JSChI v21 1902 Nr1 IndAuthor

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Society of Comical

"VOL. SIX: I. 1©O2.

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3fic Society of Cftemicaf Sndtetry,



N.B.—The words within ( ) indicate the Journal in which the Paper appears and the Section hefore which it was read.

Ackroyd, W. On the Marsh-Berzelius Arsenic Clowes, F . The New Table Photometer and Standard
Deposit. (15 July. Yorkshire) ,... 900 Pentane Burner, Prescribed by the Gas
Anderson, W. Carrick, and J. A, Russell Henderson. Referees for use in the London Gas Testing
The Coals of Bengal and Japan. (28 Feb. Stations. (15 March. London) 313
Scottish) 237 Coblentz, V. Purity of So-called Standard Drugs
Archbold, G. The Manufacture of Maize Starch. and Chemicals. (15 Dec. New York) ... 1431
(15 Jan. Liverpool) 4 Cohn, A. I. Blue-Print and Black-Print Photo-
Aspinwall. H. C. Stability Tests for Smokeless graphic Papers, and their Preparation.
Powder and Nitro-Explosives. (31 May. (15 May. New York) 582
New York) 687 Collingridge, F. See Ramsay, Sir W. (29 NOT.
Bailey, T. Lewis. Bronze Containing Lead : Its London) 1367
Corrosion, Erosion, and Structure. (30 April. Collins, S. H. Composition of Milk in the North of
Liverpool) 531 England. (31 Dec. Newcastle) 1512
Baskerville, C. Process for Rendering Phosphoric Sugar in Swedes. Part II. Variation in the
Acid Available. (31 Deo. New York) ... 1519 Amount of Sugar under Different Conditions
of Growth. (31 Dec. Newcastle) 1513
Bedford, J. E. Address to Yorkshire Section.
Conroy, J. T. Catalysis and its Applications.
(31 Dec. Yorkshire) 1520
(15 March. Liverpool) 302
Blocker, A. The Analysis of Some New Tanning
Curtis, M., and Tompkins, P. W. Notes on the
Materials. (15~Feb. Yorkshire) 158 Determination of Water in California Crude
Blount, B. See Stan ? e r , W. H. (15 Oct. New Oils. (31 Dec. New York) 1519
York) ." 1216 Dakin, H. 1). Note on the Use of Persulphates in
Bradburn, J. A. Some Parts of the Ammonia Soda Analyses. (30 June. Yorkshire) 848
Process open for Improvement. (31 May.
New York) 689 Dunn, J. T. The Density of Aqueous Solutions of
Brakes, J. The Volumetric Determination of Molyb- Ferrous Chloride, (31 March. Newcastle) 390
denum in Molybdenum Steel and Ferro- Dupre, A. The Determination of Perchlorate in Salt-
Molybdenum. "(30 June. New York) 832 petre. (30 June. London) 825
Branie, J. S. S., and Lewes, V. B. The Production The Explosion of Potassium Chlorate by Heat.
of Mixed Carbides of Manganese and (28 Feb. London) 217
Calcium. (16 June. London) 755 Eddy, H. P. The Effect of Pickling Liquids upon
Byrom, T. II. The Solvent Power of Phosphoric Sewage Treatment. (30 April. New York) 534
Acid. (28 Feb. Liverpool) 214 Fawsitt, C. A. Peroxide of Hydrogen: Its Manufac-
Carey, A. Water Carriage within Great Britain. ture, Properties, and Uses. (28 Feb.
(16 June. Liverpool) 749 Scottish) 229
Carey, E. Some Observations on the Factory and Gane, E. H. The Presence of Copper in Powdered
Workshops Act and the Alkali, &c. Works Drugs and Chemicals. (28 Feb. New
Regulation Bill of 1901. (28 Feb. Liver- York) 224
pool) 214 Garry, H. Stanley. Factory Costs. (15 Dec. Not-
Carpenter, F. B. Analysis of Crude Sulphur. (30 tingham) 1439
June. New York) 832 Gill, A. H., and Miller, S. B. The Specific Heat of
Carpenter, K. Forbes, and Linder, E. Examination Glycerin Waste Lyes, and Crude Glycerin.
of Methods Employed in Estimating the (30 June. New York) 833
Total Acidity of Gases escaping from the Golding, J. A Modified Argand Burner for the First
Chamber Process for Manufacture of Sul- Process in the " Kjeldahl" Estimation of
phuric Acid, with Suggestions arising from Nitrogen. (31 May. Nottingham) 694
the Study of the Interaction of Nitrous and
Sulphurous Acids, or their Salts, in Aqueous Goodwin, W. L. The Manufacture of Charcoal and
Solution. (31 Dec. London) 1490 By-Products in Ontario. (16 June. Cana-
dian) , 743
Carson, C. M. See Lang, W. E. (16 June.
_ Canadian) ? 748 Gray, T. The Phenols from Shale Oil. (30 June.
See Lang, W. It. (15 Aug. Canadian) 1018 Scottish) 845
Greig-Smith, R., and Steel, T. Levan : A New-
Carulla, F. J. R. Emergencies in Vitriol Works. Bacterial Gum from Sugar. (29 Nov.
(28 Feb. Nottingham) 226 Scottish) 1381
Chick, H. See Ramsay, Sir W. (29 Nov. London) 1367 Harvey, T. F . The Wijs Method of Determining the
Clayton, E. G. The Technical Examination of Glue. Iodine Value of Oils and Fats. (15 Dec.
(31 May. London) 670 Nottingham) 1437

Hehner, O. The Preparation of Arsenic-free Zinc. Mackintosh, J. C. See Lang, W. R. (16 June.
(31 May. London) 675 Canadian) 748.
And others. Detection and Approximate Esti- Marshall, A. The Determination of the Strength of
mation of Minute Quantities of Arsenic in Sulphuric Acid. (31 T)ec. London) 1511
Beer, Brewing Materials, Foodstuffs, and The Influence of Impurities on the Specific
Fuels. (31 Jan. London) , 94 Gravity of Sulphuric Acid. (31 Dec. Lon-
Henderson, J. A. Russell. See Anderson, W. don) 1508
Carrick. (28 Feb. Scottish) 237 Matos, L. J. Sulphur Blacks, and their Action upon
Hewitt, J. T. The Retarding Influence of Aldehydes Cellulose. (28 Feb. New York) 224
on the Maturation of Potable Spirits. Matthews, J. Merritt. On the Influence of Indigo-
(31 Jan. London) 96 Red in Indigo Dyeing. (28 Feb. New
Hinchley, J. W. On the Separation of Solids which York) 222
differ in Specific Gravity. (15 Jan. Lon- Some Phases of Textile Chemistry. (31 Dec.
don) 10 . New York) , 1516
Hunt, F. W. A Comparison of Methods used to The Action of Caustic Soda on Wool. (31 May.
Determine the Iodine Values of Oils. New York) 685.
(15 April. Yorkshire) 454 Meggitt, L. A New Viscometer. (31 Jan. Not-
Ingle, H. The Origin and Nature of the Free Acid tingham) loe
formed during Hiibl's Reaction with Unsatu- The, Sampling and Preparation of Shoddy, Wool
rated Compounds. (15 May. Scottish) ... 587 Dust, and Similar Materials for Analysis.
(31 Jan. Nottingham) 105-
Irwin, W. The Soot deposited on Manchester Snow. Micklethwait, F. M. G. See Morgan, G. T. (29 Nov.
(30 April. Manchester) 533 London) , ., 1373
Jackson, D. D. The Precipitation of Iron, Manga-
nese, and Aluminium by Bacterial Action. Miller, S. B. See Gill, A. H. (30 June. New York) 833
(31 May. New York).,, 681 Moore, Russell W. The Composition of Commercial
Jacobs, C. B. The Manufacture of Soluble Barium Cyanide of Potassium. (31 March. New
Compounds from Barytes in the Electric York) 392
Furnace. (31 March. New York) 391 Morgan, G. T., and Micklethwait, F. M. G. Reduc-
tion of Ammoniacal Silver Solutions by
Job, R., and Young, J. B. Arsenic Contents of Organic Substances. (29 Nov. London).. 1373
Certain Pennsylvania Anthracites. (31 May.
New York) 693 Murphy, A- J- Two Possible Causes of Discrepancy
Kenrick, E. B. The Artesian Water Supply of the in Arsenic Analysis. (31 July. Yorkshire) 95^
City of Winnipeg. (16 June. Canadian)... 746 Myers, H. C. The Sugar-Beet as a Reclaimer of Arid
Lamb, M. C. The Fastness to Light of Leathers and Alkali Regions. II. (30 June. New
Dyed with Coal Tar Colours. (15 Feb. York) 834
Yorkshire) 156 Nagel.O. Ricinus Oilcake. (15 Jan. New York) 30
Nicholson, J. T. Mechanical and Engineering De-
Lang, W. R., and Carson, C. M. Solubility of the partments of the Municipal School of
Sulphides of Arsenic, Antimony, and Tin. Technology. (31 Dec. Manchester) 1512
(15 Aug. Canadian) 1018
And others. The Separation of Arsenic, Tin, Norris, G. L. The Determination of Arsenic in Iron
and Antimony. (16 June. Canadian) 748 and Steel. (31 March. New York) 393
The Determination of Silicon in Ferro-Silicon.
Law, H. D. Some Experiments with the Kjeldahl (30 April. New York) 537
Method of Nitrogen Estimation. (30 June.
Yorkshire) , 847 North, B., and Lee, W. C. On the Estimation of
Alkaline Hydrate or Bicarbonate in the
Leather, J. P. See Ross, R. (31 May. Manches- Presence of Monocarbonate. (15 March.
ter) 676 Yorkshire) 322
Lester, J. H. An Improved Gas-Sampler. (31 March. O'Shaughnessy, F. R. Birmingham Sewage and its
Manchester) 386
A Strength Testing Machine for Fine Yarns. Treatment. (31 May. London) 665
(31 March. Manchester) 387 Parker, J. Gordon. The Application of Kjeldahl's
Moisture Tests of Wood Pulp. (31 March. Method of Estimating Nitrogen in the Tan-
Manchester) , 380 yard as a Means of Controlling the Tanning
The Hygroscopic Nature of Cotton. (31 March. and Finishing of Sole Leather. (30 June.
Manchester) 388 Nottingham) , ,. 838
Levinstein, I. Address to Manchester Section. Patterson, T. L. Address to the Scottish Section.
(29 Nov. Manchester) 1377 (29 Nov. Scottish) , 1380
Presidential Address. (15 July. General Patterson, T. S. Modified Forms of Thenno-Regu-
Meeting) 893 lator and Adapter for Vacuum Distillation.
Report on the Patent Law Amendment Bill. (15 April. Yorkshire) 456
(28 Feb.) 212 Peckham, S. F. Further Notes on Cement Testing.
Repert on the Patent Law Amendment Bill. (30 June. New York) 831
(15 March) 301 Ferkin, F. Mollwo. Simple Qualitative Test for
Lewes, V. B. See Brame, J. S. S. (16 June. Bromides and Iodides, end a Teet for Bi-
London) 755 carbonates. (39 Nov. London) 1375
Lewis, E. A. A New Form of Recording Apparatus Peters, H. See Trotman, S. R. (31 May. Notting-
for a Roberts-Austen Electrical Pyrometer. ham) 693, 694
(30 June. Nottingham) 844 Ramsay, Sir W,, and others. Experiments on the
The Alloys of Copper and Manganese. (30 Jane. Chemical Behaviour of Gutta-Percha. (29
Nottingham) 842 Nov. London) 1367
Linder, E. See R. Forbes Carpenter. (31 Dec. Reed, H. C. Analysis of Tanning Materials : Filter
London) 1490 i Papers and Soluble Solids. (3) May. New
Loretti'W. J. An Easily Made, and Safe Dephleg- I York) „'. 691
mator for Kjeldahl Distillations. (30 June. i Rennoldson, W. L. Address to Newcastle Section.
Yorkshire) 849 I (29 Nov. Newcastle) 1379
Bhodin, B E. F. Electrolytic Manufacture of Caustic Steel, T. See Greig-Smith, B. (29 Nov. Scottish) 1381
Soda and Bleaching Powder at Sault Still well, A. G. Graphite in Ores. (16 June. New
Ste. Marie, Ontario. (15 April. Canadian) 449 York) 759
Bichardson, C. The Determination of Paraffin in Stocks, H. B. On the Formation of Carbonate of
Petroleum Kesidues, Aspbaltie Oils, and Lime under Various Conditions. (30 April.
Asphaltsfluxedwith Paraffin Oils. (31 May. Liverpool) 527
New York) 690 Sutherst, W. F. The Chemical Changes in the
And Wallace, E. C. On the Occurrence of Free Bipening of Cheese. (28 Feb. Manchester) 219
Sulphur in Beaumont Petroleum. (15 March.
New York) 316 Tate, F. Technical Teaching in Lancashire. (29
And others. Keport of the Sub-Committee on Nov. Liverpool) 1364
Uniformity in Analysis of Materials for the Toch, M. The Composition of Paints and Pigments.
Portland Cement Industry. (15 Jan. New (31 Jan. New York). 102
York) i 12
Tompkins, P. W. See Curtis, M. (31 Dec. New
Eichardson, F. W. Methods for Arsenic Determina- York) 1519
tion in Malt Liquors, &c. (15 July. York-
shire) 901 Traver, A. F. See White, A. H. (15 Aug. New
Rix, W. P. The Preparation and Behaviour of In- York) 1012
soluble Frits for Pottery Glazes. (15 March. Trotman, S. B., and Peters, H. The Analysis of
Nottingham) 317 Cod-Oils for Tanning Purposes. (31 May.
Robertson, E. On the Will Test for Nitrocellulose. Nottingham) 693
And Peters, H. The Determination of Nitrates
(30 June. London) 819 in Water by the Indigo Carmine Method.
Boss, B., and Leather, J. P. The Constitution of (31 May. Nottingham) 694
Gas Oils. (31 May. Manchester) 676 Wallace, E. C. See Eichardsou, C. (15 March.
Schidrowitz, P. Chemistry of Whisky. I. (30 June. New York) 316
London) 814 Ward, G. J. The R61e of Alumina in Blast Furnace
Silberrad, O. Effect of the Alcohol Duty on Slags. (15 April. Nottingham) 452
Chemical Industry. (30 June. London)... 827 White, A. H., and Traver, A. F. Theory of the In-
Stanger, W. H., and Blount, B. The Proposed Stand- candescent Mantle. (15 Aug. New York) 1012
ardisation of Cement Analysis. (15 Oct. Williams, D. T. The Estimation of Vanadium. (31
New York) 1216 March. Manchester) 389
Young, J. B. See Job, R. (31 May. Nottingham) 693
Journal of tfye Society of Chemical



N.B.—In this Index (P) indicates that the matter referred to is an abstract of a Patent.
The titles of new books are given in quotation marks.

Actiengesellschaft fiir Anilinfabrikation—cont.
Dyestuffs, Blue, of the Triphenyl- or Diphenylnaphthyl-
methane Series (P) 113
Dyestuffs, Orange, of the Acridine Series ; Manufacture of
•— (P)...: «
PAGB Dyestuffs ; Production of Sulphide (P) 543,701
Aarts, J. G. See Kramers, J. C. H 331 Dyestufis ; lied Azo (P) 1073
Abbot, JI. S., and others. Matches: Machines for Makins Dyestuffs; Triphenylmethane (P) 911
(P) '. 723 Nitrophenylene Diamine; Production of 4.1.3 ( P ) . . 402
Para-chlor-o-aminophenol Sulphonic Acid ; Production of
Abegg, F. See Kuester, F. AY 1537 a (P) 45,46
Abegsr, R. Electrical Liquid Resistance 277 Photographic Developer Stable in the Dry State (P) 365
And Herz, AY. "Practical Chemistry." Translation hy Photographic Developers (P) 872
H. T. Culvert '. '. 77 Photographic Prints (P) 366
And Riesenfeld, H. Ammonia: Solnbility of in Saline Photographic Roll-Films : Coverings for - — (P) 1195
Solutions 547 Red Shades on AVool; Production of (P) 45
Abendroth,H. A. Ammonia; Apparatus for Freeing from .Silver Haloid Layers ; Rendering Sensitive to Rays of
Different Refrangibility (P) 71)2
Gas-Liquor (P) 1526
Aberg, A. Paper Pulp ; Apparatus for Purifying ( P ) . . . . 272 Actiengesellschaft fiir Theer- und Erdol-Industrie. Phenols;
Abraham, F. Gas Burners and thfi like (P) 697 Rendering Soluble (P) fi'S
Scale in Boilers : Preventing the Formation of (P) . . 695 Actiengesellschaft vorm. Grillo und Schroeder. See Grillo
Abrey, R. Plastic Compositions applicable as Insulating and und Schroeder 344
Acid-proof Materials (P) 1282 Actiengesellschaft vorin. Hornung und Rabe. See Hornnng
Abwarme-Kraftmaschinen-ges. Evaporating Apparatus (P) . 1207 und Rabe 60
Gases ; Utilising Heat from "Waste Furnace • (P) 1127 Adams and Wcstlake Co. See Hamm and Mosher 1069
Heating Liquids of Low Boiling-Points (P) 1207 See Mosher, J. A. 1069
Acetyvone Manufacturing Co. See Montel, L 1069 Adams, C. Lard ; Substitute for (P) 1291
Ach, F. Alkoiy-Caffcine. and Manufacture thereof (P) 1194
Diacetyl-diamine, and Manufacture of same (P) 1245 Adams, C. AY. See Hoffman, E . J 1179
Paramethyl-Aminophenvl-Glyoxylic Acid, and Manufacture Adams, M. J. Kilns for Fireclay. &c. (P) 1233
thereof (Pj 1245
Thioxanthine, and Manufacture thereof (V) 1245 See Rowley, AY. B 477
Triphenylmethane Dye, and Manufacture thereof (P) . . . . 1182 Adams, S. H. Filters for Sewage and Liquids (P) 1149
Acheson, E. G. Electrodes; Graphitising (P) 979 AndCreer, A. Filters for Sewage or Water (P) 925
Furnaces: Terminal for Electric (P) 902 Adams, T. H. Kjeldahl'y Method Applied in the Tanyard ;
Graphite; Manufacture of (P) 1336
Metal Reduction in the Electrical Furnace (P) 4S6 Discussion on 842
Ackermann, E. Mangaba Rubber; Characteristics of . . . . 50 Adelsberger, J., and Friedmann, H. Printing Colour (P) . . . . 1337
Ackroyd.AY. Marsh-Berzelius Arsenic Deposit; On the . . 900 Adeney, AY. E. See Parry, W. K 1035
And Buckley, F. Malt Kilns (P) 1547
Acme Gas Co. See Steele, \Y. F 1526 Aders, R. H. See Fischer, E 713
Actiengesellschaft fur Anilinfabrikation. Colouring Matters : Adolfsson, A. E. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 765
Black (P) Ill Adrian and Trillat. Sodium Methylarsenate; Composition 874
Colouring Matters directly Dyeing Cotton (P) 46 and A'olumetric Determination of
Colouring Matters, Disazo ; Manufacture of (P) 45 Adriance, B. Metal A'essels ; Rendering Hermetically
Colouring Matters, Mono-azo; Manufacture of—— (P) . . . 40
Colouring Matters, Monazo; Production of (P) 45 Tight (P) 1064
Cotton; Treatment of Colours Produced on • (P) 49 Aflieck, J . Manures; Gases Evolved in Manufacture of Super-
Dyestuff; Black for Cotton (P) 45 phosphate 1413
Dyestuff; Blue Sulphide (P) 170 Agron. S«eTruchot 1407
Dyestufis; Acridine • (P) 249, 338 Ahlin, A. Cellulose ; Oxygen Bleach for 134
Byestufis; Azo (P) 112 Paper-pulp ; Bleaching of 718
Dyestuffs ; Azo , and Intermediate Compounds ( P ) . . . 1452
Dyestufis, Azo ; Manufacture of (P) 45 Ahrens.F.B. Conium Alkaloids 636
Dyestults, Blue-Black and Blue, for Cotton ; Production of Ahrle, C. P. H., and the Metalline Platten Ges. Bronze-coated
(P) 45 Plates for Photographic Printing, &c. (P) 10S8
Dyestuffs, Blue, or the Diphenylnaphthylmethane Series; And Metalline Platten Ges. Photographs; Application of
Manufacture of (P) 45 Metallic Coating to (P) 139
Dyestufis, Blue, of the Triphenylmethane Series (P) 113 Aitken. Hides and Skins; Treatment of (P) 1405

Akester, W. H. See Tapp, H 1127 Anderson, W. Carrick, and Henderson, J . A. Russell. Coals
Akron Paper Co. See Hodge, G. L 1409 of Bengal and Japan 337
Aktieselskabet " Progress." Matches : Manufacture of Wood Andes, L. E. Body-Colour Oils ; Use of Tung Oil in Manufac-
ture of 56
(P) 562 Glue ; Improvements in Production of 57
Albee. W. L Skins : Preparing , for- Tanning (P) 982 Paints for Iron 178
Albert, R,. and others. Yeast; Preparation of Permanent 1033 Andogue, H. A. d'. See Senderens, J. B 169
And W. Yeast Cells ; Chemical Processes in Dead .. 60 Andouard, A. and P. " W h i t e S p i r i t " ; Research on 3tii;
Albrecht, K. Furnaces; Promoting Combustion in ( P ) . , 1268 Andre. Caffeine; Determination of 1250
Albright, G. S. See Eossiter, E. C 173,345 Andrew, T., and Bellis, T. K. Steel; Manufacture of (Pi 619
See Smith, H. W 1077 Andrews, J. and S. F l o u r : Ageing and Bleaching
Alcock, F. II. Cinchona B a r k ; Assay of the Tincture of . 368 (P) 421,717
Alessandri. P. !•]. Phosphorus; Detection of , in Cases of Andrews, T. Platinum ; Micro-Crystalline Structure of . . 551
Poisoning 640 Andrlik, K. Diffusion Process ; The Alkaline Lime 416
Allaire, T. Acetylene Generator (P) 1390 Molasses: Amine-Ammonia Liquor from Distillation of
Allan. F . B. Bismuth : Sulphates of 720 Waste Lyes of Desugarised — - 1339
Saccharine Solutions: ISohaviour of Ammonium Salts of
A'.lard, G. Pe'.\,u3phates. Alkali: Determination of 140 Amino Acids in Hot Aqueous and 1339
Allen, A. H . Arsenic Determination in Malt Liquors : Discus- Syrups; Filtration of First Jet •, and Composition of
sion on — 003 the Deposits 713
Cider ; Chemistry of 922 Waste Liquors from Desaccharifieation of Molasses : Trans-
Proceed!ass of Annual Meeting 954 formation of Nitrogen into Ammonia in the 1339
And Scott-Smith, G. E. Ipecacuanha; Reactions of the And others. Syrups
Syru : Filtration of
Alkaloids of 1473 920
And Stanek, V. V S
Syrups: Nitrites, and the Foaming
Allen, H., and Allen, B., jun. Tanning : Process of ( P ) . . 263 of 25H
Allen, J. F., and Brooke, R. G. Anticorrosion Paint (P) 12S5 An^el. Dr. Effluents ; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Dis-
Alliot, H. OidtT : Use of Susar-Cane Yeasts for Fermentation charge of r>82
of 923 Angelico,F. Fulminates; Preparation of 27(i
Saccharomyces ; Proof of Cellular Resistance of , and Angell, A. and A. F. Arsenic in Crops ,vit;
Application thereof 1240
Angus, W. Wood; Means for Impregnating (I , ) 1331
Aloy, J. Bismuth Oxide ; Reactions of , with Metallic Salts 550
Uranium Sails and Hydrogen Peroxide; Colour Reaction Aniline Colour and Extract Works, formerly J. R. Geigv. See
of 109S Ris, C ' '."... i>10, 769
Alpers, "\V. C. Sodium Sulphoguaiaoolnte ; Production of Anstoy, H. C. Evaporators for Salt Water (P) 107
(P) : 364 Anthony, E. P a p e r ; Apparatus for Drying (I ) 1193
AH, H. Wool; Mordanting of 1132 Antiaqua Co. See Mann, H. A 11171
See Fischer, E 1132 Antony, IT. Sulphur and Phosphorus in Ironworks Products ;
Alt, M. Paranitraniline R e d : Discharging with Alumi- Determination of 71
nium Powder 546 And Magri, G. Brown Colour of Solution obtained by
Althausse, M. C. L. See Fabrik Chem. Praeparate von R. Precipitating Nickel by Ammonium Polysulphide . . . . 429
Sthamer 356 Appelius, W. See Paessler, J 1461
Alves, J., and others. Smoke-consuming Apparatus (P) 329 Appert, L. Glass Plates : Machine for Making (P) 1330
Alvisi, U. Detonating Compound (P) 1195 Appleyard, T. R., and Deakin. T. B. Cotton: Action of
Sulphides: Chlorinating Natural or Artificial—— (P) . . . 17<i Inorganic Sulphur Compounds on 702
Alway, F. J. A zoxybenzylidone Bases 1022 Apscy, J. Furnaces; Apparatus for Increasing rombustion
ASzugaray, J. B. de. Metals; Extraction of , from their in (P) ten
Ores IP) 1140 Arachequesne, G. Alcohol; Industrial Uses of in
Metals; Extraction of Precious (P) SC3 Germany 10s
Amend, O. P. Mordanting Animal Fibre (P) 858 Arbogast, J. I., &c. Glassware ; Manufacture of Hollow
Tanning Process (P) 1541 (P) 773
Amenomiya, T. Atropine ; Conversion of , into d- and l- Arbuckle, J. W. See Meyer, J . W 114s
Hyoscvamine 1409 Archbold, G. Maize Starch ; The Manufacture of — 4,
American Alkali Co., The. Electrolytic Apparatus (P) 1143 Archbutt, L. Alloys of Copper and Manganese : Discussion
American A malgamating Co. See Knappe, P. A 1334 on 841
American By-Products Co. Dyestuff. &c, from Cotton Pods Bronze containing Lead; Discussion on 532, 333
(P) 402 Cod-Oil Analysis : Discussion on ttfii.
Oil for Suiphor.-ating: Manufacture of , from Cotton Emergencies in Vitriol Works ; Discussion on — - 229
Seed* (P) 711 Kjeldahl's Method Applied in the Tanyard; Discussion
American Copiier Mining and Extraction Co. Copper: Obtain- on , s 11
Nitrates in Water ; Discussion on Determination of C94. «i.j
ment of , from Ores (P) 1457 Sampling Shoddy, &c.; Discussion on ion
American Cotton-Oil Co. See Phillips, C. C 1084 Wijs' Method oi Determining Iodine Values ; Discussion
American Furnace Co. Furnaces; Promoting Combustion in on 1489
(P) 1020 Argenson, G. Alcohol in Dilute Solutions; Determination
American Mining and Metal Extraction Co. See Dolbear. C. E. 1285 of 1352
American Pati-nt Kid Co. See McKay. H.C 1033 Arledter, F. Resin Size; Manufacture of (P) 870
Resins, Fats, and Oils ; Purifying and Decolorising ——
American Tin-plate Co. See Phillips, J. R 1235,1235 (P) 133*
Atniot. Liquids; Sterilisation and Preservation of ( I ) . . 1408 Resins, Oils, or Fats ; Refining of • — - (P) 1:25
Amos, Yi. C. See Willshear, E 361 And H . Resin Size; Manufacture of • (P) 870
Ampere Electro-Cuemical Co. Camphor: Manufacture of Armingeat, P. See Darzens, G. 142
(P) 1469 Armstrong, E. F . See Fischer, E 1302,1302,1302,1302
Pinene Derivatives; f reduction of (P) 722 Armstrong, H . E., and Lowry, T. M. Persulphuric Acids 913
See Jacobs, C. B 1077 Armstrong, J. Metals; Smelting and Refining Volatile
Ampola, G., and Joyino, S. Tobacco ; Influence of Iron on the (P) 1538
Inflammability of - — • 997 Zinc and other Volatile Metals; Obtaining (P) 917
Amwake, H. S. Generator; Electro-Chemical ( P ) . 1143,1335 Zinc, Cadmium, or Antimony; Smelting or Refining
Anders, H . and H . Paper; Marbling , and Apparatus (P) 1281
therefor (P) 11S0 Armstrong, "VT. T. Ores ; Apparatus for Assaying ( P ) . . . 710
Paper; Production of Marbled (P) 1467 Arnaud. Tariric Acid; Constitution of 413
Andersen, C. A. E. Separating Apparatus; Centrifugal Arndt, K. Calcium ; Extraction of Metallic 1459
(P) '. S30
Arndt, L. Free Alkali in Presence of N i t r i t e s ; Titration
Anderson and Dillner. P e a t ; Calorific Power of 459
of - — - 1099
Anderson, A. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 1524 Arnn, McKenzie. Granite ; Artificial (P) 257
Anderson, A. P. Starch and Starchy Materials ; Treatment of Arnold, C. Kipp's Apparatus; Modification of 49S
• (P) 1189 And Mentzel, C. Formaldehyde; Detection of 725
Anderson, B. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating and And Mentzel, C. Ozone ; Old and New Reactions of —— . 640
Storing (P) 163 And Mentzcl. C. Ozone; Reactions and Preparation
Anderson, G. H., and others. Sewage; Plant for Disposal of of ." 1297
(P) :: 985 Arnold, J . Disinfecting Apparatus for Drains, &c. (P) 925
Anderson, L. Electricity; Chemical Generator of ( P ) . . . 1143 Arnold, J. O.. and M'William, A. Steel; Microstrueture of
Anderson, L. C. See Weis, J . B 408 Hardened 861
Anderson, O. H . Stone or Brick; Manufacture of Artificial Arntzenius. R. H. Se•(: Verheggeu, W. J. H ' 717
<P) 974 Arpcr.G. W. Oil-Burner (P) 1227
Arpin, M. Gluten in Flour; Determination of Moist... 1117,1560 Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik—cont.
Arzt, H. See Tourte, A. B 907 Dyestuff, Blue, of the Anthracene Series; Manufacture of
And Wilding, E. Yeast Powder (P) 924 (P) it 111
Aschman, C. Phosphoric Acid in Thomas Slag ; Determination Dyestuff, Brown Substantive; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 48
of Total 92!) Dyestuff; Disazo (Pi 112
Phosphorus in Thomas Slags; Determination of Total 1196 Dyestuff, Green Cotton; Production of (P) 43
Aschner,!,. H. See Christen, F 1220 Dyestuff; Orange Lakes from a New Monazo (P) . . . . 5-1,4
Dyestuffs, and Materials therefor; Manufacture of Sulphc-
Ash, A . J . Spelter-Furnace (P) 978 nated (P) 42
Ashcrolt, E. A. See Swinburne, J 349,351,411,482 Dyestuffs; Anthracene (P) 1451
Ashley, H. E. See Fay, H 617 Dyestuffs,Anthracene, and intermediate Products; Sul-
Ashton, N. T., and others. Cement; Manufacture of Portland phonated (P) 42
Dyestuffs; Anthracene , and Manufacture thereof
or Hydraulic (P) 915 (P) From Bally 1182
Ashwell, J. H. Yarn; Treatment or Finishing of (P) . . . 1393 Dyestuffs; Azo (P) 701
Ashworth, A. Starch ; Production of Soluble (P) 1288 Dyestuffs ; Azo , Capable of being Chromed on the
Ashworth, E. See Lindley, J 340 Fibre (P) 1392
Dyestuffs ; Azo •, for the Production of Lakes (P) 911
Ashworth, J. R. Drawn Steel; Researches on • ..7^> 774 Dyestuffs; Azo , for Wool (P) 1529
Aspinwall, H. C. See Wilkins, M. P 498 Dyestuffs; Azo (P) From Schraube and Bucherer . . . 856
Stability Tests for Smokeless Powder and Nitro-Explosives 087 Dyestuffs; Azo Mordant-Dyeing (P) 337
Astrue, A. Sodium Methylarsenite ; Alkalimetric Titration Dyestuft's, Azo ; Production of (P) 169
Dvestuffs: Azo Substantive (P) 337
of 500 Dyestuffs ; Azo Yellowish-Red (P) 1829
And Murco. H. Perchloric and Periodic Acids 1352 Dyestuffs: Black Substantive • (P) 1629
Atherton.T. See Bleckly, H. S , 1228 Dyestuffs, Black Substantive, for Cotton; Manufacture of
Atkins, G. J. Electrolytic Apparatus (P) 779 (P) 43
Atkinson, J. See Crossley, \V. J 1388 Dyestuffs ; Blue , for Unmordanted Cotton (P) 43
Dyestuffs; Blue Sulphide 856
Atmospheric Products Co. Gases; Subjecting to High Dyestuffs ; Blue to Green Aeid Anthracene (P) 37
Tension Electrical Discharges (P) 1282 Dyestuffs; Brown Mordant (P) 1451
See Bradley and Lovejoy 1335,1335 Dyestuffs, Brown, Violet, and Blue Disazo ; Production of
Atwater.S.I. See Harris C.B 1270 (P) 43
Dyestuffs; Brown-\ iolet Azo — (P) From Julius 1328
Atwood, L. Hydro-Extractor; Continuous (P) 761 Dyestuffs, Brownish - Yellow Sulphide; Manufacture of
Paper or Pulp-Board Making Machine (P) 788 (P) 967
Aubert, A. 1!. Milfoil; Essential Oil of 1552 Dyestuffs; Compound for Azo (P) From Julius and
Auehy, G. Molybdenum in Steel; Determination of . . . . 532 Giiuther 1530
Dyestuffs, Halogen Indigo; Manufacture of (P) 401
Silicon in Steel; Determination of 71 Dyestuffs : Indigo , for Transport (P) 1072
Auerbach, J., and Gubing, F. Lamp ; Enclosed Electric Arc Dyestuffs of the Anthracene Series (P) 42
(P) 964 Dyestuffs of the Anthracene Series; Blue (P) 911
Aufort, A. Kilns for Ceramic Articles: Tunnel (F) 1139 Dyestuffs of the Anthracene Series; Production and Us:;
Aufsberg,C. Eggs; Preservation of (I,) 492 or (P) P10
Auger, V. Glyceroarsenie Acid 274 Dyestuffs of the Anthracene Series; Productionof (P) 42
Dyestuffs of the Anthracene Series, Soluble in Water (P). 42
Aunian, H. E. Furnaces; Smelting (P) 775 Dyestuffs on Vegetable Fibre: Printing of (P) 342
Auwers, K., an;l Huber, L. Pseudophenols from Salicylalde- Dyestuffs; Production of Sulphide (P) 769
hyde and Salicylic Acid 286 Dyestuffs; Red Azo (P) 1451
Aynsley, J. and H. See Critchlow, J 347 Dyestuffs; Red Azo (P) From Julius and Gunther.. 610
Ayres, E. W. Alimentary Product; Production of ( P ) . . . 492 Dyestulfs: Red Disazo (P) From Schraube ami
Voigtlander-Tetzner 1530
Dyestuffs, Red Mordant; Manufacture of (P) 43
Dyestutts; Substantive (Thiazine) (P) 152»
B Dyestuffs: Sulphide (P) 249,1391,1392
Dvestuffs; Sulphide , and Manufacture thereof (P)
Babe, J. L., and Tricart, A. Zinc ; Extraction of (P) 1142 From Reubold 610
Bach, A. Hydrogen Peroxide; Behaviour of Chromic Acid Dyestuffs, Sulphur; Production of (P) 1827
towards 502 Dyestuffs, Violet and Blue Disazo; Production of (P) 43
Hydroperoxides ; Existence of Higher 285 Fibre: Reducing the Dveing Properties of Animal
Hydroietroxide and Ozonic Acid 1417 (P) 1532
See Chodat, R 1561 Fibres ; Printing Vegetable (P) 1025
Indigo-diaceticAcid (P) From Seidel 763
Back, C. von. Bronze ; Influence of Temperature on Strength Indigo: Halogen Compounds of Indoxyl and Bromine
or 348 Derivatives of (P) 38
Bachelard, A. See Grenet, P 48,171 Indigo; Manufacture of • (P) 38
B'acher, P. Cupola Furnace (P) 1538 Indigo; Manufacture of (P) From Seidel 701
Bachr&ch, D. Nitrocellulose; Protected (P) 308 Indigo Printing on Wool, Silk, and Cotton (P) 50
Indigo; White Resist under• (P) From Stiegelmann. 769
Back, J. Paper and Cardboard ; Method and Composition for Indoxyl and its Derivatives (P) 1523
Impregnating (P) 493 Indoxylic Acid and Indoxyl; Production of Mono Acid
Badische Anilin nnd Snda Fabrik. Alkali Hydrosulphites; Derivatives of (P) 33
Solid (P) From Bazlen 1393 Orange Lakes from a New Mono-Azo Dyestuff (F) 1451
Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives; Oxidation Printing on Vegetable Fibres (P) 9B»
o f — (l>) S5 Raw Silk and Fabrics; Treatment of (P) 473
Aromatic Radicles in Fatty Amines ; Substitution of Resists ; Application of Hydrosulphites as (P) 704
(P) 1452 Scouring Raw Silk in Mixed Goods, with Mercerisation of
Chloro-amino Pheuolsulphonio Aoid, and Colouring Matters the Cotton (P) 49
therefrom (P) 43 Sulphuric Acid; Manufacture of , by the Contact
p-Chloro-o-Salicylic Acid, aud Disazo Dyestuff Derived Process (P) 116,344,772
therefrom (J?) 402 Sulphuryl Chloride; Manufacture of (P) 782
Colouring Matter, Anthracene Blue to Green; Production Tetra- and Poly-hydroxynaphthalenes; Production aud
of (P) 42 Application of (P) 42
Colouring Matter, Black, for Cotton; Manufacture of White Reserve under Indigo on Unbleached Tissues (P) . 342
(P) 43 Wool; Discharging Indigo-Dyed (P) 342
Colouring Matters, Black and JBlue; Products for Manufac- Baechler, G. Filtering Apparatus for Milk (P) 1408
ture of (P) 37 Baechlin, p . Acetone Oil; Manufacture of —— 1271
Colouring Matters, Blue; Production of (P) 42 Baermann, A. Sugar Juice; Obtaining Pure Concentrated
Colouring Matters;. Production of , on the Fibre (P) . 37 &c. (P) 59,59,1545
Contact Bodies for Use in Catalysis (P) 548 Sugar; Recovery of , from Saturation and Defecation
Contact Bodies; Manufacture of (P) 344 Muds (P) 59
to-Cyanomechylaniline and its Derivatives; Production of
(P) 170 Baese, C. Photo-Reliefs; Production of , and Apparatus
ai-Cyanomethylanthr&nilic Acid Esters (P) 542, 542 therefor (P) 1469
Degumming Raw Silk in Textile Materials, with Mercerisa- Baeyer, A., and Knorr, E. Methyl Esters of the True Nitroso-
tion of the Cotton (P) 49 phenols and o-Nitrosophenol 1273
Dyeing Blue Shades with Sulphur Dyestufls (P) 703 And Villiger, V. Dibenzalacetone and Triphenylmethane. 607
Dyestuff; A z o - ^ (P) 338,338 And Villiger, V. Dibenzylideneacetone and Triphenyl-
Dyestuff, Avso; Production of (P) 402 methane 1326
Dyestufl; Aao.Red (P) '. 112 And Villiger, V. Oxonic Acid; Characteristics of . . . . 1301
Dyestuff; Macs Sulphide (P) 249 And Villiger, V. Triphenylmethane and Concentrated
Dyestuff, Black Sulphide; Production or — (P) 169 Sulphuric Acid '. 853
Dyestuff, Black Sulphur; Production of (P) 170 Bagasse Pulp Co. See Lee, C. H , 1092

