see them cast nostalgic glances in the direction met her end after reading her fortune-telling tarot
of the coast, getting lost in the memories of their cards. Death appeared five times (although the
adventures and exclaiming stuff like "the sea is deck only counted one), at which point, with calm
calling me", "the waters await me” or “I feel like and tranquility, she decided to satisfy the wishes of
fishing”. the cards by downing a concoction of berries, frog
blood, crumbled bones and rat poison. When she come while he slept? Had some curse made their
arrived in the Orchard she continued to rely on the content evaporate? Had the devil deceived him?
cards, which did nothing but reveal death to her. Whatever the reason, Benjamort exploded with
Tia-Tarma was therefore convinced she had to look rage. And not in a metaphorical sense. No one saw
for the will of the tarots by venturing among the the scene of course, but he says his blood boiled to
seas of the Orchard, traveling beyond the borders the point of blowing him up. However, you know,
of her Atoll. How she ended up becoming Ward- death loves to joke, so Benjamort arrived in the
leader of an order is unclear, but some say someone Orchard with the chests that he had so diligently
placed an information leaflet in her tarot deck. protected in tow... but now he wants to put the ex-
members of his crew inside them. They say that


Preferential Passage: Any temple or tribal he’s already captured and locked up half a dozen.
Preferential Passage: Any hold or (empty)
Whodoist: Action, 2 SPs, Difficulty 6+. Once chest large enough.
per day, you can detect the presence of all whodo
forces (chests, Ancient Caskets, whodo shamans, Crate Holder: Once per day, you can insert
tribal shrines, etc.) in a radius of 2 kilometers. an object no larger than a rum barrel (or a set of
Note that this way you will only know where objects of the same size) into your body, which
those objects are, but not what they are. will then function as a Deadtight Container.


If the words “loot,” “treasure,” and “rivers-of- A pirate is free, but bound by the limits of life.
rum” send a shiver up your spine, it could be a A dead pirate is bound by their own unfinished
centipede crawling up your back, or the shivering business. The guidelines for creating them are
that characterizes all members of the Order of the same as described in the Corebook, but with
Treasurers. These dead see no difference between one difference: in Sea of Bones you can choose to
gold, jewels, vouchers and Pieces of Late: they’re replace a maximum of two Unfinished Business
not interested in wealth (well, not only), as much with as many Business with the Sea.
as in boasting of the fullness of their holds. They The Business with the Sea are special
could collect cursed gold or silver tea sets with Unfinished Business whose resolution leads to
equal enthusiasm, then take immense pleasure rewards far more lavish than those normally due,
in counting, cataloging and storing all their loot. however not resolving them correctly leads to
The very rooms of the order are overflowing bad luck, curses and seasickness. Often the crews
with treasures donated by its members, in order are even reluctant to let a sailor with one or more
to flaunt their wealth to the members of the other Business with the Sea on board for fear of having
orders. to share their misfortunes, while others welcome
Their feats range from recovering to hoarding them gladly and even help them complete them,
(and then protecting, often from the greedy hands so as to be able to enjoy a slice of the promised
of other members of the order) treasure, and many fortune.
also serve as quartermasters within their crews. To find out more about Business with the Sea
However, Treasurers are not thieves. At least not see chapter 6, “Deeds in the Sea of Mora”.
all of them: first of all, in fact, they have great
respect for treasures and for those who recover
them and for this reason, if they are well paid, FUNERARY EQUIPMENT
they are the most reliable deceased to guard any The final step is to put together the right
type of wealth. equipment befitting a bonafide sailor. In chapter
4, "On the Dead Man's Chest" you will find all the
The Ward-leader of the Treasurers is unique items of the Age of Undead Buccaneers,
Benjamort Le Gun, a Windy who in life guarded with one difference: you can decide to convert
a treasure buried on an uninhabited island for creation points (or to exchange any licenses you
thirty years, waiting for his companions to come already own, in case you decide to use an existing
back for him and the chests. Nearing death, character) into vouchers (50 vouchers for each
Benjamort decided to take a peek inside the creation point) or Pieces of Late. These unique
chests, which until then he had not dared to open doubloons are special items that allow you to call
out of respect for the crew. When he did, he found upon the powers of the sea of the dead… though
that the chests were empty: had his companions they may not answer.
Chapter 4 - In the Dead Man's Chest

Now look at you. What's in your

pocket? And tied to the belt? Mh, it's
certainly not the best equipment I've
seen on a sailor. To be honest, more than
a pirate, you look like a child dressed
by their mother for the first day of
school, ahr ahr ahr. You can't face the
seas with that blunt little sword and...
wait, what's that? A rubber ducky? Holy
Orchard, let's not face a toy crocodile in
a bathtub! All right, it means that I will
lend you something to help you become
a proper pirate, but I want every last
voucher back, are we understood?

However, first let's go to the Undead

Port Authority: it may be that they will
grant you something extra for your
trousseau, or even that you have some
objects that have not yet been recovered.
If you died at sea it's probable: you
know, the Pities don't always manage to
replicate every sunken Knick Knack.
“You’re as thick as a brick! I’m sorry, Mr. Pity, but you see, I died in a bathtub, but I don't deserve to have A
[Jorge Clearskin, boatswain of the Charming Grins]

Sailors are even more attached to their material Additional Tools

possessions than land-based adventurers: being Life in the seas is different from life on land,
extremely superstitious, they tend to attach much as are the habits, the stomach and the skills
meaning to weapons, amulets and photo-portraits, necessary to keep afloat - both your ship and


even attributing mystical powers to them. your corpse.
This link makes a departed sailor's Funerary
Equipment much more specific, which is why Sea of Bones adds three Skills to choose
in Sea of Bones it’s possible to obtain vouchers from when selecting related Tools. It's not
or Pieces of Late by exchanging them for your mandatory to possess one or more of these
character creation points. In every other aspect, skills, but you'll understand for yourself that
choosing a Funerary Equipment and the types they don't hurt either!
of items that can be purchased follows the same
rules detailed in the Corebook.

Skill Example of Linked Actions Example of Tool

Make something recover 1 Struc-
ture Point by fixing the main mast, Quick-dry glue, bucket of pitch, set
1 Wind Point by tarring the hull, of ropes…
fixing a leak…
Steering a ship, holding the wheel Piece from a wheel, helmsman
during a storm… gloves, megaphone…
Orienting by following the stars
(in the open sea as well as in the Nautical charts, astronomical
desert) or the motion of the waves charts, sextant…
depending on the wind…

PIECES OF LATE Points during Creation: One or more of the

Pieces of Late are special doubloons, more 7 points granted during the Creation of the Dead
similar to rusty metal disks than to valuable (maximum three) may be converted into Pieces of
coins, with the unmistakable logo of the Orchard Late, for a total of 2 Pieces of Late for each point.
impressed on them. Pieces of Late are used to
request favors from the sea and are for the exclusive Currency Exchange: In the License
use of the dead. But what are they and how did they Squeezing Centers you may exchange a License
come about? Well, when the sea kills-kills a great for a Piece of Late.
sailor, it accumulates a debt of honor for having
snatched such a valiant adventurer from life (or Departed Treasure: Departed treasures can
from death): a debt that it repays by generating spawn Pieces of Late, as described later in this
a Piece of Late, which somehow represents the chapter, in the Treasures and Tremors section.
feats of a valiant adventurer of the seas. When
you use a Piece of Late you’re asking the sea to
settle the debt it owes to the departed soul. Once Effects of the Pieces of Late
the debt is paid, the Piece of Late crumbles until Controlling the will of the tides and the wind,
it becomes dust, which finally settles into the sea. riding sea beasts, teleporting aboard a ship, and
There are three ways to get Pieces of Late: winning a hand with poker are just some of the
amazing powers a Piece of Late is capable of.
Every time you decide to use one, think hard
about what you would like to get from the sea,
but be careful, because the higher the request, the
more it could pretend not to hear you. There may
be various reasons: perhaps it doesn’t consider the
favor asked proportionate to the soul represented Wind Changer (Reasonable Favor): The
by the Piece, or simply, being extremely proud, wind suddenly changes in the direction you want,
it’s annoyed to take orders from any deceased; affecting a large stretch of sea.
sometimes it could just be sleeping, who knows? Call for the Grave (Big Favor): A Maelstomb
The living cannot use the powers of Pieces of spawns in close proximity. If you wish, even
Late. These also have effect both in the Orchard directly beneath you!
and in the world of the living. Winning Hand (Small Favor): You win at
any game (see chapter 6, "Dead in the Sea of
Each time you use a Piece of Late, after Mora"), as long as it’s played on board a ship.
deciding what favor to ask of the sea, roll 1d10. Dead on Deck (Small Favor): You are

If the favor is small, it goes unanswered on a roll teleported directly to the deck of any ship that you
of 1; if it’s reasonable, it goes unanswered on a are able to see within a 500 meter radius of you.
roll of 1-2; and finally, if it’s a big one, it goes Doesn't work if you're on land.
unanswered on a roll of 1-2-3. Sea King (Big Favor): For one round, gain
control of any sea creature or school of fish,
including Krakil. If you roll a 10 on the d10 roll,
your control lasts +1 round.
Salvage Wreck (Reasonable Favor): Any
sunken wreck within a 500 meter radius floats
to the surface for 1 hour or until repaired. If you
have a specific wreck in mind, the sea will give it
to you, otherwise it will pick a random one.
Waves Jumper (Small Favor): The surface
of the sea becomes a trampoline for you, capable
of making you jump up to 20 meters. The effect
ends after 3 rounds, or when you stop jumping.


You didn't think that the sea wouldn’t grant
its (dead) children some extra help after passing
away, did you? Over the years, as the borders of
the Orchard widened, its energy has been renewed
and it’s now able to coat the fragments of your
Funerary Equipment with brand new, amazing
and exclusive powers.
During your Sea of Bones sessions you
can draw on these new powers as well as those
described in the Corebook (see chapter 6 of the
Corebook, "Funerary Equipment").

Rank I Powers
Abyssal Shield (attack/hinder, shield): From
the shield emerges a sort of fleshy cord that ends
in a candle with a hypnotic light. All opponents
able to see the candle who want to attack another
target other than the bearer of the shield suffer
-1 to attack checks. Furthermore, if the shield
is used to parry a Vicious Blow in melee, its
surface transforms into the fanged mouth of
a deep-sea fish, which deals 3 damage to the
opponent. However, if the latter is wearing heavy
armor or has a DD value equal to or greater than
3, the fish's teeth break and the shield loses 1
Endurance point.
Coral Armor (attack/defense, armor): The Cursed Blow (attack/hinder, heavy weapon):
armor is covered in grim colored corals and is The weapon is cursed! If you deal a Vicious Blow,
repaired by 1 Endurance point. Also, whenever you suffer the same amount of damage divided by
you suffer a hit that deals 3 or more damage, no 2 (rounded down). If you miss, however, one of
matter how much damage the armor absorbs, the weapons you are holding (if any) begins to
a piece of coral falls to the ground. At the start shake violently, then falls to the ground dealing 1
of your next turn, all corals detached in this way additional damage that ignores armor.
hurl themselves at the closest opponent (medium Lead Beacon (attack, ranged weapon): The
range) and deal 1 damage that ignores armor. projectile turns into a small glowing orb. You gain
Krakil's Slash (attack/hinder, weapon): The +2 to hit, but the attack deals no damage, instead


projectile or weapon transforms into a slimy hovering around the target, thus acting as a guide
tentacle that constricts the opponent. If the hit is for all other attacks. The sphere remains active
successful, the weapon does no damage, but the for 2 rounds. For each orb that hovers around
target suffers -1 to all physical checks, with this the target, anyone attempting to hit that target
penalty increasing by -1 (to a maximum of -3) at receives +1 to hit. With an attack check (-2) it’s
the start of each of their turns, unless they remove also possible to hit and destroy one of the spheres.
the tentacle with a hit dealing at least 2 damage. Seaweed Blood (hinder, melee weapon): The
Additionally, from the start of the third round of weapon becomes covered in a greenish, soggy
constricting onwards, the target suffers 1 damage coating. If a shot from the weapon deals at least
that ignores armor. 1 damage, creeping algae grow from the wound
Pitch Gun (hinder, firearm): The projectile and are under your control. As an action and by
turns into a lump of slippery pitch that explodes on performing a check with difficulty 5+ (-1 for
contact with the target. For 1 round, or if they don't every group of algae generated this way beyond
spend 2 actions to remove the pitch, whenever the the first one) you can command the algae to make
hit target performs a movement action (except if the target perform a specific movement action,
they’re swimming) they have to roll 1d10. On a from a simple movement to a climbing a rope,
1-4 they slip on the ground. Note that for creatures throwing their weapon to the ground or spitting
larger than a human (the size of a troll at most) in someone's eye. This action will be the first to
two projectiles are required to achieve this effect, be performed at the start of the target's next turn.
3 if the creature is larger than a troll. It’s not possible to order more than one action per
Water-jumping Projectile (Attack, Firearm): round.
Everybody knows that lead cannot swim. As a Sea Turtle (defense, light weapon): The
result, it’s afraid of the sea. When the projectile weapon disassembles and reassembles to form a
fired encounters the sea (i.e. going beyond the small semi-circular shield with a shape vaguely
edge of the ship's deck or a cliff) it disappears similar to that of a turtle. This shield cannot be
and reappears on the first ship's deck, beach, pier destroyed, but when the power ends, part of it
or cliff it encounters, continuing to travel the backfires on the deceased loses a body part for
distance allowed by its range without taking into each turn the shield was active. If the power has
account the stretch of sea traveled. In any case, been active for 6 or more turns, the deceased also
note that if you can’t see the target you wish to hit, suffers 2 lethal damage.
even if the projectile arrives in their direction, the
shot automatically misses (unless the Ferryman
decides otherwise). Rank III Powers
Fishbowl (hinder, armor): Armor transforms
into a large fish bowl filled with water. If an
Rank II Powers opponent deals a Vicious Blow or 4 or more
Barnacle Plate (defense, armor): Requires +1 damage with a melee attack, roll 1d10. On a roll
SP to activate, but remains active for 3 rounds. of 1-5 nothing happens, while on a roll of 6-10
For every point of Endurance lost by the armor, the opponent shrinks and is absorbed by the bowl.
dozens of stinky barnacles pop out of the crack, There is no limit to the number of targets that
giving you +1 DD. At the same time however, can be absorbed into the bowl, which in any case
you suffer -1 to all physical checks and movement may perform their turn normally without suffering
meters covered. At the end of the 3 rounds the a penalty due to their reduced size. You can
barnacles slide to the ground forming a patch of decide at any time to release all trapped targets.
mucous shells and all the stacked bonuses and This also happens if you should die-die or if the
maluses are reset. bowl should be broken (Armor Endurance 0). In
the latter case, you also suffer 1 lethal damage for
each target trapped in the bowl.
From Bullets to Balls (attack, firearm): During your Sea of Bones sessions you
As soon as the projectile exits the weapon, it can draw on these new spells as well as those
turns into a cannonball fired at maximum speed described in the Corebook (see chapter 6 of the
(Standard Cannon). In the case of a Vicious Blow, Corebook, "Funerary Equipment").
you can also choose a specific cannonball (see
below, in the Shipyard paragraph).
Krakil's Spit (hinder, ranged weapon): The Rank I Spells
projectile turns into a spray of Krakil's ink (see Limp Plank: Action, long range, difficulty
chapter 7, "Between Sabers and Tentacles"). 6+. A small part of a target ship rots. This power
Royal Turtle (defense, heavy weapon): The may be used to spring a leak, break the wheel,

weapon disassembles and reassembles to form a drop sailors on deck to the lower floors, snap
large semi-circular shield with a shape vaguely lines, topple smaller masts and so on.
similar to that of a tortoise. This shield cannot Marine Stroll: Action, contact, difficulty 4+.
be destroyed, but when the power ends, part of For 1 minute, you or any target you touch (either
it backfires on the deceased who loses two body an object or a living being) can float on the surface
parts for each turn the shield was active. If the of the water. Note that you cannot use this power
power has been active for 3 or more turns, the on targets that have half or more of their body in
deceased also suffers 2 lethal damage. water. In any other case, they’re automatically
In addition, whenever the shield absorbs a pushed to the surface. For each +1 increase in
Vicious Blow, the opponent (if no larger than a difficulty: +2 minutes duration.
troll) is knocked to the ground by a sudden blow. Water Bomb: Action, medium range,
Windsap (attack, melee weapon): Tiny storm difficulty 5+. You summon a sphere of black
clouds begin to envelop the weapon, yearning to water drawn from the farthest depths of the sea
unleash tiny storms. Whenever you deal 1 or more of the dead. If the sphere hits a living being,
damage with the weapon, you absorb a charge of any shields and armor they’re wearing lose 1
energy and the clouds inflate. When you wish, as Endurance point, while if it hits a deceased, they
part of an attack, you may spend 1 SP to discharge recover 1 lethal damage or 2 non-lethal damage
the accumulated energy. (your choice).
1 Charge: A bolt of lightning shoots out from
the weapon, dealing 2 damage that ignores armor.
2 Charges: In addition to other effects, the Rank II Spells
opponent is trapped in a whirlwind and thrown Dry Land: Action, long range, difficulty 7+.
twenty meters into the air. You raise a sunken land to the surface of the
3 charges: In addition to other effects, when sea. Roll 1d10 to establish its size: on a 1-4 you
the opponent is knocked into the air, you can bring out shallows that slightly outcrop from the
perform a ranged attack roll. If the check is water, on a 5-8 a group of rocks and on a 9-10 a
successful, a hail of sharp hailstones is hurled mountain or a small island. The raised land sinks
from the weapon, dealing 3 damage. after 5 minutes. For each +1 increase in difficulty:
4 Charges: If the hailstones dealt at least 1 +10 minutes of duration.
damage to the opponent, the cloud enveloping the Rottenwood: Action, long range, difficulty
sword hurls itself at the opponent and envelops 8+. A considerable portion of a target ship rots.
them, then slams them violently to the ground, This power may be used to spring large leaks,
dealing 3 damage that ignores armor. Then the knock down a row of cannons, break the main
power ends. mast, cause the captain's cabin to fall off and
More than four accumulated charges have no so on.
effect. Salty Blast: Action, medium range, difficulty
Note that if the attack does not hit the target, 7+. You summon a large sphere of black water
all accumulated charges are lost. drawn from the depths (this time even deeper!)
of the sea of the dead. When it explodes, the
sphere hits all targets within a 10 meter radius.
SPELLS Any shields and armor worn by affected living
The sea is an amagical place, don't you think? beings lose 1 Endurance point, while all affected
Dangerously amagical I would add, so much so deceased revoer 1 lethal damage or 2 non-lethal
that the arcane forces roused by its waves and damage (your choice). In addition, the target
whirlpools reached us, affecting the bodies of the directly hit by the explosion suffers 3 damage.
dead. Enjoy these new spells, with which you'll
be able to bend water (but also oil or beer, if you
prefer) to your will.
Rank III Spells Navy’s flag, complete with a crew ready to rescue
Frothy Tsunami: Action, difficulty 9+. By you (as well they should - they are handsomely
pointing a finger at a spot that you can see on paid for each summoning). The ship remains at
the surface of the water, you can summon a great sea for 3 rounds: it’s not possible to board the
wave of black water from the depths (very deep ghost ship, just as its sailors cannot abandon it.
this time) of the seas of the Orchard. The wave They just open fire with their cannons and yell
travels one hundred meters and tramples anyone colorful slurs at your enemies.
along its path. Any armor and shields worn by Spirit of the Kraken: Action, difficulty 8+.
affected living beings lose 1 Endurance, and all By pointing a finger at a spot that you can see on
affected deceased recover 1 lethal damage or 2 the surface of the water, you can summon one of


non-lethal damage (your choice). The wave has the tentacles of the mighty (and defunct) Kraken,
such force that it can overturn smaller boats and which slams down on the first target it finds nearby.
cause dangerous quantities of water to be boarded The tentacle is a Heavy Bludgeoning Weapon that
on larger ones. Furthermore, with a +1 increase deals 7 damage, with a 6-10 Vicious Strike range.
in casting difficulty you can make the waters of The tentacle normally slams into structures or ships,
the Orchard carry with them a host of adorable and with its force it’s capable of destroying smaller
deceased animals (crabs, jellyfish, sharks, etc.). vessels and knocking down weaker buildings,
In this case, all those affected by the tsunami, severely damaging vessels and larger buildings.
in addition to the normal effects, also suffer 2 With a +1 increase in casting difficulty you
damage that ignores armor. may order the tentacle to attack a specific target.
Ghost Ship: Action, long range, difficulty 9+. After the attack, the rotting tentacle returns to
You summon a ghost ship sporting the Orchard the depths.


