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Angļu valoda 10.klasei 2.daļa

1. Create an easy-to-follow structure .................................3
2. The goal ........................................................................3
3. The objectives (the tasks of the presentation/ project) ..4
4. The outcome. ................................................................5
5. Powerpoint project evaluation rubric .............................5
5.1 Content ........................................................................................ 5
5.2. Design ......................................................................................... 5
6. The examples how to write goals, objectives (tasks),
outcome. .............................................................................6

Materiāla konspektu izstādājusi Agnese Vaškūna 2

Angļu valoda 10.klasei 2.daļa

How to make a good presentation.

1. Create an easy-to-follow structure

Have to say, break it down into three simple sections: your presentation
needs an introduction, body, and conclusion.

• A compelling introduction. Your introduction needs to briefly sum

up what you’re going to talk about and why it’s useful or relevant to
your audience.
• Offer a body of evidence. The body of your presentation is where you
hit them with the facts, quotes, and evidence to back up your main
• Sum up with key takeaways. The conclusion is where you loop back
to your original statement and give the audience some key takeaways
on how they can put into practice what they’ve learned.
• No more than 10 slides in total.

2. The goal
• Your goal should be clearly written so that the reader understands your
purpose towards proposing a project.
• The goal of the proposal shows the reader your intention towards solving
a particular problem.
• The goal could be either to persuade, inform, inspire, or entertain the
audience. Goals describe in broad, general terms what you hope to

Materiāla konspektu izstādājusi Agnese Vaškūna 3

Angļu valoda 10.klasei 2.daļa

3. The objectives (the tasks of the presentation/ project)

Objectives explain specifically what participants should know, be

able to do, and be like as a result of the presentation.

Four Types of Objectives:

When planning a presentation, you need to identify what you want your
audience to know (knowledge), do (skills and behaviour), and be like
(attitudes) as a result of your session.
• Knowledge: Refers to facts and terms, concepts, generalizations and
theories. Example Action verbs:
• List, Identify Select, Give example, Describe, Name, Tell,
Outline, Explain, State, Summarize, Distinguish
• Skills: Refers to a wide range of cognitive (mental), physical and
emotional skills. Example Action verbs:
• Compare, Observe, Apply, Solve, Contrast, Draw, Show,
Operate, Infer, Practice, Construct, Prepare, Analyse, Illustrate,
Modify, Demonstrate, Categorize, Manipulate, Predict, Model
• Attitudes: Refers to feelings, beliefs, dispositions, opinions, and
values. Example Action verbs:
• Express, Clarify, Support, Interpret, Evaluate, Appraise,
Conclude, Criticize, Judge, Debate, Justify, Feel
• Behaviour: Refers to applying knowledge and skills, solving a
problem, acting based upon a decision. Example Action Verbs (usually
reflects a specific action):
• Reduce, Dispose, Teach, Install, Exercise, Present

For short presentations

• You need 1 major goal that summarizes your overall purpose.
• You need 2-4 specific objectives that identify what will be

Materiāla konspektu izstādājusi Agnese Vaškūna 4

Angļu valoda 10.klasei 2.daļa

4. The outcome.

• Outcomes should describe what you want to happen after your

activity is completed.
• Focus your intermediate outcomes on what you want people to do
when they go back to their [classes, workplaces, etc.] and apply what
they have learned.

5. Powerpoint project evaluation rubric

5.1 Content

• The presentation meets the information requirements of the

assignment. Information is presented in logical sequence/structure.
Information on slides reflects understanding and effective
• Information has not simply been copied and pasted from another
• There is not too much text on a slide.
• Each slide contains a limited number of talking points as opposed to
complete paragraphs or lengthy sentences.
• Presentation is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

5.2. Design

• Slides display elements of effective design.

• Fonts, colours, backgrounds, etc. are effective, consistent and
appropriate to the topic and audience.
• Animations and/or sounds have been used to emphasize important
points. They do not distract from the content.
• Text is clear and easy for the audience to see.

Materiāla konspektu izstādājusi Agnese Vaškūna 5

Angļu valoda 10.klasei 2.daļa

6. The examples how to write goals, objectives (tasks),

• The goal is to inform about the main environmental problems…...
• The goal is to show the possibilities….
• The goal is to distinguish difference between…...
• The goal is to emphasize the significance of….

The objectives:

• To list the environmental problems….

• To give examples of environmental problems….
• To summarize the possibilities of….
• To compare different systems…,
• To construct a new system……
• To research the terms of environment…...
• To describe the process of…
• To demonstrate the meaning of…

The outcome:

• To understand the difference between ….

• To be aware of….
• To have more confidence in …….
• To evaluate the main issues….
• To analyse issues associated with…

The websites

Materiāla konspektu izstādājusi Agnese Vaškūna 6

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