Bahlsen, E. Alloys of^Titanium and Iron 623 Bartlett, F. L. Furnace for Refining Lead and Zinc Fume (P) 351
Baier. Lignite Gas; Firing with , for Pottery and Earth- Bartlett.H. See Wood, W. 264»
enware Kilns 244 Bartlett, J. F . Fuel; Waterproof Artificial (P) 1526
Bailer, O.A. Rubber Substitute (P) 1239 Baseler Cbem. Fabrik. Anthranilic Acid; Preparation of
Bailey, T>r. Effluents; Discussion on Manchester Bill for (P) 790,791
Discharge of 582 Baskerville, C. Hydrochlorated Sulphates 272
Bailey, G. H. Bronze containing Lead; Discussion on •... 5 3 2 Phosphoric Acid; Rendering Available 1519
Bailey.H.S. ,S«e Beam, A. M 483 Basle Chemical Works. Azo-dyestuffs; Manufacture of Sub-
Bailey, J. W. White Lead; Apparatus and Method for Making stantive (P) 855
(P) 1337,1337 Dyeing Fibres and Textiles with Sulphur Dyestuffs (P) . . 50
Bailey, T. Lewis. Bronze containing Lead: Its Corrosion, Dyestuffs; Azo Substantive (P) 1529
Erosion, and Structure 531 Dyestuffs ; Disazo-, Trisazo-, and Polyazo-; Manufacture
Proceedings of Annual Meeting...., 957 of (P) 89
Dyestuffs ; Green Sulphurised (P) 542
Bailly and Chauvin. Acetylene Generator (P) 1447 Dyestuffs of the Phthaleiin Series (P) 338
Bain. Caustic Soda and Bleaching Powder; Discussion on Dyestuffs; l'ellowish-Orange Basic (P) 1528,1529,1529,1529
Electrolytic 451 Fibre; Developing Sulphur Dyestuffs on the (P) 50
Bain, J. A. See Quist, J 909 Indophenols; Manufacture of Sulphurised ( P ) . . 1024,1024
Bain, J . W., and Hannoy, C. Fruit and Vegetables; Preser- Sulphonic Acids, and Azo Colouring Matters therefrom (P) 1274
vation or (P) 786 Basse, E. Antimony; Metallurgical Treatment of , and
Bain, T. F., and Hunt, J. O. Battery; Electric (P) 353 Apparatus therefor (P) 1537
Bainville, A. H. Electrode for Secondary Batteries (P) 621 Bastian Meter Co. and Bastian, C. O. Electrodes and Electro-
Baker, B. F . See iToung, R. F 129S lytic Apparatus (P) 352
Bataille, E. Extraction Apparatus (P) 1460
Baker, H. B. Hydrogen and Oxygen ; Union of 428
Batchelder. C. S. Muffle Furnace for Assaying (P) 1557
Baker, J. H. Paper Mill Machinery ; Blow-off Nozzie for
Bate, W. Explosive Compounds for Blasting Purposes ( P ) . . . 562
(P) 870
Bateman, A. E. Industry and Commerce; Comparative
Baker, J. L. Diastase ; Action of Barley on Starch 1087
Statistics of 1107
Sugar; Preparation of Invert in the Brewery 867
Bates, D., and Peard, G. W. Metals ; Annealing of (P).. 482,
Baker.L.S. Furnaces; Heating (P) 852
Baker, T. T. Toning Bromide and Chloro-Bromide Papers . . . 1195 976
Baker, W. D. Food Products; Preserving (P) 1291,1291 Battandier. Thymol; New Source of 1551
Baker, W. J. Grease; Apparatus for Separating from Battistini, Orengo, and Co. Fuel for Furnaces; Treatment of
Steam (P) 625 (P) 762
Balbiano, L. Petroleum ; Examination of Italian 1229 Battistini, T. Combustion; Fluid for Promoting ( P ) . . . . 908
And Paolini, V. Mercuric Acetate; Oxidations with . . 1293 Bai, A. Beer; Chemical Diagnosis of Pasteurised 267
Balcke, H. Cooling or Evaporating Apparatus (P) 904 Melibiose; Research on 286
Baud, IS. Aluminium Chloride; Compounds of with
Ball, W. C. Hydroxylamine ; No»v Colour Reaction of . . . J90 Alkali Chlorides 51
Ballardie, D. Lamps for Burning Paraffin Wax, &c. (P) 334 Aluminium Chloride; Compounds of with Hydrogen
Bally, O. Anthracene Dye, and Manufacture thereof (P) 1182 Sulphide 995
Balthazari, V. See Desgrez, A 185 Baudet, C. J . Elevator Buckets; Openwork (P) 921
Bam berg, G. Detergants; Manufacture of (P) 864 Baudoin and Schribaux. Wines; Concentration of 108i>
Bamberg, P. See Freund, M 871 Baudry, A. Sugar Juice ; Purification of (P) 1406
Bamberger, E. Azoxy Benzenes; Hydroxylated 854 Baudry d'Asson, A. de. See Brandel, F. de 732
And Witter, H. Formazylphenylketone; Obtainment of Bauer, E. Molasses; Manufacture of Alcohol from - — 1290
• • 467 Bauermeister, A. Colour Filters for Photography (P) 103*
Bamberger, M., and Landsiedl, A. Hops; Chemistry of .. 1190 Bauke, P., and Fuchs, C. Gas; Apparatus for Use in Generat-
ing (P) 144ft
Batumi', G., and Kahl, H. Coking Ovens; Turf 960 Baumann, A, Boilers for Asphalt, &c. (P) 113»
Banks, W. C. Battery ; Construction of a (P) 621 Baumert.P. See Wollheim, H 1390
Electric Battery (P) 979 Baur, A. Orthotoluene Sulphochloride ; Separation of (P) 864
Banning. Oxalic Acid ; Formation of by Bacteria 1151 Baur.E. Cerium Peroxide 72(>
Barbet, E. Vinasses; Concentration of , in the Triple Oxygen ; Report on Means for Rendering Active 195
Effect 716 Bauschlicher. See Juergensen 540
Barboutau, P. Priming Colours in Graduation on Paper, &c. Baxter, G. P. Phosphoric Acid ; Determination of 1351
(P) 341 B a y . I . SeeVignon.L 1303
Bardwell, A. F. Carburetter for Explosion Engines (P) 601 Bayer, F., and Co. Anhydrides of Organic Acids; Manufacture
Bargellini, G. See Francesconi, L 1327 51
of (P)
Barger, G. Saponarin : a New Glucoside from Saponaria 637 Anthracene Derivatives containing Nitrogen; Manufac-
Barham, H. K. P. Batteries ; Storage (P) 1062 tureof (P) 40
Barillg, A. Calcium Carbophosphate; Preparation of . . . . 406 Anthracene Dyestuffs ; Production of (P) 471
Kissi Pepper; Analysis of — 984 Anthracene Series; Derivatives of the (P) 40,40
Barker, B. T. P. Saccharomycetes: Spore-Formation among Anthraquinone Derivatives (P) 1151
the 556 Anthraquinone Derivatives containing Nitrogen (P) 609
Samsu ; Preparation of 1289 Atropinium Alkyl Nitrate (P) From Dreser and Callsen . 1194
B a t h ; Photographic.Fixing (P) 1554
Barker, J. H. and F. H., and Sheolin, G. F. Pulp-Screen; Carbamic Ethers ; Production of (P) 364
Centrifugal (P) 862 Celluloid-like Compositions and Photographic Films ( P ) . . 87S
Barlow, E. H. Ejjgs ; Preservation of (P) 1090 Celluloid-like Substances (P) 1469
Barnard, D. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1527 Cellulose; New Derivatives of (P) 870
Colouring Matters, Azo; Production of (P) 41
Barnard. T. J. Sewage Sludge ; Profitable Disposition of Cotton Fibre; Preventing the Weakening of Dyed (P) 340
(P) 787 Discharges on Cotton Djed with Sulphurised Dyestuffs;
Barnes.A. See Brookes, J. W 849 Production of (P)
Barnes, J . See Pviley, J. E 1638 Discharges upon Sulphur Colours; White and Coloured 114
Barnes, W. H. See Pakes, W. C. C 1344 Dyes, Fast Ingrain ; Production of (P) 50
Baroni, E. Creolin ; Ordinary and Solid 1242 Dyestuffs and Intermediate Products ; Manufacture of
(P) 41
Barr, J., and Wilkinson, J . P . Bacteria Beds, Filters, & c ; Dyestuffs and Intermediate Products; Manufacture of
Apparatus for Charging and Discharging (P) 717 New Azo (P) <"
Barraclough, A. and H. Textile Fabrics ; Manufacture of Dyestuffs; Anthracene (P) 41)1,544,701
(P) 546 Dyestuffs; Basic Indole (P) n
Barratt, S. H. H., and The Uniled Asbestos Co. Purifier for Dyestuffs, Blue,derived from Anthraquinone; Manufacture
Waste Oil (P) 1336 of (P) *>
Dyestuffs Derived from Anthraquinone (P) •. • 402
Barreto, Baron V. Building Blocks, &c.; Manufacture of , Dyestuffs, Green, derived from Anthraquinone; Sulphonic
and Apparatus therefor (P) 62 AcidsofNew (P) 40
Barratt, C. E., and Home, J. E. Paper-making Machine (P) . 272 Dyestuffs, Green, of the Anthraquinone Series (P) 40
Barrett, W. F . I r o n ; Increase of Electrical Resistivity caused Dyestuffs, Sulphide; Production of (P) 402
by Alloying with various Elements, &c 621 Dyestuffs, Sulphur; Printing with (P) 408
And others. Iron Alloys; Electrical Conductivity and Dyestuffs, Violet; New Basic (P) 41
Magnetic Properties of 411 Fibres Dyed with Cotton Colours; Preventing the Tender-
i n g o f - — (P) BO
Barrick,C.C. See Harris, C. R 1233,1233 Flash Lights for Photography (P) '92
B a r r y , T . J . SeeBuseh,A.A 154S
Barschall,H. tfeeSachs;F 700
Bartlett, C. I!. See Kellond, R. A 152

Bayer. F., and Co.—cont, Benjamin, A. A. See Bleachers' Association 1328
Glycollic Menth.vl Ester (P) From Hofmann and Callsen. 1195 Benjamin, G. H. Diethyl Ether ; Preparation of (P) 364
Halogen Derivatives of the Anthracene Series (P) 112 Benjamin, O. C. SeeClawson, F. S 698
Pharmaceutical Compounds; Production of—- (P) 1158,
H10,1468 Bennett, C. T. See Umney, J. C 1151,115-2
Photographic Developer (P) From Eichengriin 1319 Bennett, F. E. Heat; Apparatus for Effecting Exchange
Photographic Developers (P) 872 Gf between Fluids (P) 326
Photographic Developers; Preparation and Employment Bennett, J. F., and Moorwood, H. S. Carburettor for Oil-Gas
of (P) 723,872
Photoeraphie Developers : Production of (P) 68 Engines (P) 1068
Photographic Pictures ; Development of (P) 872 Bennett, W. R. Steel; Hardening and Tempering cf (P) 259
Photographic Plates or Papers (P) 1411 Bentley, H. A. Composition for Coating Surfaces other than
Pyrotechnic Compound (P) From Eichengrim 1349
Resist on Tissues Dyed with Sulphur Colours (P) 969 Canvas (P) 48S
Salicylic Acid; Alkyloxymethyl Ester o£ (P) From Benz, E. Thorium in Monazite Sand ; Determination of . 565
Callsen '. 1154 Beranger, L. See Freundler (P) 429
Soil Bacteria ; Inoculating t h - E a r t h with 179 Berendes, R. See Eichengriin, A 791
Bayldon, O. H., and Morriss. H. E. Generators for Oil-Gas (P) 161 Berg, E. von. Phosphates of Rubidium and Cwsium 116
Bazlen, M. Alkali Hvdrosulpliites : Manufacture of Solid • Berg, R. B.eswax ; Influence of Bleaching upon —•— 1032
(P) 1393 Bsrges, M. Papers; Photographic Printing (P) 139
Aromatic Mdehyde and Acid -. "Manufacture of {¥) .. 'ii lierget, A. Paper Pulp from Crude Plants 64
Hydrosulphites; Manufacture of (P) 3415
Bergtleth,H. Furnaces; Arrangements in (P) 1226
Bazley, W. H. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 7C5 Berhenke, C. Bricks and Earthenware ; Drying , and
Beadle, A. A. Copper ; Deposition of from Various Elec- Apparatus therefor (P) '. 1028
trodes 178 Bermont, V. Zinc ; Direct Extraction of (P) 1457
Beadle, C. Beating; Theory and Practice of 1036 Bernfeld, J . Asbestos Diaphragms ; Treatment of ( P ) . . . 1145
Rags for Paper-rnaking ; Treatment of 6» Bernheimer, O., and Schiff, i\ Japan Wax; Abnormal
Beam, A. M. Ore-roasting Apparatus (P) 1400 Constants of 55
And Bailey, H. S. Furnace for Treating Ores (P) 483 And Schiff, F. Potassium Ferrocyanide in Spent Gas-
Beaven, E. S. Drying Malt, Hops, &c., and Apparatus there- Purification Material; Determination of 500-
for (P) 1S2 Bernholt. Ammonium Persulphate " Reducer " 791
Furnace Gases ; Purification of (P) 268 Bernneck, R. M. von. See Krauss, C 859
Beck, C. W., and Hommi, "W". G. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1325 Bernstein, 31. Milk ; Optical Examination of (P) 1475
Beck, N., and Dior, It. Carburetteil Air: Preparing and Berntrop, J. C, and Hulsebosch, M. L. Q. van L. Solid Com-
bustible ; Manuiacture of (P) 1323
Utilising (P) 1021 Berrigan, J. J. Centrifugal Machine (Pj 597
And Dior, R. Vapour Burners fur Lighting and Heating (P) 1067 Extraction Apparatus ; Centrifugal (P) 244,244,244
Beck, P. Cement; Modification of Schumann's Apparatus for Berry, A. Tank for Precipitating (P) 482
Determining Specific Gravitv of 60 Berry, A. E., and Roberts, A. B. Finings; Improvement
Portland Cement and Slag: Experiments on Mixtures in (i>) 134S
of 72
Becker. Electrolyser for Extraction of Light Metals (P) 1539 Berry.C.H. Lubricating Compound (P) 712
Berry, G. F., and Lawes, J . B. Heat Non-conducting Com-
Becker and Co. See Brown, J 1232 positions (P) 1064
Becker, A. See Renard. R 1333 And Lawes, J. B., and Co. Carbonic Acid Gas ; Recovery
Becker, F. H. Glass-Gall; Utilisation of (P) 1077 and Utilisation of Waste (P) 648
Becker, W. See Eck, T 51(5 And Lawes, J. B., and Co. Cements, Bricks, and Artificial
Stone (P) 550
Beckmann, E. Fusel Oil in Alcoholic Liquids ; Determination Berry, W. Soap : Apparatus for Inserting Floats in Cakes
of 193 of <P) 555
Honey-Dextrin ; Characteristics of 180 Soap Mould (PJ 555, 555
Beckstroem, R. See Thorns, H 1295,1295 Bersch, W. Peat; Determining the Value of 1*45
Becquerel, H. Uranium; Radio-Activity of 143 Berthelot. Pottery ; Old Egyptian 1130
Bedall. Cod-Liver Oil; Kremel's Test for 1099 Radium : Stuuies on 143.
Bedford, J. E. Address to Yorkshire Section 1520 Bertolo. Artemisin ; Characteristics of 92fi
Bedford, R., jun. See Smith, J. L 351 Bertram, D. X., and Milne, S. Gutta-Percha; Manufacture
Bednarski, B. See Wroblewski, A 2«i of 118&
Beebe, D. Racking Apparatus (V) 1313 Bertram, W. Di-o-dinitrodiphenylmethane and Di-o-dinitro-
Beebe, M. C. Lamps; System of Distribution for Xernst benzophenone , 76tt
Electric (P) 606 Bertrand, E. Blast Furnace (P) 9K
Begeer, B. \V. Metals; Cyanide Process for Extracting Bertrand,E.G. Paint; '-Asol" (P) 114ft
Precious (P) 482 Bertrand, G. Arsenic ; Existence of , in the Organism 995
Behaghel, W., and Buchner, E. 4-Pyrazole Carboxylic Acid Boletol; Extraction of from Mushrooms 18&
from 4-Phenylpyrazole 248 Bertrand, H. V. Iron ; Coating with TiD and other
Behm, J. Oil- and Air-mixing and Gas-generating Apparatus
(P) 1068 Metals (P) 354
Behrend. Alcohol as a Source of Motive Power 1019 Bertrand, L. Coke; Apparatus for Quenching (P) 1179
Behrend,P. Maize Mashes; Removal of Husks from . . . . 131 Beschorner, A. See Duilek, A 697
Behrend, P., and Wolfs, H. Butter F a t ; Relation between Besemfelder, E. R. Ammonia; Manufacture of from
Constants of 1148 Sugar Waste t,P) 254
Behrend, S. K. Sleel-Convertor (F) 977 Gas from Cellulose Factory Waste-Liquors 1192
Behrens, H. Anthracene; Detection of Chief Impurities of Besson. Sugar Juices; Concentration of 123{>
Sugar Juices ; Treating with Aluminium Powder and
1250 Ammonium Sulphite 173.
Metals of the Cerium Group; Characteristics of • 368 Sugar Juices; Treatment of 416, 868
Beissel, C. W. Water; Apparatus for Softening and Purifv- Besson, A. Sugar Juices: Defecating and Decolorising
ing (P) :. 1242 (r) 1545
Beitter. Caffeine ; Occurrence of 135
Bell, A. E. Turmeric ; Detection of 1559 Besson, J. Sugar Juices ; Decolorising and Purifying (P) 58
Bell, A. J. and P. A. G. Water; Apparatus for Use in Purify- Besson, J. R. Sugar Juice; Defecation of (P) 1406
ing — (V) , 129a Best.C.J. Ores; Treatment of (P) 916
Bell, G. See Hollings, A 904. Best,.D. Carburetter (P) 7o4.
Bell, G. W. Electrolytic Cells or Apparatus (P) 778 Best, W. N. See Cooper, W. A 1227
Bdledin.V. E. Puncture-proof Elastic Material (P) 1189 Bethmann, G. Wool and other Fibres ; Production of Ann*.*
Bellis.T. K. See Andrew, T 619 Black on (P) 50
Belloc, G. Iron and Steel; Thermo-Electrieity of 177 Bettink, H. Wefers. See under Wrefers.
Steels and Ferro-Nickels ; Thurmo-Electricity of 177 Betts, A. G. Anode Residues; Treatment of (P) 1541
Beltzer, F. Aniline Black ; Dyeing Cottons with 770 Lead; Electrolytic Refining and Depositing of (P)... 980
Mercerising I otton Yarns under Tension 403 Betzel, W. F. Carburetting Apparatus (P) 1180
B e t a , F. Tanning Materials ; Commercial Valuation of . 643 Bevois Patent Lighting Co., The. See Powers, V 3*
Bemont, G. Alchohol, Amyl-; Fermentation of 182 Beythien, A. Cocoa and Milk ; Sterilised 420
And Bohrisch, P. Fruits; Presence of Sulphites in Dried
Ben«de,C. See Ulrich, A 1452 786
Bender, W Evaporating Apparatus (P) 1267 Bezognard de la Plante. Unbreakable Incandescence Mantle
Benedicks, K. teel and Iron; Electrical Resistance of . 1C31 (P) 1448

Bial, M. Hydrogen Ions of Dilute Acids; Antiseptic Function Blum, E. Ammonia Liquor Distillation ; Use of Lime in 167
of t h e — 1034 Blum, F. Glycosuria Antidote, and Production thereof (P).. 1154
Biedermann, R. " Technisch-Cheinisches Jahrbuch, 1899 " . . . 729 Bluro, G. See Lefevre, C 1525
" Technisch-Chemisehes Jahrbuch, 1900 " 1477 Blum, L. Blast-Furnace Slags ; Composition of 113
Biehringer, J., and Busoh, A. p-Toluidine ; Colour Reaction Blyth, M. Wynter. Milk; Detection of Colouring Matters in
for 1559 Fresh and Sour 794
And Topaloff, W. Thiopyronine ; Characteristics of . 966 Boos,F. Stone; Artificial (P) 1233
Bielefeldt, M. Detonating or Priming Compositions (P) 639 Bock, C. J. A. de. Milk and Butter; Sterilising and Pas-
teurising (P) .' 492
Detonators ; Priming Compositions for (P) 1216 Eock, J. Sulphate of Alumina; Manufacture of (P) 1027
Biewcnd, R. Cadmium and Zinc ; Detection of 1349
Bocks, E. Dyeing Yarns, -fcc.; Process and Apparatus for
Bigelow, L. G. Photographic Plash-light Machine (P) 639
(P) 1533
Biggart. Levan; Discussion on 1885
Bocuze, A. Mould for Glass-Works (P) 1330
Biheller, S. Burner for Use with Incnndescence Mantles (P). 698
Bodart, A. Heptacetylchlorlactose; Preparation of 506
Bijvoet, A. F. J. See Verheggen, W. J. H 717
Bodin, E., and Pailheret, F. Alcoholic Fermentation; Action
Bildt, C. W. Iron; Cementation of Wrought 708
of on Typhoid Bacillus and B. Coli Commune 1147
Billet. Alcohol; Production of , and Apparatus tiierefor Bodlaender, G. Hydrochloric Acid and Nitric Acid : Relative
(P) 1517 Strengths of '. 251
Billington, C. See Newton, O. B. J 1457 And Storbeck, O. Cuprous and Cupric Ions 1282
Billitzer, J. Acetylene ; Acid Nature of 995 Boecker, T. See Stephani, 0 1097
Acetylene; Electro-Cheoiical Studies on 798 Boegel. Tanning Materials ; Apparatus for Extraction of
Carbon ; Formation of Ions of 996 (P) 1405
Mercury, &e.; Electrical Preparation of Colloidal 932 Boehm, C. R. Carbons for Arc Lamps (P) 1129
Billon. See Mathieu 1247 Rare Earths ; Production of from " Cerium Oxalicuin
Biltz.H. Phototropy; New Investigations in 1348 Medicinale" 719
Binder, F.. and Frossard, J. Reserves on Prud'homtne's Boehm, F. "Olive Oil : Its Source, Production, Character
Aniline Black 1453 and Uses" 145
And Frossard, J. Resists under Aniline Black 1182 Boehringer, C. F., und Soehno. Alkoxy-Caffeine (P) From
Bindschedler, E. Mercury; Electrolytic Determination of Ach .' 1194
—- 873 Aromatic Nitro-Compounds; Reduction of to Amines
>SteeLe Blanc, M , 776 (P) 1(59, 260
Bing, A., and Rung, F. Indigo Dyeing: Theory of 1229 Camphoric Acid Derivatives ; Manufacture of (H)-.. 872
And Rung, F. Indigo on Vat-dyed Fibres ; Determination Diacetyldiamine (P) From Ach 1245
of 930 Dyestuff; Triphenylmethane (P) From Ach 1182
Biot. SseSeyewetz 766,1071 Hydroxylamine; Electrolytic Preparation of (P) 1458
Birehmore, W. H. Liquids; Preservation of (P).. 1548,1548 jj-MethyJamiuophenylglyoxylic Acid (P) From Ach 1245
Thioxanthine; Preparation of (P) 424
Bird, C. S. Paper; Manulacture of (P) 124? Thioxanthines ; Production of (P) 188
Roofing Fabric, and Preparation of same (P) 257 Xanthine Homologues; Preparation of (P) 68,424
And Hanscom.J. B. Paper; •Waterproofing of (P).. 1345 Boemer, A. Oils, Vegetable, in Animal Fats; Detection
Bischler, A. Phthalie and Benzoic Acids; Manufacture of of 192
(P) 988 Boeniger, M. Dyestuff; Brown Sulphur (P) 1530
Bischoff.F. Iron ; Analysis of 1299 Boerner, F. See Nicolai, 0 1081
Bishop, D. W. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 782,783 Boes, J. Indole; Occurrence of in Molasses Tar 429
Bishop, F. J. Fireworks ; Sparkling — - (P) 278 Naphthofurfurane in Coal-Tar. 864
Bisseuil. Oils; Apparatus for Emulsifying Pharmaceutical Methylindenes from Coal-Tar 853
". 1553 Boesch, B. W. Cellulose Acetate; Manufacture of (P).. 1243
Bjoerckner, O. H. Blast-furnace Stoves; Air Mixer and Cellulose Esters; Purification of (P) 1243
Heater for Gas-Burners for (P) 863 Bohrisch.P. /See Beythien, A 786
Bjornrud, E. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 604 Boisse. Oil of the Atlas Cedar; Constitution of 1153
Blaehier, J. Molasses and Sugar Juices; Purification of Boistelle. Gases; Device for Measuring and Mixing (P) 1445
(P) 629,920 Boivic, G. C. F. Artificial Stone ; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 257
And Rouillon, L. Animal Black; Revivification of
(P) CO Boivin. Lamp; Incandescence Spirit (P).< 13^0
Blackmore, H. S. Alloys; Reducing Metals and Producing Bokorny, T. Yeast Invertase; Experiments on • 1086
776 Bolin, C. Manganese in Ferro-Manganese and Spiegel; De-
Gas-purifying Agents; Manufacture of (P) 603 termination of 1414
Sulphuric Anhydride; Manufacture of (P) 814 Bolton, T. B., and McNeil, J. Soap Frames or Moulds ( P ) . . . 1033
Blair, H. T. Lamp ; Incandescence (P) 852 Bolton,-W. v. Chlorine; Direct Combination of with
Blake, F. Matches; Machines for Making (P) 366 Carbon 4S3
Blake, F. C. Carburetting Apparatus (P) 460 Bolze, H. See Nathan, L 491
Blake.J.C. See Gooch, F. A 147-4 Bommarius, F. Filter for Water (P) 1345
Blake.M. See Lane, J 1189 Bonati, A. Dyestuff; Sulphide , and Manufacture thereof
And Smart, R. H. Vacuum Pans Heated by Steam Worms (P) v , . . 810,610
(P) 416 Bondi, S. Sericm [Silk Glue] ; Preparation of — - 610
Blakely, H., and Wright, J. M. Roofing- Material; Chemical Bonds, G.W. Gas-Generator for Gas-Engines (P) 600
(P) ; 348 Bone,G. &» Clark, W. W 109
Blakeinan, W. N., jun. Oils ; Drying and Treating Non- Bonelli, G. A. Burner; Hydrocarbon Luminous Flame
drying (P) 98L (P) eOS
Blakey, J. W. Gas-Burners; Incandescence (P) 333
Botina. /SceReynaud 1406
Blanchard, A. Burners; Hydrocarbon Vapour (P) 1227
Bonnaud, J. B. G. Nitrocelluloso Compounds (P) 487
Blanitza, L. F. de, and Herard, J. Gas; Apparatus lor
Bonnefls. Acetylene Generator (V) 1447
Manufacture of (P) 961
Bonnel, G. A. Burners ; Hydrocarbon - — (P) 539
Blanksma, J. J. Trinitroxylenol; The Symmetrical 505
Bonnet, J. Explosives ; Production of (P) 639
Blau, F., and others. Lamps; Manufacture and Repair of
See Mueller, J. L 461
Electrical Glow (P) 34
Boorsma, M. G. Strychnicine; Preparation and Properties
Bleachers' Association and others. Oxyeellulose in Textiles;
of .'........... 1095
Reducing and Removing Stains from (P) . . . 1328
Boot, T. C. Syrups and Molasses; Decoloration of • (P) .. 358
Bleakly, H. G. See Clark, C. C 1322
Bleckly, H. S., and others. Furnaces; Apparatus for Charg- Booth, W. Oil-Burner for Furnaces (P) 698
ing and Distributing (P) 1226 Borchers, W. Zinc Ores and Waste Products; Treatment
of 975
Elitz, A..B. Artificial Marble; Manufacture of (P) 1078 See~Sernst,W 1477
Blockey, F. Austyn. Tanning Materials; Analysis of some And Stockem, L. Calcium ; Production of Metallic . . 1284
New 158 And Stockem, L. Strontium; Eleetrolytic Reparation of
See Procter, H. R. 1100 Pure - — 1284
Blondeau. See Coffignon 1534 Bordas, F., and Raezkowski, S. de. Lecithin in Milk ; Deter-
Blossier, A. C. India-Rubber; Manufacture of Sheet (P) 1188 mination of 1041
Bloume, L. Refrigerating Process and Apparatus (P) 760 Borgnino, G. C. Tyrosin and Tyrosinase 180
Blount, B. Sleel; Determination of Carbon in by Direct Bormann, J. G. L. Fuel; Combustion of in Furnaces (P) 1126
Combustion 278 Water-Gas; Productionof (P) 163
See Stanger, H 1216
Bluhm, C. A. Gas-Burner; Incandescence (P) 464

Born, A. Oil and l-'ut: Removal of from AYcol, Hair, &c. Brandt,C. Tanning; Rapid (P) 57
(I») +05 Brandt, W. S., and Root, F. J. Wood-Alcohol; Manufacture
Borner, J. "Wood : Apparatus for Impregnating (P) 1028 of • (P) 1527
Borntraegcr, H. Peat; Rapid Technical Analysis of 75 Brangier, P. A. See Maguier, P G82,1411
Saccharine Syrup, &c, from Light-coloured Peat; Com- Branson. Arsenic Determination in Malt Liquors; Discus-
position of 263 sion on 903
Borrelly, A. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating Brasington, W. AV. Paint: Composition of (P) 1544
(P) 1323 Braucke, W. von. Galvanising Wire (P) 1537
Borrowe, W., and Lumley, J. Plastic Materials ; Machine for Braun, C. See Lang, A 1034
Moulding (P) 348 Braun, F. W., and Co. See Calkins, A. C 1538
Bose, J. C. Photographic Action ; The Strain Theory of . 9S8 Braunfels, L. Zinc Ores ; Reduction of (P) 12SI
Boss, M. P. Iron Blast Furnace (P) 1400 Braunstein, J. Incandescence Gas-Burners (P) 1440
Bosshardt, E. Furnace for Melting Metals (P) 915 Bray, J. W. Burners for Acetylene Gas (P) 164,1179
Bottum, E. H. See "Walker, J. H 776 Breakell, T. Grinding and Pulverising Mill (P) 596
Bouchardt, G. India-Rubber ; Artificial , from Isoprene . 56 Brearley. H., and Ibbotson, F. " The Analysis of Steel-AVorks
Bouchaud-Praceiq, E. Carburetting Apparatus (P) 1324 Materials f 1251
Boudouard, O. Alloys of Aluminium and Magnesium 253 Brearley, J. H. Furnaces ; Regenerative (P) 331
Alloys of Cadmium with Magnesium i>76 Bredel, F. Retort Gas-Furnace (P) 1S24
Alloys of Copper and Magnesium 1456 Breedon, J. Metals ; Extraction of Precious , and Appa-
Bouffard.A. Wine; Action of Sulphurous Acid upon Oxydase ratus therefor (P) 552
and Colouring Matter of lied 922 Bremer, H. Electrodes for Arc Lamps (P) 245
Bougault, J. Morphine ; Oxidation of , by Juiee of Russula Lamp ; Electric Arc (P) 964
deiica 926,1095 Thermo-Electric Material (P) 1458
Boulangd , , H. Leather: Examination of Chrome 919 Brenans, P. Di-iodophenol; A New 1094
Leather lor Industrial Purposes ; Examination of 783 Brenner, J. von. See Plister, J 1231
Boullier. Threads for Making Incandescence Mantles ( P ) . . . 1448 Brett, C. G., and Henneberger, F. Gas-Lamps ; Incandescence-
Bounaud, J. 3 . G. Pyroxylin Compound (P) 025 (P) r 164, 697
Bourcart, P. Mercerising ; Conditions of 403 Breuer, C. Air of Rooms ; Purification of (Pj 635
Mercerising Vegetable Fibres, and Apparatus therefor (P) 171 Brewer, H. J. Batteries : Zinc Element for Primary (P). 411
Bourgoin, G. E. See Lavolay, J. II 490 Briaut, L. Mashing Operations : Modern , 1240
Bourion, F. Manganese and Cobalt Chlorides ; Compounds of And Rigaud. H. C. Beer; Manufacture of (P) 491
Alcohol with • 505 And Vau>:, C. Drum Malting 1811
Bourn, A. O. India-ilubber ; Vulcanising (P) 626 Brice, E. C. Kiln for Burning Bricks, &i\ (P) stiO
Bournonville, E. Acetylene Gas Apparatus (P) 152(i, 152(i Brieger, L., and Diesselhorst, G. Arrow Poison from German
Bourquelot, E., and Herissey, II. Gentian Root; Sugars E. Africa 1094
Present in 1553 Briegleb, H. Sulphuric Anliydride ; Manufacture of (P) 706
And Herissey, H. Gentiobiose: Action of Soluble Fer-
ments and Top-Fermentation Beer Yeast on 1251 Briggs, L. J. See Cameron, F. K 252,406
And Herissey, 11. Gentiobiose; Preparation and Pro- Briggs, S. Brewers' Vats ; Rouser Apparatus for (P) 558
perties of Crystallised 1159 Brinell, J. A. Iron and Steel; Influence of Heating and
And Herissey, II. Gentiobiose : Preparation of 1553 Quenching on Tensile Strength of , 1331
Butitt'Ilier, G. Diffusion Apparatus (P) 920 Bris, E . K . Crystal Glazes ; Nature of 707
Bouton, G. See De Dion, A 260 British Fuel Economise!' and Smoke Preventer, Ltd. See
Bouvier, M. Oxides ; Production of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Alves, J 329
(P) 145S British Xylonite Co. See Goldsmith, J. N 1292
Sulphides ; Production of Alkali and Alkaline Earth
(P) 143S Britzke, O. Gas Battery (P) 1539
Bouzat. Ammoniacal Cupric Oxide ; Displacement of Strong Broca and Pellin. Carbons ; Photogenic or Photographic
Bases by 970 (P) 1448
Copper Oxide; Ammoniacal • 932 Brochet, A., and Ranson, G. Alkaline Earths; Electrolytic
Cuprie-Ammonium Chlorides ; Anhydrous — - 1158 Preparation of the Bases of (P) 352
Bowen.W. R. Soap Cake (P) 981 And Ranson, G. Baryta: Electrolytic Manufacture of
Bower, C. J. See Steele, E 1155 Hydrated (P) 34
Bowman, C. 31. Matches; Rendering Safer (P) 1195 And Ranson, G. Caustic Alkalis: Electrolytic Production
of (P) 408
Bowman, D. W. Gas or Vapour Heating Devices (P) 599
Brock, E. See Wittenberg, W. W i««6-
Bowman, F. E. See Oswald, T. R 34
Brocklebank, J. C. See Holmes, T 10().'l
Bovden, C. I. Maltose and Lactose : Quantitative Separation Brode, J. Sulphuric Acid Manufacture; Chemical Laws
of • 1416 relating to • 1383
Boyen, E. von. Wax : Manufacture of Mineral ( P ) . . 246,246 See Le Blanc, M 1285,1401
Boyer, E. Ores; Concentrationtor Enrichment of ( P ) . . . 1333 Brodin, C. F., and Schepeler, H. A. Acetylene Gas Generators ;
Boyle, L. C. Furnaces for Burning Liquid Fuel (P) 905 Device for Feeding (P) 907
Boyne.T.A. Paper-making Machine (P) 1550 Broichgans, S. Gas and Air ; Apparatus for Mixing • ( P ) . 1324
Brabrook, G. H. Soft Metal Castings ; Production of (P) 977 Broodsky, A. Plaster of Paris ; Indurating (P) 708
Bradburn, J. A. Ammonia Soda Process ; Some Parts of Brooke, H. Glass Furnaces, and Means for Pouring Material
Open to Improvement (P) 689 therefrom (P) 914
Bradbury, S. Washing Calico Printers' Blanketing, and Brooke, N., and Glossop, W. Artificial Stone, and Manufacture
Means therefor (P) 250 thereof (P) 479
Bradford, E. T. Furnace ; Hot Blast (P) 1141 Brooke, R. Q. See Allen, J. F 1285
Bradley, C. S., and Lovejoy, I). R. Gases; Apparatus for Brookes, J. \V., and Barnes, A. Kilns for Drying Earthenware.
Subjecting TO High-Tension Discharges ( P ) . . . . . 1335 (P) 549
Nitrogen Compounds ; Manufacture of (P) 1335
Bradlev, F. E. Malt; Drying . Preventing Contamination Broomel.A. P . Limek-iln (P) 1523
with Arsenic (P) S6S Brothers, W. Refrigeration, and Apparatus therefor (P) 244
Bradley, P. B. Fuel ; Apparatus for Using Dust (P) 1524 Brough, Bennett H. Coal ; Scarcity of 162
Fuel; Furnaces for Burning Pulverulent or Dust • (P) 1126 " The Scarcity of Coal" ly7
Brakes, J. Molybdenum ; Volumetric Determination of Brown, A. J. Enzyme Action 419
in Molybdenum Steel and Ferro-Molybdenum 832 Brown, C. A., jun. Apples and their Products; Analysis
Brame, J. S. S., and Lewes. V. B. Carbides of Manganese and of 282
Brown, C. P. Paper; Machine for making Compound
Calcium ; Production of Mixed 755
(P) 635
Bramson, M. Petroleum Incandescence-Light Burner ( P ) . . . 1271
Branch, J. G. Lamp ; Incandescence Hydrocarbon (P). 961 Brown, G. B. Crucibles ; Shield and Funnel for Recharging
(P) 1537
Lamps; Apparatus for Distributing Hydrocarbon under
Smelters' Crucibles; Recharging (P) 1537
Pressureto (P) 698
Brown.H. See Nicholson, J. R 1446
Brand, J. C. See Lockerbie and Wilkinson, Ltd 961
Brown, H. E. Sandstone; Manufacture of Dolomitic (P) 708
Brand.K. See Elbs, K 1334,1334, Brown, H. T., and Glendinning, T. A. Enzyme Action 119
Brandel, F. de, and Baudry d'Asson, A. de. Colours and I n k s ; And Glendinning, T. A, Starch; Velocity of Hydrolysis
Manufacture of , and Product therefor (P) 782 of by Diastase 419
Brandenburg, H. Metalsand JletallieCompounds ; Recovery
of (P) 976
Brandon. Pseudocymoplerus anisatus; Essential Oil of . 1552