“When we got there the chest was there, with the gold in it… and we took it! We spent it and traded it,
squandered it on rum and food and pleasant company. Then all of a sudden we all woke up here, stone cold dead.
Well, we couldn’t do anything about it… So we kept drinking!”
[Extor Bonestache, Captain of the Purple Oyster]

We’ve finally arrived at the section that by the forces of whodo and, finally, the incredibly
interests you the most. How do I know? Just look precious Ancient Caskets, which in turn contain
at your face: even if death has messed up all your the Knick Knacks of the Conquistamuertes.
facial features and blended your muscles, your
face lights up just hearing the word “treasure”. Or Aside from the Ancient Caskets, which I'll
maybe you're just shedding some more skin. tell you about in more detail later, common
Who can blame you? After all, the whole treasures and cursed treasures differ from each
Age of Undead Buccaneers is kept alive by the other because of their value: Cool, Sublime or
constant search for treasures and I admit that there Breathtaking. But be careful, this is the value
is nothing more exciting than sticking the shovel attributed by the Orchard and it’s not based on
into the ground once, twice, a hundred times, quantities, but on the objects that compose the
until you feel its tip hitting something hard. Then loot. For example, a chest full of doubloons or
you realize it was a stone or the skull of a former precious spices is of Cool value, one full of
partner of yours and you start digging again. But pearls and noble jewels is of Sublime value
when you see the wood of a chest emerge… Well, and one full of diamonds, ancient objects, well-
let's just say that if I had a heart it would beat preserved historical relics and risqué calendars
wildly at the thought! is of Breathtaking value.
Oh, I almost forgot the most important
thing: to be considered as such, a treasure must
TYPES OF TREASURES be contained in a casket. Don't ask me why
First of all, you must know that there are three and don't ask me questions like "wouldn't it be
types of treasures: common ones, that is the shiny enough to put them in a bag?": it's tradition,
junk that the living like so much and… ok, I admit period!
that I liked it too when I was still up there; then
there are cursed treasures, more precious than
common ones but bearing horrible curses, created
COMMON TREASURES Cursed treasures do not generate Pieces of Late
However common, the treasures that comprise and when they arrive in the Orchard, they remain
the most banal riches of the living contain stories intact (provided they are contained in a whodo
and often fragments of the souls of the brave chest). Once taken to the Grinding Ovens, both
men and women who hoarded them. Fortresses, the chest and its contents are shredded, generating
the holds of merchant ships (sunken or not) and an amount of vouchers and dead energy based
antiquities markets are excellent places to find on their preciousness and the outcome of the
wealth to amass, while treasures already packed shredding.
and crammed into coffers are found under the Note that by dead energy we mean the points
sand of islands, used as hiding spots (often so received by the dead, exactly as for squeezing

many times that one could start digging at random the licenses, and these are divided equally and
and still find something), caves bristling with distributed among the members of the crew
traps and basements of captains' houses. (unlike vouchers: they have to take care of sharing
them!). If any points remain that cannot be divided
equally, these are received by randomly selected
Collection of Pieces of Late crew members by rolling dice.
By bringing a common treasure to the Orchard,
the casket and what's inside rots, like all things that To determine a whodo casket’s amount of
cross any border or whirlpool from the world of vouchers and dead energy points, roll 1d10:
the living. However, as they decompose, there is a 1-3, Oven Breakdown: 20 vouchers and 1
chance that they will generate one or more Pieces point (Cool), 55 vouchers and 3 points (Sublime),
of Late, testifying to the essence of the valiant men 90 vouchers and 6 points (Breathtaking).
who fought for that treasure… or stole it. 4-6, Power Decrease: 35 vouchers and 3 points
(Cool), 100 vouchers and 5 points (Sublime),
When a common treasure arrives in the 200 vouchers and 8 points (Breathtaking).
Orchard, the carrier rolls 1d10. On a 7-10 its 7-8, Standard Grinding: 50 vouchers
unraveling generates 2 Pieces of Late (Cool), and 5 points (Cool), 150 vouchers and 7
4 Pieces of Late (Sublime), or 6 Pieces of Late points (Sublime), 300 vouchers and 10 points
(Breathtaking). On a 4-6 it spawns half as many, (Breathtaking).
and on a 1-3 it spawns nothing; in this case it 9-10, Hypergrinding: 75 vouchers and 6 points
means that it was nothing more than a heap of (Cool), 225 vouchers and 9 points (Sublime),
simple riches for live-flesh. 450 vouchers and 12 points (Breathtaking).

In addition, when a Cursed Casket of

CURSED TREASURES Breathtaking value is shredded, regardless of the
The treasures of whodo may seem like common shredding’s outcome, all crew members receive 1
riches to a casual observer: the relics that compose Recommendation.
them in fact appear to come from other ages and
are composed of unknown precious materials. In
addition to this, they have bizarre shapes and depict Curses
beings of the most disparate shapes, the same ones Cursed caskets are tempting to all, since the
that are worshiped by the natives as gods. objects contained within them have an enormous
Cursed treasures are almost always born value both for the bags of bones and for the bags
already inside a casket, from whose iron and of organs (still functional of course). Carrying
wood fissures emerge faint colored flashes. Many one however puts the whole crew at risk, so
of these chests were exhumed by the natives of much so that there are countless wrecks resting
the islands, who used what was inside as a sacred on the seabed due to cursed treasures, which are
heirloom or as a prototype to reproduce the still there in the midst of the debris, pulsing with
statues and effigies of the mystical figures they whodo energy.
venerate. In doing so however, the tribes suffered As far as their recovery and transport are
the repercussions of the curses contained in the concerned, the deceased have an advantage and
chests, which were in turn kept in check by the that is why they’re often commissioned by the
whodo shamans. living to recover cursed caskets for them.
While a cursed casket is onboard a ship, the 9. Bone Dust: Up to three times per day, a
curse affects it, all crew members, guests, and randomly selected member of the crew sees all
caged animals. Some get smart by throwing it perishable items in their possession turn to dust.
into the water and then towing it with a rope, If no one has any perishable items, the curse
still others keep it suspended above the ship with can affect crates and barrels of perishable items
balloons or overboard with fishing rods; this is of (including cannonballs) in the cargo hold.
no use: once a cursed casket is recovered, its curse 10. Phantom Violinist: The curse generates
will last until it gets abandoned in the depths, on a mischievous specter that appears up to three
an island, or shredded. times a day, causing damage to the ship: it can
undo ropes, rotate and/or block the wheel, tear the


A list of curses is presented below. The Ferryman sails, douse the deck with oil, clog the cannons
can take inspiration from this to create new and and so on. The arrival of the specter is anticipated
increasingly bizarre ones, just paying attention not by a seafaring ballad played on a violin, whose
to create too debilitating ones, in order not to risk frenetic melody sounds distant and muffled, as if
causing too much frustration in the game. coming from the bottom of the sea.
Instead of choosing a curse, you can roll 1d10
and let fate decide for the crew!
Unless otherwise stated, it’s the Ferryman who The treasures of treasures, the caskets of
decides when the effect of a curse will manifest caskets, the most precious riches of the Sea
itself. of Mora, for which anyone would be ready to
kill. More than usual, that is. I'm talking about
1. Fish Food: Up to three times a day a huge Ancient Caskets, pure containers of whodo
school of fish comes to munch on the ship's hull, force that protect the Knick Knacks of the
springing 2 Leaks. Conquistamuertes: amulets with which you can
2. Moving Target: The ship is visible up to control the fate of the seas.
twenty kilometers away due to a vertical beam of The legends about their birth and their power
reddish light that illuminates it. abound, as do the stories of the thousands of
3. Ugly Banner: The ship's banner mutates sailors who attempted to get one, only to be
into an obscene, stupid, or derogatory design, condemned to a life of misery that culminated in
which could then draw the anger of some and the death… and then started all over again.
laughter of… well, everyone else. The banner is Throughout the world there are said to be
also replicated on every sail, barrel and item of thirty-three Ancient Caskets and therefore as
clothing of the crew. many Knick Knacks of the Conquistamuertes,
4. Stench of Death: A stench of death, one half of which were already in the possession
so strong it would be unwelcome even in the of some of the mightiest wanderers of the seas.
Orchard, envelops the ship and all the members of But what are these objects and why are they so
the crew, which this way can be "smelled" from powerful?
miles away... especially if upwind.
5. Storm of Crabs: Up to twice a day, a black
cloud appears in the sky above the ship, showering
it with a rain of whitish, large-clawed crabs. These
crabs cut lines and pinch the crew, dealing 2 lethal
damage that ignores armor to each target on board
and causing 1 point of damage to the ship.
6. Treasure Eaters: Mouths sprout from the
ship and devour the caskets. Up to three times
per day, for each other casket stored on the ship,
roll 1d10. On a roll of 5+, the casket is devoured,
chewed and digested by the ship.
7. Water Cannons: Whenever someone tries
to open fire with one of the ship's cannons (after
having performed the attack check) they roll
1d10. On a roll of 5+ instead of a wrecking ball, a
harmless jet of salt water is fired.
8. Abyssal Meal: The same as Moving Target,
but the light shines in the deep sea, making the
ship the target for abyssal monsters.
Many argue that the Knick Knacks are objects If the object in which it’s embedded were to
that belonged to men and women of ages past, be destroyed or the person who owns it killed, the
when the world was still a patch of water and same fate will befall the Knick Knack.
cities rose on the surface of the sea, even before
the Pities set up the system for distributing items The Knick Knacks are never objects with a
depending on the Funerary Equipment. The captivating aesthetic or disturbing shapes - on the
spiritual power of these objects, trapped in the contrary, they are very simple and commonly used
world of the living, sank together with them and items, albeit with singular features from forgotten
with the cities of old, only to be brought to light ages: combs, brushes, shells, pipes, chamber pots
by whodo. It’s believed that when amagic arrived, and so on. Depending on how they’re used, they

in the darkest depths where these precious stones can unlock different powers, randomly chosen
rested, the sand and rocks became mouths, which from the list below. The power is activated when
then engulfed them and brought them back to the the Knick Knack is embedded into an item or
surface, transforming themselves into ghostly- when an individual takes control of it, therefore
looking caskets. after three days of possession.
Roll 1d10 as soon as this happens, check the
An Ancient Casket has the vague shape of a result and get ready to own the powers of the sea!
regular casket, enriched however with arcane If you prefer, following these guidelines, as
symbols and seals from other ages, made of wood Ferryman you can also make up new powers for
that swells and shrinks like a lung. Their innards, your players or… their enemies.
because it's almost more like we're talking about
living creatures, give off a pulsating light that
expands its energy up to kilometers away, bending
the laws of the sea, physics and even math.
It’s impossible to determine the true power and
potential of an Ancient Casket, but no one in their
right mind, dead or alive, would ever consider
taking it aboard their ship or bringing it anywhere
near any populated center, let alone the Orchard!

Some Ancient Caskets do not need a key to be

opened, while others, among the most powerful, BLACK TRENCH
need one or even more keys: as you can well The only time an Ancient Casket was
imagine, finding them is not easy at all and whoever brought into the Orchard was when a rather
owns one or even only a drawing of one guards it infamous pirate named Black Trench decided
tighter than they would their own mother… oh, by to find out how he could taint the laws of
the way, who knows where I left mine? our world. And then he planned to build
a throne around it, from which he could
rise above the heads of all the sailors in
KNICK KNACKS OF THE his fleet. But as he plunged his ship, the
CONQUISTAMUERTES Scar Borrow, into our world, the waters
The Knick Knacks of the Conquistamuertes around its hull boiled with purple ichor.
are the essence of each Ancient Casket. Once Huge shadowy hands then rose from the
a Knick Knack is removed from the casket, the waters and grabbed the sailing ship, plunging
casket loses its strength or, to be exact, the strength it, the crew, the captain and, of course, the
is transferred to the Knick Knack. The energy casket into the abyss.
contained in a Knick Knack has significantly less Finally, in the spot where the ship
power than the Ancient Casket and offers benefits had sunk, spawned a whirlpool as black
to the object in which it is embedded or to the as night. A whirlpool that did not lead
person who holds it. Once embedded, it can no to the world of the living, but to one
longer be removed. made of only shadows, where its lord
To own a Knick Knack and have the possibility is said to hold the stolen casket in his
to exploit its powers, it’s necessary to keep it with hands.
you (in your pocket, hanging from your neck, in Moral of the story: NEVER
your mouth or wherever you want) for three days. BRING AN ANCIENT CASKET
If during this time another person were to hold it DOWN HERE!
in their hands, the count will reset.
Embedded into a Ship 9-10 Hiss of the Sea Serpent: Upon dealing a
1-2. Essence of the Fire Eater: Each time Vicious Blow on the ground with a direct attack,
a cannonball strikes the ship's hull, a randomly the ground (or wood, in the case of a ship's deck)
selected crew member rolls 1d10. On a 6+, the cracks and opens up, creating a chasm 1d10 feet
ball disappears and materializes in the other in length and 1 meter wide, which expands by +1
direction, hitting the hull of the firing ship. meter at the end of each round, up to a maximum
3-4. Wave of Two Worlds Juice: Twice a width of 3 meters.
day, when a member of the crew wishes, they
can exclaim "I call upon you, juice of the sea!" to
cause the vessel to sink to the bottom, allowing it Owned by a Deceased


to navigate beneath the water for up to 3 hours. In 1-2 Father Pirate's Shin: As an action, you
the water, the ship moves as if wind was behind it. can detach your shin bones and cross them under
5-6. Soul of the Lost Seeker: Once per day, your head to take control of an opposing ship.
when a member of the crew wishes, they can During your turn, you can use your actions to
exclaim "Reveal yourself, oh lost seeker, and find make it take any type of action. However, each
your way!" to bring up a small boat carrying a time you do, you suffer 1 lethal damage.
mysterious sailor shrouded in a dark cloak. The 3-4 Age of Heroes Skull: Twice per day, you
boat sails for an hour towards the nearest Cursed may roll your eyes and exclaim “I call upon you,
Treasure or Ancient Casket. oh ancient skull: make me whole” to automatically
7-8. Breath of the Cloud Lord: Once per day, reassemble your body and recover every item in
when a crew member wishes, they can exclaim "I the Funerary Equipment, regardless of where it is.
call upon your breath, cloud lord!" to make the 5-6 Tribal Ruler's Femur: Detaching one
ship hover in the sky and allow it to fly for up to of your femurs, you may place it on the corpse
an hour. In the air, the ship moves twice as fast of someone who died-died no more than 1 hour
and can go as high as it wants. earlier, bringing them back to life with 4 lethal
9-10. Spirit of the Sea of Bones: Once per damage. However, upon resurrection roll 1d10:
day, when a member of the crew wishes, they can on a roll of 10 you will die-die yourself.
exclaim "I summon thee, broken bones from the 7-8 Abyss-hopper’s Pelvis: Once per day you
sea of the dead!" to summon hundreds of bones can exclaim “come to me, oh guardian of death at
from the Orchard, which climb onto the ship and sea: I require your favor” to summon an Abyss-
repair any flaws present. hopper with its boat. The Abyss-hopper acts at the
start of each round and for 3 rounds, during which
it can form a Maelstomb, fully repair your ship
Embedded into a Weapon (provided it comes from the Orchard) or recover
1-2 Scream of the Ruler of Tides: Twice per all your allies that have fallen overboard.
day, hitting the sea water with the weapon, the tide 9-10 Double Vertebral of the First Dead:
will immediately change in the direction of the blow. By exclaiming “we give death to death” for two
3-4 Voice of the Headless Captain: rounds, while aboard your ship, you and all your
Whenever, during combat aboard a ship, you deal companions may spend 1 action and suffer 1 lethal
a Vicious Blow on an opponent, you may decide damage to repair 1 Structure Point.
to perform a free attack on another member of
the same crew (wherever they are, as long as
they’re also on board a ship). If this attack is also Owned by a Living Being
a Vicious Blow, the effect repeats. 1-2 Heart of the Forgotten Lady: Once per
5-6 Mermaid Queen's Song: Twice per day, day you can exclaim "oh weeping lady of the sea,
by swinging your weapon, you can generate the let us float and reach your arms" to make you
Mermaid Queen's song. All of your opponents and your ship immortal for 1 round. That is, you
who can hear it freeze and listen for a full round, cannot take any damage and your ship cannot lose
unless they pass an 8+ Sensory check. any Structure Points.
7-8 Whisper of the Abyssal Hermit: By 3-4 Blood of the Disappointed Father: Once
throwing the weapon into the sea, you will per day you can exclaim “may death forget life;
summon an abyssal monster to fight for you for 3 may life forget death” to close any Maelstomb
rounds. You can use the monster’s attacks during you are able to see.
your turn exactly as if you were "wielding" its 5-6 Veins of the Guarded Guardians: The
weapons, thus taking advantage of your attack spirits of the Guarded Guardians watch over you.
skills. The sea then spits your weapon out at You receive +2 to all attacks and +1 to all damage
sunset on the same day. dealt (including cannon fire) while in open water.
7-8 Ousted Baron's Bile: Whenever a living 9-10 Liver of the World-Guzzler: Twice
ally dies within 20 meters of you, you absorb per day, when you down a mug of rum or any
part of their soul. For each assimilation you heal other spirit (in one gulp), you can exclaim (it
2 lethal damage and gain 3 CPs. If you exceed doesn't matter if you mumble) “lord of all that
your CP limit this way, each excess point is is alcoholic, grant me your favor and turn my
turned into a +1 bonus to the roll and damage hangover into strength” to receive +4 to damage
of the next attack check, provided that this is dealt for one round, during which however you
performed before the end of the round in which can only perform one movement action.
the assimilation occurred.

“I do not ask for riches, nor hopes, nor love, nor a friend who understands me: I only asked for a crew, a ship,
a dozen cannons and a beautiful uninhibited Squishy to have fun with before departure, ahr ahr ahr!”
[Captain Rottenbert Steventomb, pirate poet of the four seas]

Let's leave treasures alone for a moment and Ships

talk about HOW to conquer them. In addition You know those regal vessels with pristine
to your great-great-grandfather's gun and an eye lines and gleaming hulls? And those four-story
patch, you'll need a ship, protective amulets, galleons with cabins so sumptuous they look like
a decent pirate outfit and a nice hat. To be a rooms in a grand hotel? Well, forget them. Here
resurrected sailor is to have style to spare, poise in the Orchard, shipyards don't build ships: they
walking with a wooden leg, and talent for both just reassemble wrecks fished out of the sea of
cursing and spitting, even if you no longer salivate. the dead and give them a nice coat of ectocoral.
You must understand that as dead sailors, we You should be happy, because that's why they're
have the duty and honor to keep the most common so cheap.
clichés of the world of piracy alive, such as the
crews of skeletons that stroll on the seabed, ghosts Scutter (100 vouchers): The smallest of the
haunting the waters and zombies moved by the boats, therefore the most common for aspiring
forces of whodo . navigators (as well as the easiest to sink). Two
rotten sails, a few knotted ropes and a hull that
takes on water with every little wave.
SHIPYARD Freightener (300 vouchers): A worthy
You may be the bravest pirate on the four seas, vessel for a worthy crew of looters. It has
but aboard a longboat you can't hope to go very far. a large hold, cots that rats can’t bite and an
And besides, you'll also need a hold to store the elegant design that will make you fully enjoy
treasures you accumulate… if you ever find some. the atmosphere of sailing on a wreck assembled
However, at the beginning of your journey as with spit.
a resurrected sailor, it is unlikely that you will be Galle-gone (or Slain Mast, 500 vouchers):
able to afford a ship, unless a dead-dead relative Get ready to taste real adventure and get lost
has bequeathed you a small fortune. in the four floors of a Galle-gone, the largest
Usually those fresh from exhumation join boat that our carpenters are able to assemble.
other crews in the hope of sharing the profits of It smells as damp as a public latrine on a rainy
conquered treasures, or settle their unfinished summer day, the bridge undulates like a sheet
business and reinvest the earnings into buying a blowing in the wind but hey, its charm is
ship of their own. unmatched. Bon voyage!

