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1 Warm up
In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. What is bullying in general?

2. What is cyberbullying? How is it the same/different?

3. What are some examples of cyberbullying?

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2 Focus on vocabulary
Part A: Match the vocabulary with the correct definitions.

1. devastating (adj.) a. very damaging and shocking

2. resolved (v) b. a person who advises people when they have a problem

3. tactic (n) c. fixed issue

4. adolescent (n) d. a young person at the age of around 10 to 19

5. counsellor (n) e. method of achieving a goal

6. embarrass (v) f. able to recover after a negative experience

7. endorse (v) g. make someone feel awkward or uncomfortable

8. resilient (adj.) h. show public support for someone or something

Part B: Complete the gaps in the following sentences with the vocabulary above.

1. The salesman told her it was the last television available but it turned out to only be a
to try to get the sale.

2. Her dog proved to be and bounced back to his old happy self after
the operation.

3. The effects of the storm were .

4. Mum, please don’t wear that stupid hat to school. Don’t me!

5. I went to see a careers because I have no idea what I want to study.

6. The police chief is planning to your candidate for the election.

7. The dispute hasn’t been yet as the two neighbours aren’t even
willing to negotiate.

8. undergo a lot of changes as they grow up.

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3 Listening: predictions

You are going to listen to a short radio interview with a psychologist on the topic of cyberbullying.
Before you listen, write down, what are some questions you think the host might ask.

4 Listening for general understanding

Listen to the recording again and choose the correct answers.

1. How many adolescents and teens have been bullied online?

a. less than a quarter b. a half c. over half

2. How many adolescents and teens have engaged in online bullying?

a. less than a quarter b. a half c. over half

3. Most teens are:

a. resilient b. resolute c. revolting

5 Talking point

In pairs or small groups discuss the following questions.

1. Did anything in the interview surprise you?

2. What do you think of the advice?
3. Do you have any other advice on how to deal with this kind of situation?

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6 Listening comprehension

Part A: You are going to watch the video named "are you okay?" First, look at the screenshot from
the video and try to predict the answers to the given questions.

1) How are the boy and girl connected? 2) What do you think the purple goo is?

Part B: Watch the first half of the video from 00:00-04:36 and discuss the following questions.

1. What does the purple goo represent?

2. What do you think is going to happen next?
3. What would you do in this situation?

Part C: Watch the second half of the video 04:36-08:45 and in pairs or small groups discuss the
following questions.

1. What impact did Raquelle reaching out to Noah, have?

2. Do you think anything will change?
3. Could anyone in the video have taken different actions?
4. Does the video show a realistic portrayal of this type of situation?

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7 Language point: talking about statistics

Part A: In the radio interview in section four, some statistics are mentioned. Look at the box below.

• There are different ways you can express the same statistical information.

50% or half or 1 in 2.

• You can add modifiers to qualify the number further. For example, almost or nearly.

47% could be expressed as almost 50% or almost half or almost 1 in 2

• Other modifiers include:

around (approximately)

just over

just under

more than

• Technically you can use most to describe anything which is more than 50%, however, in
more common use, it would generally be considered to be somewhere around 60-90 per

Part B: Match the following with their synonyms.

1. 51% of the group a. 55%

2. increased by 10% b. fell by

3. decreased by c. by 20%

4. less than d. 25% of

5. by a fifth e. grew by 10%

6. a quarter of f. half of all men

7. 1 in 2 men g. under

8. most teenagers h. 75 per cent of teenagers

9. more than half i. more than half of the group

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8 Speaking

Look at the following scenarios and discuss each perspective.

Person A

You are upset. Your so-called friend took an embarrassing photo of you when you got sick
at her house. You were throwing up in the toilet and she took a photo of you and now she
has posted it on social media. Plus she has been spreading lies that you were sick because
you were drunk which is not even true. Other people have joined in making fun of you online
and now you don’t want to go back to school. It’s not the first time something like this has
happened with the same girl.

Person B

You took a funny photo of your friend when she was sick and throwing up at your place. You
thought it was funny so you posted it online and said she was drunk. She wants you to take
the photo down. But it was just a laugh and you think she’s making a big deal out of nothing
so you have refused. Plus you’ve posted other stuff about her before and it wasn’t so bad.
Plus you’ve got some extra likes because of it. Some people can’t take a joke. Now she wants
to talk to you about it.

Person C

Your daughter is upset and crying. She didn’t want to talk but finally, you got it out of her that
someone took an embarrassing photo of her and posted it on social media. Plus it’s the same
girl who has done something similar before. Your daughter doesn’t know what to do. Try to
comfort her and give her some advice on how to handle it.

Person D

Your friend is upset. You saw an embarrassing photo of her appear online. You felt really
bad for her but you weren’t sure what to do. You saw other friends join in and make some
not-nice comments underneath. You didn’t join in but you also haven’t said or done anything
yet. You’re worried the mean girl will turn on you because she has done similar things to this
same girl and others before. You’re not sure what to do. Your friend wants to talk.

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9 Extension task / homework

Task A: Write a short email (of around 150 words) to your school principal. You believe there is not
enough attention paid to cyberbullying. Suggest a few rules that you would like to see the school

Task B: Look for some anti-bullying resources online that would be useful in the country you live in.
Here are some example sites. What others can you find?

1) 2) kids helpline 3) Alberta

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