Brown. J . Bleaching and Dyeing Wool. Hair. &e. (P) 857 Bunge, G. " Text-Book of Physiological and Pathological
Glass; Manufacture of by Electricity (P) 1232 Chemistry " 797
Brown, J. Campbell. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 951 Birate, H. Gas ; Explosive Mixtures of 32
Water Carriage in Great Britain ; Discussion on 755 Burbank, W. H. Gelatino-Bromide Plales sensitive to R e d . . 1245
Brown, L. A. Fusible Composition for Production of Articles Burcey, C. J . T. Charcoal; Apparatus for Manufacturing
by Moulding (P) 973 (P) 908
Brown, R. Furnaces; Using Waste Heat in connection with Burchinal, C. H. See Wilkinson, W . S 113!)
Smelting •—- '. 11SS Burdou, C. B. Mixing Apparatus (P) 1019
Smelting Furnaces ; Utilising Waste Heat of (P) 1400 Burfnind. J. H. See Xeill, J . W 978
Brown, R. T. See Montgomery, J. H ] 54* See Officer, R. H 1141
Brown, S. H. Grease ; Extraction of , from Garbage ( P ) . 263 Burford, S. F. Cod-Oil Analysis ; Discussion on 094
Brown, W. See Barrett, W. F 411 Nitrates in W a t e r ; Discussion on Determination of — . . 094
Browne, C. A., jun., and Tollens, B. Araban and Xylan; Simul- Burgess, J . A. Acetylene Gas Generators (Pj 109
taneous Occurrence of in Plants 728 Acetylene Gas; Purification of (P) 245, i«;3
And Tollens, B. Maize Pith and Elder Pith ; Constituents Burgess. T. P. Wood-Pulp; Apparatus for Use in Manufac-
of 728 ture of (P) 191
Browne D H., and Neil, J. M. Tin; Recovery otMetallie Burgess, W. T. Birmingham Sewage ; Discussion on 070
(P) ". 108S Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Discussion on 1371
Brownie Soap Co. See Gottschalk, L 1543,1543 Burk, W. E. Fluorine in Fluorides ; Quantitative Determina-
tion of 72
Browning, K. C. Phosphorus Suboxide 08
Burkaempor, H. Vapour Burners (P) 900
Browning P. E. Cicsium and Rubidium: Determination
Burkhalter, C. H i d e s ; Depilation of (P) 205
of' 71
Burn, J". Clay : Treatment of I m p u r e (P) 1455
Potassium and Sodium ; Determination of 71
Burnard, R. Alkaline Superphosphate ; Manufacture of
Brueckner. C. O. Water ; Purification of • (P) 422 (P) 103
Bruehl, J. W. Camphor Carboxylic Acid ; Further Investiga- Burns,R. H . Smoke-preventing Apparatus (P) 329
z^ tionson 1409,1467 B u r r e l l , E . E . See Strange, E. H 123H
Bruenjes, F. Sulphide of Zinc; Obtainment of (P) 1280 Burrow, E. A. Oil Heater, Strainer, and Separator (P) 1227
Brunck, O. Bismuth ; Electrolytic Determination of 874 Burrows, G. H. Gas and Air Mixing Apparatus (P) 003
Brunn, A. Mazut or Oil Spray ; Heating Boilers with (P) 1127 Burrows, H. See Tilden, W . A 1037
Brunt, C. E. Yeast, Manufacture of (P) 1461 Burstyn, W. Pressure Regulator fnr Vacuum Distillations . . 040
Bryan G. Furnace; Combined Metallurgic • , and Precipi-
tating Water Tank (P) 1401 Burton, G. D. Metal-working Apparatus ; Electric • (P) . 023
Bryan, T. A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 465 Busch, A. See Biehringer, .T 1.159
Bryan-Marsh Co. See Doane, S. E 1325, 1325 Buseh, A. A., a r d others. Pasteurising Apparatus (P) 1518
Buchenau C. H. Grain and Hulled Products ; Sterilising and Busch, M. Methyl Determinations by Herzig and Meyer . . . . 723
Bleaching Cleaned (P) 269 Buss, O. Casein Photographic Film, and Manufacture there-
Bucher, P. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 853 of (P) 1155
Bucherer. H. Dyestuffs, Azo ; Classification of 400 Photographic Plates and Papers (I1) 139
r-Hvdroxycarboxylic Acids ; Action of Sulphites on Aro- Bnssian, H. A. See Krieger, H. G '. 1.15-4
matic 12" Butcliard, G. \V., A. A., and J . A., and Gibs-m, H. Cement;
Nitriles, Acid : New Preparation of 399 Apparatus for Manufacture (if (P.) 550
Bucherer, H. T. See Schraube, C 850 Butler, W. A., and Kunze, A. Kiln; Continuous for
Bricks (P) 1140
Buchholz K. L. G. Mineral Water; Apparatus for Drawing Butt, T. H. Solids Deposited in Liquid-purifving Apparatus ;
oil (P) 685 Collecting of - — (P) 1207
Buchvuaun, E. A. See Goetze, P. C. E 1083 Buttertield. J . C. Ores containing Zinc : Treatment of it , ) N;2
Buchner, E. See A Ibert R 1033 Ores; Obtaining Antimony, and Separating Gold from
Si;- W.iaehel, W 248 Antimony — (P) 123
And Hnclmmian, C. 5(3)-Pyrazole Carboxylic Acid from Bycrs, H . G., and Hopkins, P . Oil of Red Elderberry ; Exami-
S(3) -Pheiiylpyrazole 24S nation of 12SS
And Heide, C. v. d. Pyrazole Derivatives 218 And Hopkins, P. Wood T a r from the Douglas i-'ir ; Exami-
And Lehmann. L. Phenylacctylene and Diazoacetic Ethyl nation of 1228
Ester 248
And Spitta, A. Yeast; Zymase Formation in 781 Byrom, T. H . Phosphoric Acid ; Solvent Power of 214
Buclmer, M. Azo Compounds ; Reduction of (P) 850
Ceramic Products ; Manufacture of •— (P) S59
Is itro or other Compounds ; Electrolytic Reduction of
(P) 856
Buckley, F . See Aokrovd, W 1547
Bucliley J. D., and Phinney, E. D. Acetylene Gas Generator
(P) «S3
B u d g e r . G . L . Oil; Method of Burning (P) 698
Bueb, J . See Deutsche Continental Gas Gesellscliaft 851
Buechelen, W. Sterilised Ointments, i c . ; Production of -—•
(P) 917 Cabot, J . W. &<• Prest, S. F 258
Buecka H J. and others. Milk Preparation : Production of Caille, C. 1'ire Extinguishers (P) 1019
'a (P) 717 Cailletet, L. Gelatin; Mechanical Action of on Solids . . . 40S
Buell, C. E. Explosive Fire-Alarm (P) 039 Caines, C M . See Squire, P. W 929
Buelow, C , and Schlotterbeck, F . Acetylaeetone; Azo Com- Cairns, A. See Weber, C O 204
pounds of 303 Cajo, A. Brickwork; Destruction of by Alkali Sulphates 409
Buettner.A. Liquid Substances; Vessel permitting Drawing
off by Air Pressure (P) 1207 Calder, W. A. S. Emergencies in Vitriol Works : Discussion
And Meyer, C. Vegetable Matter; Drying , and Ap- on 229
paratus therefor (P) l^3 Caldwell, C W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 604,1227
Bugg, H. D. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1123 Caldwell, J . Leather for Belting ; Preparation of (P) . . . 11S9
Buhlmann, G. Mantles; Manufacture of Incandescence Calico Printers'Association, The. See Costobadie, II. A 250
(P) 7G3 And Higginbotham, G. Printing Machines for Calico, &c.
(P) 857
Buisine, A. and P . Acetone Oil; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 104 And Wilson, W. W. Calico-printing Machines (P) 703
Buisson, M. Cane-Sugar Works; Decolorisation of Concen- Calkins, A. 0. Assayors'Furnaces (P) 018, 1E3S
trated Products in 866 See Lonergan, J . J 01N
Bull H . C . and Sendey, W. Sugar Juice; Extraction of Callsen, J . Salicylic Acid ; Akyle.Tymethyl Ester of (P) . 11,54
Soluble Ash from (P) 130 See Dreser, H 1194
And Watling, A. Gold; Extraction of from Sea- See Honnann, F 1195
Water (P) 849 Calmant, F . Distilling; Process and Apparatus for (P) . 1523
Bull, I. C. Lead in Ores; Determination of 1350 Calmette, L. C. A. Indigo ; Extraction of (P) 38
Bullas, S. W. See Doman, W 1067,1127 Calvert, H. T. Translation of Abegg and Ilerz's " Practical
Bullier, L. M., and Maquenne, L. G. Gases; Apparatus for Chemistry " '.' 77
Purification of (P) 1388 Cameron, D. Grease; Extraction of (P) 1084
AndMaquenne, L. G. Gases; Compound for Purification Rendering Apparatus (P) 1084
of (P) 1388 And others. Sewage, &c.; Apparatus for Treating
Bumby^H. Ores; Utilisation of Small 550 ( P ) ;

Cameron, E. G. See Holmes, P. F 1524 Cassella, L., and Co. Acridines ; Manufacture of Hydroxylated
Cameron, F . K. Gypsum ; Solubility of in Solutions o{ (P) 37
Sodium Chloride 257 Dyestuffs, Azo; Manufacture of (P) 1451
And Briggs, L. J. Carhonates and Bicarbonates in Dyestuffs; Blue Azo •. (P) From Weinberg 9t!8
Aqueous Solution; Equilibrium between . . . . 252,405 Dyestuffs; Blue Sulphide . (P) From Herz 1275
And Seidell, A. Calcium Carbonate ; Solubility of in j Dyestuffs ; Brown-Violet Sulphide . (P) From Wein-
Aqueous Solutions of certain Electrolytes 773 berg 911
And Seidell, A. Gypsum ; Solubility of in certain Dvestuffs ; Dveing with Sulphide . (P) From Kertesz 471
Aqueous Solutions 549 Dyestuffs; Sulphide — - (P) 249
Dyestuffs, Sulphide, and p-Monoalkylamido-p-oxydi-
Campbell, E. D. Portland Cement; Experiments on the phenylamines (P) 471
Clinkering of 1396 Dyestuffs, Sulphur; Production of (P) 1274
And Kennedy, M. B. Iron Carbide ; Probable Existence i Dyestuffs ; Yellow Sulphide . (P) From Weinberg
of a New 1398 and Lange 1530
Campbell, P. See Neild, E. E 976 | Sulphur Colours ; Dyeing and Printing with (P) 1453
Campbell, H. Asphalt and other Material; Heating of I Castelnau, M., and Thialon, C. Vapour Generator (P) 851
(P) 599 Castle Brook Carbon Black Co. See Mann, J . L 1337,1337
Campbell, H. S. Gas-Burner (P) 602 Castro, O. F. de. Tanning Process ; Rapid (P) 1032
Campbell. J . H. and C. H. Milk ; Mauufacture of Condensed Catelin. Lead Smelting without Fuel 1535
or Desiccated (P) 209 Catford, J . P. See Cowley, R. C 1156
Campbell, W., and Matthews, J . A. Alloys of Aluminium . . . . 551 j Cathelineau and Haussev. Cade Oil; Investigation of . . . 67
Campetti, A. Magnesium in Electrolytic Rectifiers 259 Caton's Foundry and Machine Co. See Caton and Warring . . 1021
Camps, II. Indigo Blue from o-Nitro-acetophenone 1273 Catton and Varagniac. Vegetable Matters; Preservation of
Nitro- and Araino-Acetophenone (Hypnone) 495 (P) 1466
Candy, F. Sewage ; Treatment of , and Apparatus there- Caubet. Liquids; Apparatus for Filtering in Absence of
for (P) 133
Air (P) 1547
Candy, F. P. Sewage and Polluted Waters; Apparatus for Causse, II. Nitrogen in Waters ; Determination of Organic 992
Purifying (P) 1550 Water; Characteristic Reaction for Pure .". 642
Cannon, M. J., and Foil, E. Brewing ; Higher Yields in . 632 Waters, Fatty Acids in Polluted ; Detection of 427
Cautu, i\, and others. Waterproof Fabrics and Imitation Caussin de Perceval, P. See Woussen, H t>0
Linen Goods from Casein (P) 113 Caven. Wijs' Method of Determining Iodine Values; Dis-
Cappeau, J. P. Furnace for Roasting Ores (P) 483 cussion on 1439
Capron, G. G. Velvet; Mercerisation of Cotton (P) 49 Caven, R. M. Alloys of Copper and Manganese; Discussion
Carborundum Co., The. See Tone, F . J 1234,1279 on S44
Cardoss-Peroira, A. Brandies ; Coefficient of Impurity of 923
Alumina in Blast-Furnace Slags ; Discussion on 453
Insoluble Frits for Pottery Glazes ; Discussion on . . . . 322
Carey, A. Water Carriage within Great Britain 749
Carey, E. Alkali Works Regulation Bill; Observations on 214
Cavenaugh, R. W. Soap ; Apparatus for Granulating (P) 355
Bronze containing Lead ; Discussion on 532 Celestre, I.,and Gondrand, F. Batteries; Secondary (P) 9m
Factory and Workshops Act; Observations on 214 Cellulose Products Co. See Little, A. D 362, 362
Proceedings of Annual Meeting 951 Cereal Sugar Co. Glucose Refining, and Apparatus there-
Water Carriage in' Great Britain : Discussion on 755 for (P) 339
Curi-Mautraud. Wine: Analysis of Natural and Artificial 1118
Cerf. L. Gum; Manufacture of an Artificial (P) H06
Carles, P. Mineral Waters containing Sulphates; Baryta
in 717
Starch ; Manufacture of Modified (P) 784
Tartrates; Influence of Temperature in Determining——. 875 Cerny, F. Malt; Analysis and Valuation of 231
Carlson, S. Lamps ; Petroleum (V) - : - - , . , , . 697 Cerny, K. Sugar; Theory of Production of Granulated .. 1287
Carman, R. W., and Lawrence, F. M. Formaldehyde Gas Chablay. See Genvresse 1347
Generator (P) 870 Clmilly, F. Fuel Block and Briquet (P) 60!)
Carmichael, A. D. Sulphide Ores; Desulphurising ( P ) . . . 349 Challenger, G. See Kinsey, H 397
Carmichnel, H. Liquids; Apparatus for Carbonating • (P) 1191 Chamberlain, C. E. Filters ; Construction of (P) 453
Carmody. P. Volcanic Dust from St. Vincent; Analysis Chamberlain, E. X. Accumulator P'ates : Peroxidisiug
of 993 (P) 1540
Carpenter, C. C. Gas Condensers (P) 1524 Chamberlain, J. Light from Gases of Low Calorific Value (P) 1021
Carpenter, F. B. Sulphur ; Analysis of Crude 832 Chamberlain, R. X. Plates of Storage Batteries ; Cleaning
Carpenter, R. Forbes, and Linder, E. Gases Escaping from Spongy Lead <P) 779
Chamber Process for Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid ; Plates for Storage Batteries; Foraiing (Pi 77S
Methods Employed in Estimating 1490 Chambers, J. A. Glass Articles ; Apparatus for Manufacture
Carpenter Steel Co. See Brown, G. B 1537,1537 of (P) : 477
Carpet Yarn Printing Co. See Fornander, A 1393 Chandler, S. S. and S. B. Gas-purifying Apparatus (P) 90(1
Carr, W. M. Furnace ; Electric Combustion - ( P ) . . . , . . . . 792 Cllantepie. See Le Chatelier, H 439
Carre. P. Phosphorous Acid; Esterifieation of 65 Chaplin, E. D., and Halloran, H. G. Chlorine and Alkaline
Carroll, C. G. See Jones, H. C 1352 Hydrates; Electrolytic Production of (P) 47r>
Carson, C M . See Lang, W. R 748,1018 Chapman, A. C. Spirits: Discussion on Maturing of 101
Carson, G. 0. Metals ; Apparatus for Treating (P) C19 Chapman, E. F. See Wilkinson, J 7ei
Carson, J . C. See Clark, C. C 1030, 1143,1230,1322,1407 Chapman, E. J. Vire Extinguishers ; Chemical (PJ 850
Carstairs, J. Proteids; Separation of from Non-Nitro- Chapman, J . See Webb, J . t , 435
genous Bodies (P) 1549 Chapman, W. B. Retort, for Wood Distillation (P) 1129,1129
Carter, F. W. Photometer ; Construction of a New (P) . 334 Chappeil, G. P. Stone; Manufacture of Artificial 1023
Carter, H. E. Stone ; Artificial (P) 708 Chappell, H. F. Rosin Soap for Paper Size (P) 491
C&rtw,H.L. Plaster; Elastic (P) 550 Charabot, E. Met'nylanthranilate in the Vegetable Organism. 1348
Plaster for Walls and Ceilings ; Elastic (P) 257 And Hofoert, A. Esterifiration in Plants 136
Carter,E. A. I r o n ; Art of Puddling (P) 916 And Hubert, A. Peppermint Plants ; Influence of Salt
Carter, T. L. Cyanide Solutions; Determining Gold in . . 1558 ovi 501
Cyanide Solution; Notes on 409 And Hebert, A. Peppermint Plants : Influence of Sodium
Cartland, F . H. Furnaces ; Melting (P) 350 Nitrate on • 937
Cartter, E. W. Sterilising Apparatus (P) 556 Charbeneau, J . C. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1270
CuuUa, F. 3. E. Alloys of Copper and Manganese; Dis- Charitschkow, K. W. Petroleum from Grosny; Characteristics
cussion on 844 and Constituents of 9Q4
Alumina in Blast-Furnace Slags ; Discussion on 453 Naphtha from Baku and Grosny; Decomposition Products
Recording Apparatus for Electrical Pyrometer; Discussion of 24(5
on — 845 Petroleum ; Crude — - from Fergana, Turkestan 699
Sampling Shoddy, &c.; Discussion on 106 Charles. Adhesive Composition for Making Fuel Briquettes
Vitriol Works; Emergencies in — 226
(P) 1525
Casali, A. Wines; Detection of Vinoline and Bordeaux Red
74 Charlier, A. C. J . Gaseous Liquids ; Apparatus for Supplying
Case, A. W. Beating Engines (Scrap Leather) (P) 265 (P) ..... 55S
Caspari, C. E. Fatty Oil of Lindera Benzoin 711 Pigments and Metallic Compounds; Manufacture of
Laurie Acid and some of its Derivatives 711 (P) 1H5
Cassel, H. E. Gold Recovery of from Refractory Ores (P) 485 Charlier, H. J . J . Furnaces ; Melting (P) 350
Metals, Precious; Apparatus for Recovery of from Charlon, C. Acetylene Generator without Cocks (P) 133a
Refractory Ores (P) , . 486
Cliarlopin, C. Oxygen: Production of Pi>re (P) 1534

Charon.A. Bog-Peat; Preparation of for Fuel (P) 1270 Claremont, E. A. Cables; Manufacture of Vulcanized Electric
Charon, J . See Prost, E 874 (P) 620
Clark, C. C. Alcoholic Liquid Punfler (P) 1407
Charpy, G., and Grenet, L. Iron-Carbon Systems : Equilibrium
Bleaching Apparatus; Electrolytic (P) 1230
of file
Electrochemical Apparatus (P) 1143
And Grenet, L. Steel: Study of the Transformations of ISO
And Grenet, L. Steels; Expansion of at High Tem- Water Purifier (P) 1(136
perature , 481 And others. Liquids ; Apparatus for Purifying ( P ) . . 1322
Chase, A. J. Water : Apparatus for Distilling (P) 635 Clark, E. B. Steel; Manufacture of Crucible ( P ) . . 552,1030
Clark, G. A. Pulp-refining Engine (P) 635
Chase, A. W. Ores, &c, containing Sulphur and I r o n ;
Treating (P) ." * 12S1 Clark, J. G., and Cothran, G. Carburetter (P) 463
Chassy, A. Ozone; Influence of Voltage on Formation of • 916 Clark, W. W., and Bone, G. Acetvlene Gas ; Apparatus for
Chatillon. Antimony Ores ; Treatment of (P) 1399 Generating (P) ID!/
Chaudier, J. Daniell's Cell; Variations of Electromotive Force, Clarke, J . Filters ; Improvements in (P) 1192
&c, in • 352 Clarke, J. S., and M. J. Salt-making Apparatus (P) 1077
Chaumeille. Glycerin ; Determining by Iodic Acid 874 See Pause, T. O '. 97.'.
Chaumet. Light; Action of on Precious Stones 876 Clarke, S. G. See Hussey, C. A Ill
Chauvin. See Bailly 1447 Clarke, W. C. Water; Apparatus for Purifying (P) Sfi'j
Chavanne, G. Arabinoso; Derivatives of • 508 Clarkson, T. Oil; Separation of (P) 025
Chavanon, F. Gas Generators (P) 598 Classen, A. Sugar ;'Converting Cellulose Into ( P ) . . 630.63(1
Sugar; Converting Cellulose into Fermentable (P) . . 867
Checkley, E. J . See Merrifield, L. L 1020,1021 Sugar; Converting Wood and other Cellulose into (P) 3f>s
Cheeseman, L., sen. Natural Phosphates : Treatment of Sugar; Converting Wood into (P) ll'Jii
(P) 265 Classen, A. M. D. Elastic Material; Production of (P) . 1407
Phosphates ; Making Water-soluble (P) 265 Classen, H. Sugar ; Crystallisation of (P) 266
Chemical and Electrical Ore Reducing Co. See Dorr, A. II., Claudel. See Pet 1447
and Spang, J 775
Claudel, C. H. See Liet, J. P. E 1007
Chem. Fabrik auf Actien vorm. E. Schering. See Schering, E. Clausen, W. F. See Russell, J . K K6
Chem. Fabrik Bettenhausen, Marquart und Schulz. Ammonia, Clausen-Kaas, A. V. H. F. C. Compositions lor Coating Sur-
Solid; Production of (P) 113 faces (P) 97S
Chem. Fabrik Brugg. Pyestuffs; Sulphide . (P) From Woodwork, &e.; Plastic Composition for • (P) 707
Pfenniger 701 Clawson, B. B. Hvdrocarbon Composition. (Cements, &c.)
Chem. Fab. Griesheim-Elektron. Chromium Compounds and (P) " CIS
Alkalis ; Production of (P) 548 Clawson, F. E., and Kenjamiu, O. C. Burner ; IncimdescuLicr
Lead Dioxide ; Electrolytic Production of (P) 620 Gas (P) <v>
See Moeser and Eidmann 1333 Clayton Aniline Co., The. Discharges upon Paranitraniliiu-
Chem. Fabrik Rhenania. Nitric Acid ; Manufacture of , Red, &c. (P) 342
and Apparatus therefor (P) 173 See Meyenberg, A 6(19
Chem. Fabrik von Heyden. See Ton Heyden, Chem. Fabrik. Clayton, C. W. See Henderson, J. F 132
Chem. Fabrik vorm. E. Schering. See Schering, E., Chem. Fab. Claytnn, E. G. Cocoa Essences ; Analyses of 1090
Acetenalkamins; Acidyl Derivatives of . (P) From Glue; Technical Examination of 670
Harries 364 Phosphorus Sesquisulphide; Behaviour of with Mit-
Camphene; Manufacture of . (P) FromStephan 1194,1194 scherlich's Test 1042
Dimethylene Tartrate. (P) From Sternberg 791 Clemang, A. Blast-Furnace Gases : Process and Apparatus foi.
Methylene Citric Acid. (P) From Sternberg 791 Cleaning (P) !««
Chem. Fabrik vorm. Zimmermann and Co. See Zimmermann Clement. SeeWehrlin.A liws
and Co., Chem. Fab. vorm. Clemm, A. Sulphates and Chlorine ; Manufacture of (P) 234
And Hasenbaoh, W. Sulphuric Anhydride; Manufacture
Chem. Fabriken vorm. Wcilcr-ter Mcer. SeeWeiler-ter Meer, of (P) 254
Chem. Fab. See Verein Chemischer Fab :'5->
Chemical Products Co. See Mork and others 1345 Clericiand Co. See Societe Edison 833
Chemical Works vorm. Sandoz. See Sandoz, Chemical Works Clifford, H. Furnaces and Analogous Structures (P) 131)6
Dyestuffs; Brown Sulphide . (P) From Eoniger 1530 Cloez. SeeGrimaux 144!)
Clopton, J. B. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) fi<>r>
Chesterman, R. E. Intensification; Mercurial 723
C l o u g h , E . F . See T o w n e , A. L (KM
Chevalier, A. India-Rubber ; Species of Landolphia yielding Clowes, F. Lead; Chemical Change Produced by Immersion
1286 of • in Distilled Water 421
Chick. H. See Ramsay, SirW 1367 Photometer ; New Table and Pentane Burner Pre-
Chikashige, M. See Kuhara, M 247 scribed by Gas Referees for London 313
Sewage; Bacterial Treatment of Crude 15»:J
Childs, J. G. Liquid in Closed Vessel; Ascertaining Depth of
Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Condensing and Coolintr
(P) 458
Apparatus (P) .126
Ohipman, W. F. Electrode for Purifying Liquids (P) 485 And Southey, A. W. Furnaces for Liquid Hydrocarbons
Chippier, C. Fabrics; Printing , and Apparatus for (P) . . 912 (P) 33
Chlopin, G. W. Dyestuffs, Coal Tar; Poisonous Effect of Clymer, W. R. See Fishell, E. M 917
Certain 492 Coates, T. See Smith-Rewse, H. S 7(K
Ozone; >. ew Reagent for Detection of 928 Cobenzl, A. See Mies, A. H., jun 155J
Chodat, R., and Bach, A. Peroxides; Function of in
Coblentz, V. Purity of so-called Standard Drugs and Che-
Chemistry of Living Cells 1561 micals 1431
Christen, F.. and Aschner, F. H. Burner for Incandescent
Spirit Light (P) 1226 Cocking, A. T-, and Kynoch, Ltd. Explosives: Hardening
Smokeless (P) 1412
Christensen, A. Cinchona Alkaloids ; Bromine Derivatives And Kynoch, Ltd. Explosives; Improvements in (P) 155ti
of 721
Coehu, A. Alloys; Electrolytic Production of New 1111
Christian, G. H. Plates for Secondary Batteries (P) 1237 Coeln-Muesener Bergwerks-Aktien-Verein. Flame-Jet; Fusion
Christy, S. B. Cyanide ; Electromotive Force of Metals in of Hardened Masses by in Furnaces (P) 1029
Solutions of • 779 Coffignler, C. Prussian Blue; Solubility of 1032
Cliuit, Naef, and Co. α-lonone ; Obtainment of (P) 137 Resins; Solubility of some Soft 918
Church, H. W. Dyeing Machines (P) 113 Lithopone; Analysis of , 1141!, 1337
Ciamician, G., and Silber, P. Light; Chemical Action of 876, Comgnon and Blondeau. Mural Glass, kc.; Composition for
Making (P) 153*
Ciantar, U., and Ross, F. W. F. Meat Extracts, and Manufac- Cofflll.V. K. Burner; Combination Illuminating and Heating
ture thereof (P) 269 (P) 462
Ciapetti, G. " L'Alcool I n d u s t r i a l " 1561 Cohn, A. Textile Fabrics ; Glossing (P) 1189
Claassen. H. Sugar and Molasses; Separation of from Cohn, A. I. Photographic Papers; Blue-Print and Black-
Masseeuites (P) 1463 Print 5S2
Sugar; Destruction of in Working up Low Syrups . . 489 Cohn, M. Antiseptic containing Iodine ; Manufacture of
Sugar ; Separation of from Syrup, &c. (P) 12S8 (P) 985
Claes, P. SulDhuric Acid; Concentrated Solid and Trans- Iodine Preparations ; Manufacture of (P) 497
portable (P) 1453 Cohn, P. Chloro-m-diaminobenzene and Triaminobenzene
Carboxylic Acids 965
Clamer, G. H. Metals ; Eliminating • from Mixtures (P) . 1185 o-Chloro-p-Nitrauiline 400
Metals; Production of (P) 619
Cohnen, B. Textiles ; Apparatus for Treating with
Clamond, C. Mantles; Incandescence Gas (P) 598 Liquids (P) 1453

Colborn, E. F. Gas from Hydrocarbon Oil; Production of Cooper, H. C. Translation of Holleman's" Text-Book of In-
organic Chemistry " 798
(P) ; 397
Colburn, J. W. Glass-working Machine (P) 615 Cooper, W. Carburetters for Oil or Spirit Engines (P) 851
Colby. A. L. "Review and Text of the American Standard Cooper, W. A. Hydrocarbon Burner for Boilers, &c. (P) 1227
Specifications for Steel adopted in 1901 " 568 Cooper, W. E. " Primary Batteries: Their Theory, Construc-
tion, and Use " , 197
Colby. H. W. Beer; Apparatus for Backing (P) 1035
Cole, Grenville A. J. " Aids to Practical Geology " 77 Copeland, L. D. See Mitchell, G 1401
Coppadoro, A. Catalytic Reactions; Mutual Influence of
Coleman, N. See Hammer, .T 473 Two in the same Meiiuni 284
Colletas, M. J. B. A. Electrodes for Batteries (P) 1282 Iron Salts; Influence of Separation of Sulphur on Precipi-
Colli. Azo Resists under a Steam Indigo Blue 1453 tation of 77
Collignon. G. Sugar Juice : Third Carbonating of • 1339 Coppalle, A. Zinc ; Determination of by Sodium Sulphide 72*
Collin, F. .7. CokeOvons (P) 1020 Corbett, F. J. White-Lead; Apparatus for Manufacture of
Colliu. G. W., and Xicholls. ~\Y. S. Carbide Peed Mechanism (P) 356,414
for Acetylene Gas-Generators (P) 539 White-lead ; Manufacture of (P) 414
Corbin, P. E. C. Chlorates, &c.; Production of by Electro-
Collin/rridge, F. See Ramsay, Sir W 1367 lysis (P) 970
Collins, C. A. See Birchmore, W. H 1548,1518 Cordier, V. von. Iron and Steel; Remarkable (Carbamine)
Collins,C. G. Sulphides: Rendering Metallic Soluble (P) 978 Reaction of 792
Collins, C. L. Graphite Electrodes in Electro-Metallurgical Cormimbceuf, H. Vanadium; Determination of 1249
Processes 1186 Cornelison, E. W. See Osborne, T. B 358
Collins, H. F. Gold-Copper Ores; Concentration and Smelting Corrigan, P. Furnace; Metallurgical (P) 1030
of at Santa Fe 1399 Corron.C. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 1134
Collins,S. H. Bailey; Absorption of Arsenic by 221 Yarns; Apparatus for Dyeing, Washing, &c. (P) . . . . 1538
Milk: Composition of in the North of England 1512 Cory, C. See Tucker, A. E „...-. 459
Sugar in Swedes; Variation in Amount of . II 1513 Cosgrave, S. A. Ingot: Compound (P) 618
Colliver, G. V. See Howfield, A.J 1085
Column, H. G. Coal-Gas ; Condensation of 905 Ingots; Compound , and Moulds therefor (P).... 618,618
Colomy, C. E. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 464 Cosmopolitan Power Co. Condensing Steam and Cooling
Colson. A. Sodium Sulphate: Heat of Dilution of • 995 Fluids, and Apparatus therefor (P) 326
Comanducci, E. See Piutti,_ A 1037 Cossan. Camphorosma monspeliaca; Essential Oil of . . . 1552
Combanaire, A., and Fresnave, J. de la. Gutta-Percha; Puri- Coste.J.H. See Parry, E. J 145
licatiou of (P) 1085 Costerton, H. A. Fuels or Briquettes (P) 330
And Fresnaye. J. de la. Gutta-Percha; Purification of , Costobadie, H. A., and others. Calico Printing (Imitation
and Apparatus therefor (P) 357 Indigo Prints) (P) 250
Combes, C. Carbon Tetrachloride; Manufacture of 272 Cothran.G. See Clark, J. G -463
Carbon Tetrachloride: Manufacture of (P) 1469 Cottrell, F. G. See 3. H. van't Hoff 1277
Comii-.s, F. B. Textiles; Machines for Moistening (P)... 473 Coughlin, P. Bromoform; Electrolytic Preparation of .. 186
Commin, J. See Cameron, D 186 Coulson, S. G. Fuel; Manufacture of Artificial (P) 1388
Coaip. des Forges de Chutillon. Armour Plates ; Manufacture Coulson,W.A. See Thiersant, H. de :. 461
of (P) 618 Councler. C. Flax Shives: Are they to be called Woody
romp, des Recipients et Lampes Inexplosibles. Vessels for Fibre? 63
Holding Volatile Inflammable Liquids (P) 112C Coupe, T. E. Casks and Tanks ; Apparatus for Filling (P) 1126
Courant, E. Triple Salt, and Manufacture thereof (P) 477
Comp. Francaise de Chemins de Fer au Dahomey. Indigo; Courts, W. C. Furnaces for Vertical Boilers (P) 1524
Extraction of from Lonchocarpus Cyanescens (P). 38 Cousin, H. Aristol; Preparation and Derivatives of 1346
Comp. Francaise de la Soie Parisiennc. Ctillulose Fibres for Di-iododithymol; Presence of Chlorine Compounds in 560
Replacing Silk (P) 49 Veratrol; Action of Nitric Acid on Trihalogen Derivatives
Comp. Gen. de Travaux Sanitaires. Furnace for Incinerating of 369
Refuse (P) 361
Comp. Gen. d'Incandescence par le Petrole. Burners; Incan- Coustall, E. Ozonising Apparatus ; Portable (P) 1150
descence Oil or Spirit (P) 33S Cowley, R. C and Catford, J. P. Lead Salts; Volumetric De-
Comp. l'lndustrie Verriores et aes Derives. See Voelker, A. .. 1139 termination of 1156
Comp. Parisienne de Couleurs d'Aniline. See Meister, Lucius Cownley.A.J, See Paul, B. H 1291,1299
und Briining. Cowper-Coles, S. Metals; Depositing on Metallic Sur-
Comp. Universelle d'Acetylene. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus faces (P) 917
Cowper-Coles and Co., and Cowper-Coles, S. Metals or Com-
for Manufacture of (P) 962 pounds ; Deposition of (P) 917
Compin, A. P. Mantles; Apparatus for Automatically In- Cozins, W. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 465
cinerating (P) 907
Composite Board Co. See Himtington, W. S 1331 Crabtree, L., and Mason, H. China; Photographic Decoration
Coiiroton, M. D. Acetylene Gas Generator Locking Device on (P) 1246
Craig, G., and Paterson, E. M. Alkaline Cyanides; Produc-
(P) 764 tion or Purification of (P) 117
Comstock, E. Y. Hydrocarbon Vapour; Apparatus for Im- Craig, T. J. I. &e Spenee, F. M 253
pregnating Gas with (P) 1066
Concentrated Beer Co. See Hobson, H. A 558 Crampton, C. A. Oleomargarine and Butter; Influence of
Condict, N. W. Refrigerating Apparatus; Absorption Growth of Mould upon Chemical Composition of . 1241
(P) 1126 Crane, J., jun. Gas-Burner (P) 602
Still tor Absorption Rwrigerating Apparatus (P) 1126 Craniger, J. C. Lamp ; Vapour-burning Street (P) 464
Conley, M. E. Furnace; Electric (P) 623 Cranston, T. J. Lamps; Incandescence Oil (P) 539
Connstein, W., and others. Fat; Enzymic Decomposition Cranstone, W. H. Mill for Grinding Paint, &c. (P) 1404
of 1541 Crass,F.H. Paint; Composition of (P) 1188
Craven, J. Effluents; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Dis-
Conradty, M. Carbon Electrodes for Arc Lamps (P) 1447 charge of 581
Conroy.J.T. Carbonate of Lime; Discussion on 531 Creaii, F. C. Iron and Iron Alloys; Manufacture of (P). 619
Catalysis and its Applications 302 Crease, J. F. Mantles; Manufacture of Incandescence (P) 763
Electricity ; Chemical Applications of 1401 Creer.E.A. ,See Adams, S. H 925
Consoli, A. A. Sulphur; Apparatus for Subliming and Ke- Crewe,H.T. <S«eGwynne,J 906
nning— (P) 970 Crispo, D., and Mols, A. Alkaline Metasilicate ; Manufacture
Consfimo, F. SceUllmann, F 1272 of (P) 408
Contardo, R. C. Furnaces; Electric Arc (P) 261 Critchlow, J., and Aynsley, J. and H. Filters Presses for Potters
(P) 34?
Metals: Klcctrie Reduction of (P) 1083
Conte,A. ,Stee Levrat, D 1392 Crofts,J.M. See Morrell, E. S 606
Croizier, H., and Co. Fire-bricks, &e.; Apparatus for Harden-
Conti, V"., and others. Artificial Stone (P) 1140 ing (Pj 1396
Corners, G. G., and Saulles, A. B. de. Muffle-Furnace (P) ... 1525 AndThomine, E. Artificial Stone; Compounding of
\nd Saulles, A.B. de. Zinc Dust; Production of (P) 620 (P) 1397
And Thomine, l . Powders; Apparatus for Dryinar
And Saulles, A.B. de. Zinc Furnace (P) 620 (P) 1178
Cook, E. U. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1227 Crompton.J, See Ashton, N. T 915
Cooke.A. ,%eTaylor, F 1074 Crompton, \V. H., and Horrocks, W. Mercerising Apparatus
Cooler- J. F. Fluids; Apparatus for Electrically Dispersing
(P) V 405
' (P) 841
Cooper.C.F. -See Hermite, E 125
Cooper, E. W. Vegetable Charcoal; Manufacture of (P) 421