Crew Structure Wind Upgrades Cannons Leaks

(minimum) Points Points (max) (max) (max)
Scutter 3 5 5 1 4 5
Freightener 5 10 5 2 8 8
Galle-Gone 8 15 4 3 20 12
Note that these values are also the same for Affected deceased who suffer at least 1
ships from the world of the living. Scutters are damage from these balls lose 2 randomly chosen
equivalent to Cutters or Sloops, Freighteners to body parts.
Schooners or Brigs and Galle-gones to Galleons. Ectocoral Plus (20/40/70 vouchers): Another
There are obviously many other ships as well, layer of Ectocoral is added to the ship's hull,
some smaller and some larger (such as the equivalent to 1 more Structure point for Scutters,
Galeomundi) and others that are somewhere in 2 for Freighteners and 3 for Galle-gones. The
between those presented. In any case, by referring prices indicated in brackets refer to the three types
to this table it will be possible to easily establish of ships.
their features. Fleshy Sails (50 vouchers): It may disgust


many sailors (myself included) to have sails made
from skin that fell off of Squishies and Stuffies,
Ship Equipment but if expertly hoisted these sails are amazing!
Odds are the ship you are on will be sunk (for Ships fitted with Fleshy Sails receive +1 Wind
the second time) on the first boarding. Livingjoys, point; in addition, every time a result of 9-10 is
hunters, better pirates than you: anyone could rolled on the ship's damage table, the damage die
attack the buoyancy of your tub, so for its sake must be rolled a second time.
and that of you and your companions, you should Ghost Sails (50 vouchers): The sails made
equip it to the fullest. from rotten canvas in true Orchard style are
Note that each of these pieces of equipment, replaced with the bodies of dozens of Windies
apart from cannonballs, takes up 1 Upgrade slot. who decided to donate their casings, so that after
their death-death they could be used to assemble
Cannon Set (20 vouchers): A cannon set these special sails. Ships fitted with Ghost Sails
includes four cannons, which are distributed receive -1 to maximum Wind Points, and an oral
equally on the sides of the ship. The only exception command from a member of the crew on board
is for Galle-gones, for which you can purchase a is enough to lower or unfurl them. Furthermore,
Cannon Set to place 2 cannons in the bow (front) dropping anchor while these sails are still unfurled
and stern (rear). does not cause damage Points.
Classic Ball (2 vouchers per Ball): Regular Motorized Oars (50 vouchers): Motorized
cannonballs. Spheres of pure iron from the Oars are special mechanical oars built by
Orchard enriched with iron and coated with iron. alchemists. Once activated they move by
Each successful hit with this cannonball deals 4 themselves, without the need for rowers. They
damage and 1 point of damage. are sold in pairs, together with an ignition device
Affected deceased who suffer at least 1 which, during assembly, can be installed wherever
damage from these balls lose 3 randomly chosen you want (on the wheel, on the main mast, under
body parts. the captain's bed and so on). Activating the
Cursed Ball (6 vouchers per Ball): A Motorized Oars costs 1 action and allows the
cannonball forged with the energies of whodo: ship to move at twice its speed. Up to 3 pairs of
it is sold in the world of the dead as much as in Motorized Oars can be installed (each of which
the world of the living. Each successful hit deals counts as 1 Upgrade) and you can decide to
3 damage and 1 damage Point, after which, the activate them individually or all together, thus
attacker chooses a curse among those in the making the ship move six times its normal speed.
cursed caskets list, whose effects are activated Once a pair of Motorized Oars is activated,
immediately and only once. it’s necessary to wait 3 rounds before activating
A ship can only be affected by one curse from it again.
Cursed Balls at a time. Stink Ball (4 vouchers per Ball): This
Affected deceased who suffer at least 1 damage cannonball is made by fusing the barnacles of the
from this ball lose 2 randomly chosen body parts. Orchard with the cloths used to clean the latrines
Ectoadhesive Ball (4 vouchers per Ball): and a few pieces of Pustulent Squishy skin, all
They look like regular cannonballs, but the iron held together by a contact explosion mechanism.
casing that covers them is only a protective shell The Stink Ball deals no damage, but if the result
(as well as oxidized) that contains an amalgam of of the damage affects the crew, all sailors on the
explosive rotglue. Each successful hit with this target ship lose 1 action (to vomit; yes, even if
cannonball deals 3 damage and 1 damage Point they’re dead) and all ranged attacks made by them
on a roll of 6+. In addition, the rotglue remains receive -2 for 2 rounds.
attached for 2 rounds, causing 1 additional
damage Point at the end of each round of combat,
unless scraped off (2 actions) or set on fire.
BIZARRE FISH Deck-Slashing Saber (O, 40 vouchers): This
Your ship isn't the only thing worth sprucing powerful and huge saber, almost two meters long, is
up: wander among peg-leg shops, powdered wig forged by the blacksmiths of the Orchard by melting
vendors, and newsboys peddling whodo charms. the metal of at least five sabers from the Lost. You
You will be surprised to see how much garba–I may spend 1 action to charge Deck-Slashing Saber
mean, how many interesting things the Harbones (up to a maximum of three times). When you
markets offer to sailors thirsty for adventure. perform a direct attack against a ship, you deal 1
Damage Point for each accumulated charge.
Accumulated charges remain active for 2
Pirate Crap rounds.

What are you looking for? More firepower? Ectocoral Clump (O, 4 vouchers): This
Go to a Hartillery: come on, you won’t upset conveniently packaged Ectocoral Clump makes
your ancestors if you enrich your arsenal with for quick, sticky repairs. If placed on a Leak, it
something more than the five-generation family immediately repairs it.
sword from your Funerary Equipment. Looking Ectocoral Slippers (O, 6 vouchers): These
for exotic items? Go to the whodo shaman stalls; slippers with a semi-circular sole will allow you
just beware of swindlers: they might even sell you to effortlessly slide on the sea surface without
their granddaughter's doll by passing it off as an ever sinking. While wearing Ectocoral Slippers,
amagical ragdoll. you will be able to move on the surface of the
If one of these items presents the letter O in water, receiving +2 to the meters of movement.
brackets, it means that it can only be found in the However, for every 2 movement actions in a row,
Orchard. If not, it can be purchased in any harbor, roll 1d10: with a result of 9-10 you slip and end up
both in the world of the living and the dead. in the water upside down. However, if you wear
Ectocoral Slippers on land or on the deck of a
Bottomless Mug (O, 7 vouchers): Every ship, you receive -2 to meters of movement.
sailor's dream is to own a mug that is never filled Fins and Mask (6 vouchers): With this
to the brim and never empties. Sadly for the living, swimming set, including fins that look like bat
only we have such an item. The Bottomless Mug wings and a fanged mask, you can splash around
contains Grop, a special blend of broth that drives underwater like a true rotting fish. As long as
all of us sea dogs who miss rum crazy. As an you’re in the water, the Fins and Mask allow you
action, you can down a gulp of Grop: if you do, to double your movement, while if you use them
you can reroll the dice for a failed ranged attack on land or on the deck of a ship, they limit the
(immediately after drinking). If this roll also movements you can make per turn to 1.
fails, however, the blow hits one of your allies (if Grave Compass (O, 6 vouchers): Sold only
possible). in Undead Port Authority offices to the overly
Furthermore, anyone who owns a Bottomless distracted deceased, a Grave Compass works only
Mug, at the beginning of each fight, instead of in the world of the living and always points in the
adding SPs to receive a bonus to the initiative roll, direction of the nearest Maelstomb. Once it goes
can take a sip of Grop. If they do, for 1 round they through one, however, it gets damaged. When this
receive +2 to all the ship's gunfire and steering happens, roll 1d10. On a roll of 8-10, the compass
checks. If all crew members take a sip of Grop, in begins pointing at the nearest cursed treasure
addition to the bonus, they receive 1 free action for instead, getting permanently destroyed once the
the first round of combat. Any check performed treasure is found. The Grave Compass only works
with this bonus action that fails is considered a in the hands of a deceased person.
critical failure. Horned Tricorn (25 vouchers): Fusing the
Dead Sea Dog’s Coat (O, 25 vouchers): Not all fashion of the pirate tricorn with the horned
sailors can afford this item of clothing, taken from helmets of barbarian countries, the Horned
the corpse of a dead-dead-at-sea captain whose Tricorn was born: a combination of style and
remains have somehow ended up in the Orchard aggressiveness. While wearing the Horned
. As long as you are on the deck of a ship and Tricorne, you may use the Entertainment skill to
wearing the Coat of the Dead Sea Dog, each time brutally but elegantly offend any target that can
you roll a Critical Failure you may suffer 1 lethal hear you. If the check is successful, until the end
damage to reroll. Instead of taking the damage, you of the following round, the target cannot perform
may inflict it on an ally within 10 meters or cause a any Heroic Actions, spend more than 1 SP or CP
Leak on your ship (if you are on board). for an action, or deal Vicious Blows.
Note that the taunt cannot target the same
target during the same fight.
Joyous Spear (40 vouchers): The weapons Item Price
of the Livingjoys would normally not be able to Ship Equipment
reach the Orchard: the spears used by Livingjoy
Cannon Set 20 Vouchers
sailors however are partly imbued with whodo
energy which, once in contact with the world of Classic Ball 2 Vouchers
the dead, transforms and develops a whole new Cursed Ball 6 Vouchers
potential. While wielding a Joyous Spear you Ectoadhesive Ball 4 Vouchers
can detect the presence of a Livingjoy up to 500
meters away and you receive +1 to hit and +1 to Ectocoral Plus 20/40/70 V
damage against Livingjoys. Also, whenever your Flashy Sails 50 Vouchers


attack deals at least 1 damage to a Livingjoy, you Ghost Sails 50 Vouchers
and all your deceased allies within a 10 meter
Motorized Oars 50 Vouchers
radius suffer 1 lethal damage. If wounds suffered
this way exceed your energy limit, you and all Stink Ball 4 Vouchers
your allies within a 10 meter radius suffer 1 mixed Pirate Crap
damage. Bottomless Mug 7 Vouchers
Necro-gorget (40 vouchers): Those sorts
Dead Sea Dog's Coat 25 Vouchers
of fabric donuts with which Necrolovers adorn
their necks are not simple trappings of dubious Deck-Slashing Saber 40 Vouchers
taste, as they contain the essence of whodo. Ectocoral Clump 4 Vouchers
Each Necro-gorget comes with a spell (chosen Ectocoral Slippers 6 Vouchers
randomly from those of the first or second rank
presented in this book), but with a +1 penalty Fins and Mask 6 Vouchers
on its use. Also, each time you use this spell, Grave Compass 6 Vouchers
whether you succeed or not, roll 1d10. On a Horned Tricorn 25 Vouchers
7+ the Necro-gorget tightens, dealing 1 lethal
Joyous Spear 40 Vouchers
damage to you and decapitating you. Spells used
this way do not consume any SPs. Necro-gorget 40 Vouchers
Portable Cannon (35 vouchers): The power Portable Cannon 35 Vouchers
of a cannon in your hands. Assuming you're strong Tribal Amulet 10 Vouchers
enough to carry it. A Portable Cannon works like a
Whodo Doll 20 Vouchers
regular cannon and can be equipped with any type
of ball, but any failure when using it is considered Deep Wet
a Critical Failure. Also, when you open fire you Black Spot 10 Profanes
must perform a difficulty 6+ check, or you are Cursed Keychain 7 Profanes
knocked to the ground by the recoil.
Tribal Amulet (10 vouchers): The natives of Piece of Hate 5 Profanes
the Atolls make and trade these special amulets Poultry with a Pulley 5 Profanes
filled with whodo energy, which depict their gods.
If a Tribal Amulet is attached to a cursed casket
it’s absorbed into it, thus canceling the curse. If
worn instead, when the wearer would die as a
result of any type of damage, they instead go back
to having 2 damage.
Whodo Doll (20 vouchers): Did you think
they sold regular stuffed cloth dolls, with buttons
for eyes and hair made from tufts of straw? You
thought right! Once you have one in your hands,
you can perform a Dexterity check to make it look
like a person you know the appearance of (as long
as it has two arms and two legs, so no weird stuff).
If the check is successful, from then on, you can
spend an action and use the doll to inflict 1 lethal
damage on them, make them perform any action,
or steal an item from them. The doll has 3 uses,
after which it loses all its strength, still remaining a
nice little toy. Just think: some people collect them.
Deep Wet Cursed Keychain (7 profanes): These keychains
Hey. Um, come closer… if you’re looking for are fashioned from cursed casket fragments that the
something that, so to speak, is not on the menu of Grinding Ovens didn’t shred properly. A cursed
the Orchard, go to the Deep Wet. In these stalls keychain can be hidden in a ship, which is then
managed by envoys of the Urn Keepers you can affected by the matching curse for 24 hours.
find the goods forbidden by the Harbones, whose Piece of Hate (5 profanes): These Pieces of
possession is severely punished by the Orchard Hate are original, but instead of containing the
Navy. They may tell you that this stuff is only spirit and essence of a valiant sea adventurer, they
found in Buccharbors, but I assure you that in contain that of a thief, scoundrel or freebooter
every official harbor there’s always a dark alley, who made their way among the waves cursing
a basement or the petticoats of an unsuspecting and tripping others. If while using a Piece of
old lady where you can find merchandise capable the requested favor goes unanswered, your ship
of adding a little more spice to your travels. suffers the effects of a curse (randomly chosen
Of course I didn't tell you anything! I don’t among those listed for cursed caskets) for 24
know you! hours. In addition, during this period of time, all
other favors requested through Pieces of Late or
Black Spot (10 profanes): This special Pieces of Hate are automatically ignored, without
and boldly cowardly letter sealed with a however prolonging the effects of the curse.
black mark can be delivered to any deceased Poultry with a Pulley (5 profanes): I'm
or living person (putting it in their pocket, not sure where this stuff comes from and why
hiding it under their bed, etc.) who will then someone would join a rubber chicken with a
be persecuted by debilitating bad luck, so much pulley. The fact is that while using it you can
so that any failure on a check is considered a make a ghost rope appear, joining the ship you
Critical Failure. However, if the letter is found are in to another (or even to dry land) no more
and burned, the person who delivered it suffers than 100 meters away. The rope can only be used
the same fate for 24 hours. with the Poultry with a Pulley and allows you to
soar towards your target, but only if you pass an
Athletics check while you’re hanging from it. If
not, the string vanishes midway.
Capitolo 5 - Watered Down Fate

And now let’s figure out what kind

of sailor you are. Or have been. Or
will be.
Life at sea not only requires a thirst
for adventure or thirst in general, but
forces you to deal with your abilities,
to know how to exploit them and to
be as quick and decisive as death was in
claiming you.
In the open sea only your skills and
those of your companions can make the
difference between glory and abyssal
oblivion. Your trust in both must be
unshakeable, as well as in your captain.
Yes, even if it’s the same person that
got you down here. Because if it’s true
that the sea is a symbol of freedom, it’s
also true that it can turn into your worst
enemy; at that point, the only thing
you can do is hope to have someone
next to you who knows what they’re
doing, what they are and who, above
all, doesn’t panic! GOT IT? DON’T
“You are certainly the most incompetent, stinky, lazy pile of limbs I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing on my
deck… And you’re still the best crew in all the Harbone.”
[Armand “Low Deck” Du Caisse, Captain on Loan]

First of all, you should know that an Undead Need I tell you what a Captain does? Fine
Buccaneer must have two things: the first - and - the Captain is the highest position within a


in this case it is more about NOT having - is a crew. They’re the ones who give orders, they’re
missing piece: an eye, a leg, a hand, a sense of the ones who set the targets and the routes and
hygiene, whatever. Well, I see that you’ve got this they’re the ones who whistle when everyone
one already. The second, however, is a crew. What else is loading and unloading barrels, breaking
are you? Certainly not a captain! Personally I see their backs... but they’re also the ones who
you more as a ball guard. Don’t know what it is? spend sleepless nights trying to make ends meet
Basically, they’re the ones who stick their head and resolve mishaps - such as the death of the
inside the cannon when it misfires, to see if there’s entire crew.
something wrong with the trigger mechanism.
The Orchard is full of ball guards. With an action, you can issue an order to any
crew member who can hear you. If the sailors
do as they are told during their turn, they get +1
SEAFARING RANK to the related check. An ally can only receive
Whether you decide to form one on your one order per turn this way. Also, once per day,
own or to join one that already exists, know that you may gain the abilities of one of the other
a self-respecting crew needs these components: seafaring ranks for 1 round.
a Navigatorn, or someone who knows how to Training as a Captain lasts 3 sessions.
navigate and how to sail the ship through the
waves, a Gonner, or the person in charge of Captain on Loan: Many shipmates may
directing cannon fire, a Quartermonster, or the feel uncomfortable choosing a Captain among
protector of the treasures and provisions on board, them; or, when there is a vote, everyone votes
a Corpsenter, or someone who works (often full- for themselves making it impossible to reach a
time) at repairing the ship and finally, of course, majority. However, the Orchard made sure that
the Captain. Yeah, no funny name for them. this inconvenience could be overcome with the
Many crews of Undead Buccaneers count the purchase of a Captain; or rather, part of one.
living among their ranks and vice versa: there Among the heads of the dead rescued from
aren’t many prejudices among pirates (not even the Joyforts are in fact those of worn-out
in regards the the embezzlement of treasures), Captains (in every sense) who, even if they no
therefore the living may want to take advantage of longer have a body, have not lost their desire to
the flexibility of the dead and the latter may find it sail! At the Undead Port Authority each crew
helps to have someone on board who doesn’t smell can request the head of a Captain to accompany
like rotten fish and ectoglue - just like rotten fish. them on adventures at sea, shouldering all the
In both the Harbones and the harbors of the burdens and barking orders from the top of a
world of the living you can find plenty of recruiting very comfortable pike (often included in the
houses, where aspiring travelers or lucky survivors loan). If a Captain brings their crew to riches, it
of maritime massacres anxiously wait to be able to often happens that in order to repay their debt
tread the greasy deck of a ship again. the crew decide to find their body, or to buy
them one, so that they can go back to strolling
If you’re using a character from an earlier age or on the deck of the ship.
wish to gain further training, you can get training in a To compensate for the lack of anything
Seafaring Rank. Training works like advancements: other than a skull, these Captains are often
you must be in a Harbone once the session is over much grumpier, more severe and demanding,
and have the Ferryman’s consent. The training lasts even capable of gathering the whole crew in the
a certain number of sessions (about ten hours each) middle of the night to be taken for a stroll or to
based on the role in which you intend to be trained. organize some group games .
Each session costs 2 licenses.
Corpsenter the world of the dead, being able to exploit the
Corpsenters are those sailors who take care dead energy in whirlpools and Maelstombs by
of repairing the ship as much as the bodies of transferring it on to anyone on board.
their companions. Unlike regular carpenters,
they mend wood and corpses, treating the latter’s You receive +1 to all Navigation checks.
wounds like leaks in the hull, although in this case Also, if you’re at the wheel of the ship, you may
liquid is spilling out rather than in. perform a free veer maneuver without spending
any actions or Wind Points.
Each time you perform a check to repair Finally, when you cross a whirlpool to go to

damage to the ship, you receive +1 to the check. In the Sea of Mora or a Maelstomb to return to the
addition, with a Carpentry check you can reattach Orchard, you and all your companions get +2 to
a piece to a dead person, thus healing them of 2 your SP limits for 5 hours (not stackable).
non-lethal damage. Training as a Navigatorn lasts 2 sessions.
Training as a Corpsenter lasts 2 sessions.

Gonner Who takes care of storing the treasures? And
Gonners are in charge of cannon fire and… who has the power to harness their dead energy?
shooting their comrades. Calibrating a cannon And who supports the Captain even if they’re
shot in the open sea is a huge challenge, not to sleeping (whether in the cabin or with the fish)?
mention aiming so that your fellow crew members Who takes care of leading the dead into battle? The
end up on the target and not in the open sea. answer is always the same: the Quartermonster!

You get +1 to the check to open fire with If you’re aboard a ship carrying Common
cannons. If you’ve armed one, it takes 1 less Treasures, when it enters the Orchard you can
action to open fire. If during your turn you spend roll 2 times to establish the number of Pieces of
1 action giving directives on how to aim, the other Late gained. Likewise, if you’re aboard the ship
gunners receive +1 to their shooting check for 1 when the curse attached to a Cursed Treasure
round (not stackable). is randomly determined, you can roll twice and
Training as a Corpsenter lasts 2 sessions. choose the result you prefer.
Furthermore, if the Captain has given an order,
at the same time you can use an action (which is
Nagivatorn subtracted from those of your next turn) to confirm
In addition to taking care of the ship’s it and thus receive an additional +1 to the check.
maneuvers, making the most of the wind and Training as a Quartermonster lasts for 2
removing seagull droppings from the wheel, sessions.
Navigatorns have unique experience in the
crossing between the world of the living and

In the following pages we introduce the 4 new types of dead that this expansion adds, always limited to your
character’s Dead Body.
So, let’s see with what blessings the sea granted to your resurrection!
Some corpses that meet their end in the
abyss end up becoming part of marine life.
When the Orchard then notices them and
claims them, these deceased bring with
them everything they accumulated during
their patient stay on the seabed. But to
be so well preserved, these corpses must
have sunk a certain way: this is the case

for mummified bodies, but also for those

preserved (and then spat out) from the
stomachs of slowly digesting marine fish,
or for those thrown into the water after
having been covered in pitch and goose
When they arrive in the Orchard, these
deceased are covered in corals, barnacles
and starfish that made their bodies their
new home. Corallies is their name, coral is
their body and corals are what they’ll throw
at you if you make fun of their appearance.
Rank I you can make it receive -1 Wind Point (stone
Coral Armor: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty 6+. version) or allow it to perform only one veer
The corals on your body form a light armor per turn (sponge version). To keep this power
(heavy if you spend +1 SP). The Coral Armor active, you must spend 1 SP at the end of each
can also overlap with another already present, round except the first.
but does not increase the DD. Each time it loses Note that if you want to switch from stone to
1 Endurance point, a piece of coral detaches sponge or vice versa you need to reactivate the
and sticks to the first closest opponent within power.
10 meters, taking away 1 action from their next


Coral Armor remains active for 4 rounds. Rank III
Coralpenter: Action, 1 SP, difficulty 5+. Coral Cannon: Action, 4 SPs, difficulty
Some of the corals that grow on your body have 8+. You disassemble your body to turn into
powers similar to ectocoral. You may detach a bizarre cannon. While in cannon form, you
one and suffer 1 lethal damage, but if you place can’t perform any actions other than moving
it on an armor or shield you are able to repair it and opening fire. By spending 1 SP you can
instantly. You can similarly repair a hull, as well shoot, at your choice, a Common Ball, an
as any other item that can be fixed by sticking a Ectoadhesive Ball or a Stink Ball.
sticky coral into it. The power remains active for 2 rounds or
Five-Point Star: Action, 2 SP, difficulty until you end it by spending 1 action.
5+. No, this is not a satanic symbol, but an Nautical Puppeteer: Action, 3 SPs,
extremely sharp starfish from the Orchard that difficulty 6+. Ship hulls are filled with tiny
you can detach from your body and hurl at an sea creatures that stuck to them during their
opponent (short range), capable of dealing 1 voyages… and you can control them. You can
lethal damage that ignores armor. If the target is activate this powerIf a ship is (and remains)
wearing armor, it loses 1 Endurance point. within 100 meters of you: as long as the power’s
active you may perform 1 action and spend 2
SPs to make it lose 1 Wind Point for 1 round,
Rank II cause it to leak or roll, so that each crew action
Barnacle Spy: Action, 1 SP, difficulty 5+. suffers -2 to the dice roll.
You can peel off a sticky little barnacle that The power remains active for 3 rounds.
works like a beacon, telling you where the object Scaly Infestation: Action, 4 SPs, difficulty
or person you attached it to is. Furthermore, if 9+. Your body breaks down into a pile of moving
it’s within 100 meters of you, you may perform corals, hermit crabs and small crabs that swarm
an action at a cost of 3 SPs (difficulty 7+) to everywhere nibbling and pinching everyone.
detonate it (yes, they’re also explosive!) and During your turn, you can choose whether to
thus cause 2 damage that ignores armor or 1 perform one of the following actions.
Leak. You spawn 1 Barnacle Spy per day (up Tuning: Difficulty 7+. All Leaks of the ship
to a maximum of 3). Once detached from your you are on are repaired.
body, the Barnacle Spy remains alive for 24 Sabotage: Difficulty 7+. The ship you are on
hours. suffers 2 Damage Points, equivalent to results
Coral Reef: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty 7+. of 1-2 on the matching table (see chapter 6,
By shaking your body, you drop small, self- “Deeds in the Sea of Mora”), thus causing 2
propelled corals that quickly swarm to coat the Leaks.
vessel you’re on. For 5 rounds the ship cannot Trimming: Difficulty 6+. All opponents
be breached and each time it would suffer 1 aboard the ship you are on suffer 1 damage that
Damage point, roll 1d10. On a roll of 5+, the ignores armor.
damage is canceled. Note that this power can Though you can’t take direct damage in this
also be used on structures or items to strengthen form, you suffer 1 lethal damage for each failure
them (provided they’re mostly made of wood). of your pets. Note that you can’t move away
Stone Sponge: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty 5+. from the spot where you broke down. However,
You can transform your body at will, until it this power can also be used to damage other
weighs as much as a stone or is light enough structures, unless they’re composed largely of
to float in water like a sponge. This way, you wood.
can ascend from the depths or descend at high The power remains active for 4 rounds or
speed, also taking other beings or items with until you decide to end it by spending 1 action
you. If you attach yourself to a ship instead, and 1 SP.

