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English I

🔴 (AC-S18) Week 18 - Task: Assignment - Final Assignment - “Applying to Disney-

Part II”



Huamán Zegarra Yersong Alxander Cruz Calvay Darwin Jean Pieer

Egusquiza Torres Felipe Adolfo

Professor: Dr. Gabriela Montoya Muñoz

Yersong: Good night teacher. My name is Yersong and my colleagues Felipe and Jean Pierr. This

is the video of our final project, a job interview. We hope you like it.

Yersong: Good afternoon young people, welcome to the Disney application. We will start with

the applicant's number first.

Yersong: Applicant 1

Yersong: What is your name?

Jean Pieer: My name is Jean Pieer

Yersong: What are your last names?

Jean Pieer: My last name is Cruz Calvay.

Yersong: How old are you?

Jean Pieer: Am eighteen years’ old

Yersong: What degree are you studying?

Jean Pieer: I am studying civil engineering

Yersong: What do you do on weekends?

Jean Pieer: In the mornings I review my homework, and in the afternoon I go out to play soccer

with my friends.

Yersong: What do you like to do?

Jean Pieer: Draw, listen to music, study and play soccer.

Yersong: What don't you like to do?

Jean Pieer: Go out to parties, drink alcohol.

Yersong: What kind of music do you love?

Jean Pieer: Reggaeton, cumbia and ballads.

Yersong: What is the dish you love?

Jean Pieer: The chifa

Yersong: What kind of instrument do you not like?

Jean Pieer: Guitar

Yersong: Where are your parents from?

Jean Pieer: Of the department of Piura-province of Huancabamba-district of Huarmaca.

Yersong: Who are your relatives?

Jean Pieer: My uncles, my brothers, my parents...

Yersong: Thank you

Jean Pieer: Thank you

Yersong: Applicant 2

Yersong: What is your name?

Felipe: My name Felipe

Yersong: What are your last names?

Felipe: Egusquiza Torres

Yersong: How old are you?

Felipe: I am twenty years’ old

Yersong: What degree are you studying?

Felipe: I am studying business administration

Yersong: What are your attributes?

Felipe: My qualities are honesty and respect.

Yersong: What are your hobbies?

Felipe: My hobbies are listen to music and watch movies

Yersong: What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

Felipe: The responsability

Yersong: What are your weaknesses?

Felipe: Mistrust and disorder

Yersong: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Felipe: Being the owner of my own company

Yersong: Thank you very much for your presence

Felipe: Thank you

Jean Pieer: thank you

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