Crook, W. A., and Mines, E. Electric Lamps with Rare Earth Darling, L. B. Metals; Extraction of Precious from
Filaments (P) 1525 Ores (P) 1141
Crooke, J . 1. and R. Fertilisers; Electrical Manufacture of Darvas, A. Separating and Packetting Equal Quantities of
(P) 1545 Substances; Machines for (P) 904
Crosland, F . Kilns or Ovens ; Application of Gaseous Fuel in Darzens, G. Ylang-ylang ; Essence of 364
(P) 707 And Armingeat, P. Terpene Alcohols and their Esters:
Determination of —— 142
Crossley, W. J., and Atkinson, J . Gas Producers (P) 1388
Daub, C, and Deuther, J . C. Sulphuric Acid; Apparatus for
Crossman, J . G. Filter and Extractor Presses (P) 059
Making Anhydrous (P) 1138
Liquids ; Apparatus for Measuring and Filling ( P ) . . . 1290 Daube, O, Organic Materials; Carbonising of (P) 1070
Spraying Apparatus ( P ) . . . . • 596 Daubenbis, W. J. Sea Wehtneier, H. C 959
Crotogino, F. See Nissenson, H 1248,1350 Dauve. Sulphuric Acid Solutions; Electrolytic Preparation
Crouzel, E. Tannin Determination of — 992.1560 orStandard 109S
Crown Paper Co. Carbon-Paper; Machine for Making Davenport, H. A. See Lane, O. A 463, 852
(P) 1550 Davey, R. Furnace, Rotary • for Calcining Ores (P) 122
Crowther, H. W. See Rossit«r, E. C 173,3-15 David. Tartars and Lees of Wine; Enrichment of (P) .. 1547
Cudahy Packing Co. See Cameron, D 10S4,1084 David, E., and St. v. Kostanecki. 2-Hydroxychromone ; Pre-
Cuel, G. Conglomerates for Building Purposes (P) 257 paration of ". 1130
Cuemod, H. Cotton ; Liquid for Bleaching 1132 Davidson, G. M. Water Purifier (P) 1550,1550
Cullen, W. Dynamite Factory ; Residnal Products of the 1296 Davies, D. Iron, Steel, and Wrought Iron ; Manufacture of
Culmann, E. Dyestuffs ; Dark Sulphide (P) 1392 (P) 349
Cummer, A. E. Hydrous Compounds ; Dehydrating (P) 52 Davies, H. E. Bronze containing Lead; Discussion on .. 533
Curie, P., and Debierne, A. Radio-Activity ; Induced . . . . 142 Davies, M. P., and Wilding, E. Yeast: Preparation of
(P) 786
Curran,.T.J. Kiln; Dry (P) 459
Davies.S. Zinc ; Smelting of (P) 483
Curran, P. B. L a m p ; Hydrocarbon Incandescence (P)..1O59
Daris, A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 963
Currie.A.D. Malting ; Practical 982
And P. L. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1128
Carrie, S. G. C. Ores; Treatment of Metallic (P) 350 Davis, A. C. Cement; Machine for Damping and Mixing, &c.
Curtis, M., and Tompkins, P. W. Oils, Californian Crude •; (P) 860
Determination of Water in 1519 Davis, B. F. See Ling, A. R 1088
Curtius, Th. Diamide; Derivatives of with Closed Atomic Davis, C. Iron and Steel; Electrical Cementation of (P) 354
Groups. I I I . Pyrazolone-3-Acetic Acid 66 Steel; Hardening Electrjthermally (P; 354
Cussen, B. P a i n t ; Distemper Wash or Water (P) 1148 Davis, D. J . F a t ; Apparatus for Washing (P) 1145
Custodis, A. Coke; Manufacture of (P) 33 Davis, F. Solanum Dalcamara: Chemistry of 1153
Cutler, H. A. Water Level; Apparatus for Indicating and Taps; Laboratory anil other (P) 394
Recording (P) 538 Davis, H. Precious Meials; Extractien of from their
Cyanid Gesellschaft, Berlin. Artificial Manures; Manufacture Ores (P) J 351
ol (P) 1462 Davis, J . Sewerage Systems of Sydney, N.S.W., and its
Cyanide Co., The. Manures; Manufacture of Artificial Suburbs 1091
(P) 1338 Water; Apparatus for Purifying (P) 1036
Czapiko-PFSki, J . Sugar; Means for Boiling (P) 1545 Davis, J. T. Fuel; Artificial • (P) 1067
Davis, W. C. Ores ; Apparatus for Roasting and Cooling
Czermak, J, Marble ; Manufacture of Artificial • (P) 1079 (P) ". 977
Czerweny, F. Match-making Machines (P) 639 Dawson, H. M., and Grant, F. E. Distribution of a Base
between Two Acids; Determining the Ratio of . , . 504
Day, D. T. "Mineral Resources of the United S t a t e s " 507
Day, J. See Harrison, H. C 354
Deacon, H. Wade. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 957
Deakin, T. B. See Appleyard, T. R 702
De Alzugary. See under Alzugary.
Daeschner, C. Mineral Oils; Separating, Undecomposed, Dean, W. T. Arc-Lamps, and Electrodes therefor (P) 462
Resinous Matters from 168 Debierne.A. & e Curie, P 142
Mineral Oils; Separating the Resinous Parts from De Brevans, J . Benzoic Acid and Alkali Benzoates in Food-
(P) 765 stuffs ; Determination of 75
Dahlqvist, J . A., and Holm, C. L. Separating Apparatus ( P ) . 1464 DeCastro.A. SeeSchlomann, H . W 260
Dahmen, H. von. Blasting Agents (P) 276 De Cew, J. A. Charcoal Manufacture; Discussion on . . . . 746
Detonating Composition (P) 989 Decker, H., and Solonina, B. Nitrosophenol Dyestufls 1274
Dailey, C. W. See Devoe, B. G 462 Deckert.H. .See Thiele, H Hti
Dakin, H. D. Persulphates ; Notes on Use of in Analysis 818 Dβ Dion, A., and Bouton G. Battery ; Secondary - ( P ) . . . 260
Dale, A. W. W. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 919 De Forcrand. Zinc Oxide; Action of Hydrogen Peroxide
Dal6n, G., and Wisbar. Jute, Manilla, and Andansonia Fibres: on 1 505
Differentiation of 1466 Zino Oxide; Polymerisation and Heat of Formation of 965
Zinc Peroxides ; Constitution and Properties of 1041
Dallas, V. M. Fuel; Artificial (P) 1128 And FonzeS'Diacon. Hydrogen Selenide and Hydrogen
Dallmann, G. See Schuetz, 0 275 Sulphide; Comparison o£ Properties of 369
Dally, O. A. Fuel-Burner (P) 1128 And Massol. Ammonia; Heat 01 Solidification of . . . . 705
Duly, J A. Lace: Electro-Deposition of. Metal on (P) 912,1187 DeGeofroy.G. SeeConti,V 1140
Metal; Covering Textiles, &c, with (P) 474 Degner, O. Iodine and Sulphur; Manufacture of a Fatty
Damgaard. Photographic Developer (P) 1554 Compound of (P) 637
Dammer, O. " Handbuch der Aiiorganischcn Cheinie " 729, 877,. Deguide, C. Butter; Separation of Margarine from 1352
1105,1562 Deiss. Glycerin in Commercial Glycerin; Determination
D'Andrimont, M. Anodes for Electrolytic Operations (P) 553 of 874
Danilevsky, C. and A., and others. Metallising Fabrics ( P ) . . . 341 Deissler, R. Metal; Welding of (P) 977
Danoise, G., and La Societa Beige de Deglyeerinatioii. Gly- Dejey, 3. Rollers for Printing; Engraving of (P) 51
cerin • Separation of from Oils and Fatty Matters De Jons, R. Stannous Chloride in Ether Solution as a
(P) 355 Reagent , 1473
Danziger, J. L. Cc'oalt; Qualitative Test for 928 De Kara7odine. Ebonitine: a New Insulating Material ( P ) . . 1539
See Sherman, H. S 564 Delafon.P. Electric Battery ; Dry • (P) 97i>
Darby, J. H. Coke; Manufacture of from Compressed Delafond and Horsin-Deon. Crystallisation of Syrups, &c.
Fuel 761
Fuel; Apparatus for Compressing (P) 1-2C> (P) 1463
Gas; Utilisation of tor Industrial Purposes (P) 1178 De Laire and Co. Pseudo-ionone ; Production and Application
Dargie.J. Acetylene Gas Generators and Holders ( P ) . 1446,15i4 of (P) 68
Dareut, W. H. Acetylen; Gas: Apparatus for Production Delamare. See Pellett 193
of (P) 34 Delarue, H. Fats; Saponification of (P) 262
Darier, G., and R'annussfuitch, E. Nitrolienzyl Chlorides: Delattre, J . H. P. M. Fish and Refuse; Treatment of ,
Condensitioii of • witli the >;iphthylaniines 1449 and Apparatus therefor (P) 555
Darling, C. E. Fuel Calorimeter; Simple Form of 927 Delbrueck. Yeast and Changes in Enzyme Content; Con-
nection between 490
Darling, J. D. Cyanides; Manufacture of Alkaline (P) 773, 77 i, 773 Yeast; Oleolvtic Enzymes in 266.

Delbrueck, M. Attenuation in the Brewery 1088 Dimroth, O., and Zoeppritz, R. Aromatic Aldehydes and
Barley; Tendency of to get hot during 3Ialting 550 Amines; Condensations between 467
Hops; Heating Tendency of 1342
Dinesman, M. Thymol; Manufacture of (P) 722
Delerande, A. Fire-Cracker; Production of a (F) 306 D'Infreville, L. M. G. Rosee. See under Rosee.
Pyrotechnic Compound (P) : SOU Dior, R. See Beck, N 1021,1067
Dettour, E., and Mist, L. Sugar Diffusion Vessels (P) 1147 Ditraar, R. India-Rubber; Behaviour (if • with Concen-
Demantke, F. L., and Salentey, L. Tanning and Tawing trated Nitric Acid 626
Apparatus (P) 919 Ditte, A. Chromic Oxide; Crystallisation of 407
Demeler, K. See Eichcngruen, A 639,873 Ferric Oxide ; Crystallisation of 505
Dementjeff. K., and Ousihkoff, J . Water-Glass, i c . : Means Dittler, F . W. Fecal Matter; Apparatus for Clarifying
for Production of (P) 173 (P) .270
De MeueJemeester, E. Filtering Apparatus (P) 1148 Dittmar, E. Dyeing Apparatus; Sleohanical (P) 547
Demiehel, A. Sugar; Density of Dissolved 57 Dittrich, 31., and Hassel, C. Persulphates; Quantitative
Dempster, R. Oil-Gas: Apparatus for Making ( I ' ) . . 600,1128 Separations by Means of • 1414
Denayrouze, L. Alcohol as an Illuminant 1268 Ditz, H. Bleaching Powder; Constitution of 1074
Lamps ; Incandescence (F) , 90S Divers, E. Birmingham Sewage; Discussion on 669
Denison R. B. See Steele, B. D 352 Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Discussion on 1375
Dixon, C. W. Nickel in Xickeliferous Pyrrhotite fro:n Sud-
Dennhardt. See Schoenfeld 1343 bury ; Condition of 775
Dennis, L. M. Translation of Hempel's " Methods of Gas See under Kendrick, W. J . and \V. T 925
Analysis " 1159 Djavachoff, A. Borates of Hydrazine 646
Dennison, C. H. See Gill, A. H 643 Doane, S. £ . Lamps; Exhausting Incandescence Electric
Denso, P. Platin-Iridium Anodes; Chemical Resistins Power (P) .' 1325,1325
of 484 Dobbie, J . J., and Lauder, A. Berberine; Oxidation of .. 137
Denton, J. A., and Preas, J. H. Gunpowder ; Smokeless And Lauder, A. Oorydaline VII 137
(P) 927 And Lauder, A. Corydaline ; Relation of to Btrberine 137
Denton, J. E. Petroleum as F u e l ; Tests of 326 Dobbs, A. E. See Johnston, J 10B7
Depetro, E. Ramie or Similar Fibre ; Retting of (P) 1183 Dxlwell, C. J . D. and R. Soap-stamping Machinery (P) 413'
Depierre, J. Calico Printing; Photography Applied in En- Doeriug, T. Chromium Produced by Alumino - thermic
gravine Rollers for t 47 Method; Chemical Properties of 1158
Resists under Steam Colours upon Woollen Tissues 703 Doerr, C, Colliery Waste; Utilisation of Carboniferous
Steam Chlorinating Machine 544 (P) 1021
De Rochobrune. Xylopia Ethiopica ; Constituents of ISO Doersch, C. Sec Young, J . A 1278
De Saint Seine, B. See Thofehrn, H. G. C 862 Doht, W. S:-e Stock, A 995
Desaulles, G. Liquids ; Separation of from Solid Mutters
(F) 550 Dolan, E. J. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 605
Sugar; Apparatus for Purging (P) 922 Dolbear, C. E. Ores; Electrolytic Treatment of (P) . . . . 1285
Sugar: Apparatus for Separating from Massecuites Dolder, J. Yarn Blercerising Machines (P) 342
(P) 5« Dolezikk, F . See Kohlrausch, F 429
Descamps. L. Calcium Compounds : Preparation of (P) . 1533 Dolle, G. E. Manure; Manufacture of Artificial ( P ) . . . . 1085
Desgrei, \., and Balthazard, V. Air : Means for Regenerating Dollfus, W. Dyestuff; Blue Sulphur (P) 1328
(F) 1S5 Dolphin, H. E. Agiiating Apparatus (P) 959
Besmaroux, J. Temperature Exchanging Apparatus (Water Liquids ; Apparatus for Aerating or Agitating • (PJ . . . 779'
Sterilisation) (F) 1092 Doman, W., and Bnllas, S. W. Acetylene Gas Generating
De Sinet. Froth Remover, applicable to Carbonation Appa- Apparatus (P) 1067
ratus (P) 920 And Bullae, S. W. Gases; Apparatus for Purifying (P) 1127
Desmots, H. See Moureu, C 429 Donurd and Labbe. Maize ; Extraction of Albuminoid Com-
Desmouliere, A. Gelatin and Gelose in Preserves : Detection pound from (P) 1S4S
of 1157 And Labbe. Maize ; Albuminoid Substance from . . . . 1464
See Portes, L 182 Donath, E. Ferrocyanide; Formation of • fror.i Gas
Desnrmont, F. Slubbing; Apparatus for Dyeing - — - ( P ) . . . . 50 Liquor 51
Deussen, E. Sandal Oil; West Indian 1037 Dongier. See Lesage 496
Deuther, J. C. See Daub, C 11S8 Donohue, J . S. Gas Purifier (P) 852
Deutsch Celluloidfabrik. Celluloid-like Products; Manufac- Doolan.H. J . " C a r b u r e t t e r " (P) 600
ture of (P) 494 IVOrlowsky, J. See Vulitch, D. de 909
Deutsch-Luxemburgi.~che Bergwerks und Hutten Actienges. Dormeyer, C. See Rueckforth, R 716
Blast-Furnace Gases ; Means for Purifying ( P ) . . 1333 Dornfeld, J . F. 3Ialt Kiln (P) 360
Deutsche Continental Gas Gesellschaft. See Sauer, A 1543 Dorr, A. M., and Spang, J . Ores : Treatment of (P) 775
And Bueb, J . Gas and Coke ; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 851 Dorsemagen, A. Zinc and Substances containing Silicic Acid;
Deutsche Gold- und Silber-Scheide Austalt vorm. Roessler. WorKing in Electric Furnaces (P) 917
Sea Roessler, Deutsche, &e. Zinc-bearing und Silicious Materials; Treatment 01
Deval, L. Calcium Sulpluiluminate ; Composition of 1020 (P) 775
Cements; Action of Sulphate of Lime on . . . . . . . . . 257, 971 Dougall, J . Ses Godwin, A. H 907
Devoe, 15. <!., and Dailey, C. W. Oil Burner (P) 462 Douge, J. Silk ; Preparing Collodion for 3Ianufacture of
Dewar, J. L., and Tripp, E. J . Beer; Treatment of -—• for Artificial — (P) 771
Bottling (F) 1191 Douglas, J . Gas from Wood for Use in Manufacture of Steel. 860
BMin, W. J., and Griinwood, R. G. Sulphuretted Hydrogen Douillet,E. Fatty Matters, Sec.; Refining , and Extracting
inCoal-Gas: Detection and Determination of . . . . 1040 Perfumes from Flowers (P) 711
And Woltereck, H. C. Gas ; Production of (P) 1127 See Prayieha, E 413
Dickerson, E. N. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating Doulton, H. L., and 3Ianger, A. W. W a t e r ; Apparatus for
(P) , 605
Acetylene Gas Generator (F) 004 Softening (P) 1242.
Dicktmt'n, M. See Moll, F 49, 516 Douschan de Vulitch. See under Vulitch.
Dickson. W. K. L. Mantles for Incandescent Gas (P) 461 Dow, H. H. Counter Electro-Motive Force ; Generation of
Didier, L. Rotary Filter (P) 905 (P) 1237
Diederichs, C. Sizings ; Apparatus for Boiling (P) 540 Down, J. R.,and Godfrey, J . Furnaces; Mechanical Calcining
Diedrich. Drying Apparatus ; Continuous (P) 1523 or Roasting (f) 1029
Diesler.C. Cement; Manufacture of (P) 175 Downer, W. R. See Schreimr, 0 274
Metals ; Smelting and Reducing ( P) 261 Downs, E. S. Carbonometer ; Construction of (P) 422
Diesselhorst, G. See Brieger,. L 1094 Downs, W. F. Lubricant: and Manufacture of same (P) 712
Metals : Treating Rebellious Ores of Precious \V) . . . . 1185
Dieterich, K- Apricot Kernels: Fatty Oil obtained from 178 Dowzard, E. Essential Oils ; Commercial 1244
Testing-Paper, and Manufacture of same (P) 277 Strychnine and Brucine in Xux Vomica; Determination
Dietrich, R. Paper; Treatment of Waste Material for Making of 158ft
; (V) S25 Drakf, B. 31., and Gorharn. J . M. Electric Accumulators (P) 621
Dill, T. Alloys for Dental Purposes (P) S50 And Gorham, T. 31. Casks; Apparatus for Cleansing
Dillner. See Anderson 459 And others. Glow BoJies for Nernst Electric'Lamps' (P). 245
Dilthey, W. See Moissan, H 504, 566 And others. Lamps of the Nernst Type; Incandescent
Dimmiek, A. II, Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 465 (P) 122C
B 2

Drake, C. E. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 605 Dupont, J. " L'Industrie des Matiferes Colorantes " 78
Drake, J. A. Furnaces and Kilns : Regenerative and other Perfumes; Lecture on 1245
(P) 1388 Dupre, A. Potassium Chlorate: Explosion of -by H e a t . . 217
Dralle, It. and C. Glass Industry ; Improvements in the . 52 Saltpetre; Determination of Perchlorate in ;. 825
Draminski, A. Eeheater for Sugar Juices, i c . : Quick Current Dupre, jun., and Korn, W. Sodium Thiosulphate, Sulphite,
(P) ..;. 1468 and Sulphide; Determination of 500
Drapier, J., and Dubois, P. Spirit; Solidified (P) 1524 Dupr6,L.W. /See Williamson, J. A 1477
Drawe, P. " Lithopone "; Analysis of 427 Durand, Huguenin and Co., Dyeworks formerly. Dyestuffs ;
Dreher, C. Leather: Producing Fast Shades on by Use £lue Oxazine . (P) From de la Harpe ..'. 1182
of Titanium Salts, &o. (P) 1533 Dyestuffs; Oxazine (P) 1452
Salts of certain Acids; Manufacture of • (P) 988 Dyestuffs, Oxazine; Manufacture of New (p) 609
Titanium Lactate ; Manufacture of (P) 988,1245 Gallocyanines; Leuco Derivatives of (P) 855
Titanium Mordanting Compounds in Leather Dyeing: 13£9 Gallocyanines; Manufacture of New Derivatives of
Titanium Salts ; Use of in Dyeing Leather, &e. ( P ) . . . 771 (P) 769
Leucogallocyanine. (P) From de la Harpe 1073
Dreser, H. Aristoquinine: Characteristics of 789
Durban, W. L. Gas Burners (P) 397
And Callsen, J. Atropinium Alky I Nitrate (P) 1194
Durrin, W. A. Fabrics ; Waterproof and Air-tisht (P) .. 341
Drew,S. J. See Howell.J 1838
Duryea, C. B. Starch; Thin-Boiling (P) 630
Dreyfus. Effluents ; Discussion on Manchester Bill for
Duryea, J. F, Carburetter for Explosive Engines (P) 761
Discharge of 582
Dutilleul, G. Fabrics: Rendering Impermeable to
Driedger, A. See Sadler and Co 1072
Liquids (P) u>25
Driessen. Turkey-Red Dyein-r: Action of Oil in the Ancient Dutordoir, C. Water in Steam Generators; Purifying the
Process for 612 (P) 394
Turkey-Red Dyeing : Old Process of 545 Duttenhofer, C. Explosive Materials; Production of Easilv
Drory. Offtake for Hydraulic Gas-Mains 10S Ignitible (P) .'. »27
Gas Retorts; Comparison between Inclined and Horizon- Duwez, O . F . J . India-Rubber; Devulcanisation of (P) . 4S8
tal 459
Duyk. Formaldehyde, Methyl Alcohol in ; Detection and
Drown.C.W. See Gearing, C. M 963 Determination of 283
Drummond, W. and G. W. Watrr; Apparatus for Softening Nickel Salts as Reagents for Reducing Sugars 74
(P) 717 Sewage Purification in Belgium by the Chem.-Biological
4>ry Air Refrigerator Co. Refrigeration; Artificial , and Method .' 1192
Apparatus therefor (P) 458
Dye, F. " Lighting by Aeet ylene " 568
Dubbs, J. A. Oil; Distilling (P) 46<5, 466
Dye, W. H. Oil-Fuel Generator (P) 1068
iluboin. Chromium Sesquioxide ; Compounds of Alumina
with (P) 727 Dyeworks formerly Durand, Huguenin and Co. See Duraud,
Huguenin and Co.
Dubois,A.N. Oxidising Apparatus (P) 989
Dubois,?. &eDrapier,J 1524 Dyson, E. Furnaces: Means for Burning Liquid Fuel in
Dubos, A. Sugar Diffusers; Gases in the 416 (P) 762
Dubuque Enamelling Co. Enamelled Vessels; Manufacture of Dyson, H. W. C. K. Artificial Stones, &c.; Material for
(P) 1139
(P) 477
Ducatte, F. Halogen Thiobismuthites of Copper 877
Lead; Chloro-, Bromo-, and Iodo-Sulphobismuthites of 796
Ducellier.G. Acetylene Lanterns or Lamps (P) 698
Duckworth, C. Mixing Apparatus (P) 1224
Duclos, A. See Charon, A 1270
Dudderidge, F. R.. and Hill. J. S. Sodium Phosphate and Eagle Chemical Works. See Schwarz, L 1151
Arsenate; Volumetric Determination of 1156 Earp.T. Kilns for Drying Malt, &e. (P) 1191
Duderstadt, F. See Steinbach, J 1078 Eastern Powder Co., The. Explosive Powder; Manufacture of
Duering, F. Lactic Acid; Use of in Mordanting Wool (P) 189
with Alumina 911 Eaton, A. E. Iron or Steel; Removing Scale Oxide from
Dufau, E. Mercuric Oxide; Preparation of Pure Red . . . 1467 (P) 977
Dufl.E.J. Gas-Producer (P) 600 Ebel. Concrete for Use in Salt Mines 175
And The United Alkali Co. Evaporating Apparatus ( P ) . . 344 Eberhard, O. Milk Extract; Manufacture of (P).., 1548
And The United Alkali Co. Electric Furnaces (P) 697 See Mierisch, 0 183
And The United Alkali Co. Gas Furnaces (P) 905 Eck, T,, and Becker, W. Hanks; Apparatus for Washing
And The United Alkali Co. Producer Gases ; Treatment Mechanically (P) 546
of (P) 33
Duffek, A. Lithographic Printing; Surfaces for Transferred Eckenstein, W. A. von, and Lobry de Bruyn, C. A. Sugars;
(P) 3B5 Isomers of β-xaphthyl Hydrazones of the 1302
And others. Lamps; Incandescence Gas (P) 697 See Lobry de Bruyn, C. A 286
Duffy. J. F. Alcoholic Liquors ; Apparatus for Treating (P) . 716 Eckert, C. F., jun. Chrome Iron ; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 1080
Alcoholic Liquors; Retining, &c. (P) 718 Eckstein, O. 1.1-Dinitronaphthalene; Sulphonation of •.. 1390
Liquors; Apparatus for Refining. Ageing, &c. (P) . . . 558 Ecob, J. R. Cotton Fabrics ; Mercerising , and Apparatus
IJquors, Malt and Spirituous; Refining and Ageing .
(P) 558 therefor (P) 49
Eddy, H. P. Sewage Treatment; Effect on of Pickling
Dufossez.P. SeeNihoul, E 859
Dufour. Casks; Disinfection of (P) 1547 Liquids 534
Dufour Brothers. Tanning Extracts ; Treatment of (P). 1146 See Kinnicut, L. P 1092
Edelmann,A. See Froelich, 0 351
Dufty, L. Manganese; Volumetric Determination of . . . 70
Eder, J . M., and Valenta, E. Photographic Chemicals 1348
Duke,'J. F. Alloys; Production of (P) 1457 Edinger. A., and Ekelev, J. B. Sulphur; Basic Properties
Dumont du Voitel, B. Bnquetting : Binder for 696 of ." 285
Dunbar. Effluents from Sugar Works ; Purification of . . . 185 Edison. Cement; Apparatus for Calcining (P) 1455
Duncan A. D., and Wafer, YV. H. Hydrocarbon Burner; Edison, E. R. Oil-yieldable Material; Drying of — - (P) . . . . 1083
'Retort (P) * Edison, S. O. Fibres; Manufacture of Fuel from (P) ...1067
Duncan, H., and others. Separating Apparatus (P) 458 Edison Storage Battery Co. See Edison, T. A 1031
Duncan', V . Bismuth Citrate..... : "51 Edison, T. A. Batteries ; Secondary (P) 125
Bismuth Citrate ; Characteristics ot 871 Battery; Reversible Galvanic (P) 778, 738, U17,1031,
Duncombe, T. H. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1527 1031,1031
Dungern, E. von. Milk : Rendering easily Digestible (P) 869 Bricking Pulverised Material; Apparatus for • (P) 1030
Dunham H V. Casein ; Production of Insoluble (P) . . . 547 Electrode for Secondary Batteries (P) 1031
Phonograph Records ; Coating of (P) 1541
Milk'Albumin; Production of Soluble (P) 1291 Edmunds, J. Sulphurous Acid; Apparatus for Manufacturing
Dunkelsbuhler, M. See Wachsvitz, H 176 (P) 1534
Dunn.E.W. Burner; Oil • (P) 909 Edser, E., and Wilderman, M. Electrolytic Methods and
Dunn, J. T. Ferrous Chloride; Density of Aqueous Solutions Apparatus (P) 125
o f 390 Edson, E. It. Pish; Reducing or Rendering (P) 1238
Milk; Discussion on Composition of 1513 Gelatin-yieldable Liquids; Obtaining (P) 98a
Duustan, W. R., and Henry, T. A. Cyanogenesis in Plants . . . 996 Glue- or Gelatin-yielding Material from Fisli (f) 357
Dupire, L. J. P. M. Y. Cattle Food ; Manufacture ol (P) 1519 Naphtha; Apparatus for Separation of — f r o m Oil (P) . 1032
Du Pont F G. Solvents ; Separation of from Substances Oil; Extraction of (P) 2(13
li; G Rendering Apparatus (P) 263,123s
(P) '

Edwards, A. "W. Acetylene Gas Apparatus (P) 903 i Eisner, H. T. AV., and Latta, P. Photographic F i l m s ; Deve-
Edwards, T. Chlorine Gas; Generator for (P) 1278 ! loping, Fixing, and Toning , and Apparatus there-
for (P) ~. " 270
Eftront, J . Albuminoid Substances; Value of Fractional Pre-
cipitation for Differentiating 642 Eisner, J . A. Gases; Removing Dust irom (P) 177
"Enzymes and their Applications " 309 And Knox, G. F. Refrigerating Apparatus (P) 394
Efrem, S. Supple Protective Coating (P) 14ii9 Emerson, E. Metal Tubes ; Electro-deposition of (P) • . . 624
Egli, J . Copper Extraction; Theory of Electrolytic Methods Emerson, F . M. Stone; Artificial , and Manufacture
of 623 thereof (P) 348
Ehlert, F. G. Guaiaform ; Preparation of 362 Emich, P . Litmus-Silk ; Notes on 498
Ehmann, C. P. Gas Burners; Incandescent (P) 109 Emilowicz, T. See Lange, M 968
Ehrenfeld, R. Protein Substances; Action of Nascent Emmerling. O. Arnino-Acids as Foods for t h e Lower P l a n t s . . !)9ii
Chlorine on 840 Ammonia in W a t e r ; Determination of 990
But.v 1 Alcohol; Occurrence of Normal in Corn Fusel
See Habermann, J 1158 Oil 419
Ehrharr, G. Paper-making Machine (P) 1037 Enzymes ; Action of Sunlight upon 61
Ehrich, E. Malt; Albumin-dissolving Enzyme in ISO Papayotin ; Digestion of Albumin by 421
Ehrmann, C , and Lovat, II. Tartaric Acid in Pressed Grape Yeas! Maltase ; Synthetic Action of (50
Skins ; Determination of 720 And Reiser, O. Albumin-digesting Bacteria 429
And Slaus-Kantschieder, J . Mercury Ores and their Emmet, AY. le R. Electric Insulating Material, and Applica-
Chemical Examination 501 tion thereof (P) *. 239
Emszt, K. Silver Sub-Haloids 137
Ehrmann, E. Acrylic Aldehyde; Action of on Meta-
diamines 1023 Etidemann. Phenols; Formaldehyde as a Resgent for ... 74
Dimethylaniline: Action of on Sulphur Chloride . . . . 1023 Engbert, H . Sandstone ; Artificial (P) 915
Dyestaffs, Sulphide; Obtainment of 1023 Engelhardt, V. "Die Elektrolyse des AVassers, ihre Dureh-
Indulines: Obtainment.of Soluble J023 fuhrung und A n w e n d u n g " 729
Nitrosodimethvlaniliue; Action of on Aromatic Engcls, W. Fireproof Articles for Metallurgical Uses ( P ) . . . . 1081
Alcohols 1023
Nitrosodimethylinilinc; Action of on /3-Naphtho- England, J . \V. Formaldehyde Vaporiser (P) 1550
quinono 1023 Engler, C and AYoehler, L. Pseudo-Catalytic Oxidation Pro-
Paranitroso Derivatives of Secondary and Tertiary cesses 257
Amines ; Action of on Aromatic Alcohols 1023 Englert, L. K. See Wolfe, .T. S 350,411
Eichelbaum, G. Food Extracts : Obtainment of (P) 1212 Enoch, C. Sodium Silicotluoride; Production of (P) 314
Milk Compound resembling Meat Extract (P) IMS Ensminger. Casein P r o d u c t : Production of a (P) 1462
Eichengruen, A. Acetone Bisulphite; Applications of in Entz, J . B. B a t t e r y : Secondary (P) 1082
Photography 1411 Enzinger, K. Filter Presses (P) 458
Photographic Developer 134!> Epstein, S. Beet Slices; Acid Fermentation of • 1241
Pyrotechnic Compound (P) 1349
And Berendes, R. Zinc-Gelatose Compound (P) 791 Epstein, W., and Rosenthal, E. Colouring Matters, Sulphur ;
And Demeler, K. Amido-Oxybenzyl Compound, and Production of (P) 39
Manufacture of same (P) 039 Equitable Auto-Truck Power-Burner Co. Vaporising Hydro-
And Demeler, K. Photographic Pictures ; Development carbons (P) 1446
of (P) .' 873 E r d m a n n . Aldehydes; New Eea^cnt for 192
Eidmann, W. E. See Moeser, L. T 30S, 1:533 Erdmann, E. Coffee Oil; Research on S71
Einstein, A. C. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 603, 909,1270 J asmine Flowers : Essential Oil of • • 274
Methyl Anthranilate ; Detection and Determination cf 283
Eisenmann, E. See Rignon, J . A 908
Erdmann, H. Indigo : Production of (P) 38
Eitner, P. Explosion Limits of Gases and Vapours with A i r . . 39o
Ericson-Auren, T., and Palmasr, \Y. Metals: Solution of 125
Eitner, W. Leather: Effect of Lactic Acid, &c, in Manufac-
Erisman, C. Oil; Apparatus for Separating Solvents from
ture of 027
(P; 712
Ekeley. J . B. .See Edinger, A 2S5 Erk, M . J . Acetylene Gas Generator (P) COS
Ekenberg, M. Vacuum Pan (P) 15 iS Erlwein. G., and Frank, A. Cyanide Compound, and Manu-
Ekman, C. D. Gum Arabic and other Soluble Gums ; Substi- facture of Same (P) 1232
tute for (P) 358 Eseande and Philippfct. Sugar ; Extraction of (P) 130
Elb, M. Yeast Extract; Preparation of an Alimentary E t t l a . G . S . See Jacobs, C. B 1397
(P) 921 Evans, H. See Behrend, S. K 977
Elber, E. See Knnevenagel. E 1290 See Wills, E. C 977
Elbers, A. D. Iron Ores ; Treatment of Fine (P) 1400 Evans, J . J . Proceedings of Annual Meeting 957
Elbers, "W. Fibres Dyed with Sulphide Colours: Causes of Evans, R. C. T. L a m p s ; Electric Arc , and Means for
Tendering of 403 Stopping H e a t Radiation (P) 007
Indigo ; Fixing •—— by Steaming 1024 E v a n s . T . W . See Weil, E. L 004
Elbs, K. Carbides and Artificial Graphite Manufacture by Evans.. W. C. B., and Nelson, C. P. Carburetter and Vaporiser
Electrical Fusion 1419
And Brand, K. Ketones: Electro-Chemical deduction for Internal Combustion Engines (P) G96
of -—- 1334 Evrns, W. J., and Klepetko, F . Gas-Producer (P) 1068
And Brand, K. Nitro-Conipounds: .Reduction of Aro- See Klepetko, P 1185
matic 1334 Everett, ,T. D., and Everett, Alice. Translation of Hovestadt's
And Forssell, J. Lead; Behaviour of as Anode in " Jena Glass and its Scientific and Industrial Applica-
Sodium Hydroxide Solutions 1281 tions " 1562
And Wohlfahrt, T. <i- and ^-Nitrobenzene Sulphonic Everhart, E. Alum : Manufacture of (P) 255
Acids ; Electro-Chemical Reduction of 1335 E w a r t , A. J . Nitric Acid; Action of on Metals 368
Eidred, B. E. Flame or Combustion ; Control of (P) 090 Exportbier-Brauerei H . Siemens and Co. Nicotine; Prepara-
Lime; Calcining of (P) 613 tions for Counteracting (P) 872
Eldridee, H. Gas-Burner; Incandescence (P) 964 Eyermann, P . Iron or Steel; Production of Malleable ,
Electric Furnace Co. Steel; Direct Manufacture of ( P ) . . 915 and Apparatus therefor (P) 709
Electric Ozone Syndicate, and Smith, R. F . AV. Ozonisers (P) 553 Eyre, J . V. See Meldola, R 1023
Electric Storage Battery Co. - S W E n t z . J . B 1082 Eyre, J . AY. H . Centrifugal Machines for Laboratory Use (P) 1039
See Lloyd, H. H 1540
See Martin, H. M 1082
See Steinmetz, E. G 1082
Elias, F . Magnesium Peroxide ; Manufacture of (P) . . . . 1278
Elias.L. See Raphael, 51 353
Ellershausen, F . Ores, Complex and Refractory; Treatment
of (P) 862,978
Elliott, G. R. Burner for Hydrocarbons (P) 909
Ellis, A. W. Cleansing Compositions ; Liquid (P) 869
Ellis, 31. D. Foods; Apparatus for Preserving (P) 1149 Faljrik Chem. Praeparate von R. Sthamer. See Sthamer, R.
E l l i s . P . B . See Werner, A. Y 620 Fabrique Baloise de Prod. Chim. Phtbalic and Benzoic Acids;
Ellis, S. H., and Holt, T. Ceramic Glass, &e.; Dipping Manufacture of (P) 137
(P) 1335 Fabrique ci-devant J . R. Geigy. See Geigy o,nd Co.
Ellis, AV. H . Caustic Soda and Bleaching-Powder; Discussion
on Electrolytic 451 Fabrique des Produits Chimiques de Thann et de Mulhouse.
Elmore, A. S. Mineral Substances: Separation of ( P ) . . . . 349 Ortho-Toluene Chloiosulphonie Acid (P) 112
Minerals; Apparatus for Separating tP) 018,862 Fabry, 11., and Linard, F . Coke Ovens (H) 906

