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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children,

OUR NEXT HOLIDAY Our next holiday is October half-term, and school will close at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 21st October. We will re-open at 8.45 a.m. on Monday 31st October. There are NO training days attached to this holiday. WELL DONE Well Done to Kiera Byers who has achieved her Stage 1 & 2 Swimming Award. Well Done to Keira Parkin, who won the Doncaster Rovers tickets for 100% Attendance. Well Done to Hannah Fletcher who has achieved her Duck 1 Swimming Certificate. PARENTS EVENING TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER Please make sure you return your slip as soon as possible in order that you get the appointment of your choice. Also remember that the time-slot is only ten minutes, so if you need a longer appointment please see your childs class teacher for an alternative day and time. Please try and keep to time so there arent too many delays. MINOR ACCIDENTS IN SCHOOL This is just to remind you of our procedures for minor accidents in school, now that the children are playing mostly on the hard playground because of the damp weather. If a child has a bump or scrape, we will treat them in school according to our First Aid policy, and give them a bump note to take home in case they forget to tell you about it. If we feel concerned about your child, we will telephone and ask you to come to school. We will keep your childs class teacher informed about the circumstances of the accident. HARVEST FESTIVAL Our Harvest Assembly will be on Friday 21 October and we would ask that the children bring one fresh item for our display. Please do not send tinned items on this occasion. We will be donating the fresh produce to the M25 Homeless charity after the assembly. As the Harvest is for the whole school, we will not have room to invite parents. Thank you for your support. RETIREMENTOF MID-DAY SUPERVISOR We thought we would let you know that Janet Davis, one of our longest-serving Mid-day Supervisors, will be retiring when we break for half-term. We are sure the children will miss Mrs D very much, and the staff wish her a long and happy retirement with her family. DEADLINE FOR SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS The deadline for the ordering of school photographs is Friday 14 October. However, if you havent yet ordered them, please drop your photograph order off at the school office first thing on Monday, 17 October. It can then be included in the first batch and therefore not incur the photographers administration charge. After Monday morning, however, you should include the additional 2 with your payment. Thank you.

SCHOOL MEALS AND HEALTHY PACKED LUNCHES After half-term our new Winter menus will be operating for school meals, on a fourweek cycle. Copies of these are available from the school office if you would like to go through them with your child and help them choose what they would like to eat. We are also working hard to try and encourage the children who bring a packed lunch from home to bring a healthy lunch. Here are some Healthy lunchbox suggestions - Use a different sandwich filling each day - preferably including a fruit or vegetable. For example: Chicken, Ham, Egg, Grated cheese, Tuna, Mashed banana, Cottage cheese. Fruit and vegetables Seedless grapes, satsuma, tangerines or clementines (peeled and wrapped for younger children) small bananas, apples, plums, dried fruit such as apricots, dates or raisins. Avoid bananas because they go brown. Some vegetables to try - Cherry tomatoes, Carrot sticks, Celery sticks, Cucumber chunks, Baby sweet corn, Grated carrot and raisin salad. Drink - Avoid sugary and fizzy drinks. Instead use water or fruit juice. Other lunch box items - Scones, malt loaf, flapjack, yoghurt, teacakes. Savoury suggestions - Rice cakes, Bread sticks, boiled egg, Cheese and crackers. Keep it cool - to keep it fresh by supplying an insulated bag or box. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX APPEAL As usual, St James church is supporting Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal. Please help by donating a gift-filled shoebox. These will be sent to children who are in need living on the streets or in large orphanages. Further details of items suitable to be included are on the leaflet that your child has brought home. Please bring shoeboxes to school after half-term, before Monday 8th November. If you require further information, please contact Jean Gravette on 01302 856859. Many thanks for your gifts, which really make a difference. CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE Please be aware that if there is no Crossing Patrol warden and no-one from the Safer Neighbourhood team is available to cross children over the road, school staff are not allowed to perform this duty. DMBC have left us in no doubt that we should not try to take the place of these wardens, so please impress upon your children the need to be vigilant if they cross unaccompanied. Similarly, please park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Additionally, please do not park ON the pavement, as buggies and wheelchairs need the space on the footpath, as well as it being dangerous for children if you try to drive on the path. Thank you for your cooperation. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 5 Green class. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

Doncaster Place Riddles

Green Class have been writing poetry about Doncaster. Can you work out the answers to our riddles?
Im frothy on the inside, But Im really hard on the outside. I am as white as snow. And I swim on water And walk on land. What am I? By Josh Cullen and Deacon Ingber Im a tall building with a castle like top, When cars pass by their engines just stop, I am a dragon slayer, I am often visited by Doncaster Mayor. Who am I? By Neve Welburn and Zak Timms Im in French gate, VROOM! Inside me, I never go to sleep, Because people always want me, Just in case they need a ride. What am I? By Drew Grice and Shannon Gebbie The hall of mirrors I love to scare, You better beware. I am a big rollercoaster ride, I can be a big bouncy slide. What am I? By Tyler Hearne and Cameron Grieveson

I have people come to see me, To look at British history, You can see some skeletons found, That once were buried under ground. What am I ? By Connor Stenson and Cameron ONeil

I m as busy as a bee. Many shops are inside of me. Im as rich as gold, Many of my items can be sold. What am I? Brandon Long, Ellie Whitehead, Olivia Hepworth and Roksana Wisiniewska

I am a food parlour, People love my food You can drive through me Children are Happy here. What am I? By Rebecca Jackson and Melissa Hughes

I am as big as a county I like to scream and ROAR!! People like to feed me I am a photograph magnet. What am I? By Bridie Murray and Jessica Brown

I stand quietly listening to the water, But I can get as loud as a lion, When schools come and enjoy themselves here. Lots of people change in me. What am I? By Jordon Donahoe and Alisha Scotting

Answers: White Swan Pub, St. Georges Minster, The Fair, Museum, Bus Interchange, Frenchgate
Shopping Centre, McDonalds, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Swimming Pool.

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