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I. Relate advances in sciences and technology with progress of standards of values

of humans across many generations. Cite specific examples.

Scientific and technological advancements have surely had a major influence on human
growth, including the development of our values and standards. Yet, the interaction among
these aspects would definitely have a diverse and broad relationship that would have major
effects towards the society.

The fields of science and technology have affected our values by increasing our
understanding of the world and our position in it. We have obtained a better grasp of our natural
surroundings, our bodies, and the cosmos around us as a result of scientific discoveries and
technological breakthroughs. This awareness has resulted in changes in our values, such as a
greater admiration for the natural environment, an increased awareness of the human body and
mind, and an understanding of our significance and other living species. Additionally, science
and technology have pushed aside traditional values and beliefs, resulting in disagreements and
discussions about problems such as the ethical use of technology, the proper role of science in
society, and the influence of technological progress on our social and economic systems. The
growth of automation and artificial intelligence, for example, has generated discussions about
the purpose of work and the meaning of human labor in a fast changing society.

To conclude, it is evident that science and technology have significantly influenced our
standards of morality and behavior across many generations and I think that thoughtful and
analytical debates about the values and ethical principles that should govern our use of these
potent resources must continue since the effects of these advancements are not always obvious
or foreseeable.

II. Propose solutions that would have aspects of equity, environment, and economy
to address the numerous issues surrounding blood cobalt mining.

There are substantial moral, environmental, and economic issues with the blood cobalt
mining that takes place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and includes the exploitation of
both workers and the environment. A comprehensive approach that considers the intricate
interactions between these many components will be necessary to address these difficulties.
These are some of the potential solutions that I would suggest to address this issue:

● Promote Responsible Mining Techniques. Organizations that acquire cobalt from the
DRC should be pushed to use ethical mining methods that put worker protection and
environmental sustainability first. Governments, businesses, and civil society
organizations can work together to create certification systems that hold corporations
accountable for their actions.

● Invest in Sustainable Alternatives. Investing in ethical and environmentally responsible

alternatives, such as recycling, as well as in the study and creation of new battery
technologies that rely less on cobalt, is one method to lower the demand for cobalt and
lessen its effects on the environment and society.

● Support Community Development. Infrastructure, healthcare, and education funding

should all be allocated to the communities impacted by blood cobalt mining. This can
assist to raise the living standards of the workforce and lessen their reliance on the
mining sector.

● Address Child Labor. A particularly severe human rights violation is the employment of
child labor in the cobalt mining industry. Supporting children's education and alternate
sources of income should be a priority in efforts to solve this problem, as should working
with organizations to ensure that their supply chains are free of child labor.

I think that it is important for governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to
work together in order to solve the issues raised by the mining of blood cobalt. We can strive
toward a more sustainable and equitable future for all by taking a comprehensive strategy that
puts ahead the overall development of the society.

III. Final Project Related Questions

A. What are some of the health-related issues that were addressed or better addressed by
the social media group you are following?

There are a variety of mental health issues that Hey Hay Ph addresses in order to help
those in need. Some of the most common mental health issues that they address include
anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and so on. They offer help in
regards to one’s mental well-being and these are just a few examples of the mental health
issues that people experience nowadays which they can conquer by joining Hey Hay Ph support
group. It's important to remember that mental health conditions are common and treatable, and
that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength.
B. What are some of the new problems that emerged with the creation of the social media
group you are following, especially in health-related concerns?

Online mental health forums have grown in popularity in recent years, giving people a
place to talk about their issues and find others who are going through similar things. The
formation of these groups has brought up some new issues nevertheless, particularly with
regard to health-related issues. Some of these issues include misinformation, lack of
professional oversight, triggering content, and lack of privacy. I think that these are major issues
that could also trigger the wellbeing of the users if not given the accurate details of their
concern. Nonetheless, it is still a source of assistance for those who are struggling with mental
health issues.

C. Propose recommendations to be adopted by the social media group you are following to
further improve the experience of the users/targeted users of the social media group.

These are some the recommendations that I think would help the users to meet their needs:

● Providing access to mental health professionals like therapists or psychiatrists can help
those members who are in need of professional help that would cater the mental health
issues that they need.

● Offer educational resources like articles, videos, or webinars, which can help members
to have a better grasp on how they can cope and develop better strategies.

● Encouraging self-care like getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in physical
activity can help promote overall mental health and wellbeing.

● Hey Hay Ph could foster a sense of community in a way that the members would be able
to connect and build relationships through virtual events and casual talks can help
reduce the feeling of isolation or being alone.

These recommendations are only some of the few that I think would help Hey Hay Ph to
aid more people who are experiencing mental health issues. It would definitely be a stepping
stone to provide more people the help that they need in order for them to overcome the battles
they’ve been dealing with.

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