Fages, J. Nitroprussides: Action of Sulphites en 877 Fischer, E. Casein; Formation of a-Pyrrolidinecarbonic Acid
Fahrion, W. Colophony; Research on 127,127 on the Hydrolysis of by Alkali 1158
And Alt, H. "Indigo Printing by Kallo's Process 1132
"Fairley, T. Alkaline Hydrate or Bicarbonate; Discussion on And Armstrong, E. F. Disaccharides; Synthesis of Xew
Estimation of 325 1302
Arsenic Determination in Malt Liquors; Discussion on And Armstrong, E. F. Glucosides ; Synthesis of .... 1302
903 And Armstrong, E. F. Osones ; Preparation of 1302
Iodine Value of Oils : Discussion on 456 And Armstrong, E. F. Sugars ; Acetohalogen Derivatives
Thermo-Regulator; Discussion on New Form of .... 457 of .... 1302
Falk, Stadelmann and Co., and Thurnauer, L. Gas-Burners; And Harries, C. Vacuum Distillations 990
Incandescence (P) 161 And others. Gelatin : Hydrolysis of 713
Falkenwalde, O. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 764 And Skita, A. Silk ; Fibroin and Glue of 963
And Skita, A. Silk ; Fibroin of 472
Fanta, F. Filaments of Glow Lamps; Apparatus for Re- Fischer, F. Phosphoric Acid; Behaviour of Lead Anodes
inforcing, &c. (P) 1524
Tacuum; Process and Means for Producing a (P) ... 1523 in 978
Fanto,R. Sea Zeisel, S 992 Fischer, L. See Huek, A 1554
Farbenfabriken of ElberfeM Co. See Bayer and Co., F. Fischer, O., and Hepp, E. Dimethylnaphthosafranine; Pre-
Farbwerke Hoechst. See Meister, Lucius und Briining. paration of -—- 1130
Farb. vorm. A. Leonhardt and Co. See Leonhnrdt and Co., A., And Hepp, E. Indulines of the AminoazobenzeneMtlt... 1274
Farb. vorm. And Weiss, K. Carbinols ; Esterilication of 400
Fischer, E. Sulphur Dyestuffs; Printing with 857
Farb. vorm. F. Bayer and Co. See Bayer and Co., F. Fischer, T-, and Wartinberg, H. von. Mercury Oxybromide.. 1345
Farbwerke vorm. Mcister. Lucius und Briining. See Meister, Fishell, E. M., and Clymer, W. R. Primary Battery (P) 917
Lucius und Briining.
Fiske.J.P.B. Kilns for Bricks, &c. (P) 708
Farkas. Lamp ; Incandescence Spirit (P) 1390 Fitzgerald, C. Furnace; Quicksilver Separating and Con-
Farnsteiner, K. Boric Acid ; Titration of 277 tinuous Ore • (P) 620
Farnsworth, W. See Mountany, C ; 1408 Flachs, A. Petroleum Spirit; Sumatra 1022
Farraday, S. E., and Goss, .1. H. Burner; Hydrocarbon Flachslaender, J. See Schultz, G 1022
Incandescence (P) 602 Flamache, A. Wood; Preservation of (P) 1535
Fattelay, V. Steel; Manufacture of • (P) 409 Flandrak. Glvcerin; Method and Apparatus for Recovery of
Faucon.A. Calleine; The Iodides of 636 (P) 1460
Faulkner, "VV". J. Gas ; Apparatus for Generating (P) 1128,112S Fleischer, E. Water-Gas ; Manufacture of (P) 90S
Faust, E. S. Acocantherin : A Source of African Arrow Poison 146S Fleming, J. Candle; Fumigating or Antiseptic (P) 685
Faustin, H. Sugar, Crystallisable; Obtaining the Whole of Fleming, J. C. Toilet Cream (P) 263
(P) 59 Fletcher, W. H. Dyeing Machine (P) 1131
Fawley, T.C. Hides; Preparing and Tanning • (P) . . . . . . 555 Fleurent, E. Wheats ; Composition of Hard • and Consti-
Fawsitt, C. A. Hydrogen Peroxide: Its Manufacture, Pro- tution of their Gluten 133
perties, and Uses , 229 Fleury, G. Morphine; Characteristic Reaction for • 192
Fay, H., and Ashley. H. E. Alloy3 of Antimony and Tellurium 617 Fliegel, J. Sterilising Apparatus (P) 1149
And Gillson, C. B. Alloys of Lead and Tellurium 617 Floegl, A., and Koller, R. Wool; Influence of Assistant Mor-
Federlin, W. Catalysis; A Model for 1417 dants on Spinning of 339
Federmann. See Noelting, E 400 Flor, F., and Murmann, E. Metallic Articles: Preventing
Fee, E. L. Lamp; Incandescence Vapour (P) 853 Tarnishing of (P) 7 1225
Feld, W. Hydrocyanic Acid ; Production of (P) 1553 Flora, E. E. Lamp ; Incandescence Oil (P) 1325
Feldkamp, F. A. Carbonic Acid Gas i Apparatus for Generat- Floyd, F. H. Liquids; Apparatus for Raising or Lowering
ing (P) 1330 Temperature of (P) 1291
Feldmann, A. Ammonium Sulphate : Manufacture of (P) 1027 Foelsch, H., and Co. Saltpetre; Purification of Chili (P) 51
Feldmeier, H. Pasteurising Apparatus (PJ 1149 Foerg, R. Heptacetylchlormaltose; Preparation of 506
Fellner and Zie^rler. Cement ; Apparatus for Manufacture of Foerster, F. Anode Materials ; Artificial Graphite and Platin-
(P) 550 Iridium as 484
And Ziegler. Kilns ; Rotary Burning or Roasting (P) 479 And Friessner, A. Dithionates; Electrolytic Production
And Ziegler. Slag Cement; Apparatus for Manufacture of 1030
of (P) 1535 And Mueller, E. Alkali Hypochlorite and Chlorate;
Felt.F.B. Retort for Generating Oxygen (P) 971 Attainable Current, &c, in Manufacture of 252
Fendler, G. Microsol; Characteristics of 1466 And Mueller, E. Electrolysis with Platinised Electrodes . 1235
And Mueller, E. Hypochlorous Acid and its Salts:
Fenner, W. H. Fine-Fuel Combustion (P) 962 Behaviour of during Electrolysis 1235
Furnace ; Fine-Fuel (P) 962 Foidart, II. Carburettors for Hydrocarbon Motors (P) S31
Fereira, G. Sugar in Lumps of Desired Form ; Apparatus for Fokin, S. Linseed Oil; Characteristics of 1235
Making (P) 10S5 Foil, E. Pee Cannon, M. J 632
Fontaine, H. Copper Plating; Dessolle's Process of 1144
Feret, R. Mortars ; Testing Adhesive Power of 256
Vailiard-Desmaroux Apparatus for Sterilisation of Water;
Fernbach, A. Malt Extract; Some Causes Diminishing the
Report on 634
Y ield of 4S0
Ferraris, E. Ores: Treatment of Mixed Sulphide (P) ... 1185 Fonzes-Diacon. See De Forcrand 369
Ferreira, E. G. Fabrics; Finishing Textile (P) 1132 Foote, H. W. Silver Chlorate and Sodium Chlorate; Mixed
Ferrell, J. L. Wood-fireproofing Compound (P) 615 Crystalsof 796
Wood; Impregnation of (P) 550 Forbes, C. S. Acetylene Gas; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . . . . . 599
Wood; Preservation of (P) 1455,1535 Forde, T. J. Vapour-generating Apparatus for Hydrocarbon
Burners (P) 1180
Feurt, W. A., and Martin, H. H. Gases; Apparatus for
Generating (P) 332 Forell, C. von. Cement; Manufacture of (P) 347
Feval, L. Tubes ; Collapsible Pyroxylin • (P) 1151 Portland Cement from Blast Furnace Slag (P) 257
Feyerabendt, G. Woorl: Preserving and Colouring • (P) . 1331 Formenti, C. Acetic Acid in Lead Accumulators ; Determina-
Fieber, B-. Tungsten in Tungsten-Steel: Determination of • 140 tion of 427
And Levi, M. Aluminium; Action ot on Salt Solutions
Fiedler, M. Explosive: Composition of an (P) 723 and Fused Salts 116
Fielding, A. Viscose : Manufacture of (P) 1193,1243 Fornander, A. Yarns; Apparatus for Colouring (P) 1393
Viscose on Textiles; Fixing of (P) 1230 Forrest, J. H. See Heal, W. E 1330
Fiesselmann, G. See Holler, G 1181 Forssell.J. See Elbs, K • 1281
Fierct, H. E. L. See Germot, A 170 Forster, J. J., and Murdock, R. L. Soap Press (P) 1145
Fillet, J. Carburetter for Explosion Engines (P) 601 Forster, M. O. Gutta-Percha: Discussion on • 1373
Findlay, A. Mannitol, Picric Acid, and Anthracene; Solubility Fortey.E.C. See Young, S 720,721,726
of '. 104R Fortun, R., and Semprun, E. Batteries ; Secondary (P). 777
Finek, A. See Rupp, E 1473 Foster, C. W. Glass; Apparatus for Delivering Melted
Finke, J. F. See Thiele, F. C 110 (P) 971
Finke, R. Mantles for Incandescence Lighting (P) 1389 Foster, G. V., and Mackusick, E. F. Acotviene Gas; Apparatus
Finkelstein, A. Iron; Passive—- 173 for Generating (P) 461, 1417
Firth Sterling Steel Co. See Clarke, E. B 103J Foster, W. J. Blast-Furnace: Properties of Carbon in the
Hearth of the 774
Fischer, A. Copper Cyanide Baths; Substitution of Sodium Iron; Introduction of Carbon and Fluxes in the Manufac-
Sulphite for Sodium Bisulphite in 710 ture of (PJ 319
Fourcy, E. Sugar Juices ; Depulping Sieve for Clarification of Friesleben, C. Centrifugal Separator (P) 1064
(P) 1 921 Friessner, A. See Foerster, F 1030
Fourneau, E. Sei Willstaetter, R 871,1193 Frings, M. Mercerising Apparatus (P) 171
Fournier, E. Disinfecting and Preserving Process (P) 1345 Fritz.C.P. Vu'caniser (P) 626
Disinfecting Apparatus (P) 71S Friz,O. Cement; Manufacture of (P) 70S
Fowler, A. J. Burner for Liquid Fuel and Air (P) 462 Froelich, O., and others. Ores; Separating Process for
Fowler, G.J. " Sewage Works A nalyses " 877 (P) 351
Fox.A.H. Burners for Oil (P) 1022 Froemsdorff, G. See Kostanecki, St. v 470
lYaenkel, S., and Wogrinz, A. Tobacco: Aroma of 797 Fronime, O. Liquids; Pasteurisation of (P) 268
Francesconi, L., and Bargellini, G. Fluorescence; Influence Frossard.J. See Binder, F 1182,1453
of Substituting Groups on 1327 Frost, W. Matches; Machines for Dipping and Heading
Franchot, R. Paris Green ; Manufacture of (P) 782 (P) ...: mi
Francis, W. H. Disinfecting Apparatus (P) 1036 Froyer-Delapierre. See Langot, W 722
Francke, O. Non-conducting Material for Coating Steam- Fuchs, C. SeeBauke, F 1446
pipes (P) 107 Fuchs, G. Cinnamylquiniue Hydrochloride; Production of
Frank, A. See Erlwein, G 1232 (P). 364
Frank, A. R. Hyposulphites of the Alkaline Earths and of Fuchs, L. Osmosis ; Apparatus for (P) 1147,1147
Magnesium; Electrolytic Preparation of (P) 51 Fuehrer, J. Detonating Composition (P) 189
Frank, F., and Marckwald, E. India-Rubuer Goods; Analysis Fuehrer, M. Explosives ; Manufacture of (I,) 1472
of 726
And Marckwald, E. India-Rubber; Regenerated . . . 1085 Fuellner, E. Filtering Liquids, and Apparatus therefor (P).. 213
See Marckwald, E 1188,1351 Fuentes Tapis, N. de. See Frerichs, G 1299
Frankel, E. Hat Manufacture; Material and Dyes used in Fuerstenheim,F. Sterilising Apparatus (P) 717
the ". 113 Fuerth. Printing Velvets and Velveteens 47
Frankenburg. See Weber, C O 96S Turkey-Red Oil; Treatment of 857
Frankland, P. F. Air of Birmingham Art Gallery ; Influence Velvet and Allied Materials 16
of Illuminant on 1091 Fuhrmann, F. Magnesium Peroxide Compound (P) 706
Franquet, E. Celluloid; A New (P) 131 Fuucke.R. See Kraft t, F 1301
Compositions for Imitation of Shell, Ivory, &e. (P) 131 Fussgaenger, V. a-Xaph thy Iamine Derivatives 467
Nitrocellulose and Insoluble Casemates ; Composition con-
taining (P) 1108 See Ullrich, E 1182
Fraps, G. S. Barium Sulphate; Solubility of in Presence Fyfe, W. W. Furnaces for Converting Oxides into Metal (P). 13SS
of certain Chlorides 727
Sulphur in Plants ; Determination of • 612
J?rasch, G. See Zalozieeki, A 335
Frasch, H. A. Alkalis; Production of (P) 970
Caustic Alkali; Manufacture of (P) C15
Cobalt Hydroxide, &c.; Preparation of (P) 862
Metals; Recovering by Electrolysis (P) 621 G
Nickel Ammonium Compound; Production of a • (P) . 253
Fraser, S. L. Stock Food containing Molasses (P) 1090 Gabel, H. II., and Kearns, T. E. Furnace for Red Lead ( P ) . . 356
Freelandt, C. L. F. Gelatin Films for Photographic Purposes
(P) 1(197 Gabler, 31. See Wichmann, G 27
Freeman.D.O. Acetylene Gas Purifier (P) 1128 Gabriel, R. Osmium Lamp of Auer von Welsbach 396
Freer. Resists; White and Coloured under Steam Gadamer, B. Canadine and Berberine ; Relationships between
Ind igo. 1152 186
Freer, P. C, and Novy, F. G. Benzoyl-Acetyl and Diacetyl Gadamer, J. Calumba Root; Alkaloids of 1294
Peroxides; Formation. Decomposition, and Germicidal Corydalis Alkaloids: Research on 423,496
Action of 495 Hyoscine and Atroscine 186
Frees, J. W. Battery ; Primary (P) 354 Gaertner, F. W. Albumin; Extracting Vegetable ( P ) . . . 1344
Fremery, M., and Urban, J. Cellulose Products; Manufacture Gaff, T. T., and Gent, J. F. Maize ; Treatment of (P) . . . 1149
of (P) 1150 Gagedois, A. Fibres and Fabrics ; Bleaching Vegetable
Frenay, H. N. Carburetters for Explosion Motors {V) 539 (P) - 48
Frerichs, G. Tellurium ; Determination of 1299 Gailhat, J. Glycerins ; Analyses of Commercial 280
And Fuentes Tapis, X. de. Ipecacuanha Root; Determina- Galecki, W. See Lopatin, P. and J 174
tion of Alkaloidal Constituents or •—- 1299 Gales, N. W. Liner for Centrifugal Separators (P) 493
Fresenius, C. Residues from Vegetable Oils ; Treating for Galkin, G. Lamp; Incandescent Vapour-burning ( P ) . . . 34
UseasForage (P) 1403 Gallagher, G. S. Furnace (F) 962
Fresnaye, J. de la. See Combanaire, A 357,1085 Gamlen, R. L. Incrustation of Boilers ; Prevention and Re-
Freund, H. H. See Wallerstein, M 360,032 moval of (P) 1445
Freund, M., and Bamberg, P. Cotarnine; Research on . . . 871 Ganassini, D. Sulphuretted Hydrogen; Detection of . . . . 1248
And Mai, L. Artemisin : Characteristics of —— 136 Gane, E. H. Copper; Presence of in Powdered Drugs and
And Schander, A. Thiosemicarbazide as a Reagent for Chemicals 224
Aldehydes and Ketones 1100 Purity of Standard Drugs, &c.; Discussion on 1436
And Wulff, G. Cotarnine; Research on 871
Freundler, P., and Beranger, L. Azobenzene and Hydrazo- Gans, L. W. Yeast Cells; Obtaining the Contents of (P) 491
benzene; Properties of 429 See Lubberger, H 1340
Freundlich, J. Fats; Indicator in the Titration of Dark- Gans, R. E. Matches ; Ignition Material for (P) 792
coloured - — 75 Gansser. See Lepetit Dollfus 114
Steam Superheater for Laboratory V se 1472 Gantt, H . L . Furnace for Heating and Melting Iron, 4e. (P) 1400
Frew. Levan; Discussion on 1385 Garber, F. M. Matches ; Manufacture of Wind-proof • . . . . 866
Frew, W. Hydrogen Peroxide; Discussion on 236 Garchey, L. A. Glass-Stone ; Manufacture of (P) 914
Freymann, O., and Tolman, C. Gas- (or Smoke and Gas-) Gardner, E. S. Lamp; Incandescence Electric (P) 1186
Detector (P) 603 Gardner, W. M. Proceedings of General Jl eeting 95
3?reyss, G., and Paira, A. 5-Nitro-8-methoxyquinoline and its Garelli, P. SeeLevi.G 629
Derivatives 1449 Gamier. Carbon Dioxide in Furnace Gases; Determination
Friedberger, O. See Mueller, E 706,1142 of 1246
Friedheim, C, and Hoffmann, M. K. Molybdenum Lower Garrard, C. C, and The Nernst Electric Light Co. Lamps;
Oxides and Metallic Molybdenum ; Analysis of . . . 426 Nernst Incandescent Electric (P) 462
Friedlaender, J. Liquids; Partly Miscible near the Criti- And Nernst Electric Light, Ltd. Nernst Conductors (P) 398
cal Point ." 2S4
Garrett, F. C, and Smythe, J. A. Shale Oil; Bases contained
Triedlaender, P., and Silberstern, L. Naphthoquinone ;
in Scottish s 39
Hydroxy Derivatives of 1272
Garrett, P. Wines ; Preparation of Sparkling (P) 1090
Friedman,C. S. Wood; Creosoting of (P) 479
Garrigan, T. J. Candles ; Improvements in (P) 91
Trieduiann, H. See Adelsberger, J 1337
Garrigou, F. Wine ; Concentration of 1241
Triedrich, K. Selenium ; Volumetric Determination of .. 1195
Garry, H. Stanley. Factory Costs 14S9
Frier, G. W. See Johnson, H 410
Garuti, P., and Pompili, R. Soldering with Oxy-hydrogen
JriesBros. See Trillat, J. J. A 1036 Gas (P) 269
fries, J. W. Textiles; Apparatus for Steaming, &c, (P). 1392 ; And Pompili, R. Water; Apparatus for Electrolysis of
T»rn; Machine for Oxidising (P)..... 613 (P) 778

Garwood, H. Lamp; Incandescence Electric• • (P) 606 Giesel, F. Lead : Radio-Active 284
Gary, M. Building Materials ; Report on Testing of 477 Radio-active Substances 76
Rays; Becquerel • and Radio active Substances 1157
Garzarolli-Thurnlackh, K. Ozone and Potassium Iodide Solu- Giesler.A. Digester for Extraction of Oils (P) 1543
tions ; Reactions between 143
Giles, G. F. L. Acetylene Gas Purifier* (P) 3S2
Gaster, X. Hj'drocarbon Mixtures; Distillation or Utilisation Gilgan, P . Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1179
of (P) 690 Gill, A. H. Lubricating Oils; Test for " G u m m i n g " Quality
Gate. Leathers Dyed with Coal-Tar Colours ; Discussion on of ". 7S9
158 And Dennison, C. H . Becehi's Test for Cotton-Seed Oil;
Gatecliff, J . Water; Softening of (P) !;85 Investigation of 648
Gates, W . T . Coke-Oven (P) 1179 And Miller, S. B. Glycerin Waste Lyes and Crude
Glycerin ; Specific Heat of • 833
Gathmann, E. Nitro-Compounds ; Separating Solvents from And Roue, A. W. Neat's Foot, Tallow, and Horse Oils ;
(P) 1007 Analytical Values of 780
Gaton, F . E., and Wan-ing, F . B. Gas Generator (P) 1021 Gillet.M. Machine-Belting; Waterpoof (P) 1150
Gaud, F . Acetylene: Decomposition of during its Com- Gillett, E. H . J. C. Burners for Liquid Hydrocarbons ( P ) . . . 162
bustion 396
Gilliland, A. W. Fume Arrester (Smelting Furnaces) (P) . . . 1334
Gautier, A. Marsh Apparatus; Improvements in Use of . 1472
Gillson.C.B. See Fay H 617
Gautier, G. Artificial Leather; Manufacture of (P) 1405
Gilmer.-T.T. Turpentine Still (P) 12S6
Gautier, H . Alkaline Earth Metals; Conditions of Formation
and Stability of Hydrides and Nitrides of the 796 Gilmour, J. D. Alkaline Salts; Apparatus for Electrolytic
Alloys of Barium and Calcium with Cadmium 796 Decomposition of (P) 615
Alloys of Strontium with Zinc and Cadmium , 121 Gin, G. Alloys of I r o n ; Electrical Manufacture of ( P ) . . 1541
Strontium Hydride; Preparation and Properties of .. 285 Calcium Carbide Formation; Reactions in 960
Gauzentes, C. N. Batteries; Primary (P) 164 Ferro-Silicon and Silicon-Spiegel: Manufacture of
(P) 1511
Gawalowski. Alkanet-Root; Colouring Matters of 1327 See Soeie t6 La McStallurgie Nouvelle 1537
Tobacco-Camphor 1343 Gintl, W. Alkali Chlorides ; Continuous Electrolysis of
Gawalowski, A. Platinum; Deposition of on Aluminium (P) 260, 2<3O
Apparatus 1472 Giran, H. Pyrophosphoric Acid; Acidity of • 96!»
Gaynor, T., jun. Soap Cutting and Spreading Machine (P) .. 1084 Sodium Orthophosphate; An Acid Monazo 547
Gearing, C. M. Furnace; Oil-Gas Generating and Burning Giraudeau, G. L. See Rochet, L. L 405
(P) 963 Giroux, h. D. See Seddon, L. E 924
Gebauer, J . Textiles ; Apparatus for Bleaching, &c. ( P ) . 612 And Seddon, L. E. Receptacles for Liquids to be Preserved
Gebhard, L. G.,and Rowley, J . M. Burner; Hydrocarbon (P) 1035
And Seddon, L. E. Sterilising and Preserving Apparatus
(P) 603 (P) 924
Gebr. Siemens and Co., and Viertel, H. See under Siemens
and Co. Giussani, T. Wood ; Apparatus for Impregnating (P) .. 1335
Geerligs, H., and Hamakers, R. See under Prinsen-Geerligs. Wood; Preserving (P) 1283
Geiger.T.J. &«! Wolfe, J . S 850 Givaudan, L. Saccharin; New Derivatives of (P) 155S
Geigy, J. R., and Co. Dyestuffs; Sulphi de (P) 248 Gladbach, W. Plate-Cooler (Parobeck's System) 1064
Dyestuft's, Blue containing Sulphur (P) 1451 Glaessner, A. Formaldehyde; Formation of—- from Methyl
Dyestnffs, Brown and Green; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 44 Alcohol 1346
Dyestuffs, Brown ; Manufacture of (P) 44 Glass and Hydraulic Cements ; Studies on Zulkowski's
Dyestuffs containing Sulphur; Manufacture of and of Theory of . II 1395
Sulphonic Acids (P) 44,44 Glass and Hydraulic Cements ; Zulkowski's Theory of 708
Dyestuffs, Sulphide and New Sulpho Acids (P) 471 Glaser, F. Chlorine and Alkali; Electrolytic Production
a-Thio-isatin and Indigo; Manufacture of (P) 38 of 1142
Geille, B. Glass: Utilising Vi'aste for Making Ornaments Glatz, J. Rendering and Drying Apparatus (P) 7S2
(P) 117 Gleason. W. Limekiln using Oil as Fuel (P) 615
Muffle Furnaces for Glass-making (P) 1330 Glendinning, T. A. See Brown, H. T 419
Geipert.R. <SeeHaber,F 260 Glenn, W. Chromite as a Hearth Lining 52
Geissler, M. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 771 Glock, G. Acetic Acid; Manufacture of (P) 721
Geldard, G. R. Butter; Appliance for Testing for Water Glossop, W. See Brooke, N 47!>
(P) 1472 Glovstein, C. F. Tobacco Extract and Nicotine; Obtaining
Genequand, P. See Pictet, A 1250 (P) 1553
General Chemical Co., The. Hydrochloric Acid; Manufacture Gluecksmann, C. Iodeosine as an Indicator in Volumetric
of (P) 1138 Analysis 793,1246
General Electric Co. Lamps; Luminous-Gas Electric • (P) 908 Gmeiner, M. H. See Seilert, B. R 1530
G e n t . J . F . See Gail, T. T 1U9 Gnelvm, R. Aminobydroxydiphenylamines and Analogous
Substances 1273
Genty, L., and Soeiete Gen. des Industries Economiques Mill for use in the Laboratory 139
Moteurs, Charon. Gas Producers (P) 697 Reflux Condenser; Apparatus for Heating under ,
Gentzsch, A. Gutta-Percha ; Substitute for • (P) 488 with Introduction of New Material 139
Insulating Composition, and Production thereof (L) 783 And Kaiifler, Y. Dyeing; The Theory of 611
And others. Silk; Defects in Weighted • «68
Genvresse and Chablay. "Marjoram Oil 1347 And Ruebel. E. A. p-Tolyl-a-Naphth.yiamine; Derivatives
Genvresse, P . Pinene; Action of Crystallised Arsenic Acid Of 168
on 424 And Veillon, L. w-Hydroxyphenyl-^-tolylamine Deriva-
Genzmer, R. Steel Rails and Plate; Influence of Copper tives 336
And Wr.ght, R. G. Sym-dimethyldiamino di-o-tolyl-
on 119 ketone 466
Geoffroy, E. Paints; Compositions for Removing ( P ) . . . 356 Gobbe, E. Furnace for Glass-making (P) 773
Georgievics, G. von. Hydroxyanthraquinones; Mordant-dye- Gobiet.A. Coke Kilns (P) 329
ing Properties of the 1530 Goddard, R. W. Dyeing Warps for Weaving (P) 1132
Gerber M. India-Rubber and Gutta-Percha; Extraction of Godden.H.L. See Phillips, H. B 46C
414 Goddyn.M. £ee Wilmotte, C 07e
Gerland, B. W. Vanadium ; Discussion on Estimation of 390 Godfrey, J. See Down, J. E 1020
Germot. A. Lead Ores; Obtaining Metallic Lead from Godwin, A. H., and Keil, F. A. Cyanogen Group; Treating
(F) 351
And Fievet, H. E. L. Sulphides; Treatment of Metallic Spent Gases for Recovery of the (P) 1278-
, and Apparatus therefor (P) 176 And others. Coal-Gas; Manufacture of (P) 907
Gerngross, A. See Roques, F 1138,1193 Goeckel.H. Condenser; New Form of 1039
Gesner, G. W. Alloy of Iron, Hydrogen, and Copper (P) 352 Goessmann, G. I. Paper and Fibrous Material; Treatment
Getzmann, F. H. See Hultgren, J. P 1291 of (P) 362
Gianturco, E. Starch; Determination of 1410 Goetze, P. C. E., and others. Lubricants used in Cylinders;
Gibbes, J. D. Burners for Liquid Hydrocarbons (P) 34 Recording Quantity, Efficacy, &c, of (P) 108S
Gibbons, W. P. and G. B. A. See Irving, D ] 445 Gold Recovery from Slimes Syndicate. See Duncan, H 458
Gibson, H. See Butchard. G. W 550
Goldberg, A. Sulphocyanogen and Yellow Dyestuff 110
Gibson, H. W. See Vulte, H. T 554
Gibson W. H., and Wessliug, H. Bricks; Production of Goldberg, E. Morphine; Quantitative Determination of 135
Silica (P) 915, 915 Opium; Russian • 135
Gidden.W.T. See Smith, H. W 1077 Quinine; Oxidation of by Chromic Acid 1095
Goldberer.J. See Ullmann, F 129S

6>olding, J . Burner: Modified Argand for First Process Green, A. G. Dyestuffs; Ionic Phenomena in 1071
in the"Kjeldahl" Estimation of Nitrogen 694 Green, J . J. Cotton Seeds; Removing Fibre from 1336
Insoluble Frits for Pottery Glazes : Discussion on . . . . 322 Green, J . O., and Martin, H . T. P e a t ; Conversion of
Nitrates in Water ; Discussion on Determination of . . 694
intoFuel (P) 851
Goldmann, 31. Sen Sachs, F 1328
Green, W. Gas-Bnrners: Incandescence (P) 164
Goldsehmid, J . E. Gas ; Manufacture of (P) 961
Greene, S. P., and Evans, J . A. T. See Ricker, J . H 1180
Goldschmidt, C. Anaesthetics; Preparation of 1151
Greening, F . Insulating and Waterproofing Materials (P) .. 919
Goldschraidt, H. Aluminium; Determining the Silicon
Content of 724 Greenish, H. G., and Upsher Smith, F . A. Mercuric Chloride
Metals: Welding of (P) 53,'J15 Solution ; Preservation of 559
And Keller, H. Dyestuffs; Dynamical Investigations on Greenley, C. J. Enamelling; Designs or Surfaces for (P) 1183
Formation of Azo 1391 Greger.D. J . See Quinby, W. C 723
Goldsmith, J. X., and others. Celluloid ; Manufacture of 1293 Gregoire, A. Sugars ; Analysis of a Mixture of • • 875
Goldthwaite, A. G. See Tolhurst, C. H 1190,1190 Greig-Smith, R., and Steel, T. Levan : a New Bacterial Gum
Gondrand.F. SeeCelestre, 1 916 from Sugar 1381
Gooeh, F . A., and Blake, J . C. Bromic Acid ; Determination Greiner, W. Sugar Juices; Evaporating without forming
of 1474 FineGrains (P) 920
Gooding, C. S. See Lincoln, L 977 Grend, P., and Bachelard, A. Textile Fabrics; Waterproofing
See Lincoln, L. and D. B 553 of (P) 48
Goodlett, X. M. Egg Contents; Preservation of (P) 301 Grenet, L. See Charpy, G 480, 481, 616
Goodrich, W. F. Town Refuse Disposal in Great Britain . . . . 1465 Grenet, P., and Bachelard, A. Waterproofing Fabrics, Fibres,
Goodridge, A. 8. Sewage from Houses; Purification and &c. (P) .- 171
Utilisation of (P) 631 Grenier, P. M. C. Photographic Fabric, and Preparing
Goodwin, W. L. Charcoal and By-Products; Manufacture same (P) S73
of in Ontario 743 Grether, E. See Ullmann, F 337
Gordin, H. M, Alkaloids, Di-Acid; Alkalimetric Factors of Grey, R. Yeasts ; A Study of English 417
certain : 86
Berberine; Determination of 142 Griesser, W. Vat for Brewers (P) 632
Berberine; Occurrence and Detection of in P l a n t s . . . .50:5 Griffin, M. L. Spent Alkaline Liquor from Poplar-Wood Paper
Strychnine; Determination of 13U0 Stock : Composition of 559
And Merrill, C. G. Podophyllum Resin ; Determination Griffith, H. B. See Way, H. E 1030
of 13,52 Griffith, W. Plating Metal (P) 133*
Gordon, Dr. See Klein, DΓ 71S Griffiths, V . S. See Young, F. S 872
Gorham.T. M. See Drake, B. M G2, G21 Grignard, V., and Tissier, L. Organo-Magnesium Compounds;
Goske, A. Oatmeal in Oat-Cocoa ; Determination of 555 Actioti of —— on Trioxymethvlene 286
Goss,J.H. See Farraday, Is. E 602 Grillo und Schroeder, Actiengesellschaft vorm. Porous Con-
Goss, W. F . M. Distilling Apparatus (P) 1525 tact Bodies: Production of (P) 344
Liquids; Distillation of (P) 3S23 Grimal, E. Oil of Cedrus Atlantica 1S47
Gosso, B, Arsenic Fungi 77 Grimaux and Cloez. X'ltrosomethyldiphenylamine and its
Gostling,C. R. Portland Cement: Production of ( P ) . . . 973 Derivatives 1449
Gottschalk, L. Soap Boiling and Finishing Machine (P) 1543 Grimshaw. Effluents ; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Dis-
Soap-plotting Machine (P) 1543 charge of 582
Gould Storage Battery Co. See Chamberlain, E. X 1540 Grimwood.R. G. See Dibdin, W. J 1040
Goulding, W. and H. M. See Milne, J 713 Grivot, A. See Gearing, C M 963
And H. .11., and Ostersetzer. J . Manures, Artificial; Grobert, J . See Prangey, L 417
Manufacture of (P) 358 Grobert, S. de. Sea Pellet. H 1416
Goutal, M. Coal; Calorific Power of 1267 Grobet, A. Electric Furnaces for Heating (P) 460
Gouthiere, H. Sugar Juices ; Purification of (P) 1080 Groeger, M. Aluminium Chromate ; Characteristics of ——.. 1394
And Junien, G. E. Sugar Juices: Purification of Crude Cuprous Oxide ; Characteristics of Yellow 1138
(P) 59 Groendal, G. Furnace for Burning Ore Blocks (P) 1081
Gove, W. X. Gravity Battery (P) 1540
Groeschner, C. F . M. See Wiese, C. C. A. E 540
Goyaud. Pectic Fermentation 1353
Crohn, A. Barley; Cause of Large Deficiency in Malting
Graber, J. D. Fabrics; Composition for Stiffening ( P ) . . 341
Gi*aebe, C. Auramine and the Salts of Phenyliminobenzo- Heavy 10S7
phenone; Ci>nstitution of 1130 Gropp, G. Defecation Scums ; Drying of (P) 58
Chlorine; Preparation of by Means of Permanganates 284 Groppler, R. Formaldehyde; Manufacture of Solid ( P ) . 63
Hypochlorites and Hypobromites: Stability of 1U76 Formaldehyde; Solid Composition Containing ( P ) . . . 1036
And Rostovzeff, S. Hofmann's Conversion of Amides into Grosheintz, H. Indigo; Reduction of •—- 545
Amines 1070 Mercerising Cotton Tissues; Tension Exerted in 403
Graessle. L. C. Burner; Hydrocarbon (P) 602 Paranitraniline Red : Sodium Sulphite as a Resist under
Graf, J . J . Acetylene Gas (Heating) Burner (P) 1128 845
Graham, C. H., and Bouton, G. D. See Amwake, H. S 1335 Grossmann, J . Cheese ; Discussion on Ripening o f — - 221
Graham, C. K. Stone ; Manufacture of Artificial ( P ) . . . 915 Grote, L. Cement for Binding Pigments, &c. (P) 1279
Graham, E. See Strange, H ]239 Grove. D. Water; Apparatus for Sterilising (P) 1150
Graham, E. L. Ores or Minerals ; Disintegrating ( H ) . . . 350 G r u b b . G . E . See Reynolds, J . E 366
Graham, J. Liquids ; Apparatus for Controlling Discharge Gruenhut, M. Timber: Dyeing of (P) 1135
of on Bacteria Beds, &c. (P) 1405 Gruess, J . Hemicelluloses; Action of Enzymes upon . . . . 715
Grariderye, M. See Guyot, A 460 Gruetzner, B. Potassium Ferrocyanide ; Titration of
Grange. Iron Ores ; Electrical Treatment of (P) 1541 with Potassium Permanganate 426
Grange, S. do la. Varnish for Waterproofing Paper, &c 179 Gulling, F. See Auerbaeb, J 964
Granger, A. Aluminium : Pasty State of 1140 Gudeman, E. Glucose Syrups ; Corn or 714
Silicates and Borates used m Ceramics and Glass; Fusi- Gluten Tailings; Utilising (P) 633
bility of 255 Guedras, M. Copal Resin; Chemical Composition of . . . . 1460
Granger, M. A. Photographic Progress 988 Guenther, F. See Julius, P 610,1530
Grant.F.E. See Dawson, H. M 504 Guerbet, M. Alcohols ; Action of Butyl, Propyl, and Methyl
Grantzfiorfer, A. Sugar and Saline Solutions; Apparatus for on their Sodium Derivatives 984
Crystallisation of (t>) 1147 Ethyl Alcohol; Action of on Barium Ethylate 984
Mercury Lactates ; Preparation of 986
Grardel.J. See Pilat, L 924 Guess, H.A. Copper; Determination of 1247
Graves, F. "DiphenyP as a Photographic Developer 638 Gueugnon,F. See Sales, G. de R. de 621
Gray, A., and Wood, A. Wires of Nickel and Iron ; Effect of
Longitudinal Magnetic Field on Internal Viscositv Guggenheim, B. Indigo Blue and its Derivatives; Manufac-
of 1184 . tureof (Pj 38
Grav,G. P. and H. N., and South, R. Kiln-burning Appa- Guide, D. Wood; Treatment of Green Electrically ( P ) . . 1397
" Hitus (P) 1397 Guignard, G. P. SeeV6reire,G 541,541,558,1090,1096
GravL S. F. Tanning Agents from the Saw Palmetto; Pro- Guillaume, E. Alcoholic Liquids; Purification of , and
ducing • (P) 982 Apparatus therefor 1S4S
Gray, T. Hydrogen Peroxide; Discussion on 236 Guillet.L. Alloys of Aluminium 128
Phenols from Shale Oil 845 Alloys of Aluminium with Iron and with Manganese 258
Alloys ; Tin-Aluminium 121
Oteatorez, A. D. Sewage Purification by the Bacterial System 1291
Guillet.M. AmmoniainTar 1022
Cyanides: Extraction of from Gas 1026

