Final Research Paper-4

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Ben Alima
November 25, 2023


Welcome to the intersection where Artificial Intelligence (AI) meets the evolving field of

computer science. In this study, I aim to uncover the impact of increasing automation through AI

on the demand for computer science professionals. As a student majoring in Computer Science,

this exploration goes beyond my pursuits. It becomes a personal journey. It involves analyzing

the trends and changes within my sphere and predicting how these transformations will shape my


As I embark on this journey, my tools go beyond academia. They serve as instruments for

understanding and explanation. By combining literacy practices and rhetoric navigated through

the world of discourse, my goal is not to shed light on surface level changes, but to explore the

fundamental principles that shape the symbiotic relationship between AI and the professionals

who guide computer science’s path. Get ready for an exploration into the fusion of AI and

computer science. My systematic approach will unravel the intricacies of this combination. It's

more than a pursuit. It's a conscientious effort to contribute to a broader understanding of how

artificial intelligence intersects with the foundations of computer science.

Literature Review

In the study conducted by Autor and Salomons (2018), they extensively examine the

effects of automation on labor markets. Their research provides a foundation by exploring the

relationship between productivity growth, employment rates and the labor share in response to

technological advancements. This foundational understanding is crucial for grasping the

implications of AI on employment in the field of computer science.

Bessen (2019) makes a contribution by focusing on how AI impacts job opportunities. He

delves into understanding demand as a factor offering insights into how technological

advancements affect professional opportunities within computer science. This source becomes

essential for shaping our understanding of the dynamics that AI brings to the job market for

computer science professionals.

In their investigation, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2017) present a perspective on the

implications of AI that goes beyond aspects. This panoramic understanding is crucial for placing

AIs impact within the economic and industrial landscape setting the stage for a more holistic

analysis, within computer science. In their study, Lee and Shin (2020) explore the Fourth

Industrial Revolution, stressing the importance of reskilling and embracing intelligence. They

highlight how AI has the potential to transform the field of computer science. Susskind &

Susskind (2020) also provide insights into how technology's set to revolutionize our world

presenting a forward looking perspective. Both sources emphasize the need for adaptability and

intelligence in light of advancements in AI. To further enhance these perspectives Chui et al.

(2016) from McKinsey & Company identify industries where machines could potentially replace

roles on a large scale. This practical source sheds light on areas within computer science

professions that may be significantly impacted by automation.

Frey and Osbornes (2017) research on the future of work is essential in assessing how

susceptible computer science positions are to automation. Their findings offer foresight into

challenges and transformations that could reshape the landscape of computer science professions

providing us with a deeper understanding of what lies ahead for the industry. By combining

insights, from these sources this investigation delves into the impact that AI will have on

professionals working in the field of computer science.

However it is crucial not to disregard the perspectives of individuals in the industry. This

study seeks to connect theory and reality by analyzing the input of computer science experts. The

goal is to gain understanding of the obstacles and possibilities that professionals encounter as a

result of AI driven advancements. These real life viewpoints act as a link between the insights

obtained from academic research and the practical aspects of the professional environment.


To thoroughly evaluate the evolving impact of AI on careers in computer science my

research employs an analysis of available sources while omitting interviews and personal

testimonies. Scholarly sources continue to provide frameworks and academic ideas concerning

the relationship between AI and jobs, in computer science. My system relies on the internet as a

resource for gathering diverse opinions and discussions. It helps me stay updated on

conversations and allows me to grasp the current public sentiment regarding AI's impact on

computer science jobs.

I adopt a meta-analysis approach by thoroughly examining multiple scholarly works. This

enables me to gather nuanced insights and identify patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing

information landscape. I believe that adhering to APA style guidelines is important not as a

requirement but as a commitment to maintaining rigor and dependability. Proper citation and

referencing ensure the validity of my findings enabling readers to follow my research process

and verify the accuracy of my ideas.


