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English I

🔴 (AC-S15) Week 15 - Task: Assignment – Free time activities we like and don't like



Huamán Zegarra Yersong Alxander Cruz Calvay Darwin Jean Pieer

Egusquiza Torres Felipe Adolfo

Professor: Dr. Gabriela Montoya Muñoz

Yersong: Hello teacher, my name is Yersong and this is my fifteenth assignment.

Yersong: HI, Darwin

Darwin: HI Yersong, Hello miss, my name is Darwin and this is my fifteenth assignment.

Yersong: Darwin, what is your favorite sport?

Darwin: I like to play football.

Yersong: What do you like to do?

Darwin: I enjoy going running with my friends.

Yersong: When you like to listen to music?

Darwin: I like to listen to music when I'm doing my homework and working out at the gym.

Darwin: HI Yersong, what is your favorite sport?

Yersong: I like swimming.

Darwin: What do you like to do?

Yersong: I enjoy listening to music

Darwin: When you like to listen to music?

Yersong: I like to listen to music after doing my homework

Darwin: Hello Felipe, how are you?

Felipe: I'm good and you

Darwin: What do you like to do in your free time?

Felipe: I like to play soccer and listen to music

Darwin: when you like to play games and listen to music?

Felipe: In the afternoon after finishing my homework

Felipe: BYE miss

Darwin: bye

Yersong: bye miss

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