Guillm, J. M. Vine; Remedies for Mildew and O'idium of Hall, S. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 950
the 1039 Reduction of Silver Solutions; Discussion on 1375
Guinchant, J. Metallic Sulphides: Electrical Resistance Hall.W.A. Casein Solution (P) 636
of 863 Liquid Glue, 4c. (P) 627
Guiraud, G. Ores containing Silica or Silicates; Treatment Milk; Production of Dry Condensed (P) 493
of (P) 978 Hallberg, J. H. Lamps; Electric Arc (P) 334
Gull.R. SeeBusch.A.A 1548 Haller, A.,and Guyot, A. Phthalic Green 1450
Guili. S. Citron Oil; Statistics of 187 Haller, J. C, and Machell, R. H. Filters; Bacteriological ,
Oil uf Bergamot Leaves 987 and Apparatus for Delivering thereto (P) 787
Guudlack, A. F. See Paul, F 332 Sewage; Treatment of (P) 1345
Guntrum, C. See Selg, 0 492, 492 Halley, R. Burner for Liquid Fuel in Rotary Furnaces (P).. 1180
Ountz. Barium; Preparation of 54 Halliwell, E. D. See Wilson, H. Maclean 702
Metallic Nitrides; Preparation of 1476 Halloran, H. G. See Chaplin, E. D 476
Strontium; Metallic and its Hydride 258 Halphen, G. Oils; Differentiation of Drying and Marine
Gusdorf.S.M. Ses Gaynor, T., jun 1084 Animal 74
Gustafsson, K. G. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 604 Rosin Oil in Mineral Oil; Detection of 1474
Gutbier, A. Gold; Liquid Hydrosol of 1250 Halsall, W. H. A., and Lapham, S. Cooling Tower (p) 971
Tellurium ; Gravimetric determination of 1558
Tellurium; Quantitative Separation of from Anti- Haltenhoff. O. India-Rubber Residues; Regeneration of
mony 1558 (P) 1404
And Hueller, G. Zirconium; Separation of from Iron 1350 Hamakers, K. R. See Prinsen-Geerligs, H. C 628,921
Gutensohn, A. Sulphide Ores ; Eliminating the Sulphur from Hamer, J. C. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 912,969
(P) 1281 Fibrous Material; Apparatus for Dyeing and Treating
•Guthmann, F. See Markovits, E 1S49 (P) 171
Yarn; Apparatus for Dyeing and Treating (P) 171
Gutierrez, F. V. Salt; Manufacture of Common • (P) 858
Hamilton, A. S. Oil; Extraction of , from Fish-Livers (P) 1103
Guttmann, O. Impurities in Sulphuric Acid; Discussion on
1510 Hamilton, J. Furnaces ; Consumption of Smoke in , &c.
Nitrocellulose ; Discussion on Will Test for — 824 (P) 46(1
Potassium Chlorate ; Discussion on Explosion of by Hamm, W. S., and Mosher, J. A. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1069
Heat 218 See Mosher, J. A 465
Guyot, A. See Haller, A 1450
And Grander.ve, M. TetrAmethyldiaminodiphenylear- Hammer, J., and Coleman, N. Rust; Compound for Removing
binol; Condensation Products of 466 (P) 473
Gwynne, J., and Crewe. H. T. Carburetting Apparatus ( P ) . . 9(16 Hammill, M. J. Potassium Chlorate; Discussion on Explosion
And Sargeant, E. W. Liquids; Means for Aerating of - — by Heat , . . . 219
(P) ."..... 1322
Hampson, P. G., and Swales, H. Aeration of Liquids (P) 984,1191
Hancock, T. Diastase; Obtainment and Preparation of . 558
Hancock, W. Gas-Burners; Atmospheric (P) 598
Handoll, H. Separation of Solids; Discussion on 12
Hanks, M. W. Lamps; Removable Heater for Nernst
Electric (P) , 606
H Hanna, B. M. Sanson Gas-Burner (P) 463
Hannach, O., and Kostanecki, St. v. 3-Hydroxy-jS-benzyiehro-
Haag, F. Molasses Spirit; Manufacture of 1089
mone; Synthesis of —— 470
Haagen, A. Ferro-Chrome Colour, and Manufacture thereof
(P) «l Hannan, W. I. " The Textile Fibres of Commerce " 797
Hannay, C. See Bain, J. W 786
Haarmann and Reimer. Ionone; Preparation of • 13 IS
Hannay, J. B. Sulphate of Lead Pigment; Production of a
Haas.H.L. Nickel; Melting of (P) 1281
Haber, C ar.d Savelsberg, A. Metals ; Apparatus for Treat- White (f) - 356
ment of Molten (P) 177 Hannes, W. F. Smelting; Process and Apparatus for (P) 1141
Haber, F. Alloys; Potentials of Ill* Hannetelle-Chapuis, A Concentrating Apparatus (P) 52
Aluminium; Extraction of • 1)86 Hanow, H. See Saare, 0 567,367
Textiles; Printing of 405 Hanscom, J. B. Sse Bird, C. S 1345
And Gejpert, R. Aluminium ; Experiments in Manulac-
ture of 260 Hansen, C, and ethers. Milk Preparation ; Production of a
And Sack, SI. Cathodes; Disintegration and Conversion (P) 717
into Dust of 777 Hansen, W. Fats; Vegeto-fatty Acid Gljcerides in Animal
Habermann, J., and Ehreufeld, R. Casein; Action of Dilute 553
Nitric Acid on 1158 Hanson, C. M. Dyeing Slivers ; Apparatus for (P) 1231
And Oesterreicher, A. Methyl Alcohol in Alcoholic
Liquids ; Detection of 192 Hanssen, F. Hsemoglobin: Medicinal Preparations of (P) 1410
And Oesterreicher, A. Phosphorus ; Mitscherlich's Test for Hantzch. A. Diazo Bodies ; Quinoid , and the so-called
189 Triazolenes 470
Hachumian, C. See Bucbner, E 284 Metallic Hydroxides; Modifications <;f 877
Hadfleld, R. A. Armour Plates; Manufacture of (P) . . . . 1536 Harding, G. Cement; Composition of a New (P) 915
Projectiles : Hardening (P) 1296 Metal and other Surfaces; Composition for Covering
Projectiles; Manufacture of (P) n 410 (P) 1028
Steel; Annealing (P) 12S0 Hardiugham, G. G. M. Metals, &.c ; Means for Separation of
Steel; Manufacture of—- (P) 552,)2S0 Volatile from Non-Volatile 1399
Steel Projectiles, &c.; Production of Hardened (P) . . 410
See Barrett. W. F 411 Hardt, J. Gas-Burner; Incandescence (P) 1389
See Hibbard, H. D 410 Hardy, J. F. Burner for Hydrocarbons (P) 909
Haehle. Guaiacolsulphonic Acid ; Preparation of 362 Reservoirs ; Safety Device for Filling Fluid (P) 599
Haen, E. de. Sulphuric Anhydride ; Catalytic Bodies and the Hargreaves, J. Borax; Manufacture of (P) 132i>
Manufacture of (PJ 475 Iron Chloride; Treatment of (P) 548
Iron Oxide and Calcium and Magnesium Chlorides ; Ob-
Haensel, H. Rhamnus Purshianus; Essential Oil of 187 tainment of (P) 343
Haff, M. M. Ores; Separating Constituents of Complex Sul- Karmel, L. Yarn and Textile Fabric ; Metallic (P) 1131
phide (P) 709 Harmer, T. India-Rubber Scrap; Utilising (P) 626
Hafner, A. See Kreis, II 1542 Harmet, M. Furnace for Electro metallurgy of Iron, &c. (P). 1459
Haines, C. J. Lime from By-Products : Treatmentof (P) 787 Harms, G. H. See Sherman,.I. S 602
Waters ; Softening and Purifying Waste (P) 923 Harpe, C. de la. Dyestuffs ; Oxa/.ine — - (P) 1182
Hale, F. E. Starch and Sugar; Action of Iodine, &c, in
Hydrolysis of 1040 Leucogallocyanine, and Manufacture thereof (P) 1073
Tartar Emeiic ; Stable Form of Crystallised 1802 Harries, C. Acetonalkaniins ; Acidyl Derivatives of Unsym-
Hale, W. K., and Kuersteiner, C. W. See Ro.ike, J. S 865 metrical , and Manufacture thereof (P) 364
India-Rubber: Chemistry of Para 1404
Hall, A.D. &e Irish, F . L 1529 See Fischer, E 990
Hall, B . J . Batteries; Thermo-Electric (P) 1537 I Harrington, E. B. See Baker, W. D 1291
Hall, C. M. Alumina; Electric Manufacture of (P) 549 I Harris. Gas; Manufacture of (P) , 1447
Carbon Electrodes ; Manufacture of (P) 1031 Harris, A. F. Anodes; Nickel (P) 352
Paint ; Composition of (P) 918
Hall, B. D., and Lenher, V. Tellurium and Selenium ; Action I Harris, B.W. Gas-Filter (P) 1324
of on Gold and Silver Salts 1417 I Harris, C. B. Fuel; Artificial (P) 1270
Harris, C. D. Phosphoric Acid; Determination of Citrate
[ Insoluble 427

Harris, C. R., and Barrick, C. C. Plaster; Composition of Hayne, W. P. See Zcder, G. W 487
Fireproof (P) 1233,1233 Haynes, E., jun. Malt-Kilns (P) 1148
Harris, G-. T. Albuminised Paper Printing; Essentials for Hnynes, T., jun. Malt-Kilns (P) 923
Success in 188 Hay wood, W. F. Soap ; Means or Apparatus for Manufacture
Harris, J. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 465 of (P) 127
And Vofcel, L. H. Acetylene Gas Heating-Burners 1269 Heal, W. E. Glass; Manufacture of Window- and Plate-
Harris, J. L. Acetylene Gas-Generators (P) 332,1069 -—• (P) 1330
Harris, J.N. Oils; Refining of (P) 3S5 Heany, J. A. Asbestos: Insulating Metallic Surfaces with
Harris, J. W. Ether: Manufacture of (P) 1553 (P) 979
Fireproof, Waterproof, and Acid-proof Composition ( P ) . . . 979
Harris, L. G. Gas; Manufacture of (P) 334, 598 Insulating Compositions (P) 1282
Harris, N. G. "Carburetter " for Bicycle Motors, &c. (P) 601 Heap, C, and Oddy, T. Portland Slag Cement and Hydraulic
Harrison, A. W. Electrode Separator for Batteries (P) 1237 Lime; Manufacture of (P) 550
Harrison, H. C, and Day, J. Metals ; Electrolytic Deposition Heath, T. E. See Star Patent Fuel Co 1323
of (P) 354 Heathfield, R. Galvanising Machine (P) 1187
Harrison, J. B. P. See Richmond, H. D 929 Metal Sheets ; Apparatus for Coating with Metals (P) 1029
Hsrseim, R. G. See Gaynor, T., jun 1084 Heaton, J., and Worthley, N. T. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus
Hart, B, See Winsloe, R. H 1183,1183 for Generating (P) 164
Hart, E. Hydrochloric Acid ; Manufacture of (P) 772 Hebden, J. C. Ageing Apparatus (P) 47*
Hart, E. B. See Van Slyke, L. L 1290 Hebebrand, A. Boric Acid ; Determination of 278
Hartley, W. N. Platinum ; Composition of Brittle 349 Yeast; Potato Starch in ; Determination of 281
Proceedings of Annual Meeting 950 Hefcerlein, F. Separating Apparatus for Metalliferous Bodies
Hartmann, C. Dyestuffs ; Anthracene (P) 1073 (P) 862
Hartmann, G. Peat Blocks; Manufacture of (P) 330 Heberlein, M. See Kahn, A 330
Hartmann, W. C. Centrifugal Cream Separator (P) 269 Hebert.A. Civet; Notes on 1347
Hartridge, J. H. Carburetting Air and Enriching Gas, and See Charabot, E 136, 561
Apparatus therefor (P) 163 Hebert, H. See Charabot, E 987
Hartwich, C, and Uhlmann, W. Oils; Recognition and Hecht, E., and Poulenc, G. Lacquers and Varnishes ; Manu-
Formation of Fatty 1285 facture of (P) 487
Harvey, J. SeeMelvin, T 869 Kecking, M. Fuel; Manufacture of Artificial (P) 1126
Harvey, L. W. Kiln for Drying Brewers' Grains, &c. (P) . . . . 657 Heenan, H. Refuse; Furnaces for Burning • (P) 460,493
Harvey, R. Defecators, Coutinuous, for Clarification of Hegemann, H. Biscuit Bodies for Pottery 477,859
Liquids (P) 58 Hegland, A. Calcium Sulpho-Ichthyolate; Preparation of
Harvey, T. F. Cod-Oil Analysis; Discussion on 691,760 788
"Wiis' Method of Determining the Iodine Value of Oils and Hehner, O. Arsenic Acid; Action of Boiling Hydrochloric
Fats 1437 Acid on 1250
Harvie, W. C. See Potter, J. A 1333 Photometer and Pentane Burner; Discussion on New 315
Hasenbach,W. 5eeClemm,A 254 Potassium Chlorate; Discussion on Explosion of by
Hasenclever, R. Position of the German Soda Industry in Heat 218,219
Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Discussion on 1374
1901 290 Separation of Solids ; Discussion on 12
Hashimoto. Lactic Acid ; New Micrococci capable of Forming Spirits; Discussion on Maturing of 101
5C6 Tests for B.-omide, Iodides, and Bicarbonates ; Discussion
Hasse,R. See Windisch, R 557,983,1340 on — 1376
Whisky; Discussion on the Chemistry of 818
Hassel, C. See Dittrich, M 1414 Zinc ; Preparation of Arsenic-free 675
Hasslinger, R. von. Diamonds : Formation of Artificial — . 1476 And Hehner, C. W. Fluorides as Butter Preservatives... 923
Electrolytes; Potential Difference in Vapours and Solid Heide, C.v. d. See Buchncr, E 248
54 Heidenhain, M. Aniline Dyestuffs and Albuminoids ; Chemi-
Hassreidter. Ores; Magnetic Concentration of by the cal Reactions between 966
Mechernich System 1184 Dyestuffs; Aniline • as Precipitants of Albumin 1072
Hatch, A. F. See Koeneman, W. A 1538 Heilenman, G. Yeast for Bread-making (P) 269
Hatcher, R. A. Alkaloids ; Determination of Solubility of 789 Heilmeier, V. See Hirschmann, M 1140
Hatfleld, H. S. Gas Thermometers and Pyrometers (P) 326 Heim, M. Stoneware Glaze ; Formation of Sediment in . 1278
Hatfield, W. H. See M'William, A 774 Heine and Co. Artificial Lemon Oil; Preparation of (P). 1409
Hatmaker. Phosphoric Acid; Obtaining (P) 1533 Jasmine Flowers ; Artificial Essential Oil of (P) 1096
Hatschek, L. Stone, Artificial; Slabs and Plates of (P) . 118 Heinemann, A. Ellsgic Acid; Extraction of from Tan-
Hatton, G. Iron and Steel; Manufacture of (P) 552 ning Materials (P) 415
Hatton, J. E. Defecation of Liquids; Apparatus for (P) 629 Gallic Acid; Manufacture of (P) 415
Defecating Apparatus (P) 1288 Heintz, A. India-Rubber Goods; Analysis of 60
Hauberg, S. C. Liquid Sepa-ator (P) 1065 Heinze, M. See Moehlau, R 336
Hauberrisser, G. Mercuric Thiocyanate; Intensification Heinzelmann, G. Mashes; Higher Pitching Temperatures for
with 424 Fermenting 984
Photographic Image Intensified with Mercuiy and Sodium Seed-Yeast; Buecheler's Process for Acidification of ——
Sulphite; Natureof • 638 (P) 359
Hauenschild, F. Cement, Portland ; Influence of Chloride of Heinzerling, C. Hot Gases from Furnaces; Direct Utilisation
Lime on the Setting of • 175 of (P) 1020
Haughton, T.W. See Lishman, \V. W. L 963 Heist, L. G. Burner for Hydrocarbon Vapour (P) 963
Htmlt&in,H. E. T., and Stovel, H. R. Ores; Concentration of Heizraann, J. Gases, Vapours, and Liquids; Apparatus for
(P) 916 Treating (P) 107
HausanJM- Dyeing Apparatus for Slivers (P) 1531 Helhing, E. Peat Briquettes ; Manufacture of (P) 851
Hauser.F. \.See Vilim, J 1296 Wood ; Production of Artificial (V) 479
Hauser, O. SeeVanino, L 65,66,422 Hele-Shaw, H. S. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 952
Hausorman/.T. Metal Ornamentation ; Method of . ( P ) . . 1541 Helios-Upton Co. See Morrison, W 979,1540
Hausser. See Cathelineau 67 Helle, J. SeeStephan, K 987
Haveinann, C. H. T. Lead and Zinc ; Treatment of Mixed Heller, G., and Fiesselmann, G. Anthranilic Acid ; Action of
Minerals of (P) 1457 Formaldehyde on 1181
Ores and Compounds; Treatment of Mixed • , for Helm.W. Milk ; Preserving (P) 924
Extraction of Lead and Zinc 862
Helmers, L. O. Sulphonic Acids and their Salts ; Production
Haviland, T. Ceramic Decorations; Apparatus for Preparing
of — (P) 364
Designs for (P) 914
Hawkridge,J. See Knight, E. M 458 Sulphonic Acids ; Separation of 1296
Hawlcy Down-Draught Furnace Co. Metal; Melting and Helt. &e Moissan, H 1301
Treating , and Apparatus therefor (P) 553 Hemingway, H. W. Sulphuretted Hydrogen; Separation
See E. H. Schwartz 1234 of—- (P) 900
Hawley, E. H. See Skinner, L. B 1156 Hemingway, J. Coal; Continuous Process of Coking (P). 1007
Hawliczek, J. L. Acetone ; Manufacture of (p) 246 Hemmelmayr, F. von. Ononin ; Characteristics of — - 637
Hayes, A. Gas or Vapour; Production of (P) 109 Tartar Emetic ; Electrolysis of 796
Hempel.W. See Dennis, L. M 1159

Hemptinne, A. de. Ozone; Formation of 475 Hewitt, D. B. Cheese; Discussion on Ripening of 221
Radio-Active Substances; Influence of on Lumin- Water Carriage iu Great Britain; Discussion on 751
escence of Gases 143
Hewitt, H . H . Furnaces for Heating and Smelting Metals (P) 776
Henderson, J. A. Russell. See Anderson, W. Carrick 227 Hewitt, 5. T. Aldehydes; Retarding Influence of on the
Henderson, J. F., and Clavton, C. W. Carbonic Acid Gas- Maturation of Potable Spirits 9G
Generator and Holder (P) 132 And Moore, T. S. Methoxyl Groups ; Apparatus for Deter-
Hendler, J. J. Acetylene and other Gases; Apparatus for mining the , 195
Producing (P) 109 Hewitt, P. C. Electric Lighting; Method of (P) 466
Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 465 Lamp ; Incandescence Electrode Vapour Electric (P) 465
Hengst, C. F. Explosive Material; Smokeless (P) 1155 Hewitt, W. W. Cement Kilns a n d Drying Chambers ( P ) . . . . IIS
Henle. /SeeVonSoden 424 Heydcmann, C. L. J . J . See Reichert, F. J 1344
Henley, H. and H. H. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1527 Heyl-Dia, G. K. Electric Conductors; Covering with
Henneberg, W. Ainylomyces, β-; Behaviour of iu Starchy Insulating Material (P) 026
Liquids 1086 Insulating Material (P) 357
Glycogen ; Occurrence of in Distillery Yeasts, &c 1289 Rubber Scrap ; Devuicanising (P) 264
Henneberg, W. S., and Pape, E. C. H. Metals; Electrolytic Heyn, E. Mild Steel; The Overheating of 1398
Heywo;,d, H. W. See Welch, J . W 787
Precipitation and Amalgamation of (P) 55
Hibbard, H . D. Furnaces for Treating Manganese Steel, &c.
Henneberger, F. See Brett, C. G 104,697
Henning.F. See Holborn, L 1332 (V) 410
Henri, V. Enzymes ; Theory of the Action of Certain . . . . 1546 Hickman, A., and Hutchinson, W. Steel and Ingot I r o n ;
Invertase; Action of 268 Manufacture of (P) 409
Henrich, F., and Meyer, W. Amino-orcinol; Oxidation Pro- Hickman, J?. See Merrill, F . H 764,
ducts of 1450 Hicks, L. Mantle for Incandescence Gas-Lighting (P) 1129
Litmus ; Similarity of to Insoluble Oxidation Product Higginbotham, G. See Calico Printers' Association 857
of Amino-orcinol 1450 Higgins, C. Longuet. Carbonate of Lime ; Discussion on 530
Henriot, A. Photographic Plates for Producing Ink Impres-
sions (P) 68 -Proceedings of Annnal Meeting 957
Henriot, L. C. Photographic Plate for Reproducing Ink Im- Higgins, H . Wood; Apparatus for Drying and Impregnating
pressions (P) 1154 (P) 914
Henry, A. Chinese Wood Oil; Characteristics of 881 Wood: Apparatus lor Impregnating and Seasoning
(P) 550
Henry.T.A. See Dunstan, W. E 996 Higgins, J. F. B u r n e r ; Hydrocarbon (P) 1069
Hentschel, W. Phenylglycine; Preparation of (P) 1554 Hilbert, H. Glue and Gelatine; Manufacture of from
Hepburn, G. G. Azo Colours; Possible Methods for Produc- Bones (P) 1405
ing on the Fibre 404
Hepp, E. Polyaminoanthraquinone Sulpho-Acids; Manufac- Hilde and Kocgler. Glass Articles of Uniform Weight and
ture of (p) 1392,1530 Capacity (P) 1395
See Fischer, 0 1130,1274 Hildreth, T. F . Manganese i n Spiegel; Determination of 27:»
Heraeus, W. C. Manganese, Fusing Point of Metallic ; Deter- Hill, A. J . Cellulose Fabrics (P) 1074
minationof 552 Hill, A. J . E. Ootton Fabrics; Coating with Celluloid,
&c. (P) 912
Herard, J . See Bianitza, L. F. de 961
Hill, J . H.,andRivett, J . Evaporatiiig-Pan (P) 597
Herbig, W. Turkey-Red Oil; Analysis of 367 Hill, J . S, -See Dudderidge, F. 11 1156
Turkey-Red Oil; Research on 1275 Hill, L. M. Woods of British Gniana; The Constructional —— 1027
Herdman, G. A. Non-conducting Composition for Steam- Hill, B. T. Petroleum Oil-Field : The Beaumont .. 1228,1326
Boilers (P) 1C61 Hillebrand, W. F . Cement Analysis; Discussion on Stan-
Herfs, H. Paper; Water-proof and Fat-proof (P) 635 dardisation of 1221
H&issey, H. SeeBourquelot, E 1159,1251,1553 Cement Testing; Discussion on <S32
Silica; Common Errors in Determination of β-tl
Herkomnier and Bangerter. See Wuensch, A 1544
Hillig, O. M., and Mueller W. Drying Apparatus ; Continuous
Herman, J . Ores, Cupreous Sulphide; Treatment of (P) 1185
Vacuum (P) 690
Hermes, R. Asphalt; Production of Artificial (P) 1326
Hills, H. F. " Gas and Gas Fittings " 877
Hermite, E., and Cooper, C. F. Thermo-Electrie Couples (P) 125
Heron, J. Vegetable Extract; Manufacture of a (P) 360 Hills, R. Electrode ; Aluminium (P) : 259
AndRiley, W. A. Beer; Bottling of with Simulta- Hilt, W., and Lane, C. E. Precious Metals; Extraction of
neous Carbonation 868 (P) 11S5
Heroult, P. L. T. Furnace; Oscillating Electric ( P ) . . . . 1237 Hinchley, J . W. Carburetters for Explosion Motors (P) 539
Herrick, G. P. Blast Furnaces (P) 916 Separation of Solids which Differ in Specific Gravity 10
Herrick, J. A. Gas-Producer (P) 1068,1128,1128 Separators for Dry Granular Substances ; Centrifugal •—-
(P) .* • 326
Herring.W.H. Gas-Producers (P) 1020 Hinckley, H . Gas-Burners Self-extinguishing (P) 332
Retort Settings combined with Gas-Producer (P) 1127 Hindlev, E., and others. Yarn; Apparatus for Dyeing and
Hersey, F. C. See Winton, H. D 1549,1549 "Treating (P) 473
Hertkorn, J. Ether Explosions; Investigation of 789 And others. Yarns : Apparatus for Dyeing, &c. (P) 013
Wocd-Pulp ; Colour Reaction for 1041 Hindshaw, J . Plaster of Paris ; Treatment of - - (P) 1079
Hervey, J. J. Cyanide Tank (P) 957 Hinzke, A. Pulp Washing Apparatus (P) 986
Herz, E. Dyestuffs ; Blue Sulphur (P) 1275 Hippe E. E,, and Holm, T. Stones and Cement; Coloured
-See Weinberg, A 471 Designson (P) 1078
Herz, W. Chromates and Manganates; Analysis of 500 Hippie, A. H . Waterproofing of Materials (P) 474
Zinc Hydroxide ; Solubility of — - in Ammonia and Am- Hirsch, R. Phenolphthalein in Alcoholic Solution: Titrations
monium Bases 727 with 1298
Herzberg, R. Furnace for Fine Fuel (P) 962 Hirschmann, M.,and Heilnieier, V. Burnt Steel; Restoration
Herzberg, W. Paper for Wrapping Metals; Freedom from of (P) 1140
Chlorine and Acid of—— 718 H i r t , L . Centrifugal Machine for Sugar Manufacture (P) . . . 783
And Siebert, O. Dyestuff; Red Azo (P) 1073 Hirtenberger Patronen Zundhutchen, 4 c , vorm. Keller and
Eerzfeld. Beetroot Chips; Pressing before Drying 1287 Co. Fulminate Compositions (P) 1472
Herzfeld, A. Diffusion Residues ; Compression of 1189 Hirzel, H . Distilling Apparatus (P) > 1386
Herzig, J., and Pollak, J. Brasilin and Hematoxylin 608 Hlavati, F . Sugar; Extraction of (P) 1462
Hess, E. J . Air, Liquid ; Production of , and Apparatus Hobson, H. A., and the Concentrated Beer Co. Brewing ( P ) . 558
therefor (P) 345 Hochstetter, H . von. Acetic Acid and other Acids of the Fatty
Hess, F. Detonators; Treatment and Use of (P) 562 Group; Obtatamentof (P) 1469
Hesse, A. Biicheler's Process for Acidification of Seed-Yeast 632 Hodge, G. L. Mixer for Paper-making Machine (P) 1401)
Jasmine Perfume ; Formation of 187 Hodge, M. A. Hydrocarbon Burner (P) 1270
Yeast; Biicheler's Sulphuric Acid Process for Prepara-
tion of Distillery Seed 267 Hodgson, R,., and Holt, W. T. Salt; Appliance for Manu-
And Zeitschcl, O. Methyl Anthranilate in Essential Oils; facture of Broad (P) 548
Determination of 1102 Hoenig,M. Starch Syrups; Composition and Analysis of 1100
Hesse, O. Coca Leaves; Yellow Colouring Matters of . . . . 1551 Tanning Extracts; Manufacture of (P) 488
Ecgonine; Addition Product of 363 Hoepfner, C. Alkali-Metal Sulphates; Separation of from
Laudanine; Characteristics of 272 Solutious (P) 1027
Copper and Nickel; Extraction of from Sulphide
Heuberger.K. See Tschirch, A 1153,1551 Compounds (P) 1081
Hensner G F. SeeCook.E.R 1227 Metals; Extraction or from their Ores (P) 1081
Hewitt Dr. Whisky; Discussion on the Chemistry of . . . 818 Metals; Leachinu and Extraction of (Pj 1081

Hoeriscli, C. Stone; Hardening of Artificial (P) 175 Howe, H. 31. Crucible Furnace for Laboratory Use: Electric-
Hoert, R., and Marxsohn, L. Barley ; Apparatus for Washing Resistance Magnesia 69
and Aerating (P) 984 Howell, J., and Brew, S. J. Tinplate Manufacture (f) 1538
Hofer.H. See Muthmann, W 412 Howfield, A. J., and Colliver, G. V. Superheated Steam Pan
And Moest, M. Alcohols; Electrolytic Formation of (P) 1085
(P) '. 1237 Hoyer, E. See Connstein, W 1641
Holf, J. H. van't, und others. Oceanic Salt Deposits : Forma- Hoyermann, G. Phosphoric Acid : Rendering Soluble in
tion of Langbeinite 1277
HoSman, E. J. Fuel; Manufacture of Artificial (P) 1179 Citric Acid (P) 1146
Hoyermann, H. Ammonia; Conversion of Atmospheric
Hoffmann, C. Dye-stuff, Pyrone: Production of (P) 401 Nitrogen into 166
Hoffmann, M. K. See Friedheim, C 426 Hydrocyanic Acid ; Preparation of 166
Hoffmann la Roche, F., and Co. Salicyiide or Salicylic Alde- Hoyt, A. S. Adhesive Substance (P) 12S8
hyde; Manufacture of (P) 1194
Hofmann, C. Wood-Pulp; Determination of Moisture in 502
Hoz. A . Colours for Chemical Printing (P) 50
Hofmann, F., and Oallsen, J. Glycollic Menthyl Ester ( P ) . . . 1195 Printing Designs on Endless Bands of Textiles (1») B0
Hofmann, G. Dyestuffs, Basic; Discharging 170 Hua, H. Landolpiiin Pierrei: A Rubber Plant from Gabon .. 1544
Hofmann, K. A., and Strauss, E. Radio-active Substances.... 143
Huber, L. See Auwers, K 286
And others. Radio-active Substances. 1 726
Huberson, R. Aaillard-Desmaroux Apparatus for Sterilisation
And Zerbau, F. Thorium ; Radio-active 368 of AVater 034
Hogarth, J. Alimentary Substances and Beverages; Treat- Hubert, A. Absinthe; Examination of 131
ment of (P) 558 Tartaric Acid in Lees and Tartar: Determination of Total
Hohenemser, W. See Liebermann, C 855 194
Holborn. Electric Furnace for the Laboratory 792 Huck, A., and Fischer, L. Printing Surfaces for Photographic
Holborn, L., and Henning, F. Metals of the Platinum Group ; Pictures (P) 1554
Disintegration and Recrystallisation of , . . . 1331,1332 Huebl, A. von. Sepia Platinum Paper, with Cold Develop-
ment 138
Holde, D. Datura Oil 1459 Platinoiypes (Sepia) by Cold Development 6S
Olive Oil; Solid Fatty Acids of 126 Huebner. J. Ignition Strips for Use with Miners' Safety Lamps
And Mareusson. Rosin in Fats, &c.; Determination (P) 1240
of - 930 Huebner, R. See Bleachers' Association 1328
Holden.E. See Lones, J. and J 555 Hueller, G. See Gutbier, A 1350
Holland, A. Centrifugal Machine for Sugar (P) 628,1086 Huelsberg and Co. Wood, &c.; Impregnation of (P).... 1028
Holland, C. E. Water Purifier and Filter: Portable (P) 270 Huething, O. See Walbaum, H 1095
Holleman, A. F. " Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry " 798 Hufferath, A. BiamidB : Derivatives of with Closed
Hollings, A. Guncotton ; Press for (P) 276 Atomic Groups. III. Pyrazolone-3-Acetic Acid 6S
And others. Evaporating and Distilling Apparatus (P) . . 904 Hughes, G. H. Cattle-Food; Production of (P) 1191
Holm,C.L. See Dahlqvist, J. A 1464 Oil-Gas; Production of (P) 1269
Holm, T. See Hippe, E. E 1078 Hughes, H. A. Bottle-Wax; Composition of (P) 204
Holmboe, L. O. B. See MeCullough, C. H. jun 977 Hughes, J. Superphosphate; Treatment of for Fertilising
Holmes. Milk; Discussion on Composition of 1513
Holmes, C . J . Artificial Fuel; Manufacture of - — (P) 1323 Purposes 129
Holmes, I. V. Centrifugal Separator (P) 959 Hughes, J. S. Wood-Pulp: Forming of (F) 362
Holmes, P. F. and E. D., and Cameron, E. G. Gases; Appa- Wood-Pulp Press (P) 362
ratus for Washing (P) 1524 Hughes, W.B. Kilns for Burning Bricks and Pottery (P) ... 708
Holmes, T. Fibrous Substances ; Treatment of (P) 1093
Holmes, W. P., and Hodge, L. M. See Hodge, M. A 127(1 Steel; Manufacture of • by the Open-Hearth Process (P) 482
Holt.T. See Ellis, S. H 1535 Hughes, W. G. Incandescence Gas-lighting and Gas-heating
Holt, W. T. See Hodgson, R 548 Appliances (P) 962
Holzmann, G. Invertase of "i'easi 1340 Huillard, A. Drying Apparatus (P) 13S6
Homan, W. C. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1527 Huldscliinsky, E. See Rosenheim, A 141,1351
S««Beck,.C. W 1325 Hulin, P. L. Hydrogen Dioxide; Production of (P) 364
Homolka, B., and Liebknecht, O. Dyestuffs; Indoxyl • Hulsebosch, M. L. O. van L. See Berntrop, J. C 1323
(P) 1073 Hulst, N. P. Moisture in Lake Superior Iron Ores 1279
Honiball, C. R. Evaporating and Heating Apparatus (P) . . . . 596 Hult, C. A. and O. W. Centrifugal Separators for Milk (P) .. 492
Honts, G. W. Carburetter (P) 764 Hultgren, ,1. P. Cream Separator; Centrifugal (P) 1291
H o o d . J . J . See Spence, F. M 253 Humfrey, J. C. W. Lead ; Effects of Strain on Crystalline
Hooker.J.H. Food Products (P) 269 Structure of ——- 1234
Hooper, E. Grant. Alcohol Duiy ; Discussion on 830 Humphrey, E. E. See Sanderson, H. W. 1231
Spirits; Discussion on Maturing of 101 Humphrey, H. A. Gases: Centrifugal Apparatus for Purify.
Whisky ; Discussion on the Chemistry of 818 ing (P) 1322
Hopfelt, R. Carbide Electrodes for Arc Lamps (P) 1270
Electrodes for Arc Lamps; Forming (P) 1525 Gases; Purification of (P) 1226
Electrodes for Arc Lamps (P) 964, 961,1179 Humphrey, R. L. Cements; Inspection and Testing of .. 1279
Hopkins, E. H. Zinc; Obtainment of (P) 1401 Hunker, j . M. Coke-Oven (P) 1526
Zinc free from Lead; Obtainment of (P) 54 Hunt. Leathers Dyed with Coal-Tar Colours; Discussion
Hopkins, P. See Byers, H . G 1228,1238 on 158
Hopp.J. See Moehrer, P. F . V 699 Hunt.B. Metals; Extraction of (P) 776
Hopper, J. L. Ore-Roaster (P) 114a Hunt, F. W. Iodine Value of Oils ; Comparison of Methods
Horak, J. Bricks; Manufacture of Highly Fire-proof (P) 1078 for Determining 454
Hornby, J . " The Gas Engineers' Laboratory Handbook," Hunt.J.O. SfeBain.T.F 353
2nd Edition 567 Hunter, J. A. Furnace : Metallurgical (P) 977
Horne,J.E. See Barrett, C. E 272 Hunter, R, M. Electric Welding (P) 486
Hamung und Rabe, Actienges. vorm. Sugar, Raw; Manufac- Huntington, A. K. Metals; Apparatus for Squirting Heated
ture of (P) 60 (P) 350
Horrocks, \V. See Cromptcn, W. H 405 Huntington, W. S. Lumber; Manufacture of from Wood-
Horsin-Deon, P. Sugar-Works ; Compression and Utilisation Pulp (P) 1331
of Steam in (P) 629 Hurry, E. H.,and Seaman, H. J. Portland Cement; Manu-
See Delafond 1463 facture of and Apparatus therefor (P) 1079
Horst, P. Cevadine: Decomposition of 722
Hurst, P. Polygonum Persicaria 66
Cocaine Hydrochloride; Decomposition of 186 Hussey, C. A., and Clarke, S. G. Batteries; Primary (P) 411
Polygonum Fersicaria; Essential Oil of 790 Hussong, J. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 614
flosoa,L.K. Carbon-Oil Heater (P) 763 Hutchison Acoustic Co. Cells of Electric Batteries; Dry or
Houben, J. Methylnonylketoxinie ; Isomerisation of . . . . 1468
Semi-Dry (P) 978
Hue; German oil of 1468 Hutchinson, E. S. Sawdust; Apparatus for Distilling (P) 246
Hongh.A. Explosives; Manufacture of (P) 1471 Hutchinson, \)~. See Hickman, A 40!)
Houston, Dr. See Kiein, Dr 718 Huth.M. See Froelich, 0 351
Hovestadt, H. " Jena Glass and its Scientific and Industrial Huth, P., and Lippert, W. Rosin Oil; Production and Uses
Applications " 1552 of 1336
Hyatt, H. Gas-Producer (P) 245
Hydrocarbon Smelting Co. See Boss, M. P 1400
Hyros and Kak. Beetroots, &c, Extraction of Juice from
(P) 1462

