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Topics Course Descreption Level Duration Course

Building and Managing Teams and Ethics This course discusses the effects All 7
work teams can have on
productivity and behavior. It also
explores cultural dimensions and
ethics that can change these
Communications Telephone Etiquette Every time you make or receive a All 5
call at work the conversation you
have with customers will shape
their entire perception of your
company. This course can help to
ensure your Telephone Etiquette is
up to the task.
Communications Barriers to Communication Succes, Part one Successful communication is vital All 8
to any effective manager.
However, there are many mental
and verbal barriers that can
prevent communication success. If
you understand these barriers, you
will be better equipped to avoid
them and to deal with them when
they arise. After completing this
course, you will have taken a
major step to improving your
interpersonal communications
Communications Barriers to Communication Succes, Part two Successful communication is vital All 10
to any effective manager.
However, there are many mental
and verbal barriers that can
prevent communication success. If
you understand these barriers, you
will be better equipped to avoid
them and to deal with them when
they arise. Thus equipped, you will
have taken a major step to
improving your interpersonal
communications skills.
Communications Communication and Ethics In today’s fast-paced technical All 10
world, communication is moving
quickly and misinformation can
spread easily. In order to maintain
ethical communication, businesses
must be able to properly manage
crisis situations and communicate
with people from different cultures
and experiences.
Negotiation / Conflict Management Conflict Management While business can often see conflicts All 15
as being productive by driving new and
different opinions, the different ways to
effectively manage such conflict
depend on many factors. Learn more
about managing, controlling and
harnessing conflicts by taking this
conflict management course.
Organizational Strategy / Planning Principles of Planning Goals are like the destinations on a All 10
road map. Plans are the routes you
take to reach those destinations. Once
you’ve decided what you want to do,
it’s time to develop plans to get you
from where you are now to where you
want to be in the future. With the right
balance of pragmatic considerations
and teamwork, your organization will
be able to make plans effectively.
Personal Well-being Managing Stress Many of us experience stress in life, All 20
whether this is in the short term from
one-off projects, or long-term stress
from a high-pressure career. Not only
can this be profoundly unpleasant, it
can seriously affect our health and our
work. However, it is possible to
manage stress, if you use the right
tools and techniques. This course will
show you how.
Respect in the Workplace Minimizing Gossip and Rumor Engaging in speculation is a normal All 12
and healthy part of being in a group; it’s
how people to express and satisfy their
curiosity. However, when it’s used as
an attack against a person or company,
it becomes destructive. We have all
seen people and businesses suffer as
the result of unfair gossip or rumor.
There are ways that you, as manager,
can minimize this kind of negative
Respect in the Workplace Unconscious Bias This course is different from most All 20
unconscious bias e-learning modules.
We're not going to pretend that after 30
minutes of e-learning and clicking
through scenario slides you are going
to be magically cured of your
unconscious bias. Instead we want to
take you on a kind of unconscious bias
journey. We really hope you enjoy
discovering how your brain works.
Social Media Consequences for Careless Social Media Use in A 2016 report estimates there are 2.3 All 25
billion social media users. There is
the Workplace concern that too few companies are
focusing on the risks associated with
social media in the workplace.
Employers must recognize the risks
and take steps to effectively manage

Grant Thornton Visual Identity - Basics

GT Visual Identity All

Being independent from our

assurance clients and all
assurance clients within the Grant
Thornton network is one of the
most important fundamental
International Relationship Checking Policy principles in performing our
Independence All 20
( services. Our biggest challenges
when proposing professional
services to clients on a global
scale are maintaining
independence and avoiding
conflicts of interest.

E-learns Assurance
Topics Course Level Duration Course
Auditing Standards ISA 200 Professional Sceptisism Assurance All 60
ISA 230 Audit Documentation Assurance All 60

El modelo DuPont de análisis del rendimiento de los fondos propios suele ser para obtener información valiosa sobre la estructura
de capital de una empresa y los factores de desglose del rendimiento de los fondos propios. El ROE de una empresa puede determinarse mediante la fórmula
DuPont, una ecuación financiera de varios pasos. El modelo DuPont evalúa las variables críticas que influyen en el ROE de una empresa. La fórmula de análisis de
DuPont es una ampliación de la fórmula simple del ROE. Esta fórmula ampliada tiene en cuenta tres factores distintos que impulsan el rendimiento del capital: El
margen de beneficio neto, la rotación total de activos y el capital en base a sus activos. Basándose en estos componentes, el modelo DuPont concluye que una
empresa puede aumentar su rentabilidad de los fondos propios manteniendo un margen de beneficios elevado, aumentando la rotación de activos y
apalancando sus activos de forma más eficaz. Dentro de la empr

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