There are some people in the world
who perform heroic deeds without even
realizing it: men and women who, kissed
by a drunken luck, are capable of giving
life to daring gestures bordering on the
surreal: they can perform somersaults
that end in perfect landings, use stones
as snowboards while falling off a cliff,
end up aboard a ship after being spat out
by a squeamish abyssal monster, and who
knows what else. Now, these actions often
end with death for the living, but in the
case of the resurrected it’s a completely
different story. The Blustedeads in life
were daredevil adventurers who could
count on this oddity (and which in most
cases caused their death), and now that
they’re dead they can make the most of it
without risking breaking their heads - only
losing them at sea .
With regard to certain feats, you have
to wonder whether they think of them in
advance or if they improvise.
Rank I Rank II
Squashbuckling Battle: When you Cannon Fodder: If you’re fired from a
perform a Heroic Action in battle (an attack, cannon, you may spend 1 SP to perform a Heroic
push, block, etc.), you may spend +1 SP to Action aimed at attacking a target on board, or a
make it a Squashbuckler Action. The effects Squashbuckler Action if you have the Squashbuckler
are the same, except that you can perform an Battle ability (in this case without having to spend
additional attack with one of your weapons. the additional SPs). However, if the shot involves
The attack does not require an action and crashing somewhere, you may also spend 1 SP to
receives +2 to the check. make sure you don’t shatter upon landing.


Squashbuckling Escape: You can perform Motto of the Squashbuckler: Choose a motto
a Squashbuckler Action to escape from an to use in a specific situation (whenever you’re
uncomfortable and/or dangerous situation. In about to be hit by a cannonball, whenever you’re
this case you must perform a Heroic Action, about to fall overboard, whenever you finish off
but at a cost of +1 SP. If you are successful, an opponent, and so on). If you recite the motto at
you can move the equivalent of 3 movement the right time, you can perform a Squashbuckler
actions, ignoring any obstacles. Furthermore, Action costing only 1 SP. To qualify for the bonus,
for the entire following round, those who however, this must be done before the end of the
attempt to hit you with ranged attacks suffer -1 round. This ability can only be used once per round.
to their rolls. Rhyming Offense: As part of an attack, you
Squashbuckling Lie: You can take a may deliver a sharp insult to your opponent. If
Squashbuckler Action to fool someone with it has an effect and the attack hits, your weapon
words. In this case you must perform a Heroic absorbs the target’s shame and delivers a Vicious
Action, but at a cost of +1 SP. If you are Blow. The insult must be subtle but merciless and
successful, you can tell a lie which, however must be said in the moment. The other players
absurd, is believable! You will have to say the will decide if it’s sharp enough.
lie aloud, just as you would describe a Heroic
Action: for the sentence to have effect, it must
make sense, no matter how absurd it is. Note Rank III
that the purpose of the lie, however, must Disguised Heroism: Squashbuckler Actions
remain within the limits of credibility: you and Heroic Actions cost 1 SP less (minimum 1).
won’t be able to convince a Pity to give you a Also, when you roll a 10 on one of these actions,
Recommendation, just as you won’t be able to you gain 3 SPs (up to the maximum).
convince a Livingjoy that you’re not a skeleton King of the Squashbucklers: In combat,
and that you’re just really thin. you get +1 action per turn. However, if you
don't perform at least one Heroic Action or
Squashbuckler Action on your turn, you suffer 1
lethal damage and lose 1 SP at the end of that turn.
Supreme Squashbuckler: When you perform
a Heroic Action or Squashbuckler Action, you may
roll twice and choose the better result. However,
if a die rolls a 1 or if both rolls fail, you suffer a
number of lethal damage equal to the result of the
lower roll and lose that many body parts.
The souls of Windies who arrive in the Orchard through the Sea of Mora turn out to be a bit… damp. In theory, before being
placed in their bluish containers, they should be centrifuged and dried, but the Pities don’t always feel like it, which is why
some of these guests are resurrected with some particular flaws (or peculiarities, as the Pities would say to justify themselves):
the containers that house their souls are full of the “gifts” that the Sea of Mora left for their corpses, turning them into a kind of
traveling fish tank in which fish corpses swim and algae of unhealthy colors sway.
The so-called Tankies exploit this peculiarity to shape themselves around the water, even going so far as to control the waves
and the winds. Not to mention the creatures they can pull out of that aquatic zoo they have as a body.
Rank I you can choose a Rank II power to pair it with. At
Ecto-Pool: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty 6+. Your the end of the second round since it was drawn, the
body collapses to the ground, becoming a puddle Saberfish gets tired and you’re left with nothing but
of water. This way you can seep through materials, a limp eel. The only way to reinvigorate it is to throw
or if you break into a larger pool of water you can it back into your fish tank and wait a couple of hours.
move through it (20 meters as a move action) and Telespit: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty 6+, short
pop out in another spot, as long as it’s wet enough range. You spit out a watery, bluish goo. With an
(it’s not enough for it to be damp). You can keep action and spending 1 SP you can teleport to any
this power active for up to 2 consecutive rounds goo pool no more than 20 meters from you. You


by spending 1 SP and performing a difficulty 6+ can teleport into the same goo pool up to 2 times,
check at the end of the round. While in this form after which the pool vanishes. On a roll of 9 the
you cannot be hit, but be careful: someone could maximum range becomes Medium, while on a
always dry you or drink you (despite the bad roll of 10 it becomes Long.
taste). In the first case your soul vanishes, while
in the second well, I wouldn’t want to be the one Rank III
who guzzled you when the power ceases its effect! Aqua de Muerte: Action, 5 SPs, difficulty 9+.
Tomb Fish: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty 6+. You You let the water that composes you become one
can pull a Tomb Fish out of your body, a kind with your body, thus turning you into a shapeless
of puffer fish inflated with gas (it eats a lot of creature of pure sea energy and three times the
ectocoral), which explodes at the slightest shock. size of a human being. While in this form, you
You can also spit it directly onto the target with can attack normally, but you can’t activate other
the same action, suffering -1 to the attack check. Powers of the Dead. If your body is in contact
The range varies depending on how you throw it with water, by spending 2 SPs you can teleport
(it can also be fired from a cannon, for example). up to 20 meters within it. In this form you can
As soon as it explodes, the Tomb Fish deals also engulf a living or deceased being to attempt
2 damage in a 2 meter radius. Additionally, all to drown it (note that they can still try to get out).
unarmored targets find themselves covered in half- If a deceased remains inside you for a full round,
digested ectocoral, which prevents them from taking at the end of the round they heal 1 lethal damage
more than 1 movement action in the same turn. or 2 non-lethal damage (their choice).
Wind-powered Windy: Action, 2 SPs, Finally, even if you’re not considered as having
difficulty 6+. Your ectoplasm, made extremely any armor, only Vicious Blows or hits dealing 3 or
elastic by humidity, can flatten into a sail. While in more damage can damage you. Even in these cases,
this form, as an action you can cause the ship you however, you only suffer 1 damage per damaging.
are aboard to make a 90° turn or give it a burst of Your Aqua de Muerte form lasts for 3 rounds,
speed equal to spending 3 more Wind Points. You after which you can prolong the effect for another
can keep this power active for up to 3 consecutive 2 rounds by spending 3 SPs (difficulty 8+).
rounds, by spending 1 SP and performing a Megalodone: Action, 4 SPs, difficulty 7+. In
difficulty 5+ check at the end of each round. the unfathomable depths of your body, perhaps
between the pelvis and the femur, sleeps the soul
Rank II of a Megalodone, the sharks of the Orchard. With
Articular Vortex: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty 7+. this power you can summon it and even if due to
Throwing a large enough limb (an arm, a leg, or the its size you cannot spit it out, it sprouts inside your
head) into the water creates a small whirlpool that head, which takes the form of its sharp jaws. While
sucks in all creatures the size of a troll or smaller the power is active, your bites deal Vicious Blows
for 2 rounds within a 20 meter radius and prevents on 8-10 and deal 4 damage. With a Vicious Blow,
ships within a 30 meter radius from taking veer you also automatically destroy an armor or shield
actions. Note that sucked targets may still be able owned by the target. If the Vicious Blow is suffered
to hold their breath and then resurface once the by a ship instead, you deal 1 Damaging Point on it.
power ends. You can only activate one vortex at At the end of the second round since it was
a time. Note that you can activate the power even summoned, the Megalodone gets fed up and goes
if the limb is already in the water, provided it’s back to sleep. You may only call it back after a
no more than 20 meters from you. To recover the couple of hours.
limb you must come into contact with the liquid in Specter of the Sea: Action, 6 SPs, difficulty
which you immersed it and spend 1 SP, otherwise 9+. Once per day, by jumping into the water (or
it will grow back on its own after 10 hours. if you’re already there) you can merge with it and
Saberfish: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty 7+. You can unleash a storm (see chapter 6, "Deeds in the Sea of
pull a Saberfish out of your body - a purplish fish so Mora"). While in storm form you can’t be hit, but
thin, long, and stiff that it can be wielded as a weapon you suffer 1 lethal damage at the end of each round.
(Vicious Blows on a 9-10, 3 damage). In addition, After 3 rounds, you revert to your regular form.
Whodo is a force that can be as
annoying as it is deadly! It attaches itself
to some corpses like a mussel to a rock:
this is the case of the Whodeath, Squishies
who in life were in close contact with
curses (which often dragged them into the
abyss) or who passed away with amagical
amulets on them, carrying with them the
energies of whodo.

During the resurrection process, such

forces melt into the corpse, being absorbed
into folds and wallowing in what is left
of their watered-down brains, in order to
gift them part of the forces that intrigue all
sailors of this sea.
Whodeaths are containers of whodo
energy, dispensers of curses and walking
pincushions, combining the benefits
of death with the forces of the sea, all
seasoned with exotic spices.
Rank I Mark of Might: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty
Foul Shaped Amulet: Indigenous amulets 7+, medium range. A reddish mark resembling
have the most disparate shapes, often funny if two rows of gnashing teeth appears on the
not downright obscene. You have one of these target’s forehead. For 1 round, the marked target
amulets (perhaps in the shape of a pair of breasts, receives +2 to damage from all close combat
two spheres from which an upright shape emerges, attacks and all strength checks. If the Mark of
or two rounded buttocks). You can activate the Misfortune and this mark are on the same target,
amulet’s power with an action on difficulty 6+, the critical failure range and damage dealt in
spending 2 SPs. All your allies within a 20 meter close combat increase by +1. Note that you can


radius who can see the amulet receive +1 to all brand yourself as well.
offensive checks (whether attacks, spells, or other
actions targeting an opponent) for one round. All
opponents within a radius of 20 meters able to see Rank III
the amulet, at the beginning of their next turn must Cursed Zombie: Action, 4 SPs, difficulty 8+.
instead perform a difficulty 6+ check in order not For a maximum of 2 times a day you can cast a
to laugh and thus lose an action for that turn. curse (see chapter 4, "In the Dead Man's Chest")
Mark of Misfortune: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty on any ship no more than 100 meters from you.
6+, medium range. A greenish mark resembling a The curse takes effect immediately and only
smoking poop appears on the target’s forehead. For lasts one round. In addition, if the ship you are
1 round, the marked target gets a Critical Failure on aboard has one or more curses, you can transfer
1-3. Note that you can brand yourself as well. them to another ship within 100 meters for 1d10
Mime Dummy: Action, 2 SPs, difficulty 7+, hours (without the daily limit), after which time it
long range. You can activate this power as part returns to the ship it came from.
of an action. The hit opponent, during their turn, Doll Maker: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty 8+. By
uses their first action to perform the exact same taking off a large enough body part (a hand, a foot,
gesture. This way, they might direct an attack a forearm, and so on) you can use it to create a
against his ally, move overboard or even simply Whodo Doll (see chapter 4, “In the Dead Man’s
pick their nose. However, you can’t directly harm Chest”) that everyone can use. You can reattach
the target with this power (this includes severing the body part once the effect of the Doll ends
limbs, piercing your heart, shooting yourself in or whenever you decide to break the spell by
the head, and so on). spending an action and 2 SPs. You can only create
and keep 2 Whodo Dolls active at a time.
Ship in a Bottle: Action, 6 SPs, difficulty 9+.
Rank II When you throw a bottle or any other container of
Cursed Dummy: Action, 3 SPs, difficulty equal size (better if a bottle though!) on the deck
8+, long range. When you use the Mime Dummy of a ship, it is immediately sucked into it. Neither
power, you can make the target hurt itself. They the ship nor the crew are harmed in this way, and
will then suffer the same amount of damage as if the container is destroyed, they quickly revert
you, provided they are lethal. back to their full size.
Lead Hoarder: Action, 1 SP, difficulty The vessel remains bottled for an hour. After
7+. Once per round, when a projectile of any this time, for every 10 minutes, you suffer 1 lethal
type (even amagical) is about to hit you or an damage and an element inside the bottle comes
ally within 10 meters (ship included) you can out (a cannonball fired at full speed, a member of
activate this power to take control of it and hurl the crew, the anchor, etc.). You can decide at any
it wherever you want, as if you were using that time to free the ship with an action and spending 2
weapon. The action in this case is subtracted SP, but only if the container is in sight and within
from your next turn. 200 meters of you… or if you’re inside it.
Chapter 6 - Deeds in the Sea of Mora

The seas call to us, impetuous

young soul. Its waves dragged us into
death and now they bring us back out,
like a pebble thrown around on the
shore during the tide. It almost looks
like it wants to finish the job, don’t
you think? All the more reason to be
prepared to face it, with the respect
that its ancestral power demands.
We’ve been given a second chance
to live off its fruits and thus to
deliver our souls to the vastest and
most glorious ocean of all: that of
paradise, the sea in the sky!
Don’t be fooled, it’s not an easy
journey at all and many souls who’ve
tried to reach the light at the far end
of the horizon have gone over the
edge of their own arrogance and are
now wandering in the polluted waters
of hell!
Oh, what’s with the face? I didn't
mean to scare you. They’re not that
polluted: they just smell a little like
“They say there’s a crew of Skinnies who live on the bottom of the sea and attack the ships that pass over their
heads. They rise to the surface aboard buoys that they ride like proud steeds, and climb the hulls with suckers made
from octopus tentacles! You don’t believe me? Then who’s headbutting the bottom of the ship?”
[Mr Muzz “Tooth-Storm”, Navigatorn of the Puxtol]

You can’t wait to have a nice swim, feel the “Let's take mine!”: As already mentioned,
wind on your skin and enjoy a nice cocktail on some deceased arrive in the Orchard with their own


the beach, can you? I’m sorry: you’re dead, you ship, assuming they sank with it. In this case, if the
have to aim a little lower, at least when it comes to Captain died in other circumstances or abandoned
enjoying the charm of the Sea of Mora. If a sailor ship before reaching the abyss, they may lose the
with all their soul still in their body is spoiled right to rule over that ship in the world of the dead;
for choice regarding which type of adventure to in that case, the Captain is re-elected.
undertake at sea, we dead are drowning (literally) Sometimes it even happens that a deckhand,
in deeds: just think about exploration of the once dead, became the Captain of a ship, perhaps
seabed or of the innards of an abyssal monster, because all of their companions had been saved
about journeys towards the very risky recovery of from sinking and there were no more spots on
Ancient Caskets or about the possibility of acting the lifeboats. The same “luck” can also befall
as leak plugs for some ships. All right, deeds like a prisoner left by mistake (or not) in the prison
this last one aren’t exactly dignified, but you have below deck while the ship was being reclaimed by
to start amassing loot from somewhere, right? the depths. In short, there are many ways to get
a ship without requisitioning it or buying it in a
ASSEMBLING (OR PUTTING In agreement with the other players, therefore,
BACK TOGETHER) A CREW a dead member of the crew may already have a
Before you leave, you first need a crew. If a ship available: it’s up to them to decide whether
journey towards the redemption of one's soul is to be its Captain or to buy one as explained in the
arduous inland, it’s even more so at sea. Among previous chapter. In any case, this is a great way
the waves are dangers from which it’s impossible not to waste time and set sail right away towards
to hide, not to mention those that are not yet adventures on the two seas!
known, hidden by the vast depths of the sea, the
thick of the jungles and the ravings of drunkards
of the harbor. All this to say that anyone, dead or Outlining a Deed
alive, who decides to venture out to sea alone, Even in the seas of the Orchard, the guidelines
is either insane or has to work off a colossal for outlining a deed are the same as already
hangover. On the other hand, even if there is no described in chapter 8 of the Corebook, but here are
danger of drowning, someone still needs to rescue some additional steps that may be useful for you to
you if you end up overboard: and believe me, it get more into the spirit of Sea of Bones deeds.
will happen much more often than you think.
Client: As usual, the only official deeds are
Harbones taverns and bulletin boards in the those passed on by the Pities, in this case by
Undead Port Authority offices are great ways to the Pity-Founder of an Undead Port Authority
find someone to accompany you on your journey. office. In these offices, however, there are bulletin
Just be sure to choose sailors with diverse skills boards: each of the posted deeds has an automatic
and try to learn to do something useful in order to recruitment system. Simply tear off one of the
be chosen. Once your group is formed, you will ad’s tabs to accept the deed. The piece of paper
need a ship. If you don't have one, you can always transforms into a small map to the Maelstomb,
embark on someone else’s, but in this case you while the details are on the back. These deeds may
will be bound to the voyages undertaken by that include hunting down wanted pirates, retrieving
crew. However, even this can be a good way to information about the location of a Buccharbor,
start your own deeds at sea. rescuing a kidnapped lady, and so on. For more
In any case, always remember that in any self- important quests, it’s usually the Pity-Founder
respecting crew, the loot is divided equally among who sends boneys to recruit a crew, who run
all crew members, except for the Captain, who around every tavern in the Harbone dragging the
can request some unique trinket from each loot, most suitable sailors to the Undead Port Authority
without going over the top. office. As usual, official deeds are the only ones
that guarantee Recommendations.
Taverns have their own bulletin boards as well, Rising: The only way to rise in the Sea of
where more seasoned sailors request the help of Mora is to pass through one of the whirlpools
worthy crews to settle their unfinished business, connected to a Maelstomb. If, on the other hand,
or other crews wish to enroll more sailors, some to you want to rise in a land cemetery (and therefore
join the crew on a permanent basis and others only also in harbor cemeteries), you have to travel to a
seeking mercenaries for a single deed (usually the Mortopolis and turn up the regular borders. Each
latter are the most dangerous, as crews are often Undead Port Authority office, on the other hand,
looking for cannon fodder!). can allow you to risein a specific spot of one of the
Even missions on behalf of the living may four seas, based on the location of the Harbone. In
be found on these boards, brought down here case you have a signed permit, keep it with you to
by some deceased paid to deliver their request rise in a specific Maelstomb and don’t part with
for help. Since the treasures of the world of the it, even when you re-cross it, or it will take you to
living are also valuable here in the Orchard, it’s one of hundreds of Harbones.
not uncommon for a crew of the dead to join one
of the living to go in search of some precious loot. • The Harbones of Bandead allow you to rise
If, on the other hand, you are looking for in the Broken Sea, the Wheeze Sea or the
illegality and goods that can only be recovered Angery Sea;
through crime, all you have to do is travel to a • The Harbones of Cupidardom allow you to
Buccharbor and serve under the most infamous rise in the Broken Sea or the Angery Sea;
pirates of both worlds. But be careful - many of • The Harbones of Limpdom allow you to rise
them will lie and cheat to get you to take on deeds in the Angery Sea, the Waiten Sea and the
with shady consequences, capable of trapping Wheeze Sea;
your soul forever and sealing the fate of many • The Harbones of Flatterdom allow you to rise
others... in some cases, instead, they will just want in the Wheeze Sea and the Broken Sea;
to play a prank on you. • The Harbones of Trivialdom allow you to rise
in the Waiten Sea and in the Angery Sea;
Illegal whirlpools can lead to any place in the BUSINESS WITH THE SEA
Sea of Mora thanks to counterfeit permits, even if As already explained in chapter 3, “The Laws
the margin for error of these surfacings can make of the Sea”, during the creation phase, a deceased
you pop out in the Maelstomb closest to the one can decide to replace up to a maximum of two
chosen or… in the furthest one. Unfinished Business with as many Business with
There are also some whirlpools, both legal the Sea. First of all, only those who died in the
and otherwise, that only ever lead to a specific waves of the Sea of Mora or who lived there can
Maelstomb. In the case of legal whirlpools, these have a Business with the Sea: but what are they?
passages are fixed as the Maelstomb is ancient Unlike Unfinished Business, these don’t