Jahr, R. " Paramol"; a New Developer 188
I Jahrmarkt, F. M. See Julius, P 610
Jakabhazy. Rhubarbs; European and Chinese 1153
PAGB Jalowetz, E. Beer; Sulphur Dioxide in 1088
Ibbotson, F. See Brarley, H 1251 James, A. " Cyanide Practice " 78
Ichthyol-Ges. Cordes Hermanui and Co. See Helmers, L. O. 1290 James, D. P. Alloy as a Substitute for Gold (P) 1281
Ievers,E.F. See Pearse, H 1231 James, R. H. Casein Phosphate ; Manufacture of (P) 717, 71
Iles.M.W. SeeSheedy.D 1401 Jamieson, B. K. Armour Plates ; Tempering ol (P) . 482, 483
Illingworth, R , and others. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 1025 Solutions for Tempering Steel (P) 483
Ilmer, R. Molasses; Action of Potassium Iiactate in Forming Jandus Arc Lamp and Electric Co. and Jones, A. D. Lamps;
1189 Electric Are (P) 1226
Iltz.J. Photographic Baths (P) C61 Jankowsky, W. Enamelling Metal Ware (P) 256
Imbert. Cocaine Hydrochloride; Rotatory Power of 1346 Jansen, B. Rotary Cutters; Manufacture of (P) 1080
Ingham.T. Agglutinating Material for Making Briquettes (P) 163 Janz, J. Mantles, Incandescence; Apparatus for Burning
Alginates; Manufacture of Alkaline (P) 638 Down (P) 598
Briquettes ; Manufacture of (P) 600 Jaquet. Discharges on Aniline Black, Marine Blue, and Woo)
Ingham, \V\, and Langton, B. Kiln ; Improved Bottom for Bordeaux 1453
Hoffmann • (P) 550 Jarvis.G. A. See Hollings, A 904
Ingle, H. Hubl's Reaction; Origin and Nature of the Free Jaubert, G. F. Alloys of the Alkali 3Ietals; Manufacture of
Acid formed during 587 (P) 1281
" Manual of Agricultural Chemistry " 729 Oxygen Gas; Pastile for Making (P) 408
Innian, E. R. Carburetter (P) 908 Oxygen ; New Method of Preparing 614
International Chemical Co. Composition for Use as a White Sodium Peroxide; Compression of (P) 1278
Pigment, and Manufacture thereof (P) 356 Jean. Casein ; Use of in Sizing and Finishing Textiles
International Fuel Co. See Koeneman, W. A 1323,1323 (P) , 1533
International Leather Co. See "Walter, C. M.. 1544 Jean, F. Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide; Determination of
International Oil Furnace Co. See Ward, J 461 Chestnut Extract in Oak Extract; Detection and Deter-
International Smoke Prevention Co. Smote from Boiler Fires; mination of 1476
Apparatus for Preventing (P) 697 Resin in Beeswax; Determination of 428
Intze.O. Tanks for Liquids (P) 1125 Jeancard. P., and Satie, C. Neroli and Petit Grain: Essential 67
Ipatiew, W. Pyrogenetic Contact Reactions of Organic Com- Oilsof
pounds. II 567,567 Jeanmaire, P. Indanthrene Blue; Printing with 545
Irish, F. L. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1527 Jeffers.E.H. See Thome, L. T 792
Irvine, T. A. Copper Extraction by the Wet Method ( P ) . . . 54, 776 Jefferson, A. M. Rare Earth Metals; Aromatic Bases as Pre-
Irving, D., and others. Gas-Producers (P) 1445 cipitants for i)2'J
Irwin, A. I. Ore; Apparatus for Extracting Metal from • Jegler, T. Fibres ; Producing Patterns on by Carbonising
(P) 355 (P) 1531
Irwin, W. Soot Deposited on Manchester Snow 533 Jenks,C. C. Paper of Variable Thickness (p) 925
Isbell, C. W. Gas; Apparatus for Manufacture of (P) 334 Jensen, O. Butter; Rancidity of 786
Gas; Manufacture of Illuminating (P) 1180 Jewell,J.H. Distilling Apparatus (P) 326,718
Gas Retort; Vertical (P) 963
Iscovesco, M. Butter; Refining and Preserving of (P).. 1408 Job, A. Glucose and Cerium Carbonates 795
Isserlis, I. Kiln lor Lime, Cement, &c. (P) 480 Oxidation ; New Method of Induced 795
Job, R. Metal of Railway Bearings; Investigation of . . . 974
Istrati, C. I. Aniline; Products of Oxidation of by And Young, J. B. Arsenic Contents of certain Pennsyl-
Atmospheric Oxygen 1448 vania Anthracites 693
Ittner, M. H. Purity of Standard Drugs, &c.; Discussion on Joel, C. J. See Hemingway, J 1067
143S Johnson, A. Filters ; Construction of (P) 597
Itzig, H. Potassium Cyanide and Cuprous Sulphocyanide; Oil-Burner (P) 963
Interaction of 288
Johnson, B. L. Soap; and Method of Making same (P) 1543
Ives.F.D. S«s Abbot, M. S 723
Johnson, E. L. Cotton-seed Oil; Extraction of • (Pj 263
Izart, I. Antimony ; Electrolytic Production of 12S7 Johnson, H., and Frier, G. W. Steel; Manufacture of (P) 410
And Thomas. Antimony ; Electric Separation of (P). 1541 Johnson, P. Sampling; Automatic System of • 724
Johnson, S. H. Lamps; Electric Arc- (P) 540
Johnson, W. McA. Anodes ; Electrolytic Solution of Soluble
Metallic 1540
Cell; Voltaic Dry - — (P) 354-
Johnston, J. Burner; Hydrocarbon-vapour (P) 1022
And Dobbs, A. E. Vapour-Burners (P) 1067
Jablin-Gonnet. Hydrogen Peroxide as a Milk-Food Pre- Jolles, A- Albuminous Substances ; Obtainment of from
servative 420 Blood (P) 1191
Jack, T. B. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating and Proteins; Digestibility of 132
Storing (P) S97 Joly, B. Carbouation and Sulphitatioii; Vessels for (P). S21
Joly, C. Gases; Compression, Expansion, &c. of (P) — 901
.Tackling, D. C. Furnace; Ore-Roasting • (P)... 1142 And Richardson, E. J. Air and other Gases ; Liquefaction
Jacks, F . S . a n d W . D . " Carburetter " (P) 601 of (P) 1386
Jackson, D. D. Bacterial Action; Precipitation of Iron, Jones.A.D. See Jandus Electric Co 1226.
Manganese, and Aluminium by 681 Jones.C. See Shepherd, E. S 497
Jackson, H.D. See Pursall, A. J 463 Jones.E.A. Pulp-Beating Engine (P) 635
Jackson, J. M., and Kiesel, O. Solder for Aluminium, &c. (P) 1537 Jones, F. J. C. Metals ; Adding Carbon to (P) 915
Jackson, P. G. Cod Oil Analysis; Discussion on 694 Jones, F. W. Explosives; Manufacture of New (P) 1097
J-ckson W. B. Smoke, Fumes, and Gases; Apparatus for Gunpowder(P) 498
Condensing (P) 905 Gunpowder; Treatment of (P) :,
Jacob, M. C. H. Silk ; Machine for Sizing Raw (P) 546 Jones, H. C. "The Elements of Physical Chemistry J33
Jacob, O. Barley; Influence of Duration of Steepin? on Ger- And Carroll, C. G. Hydrogen Peroxide; Lowering tlie
mination of 784 Freezing Point of Aqueous Solutions ot 1352
Jacobs, C. B. Barium Compounds; Manufacture of Soluble Jones, J . L . J u n . Burner; Oil (P) 132*
from Barytes in the Electric Furnace 391 Jones, L. B. and E. R. See Irish, F. L 1527
Pigment, and Manufacture thereof (P) 2tSS Jones, L. E. Disinfecting Device (P) !)25
Refractory Material; Manufacture of (P) 1397
Sulphuric Acid ; Electrolytic Manufacture of (P) . . . 1077 Jones, R. H. H. Glazes; Crimson 1454
Jacob" P. Powdered Materials; Machine for Mingling Jones, "W. G. Refuse and Garbage; Treatment of (P) . . 634
(P) 959 Jorat.P. Acetylene Generator (P) 1447
Jacobsen. See Paas 1405 Jordan,F. G. Portland Cement; Manufacture of ( P ) . . . 973.
Jacolliot M. Steel; Use of the Electric Are in Manufacture Jordan, H. W. Aluminium HyJrate; Manufacture of (P) 254
Of (P) H59 Jorgensen, C. J. Colour Scale (P) 1275
Jacauemin. Hsematein; Manufacture of (P) 1529 Jorissen, A. Naphthol; Distinction between a-and/3 . . 1157
Jacquemin, G. Tissues ; Printing of (P) 704 Joslin, O. T. See Schmidt, H. B 1084
Yeasts; Preparing and Using Low Fermentation (P) 786 Josse, A. Sugar Crystals Coloured throughout 714.
Joulie, H. Sodium Phosphate; A New 49*

Jonsset, C, and yicKay, W. K. Fuel, Artificial; Manufacture Kastle, J. H., and Loevenhart, A. S. Ferments; Nature of
Of (P) 696 Oxidising 196
Jovino* 8. See Ampola, G 997 And Reed, J. V. Mercuric Iodide in Solution; Nature
ol 501
Jowett.H. A. D., and Potter, C. E. Salicin and Salinierin; And Shedd, O. M. Phenolphthalin as a Reagent for Osi-
Variations in Occurrence of • '. 1153 dising Ferments 280
Joyce, T. G. Quinine Camphorate 63ii Katsuyama, K. Lactic Acid; Formation of 423
See Lorimer and Co 1096 Katz, J. Caffeine; Quantitative Determination of 1300
Juejtner. H. von. Slags and Smelting Product?; Sulphur Kar.ffman, W. H. Silver; Losses of in Cupelling 991
Content of 709 Kaufler, F. Methoxyl in Bodies containing Sulphur ; De-
/nergens, J. F . C. See Sieverts, \V. H. A 464 termination of 2S3
Juergensen and Bauschlieher. Olives; Utilisation of Ex- See Gnehm, R rill
pressed Residue of 6tO Kaufmann, L. See Sachse, 0 548
Juhasz,F. GasLighters (P) 332 Kaufmann, O. Mantle for Incandescence Gas Lamps ( P ) . . . . 1326
Julien. Acetylene Generator (P) 1447 Kausehke, P. Leather Dyeing 705
Jnlien, 31. Milk Rich in Cream ; Production of (P) 1035 Kayser, A. Alumina; Separation of from Silica (P) 1232
Julius, P. Dye; Brown-Violet Azo (P) 1328 Kayser. E. C. Calico Printing; Novel Effects in 968
See Schultz, Von G <J97 Calico printing; Producing Naphthylamino Bordeaux
And Gunther, F. Dyestuffs; Compound fo;- Producing in 1276
Azo (P) 153D Dyestuffs, Azo; Printing with 1073
And Gunther. Dyestuff; Red Azo (P) 610 "Indigo Salt T " ; Application of • 170
And Jahrmarkt, F. M, Cliloranisidine ; Manufacture of Prirauline Red; Dyein* Reserve Effects on 770
(P) 610 Kaysser, O. Water; Sterilising and Maintaining Sterilised
And Tkatsch, A. See Badisclie Anilin und Soda Fabrik . . 33S (P) 1408
Jnng, C. Glass ; Defects in 171 Kazakowslci, S. See Kowaiski, M 921
Junghahn, A. Sulphonio Acid 1418 Kazanezky, P. Carbonates; Action of Hydrogen Peroxide
Jungner, E. W. Electrodes for Accumulators (P) 1082 on 645-
Positive Electrode for Accumulators (P) 353 Kearns, T. E. White-Lead Drier (P) 625
Junius, G . E . See Gouthiere, H 59,1088 SeeGabel.H. M 356
Juritz, C. F. Quinine Tree ; South African 1294 Keay, J. A. Reservoirs for Inflammable Liquids (P) 1445
Jursehina, F . Stone; Manufacture of Artificial •—- (P) 973 Kebler, Lyman F. Linseed ; Ground adulterated with
Stone; Manufacture of Artificial Acid-proof (P) 915 Mineral Oil 262.
Just, A. Incandescent Bodies for Electric Glow Lamps ( P ) . 333 Keeble, A. J. Bricks and Tiles, 4c.; Manufacture of (P) 257
Just, F . Fluorine Salt; Use of Eff ront's in the Distillery 131 Kehrmaiin, F. Dyestuffs; Constitution of Oxazine and
Just, J . A. Baking-Powder : Production of (P) . . . . 360,360, Thiazide 767
881, 787,1191 Dyestuffs, Thiazine, and Intermediate Products; Prepara-
Casein; Manufacture of Adhesive (P) 357 tion of (P) 37
Casein ; Obtaining Pure Solutions of (P) 271 And Ssager, A. Azoxone ; The Simplest 337
Casein Phosphate ; Preparation of (P) 361 Keil, F. A. See Godwin, A. H 907,1278
Insoluble Composition for Coating (P) 1541 Keiner, F. W. See Walter, S. L 916
Milk ; Preserving in Dry Form (P) 1548 Keith, D. S. Generators for Acetylene and other Gases (P).. 1269
Justin-Mueller, E. Aniline Black ; Immedial Blacks as Grey Keith, J., and G. High-Pressure Burners for Incandescent
Reserves under 250 Lamps (P) 1446
Keith, N. S. Ores ; Treatment of Copper and other - — (P). 864
Keller, C. A. Alloys; Manufacture and Treatment of (P) 410
Metals and Allovs; Obtainment of , and Furnaces
therefor (P) ". 354
Keller.E, Alloys; Production of (P) l>20
K Keller, H.. and Knappich, J. Acetylene Gas-Generators (P). 851
See Goldschmidt, II 1391
Kaczorowski, A. Centrifugal Machine for Sugar (P) 630 Kellner, C. Zinc; Extraction of , from Waste Products
Sugar Loaves; Apparatus for Covering and Liquoring (P) .- 351
(P) 783 Kellond, R. A. Peat Fuel; Manufacture of (P) 1526
Kahl, H. See Bamme, G 860 Kell;r, G. Heat-Insulating Board, &c. (P) 347
Kahl, L. Para-cresol Oxalic Ester; Preparation of—— (P) . 1553 Kelly.J.D. See A shton, N. T 915
Kahlbaum, G. W. A. Metals: Distillation of in Vacuo .. 118 Kelly, W. T. Gas-Producer (P) 1526
And others. Metals ; Distillation of 480 Kelsey, L. L. Glue; Apparatus for Manufacture of (P). 1189
Kahn, A., and Heberlein, M. Combustibles ; Increasing the Kemp.C.M. Carburetters ; Construction of (P) 599
Heat of (P) 330 Kemp, J. F. Platinum and its Associated Metals 709
Kahn, P. Mercerising Apparatus (P) 1133 Kemp-Welch, J . S. Producer-Gas'Apparatus (P) 1446
Kaiser, A. Starch; Determination of Potato 428 Kempf.K. See Sachs, F 511
Wood-pulp ; Colour Reaction for 725 Kendall, E. D. Gold ; Electrolytic Precipitation of 863
Kalle and Co. Colouring Matter; Production of Black Sul- Metals; Extraction of Precious (P) 977
phur • (P) 39
Dyestuff, Blue ; Production of (P) 170 Metals ; Recovery of —— (P) 711
Dyestuff, Sulphide ; Manufacture and Purification of Kendrick, W. J. and W. T. Disinfectants; Manufacture
(P) 402 of (P) 925
Dyestuffs; Black containing Sulphur (P) 54S
Dyestuffs ; Brown Sulphur (P) 543 Kennedy.H. Coke Ovens (P) 1526
Dyestuffs, Sulphide , and Material for Manufacture Kennedy.M.B. See Campbell, E. D 1398-
of (P) 1131 Kennedy, \V. Coke-making: Plant for (P) 245
Dyestuffs; Sulphide (P) From Bonati 610,610
Mono-alphyl-a1-Nf.phthylamine-a4-Sulphonic Acid; Pro- Kennicott, C. L. Water; Apparatus for Purifying (P) 1036,1192
duction of — - (P) •**> Kenrick, E. B. Artesian Water Supply of Winnipeg City,.... 746
And F. B. Tartaric Acid; Application of Polarimetry to
Kalmann, A. Peat-fibre Pulp ; Manufacture of (P) 428 the Determination of 1417
Kalmann, W. Mould in Sheep's Wool; Origin of 1132 Keppeler, G. Acetylene; Impurities in, and Purification of
Kaltenback, M. Vacuum Filter Presses with Rotary Drums 1386
(P) 82 Sulphuric Acid Manufacture; The Contact Process of lias^
latum, L. Oxygen Generators (P) 1077 Keppich, P. Tin; Electrolytic Separation of from Waste 621
Kapferer, C. A. See Friz, 0 708 Kern, A. See Lundquist, 1 538
Kapff, S. Wool; Influence of Mordanting Assistants on Spin- Item, C. A. See Spreckels, C. A 715, 784, 784, 682
ning Property of 612 Kershaw, J. B. C. Chlorates ; Niagara Falls Process for Elec-
Kappel,W. Bunsen Burners (P) 331 trolytic T15
Karavodine, V. Slinerals; Treating by Heat and Pres- Electro-Chemical and Electro-Metallurgical Industries . . . 565
sure (P) 1534 Kertesz, A. Sulfur Colours; Process of Dyeing (P) 471
Kare, A, Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1129
Kessler, F. Sugar Diffusion Process ; Continuous (P) . . . 1147"
Karutz, P. Soap ; Mixing Apparatus for Manufacture of
Kessler, H. Acetyl Chloride and the Anhydrides of the Fatty
(P) 1238
Acids; Production of (P) 561
Kaserer, H. Fluids containing Free Acids or Acid Salts;
Caoutchouc; Regeneration of Old Vulcanised 35?
Clearing (P) 1548
Kessler, J. C. Insect-Repellant (P) 124J
Ktssler, P. Fatty Acids; Distillation of 486, 553

Kesztler, E. Starch Manufacture ; Treatment of Lower Grade Knapstcin, C. Dveing with Alizarin Dyestuffs:, New Method
Products in 082 of .' 1328
Ketcham, G. W. Enamelling Metal-Ware (P) 1232 Kneclit, E. Basic Dyes ; Behaviour of to Wool and Silk.. 611
Keukelaere, G. de. Dveing Machines for Textiles (P) 48 Dyeing; Theory of 544
Hydrosulphites; Productionof (P) 771
Dyeing Textiles in the Cop (P) 857 Soot Deposited on Manchester Snow ; Discussion on . . 584
Keyes, W. D. Glass ; Apparatus for Refining and Delivering Textile Fabrics; Resist and Discharge on (P) 969
(P) 859 And others. Textiles; Preventing Local Production of
Kiesel.O. See Jackson, J . M 1537 Colour during Printing of (P) 1531
And P., Spence and Sons. Textiles; Discharging Dved
Kilby, F . Kiln for Cement, Lime, &e. (V) 973 (P) . . . : . . . 1025
Kiliani, H., and Naegell, H . Saccharin ; Meta- and Para- 1418 Knietscb, R. Sulphuric Acid ; Manufacture of by Contact
Eillian, J . S. Gas from Crude Petroleum; Device for Gene- Process 172,343
rating (P) 600 Sulphuric Anhydride ; Apparatus for Manufacture of
Killing, C. Gas-Burners; Incandescence (P) 31 (P) 345
Killoa, H. B. Sewage; Apparatus for Automatic Discharge Sulphuric Anhydride; Production cf (P) 253
of (P) 559 Knight, E. M., and Hawkridge, J. Filters; Construction of
Kiimer, F . B. Purity of Standard Drugs, &c.: Discussion (P) 458
on 1*36 Knight, H. Bituminous Compounds : Apparatus and Method
Kimball, P . L. Centrifugal Separator for Milk (P) 1543
Separating Apparatus; Centrifugal (P) 985 for Working (P) 1397
Kimoto, C. Cryptomeria Japonica: Essential Oil of . . . . 1552 Knight, W. C. Platinum : Discoverv of in Wyoming . . . . 200
Kincaid, F . L. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1069 And Slosson, E. E. Oil-Field : The Newcastle 1071)
Kindermann, P . Level-Indicators for Liquid Containers (P) 596 Knoesel, C. Alcoholic Fermentation; Action of Some
King. A. J . Effluents ; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Antiseptics on 785
Discharge of — 582 Knoesel, T. Manure: Utilising Waste Liquors from Sulphite
King, C. A. Sterilising Machine for Eottled Beer (P) 1S44 Cellulose Manufacture as 489
King, F . G. Ore-Separators; Magnetic • (P) 1399 Knoespel, H. E. Glass; Opaque and Coloured (P) 347
Kinnicut. L. P., and Eddy, H. B. Sewage containing Acid Iron Knoevenagel, E., and Elber, E. Hvdroxylamine and Hydrazine
Salts 1092 Salts; Use of in Qualitative Analysis 1296
Kinsey, H.. and others. Acetylene Gas : Apparatus for Gene- Knoll and Co. Anthrapurpurin Biaeetate; Manufacture of
rating and Storing (P) 397 (P) 67
Kinsey, J . P . Water; Apparatus for Purifying (P). 631 Knorr, E. See Baeyer, A 1273
Kionka, H. Sulphurous Acid and its Salts ; Poisonous Action See Koenigs, W 196
of 633 Knorre, G. von. Manganese; Determination of -—• 72
Kipping. Insoluble Frits for Pottery Glazes; Discussion And Schaefer, E. Potassium Tungsten Bronze 1403
on 322
Kipping, F . Stanley. Alloys of Copper and Manganese ; Dis- Kuoth, H. Steel; Manufacture of (P) 1537
cussion on • 844 Knox, G.F. ^ee Eisner,J. A 394
Kieldabl's Method Applied in the Tanyard; Discussion Knox, J., and others. Brewing and Distilling Apparatus (P). 632
on 841 Knox, W. J. Gas; Manufacture of , and Apparatus there-
Sampling Shoddy, &c.; Discussion on • • 106 for (P) 1066
Kirkland, E . R. See Vrooman, N. L 271,1036,1036 Lining for Furnaces or Converters (P) 1400
Kirkpatrick,J. J . See Lishman, W. W. L 969 Ovens for Coking, Annealing, &c. (P) 1066
Kirkpatrick-Picard, H . F . Zinc; Extraction of - — from Knox, W. R. Cement; Hydraulic Fireproof (P) 1140
SulphideOres (P) 351 Knudsen, E. Ores, Unroasted Sulphide: Treatment of -.
Zinc; Recovery of from Sulphide Ores (P) 124 and Apparatus therefor {Y) 123
/SeeSulman, H. L 10S1,1234
Kirsanow, W. Blasting Cartridges (P) 561 Knudsen, I. P. B. Cream Separator (P) 1549
Knuettel, F. Malt Drum (P) 268, 491
Kirsten, A. Milk; Decrease in the Acidity of 360
Knutsen, H. Diehl's Cyanide Cold Process 1029
Kiss, E. J . Amalgamator for Refractory Ores (P) 863 Koale Sava Manufacturing Co. Coal; Composition for In-
Kissling, E . Tobacco; Chemistry of 1104 creasing Efficiency of (P) 330
Kistiakowsky, W. A. Double Salts; Electro-Chemistry of 124 Koch, E. See Wittenberg, W. W 1286
K i t s t e I. Sugar-Juices; Decolorising (P) 57 Koch, H. Copper in Iron ; Electrolytic Determination of 563
Kitsee, J . Pyroxylin Compound (P) 925 Koch.M. See Tschirch, A 712
Kitson Hydrocarbon Heating Co. See Curran, P. B 1069 Koch, R., and Rothenberg, L. Incandescence Gas Lamps (P) 1269
Kitson, A. Lamps; Incandescence Vapour (P) 117'J Kochs, E., and Seyfert, F. Lithopone; Characteristics of 1145
Vapour ; Apparatus for Burning Incandescent (P) .. 1388 Koechlin, E. Dyestuff, Black ; Manufacture of a (P).. 40, 40
1388,1389 Koechlin, H. Wool; Printing Coloured Grourds on 47
Vapour-burning Apparatus (P) 539,9lil
Koechlin. R. Resists under Steam Colours upon Woollen
Klaires, A. Pyrazoles from 7.3-Diketones and Diazo-actetic Tissues 703
Ester; Synthesis of 768 Koegler. See Hilde 1395
Klahn,E. See Miller, T, and E 961 Koehler, A. Fuel: Apparatus for Spraving and Burning
Klappert, E. m-Nitrophenol; Electro-Chemical Reduction Liquid - — (P) 1270
of 1334 Koelner Akkumulatoren-Werks. India-Rubber Tubes; Manu-
Klauder, J. H. A. Mercerising Apparatus (P) 1531 facture of Long (P) 357
Kleemann, "VV. Ether Explosions ; Cause of 789 Koeneman, W. A. Artificial Fuel Briquettes (P) 1323,1323
Klein, Dr. Disinfection Experiments ; Report on 718 Furnace for Ores (P) 1538
Klein, E., and Workman, O. P. Antiseptic Soap Cake ( P ) . . . . 1408 Koenig.J. See Skraup, Z. H 144
Klein.L. See Pellet, H 179 Koenigs. W., and Knorr, E. Heptacetyhnaltose Nitrate and
Kleine A. Flask for Determination of Carbon in Iron and Heptacetyl-6-methylmalto3ide; Research on 196
Steel 1097 Koenigsdorf, H. Cores for Castings; Preparation of: (P). 1080
Kleinewefers, W. Mercerising Process (P) 771 Koenitzer, F.F. Dyeing Apparatus ; Centrifugal (P) . . . 473
Kleinschmidt, C. "Wood; Compound for Preserving (P). 708 Koens, J. H. Saponaceous Product for Horticulture, &c. (P) 1345
Klenk, G. Tannin Extracts; Manufacture of (P) 1462 Koerting, E. Furnaces for Liquid Fuel (P) 331
Klepetko, F. See Evans, W. J 1068 Koester, E. J. A. Leather ; Production of Chrome ( P ) . . . 11S9
And Evans, W. J. Roasting Furnaces (P) 1185 Koetschet, J. Dyestuffs: Triphenylmethane (P) 1275
Klett, C. L., andPotel, A. P. Organic Substances: Preserva- Orthosulphonated Toluylic Aldehydes (P) 1276
tion of (P) 1464 Sulphinide; Substituted , and Manufacture thereof
Klic, K., and Poppe, O. Linoleum : Manufacture of Inlaid (P) 364
(P) 625 Kohlrausch, F., and Dolezalek, F. Silver Bromide and Iodide ;
Klimont, J. Cacao-Butter; Composition of 486 Solubility of in Water 429
Fatty Acids ; Action of the Higher on Normal Alkali Kohn, C. A. Photometer and Pentane Burner; Discussion on
Carbonates 126 New 315
Glycerides of Fatty Acids: Action of Superheated Steam Proceedings of Annual Meeting 951
on 126 Kohnkc, Q. &e Mims, J. C 1528
Klinger, R. Acetylene Gas-Generators (P) 1067 Kohnstamm, L. See Sherman, H. S E64
Knappe, P. A. Amalgamator, and Method of Amalgamating Kolb, A. Thoria Earths ; Precipitating and Separating .. 1093
Metals (P) 1331 Kolb, G. Steel; Composition for Hardening • (P) 552
Knappich.J. Sep. Keller, H Sol Keller, Dr. T. " Utilisation of Waste Products " 1159
Kolkr, R, Sec Floetji A 339

Sollrepp, A., and Wohl, A. Juices ; Electrolytic Purification Krutwig, J. Chrome-Tanning; Researches on 1239
of—- (P) 154i Kudisch, D. Kerosenes from Kieff; Commercial 607
See Wohl, A 630 Kueekenhoener, H. Drying Apparatus and Process (P) 1019
Kondakow, J. Hydro-aromatic Series : Synthesis in the Kuegelgen, F. von. Reduction with Calcium Carbide;
under Action of Zinc Chloride 646
Thujone; Constitution of 1152 Equation of Reaction in 1332
Thujyl Series; Isomeric Transformations in the 1152 Kuehling, O. Hydrochloric Acid and Nitric Acid; Relative
Koninck, L. L. de. Ferric Oxide; Potassium Thiocyanate as Strengths of ——- 115
an Indicator in the Reduction of 71 Metallic Oxides; Action of Carbon Dioxide and Alkali
Manganese: New Reaction for 873 Salts on 115
Nitrates, Chlorates, &c.; New Reaction for —— 873
Perchlorides of Lead and Manganese; Composition of •—• 873 Kuespert, F. Colloidal Silver; Experiments on Formation
Koning, J. Textiles; "Washing , with Recovery of of 1301
Kuester, F. W.,and Abegg, F. Zinc; Volumetric Determina-
Reagent (P) 1183 tion of 1557
Konold.O. See Krieger, H. G 1554 Kufferath, A. Indigo Reduction with Zinc Dust and Ammonia 1273
Kopp, F. T. Molvbdenum Steel; Volumetric Determination Kuhara, M., and Chikashigc, M. Indigo ; Methyl Derivatives
of ...". 502 of 247
Koppers, H. Coke-Ovens and Retorts ; Preventing Leakage Kuhn, R. Coke-Ovens ; Making tight (P) 1067
of Gases from (P) 1127 Kuhn, R. P. Formaldehyde Lamp (P) 870
Coke-Ovens ; Regenerative • (P) 762 Kukla, A. Malt; Sulphuring of 61
Gas-Water ; Continuous Apparatus for Treating (Pj. 765
torn, A. Photographic Images; Method and Apparatus for Eull, A. L. Carburetter or Mixing Valve (P) 463
Kullgren, C. Inversion; Studies on 1339
Producing (P) 9S9 Rummer, R. A. Gas-Generator (P) 600
Korn, W. See Dupr£, jun 500 Kuuy, B. Photographic Pictures; Production of Coloured
Koss, M. See Meyer, R. J 42S, 1093 (P).f... 365
Kostalek, J. Filters for Sugar Juices. &e. (P) 982,1146 Kunz-Krause, H. Atroseine; Spontaneous Transformation
Filters; Improvements in (P) 1267 of into ^-Scopolamine 186
Kostaneeki, St. V., and Froemsdorff. G. a-Naphthochromone. 470 Runze, A. See Butler, W. A , 1140
And Rozycki, A. a-Ethylluteolin 35 Kurnakoff, N. S., and Pushin, N. A. Thallium ; Alloys of 143
And Rozycki. A. S.S'-Trihydroxyflavone 36
And Ruijter de Wildt, J. C. de. 1.3-Dihydroxychromone.. 497 Kurz, C. Mercerising Cotton; Use of Refrigeration in ... 250
See Hannach, 0 470 Oxycellulose in Calico Printing 405
Kovacs, J. Asphalt; Investigations on 1077 Tannindigotine and its Application 545
Kovar, J. Degrees, Balling ; Determination of the 75 Kynaston, J. W. Potassium Chlorate; Discussion on Explo-
Kowalski, 31. Syrups, Drainings, and Molasses; Purifying sion of by Heat 218
by Extraction 1033 Kynoch, Ltd. See Cooking, A. T 1412,1558
And Kozakowski, S. Sugar Juices; Defecation of Crude
(P) 921
And Kazakowski, S. Syrups and Molasses ; Purification
of (P) 921
Kozakowski, S. See Kowalski, M 921
Kraemer, G., and Spilker, A. Petroleum ; Diatom Wax and
its connection with 540
Krafft, F., and Funcke, R. Colloidal Hollow Bodies from Labbe, H. See Donard, E .1464,1543
Heptylamine Soaps and "Water 1301 Labhardt, H., and Zsehocke, R. p-Toluic Acid ; Electrolytic
Krafft, R. See Sander, E 362 Oxidation of 484
Krais, P. Dyestufls ; Increasing Fastness of to Light 404 Laborde, J. "Casse" of Wines; Prevention of -— by Sul-
phurous Acid 557
Kramers, J. C. H., and Aarts, J. G. Gas; Manufacture of Wine ; Cure for " la Casse " in 1035
Water-and Semi-Water-, and Apparatus therefor (P). 331 Lacey, T. S. Photometer and Petane Burner; Discussion on
Krastin, A. Vaporiser for Hydrocarbon Engines (P) 462 New 315
Krauch, C. " The Testing of Chemical Reaaents for Purity " . 1477 Lach, B. Petroleum ; Fractional Distillation of 1129
Krause, A. Magnesium Peroxide ; Preparation of Substances Lacomme, J. M. A. Water; Device for Purifying (P) 718
containing (P) 706 La Cour, P. Alkali Chloride ; Electrolysing -, and Appa-
Magnesium Peroxide with Proportion of Oxygen; Pre- ratus therefor (P) 125
paration of (P) 1395 And Rink, J. J. Alkaline Chloride Solutions; Electrolysis
Krause, A. E. Oil; Removal of from Water (P) 1065 of (P) 913
Krauss, C, and Bernneck, R. M. von. Sulphuric Acid and And Rink, J. J. Mercury Cathodes; Forming and Re-
forming (?) 1539
Sulphuric Anhydride; Manufacture of (P) 859 Lacroix, A. Mount Velie; Ashes from Eruptions of in
Krebs, G. Flash-Lisht Cartridge (P) 1348 1851 and 1902 931
Krebs, J. F. Paint-Oil, and Manufacture thereof (PJ 1146 Lacroix, L. E. Batteries; Plante Secondary (P) 124
Kreis, H. Glycerides of Fatty Acids; Double Melting Points Ladenburg, A. Ozone; Production of 134
of 711 Tropine from Tropidine, and Synthesis of Atropine 560
Thiophen ; New Colour Reaction of 930
And Hafner, A. Fatty Glycerides having Double Melting- Laessig, H. Milk-Albumin Preparation (P) 1464
Points 1542 Milk ; Manufacture of Preservable — (P) 1191
Kteitling. Floats in Burettes; Use of 277
La Fayette Denton Vorce. Oil; Extraction of (P) 108*
XieU,G. Formaldehyde; Disinfecting by Means of , and
Oils; Apparatus for Separating Solvent from (P) .... 1084
Apparatus therefor (P) 133
Kreraann, R. Acetates, Monose- and Biose-; Velocity of Lafeuille, J. Molasses ; Utilisation of (P) 416
Saponification of 996 Sugar in Dried Beetroot; Direct Refining of •— (P) 416
SeeSkraup, Z. H 144 Lafferty, W. P. Centrifugal Machine (P) 538
Kremefc C, and Schilling, R. Fats; Recovery of , and Laffont, M. Toxic Intensity; Variations in 728
Apparatus therefor (P) 917 Laflin and Rand Powder Co. Powder-granulating Machine
Kremera, E. Cade Oil 1410 (P) 1155
Cajuput Oil; Characteristics of 1410 Lafontaine, L. M. Sugars, Raw; Purifying, Bleaching, and
Methyl Salicylate; Natural and Synthetic 1410
Kressel.E. C. L. Yeast Extracts; Preparation of ( P ) . . . 493 Refining (P) 921
Kretschmer, F. Manures, Artificial; Analysis of 74 Lagerwall, R. E. M. See Wallis, C 107
Kreutzer, G. .SteeSchmitz 358 Lagrange, J. V. P. Sugar; Refining Raw (P) 1085
Krieger, H. G. Reducer for Over-exposed Photographic Laird.D. Cupellation Furnace (P) 1030
Plates (P) 1554 Furnace for Treating Ores and Precious Metals (P) 123
Furnaces for Heating Drills, &c. (P) 350
Kries,P. Gas-Burner (P) 602 Furnaces; Smelting (P) 178
Kroeber, E., and Rirabach, C. See Tollens, B 875 Heating and Evaporating Apparatus (P) 108
Kronstein, A. Wood-Oil, Chinese; Thickening of , and Retort Furnace (P) .- 122,618
Lamb, M. C. Leathers Dyed with Coal-Tar Colours; Fastness
Producing Hard Resin Substitutes therefrom (P) 264 to Light of 156
Kroupa, G. Copper; Extraction of by New Wet Method And Spence and Sons. Leather Manufacture and Preser-
(P) 1233 vation of Skins (P) 1286
Pfat tor Briquettes; Treatment of 395 Lainbert, J. Biscuits; Granular Malted (P) 924
H Glass for Water-Gauge Tubes 549
Lambert,'31.' Sugar; Crystallisation of (P) 58