When synthesizing insights from sources a complex narrative emerges regarding the

effect of AI on computer science jobs. Various perspectives highlight both concerns about job

displacement in the future well, as exciting possibilities that emerge when AI technologies are

integrated with human capabilities. In order to gain an understanding of how computer science

professionals can adapt to this changing landscape it becomes crucial to bridge these differing

perspectives. It's not about taking sides, rather acknowledging the shared importance of

adaptability and acquiring skills. In a field such as computer science, continuous learning and

growth are not just valuable traits; they are essential for thriving in an environment that is

increasingly shaped by AI. Recognizing gaps in existing research acts as a guidepost for

exploration. These gaps entice me to delve deeper to ask questions and contribute to a nuanced

understanding of the subject at hand. It's not only about analysis; it's also about laying the

foundation for investigations fostering an ongoing cycle of exploration and discovery.


In this analysis I have systematically synthesized insights from a wide range of sources to

provide a thorough understanding of how increasing automation through Artificial Intelligence

(AI) affects the demand for computer science professionals. The selected studies collectively

help unravel the patterns, trends, and gaps in the evolving landscape of technology and


Labor Market Dynamics:

The exploration initiated by Autor and Salomons (2018) delves into the consequences of

automation on labor markets. Their findings lay the foundation for understanding the relationship

between productivity growth, employment rates and the share of labor in response to


Job Opportunities and AI:

Bessen (2019) and Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2017) further contribute to this discussion

by examining how AI impacts job opportunities. Bessen focuses on understanding demand as a

factor while Brynjolfsson and McAfee present a perspective on how AI influences various

industries setting the stage for a more holistic analysis.

Global Perspectives and Reskilling:

Lee and Shin (2020) guide us through the Fourth Industrial Revolution by emphasizing

the importance of reskilling oneself and embracing intelligence. This global perspective is

complemented by Chui et al. (2016) who identify industries where machines have potential to

replace roles at scale. Frey and Osborne (2017) contribute by examining how vulnerable

computer science positions are to automation shedding light on skills that can safeguard

professionals from risks. Bessen (2019) further explores how the demand for AI affects jobs

emphasizing that the speed of technology adoption may vary based on differences. This localized

variation directly impacts the demand for computer science professionals, necessitating

adaptability and continuous learning.

Integration and flexibility:

The synthesized findings from the meta analysis uncover a multifaceted narrative that

extends beyond concerns about job displacement. The meta analysis highlights that both

adaptability and skill acquisition are equally important for computer science professionals

emphasizing how AI technologies can synergize with capabilities.


Identifying gaps and future directions:

The meta-analysis identifies gaps in existing research, signaling a need for future

exploration. These gaps act as guideposts, prompting deeper inquiries and fostering an ongoing

cycle of investigation and discovery. This proactive stance aligns with the commitment to

contributing not only to the analysis but also to laying the foundation for future investigations.

To conclude, this meta analysis provides an exploration of how computer science

professionals' roles are changing in an era of increasing AI automation. By integrating insights,

perspectives and methodologies from sources we enhance the depth of analysis offering a

rounded and robust perspective on the topic. The meta analysis supports the thesis, and provides

valuable insights for students, professionals and policymakers navigating the intricacies between

technology and employment.

This research project provides an exploration of the changing role of computer science

professionals in light of increasing automation through AI. By examining both local concerns I

gain a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The

combination of insights, perspectives, and my meta-analysis results contribute to a well-rounded

perspective on the subject.

Throughout this exploration, the central thesis remains consistent. The use of local

perspectives enhances the depth of my analysis offering insights not only for fellow Computer

Science students but also for professionals and policymakers navigating the fine line between

technology and employment.


Works Cited

Autor, D. H., & Salomons, A. (2018). Is automation labor-displacing? Productivity growth,

employment, and the labor share. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2019(1), 1-87.

Arora, P., & Arora, A. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Transforming Human

Resources Management. Routledge.

Bessen, J. E. (2019). AI and Jobs: The Role of Demand. NBER Working Paper No. 24235.

Brynjolfsson, E., & McAfee, A. (2017). The business of artificial intelligence. Harvard Business

Review, 95(1), 96-104.

Chui, M., Manyika, J., & Miremadi, M. (2016). Where machines could replace humans—and

where they can’t (yet). McKinsey & Company.

Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to

computerization? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 254-280.

Lee, K., & Shin, J. (2020). The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Jobs: Reskilling Boom and

Augmented Intelligence. Routledge.

Susskind, R., & Susskind, D. (2020). The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will

Transform the Work of Human Experts. Oxford University Press.

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