and has always been there. In the case of illegal concern only the deceased or their life, but are
whirlpools, on the other hand, they are specially always linked to something that the deceased
created by Urn Keepers to allow passage to asked of the sea just before waking up with a few
a strategic spot for their shady businesses, or pounds (if not a few dozen kilos) of meat less.
because they were paid well by some pirate. In They may have asked for a blessing for their
the absence of a signed permit from an Undead relatives, the safety of their crew from a storm,
Port Authority, a whirlpool leads to a random wished that their ship would follow them to the
Maelstomb (to limit and facilitate the Ferryman’s Orchard or asked for the winning numbers of the
choice, you can use the Maelstombs marked on Lucky Pirate annual lottery.
the map). The cruel but merciful sea could then hear
such near-death pleas and decide to grant them.
In the Seas of the Orchard: Some deeds may But the sea is also expensive and for every favor
involve both the Sea of Mora and the sea of the done, it always asks for one in return. This is
Orchard. Just as some of them can be performed Business with the Sea.
in whole or in part in the Salt Fields, the same is
true of the vast oceans that wash our dried coasts.
Here you will not find the favor of the wind, the Creating a Business with the Sea
sunlight or the pleasant sight of flocks of seagulls If you wish to have one or more Business with
ready to make the deck of your ship white. Here the Sea, first think about what you would like to
sail the crews of the damned and the fleets of Urn ask it: in addition to the examples already listed,
Keepers, whose captains are ready to steal your you could ask for revenge against whoever took
soul, or the ghosts of those lost at sea and the your life, cursing them or returning the favor, or
corpses of abyssal monsters, even more agitated simpler things like making sure that a voice in
than they were in life; on the other hand, here lie the wind brings a message to your beloved. The
the secrets were swallowed by the Sea of Mora request is essential, as in addition to being granted
long ago and therefore ended up in the embrace of and therefore granting you advantages that may
the Orchard. In the islands and caves of our seas, have future implications, it will give shape to your
death gets another voice and is ready to reveal its Business with the Sea.
secrets and those of the world of the living. Many A great way to help you is to first write your
have tried to make them their own, but have lost Unfinished Business and then decide which
themselves, both literally and spiritually. ones to solve through the favor of the seas: the
Both official and unofficial deeds can concern resulting Business with the Sea will therefore be
the seas of the Orchard, or require crossing it for a of the same intensity.
short stretch of navigation. For example, there are In any case, when you write a Business with
some Maelstombs that lead to unknown places in the Sea you must always think of the equivalent
the Sea of Mora, so you need to find out which importance (and therefore dangerousness) of the
whirlpool takes you there. And then there are all Unfinished Business you’re going to replace.
those bandit pirates who await the judgment of
the Lords of the Orchard and who therefore must However, there are limits to the favors you
be picked up and taken to the nearest Harbone. A can ask: the sea cannot bring anything or anyone
quest in the seas of the Orchard could also involve back to life but, on the contrary, it can snatch life
slaying an abyssal monster blocking a whirlpool, through its powers (therefore storms, attacks by
or discovering the route of an Urn Keeper’ flagship sea monsters, diseases and so on); it cannot grant
and thus engaging in an epic battle against these riches or give out their location, whether they have
rapacious transgressors. value for the world of the living or the world of
In short, whether it’s below or above, always the dead: no caskets waiting for you after passing
make sure that the loot is worth the risk! or on first rise, sorry.
In the same way, the sea cannot act on people you To determine a misfortune, however, roll
don’t know or whose identity you don’t know, on 1d10 as soon as the resolution time granted by the
places you’ve never seen or on political situations of sea expires, subtracting -4 from the result in the
which you are unaware. It cannot act on the mainland case of a Simple Mission and -2 in the case of a
or on those who live there (who are therefore Risky Mission (minimum 1).
strangers to the sea) except in a very limited way,
such as delivering a message, making the evidence 1-2: A Krakil immediately arrives to attack the
of some crime disappear, healing someone from an characters. If they’re not at sea, the Krakil will
illness, feeding the dog and so on. And above all, attack as soon as they go out at sea. If they don’t

don’t try to cheat the sea with words or tricks to earn go to sea within 5 days, they will be attacked by
more than it could grant you. Remember that it’s a Dragon or a Wyvern, at the Ferryman’s choice
very vindictive, as well as touchy. (see chapter 9 of the Corebook, “Bestiary”).
3-4: One Recommendation from each
deceased is pulverized. If the deceased has no
Rewards… or Misfortunes Recommendations, a Mark of Dishonor appears
Death is eternal, but the sea doesn't have that on their forehead.
much patience. Unlike Unfinished Business, each 5-6: The ship of the dead (or the one they are
Business with the Sea has a time limit. The more on, if they don't have one) is affected by a curse
difficult the resolution of the Business, the more (chosen from those in chapter 4, “In the Dead
time the sea grants (Simple Mission, 7 days; Risky Man’s Chest”) which from that moment on will
Mission, 10 days; Complex Mission, 17 days). If never be removed.
the Business with the Sea is completed on time, the 7-8: The ship sinks or otherwise falls apart. If
reward is immediate and more generous than that the crew does not have a ship, sink the one they’re
given by an Unfinished Business. If not, expect on. If they don't own a ship or they aren’t on a
vengeance for offending the oceans just as quickly. ship, each of them has a randomly chosen item
And remember, whether reward or misfortune, from their Funerary Equipment destroyed.
these consequences can reach you wherever you 9-10: Each deceased is struck by black
are, whether it's at sea or on land, in the world of lightning, suffering 1d10/2 lethal wounds
the living or the dead. (rounded up).

The rewards are double those normally Examples of Business with the Sea *TP*
granted by an Unfinished Business and are Below you will find some examples of
distributed among the deceased in the same way. Business with the Sea. Next to each, in brackets,
They could rain from a bizarrely shaped cloud in is the equivalent value of the Unfinished Business,
the sky, be encased in a floating bottle, or even so as to help you in your choice. If you wish, the
carried by an Abyss-hopper. The only difference Ferryman can choose your Business with the Sea
is that Recommendations are replaced by other for you, so as to give more of the feeling that
types of treasure, randomly chosen by rolling someone else has decided how you will repay
1d10 for each one. Note that a roll of 9-10 can your death debt.
only be achieved with a Complex Mission. In the
case of a Simple or Risky mission, the dice must • Saving a Tribe from the yoke of a Joyvernor
be re-rolled until a different result is obtained. (Complex Mission; 17 days).
• Removing a shipwreck from a coast: ruining
1-2: 5 Deluxe Pieces of Late, whose favor is the landscape (Simple Quest; 7 days).
always granted (therefore without having to roll • Bringing to light the remains of an ancient
the die). sunken civilization (Complex Mission; 17
3-4: Each deceased gains a new weapon or days).
armor power, a new spell, or a new dead power, • Bringing down (or dissuading) the crew of a
at their choice. whaler from hunting again (Risky Mission;
5-6: Marks of Dishonor are erased from all the 10 days).
deceased. Furthermore, it’s not possible to receive • Finding and slaying a dead abyssal monster
any for 48 hours, regardless of the transgression. wreaking havoc (Risky Mission; 10 days).
7-8: 3 Postcards from the Sea, which may • Feeding the sea lions of Greater Seabass
teleport you to any Harbone or Maelstomb at any Island (Simple Mission; 7 days).
time, whether you’re in the world of the dead or
that of the living.
9-10: The map to an Ancient Casket.
"It's not difficult: the bow is the FRONT and the stern is the BACK and... yes, I know that the bow of this ship
is coming out of the stern, but I already told you how that happened!"
[Miss Avis, Quartermonster of the Puzzle Deck]

Judging by the way you look at ships or at me Furling the sails (“closing” them) causes the
when I talk about maneuvering at sea, I gather you ship's maximum Wind Points to be 1. Dropping
don't know a damn thing about navigation? Don't anchor causes the ship to stop abruptly, but doing


worry, I'm here for that too: full service, my dear so before furling the sails causes 1 Damage Point.
pile of shell powder. If the anchor is dropped but the sails are unfurled,
First off, you should know that the laws of the 1 Leak may spring (unless the ship's Wind Points
sea of the living differ from those of the world of are 0 or less).
the dead. An example? There is no wind in our The ship can make a veer with difficulties
sea and ships move thanks to the concentration of equal to 5+ (Scutter), 6+ (Freightener) and 7+
dead energy of each corpse on board. This energy (Gallegone).
in turn is worth less than an empty oyster in the
Sea of Mora, where you have to be able to exploit Veering is a movement that costs 1 Wind Point
the currents. and causes the ship to rotate 45° towards port or
Even the most battered of wrecks floats in the starboard. It would therefore take 4 Veers in the
sea of the dead, while in the Sea of Mora a small same direction for the ship to make a 180° turn
neglected leak is enough to end up kissing the and 8 Veers for it to make a full turn. To perform
seabed. However, there are cases in which even a Veering action, whoever is at the wheel must
ships end up being swallowed by the depths of the perform a Navigation check (5+ for Scutter, 6+
Orchard, but no one knows why: it’s enough to for a Freigthener, 7+ for a Gallegone). Note that
know that these are extremely rare events and that anyone performing one or more veering actions
there is certainly something unique in the hulls must pass a Navigation check (5+, free) at the end
that are claimed this way. of the turn to return the wheel to its central position,
otherwise it would continue moving a number of
veers equal to the remaining Wind Points.
To put it simply, when you sail you have to If, on the other hand, the wheel has been
take into account three things: the wind, and the centered and the ship is not immobilized for
size and conditions of your ship. To ensure the some reason (such as with an anchor and furled
best performance from your tub, you simply have sails), it makes a Movement, therefore a forward
to move with the wind, make sure that the sails movement, for each Wind Point remaining.
are not too full of holes, that the lines are all intact When pushed by a constant wind, each ship
and that the hull has no leaks, or those unpleasant moves at more or less the same speed (about 9-10
holes that will make you take in water until it kilometers per hour, or 5-6 knots), while if the
drags you to the bottom. ship starts moving after being still (after having
just set sail and raised the anchor) its movement is
initially much slower, because the ship has to pick
The Wind up speed. Of course, Wind Points affect movement
As shown in chapter 4, “In the Dead Man’s speed, but we recommend that you only take this
Chest” each ship has a certain amount of Wind into account at specific times, such as in combat
Points: the higher the number of Wind Points, or during a chase.
the more actions it can perform. These can be
forward movements or veers. The former are Wind Points are reduced or increased based on
done automatically by the ship, the latter must be certain factors (note that they can also drop below
done by whoever is at the wheel. In any case, to 0).
represent constant movement, both movements Damage: As a result of specific damage
and veers are performed throughout the round, to following a broadside.
then be resolved at the end of the round. With the wind: If the ship moves with the
wind, it receives +1 Wind Point. If the situation
permits it, the helmsman may move the ship to
leeward with a Navigation check. Note that in this
case, the ship will move until it gains favor with
the wind.
Against the Wind: If the ship moves against In the Orchard Seas: Wind Points are given
the wind, it receives -1 Wind Point. If the situation by the Soul Points of the deceased on board
permits it, the helmsman may reposition the ship who has the most. If for example there are four
with a Navigation check. Once done, the malus is deceased, all with a maximum of 9 SPs, but one
canceled and it is possible to carry out a second with 2 SPs remaining, one with 5, one with 6 and
Navigation check to move the ship with the wind. one with 8, the ship has 8 Wind Points.
Cannons: If the ship mounts the maximum The Soul Points of enemies that board or those
number of cannons allowed, it receives -1 Wind Point. of allies are not considered.
Sails Adjustment: By lowering or unfurling

the sails it’s possible to decrease or increase the

Wind Points as much as desired (up to the limit).



Fighting As explained in chapter 4, "In the Dead Man's
Cannons out, load the muskets and put your Chest", only Gallegones may also have fore and
best boarding face on! A combat between ships aft cannons.
begins like a regular combat (we recommend
involving only the characters and a limited number Captain's Orders: Regardless of the order
of opponents and allies: it’s not necessary to of combatants, during a combat between ships,
involve the entire crews, especially when they are each round begins with the Captains giving orders
both numerous), with the difference that it’s often (maximum 2) to their crews. Use the initiative to
inaugurated by a nice cannonade (or broadside). decide which of the two Captains starts giving the


Don’t think, however, of cannonading a ship a orders first.
kilometer away: attempting to hit something with
this primitive artillery from that far away will Firing a cannon requires 3 actions if it’s
make you lose as many balls in the water as the manned by a single sailor (two for loading and
ones everyone around here lost... I mean, because one for firing) and 2 actions if there are two sailors
we’re dead, come on. (one loading and one firing). Note that in this case
Don't rush, wait until you're in close range both gunners spend actions and it’s the first of the
and… FIRE! two in combat order that opens fire. Cannons are
In the event that the crew is very large, some considered ranged firearms and have a range of
not taking part in the combat can be positioned at between 300 and 700 meters. If hit by a cannon
the guns. In this case, the gunners are considered shot, a ship suffers one Damage Point. For each
as a single fighter acting after all other fighters and Damage Point the ship loses 1 Structure Point. In
also after all ship movements have been resolved. addition, the attacker rolls 1d10 and checks the
Note that the position of the ship can affect result in the table below to determine the specific
how many cannons are able to hit a given target. damage. Note that by aiming (thus suffering a
First off, the guns are arranged on each side, penalty of +2 to +3 to the roll) and if the situation
usually equally divided (if the ship has a total allows it, it’s possible to choose the specific
of 8 guns, then there will be 4 on the port side damage.
and 4 on the starboard side), but if the ship is not When the Damage Points suffered are equal to
positioned correctly (e.g. parallel to the target ) the ship's Structure Points, the ship is considered
shots from some cannons may automatically miss. completely destroyed.

Roll Damage Repairs

1-2 “A nice hole!”: The ship receives 1 Leak 1 check
“What will I shoot with now?”: The ship loses 2
3-4 /
5-6 “A great hole!”: The ship receives 2 Leaks 2 checks
“Hey, you almost killed me!”: Someone on board
7-8 /
(chosen randomly) is hit
“Who’s gonna lift it now?”: The main mast snaps.
9-10* Maximum Wind Points are halved, then the ship 3 checks
receives -1 Wind Point
*This result can only be obtained once, unless the mast has been repaired in the meantime. Otherwise, the ship loses 1
Wind Point.

Repairs: With a Carpentry check it’s possible In addition to fixing the damage and the
to repair the damage suffered, as shown in the related penalty, each repair allows you to recover
matching column of the table. These checks are 1 Structure Point.
to be carried out over the course of the repairs, When there’s a “/” in the Repairs column, it
which can take a long time (no less than ten means that that specific damage cannot be repaired
minutes to repair a leak, up to half a day to repair (in the case of cannons, they are destroyed, while
the main mast). in the case of hit crew members, well… maybe
you’ll have to buy back a sailor or two too!).
Leaks: The ship can withstand a certain Also, unless the crew members are engaged
number of Leaks, as shown in the table in chapter in specific actions, imagine that they are always
4, "In the Dead Man’s Chest". If the leaks in a ship around the ship tightening ropes, checking the
reach half that number, it will sink after 5 rounds, wind, cleaning the deck, and so on. Therefore,
and if they’re equal to that number, it will sink don’t focus too much on the exact position on
after 2 rounds. A smaller number will make it sink board of each member, unless they’re busy firing
over a much longer period, but it’s still wise not the cannon or have climbed onto the crow's nest
to neglect them! Leaks have no effect in the Sea (lookout post). For example, after having lowered
of the Dead. the sails, a sailor might untie a lifeboat: it doesn't

Each Leak also causes you to lose 1 Wind matter if the sail they lowered was at the back
Point. of the ship and the lifeboat is at the front. But it
Note that the Leak is considered plugged when would be different if there were a group of armed
the Carpentry check is passed, although the time enemies between the furled sail and the lifeboat.
necessary for the repairs must still pass before it’s As for movement on board, as Ferryman, try to
considered completely repaired. be malleable whenever possible in favor of speed
of play.

Other Damages
Cannon fire isn't the only way to damage a “Play Dead”
ship. Sea monsters, bombs, shoals, wrong parking You may end up overboard, find yourself in
maneuvers and many other events can turn a the middle of the sea after your ship has been
boat into a pile of driftwood. In the case of sea sunk, or even just want to go for a swim.
monsters, the damage is specified in chapter 7, Being a deceased, even a simple gesture like
"Between Sabers and Tentacles". In any other staying afloat needs some specifics: first of all, like
case, the Ferryman is free to determine the ships, the deceased float on the water of the sea of
damages they deem appropriate. For example, the dead, but nothing prevents them from diving,
crashing into another ship of the same size could even if they will have to make a Swimming check
inflict 2 Damage Points on each, while crashing (which requires no actions) at the start of each
into a group of rocks can deal 1 to 3 Damage turn to avoid being pushed back to the surface.
Points depending on their size. The exact same thing applies to Squishies and
Windies in the waters of the world of the living.
Skinnies and Stuffies, on the other hand, sink like
Steering a Ship stones, but can stay afloat by performing another
A ship is not a horse or a cart, but a very check (which does not require any actions) at the
delicate and pretentious instrument which, in beginning of each turn.
addition to requiring a certain amount of care, Swimming checks are performed taking
needs a minimum number of sailors to make it into consideration the physical strength of the
work at its best. This number is specified in the deceased.
Crew (minimum) column in the Ships table in
chapter 4 “In the Dead Man’s Chest”.
What happens when this number is not met? Storms
The sails may take longer to unfurl or lower, The clouds gather on the horizon and the
the anchor may be dropped late, and in general water becomes more agitated, like a bubbling
the rigging becomes more complex. From a stomach after an indigestion of oysters. Then, if
mechanics standpoint, a number of crew members you are in the Sea of Mora, the rain comes; if,
lower than the minimum does not affect the ship's on the other hand, you’re sailing in the Orchard,
movements or its resistance, but it will be up to stones, phalanxes and, may the gods strike me
the Ferryman to penalize the completion times of down, even sea urchins may rain down!
maneuvers such as those just listed. I’m talking about the storms of course. While
up there these are generated by stormy winds,
here they come to life from who knows what
mysterious joke of dead nature. Either way, there's
something to be afraid of.
A storm smashes masts, throws sailors
overboard and wrecks ships. Nothing can be done
against it and this makes it the greatest enemy of
every sailor.
During storms, the normal rules for sailing are Author’s Note: Everything about ship
not used: all a sailor can do is hold the course (or movement, damage, and equipment in Sea of
just keep the ship afloat) by performing Navigation Bones has been deliberately simplified to speed
checks when requested by the Ferryman (usually up the gameplay experience. However, nothing
no less than one every five minutes), with a prevents you from inserting additional regulatory
penalty from -2 to -5, and an additional -1 if the elements during maneuvers at sea. In regards
sails are unfurled. to speed, for example, although it’s true that in
Each failed check causes 1 Damage Point to the open sea and with the wind in your favor, a
the ship: if it affects the crew, it could mean that galleon has more or less the same speed in knots
a sailor has been hit on the head by flying debris, as a brig, it’s however able to cover more distance
lightning or any object that rains from the sky - in during long crossings, while a brig picks up speed
the case of a storm in the Orchard - or that they much faster at the start. Similarly, repairing a leak
ended up in the water. in a galleon takes a long time because the pressure
exerted by the ship’s weight is greater, unlike a
However, storms can be of different leak in a sloop.
magnitudes and be more or less raging, but It’s up to you to choose how realistic you want
they’re almost always unpredictable. It’s up to to make your sea voyages, just keep in mind that
the Ferryman (indeed, it’s encouraged) to add Sea of Bones is not a sea voyage simulator… it’s a
unexpected elements and special conditions when death at sea simulator!
a crew is facing a storm.

Example: Let's see a typical situation on the open sea, with two ships coming to collide after a
chase through the waves. The Puxtol, a Freightener carrying 4 dead (characters) captained by Stinky
De Sanctos, was targeted by the Smiling Judge, a Livingjoy brig (the equivalent of a Freightener)
captained by Joseph "JoJu" Justice. Both ships have 5 Wind Points, but Smiling Judge's helmsman
makes a Navigation check to move the ship into the wind, thus gaining +1 Wind Point. The shift causes
the Smiling Judge to no longer be aiming at the Freightener, but the Captain is ready to correct course
as soon as they get close enough.

After two hours (yes, chases at sea are very slow) the Smiling Judge has almost reached the
Freightener, whose dead in the meantime have armed their cannons. Since the fight is inevitable, they
also decide to lower some sails (equivalent to -2 Wind Points) and the helmsman veers, so as to offer
the Smiling Judge its side and open fire with the cannons. They then perform two Navigation checks
(difficulty 6+, as specified in the movements paragraph), plus the final Navigation check (5+, free) to
return the wheel to the central position. In the meantime, three deceased have positioned themselves
at the cannons and once the ship has turned, they open fire on the bow of the Smiling Judge, which is
about a hundred meters away.
Of the three cannons, armed with Common Balls, only two hit (ranged weapon attack check), thus
inflicting 2 Damage Points on the Smiling Judge. The dice rolls for the specific damage are 3 and 8,
which means that the Livingjoy ship loses 2 cannons and that one of the sailors is hit and suffers 4
Now the real battle begins - the order of combatants is established (5 dead and as many Livingjoys,
obviously including Captain Joseph). First it's time for orders: Captain Stinky orders to open fire and
stop the ship, while Captain Joseph orders the helmsman to go straight and his men to prepare to
board. The first to act is the helmsman of the Smiling Judge, who limits himself to holding the course
to reach the Puxtol.
The dead at the cannons (four, including Stinky, while the fifth is at the helm) use 2 actions to load
and fire again. This time only one hit is successful, but the damage affects the main mast, causing the
loss of 2 Wind Points and halving the Wind Point maximum (which therefore goes from 5 to 2). The
helmsman, on the other hand, uses their entire turn to drop anchor, thus stopping the ship. However,
since the sails weren’t lowered first, the ship suffers 1 Damage Point. In this case it’s still possible to
make 1 veer per turn, precisely because the sails are not yet fully furled.

Puxtol: 9/10 Structure Points, 3/5 Wind Points (anchor down, 1 Veering action allowed),
0/5 Leaks, 8/8 cannons.
Smiling Judge: 7/10 Structure Points, 1/52 Wind Points (broken mast), 0/5 Leaks, 6/8 cannons.

The second round begins: Stinky orders two deceased to continue to open fire with the cannons,
while he, the helmsman and the third deceased prepare for the assault. Joseph instead orders the
helmsman to turn 90° and the soldiers to fire a salvo with their rifles, given that in the meantime the
Smiling Judge has come quite close to the Puxtol. The Smiling Judge's crew is very numerous, so much
so that they have men at the cannons, and therefore ready to open fire as soon as the ship is in position.
However, due to the damage suffered, the helmsman can only perform one Veering (45°) action.
Therefore, at the end of the turn, not being parallel to the Puxtol, the Ferryman decides that only 2 of
the 4 cannons placed on that side can open fire. But the Livingjoys, despite those uncomfortable hoods,
are skilled shooters and each of the two balls hits, inflicting 2 Structure Points on the Puxtol and also
opening as many as 3 Leaks.
During the deceased’s, one of the cannons fires again. The shot hits and 2 other cannons of the
Smiling Judge are destroyed!

And now, swords and rifles in hand: let’s board! Will Captain Stinky’s Puxtol be able to stay afloat,
or will they all be forced to sink to the sound of Joseph's and his Livingjoys’ laughter?
You there! Yes, I'm talking to you, deckhand! Treasures, gunfire and mermaids are all fascinating things
(perhaps the latter not so much, considering they have fish attributes on the wrong side of their bodies),
but how about you give yourself a break from the exhausting search for a happy death and don't enter the
tavern? This is where legends abound and you can drink yourself drunk (or whatever happens to the dead
when they drink too much), side by side with the bravest and most decomposed sailors of the four seas!
So order a mug of Grop, sit down, take a swig and try your hand at one of the most daring games
designed to amuse the soul, even the dimmest and most faded one.
Here are the most popular sailor games! Read them and study their rules well: you don't want to have
all the doubloons you bet stolen from under your nose, do you?

Two challengers goliardically stab rusty swords in each other’s sides. Each contender has five swords at
their disposal (2 non-lethal damage). One takes turns thrusting one of the swords into the other's ribs (melee
attack check). If they get a Vicious Blow, the sword breaks between the ribs and the contestant who delivered
the blow scores a point. If the blow hits but isn’t Vicious, the sword does not break and, during their turn,
the opponent can decide to try to remove it and insert it in the other contender’s side (strength check). If
they succeed, the sword breaks in the other contender’s ribs and the attacker scores a point. If they fail, the
sword breaks between their own ribs and the other contender scores a point. After having landed five total
hits each (whether successful or not), whoever has the most points wins!

Keel Lap
What for the living is a barbaric torture, for us the dead is a race of speed! Keel Lap is a team sport:
a deceased from each team is tied to a rope that wraps around the entire hull of the ship, from port to
starboard. Their teammates, on the other hand, have to pull the rope to make them go around faster than
the opposing team’s champion. The teams are side by side: whoever pulls the rope can use any tricks they
want to distract or put a wrench in the works of the other team, but they’re not allowed to cut the rope.
In turn, during their turn, the deceased tied to the rope can perform Athletics checks to go faster or a
Dexterity check to tamper with the opponent's rope, which in this way passes through the most inaccessible
points of the hull, making them lose ground.

Grops Up
We couldn’t do without a good, old fashioned drinking contest! Grop is the most famous drink of the
Orchard, the schlop of true sailors that cannot be missing in any tavern, since it’s also sold instead of tar to
clean the hulls of ships. After all, just because it's the most famous drink doesn't mean it's also the healthiest.
Drinking more than the recommended amount could even hurt us dead… and that’s why we bet on it!
Grops Up sees two to five contestants taking swigs from a huge mug full of Grop. Taking turns, one
player starts drinking. At the first sip the contender must perform a difficulty 4+ Sensory check in order
not to vomit purplish bile (which comes from who knows where). On the second sip, the difficulty of the
check increases by 1, on the third by 2, and so on, until the contestant reaches 5 sips or vomits. The first
one to get to 5 sips, wins!
Once per game, instead of drinking, a contender may pass the turn, force another contender to take
a swig, or challenge a specific opponent. When two participants challenge each other, both take a drink. If
both do not vomit, the one who got the best roll wins (which translates into a loud burp from the beyond).

Although these games were designed to have fun in taverns or to pass the time during long
voyages, they’re also sometimes used to settle disputes (both on board and between different
crews), to get loot from others or to discredit a crew. Come to think of it, sailors take these
games very seriously!
Chapter 7 - Between Sabers

and Tentacles

Combat at sea is far more common

than on land. Between the waters of the
Sea of Mora and the Orchard anyone
could try to skin you (and also steal
your bones and ectoplasm): pirates in
search of treasures or even just supplies
to trade, hungry sea monsters, annoyed
natives, sharks transformed by whodo
and sailors who protect the waters of
their domains, not to mention Livingjoys
and Necrolovers, and Gravediggers
and Urn Keepers. Often you will be
unprepared to face all these pitfalls and
the only thing that can save you is to
throw yourself into the water, provided
that the threat you’re facing does not
come from there.

Anyway, learn to know the creatures

and crews that inhabit these waters by
heart: even if it won't help you face
them, you can always invent believable
stories about how you defeated them!
“In my life I have sent many men to kiss the depths. You do not believe me? Ask the sailors of my crew then...
it's really them!"
[Henry "Ten-Teeth" Mortan, better known as “Deca-tooth”]

Don't kid yourself: those presented below

are not the only creatures you may face. All the
beings, factions and beasts that you got to know


in the pages of the Corebook, although rarer,
have by no means disappeared in the Age of
Undead Buccaneers. While you sail carefree, the
shadow of a Dragon might cover the sun, just as
you might be approached by a crew of boastful
trolls or orcs looking for recipe books and caches
of ingredients. Likewise, a group of stowaways
might hide out in your cargo hold, having fun
poking holes in your hull, hiding treasures from
you, or drawing dirty pictures on your sea charts.

The special abilities of the profiles described
in the Corebook are the same, but depending
on the creature their habits could change: by
venturing out to sea, some could therefore have
given up on the solitude that distinguished them
and allied themselves with other creatures to form
diverse crews. It’s not strange, for example,
to see crews formed by War Pigs fighting
alongside trolls, or human pirates using a
couple of Giants as oarsmen.
Their abilities also changed as a result,
so the Ferryman is free to allow these
creatures to benefit from the new Sea of
Bones skills - Carpentry, Navigation and
Livingjoys With an action and 3 SPs (difficulty 6+)
Skilled navigators, shooters and even sniffers! they can create a Cursed Ball. Furthermore,
They can smell the stench of death carried on by spending 2 additional SPs and receiving +2
the wind up to 2 kilometers away, which is how to the difficulty of the check, they can use the
much the range of their Hunt the Dead ability is Necropuppeteer ability to take control of a boat in
increased. the Orchard just as if they were deceased and the
SPs spent trying to resist the control are absorbed
by all the deceased on board. If there are none, the
Necrolovers controlled action automatically succeeds.

Thanks to their prolonged contact with the

waters of the Sea of Mora, Necrolovers absorbed Urn Keepers
the powers of the sea, albeit conveniently twisted Many Urn Keepers, the Orchard crime lords,
by their macabre take refuge in the islands of the Sea of Mora and
attitudes. the Orchard, and in many cases have entire fleets
of corrupted undead at their service.
If the Urns Keeper is aboard a ship or otherwise
in water, they can use their Thief of Death ability
up to a distance of 50 meters, provided that
their target is also on a ship or otherwise
in water.
NEW SPELLS Hole Plugger: Action, 2 CPs, difficulty 6 +.
Below is a list of new spells from which Casters with this power are the bane of honest
casters, both from this book and the Corebook, carpenters, as through its use they are able to
can choose in order to face the perils of the Sea repair 1 Leak, provided they are aboard the
of Mora, as well as to annoy anyone who travels damaged ship.
through it.
Jamming Harpoon (Livingjoys Only):
Amagic Blast: Action, 2 CPs, difficulty 5+. High-ranking Sea of Mora Livingjoys are often
With a back and forth movement of the hand, as armed with throwing harpoons. This spell can


if wanting to ward off a heat stroke, the caster be used as part of a Ranged attack using one of
generates a gust of wind sufficient to inflate the these harpoons. This way, the Livingjoy spends 2
sails of a ship, which this way receives +1 Wind CPs and increases the difficulty of the roll by +1.
Point (even beyond the maximum) until the end If the check is passed, the range of the harpoon
of the round. becomes 200 meters: if it impacts against a ship in
the Orchard or against a deceased, it prevents their
Cannon Hand: Action, 2 CPs, difficulty 7+. movements for an entire round.
No cannons on board? No problem: if there’s a
caster in the crew, they can be the gun. With this Sails Fixer: Action, 3 CPs, difficulty 7+.
spell, in fact, they can throw any ball as if it were Considered one of the most annoying spells of the
shot from a cannon. sea, thanks to which an amage can unfurl or lower
the sails of any ship within 200 meters.
Flushing (Necrolovers only): Action, 3 CPs,
difficulty 7+. Necrolovers can control the water Tower Coating (Necrolovers only):
surrounding any ship of the dead, generating a Action, 3 CPs, difficulty 8+. This spell coats the
whirlwind beneath it that whirls it at high speed Necrolover’s underwater tower with a layer of
for 1 round. purplish jelly, making it immune to any damage
for 1 round. The spell takes effect only if the
Necrolover is aboard the tower.
“When you said ‘I'll take care of stowing away the treasure’ you never mentioned that there was a TWO METERS
LONG CRUSTACEAN attached to the casket! I'd gladly throw you overboard if only we weren't sinking already..."
[Mr. Smeeg, Navigator of the Swallow Sea]

You know those crabs that shed their shells as 5-7: The casket disintegrates and with it the
they grow? Here, sometimes those who are a little forces of whodo it housed. POOF!
too grown choose caskets full of whodo energy 8-10: The casket remains intact and becomes a

as their home. The curses obviously do not affect casket containing a Cursed Treasure.
them, they’re not that petty, but amagical energies Battle Whiskers (2): Action, 2 CPs,
are a whole other story: they can’t wait for a new difficulty 6+, medium range. A Grab-Crab's
being to twist with their nature illusionist’s tricks. whiskers are very long and capable of precise
For these little creatures, the casket works like and lethal movements. With this ability, the
an oven for leavening dough: they start to grow and Grab-Crab can grab any held object (or limb, in
grow, but instead of burning, they overflow from the case of a deceased) and throw it even up to
the cracks and joints and the casket becomes little ten meters away.
more than a hat or helmet that completely covers Battle Whiskers can also be used to attack
their head. At this point the whodo energy treats the (Light Weapon – Contact, Bludgeoning, 1
grotesque pet like a puppet, taking control of it and damage, ignores armor).
guiding it towards the only thing a giant crustacean Casket Chic (3): Thanks to its ability
cares about: a new home. A newborn Grab-Crab has to blend scrap and debris with taste and
nothing to wear, so it will go looking for a new shell wisdom, the "outfit" of an elderly Grab-Crab
large enough (obviously without getting rid of the look complex and even refined. In addition to
chest) looking for it in the only obvious place it could knowing how to blend in with its surroundings
be: on a ship. They also change shells when they get by being able to arrange the multiple portions
tired of the previous one, or when they grow up. of its shell, it can also use an action and 4 CPs
Grab-Crabs almost always move alone or in (difficulty 7+) to clam up and receive +2 DD.
pairs: they aren’t excellent swimmers, but they In addition, when it’s in this form it can only
love to attach themselves to the hulls of ships and move (4 meters for each move action) and use
stay there, enjoying the journey, even for whole his Battle Whiskers, but it’s able to perform 3
weeks before attacking, therefore, every now and attacks at the cost of 1 action.
then you should check your hull.
They say that in the very distant future these Special Abilities (dead)
beings will become so large as to wear entire Coffin Lobster (1): When a Grab-Crab dies,
Galeomundis as a home: I only feel sorry for its shell is often destroyed in the crossing between
those unfortunate souls who will find themselves the world of the living and the Orchard… but if
fighting them, ahr ahr ahr. there’s one thing that isn’t lacking around here,
it’s containers. The Grab-Crabs therefore get
Type: Amagical Beast (12 wounds, DD 2, dressed, almost as if it were the result of a bestial
movement 10 meters), Fieris. instinct, with one of the many coffins scattered
Level: Locked Up Shrimp (1), Clawed around the Orchard, which give them unique
Treasurer (2), Crab King (3). powers (as well as a more suitable look).
Courage Points: 8 (1), 10 (2), 13 (3). Whenever a deceased deals 2 or more lethal
Skills: Advanced Animalism (1), Sensory (1), damage to the Grab-Crab with a melee attack,
Stealth (2), Athletics (3), Advanced Sensory (3). the latter can spend 2 SPs and perform a check
Equipment: Coconutcracker Claw (Heavy with difficulty 5+ to swallow them and lock
Weapon - Contact, Bludgeoning/Slashing, 4 them inside the coffin. The deceased can attempt
damage, Vicious Blow 9-10). to get free during their turn by performing a
difficulty 8+ check. If they’re still trapped at the
Special Abilities (living) end of the turn, they suffer 1 automatic lethal
Cursed Crustacean (1): When you deal the damage.
final blow to a Grab-Crab, roll 1d10. A Grab-Crab can lock in its coffin a number of
1-4: The chest is shattered and the whodo deceased of human size (or equivalent) equal to
energy is absorbed by the ship (the one it was its level. For example, a level 2 Grab-Crab could
on or alternatively the closest one in a radius of lock up four gobbalins or a troll, while a level
200 meters), which this way receives a randomly 3 Grab-Crab could also lock up an adolescent
chosen curse which will haunt it for 24 hours. giant, or a troll and two gobbalins.
“They say that in the seas of the Orchard, beyond the coasts of the Mortopolis of Flatterdom, sails the Aguja
Lùgubre, a ship as precious as it is dangerous. Why is it dangerous? Because it is a Galeomundi full of Lost Livingjoys.
Why valuable: because it contains the maps to at least 4 Ancient Caskets. So, do you still volunteer for this deed?”
[Williamort Rottengard, Quartermonster of the Rigor Floartis]

For resurrected sailors who venture out to sea Some notorious pirates, as well as some
there is a fate worse than death-death. Whether in Necrolovers, manage to gather and control crews


the sea of the living or in that of the dead, storms, or even entire fleets made up only of Losts,
abyssal monsters and pirate crews are to be feared creating a small army of deceased who have a
as much as silence; that stillness that heralds single purpose: destroying. And stealing your
perdition in waters capable of turning into a blue compasses.
and black desert. A silence that carries the wind of
perdition with it.
If a living person is lost at sea, it’s easy for
them to meet death or madness, but when the same
fate befalls a deceased a Lost is born: sailors who,
after weeks (if not months) of being lost at sea,
lose their sanity in addition to having lost their
route, even forgetting what they were looking for.
So what are these sailors without a compass
searching for? Of the one thing they are certain
they have lost: direction. Therefore they attack
ships to steal sextants, nautical charts and maps
and wheels, to then wear each of these conquests
of dubious value hoping to find the lost route. A
Lost seldom goes ashore even when they find one,
preferring to continue their aimless journey
punctuated only by saber and pistol blows.
They are cruel and dangerous beings, who
according to some find pleasure in snuffing
out the lives (and deaths) of sailors who
were more fortunate, as they didn’t share
their fate.
And don't try to talk to them: they
won't answer you except with grunts
and gnashing of teeth, and then
pounce on you with violent
Type: Dead Human. Merciless Boarding (2): An assaulting
Level: Lost Deckhand (1), Off-route Officer Lost is imbued with unmatched ferocity. If they
(2), Lost Captain (3). successfully perform a Charge action, they can
Soul Points: 7 (1), 9 (2), 11 (3). spend 3 SPs to increase the intensity of their
Skills: Stealth (1), Sensory (1), Navigation malefic aura: this way, the Light of the Lost
(1), Carpentry (2), Advanced Sensory (2), extends up to 20 meters. In addition, the Lost
Advanced Carpentry (3), Advanced Stealth steals one item in the target’s possession for each
(3), Advanced Navigation (3). damage dealt, in this order: first all compasses,
Equipment: Light Weapon (1), Firearm (1), maps, or any orientation-related items, then

Heavy Weapon (2), Light Shield (2), Heavy all consumable amagical items, then non-
Firearm (3), Light Armor (3). consumables, and finally weapons.
Route Thief (3): Action, 4 SPs, difficulty 7+.
Special Abilities Lost Captains often stick entire wheels into their
Light of the Lost (1): The body and weapons bodies, but they are far more than mere grisly
of the Lost appear gleaming and sprinkled with embellishments. By activating this power, if the
bluish flames of the same color as those that guide Lost is aboard a ship, they can take control of it
the dead through the seas of the Orchard, although for 1 round as if they were at the helm. During
they have the opposite effect. At the start of each their turn, in addition to their normal actions,
turn, if you’re within 10 meters of a Lost and are they can perform 2 more bonus actions to
able to see it, you must perform a 6+ Sensory maneuver the ship.
check. If you fail, the Lost can use one of their
actions for the next turn to make you perform an
action of their choosing.
“Poor devil, that Morguez; he was so happy to show off his new ship: he showed it to everyone with pride…
before it ate him.”
[Alasteer Bronzeocolus, innkeeper of the Rolled Ship]

In some cases, death takes life (you don’t Type: Orchard Amagical Construct (movement
say), while in others it gives it - such is the case 10 meters).
of Nautical Golems. When the wrecks that rain Soul Points: 10 (1), 12 (2), 15 (3).


down in the seas of the Orchard accumulate in Level: Baby Boat (1), Adult Hull (2), Papa
the same spot for months on end, the whodo Galleon (3).
forces imbued in a specific stretch of sea or an Skills: Navigation (1), Sensory (1), Advanced
island may converge to give life to that very Navigation (2), Advanced Sensory (3).
pile of debris. A Nautical Golem is a kind of Equipment: Nautical Arsenal (see the
wooden transformer, with ropes and riddled Nautical Body special ability).
sails that form a floating wreck which can turn
into a creature with humanoid profiles, with Special Abilities
cannons instead of arms, yards as a backbone Nautical Body (1): 2 Actions, 3 SPs, difficulty
and barrels as feet. These creatures can be 7+. The Nautical Golem can transform into a
encountered almost exclusively in the Orchard, golem or a ship. When in ship form, it shares all
although some sailors swear they also spotted the traits of the reference vessel (Baby Boat =
them in the Sea of Mora. Scutter; Adult Hull = Freigthener; Papa Galleon
What fuels their rotten (and I'm referring = Gallegone) and receives +2 to all Navigation
mostly to the stench they emanate) existence checks, also being able to shoot with a maximum
is the continuous search for wrecks to enlarge of 2 cannons per action, but with a -2 penalty for
their bodies. And if they don't find any, well, each shot. In golem form, it can float on water and
they gladly destroy any ship they come across, move as if it were walking on the ground, and can
and then add it to their body. also fire a cannon shot with each action. Given
Some Nautical Golems are also real smarty their decaying form, Damage Points can be dealt
pants: thanks to their camouflage skills they with any hit dealing 3 or more lethal damage (the
pretend to be ships and wait for another vessel same kind that also damages the deceased), but
to approach before transforming and attacking. only concerns the loss of Wind Points and cannons.
In some cases they even wait for sailors to set Colorful Broadside (2): Each time it opens
foot on their decks, then crush them during their fire with a cannon, the Nautical Golem can spend
transformation. 2 SPs to shoot, at its choice, an Ectoadhesive,
If you see a ship in particularly bad shape Stinky or Cursed Ball instead of a Classic one.
and with no sailors on board, wait before Golem Water Balloon (3): When transforming
storming it, or it may storm you first. from ship to golem, the Nautical Golem can spend
+1 SP and increase the action's difficulty by +1
to cause waves of water up to 10 meters tall that
overwhelm anyone within less than 30 meters. All
hit ships suffer 3 Damage Points and all sailors on
board must perform an Athletics check in order
not to end up in the water.
“Four fins on the horizon... No, really, look - there are four fins on the horizon… and sticking out of the sand!”
[Eleonor Sailripper, lookout of the Sea Scythe]

Even in the depths of the sea, amagic generates Special Abilities (living)
its Sources which, exploding, contaminate the Soaking Sailor (1): Sand Sharks are
creatures that live there. When a shark that has formidable swimmers: on land they move
yet to digest the last swallowed sailor comes into normally, but once in the water they are able to

contact with these energies, their meal merges travel twice as far with each movement action.
with them, generating the Sand Sharks, half men Additionally, their attacks in water gain +2 to
and half sharks which, given their bizarre shape their Vicious Blow range.
(fish above and man below ), are believed to be Using their powerful arms and powerful
strongly related to Mermaids. mouth, they can also swim under the sand (1
Although their animal side drives them to action to dive or surface), but with no movement
make the sea (and specifically those who cross it) bonus.
their laid table, their adventurous side, a legacy Jawsome (2): The jaws of a Sand Shark are
of incomplete digestion, stimulates them to unite, nothing short of powerful (and dirty with food).
forming dangerous crews of banqueters with an Their bite (4 damage - Contact - Piercing) on 6+
inexhaustible appetite. Their ships are small and can cause 1 Damage Point to a ship. Also, if they
often led by no more than three elements who, deal at least 2 damage to a target up to the size of
thanks to their strength and swimming skills, a troll, they can grab it between their teeth. The
manage to make them travel quickly under water latter can break free with an action with difficulty
(as well as under the sand), to then emerge right 7+ during their turn, at the end of which, if they
under their prey and launch into bloody battles! are still trapped, they suffer 1 direct damage. If the
The only thing that can save you from their Sand Shark has a target in its teeth it cannot bite
assaults is to take advantage of the moments in again, but it can attack with its other weapons,
which they are seized by the spasms of indigestion, swim and move normally, but at half its movement
their chronic condition... Perhaps that’s why speed (rounded up).
they’re so touchy. Captain's Outburst (3): Action, 4 CPs,
difficulty 7+. Usually the captain of a group of
Type: Amagical humanoid (10 wounds, DD Sand Sharks is the one who has eaten the most in
1), Homid. its life and, therefore, who has the most digestive
Level: Hungry Fin (1), Seafoodie (2), Bloated problems. With this ability, once per turn, it’s
Gourmet (3). able to shed some of its gastric weight, spitting
Courage Points: 6 (1), 8 (2), 10 (3). out a jet of vomit that hits all targets in a 5-meter
Skills: Animalism (1), Athletics (1), line. The point of impact of the regurgitation also
Navigation (1), Sensory (1), Stealth (2), affects all targets in a 2 meter radius. Anyone hit
Advanced Sensory (2), Advanced Animalism by this spray of undigested remains, splinters of
(3), Advanced Navigation (3). wood, and bits of bathing suits is unable to move
Equipment: Heavy Weapon (1), Firearm (1), or swim for 1 round, in addition to having the
Heavy Firearm (2), Light Armor (3), Light casting difficulty of powers and spells increased
Shield (3). by +2.

Special Abilities (dead)

“I feel lighter!” (1): Death takes away
many things, including that sense of nausea and
heaviness that haunted the Sand Sharks. Freed
from the ballast of accumulated remains, a dead
Sand Shark receives +3 to meters traveled with
each movement and +1 to damage dealt with all
melee attacks. In addition, it can literally spit
out the rows of its teeth, thus being able to use
the Jawsome ability even at a distance (medium
range).Inexplicably however, it can still vomit!
“I don't know much about life on land, but ships are said to have wheels and some rocks are so big they touch
the clouds. Ugh, what do I care about going there, I don't even know how to landswim anyway."
[Saul Segundo, Second Officer of the Segunda Suerte]

It's full of great sailors out there. And I don't Cousin of the Sea (2): A Fine Duelist's
mean improvised deckhands like you, who nautical and martial skills are unrivaled…and
couldn't tell the difference between the mouth if some were to rival them, they’d challenge


of a cannon and a chamber pot, but of Sea Dogs them. If they wish, the Dog can re-roll a failed
of Mora: those men and women born in the sea Carpentry, Navigation or Orientation check, but
(and I don't mean via water birth... at least not receiving -1. They must then accept the second
always) who devoted their lives to sailing the result even if it’s worse than the first.
world's oceans, full of an unquenchable thirst In addition, they can spend an action and
for adventure. They’re not afraid of death and 2 CPs (difficulty 7+) to challenge to a duel an
when they die they’re not afraid of death-death. opponent who can see them and who is no more
However, this doesn’t mean that they are naive: than 20 meters away. If the check is successful,
they know the value of life, the difference is that the Sea Dog receives +1 to all attacks against the
they know when it’s worth it to put it at risk, or target, while the latter receives +1 to the Critical
even to throw it away... which is almost always. Failure range of all their offensive actions against
Sea Dogs of Mora are both pirates and sailors other opponents.
loyal to the laws and their kingdoms: it’s no The duel lasts until one of the two dies or
coincidence that the most striking battles are those whenever the Sea Dog decides to disengage or
they fight among themselves. challenge another target.
It’s not difficult to recognize a Sea Dog O Captain, My Captain (3): Sea Dog
of Mora: they’re covered in scars (even the Captains are the most cunning, fiercest, and most
Skinnies), they wear the latest seafaring trends elegant people (and, in the case of pirates, also
(often ruined), they brandish weapons of elegant the ones with the most rotten teeth) in the sea.
make and they spit profusely. Their first order of the turn consumes no actions,
and if their crew follow it, they gain +2 instead
Type: Human. of +1 on their checks. They can also re-roll the
Level: First Class Deckhand (1), Fine Duelist Alcoholic Fuel ability and choose the result they
(2), Lord of the Sea (3). prefer and go so far as to challenge up to two
Courage Points: 10 (1), 12 (2), 14 (3). targets to a duel simultaneously, as described in
Skills: Carpentry (1), Navigation (1), the Cousin of the Sea ability.
Orientation (1), Sensory (1), Athletics (2),
Advanced Carpentry (2), Stealth (2), Advanced Special Abilities (dead)
Navigation (3), Advanced Orientation (2), “The Adventure Begins Now!” (1): A Sea
Advanced Athletics (3), Advanced Stealth (3), Dog does not see death as a limitation, but as an
Advanced Sensory (3). opportunity to embark on an eternal adventure…
Equipment: Light Weapon (1), Fire Armor assuming they can live with themselves forever.
(2), Light Armor (2), Heavy Firearm (3), When the Sea Dog uses the Alcoholic Fuel
Heavy Weapon (3). ability, if they roll an 8-10, they also heal 1 lethal
damage. Furthermore, when they are impaled
Special Abilities (living) by a Piercinging or Slashing weapon, they can
Alcoholic Fuel (1): Action, 1 CP, difficulty perform a difficulty 7+ check and spend 1 SP to
6+. Once per turn, the Sea Dog may take a swig of spin their body and throw the weapon a couple
rum from their personal mug, then roll 1d10. On of meters away.
a roll of 1-2 they vomit everything they ate during
the day and lose one action; on a roll of 3-7 they
receive a non-stacking +2 to all checks involving
attacking or maneuvering the ship (including
repairs) until the end of the following turn; on a
roll of 8-10, in addition to the previous bonus,
they get one more action for that turn.
"It may have decimated us, knocked us off course, wrecked the ship, and sunk all our loot, but you can't say
that baby Kraken didn't look adorable!"
[Jack Scarrow, aspiring captain]

Ah, sea monsters. Is there anything more Type: Amagical Beast, Wild.
terrifying and at the same time fascinating than Level: Overgrown Fish (1), Fish Beast (2),
a beast the size of a mountain that roams the Island with Fins (3).

depths and occasionally decides to have a ship as Courage Points: 7 (1), 9 (2), 11 (3).
a crunchy snack? The depths of the Sea of Mora Skills: Animalism (1), Sensory (1), Advanced
(and consequently those of the sea of the dead) are Animalism (2), Advanced Sensory (3).
teeming with these creatures, so varied and unique Equipment: Fins, Teeth, Tentacles, and so
it’s impossible to draw up a comprehensive list. on… (Heavy Weapon – Contact, Piercing/
Some, like the Krakil, have tentacles the size Bludgeoning/Slashing, 4 damage, Vicious
of masts, others fins so sharp as to sever the hull Blow 9-10).
of a ship with one blow and still others have much
more bizarre shapes, such as the Balloonfish or the Creating a Sea Monster
Colossal Sardines. Sea monsters come in all shapes and sizes: and
this is where the fun begins, because as a Ferryman
you can create your own personal abyssal beast.
You can choose 2 of the following pieces (among
which there must be only one Body), +1 for each
level beyond the first.
Each time it attacks, an abyssal monster Tough Shell (Body): A crustacean rind that
spends 2 CPs, +1 for each consecutive attack after gives the monster +1 DD. However, the armor
the first if performed during the same turn. breaks when the monster's wounds exceed half its
total limit. Tough Shell regenerates +1 CP at the
Adamantine Beak: A beak similar to that of start of each turn.
birds of prey, which gives attacks +2 damage and
+1 Damage Point. Below are some pre-built sea monsters.
Eye Lights: Two luminous eyes, which help Balloonfish (2): Overgrown pufferfish. Very
the monster to orient itself even more effectively, overgrown. Adamantine Beak + Eye Lights + Hot


giving it +1 to all attack checks. Air Balloon (Body)
Finblade: A fin as sharp as a new saber, but Colossal Sardine (2): Fish more thin than they
as large as a raft. If during movement it passes are long, with two protruding eyes that make them
near a ship, the ship suffers 2 Damage Points, the look like… I won’t say it. Finblade + Fleshy Torpedo.
damage from which, however, is always Leaks. Krakil (1): The children of the Kraken. Small
This is not considered an attack. but not any less destructive. Set of Tentacles +
Fleshy Torpedo (Body): As the name suggests, Fleshy Torpedo (Body).
this body is as slim as it is destructive! If during Megalodone (3): Sharks the size of small
its turn the monster performs at least 1 movement, islands, with a voracious appetite but decidedly
for the next round ranged attacks against it receive lazy. Hull-Smashing Tail + Tough Shell (Body) +
-1. Fleshy Torpedo also regenerates +1 CP at the Giant Jaws + Finblade.
start of each turn.
Giant Jaws: The teeth of these fish look like Regardless of how they are composed, sea
combs, except that the bristles are as thick as monsters can perform a difficulty 6+ melee
figureheads and as pointed as a satirical game attack that deals 4 Bludgeoning damage and 1
writer’s humor (so all in all, not much). Giant Damage Point.
Jaws gives +1 to attack damage. Also, when they
hit a ship's hull, they can hold it and thus prevent Special Abilities (living)
it from moving until the monster spends 1 action Herald of the Deep (1): At this level the
to detach. monster has 25 wounds, DD 1, movement 10
Hot Air Balloon (Body): The body of these meters. Abyssal monsters the size of a corvette.
monsters is as round as a hot air balloon, and They are food for larger abyssal monsters
strangely elastic. When hit by a cannonball, on and following their escapes they can be seen
a 7+ it bounces off without dealing any damage. swimming just below the surface of the water.
Hot Air Balloon also regenerates +2 CPs at the Duke of Storms (2): At this level the monster
start of each turn. has 40 wounds, DD 1, movement 20 meters.
Hull-Smashing Tail: A tail so hard it appears These galleon-sized monsters are the hungriest
to be made of mountain rock. When it’s moving, and most aggressive. They have no qualms about
each target must perform an Athletics check attacking anything that moves, eating it even if it's
in order not to be hit and thus suffer 5 damage, inedible. On principle.
while ships suffer 1 Damage Point. This is not King of the Seas (3): At this level the monster
considered an attack. has 55 wounds, DD 2, movement 100 meters.
Marine Flatbread (Body): Sea monsters that Monsters as big as Galeomundis. They are rarely
look more like mainsails with tails than fish. With sighted and fortunately they spend most of their
an action on difficulty 6+ the monster can get out time dozing off on the seabed, only emerging to
of the water and fly over a boat or an obstacle, eat. They say that many storms are caused by the
inflicting 1 Damage Point upon passing. This is tossing of a King of the Seas following a bad dream.
not considered an attack. Marine Flatbread also
regenerates +2 CPs at the start of each turn. Special Abilities (dead)
Set of Tentacles: The classic giant octopus Soul of the Abyss (1): When an abyssal
tentacles could not be missing. As part of an monster is resurrected in the Orchard, it finds
attack, the tentacles can be used to grab a boat itself swimming in a completely new and very,
(Action, 1 CP, difficulty 6+). This way the ship very dark abyss. Some of them wallow so much
can only make veers, but remains motionless. In in the depths of the sea of the dead that they merge
the meantime, the monster can still continue to with other beings. Because of this, a resurrected
attack using the tentacles that are still free. monster can choose another monstrous piece from
the list, even a second Body. In this case, at the
beginning of each turn, they can freely choose
which of the two Bodies to take advantage of.
Chapter 8 - Gravesure Island

What? Ah, yes, you think that now

I’m going to say things like “wait, don’t
be in a hurry to leave”, "it’s not the
time yet, you need to know other
things” or “you’re good for nothing”?
But no! You know what? You’re ready!
I did all I could do for you and please
don't be like all the others who ask me
to join their crew after the tour and...
oh, you wouldn’t have asked me? Well,
too bad for you, everyone wants Popop
as their captain!
Anyway, I'll leave you now, you no-
good deckhand. You are free to roam
wherever you like in this wonderful
Harbone. Oh, as we were walking I
saw an interesting recruitment ad from
one Billy Fewbones. I've never heard
of him, but he seems to be recruiting
a crew for a deed worthy of a sailor
like you. That is, a rookie who cannot
yet afford to ask too many questions
before accepting a job. So go, what are
you waiting for? Shoo, I don't want to
see you anymore, go away... actually no,
remember to come back when you have
some vouchers in your bag: I haven't
forgotten that you owe me a Grop!
“I’ve been waiting years for this moment: the day when the treasure would finally be mine. I lost my life and
ESPECIALLY my leg and I won't let you tell me now that I have to stand in line again to get my permit!”
[Short Jim Bronze, at the Wet Sloth Undead Port Authority]

Gravesure Island is an introductory adventure Billy will also explain that the treasure is in
for Sea of Bones lasting 1-2 sessions, with an the Orchard, but that to get there you need to go
open ending and a Risk Level of 2, therefore through a Maelstomb located in the depths of a
ideal for sailors who have just (re)set foot on the mysterious cave of a mysterious island located in

deck of a ship. a mysterious stretch of sea.
Recruit your new crew of the dead, coat your What the deceased don’t know, however, is that
ship in ectocoral, mend the sails and prepare to before setting sail, a stowaway named Short Jim
rise in the Sea of Mora to search for traces of Bronze, also in search of the treasure, has boarded
the Ancient Casket hidden by the pirate James the ship, and aims to seize the Beggar’s Compass.
Slint. You can take this opportunity to try your During their journey in the Sea of Mora,
hand at creating a new deceased, use an existing Jim will make Fewbones disappear and so the
one or choose from the pre-gen ones that you can deceased will be forced to decipher the route to
download from our website www.acesgames.it. get to the island by themselves. Once they arrive,
Now you have everything you need to set after surviving a storm, they will have to face the
sail, so if you stay ashore there are two possible natives and finally descend into the dark cave that
explanations: either you don't have the guts (in a will take them back to the Orchard, in a stretch
broad sense, as well as organic) to venture into of sea unknown even to the most experienced
the seas of Unglorious, or your companions left resurrected navigators.
you on the dock while you were in the bathroom. Once the island is in sight, Short Jim will
make his move, sending a signal to his crew to
intercept the dead, thus starting a battle to the last
BACKGROUND cannon shot.
The deceased begin their adventure in the Once Jim's ship is on the skids (or is wrecked
Harbone of Wet Sloth, a few days' ride from the altogether), the deceased will be able to land on
Mortopolis of Limpdom. All of them are ready to the treasure’s island... but Short Jim Bronze is not
rise in the Sea of Mora… if only they had a crew. one to give up easily.
And a ship. Wandering through the dilapidated
and idle streets of the Harbone, they will notice
a recruitment ad from a certain Billy Fewbones, DECEASED (AND LIVING) NPCS
who is looking for a crew of valiant undead Billy Fewbones: Along with Short Jim
buccaneers to go in search of a mysterious Bronze, he used to be part of Captain Slint's crew,
treasure. In addition to the map, Billy can also with whom they recovered and hid an Ancient
supply a ship - what a stroke of luck! Casket whose location only he knows. He’s a
All that remains is to go to the Admiral treacherous, lying and rude Skinny, but he has
Morbone tavern and hear the mysterious what the characters need to start their adventure.
Fewbones’ sales pitch. A ship. Or at least, directions on how to steal one.
Karkatualgamarietot, Chieftain of the
Karkatua: Karkatualgamarietot is a giant, leader of
SYNOPSIS the Karkatua, the dangerous native shell collectors
Once at the inn, the dead will find themselves of Sneaky Island. His throne is made up of a huge
in front of the immoral Billy Fewbones, who pile of shells and blocks the entrance to the cave the
will tell them that the treasure to recover is the deceased must enter… and he's too lazy to get up.
Beggar’s Compass, an object contained in an Short Jim Bronze: The wily and mischievous
Ancient Casket and with the power to indicate Squishy Short Jim was the Quartermonster under
the location of cursed treasures that abound in the Captain Slint's command. He knows that Billy
Sea of Mora. There’s only one drawback: the ship. Fewbones has the treasure map, but his crew got
Billy doesn't have it, but he knows how to steal lost while searching for the island where he was
one from the Harbone. After stealing the ship and hiding; therefore he followed Billy's movements
obtaining the rising permit, the crew will have to in the hope that someone could decipher the
go to the Maelstomb which will take them to the route indicated by the map for him. He has an
Angery Sea. alchemical bronze leg that jerks and makes his
movements awkward and difficult.
“It's been a while since I last set sail, but don't worry, I still remember how to steer a ship! … There should be
an engine somewhere, right?”
[Billy Fewbones, former pirate of Captain Slint's crew]

In one way or another, the dead protagonists

of the adventure have all arrived at the Harbone of The Skinny introduces himself as Billy
Wet Sloth, under the jurisdiction of the Mortopolis Fewbones, the navigator of the former crew of
of Limpdom. Here, wandering among dilapidated Captain Slint, terror of the Sea of Mora who has
docks, shacks stuck in a patchwork of rotten wood been missing for some time now. He also says

and ectoglue and a gaggle of sailors too listless to that he’s the last survivor of the crew and the only
even hoist a flag, they will find a recruitment ad one to whom the captain has revealed where the
from a certain Billy Fewbones. Beggar's Compass was hidden, a treasure enclosed
in an Ancient Casket. The compass seems to have
the power to show the location of every cursed
“To all sailors eager for adventure who treasure in the Sea of Mora. Billy has a map that
left seasickness in the world of the living! only he can decipher: what he needs is a crew…
I, Billy Fewbones, await you at the and a ship.
Admiral Morbone tavern to offer you
adventure and an immense fortune in
exchange for your services and a mug of THEFT AT THE PORT
good Grop! You put up your corpses, and
I’ll put up a ship and the route to follow!
… I wonder what kind of dried molluscs “True, I said I would put up a ship,
I'll have to accept. Not a single person in but I never said it was mine! First thing
this place has the backbone to be a REAL to do is steal one, and I know of a crew
pirate, or they don't have a backbone at dumb enough that we can steal it from
all… Oops, still writing, dammit!” under their noses. These are the men of
the siblings Rinko and Teka Hardbak, two
Stuffies with more sand in their skulls than
Note for the Ferryman: If the characters brains carried over from the world of the
don’t know each other yet, the first part of this living. They have a Scutter moored in the
adventure can focus on their first meeting, during harbor, the Desollado, and three of their
which they will all be at the tavern or on the men are right here in this tavern, so that
way there. All sailors who meet for the first time means only the two siblings are on board.
tend to hide or embellish their cause of death, to I suggest you find ways to keep them busy
embellish their feats, sometimes making some up while getting those two out of the way.
from scratch, or to assert their dominance with Where am I going? To queue at the Undead
displays of strength and cunning. In short, they all Port Authority office for the rising permit,
puff up their chests! of course!"

The Admiral Morbone is half empty, The best way forward for the group, then, is to
except for a few drunkards dangling from split up to do both tasks simultaneously.
table to table, bumping into every obstacle, The Hardbak pirates are patented drunkards,
and a Skinny playing darts using his head as so in order to keep them in the tavern it will be
a target. At the bar is a listless-looking Windy enough to offer them a drink or to delight them
using his poltergeist powers to clear the with some stories or an amusing show, therefore
cobwebs from the bottles behind him, while through an l Entertainment check (7+). If
an arachnobulb rebuilds them in record time. the deceased don't have the money to pay for
As you look around, you notice a dim, their drinks, they can steal a few bottles of Grop
greenish candle light in the darkest and with a l Stealth check (6+) by exploiting the
dampest corner of the tavern. A grim- innkeeper's constant carelessness.
looking bearded skull is illuminated by it.
Below him, a body covered in a worn (even
by Orchard standards) brown coat long
and dirty enough to look like it had been
collecting the filth of decks for decades.
Rinko and Teka Hardback Guide to the Encounter: Rinko is a
As assumed by Billy, Rinko and Teka are Cocooney Stuffy, with 7 SPs and the Bone Dust
aboard the Desollado, less than three hundred ability; he is also equipped with a rapier (Light
meters from the tavern. They’re on the bridge Weapon - Contact, Piercing/Slashing, 2 damage)
playing Sword-tip with each other. Hearing and a Light Shield. Teka, on the other hand, is a
them talk while they challenge each other with Corally Stuffy, with 7 SPs and the Five-Point Star
sword blows and jokes in bad taste, it’s easy ability; she is also equipped with a pistol (Light
to understand that they are hardened (as well Firearm, 2 damage) and Light Armor.
as stupid) players and at that moment they’re During the fight, Rinko will immediately go
betting on which of them will have to be shot into close combat, charging when possible and

from the cannon at the next boarding battle. exploiting his ability whenever he can, while Teka
By talking to them it will be easy to convince will climb the ropes, to then target opponents with
them to bet the ship, challenging them to any stars and gunshots.
sailor game (see chapter 6, "Deeds in the Sea of
Mora"). Alternatively, you can always resort to Desollado's Equipment: The Desollado is a
weapons! Scutter covered in blackish barnacles and slimy
If the players have not distracted the crew at algae, sticky in every nook and cranny. Hoisted
the tavern, they will return aboard after a few and clearly visible is the flag of the Hardbaks, two
minutes. crossed spines surmounted by a skull with a thick
Once the fight is over, the goofy and cackling mane of corals.
Billy Fewbones will appear, who already has his The Desollado has 4 cannons, 20 Classic Balls
rising permit with him. and 6 Stinky Balls. In the hold there are also 100
vouchers, 3 clumps of ectocoral and a pair of
ectocoral slippers. There’s a Leak in the bow hull,
which you will need to repair before rising.
“Ahh, it’s been so long since I last saw sunlight. The song of the seagulls, the lapping of the water moved by the
wind, the white clouds in the sky. Let's do what we have to do and get back down, it sucks up here!"
[Billy Fewbones, former pirate of Captain Slint's crew]

It's time to set sail and reach the whirlpool After about thirty concentric laps, the
that will bring you to the Sea of Mora! Billy is a Desollado will be shot out of the Maelstomb (a
Captain and will therefore give orders. However, Green Maelstomb), landing 200 meters further
if another Captain is among the characters, Billy on with a thud that will put a strain on the hull…

will do anything to take charge, relying on his and also on the adherence of Short Jim who is
importance as keeper of the map. Both, therefore, attached to it.
will have to make a speech to the rest of the crew,
who in turn will have to vote to choose which Billy will order a course to the north, north-
Captain will lead them in the deed. east and the journey, with the wind in favor, will
Meanwhile, just before setting sail, the wily last a whole day.
and petty Short Jim Bronze, another survivor of
Captain Slint's crew, will have used his bronze Note to the Ferryman: Unless you want to
leg to get stuck between the wooden beams of the insert special events during the journey, you can
ship and thus become a stowaway. skip the navigation parts to get straight to the key
points of the adventure.
Some examples? An enemy’s attack (a
“Now hear me out, you sacks of couple of Sand Sharks, a small Sea Monster, a
cowardice gone bad: this I'm holding is Grab-Crab…), the sighting of a drifting wreck
the treasure map. I remind you that only waiting to be plundered, a daring escape from a
I am able to decipher it, but you should Livingjoys’ ship, the rescue of a castaway from
know where we’re heading! The whirlpool a handkerchief of land (who therefore could be
that we will cross will take us to the Angery useful for the journey) and so on.
Sea, east of the coasts of Limpdom. There
we must first of all arrive at a CERTAIN
ISLAND which hides a Maelstomb in THE DISAPPEARANCE
its depths which, once crossed, will take Short Jim's goal is simple: wait for the crew to
us back to the Orchard, in a stretch of locate the treasure island, and then send a signal
sea unknown to most. And it is here that to his crew, lost in that same mysterious stretch
the island where the Beggar's Compass of sea, and thus make them rush to get rid of the
is hidden is located. Once recovered, characters and conquer the Compass.
dozens of trips towards sure riches await His plan therefore consists in remaining
us… of which I will take the biggest slice, uncomfortably hidden under the ship... if only it
heheh. Damn, I'm thinking out loud again! weren't that, in fact, it's TOO uncomfortable. In
Anyway, TO YOUR STATIONS, YOU fact, taking advantage of the dark, Short Jim will
RANCID RATS!” get on board, but will be discovered by Billy. Jim
will then be forced to assassinate him after a brief
confrontation lasting a few seconds, and then
After a few hours of navigation, in which the throw the corpse overboard and go back to hiding
characters will have the opportunity to explore under the hull.
and repair the ship, a vortex of black water will be With a l Sensory check (7+) after the
sighted which seems to go down into the darkest commotion it will be possible to hear the regular
depths of the Orchard. The dead will have to let and rhythmic thuds, like metal against wood, of
the ship be pulled into the whirlpool and let it Short Jim's alchemical leg!
sink into nothingness. After a few moments filled The characters won't arrive in time to see what
with darkness and silence, the dead will begin to happened and after hearing the commotion and
hear a loud sound of water, as if they were inside arriving at the place of the clash, among shards
a waterfall. Once their eyes open, they will realize and splinters of wood, they’ll find only one thing:
they are in the eye of a Maelstomb, dragged by the treasure map.
a very strong current that pushes them upwards, Having killed the only one who could decipher
towards the blinding sun and the sea surface. the map, Jim left it there in the hope that the
deceased will discover the route to follow.
The Map Now they will have to decipher the writing
The first part of the journey includes the corresponding to the numerical compass: each
arrival at Sneaky Island. To find it, just continue direction corresponds to a number in miles. As
to follow the route indicated by Billy until you indicated, the characters will have to consider
spot a patch of land that appears to be a giant only three cardinal points at a time and subtract
glittering rock. Here the deceased will have to them from each other. The ones whose subtraction
find a shell identical to the one shown on the turns out to be 0 (you will notice you’re standing
map, which the characters will discover is none still) are 12 (North) – 7 (North-East) – 5 (South-
other than the throne of the island's leader, the East). The route to follow then, as soon as you get
giant Karkatualgamarietot. out of the whirlpool, is South East (At that point

After descending into a deep cave, passing you just have to follow the direction of the shortest
through the huge shell, the characters will find distance among the three choices).
themselves in the seas of the Orchard. The last part of the map, the one that says
exactly the treasure is, is however absent, as it is
in the hands of Ben Grimm.

if with these directions you can remember

Your skull is thicker than a rock, Billy! Let's see
whirlpool you just have to find the direction to
how to get to the island. Once you rise from the
follow. And remember:
- Do not consider all routes. Take three at a time;
miles for you), then the two shorter ones;
- Go the longest distance first (I've marked the
will notice you’re standing still. At that
- Once you have gone through all directions, you
shortest distance among the three choices;
point you just have to follow the direction of the
backwards, it means that you have taken
- If, on the other hand, you keep moving or go
the wrong direction!
SNEAKY ISLAND After telling his story, Karkatualgamarietot will
Approaching the huge rock that is Sneaky therefore ask the characters to detach him from that
Island, you will be able to see that the gleam it rock face. In exchange, he will give them a precious
gives off is due to hundreds of thousands of shells amulet, as well as protect them from the wrath of
of the most varied shapes, some as small as a the natives following the damage to the Conchrock.
fingernail and some as large as whales. Around In fact, what they will have to do is shoot 3
the rock there is a small beach and a forest. To cannonballs at the wall behind the giant, so as to
the south there is also an inlet large enough to damage the rock just enough to allow him to break
allow the passage of a small boat and which goes free. After explaining the plan, Karkatualgamarietot
towards the rock, the Conchrock. will assure the characters that the Karkatua don't

At the end of the stream, which crashes against understand a word of what they are saying to each
the rocky wall of the rock forming a lake, is set an other and that they don't even speak. He will also
enormous shell partially covered in algae, lichens, tell them that they trace the history of the island
other smaller shells and above all the imposing through the shells around him and which, when
body of Karkatualgamarietot, giant guardian of joined together, form specific designs.
the island and protector of the Karkatua. The drawings traced with the shells form
With a l Nature (6+) or l Sensory (8+) constellations which in turn can be interpreted to
check it will be possible to notice that the giant decipher a story through l Orientation checks
shell is the one shown on the map and therefore (7+). In addition to the history of the Karkatua,
represents the passage towards the cave and the made up of bloody battles, over time replaced
Maelstomb. Karkatualgamarietot was wedged by the collection of shells, and the arrival of
into it after being elected master of the island and Karkatualgamarietot, the constellations reveal that
his body now serves as a cork. before the giant's arrival, two other ships arrived
on the island; one of them was commanded by an
evil pirate with a bronze leg.
Karkatualgamarietot and the The drawings also show the depths of the
Karkatuas island and the Maelstomb hidden by the rock.
The Karkatua were once a tribe of great An alternative to cannon fire is to perform two
warriors, but over the generations their members l Carpentry checks (7+) to scrape away the shell
have softened, preferring to collect shells rather and therefore free Karkatualgamarietot’s body from
than fight. Karkatualgamarietot the giant instead the Conchrock. Even if the checks are successful, or
arrived on the island just two years before the if only one of the two fails, it will still take 3 hours.
current events and, given the shape of his head, If the natives notice this operation, they will
resembling the shell of an oyster, he was elected go on the attack, as they will also do at the first
supreme master of the island and later stuck inside cannon shot against the Conchrock.
the Great Shell at the base of the Conchrock, their
sacred boulder. Guide to the Encounter: The Karkatua are
The Karkatua will show themselves as Skull Collectors Natives. If the characters are in
soon as the characters arrive in the presence of the lake, they will jump into it and swim aboard
Karkatualgamarietot, but it’s possible to detect in 1 round. Dozens of Karkatua warriors live on
their presence with a l Sensory check (7+). the island, but they will assault the characters in
waves of four at a time.

“Hey, hey you! Yes, I’m talking to you,

you little scrawny fellows!" Speaking is The Release of Karkatualgamarietot
a figure that you notice only now. On the Once freed (assuming he hasn't been killed by
other side of the lake, stuck on the rock accidental cannon fire), Karkatualgamarietot will
covered with shells, rests the body of an let out a cry of joy as he detaches himself from the
adult giant, who remains motionless, as Conchrock, carrying the Great Conch on his back
if seated on a throne made of shells. His like a turtle does with its shell.
head appears elongated and with irregular Once the cork is removed, the lake water will
and sharp edges, like a stone turned into quickly gush into the cave and the ship will be
clay and crushed. His legs sink into the dragged by the disruptive current until it reaches
lake and have been soaking for so long the bowels of Sneaky Island.
that they are covered in sea plants and Before the ship is sucked in, however,
small crustaceans. Karkatualgamarietot will throw onboard the gift
"How about you do me a favor and get promised for his release: a Tribal Amulet in the
me out of here?" shape of (guess what) a seashell.
“He waits on the coasts. He waits for the ghosts of his past to reunite with the corpses of the present. He waits
to be able to sail the seas again. And above all, he waits for someone to bring him clean clothes.”
[Excerpt from the short story "Ben Grimm's Shipwreck"]

As soon as they pass the vault of the cave, the THE ARRIVAL OF THE
characters’ amazement and sense of conquest will RESPANIOLA
turn into dismay when they see that the inside of Once the signal has been seen, the four
the rock is hollow and that, in front of them, there deceased crew members of the Respaniola,

is a waterfall that will drag them for hundreds of under the command of Short Jim, who have been
meters in the depths! missing in those waters for years, will chart a
course towards their captain and then towards the
Desollado. Exploiting their dead energies to the
After an inevitable fall seasoned with bone (quite literally), they will swoop down on
thunderous cries and the thought of seeing the characters before they even manage to drop
your ship (and your bodies) reduced to anchor on the island.
crumbs on impact, a purplish light appears Load the cannonballs… It's time to fight!
from the darkness of the Conchrock of
Sneaky Island and rapidly becomes more
intense. As promised by Billy, at the bottom You're still wondering where that signal
of the cave is a Maelstomb, ready to spit flare came from, when to your right the fog
you back into the oceans of the Orchard clears and you see another vessel appear.
and then, towards the next portion of your The hull, black and rotten as if it had
quest. spent the last few decades in the depths of
the Orchard, points towards you. On the
figurehead, a skeletal lion's head appears
After the characters have re-rise from the to cry out in your direction, while limp,
whirlpool, they will find themselves in the middle unmoving sails make the masts appear like
of the waters of the Orchard. Around them is only giant specters.
darkness, oily water as far as the eye can see, “Well, my eminent sailing companions,
partially cloaked in a light greenish mist. Yards the time has come for me to introduce
and skeletons of dead-dead sea monsters stick myself.” The voice comes from the
out of the water, like fingers of a stunted hand quarterdeck, where a massive Squishy
yearning for breath: they are the victims of those towers, dripping with water and peat. His
who have gotten lost in these seas, perhaps in hair looks like tufts of black straw and
search of the treasure island. peeks out from under a shabby tricorne
Before continuing, the characters will have like lightning from an ashen cloud. He's
to decipher the second part of the map and head missing more teeth than shreds of skin, but
southeast. he still manages to widen his mouth in an
The island known as Señora Volcado will be eerie, drooling smile. In place of one of the
clearly visible from miles away and just as it’s two legs there is an alchemical mechanical
spotted, Short Jim Bronze will make his move limb, which puffs out red smoke in dancing
by firing a scarlet flare from his leg, used as a rivulets.
cannon… the signal for his crew. “My name is Short Jim Bronze. I'm
sorry I killed old Fewbones, but it was
necessary: he had found me out. I have to
thank you for deciphering the map. Now
let me introduce you to my crew… they've
been prowling around here for a while not
knowing where to look, but thanks to you
we found the route. Now please, do us one
last favor… and go to the other world. The
other, other one I mean. It was implied."
Short Jim Bronze's Crew Merry Christmas Jorge is a Squashbuckler
On the Respaniola are Gonner Merry Skinny, with 7 SPs and the Squashbuckler Battle
Christmas Jorge, Quartermonster Israel No- ability; he is equipped with a Long Rifle (Heavy
Hands, Navigatorn Mot Rogman and Corpsenter Firearm, 3 damage, long range, 9-10 Vicious Blow).
Black Cat. Of course, Short Jim is the Captain of Israel No-Hands is a Whodeath Squishy, with
this merry bunch of buccaneers. 8 SPs and the Mark of Misfortune ability; he is
The ship is a Scutter with 4 cannons, 30 Classic equipped with a knife (Light Weapon - Contact,
Balls, 5 Ectocoral Balls and 2 Cursed Balls. Piercing/Slashing, 2 damage) and a Whodo Spool
of Thread (amagical item with the Water Bomb
Guide to the Encounter: Short Jim Bronze is and Chewing Skull spells).

a Hungmeat Squishy, with 10 SPs and the Squishy Mot Rogman is a Corally Stuffy, with 7 SPs
Fury and Energy Reserve abilities; he is equipped and the Coral Armor ability; he is equipped with a
with a saber (Light Weapon - Contact, Piercing/ Battle Ax (Heavy Weapon – Contact, Slashing, 3
Slashing, 2 damage), his Leg-Cannon (Heavy damage) and Heavy Armor.
Firearm, 3 damage, long range, Vicious Blow Black Cat is a Tanky Windy, with 7 SPs and
9-10) and Light Armor. the Tomb Fish ability; she is also equipped with
a pistol (Light Firearm, 2 damage, medium range,
Vicious Blow 9-10) and a Tribal Earring (amagical
item with the Limp Plank spell).
Since ships cannot be sunk in the Orchard to find out where exactly the Ancient
(although they can still fall apart) the strategy of Casket containing the Beggar’s Compass
the Respaniola pirates is to get as close as possible is located.
to the Desollado and then launch themselves onto You’re displaced and disoriented
its deck and engage the characters in hand-to- when suddenly, from the thick vegetation
hand combat. Only Merry Christmas Jorge will that seems to be made up of skeletal limbs
remain on board, opening fire with the cannons. of giants of the sea, a Skinny covered in
Note that if Short Jim is close to death-death withered fronds appears: his beard is so
he will feign dying and throw himself overboard, long as to dress him and his posture is so
and then continue to chase the characters for the curved that his chin almost touches the

rest of the adventure, until he tries again to seize ground.
the Beggar's Compass. “I guess you don't know where to go,
do you? Welcome to Señora Volcado. My
name is Ben Grimm. Let me help you
THE MISSING PIECE with that missing piece of the map, heh
After defeating Short Jim and his friends, it's heh heh..."
time to stop the ship and go ashore.

You set foot on the Señora Volcado: a The Wind Changes

weird name for an island, now that you The adventure of the Desollado crew ends
think about it, but you only need to feel here… for now.
the thud of your feet on the ground to What are the mysteries of Señora Volcado?
understand that it is not a piece of land, What is hidden in the City of Crow’s Nest?
but an overturned hull. Beneath your feet And who is this Ben Grimm? Will the sailors
is the largest ship you have ever seen, be able to find the Beggar's Compass? Continue
huge enough to contain a forest of palm the adventure from this point on as you please,
trees with purple leaves that mysteriously squeeze this manual and your minds to the core
sprout from the hull. and shape the deed that will lead your players to
In the center of the forest stands conquer the treasure.
a mast almost the size of a Lord of the The journey has just begun and the fortune it
Orchard. From the crow’s nest atop promises depends on how you build it for your
the huge twisted mast you can see the characters. And who knows, maybe one of your
profiles of lights and roofs. Up there, a stories could one day become part of the pages
small city dominates the landscape. You of Sea of Bones and be told in the taverns of all
don't know what mysteries and what the Harbones.
horrors the Señora Volcado hides and
you’re also missing a piece of the map So, raise your mugs and... steady!
Ah, you’re back! How did your deed go? Are you here for that Grop you owed me? Well, well,
I knew you were an honorable sailor!
I want you to tell me everything, spare no details. How was it up there? What did you see? What
did the sea leave you? Whether its waters are black as pitch or blue as the summer sky, the sea
always leaves something to those who sail it: it can be a treasure, an idea, a dream, eczema, anything.
And your face tells me that happened to you too. When I helped you tie the line that day you looked
like the half-chewed meal of a sea monster, with that rancid, steamed fish look, and now look at
you - a bone-fide pirate. Especially bone. Oh, but you still have a long way to go. However, if you
always carry the words and teachings of old Popop with you, rest assured that you too can become a
legend of the four seas just like me. How did I die, you ask? Well, that’s another story. A very long
story. You’ll have to offer me more than just one Grop to hear it all, ahr ahr ahr.


Aces Games was born in 2019, but its birth dates back to the now
distant 2013, albeit with another name, “Eleven Aces”. In that same year
we released our first RPG, the post-apocalyptic Nameless Land. Ten books
and five years later the second son was born, the teslapunk Heavy Sugar.
As the family expanded, it was also necessary to “move” to a larger house,
which today can be recognized by the symbol of the ace of spades, within
which the profiles of objects well known to us players are outlined, such as
dice and pencils.
Our family grows one again in 2019 with the second edition of Nameless Land and, the following
year, with the start of work on our third child, Unglorious, which you are now holding in your hands.
In 2023, the year in which Aces Games officially became a publishing house, came the Horror
RPG VHS: Very Horror Stories and the much sweeter Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil.
Thanks to your support and your enthusiasm, we hope to give you more and more and at the
same time continue to respect the quality of our products, which we will never sacrifice.

Give us your comments and keep up to date with the latest news on the website
www.acesgames.it, through the newsletter and through the Aces Games Facebook pages, or write
us an email at info@acesgames.it.

We’re waiting for you!

Be ready to rise...
... again and again!

VHS: Very Horror Stories is a Horror Role Play

Game inspired by ‘70’s, ‘80’s and ‘90’s classics such
as Hellraiser, Nightmare, Alien, Halloween and many
more, coming in three stand-alone boxed sets that
allow you to play in a different subgenre of Horror

Each VHS can be played alone without needing the

Created by
other two. The basic rules are contained in each box,
Aces Games
but for each VHS change (in addition to the contents)
the adaptation rules to different settings, the lists
of traits, the special abilities and the customization

What each of these VHS looks like? As the name

suggests, a videotape-like boxed set, much like those
early 2000’s movies you may still have on your shelf
or you could see in movie rentals a few years ago. Distributed by

Find out more at www.acesgames.it

Sea of Bones

“What world lies beyond this sea I do not know,

but every sea has another shore, and I will get there.”
- Cesare Pavese

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