Lamborn, L. L. " The Soap Brand Record and Trade Mark Leaver, J . R. and H. A. Tinning Residues containing Chlo-
rine; Treatment of (P) 915
Manual" 433
Lebeau, P. Alloys of Lithium 261
Lambourne, W. T., and Wood, J. C. Acetylene Gas-Generators Cast Iron and Ferro-Silicon ; Condition of Silicon in . 119
(P) 599 Cobalt; Compounds of Silicon with 1301
Lancaster, E. W. Drying and Washing Apparatus for Casks, Iron and Silicon; Compounds of • 861
&c. (P) 183 I r o n ; Cementation of by Silicon 348
Mash Tun, Hop Brick and Cooler combined (P) 182 Lithium and Antimony ; Comnound of 261
Sterilising Apparatus for Treatment of Casks, &c. (P) . . . . 16S Lithium Antimonide; Properties of 369
Landauer. Acetylene Generator (P) 1389 Lβ Blanc, Max. " D i e Darstellung des Chroms und seiner
Landi, T. Lamps : Incandescence Vapour (P) 333 Verbindungen mit Hilfe des Elektrischen Stromes " . . 1354
Landin, J. ,&« Rudolphs, J 977 And Bindschedler, E. Electrolysis with Soluble Anodes;
Formation of Precipitates Difficultly Soluble by . 776
Landry, A. C. See Gearing, C M 963 And Brode, J . Caustic Potash ; Electrolysis of Molten 1401
Landsberg, L. Acetylcellulose ; Manufacture of (P) 719 AndBrode, J . Caustic Soda and Potash; Electrolysis of
Landsiedl, A. See Bamberger, M 1190 Molten (P) ". 12S5
Lane,C.E. See Hilt. W 1185 Lebret, A. See Vosmaer, A 1202,1523
Lane, O. A., and Davenport, H. A. Carburetter for Oil-Gas Le Chatelier, H. Cement; Chemical Decomposition of in
(P) 463, 852 Sea-Water 409
Rails; Recent Studies on Manufacture of—- 1331
Lang, A., and Braun, C. Beer Concentrated by Freezing; And Chantepie. Fuels; Fusibilily of the Ashes of . . . 459
Examination of a 1034 Leclerc. See Mabille 1409
Lang, J , and others. Sugar Crystals; Apparatus for Use in Leclerc de Pulligny. Lead Chromate Dyeing ; Disadvantages
Manufacture of (P) 1189 of 1452
Lang, W. R, Caustic Soda and Bleaching Powder; Discussion Leclerq. Fibres; Process and Apparatus for Ungumniiusr,
on Electrolytic 451 &c. (P) .'. 1531
Proceedings of Annual Meeting 951, 957
And Carson, C. M. Sulphides of Arsenic, Antimony, and Leclercq, J . Textiles; Colouring and Waterproofing (PJ 1532
Tin; Solubility of the • \ 1018 Textile Fabrics; Waterproofing of (V) 48
And otheis. Arsenic, Tin, and Antimony; Separation Lecloux, O. Textile Fabrics; Printing.Machines for (P) 1074
of 748 Lecocq, E. Martin Slag 861
Langbein, G., and Co. Electrolysis; Production of Metallic iSee Frost, K 861
Deposits by (P) 917 And Vandervoort, H . Petroleum; Sulphur Content of
Commercial 1180
Langbein, H. Graphite ; Chemical Purification of (P) . . 408 Lecomte, A. Coal-Gas ; Some Modern Competitors with . 959
Lange,A. Gases; Receptacles for Compressed or Liquefied Gas; Enrichment of with Benzol 1020
(P) 1322 Vapour-Burner (P) 1022
Vapour-Burners for Lighting and Heating (P) 1021
Lange, M., and Emilewicz, T. Moidant Colours ; Manufacture Le Comte, O. Iodoform; Preparation of 1293
of • (P) 968 Leconte et Cie. Rice Starch, &c.; Manufacture of (P) . . 130
Lange, O. See Weinberg, A 1530 Leconte, E., and Loiselet, J . Rice Starch; Manufacture of
Lange, W. Acidiinetry; Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate as • (P) 1033
the Basis of 1473 Ledebur, A. Iron; Calcium and Magnesium in 1140
Langenbeek, K. See Mueller, H. C 477 Lederer. Cellulose; Process for Acetylating (P) 1550
Lauger. Logwood Black ; Production of on Tissues 46 Elastic Horny Substances; Preparation of (P) 1550
Langer, J. Paranitraniline Bed; Coloured Resists under.... 172 Lederlin, P. L. E. Chlorates and Perchlorates; Electrolytic
Langhans, R. Metals ; Metallising with Precious 123 Manufacture of (P) 346,1282
Langlois, J. R. Sugar; Apparatus for Moulding ( P ) . . . . 1546 Ledru, J . Acetylene Gas-Generating Plant (P) 962
Sugar; Recovery of Refined from Raw Sugar (P) . . . 130 Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1324
Langot, W., and Froyer-Delapierre. Vanillin; Preparation Leduc, A. Salts; Electrolysis of Mixtures of 1236
of (P)...: 722 Lee, C. A. Lamps; Electric Arc and Electrodes (P) 763
Langton.B. See Ingham, W 550 Lee, C. H . Pulp; Reducing Fibrous Material to (P) 1092
Langville, L. S. See Thwing, C. B 1335 L e e . T . L . P a i n t ; Composition of (P) 918
Lapham.S. See Halsall, W. H. A 971 Lee,W.C. S e e N o r t h . B 322
Lapp, V. Beer; Manufacture of Non-Alooholic (P) 1290 Lee, W . R. Fumes from Smelting Furnaces; Recovering
Larkin, G. H. Oil-Burners; Vaporizer, Mixer, and Regulator Materials from (P) 10SO
for (V) 603 L e e s . F . H . See Power, F. B 1468
Larkin, T. Kilns for Drying Malt and Hops (P) 923 Lefevre, C , and Blum, G. Combustible Briquettes (P) 1525
Larseu, E. Drying and Distilling Apparatus for Wood, &c. (P) 1070 Lefevre, L. Mercerising ; Conditions of 403
Larsen, J. A. Centrifugal Apparatus (P) 1125 Mercerising Cotl on; Ose of Refrigeration in 250
Lary, M. Powders; Machines for Packeting and Filling Lefranc, L. Sugar Solutions ; Purification of (P) ISO
(P) 1125 Le Gall Du Tertre, G. SeeConti.V 1140
Lasne, H. Ainmonio-'*alcium Phosphate 566 Le'ger, E. Aloes in Pharmaceutical Preparations; Identifi-
Lasswell, M. Amalgamator for Fine Gold (P) 619 cation and Detection of 645
Aloins ; Constitution of the • 1037
Laszczynski, S. von. Accumulators of Metals other than Lead 1030 Anthraquinone; Derivatives of 109i, 1094
Latta, P, See Eisner, H. T. W 276 Legge, J . St. C. Carburetter (P) 463
Latzko, R. See Blau, f 34 Lehmann, L. See Buchner, E 248
Lauder.A. See Dobbie, J. J 137,137 Lehmann, L. B. Soap ; Apparatus for Manufacture or Treat-
Laughlin, C. Furnace; Smelting (P) 1331 ment of (P) 487
Laurenius, C. E. Charcoal Retorts and Furnaces (P) 1.388 Lehmann, P., and Scheele, T. A. Gas-Igniters; Automatic
Laurent. Furnace for Vaporising Combustible Liquids (P).. 1525 (P) , 332
Laval, C. Glass; Apparatus for Silvering (P) 256 Lehmkulh, J . N. Beetroot Juices ; Purification of (V) .. 921
Glass; Trough for Silvering (P) 1278 Saccharine Juices; Treatment of with Sulphurous
Lavolay, J. H., and Bourgoin, G. E. Sugar; Manufacture Acid (P) 921
Lehner, V. Tellurium Tetrachloride ; Characteristics of — - 505
of (P) 490
Law, H. D. Kjeldahl's Method of Nitrogen Estimation ; Ex- Leidi6 and Quinnessen. Platinum Metals; Detection of the
periments with 847 499
Lawes, .T. B., and Co. See Berry, G. F 548, 550,1064 And Quinnesseti. Platinum Metals; Identification of—— 640
Lawrence, F. M. See Carman, R. W 870 Leidi6, M. Ink of the Ancients ; Nature of the 196
Lawrence, J. E. Tempering Bath (P) 1141 Leimbach, R. Pykuometer 1557
Lawton, E. P. Copying Ink ; Production of (P) 250 Leiningen-Westerburg, Count. Fluorine; Determination of
Lawton's Patents, Ltd., and Lawton, A. W. Gases or Gaseous 1349
Mixtures ; Dehydrating , and Means therefor (P) 183 Letnaire-Destombes, J . B. Feed-Water; Purification of
Laxa, O. Butter Fat; Decomposition of by Micro- (P) 493
organisms 268 Lencauchcz, J . A. Gases; Purification of (P) 1066
Jjaxton, J. Acetylene Gas-Generators (P) 1226 Lenher, V. Gold ; Action of Selinic Acid on —— 646
Laxton, J. \Y. R. Amalgamator (P) 619 Gold Telluride ; Investigation of 646
Laybourn, G. W. Earthenware; Deposition of Metals &wHaU, K.D 1417
on (P) 174 Lennard-Foote, W. Paint; Composition of — (P) 108*
Leahy, L. K. Hydrocarbon Burner (P) 1270
Lean, Bevan. See Perkin, W. H., jun 369
Leather, .1. P. See Ross, R 676

Leonard, X. Relation between Specific Gravity; Fat and Liebermann, F. von. Electrolytic Baths ; Addition of Glycerin
Solids not Fat in 133 to (P) ". 1031
Sulphur; Acidity of Sublimed 135 Liebknecht, O. See Homolka, B 1073
Leonhardt and Co., A., Farb. vorm. Dyestufls; Triphenyl- Liebrfccht, A. Isovaleramide Derivative, and Manufacture
methane (P) 338 thereof (P) 838
Lepetit, Dollfus and Gansser. Dyeing and Tanning Baths Liesegang, H. and R. E. Developer for Silver Chloride
combined (P) 1146 Gelatin 137
Liet, J. P. E., and Claude], C. H. Combustible Liquids;
lepetit, R., and Tagliani, E. Dyes ; Manufacture of Extract Volatilisation of -, and Addition of Steam (P) 1066
. (P) 1C73 Lietz, O. Starch; Determination of 930
lupine. C. D. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating Lieussou, G. Bronze ; Production of —— (P) 977
(P) 397
lepoutre, L. Beer Yeast; Influence of Concentrated Salt Lieven, O. Cement; The Hydraulic Modulus of Portland ... 1028
Solutions on 867 Lihme, I. P. Lithopone; Manufacture of (P) 62B
Lermer, J. C. Barley, and Malt Preparation therefrom j Lilienfeld, L. Printing Tissues with Pigments 771
Comparative Chemical Examination of .' 784 Lilley.J.E. See Webb, J. F 485
LeRoy. Cobalt and Nickel; Electrolytic Extraction of .. 54 Limpricht, O., and Masch. Actienges. vorm. Forstreuter.
Leroy. Gas : Manufacture of Combustible under Pres- Sugar ; Crystallisation with Motion in the Manufac-
sure (P) 1525 ture of (P) 920
Le Roy de Lencheres, G. Cement " M a t t e r " ; Composition Linard, F. See Fabry, R 906
of (P) 973 Lincoln, J. C. Meat; Apparatus for Curing (P) 1091
Lesage and Dongier. Lactic Fermentation ; Study of the 496 Lincoln, L. Metal; Drawing Molten from Receptacles
Le Sener, E. A. Cell; Electrolytic (P) 353 (P) 977
Separation of Fluids rich in Oxygen from Air, and Appa- And D. B., and Gooding, C. S. Metal; Draw ing off Molten
ratus therefor (P) 476 , and Apparatus therefor (P) 558
Lester, J H. Cotton; Hygroscopic Nature of 388 Lindberg, P. W. Centrifugal Separators (P) 326
Gas-Sampler; An Improved 386
Moisture Tests of Wood Pulp 380 Linde, Van der. Charcoal Manufacture ; Discussion on .. 746
Strength-Testing Machines for Fine Yarns 387 Lindenbaum, S. See Liebermann, C 1274
Leuba, A. F. Iodine and Bromine; Detection of 1349 Linder.E. See Carpenter, R. Forbes 1490
Leucbter, A. Negative Plates for Bichromatcd Gelatin Lindet, L. Flour from Millstones and Rollers ; Comparative
Processes (P) 1195 Composition of 62
Leuscher, E. Arrowroot; Preparation of 420 Starch in Cereals; Determination of • 76
Cassava; Products from 492 Lindley, J., and Ashworth, E. Dyeing and Bleaching Appa-
Levene, P. A. Glucophosphoric Acid ; Characteristics of 5"5 ratus (P) 340
&eFischer,E 713 Lindner. Barley and Malt; Detection of Parasites in ... 130
Lever Brothers and Phillips, J, F. Soap ; Apparatus for En- Lindner, P. Cellars or Tun Rooms; Infection and Ventilation •
closing Tablets of in Wrappers (P) 487 of 785
Lever, J . Towers; Cooling (P) 1224 Wooden Plugs; Danger of infection from • 868
Lever, W. H. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 954 Lindsay, W. G. Sulphur in Pig Iron; Colorimetric Method
Levi, G., and others. Molasses; Utilising Residues from for Determination of 279
Defecationof (P) 629 Ling, A. R. Malt Analysis 983
Levi, M. See Formenti, C 116 Reduction of Silver Solutions; Discussion on • 1874
Spirits; Discussion on Maturing of 100
Levinstein, Ltd. D.vestuffs; Black Substantive (P) 911 And Davis, B. F. Malt Diastase; Experiments with •. 1088
See Levinstein, 1 967 Lingner, K. A. F. Menthol Derivative; Manufacture of a
Levinstein, I. Address to Manchester Section 1377
Patent Law Amendment Bill; Additional Report ou . 301 (P) 722
Presidential Address 893 Linn, A. F. Lead from a Phosphoric Acid Solution : Electro-
Proceedings of Annual Meeting 956 lytic Deposition of 793
iceport on Patent Law Amendment Bill Presented by 212 Lintner, C J. Brewing: Role of Nitrogenous Substances in
And Levinstein, Ltd. Dyestuffs, Sulphide; Production 1546
of (P) 1182 Malt Enzymes; Isolation of 10S4
And Mensching, C. Dyestuffs; Black Sulphide ( P ) . . 1131 Lion. Naphthalene Vapours; Utilising for Heating, Ac.
And others. Dyestuffs, Azo; Manufacture of ( P ; . . . . 967 (P) 1525
Levites, S. J. Oils from Destructive Distillation of Animal Lipman, J. G. Nitrification; Studies in 488
Matters 35 Lippen, J. K. Food; Malted Cereal (P) 985
Levrat, D., and Conte, A. Silks of Lepidoptera; Origin of Lippert, W. Copals ; Fusion of under Pressure 1460
Natural Coloration of 1392
Levy, H. J. See Meyenberg, A 609 See Huth, P 1836
Lewellen, J. W. Burner for Oil (P) 1068
Lippmann, E., and Pollak, J. Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Colour
Reactions of 1271
Oven or Furnace (P) 1824 And Pollak, J. Benzene; Action of Sulphur Chloride on
Lewes, V. B. Oil-Gas and Oil Incandescent Lighting 696 1271
See Brame, J. S. S 755 Lippmann, E. O. von. Boric Acid in Fruits; Natural Occur-
Lewin, W. See Sachs, F 1449 rence of 860
Sugar of Mahwa Flower 713
IjCTie, E. A. Alloys of Copper and Manganese 842
Sluntz's Metal Sheathing ; Effect of Sea-Water on . . . 551 Lippmnnn, F. Dextrins ; Examination and Analysis of Com-
Pyrometer; Recording Apparatus for a Roberts-Austin mercial 1101
Klectrical 844 Lippold, G. L. Leather Substitute, and Manufacture thereof.
Zinc; Micro-Structure of 1456 (P) 357
Lewis, T.E., and others. Burner for Crude Oil (P) 962
Lewis, T. H. Acetylene Gas-Generator; " Cartridge " for Lipscautz, A. See Toltz, M 397
(P) 764 Lishman Process Bleaching Co. See Lishman and others 969
Lewites, 8. J. See Sokolow, N. W. 420 See Taylor and others 1074
Lewkowitsch, J. Oils, Oxidised; Analytical Values of . . . 780 Lishman, W. W. L., and others. Kier for Bleaching (P) 969
Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Di.-cnssion on 1375 Lister, J. T. Textiles ; Apparatus for Steaming, Ac. (P) 1453
Lewy. Candles; Material for (P) 1448 Lithium-ammonium; Action of on Antimony 369
Lewy, P. Oils and Liquids for Medicinal Use; Preparation Litterscheid, F. M. Copper; Volumetric Determination of 874
of (P) 1096 Little, A. D. Paper; Water- and Grease-proof (P) 862
Leybold, W. Gas; Explosive for Exterminating Vermin Paper; Waxed (P) 362
(p) 270 See Mork, H. S 1345
Leydendecker, I I . Lead; Diminishing the Solubility of
(P) 124 Littlefield, R. D. See Rawson, W. S 62
Liais, L. Lamps ; Incandescence Vapour (P) 908 Litty, L. Clarifier for Sugar Juices (P) 490
Lichtenberg-Madsen, D. Celluloid Printing Blocks; Produc- Livingstone, E. L., and Vandercook, W. A. Liquid for
tion of (p) 134 Sprinkling over Fuel (P) 1227
Lieberknecht, R. Naphthalene Extraction; Cost of 696
Liebennann, C. Mordant Dyeing 768 Ljamin, N. Cement; Abnormalities in the Initial Setting of
Mordant Dyestufls of the Benzaldehyde Green and the 972
Rosamine Groups 965 Ljubavin, N. N. Tannin and Tartar Emetic; Interaction
Silver Be..zoate : Solubility of see between 128
And Hohenemser, W. Hystazai in ; Research on 855 Lloyd, H. H. Batteries; Non-Active Metal for Use in Storage
And Lindenbaum, S. Dvestufis of the Aesculetin Series.. 1274 (V) „ . 1540
And Woelbling, F. Dibydroxyfluoresceines and Dihy-
droxyeosms 85g Lobeck.A. Kousso Flowers; Constituents of 187
Lobry de Bruyn, C. A. Colloidal and Cane Sugar Solutions of Lueppo-Cramer. Developers ; Action of Oxidation Products
Insoluble Inorganic Bodies 1301 on 365
And Eckenstein, W. A. van. Hydroxy Acids ; New Class Developers for Incorrect Exposure 365
of Aldehyde Derivatives of the 286 Latent Image; Constitution of the 138
See Eckenstein, W. A. von 1302 Printing-out Process; Theory of the 138
Locke, C. W. Gas .lets; High-Power Oxyhydrogen Mixed Solarisation-like Phpnoniena in Photography 1411
. (P) 1S88 Thiosulphate and Ferrocyanide; Action of on the
Latent Photographic Image 138
Locke, F. M. Filter-Press for Porcelain Slip (P) 1330
Lockerbie and Wilkinson. Ltd., and Brand, J. C. Acetylene Luettke, H. Printing Emulsions; Chloride of Silver (P) 425
Luettringhaus, P. Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions; Action of
Gas-Generators (P) 961 Metalson 46
Lode, A. Aspergillus; Conditions for Destruction of Spores Sodium Peroxide Baths; Heating of 856
of • 788 Luety, F., and Niedenfuehr, H. H. Sulphuric Acid Manu-
facture; Comparison of "Chamber" and "Contact"
Loeb, W. Anthranilic Acid; Electro-Thermal Formation of Processes for 475
1272 Luff. Yeast Washing by Ordinary Method and by Levigation 922
Aromatic Nitro-Compounds; Influence of Cathode Material Luft,A. Plastic Compounds (P) 1085
on Electrolytic Reduction of 1282 Luhmann, E. Carbonic Acid Gas ; Apparatus for Production
Diphenyl; Pyrogenetie Production of -•— 1271
Loeser.C. Kilns or Furnaces (P) 1524 of Pure (P) 1330
Loeti, I. aud S. See Blou, F 34 Magnesia Cement 118
Loevenhart, A. S. See Kastle, J. H 196 Lumiere, A. and L. Antiseptics; Organo-Metallic Compounds
Loewenthal, J. Composition for Making Stones or Mortar ofMercury (P) 1153
Et Fils. Ammonium Persulphate as a " Hypo " Eliminator 1554
(P) „ 1283 See also under Societe des Plaques, &e.
Loewenthal, R. Cotton in Dyed Union Fabrics; Preserving Lumiere and Seyewetz. Alums; Acid Reaction of -—, and its
Influence on Formation of Insoluble Compounds of
339 Gelatin with Chrome Alum 1544
Lohoefer.W. See Lunge, G 70 And Seyewetz. Fading of Silver-Chloride-Citrate Prints.. 1469
And Sey ewetz. Toning with Thionates of Lead 1469
Loiselet, J. Starch; Manufacture of (P) 9S2 And Seyewetz. Toning and Fixing Bath; Theory of the
£ee Leconte, E 1033 Combined 561
And Seyewetz. Lead Thionates as Toning Agents 1154
Lomax, C. S. Oxides of Tin and Lead ; Manufacture of And Spyewetz, A. Oxidising Agents for Destruction of
(P) 624 Sodium Thiosulphate 989
Lombard, L. W. Electrodes for Storage Batteries (P) 863 Lumley, J. See Borrowe, "W 348
Londe, A. Magnesium Flashlight; Velocity of Combustion Lumsden, J. S. Calcium Salts of Acids of the Acetic Acid
and Chronophotography of the 926 Series; Solubilities of the 343
Lonergan, J. J., and Calkins, A. C. Assayer's Furnace (P)... 618 Equilibrium between a Solid and its Saturated Solution
at various Temperatures 344
Lones, J. and J., and Holden, V,. White Pigment from Zinc ;
Manufacture of (P) 565 Lundeberg, A. F. Carpets; Apparatus for Printing (P) 474
Long, D. N. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 765 Oils; Extraction of (P) 1288
Lonir, F. H. Converter: Electrolytic (P) 780 Lundholm,C. O. Gunpowder; Smokeless (P) 927
Lundquist. 1., and Kern, A. Spray-Producers or Nebulizers
Paper-Pulp; Bleaching of (P) 986,1«92
(Pj 538
Long, J. H. Tartrates in Glycerin; Optical Rotations of Lunge, G. Nitric and Nitrous Acids; The Brucine Reaction
Certain 77 for 499
Loomis, F. A. H. See Abbot, M. S 723 Nitrous Acid; Alleged Reaction of Brucine with . . . . 190
Loose, W. A. R. Metals ; Apparatus for Separating from Sodium Arsenite Solution; Preparation of 140
their Ores (P) 1401 And Lqhoefer, W. Sodium Carbonate, Crude Fused; Ex-
amination of 70
Lopatin, P. and J., and Galecki, W. Bricks of Lime and And Pollitt, G. P. Sulphur Trioxide; Production of
Sand 174 by Contact Action 1329
Lorenz, J. Polish for Leather, &c, and Production thereof Lurati.E. Indigo; Fixing Dyes on (P) 868
(P) 414 Luther, C.J. Gas Generator (P) 1270
Lorenz, R. Salts ; Electrolysis of Fused 777 Lutz, A. See Anderson, G. H 985
Lorimer and Co., and Joyce, T. G. Quinine ; Camphorate of Lux, H. Gas-Burners; Incandescence (P) 598
(P) 1096
Lome, C. E. Eggs; Compound for Preserving — (P) 1242 Lamps; Extinguishing Incandescence Vapour (P)... 1179
Losfeld, D. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating Lamps; Incandescence Vapour (P) 1179
(P) .' 907 Luynes, V. de. Caramel; Determination of Fermentable
lott, F. E. Emergencies in Vitriol Works ; Discussion on 229 Matter in 428
See Matthews, C. G 867 Glazes; Analysis of Porcelain 426
Lottier, E. Plastic Articles; Production of (P) 1338 Lyle, W. G., and Stewart, J. E. Liquids; Apparatus for
Louguinine, W., and Schukarefl, A. Alloys of Zinc and Alumi- Vaporising (P) 493
nium ; Thermal Investigation of _. 481 Lynch.T.A. Soap Tablets (P) 782
Louis, D. A. Photometer and Pentane Burner; Discussion on Lyons. Strychnine and Brucine; Separation of 1300
New 315 Lytle, H. H. Burner; Gas or Vapour (P) 602
Louis,P. Sugar ; Filtration of (P) 416
Loumeau, E. Sugar Juice ; Concentration and Extraction of
(P) 130
Lovat.H. See Ehrmann, C 726
Lovejoy, D. R. See Bradley, C. S 1335,1335
Lovefct, T. J. See Flora, E. E 1325 M
Lovett, W. J. Dephlegmator for Kjeldahl Estimations 849
Lowe,J. Filters for Sewage, &c. (P) 1408 Mabery, C. F. Petroleum; Composition of 1271
Lowe, J. T. Gas-Tar Residuum : Treatment of (P) 1227 Mabille and Leclerc. Celluloid; Rendering incombustible
Lowe, T. S. C. Coke and Gas ; Manufacture of , and Appa- (P) 1409
ratus therefor (P) 906 McA. Johuson, W. See under Johnson.
Lowe, T. H., and Parrott, P. J. Insecticides: Experiments McBride, H. J. and H. W. Combustion; Composition for
with B59
Lowry, T. M. See Armstrong, H. E 913 Promoting . (P) 1323
Lowther, T. Incrustation ; Material for Removing and Pre- McCalluni, T. S. Sewage and other Liquids; Apparatus for
venting (P) 32 Application of to Land, &c. (P) 717
Lowy, J. Lamp for Incandescence Gas (P) 1129 McClave, W. Furnaces; Construction of . (P) 905
Lovett. Arsenic Determination in Malt Liquors; Discussion McCloy, W. R. Glassware; Finishing Machine for . (P) 707
on • 903 McConnell, N. Steel; Manufacture of . (P) 1536
Loyer, W. J. Acetylene Gas-Generator (P) 1325
Lubberger, H. Liquids ; Clarifying of (P) 1340 McCormack, H. Centrifugal Cream Separator. (P) 1149
Lucchini, V. Iron; Stassano's Electric Furnace for 1143 McCormick. T., and Miller, A. D. Carburetter for Explosion
Ludwig. Carbon; Process and Apparatus for Fusing (P) 1«8 Engines (P) 601
McCrae, J. Translation of Arrhemus's " Text Book of Electro-
Ludwig, A. Vessel for High-Pressure Gases (P) 761 chemistry " 1159
Ludwig, J.N. Photographs; Developing in Daylight (P) 639 McCullough, C. H., iun., and Holmboe, L. C. B. Bessemer
Ludwig, T. Portland Cement; Constitution of 256 SteelPlant (P) 977
Luehne, J. Glass; Electric Furnace for Making (P) 773
Glass, &e.; Apparatus for Manufacture of (P) 773
Luehrig, H. Prussian Blue in Spent Oxide.; Determination of
—*_ 1415

McDonald, F. Electrolytic Apparatus (P) 710 Magnier, P., and Brangier, P. A. Camphor Substitute; Manu-
Macdoiiald, L. W. See Playne, L. W 1132,1532 facture of (P) 1411
McDonald, S. Steel; Manufacture of Basic Bessemer • (P) 1141 Wood; Conversion of into Dextrine, Glucose and
MacDone!!, J. D. Cement; Composition of Matter for • Alcohol (P) 632
Magri.C. See Antony, U 429
m 479
McDonnell, M. E. See Pease, F. N 263 Mahoudeau, F. Sugar ; Apparatus for Drying (P) 630
McDoiiyall, H. Carbonate of Lime ; Discussion on . . . 531, 533 Mai, J. Arsenious Acid; Colorimetric Determination of . 1098
Diazo Compounds ; Action of Hypophosphorous Acid on
McDougall, J. S. Grease and Oil; Apparatus for Extracting 247
from Exhaust Steam (P) 625 Dyestuffs, Azo-, from Methylphenylglycine 337
Mace, G. A. Lime; Apparatus for Burning (P) 1397 Nitrogen; Preparation of , from Ammonium Nitrate.. 76
JfcFarlane, J., and Reinohl, D. C. Cotton-seed; Extracting Mai, L. See Freund, M 136
Oil from (P) 918.1084 Maiden, J. H. Cork Production 1478
And Reinohl. D. C. Cotton-seed; Hulling (P) 1084 Maignen, P. J. A. Water Supplies; Purifying Municipal
And Sterne,J E. D. Burner for Oil Lamps; Incandescence
(1 ) 464 (P) 1550
Macfarlane, J. W.,and Robertson, A. R. Centrifugal Machines Mailhe. A. Cuprio Hydroxide: Action of on Aqueous
Solutions of Metallic Salts 285
(H) 1224 Cupric Hydroxide; Action :>f , on Solutions of Metallic
McGinn, J. St. S. Acetylene Gas Apparatus (P) 605 Salts 173
Maehell, R. H. See Haller, J. C 787,1345 Maillard, L. Indisotin ; Polymerised Condition of Ordinary
Machinenbau Actienges. vortn. Beck and Henkel. Sewage , and Isomeric Conversion of Indigotin into Indi-
Water; Treatment of Deposits from (P) 1149 mbiii 398
Machlet, G., jun. Carburetting Apparatus and Burner ( P ) . . . 460 Maisch, G. H. Incandescence Mantles; Manufacture of
Mcllhiney, P. C. Oils; Bromine Absorption of 1542 (P) 1527
Mclntosh, A, Acetylene 3as ; Apparatus for Generating and Major, J., and Wood, T. J. Dyeing and Bleaching Apparatus
Storing (P) 333 (P) 340
Ferments; Inorganic 797 Makin, E. Hops and Hop Seeds; Cattle Food from (P). 1344
McKay, H. C. Varnish for making Enamel and Patent Malabar. R. Sewage and Foul Liquids; Purification of
Leathers (P) 1033 (P) 1408
McKay, W. R. See Jousset, C 696 Malard, G. Wool; Apparatus for Scouring, &c. (P) 1133
Mallet, P. Gaseous Currents: Apparatus for Generation of
Mackean, W. Mantles, Incandescence; Apparatus for Burning
(P) 39*
and Seasoning (P) 598
Mallmann. Distilling and Evaporating Apparatus (P) 1445
McKechnie, D., and The United Alkali Co. Copper; Recovery Mally, J. R. Soap Tablets and Bars (P) 864
of from Precipitate (P) 350 Malmendier, C, and Stuehler, M. Liquids; Apparatus for
McKenna, W. S., and Whiteley, H. Furnaces for Heating Saturating , with Gases (P) 1224
Annealing Boxes, &c. (P) 460 Manasse, W. Foods; Preservation of (P) 558
Mackensen, A. Vegetable Parchment free from Germs (P) . . 1150 Manby; C. E. Phosphorus in Shot or Chilled Iron ; Effect of
Mackenzie, A. W. See Ross, J 1019 Annealing on Determination of 873
Mackenzie, C. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1527 Mance, Sir H. C , and The Nernst Electric Light Co. Lamps;
McKerrow, C. A. Fuller's Earth, Silicates, &c.; Preparation Incandescence Electric (P) 461
of (P) 535 Manger.A.W. See Doulton, H. L 1248
Mackie, M. i>. Gas-detecting Attachment for Miners' Safety Manget and Marion. Formaldehyde in Foods; Reaction for
Lamps (P) 603 Detecting 1351
McKim, J. T. Cement; Composition of (P) 1398 Mangin, A. L. Carburetter (P) 764
Mackintosh, J. C. See Lang, W. R 748 Manlove, Alliott, and Co. See Ransom, H. B 1465
Macklin, A. B. Hydrocarbon-Vapour Burner (P) 1180 Mann, C. Essential Oils in Spices and Perfumery; Quanti-
McE-night, R. Carbonaceous Ores; Reduction of ( P ) . . . . 411 tative Determination ot 794
Ores ; Treatment of (P) '. 619 Liqueurs ; Determination of Ethereal Oils in 726
Soaps ; Determination of Ethereal Oils in 726
See Guiraud, G 978 Mann, H. A. Starch-filled Articles; Rendering , Imper-
Mackusick, E. F. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating vious to Water (P) 1074
• (H) 604
Carbide Cartridge for Acetylene Generators (P) 604 Mann, H. H. Tea-leaf; Enzymes of the 716
See Foster, G. V 461,1447 Maun, J. H. Carbon- Mack ; Apparatus for Making 1337 "
McLaugnlin, A. C. Ammonium Ichthyol Sulphonate; Pre- Mann, J. L. Lampblack Apparatus (P) 1337
paration of (P) 1553 Mannassewitch, E. See Darier, G 1449
JIcLaughlin, J. K. Pulp-Separator (P) 1150 Mannich, C. Kino, from Eucalyptus Drepanophylla 1347
HcLanghlin, M. P. See Lowe, J. T 1227 Mannich, F. G urns of German East Africa 1337
McLay, J. C. S. Heat Non-conducting Materials (P) 118 Manoury, H. A. J. Raw Sugars; Refining Low Quality
McNab. Potassium Chlorate; Discussion on Explosion of (P) 867
by Heat , 219 And Naudet, L. Bagesse; Improved Pioduetion of
(P; 628
McNnlly, J. Gas; Apparatus for Purifying Acetylene and And Naudet, L. Bagasse; Diffusion or Rapid Lixiviition
other (P) 1388 of (P) 59
MacNaughton, J. See Rossi, A..) 1537 Mansier. Filter-Paper a Cause of Error in Analysis 1155
McNeil, J. See Bolton, J. B 1032 Filter-Paper a Cause of Error in Analytical Chemistry.... 1098
MoPtaiL H. Mineral Oils and their Distillates ; Distillates of Paper and Cotton ; Fixation of Compounds on 1098
„ — m Tee Solutions ; Irregular Spreading of 1155
ooperhcfliting or Drying Steam; Apparatus for (P)... 538 Manufacture Lyonnaise de Matieres Colorantes. y-Amino-
Vfaste or Ky-Proiucts of Breweries; Treaiment of tolyl-jj-hydroxyphenylaiuine and Blue Sulphide Dye-
(P) 185 stuffs (Y) 867
Water; Apparatus for Heating, Softening,&c. (P) 787 Colouring Matter, Blue; Manufacture of (P) 41
Macpherson, T. H. Vapour Generators for Incandescence Cotton; Preventing the Tendering of Dyed (P) ^50
Dyeing Tissues witn Sulphur Dyestuffs (P) 704
Lighting (P) 397 Dvestuff; Azo Blue for Wool (P) 112
Macqnet, J. B. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1067 Dyestuff, Blue Cotton ; Manufacture of (P) 42, 42
Macraly, J. Evaporating Apparatus for Eggs (P) 361 Dyestuff, Blue, for Cotton (P) 41
Maciorie. R. B. H. See Thibodo, F. H 1155 Dyestuff, Sulphide (P) 402
Dyesiuffs, Acridine (P) -102, 644
Macteor, J. Chlorine and Alkali; Electrolytic Apparatus ior Dyestuffs ; Blue Azo lor Cotton (P) 044, 856
Productionof (P) 1077 Dyestutfs ; Blue Azo lor Wool (P) S56
McVean, D. See Irvine, T. A 776 Dvestuffs, Blue, containing Sulphur; Manufacture of
M'Villiam, A. See irnold, J. 0 861 " (P) : 4i
Dyestuffs ; Brown Sulphide (V) 1392
And Hatfleld, W. a. Steel; Elimination of Silicon in the Dyestuff a; Fast Azo for Wool (P) 911
Acid Upen-Hearth 774 Dyestuffs ; Greenish-Blue Sulphide (P) 112
Dyestuffs of the Acridine Series (P) Hi
Made, P. R. van der. Carburetting Apparatus (P) 463 Dyestutts, Violet and Blue 41
Maeckler. Clay; Influence of Magnesia on the Behaviour of Indophenol, and a Violet Sulphur Dyestutr therefrom
(P) 1«1
— r. 9)4 Reserves on Textiles Dyed with Sulphur Dyestuffs; Pro-
Maertens, E. Hides and Skins; Tanning and Tawing (P) 865 ductionof (P)
Wool; Cleaning of (P) 858 Sulphonic Acid; Manufacture of 2.2'-Aniinonaphlhol (P) 41
Maflei,G. SeeCantu.F 113
See Miglioretti, M. G 264
Magneto Ore Separating Co.. Melborne. Ores; Magnetic
Separation of Pulverised (P) 54

Manzella.K. Mortars; Influence of Chemical Composition and Massey.E. See Bleckly, H. S 1226
Granular Condition of the Sand 1139 Massie, J. G. lllumiuant; Compound to be used as an
Maquenne, L. G. See Bullier, L. M 1388,1388 (P) 1521
Marbach, A. Yeast; Pressed Grain — , and Bottom Fer- Massol. See De Forcrand 705
mentation Yeast; Differentiation of 417 Masson and Sansonnet. Skins; Tawing of (P) 1405
Marc, R. Chlorine; Apparatus for Determination of . . . . 928 Mastbaum, H. Wax; Determination of Specific Gravity of 1285
Lanthanum containing Didyniium, &c.; Influence of Matheeuwissen, W. T. Centrifugal Separators (P) 489
Cerium on 1093
Marchand, D. Acetylene Generator (P) 1390 Mathieu and Billon. Sulphurous Acid in Fermented Liquids;
Marcher.F.A. -See Harrison, A. V 1237 Determination of Free 1247
Mathieu, L. Sulphurous Acid in Vines ; Detection and De-
Marcheville, M. de. Centrifugal Machines (P) 326 termination of 1559
Marchlewski, L. Dyestuffs produced by Action of Isatin on Mathisen.J. See Newlin, S, L 1180
Extracts of Isatis tinctoria 1071 Matignon, C. Hydrochloric Acid and Oxygen Mixture;
Marckwald, E., and Frank, F. Gutta-percha; Methods for Chlorinating Properties of 970
Determining 1351 Neodymium and Praseodymium; Acid and Basic Sul-
And Frank, F . "Rubber-like Latexes from the Congo 1188 phates of 494
See Prank, F 726,1085 Matos, L. J. Sulphur Blacks and their Action upon Cellulose 224
Marnkwald, W. Bismuth: Radio- Active 1301 Mattei, D. Dyeing Apparatus (P).. 1134
Bismuth ; Radio-Active . Polonium 994
Fusel Oil; Separation of the Amyl Alcohols of 785 Matthews, C. G., and Lott, F. IE. Fermentation from the Point
Marcusson, J. Cholesterol and Phytosterol in Mixtures; of View of Yeast Crop 867
Separation of . II 725 Matthews, J. A. See Campbell. V 551
See Holde 930 Matthews, J. Merritt. Caustic Soda; Action of on Wool. 685
Margosches, B. M.. Sewage and Effluents; Bayer's Method Indigo Dyeing; Influence of Indigo-Red in 222
tor Purification of 183 Textile Chemistry; Some Phases of 1516
Margulies. Deetroot Marc; Purification of Gummy Matter Matuschek, J. Nitrites ; Preparation of 705
from (P) 69 Petroleum; Influence of Water present on Flash-Point
Marie, C. Hydroxyisopropylhypophosphorous Acid; Prepara- and Combustion-Point or — - 909
tion of 369 Prussian Blue Soluble in Water; Preparation of a . . . 355
Marine Torch Co. Projectiles for Illuminating or Signalling Maussion. Food; Sterilisation of (P) 1465
(P) 139 Maxim, H. Furnace; Revolving Electrical (P) 1069
Marino, P. Q. and Cs. Electrical Batteries and Electrolytical Maxim, Sir H. S. Coffee Substitutes : Obtainiuent of (P) 492
Apparatus (P) 1335 Coffee; Treatment of , and Production of Substitutes
And Ratchkowsky, A. Metals and Alloys ; Electrolytic (P) 269
Deposition of (P) 1082 Fuses for Armour-piercing Projectiles (P) 1155
Marion. See Manget 1351 Mayer, J. Tea Extract; Production of an Alcoholic (P). C33
Marissal, M. See Prost, E 874 Mayer, K. Primuline and Similar Colours; Developing
Markovits, E., and ttuthmann. F. Meat : Preparation for Diazotised 46
Preserving (P) 1549 Mayo, Caswell A. Purity of Standard Drugs, &e.; Discussion
Markownikoff, W. Benzene in Grosny Naphtha; and Chem.
Character of the latter 1448 on 1436
Hydrocarbons; Action of Nitro-Sulphuric Acid on Maze,, P. Fatty Matters ; Transformation of into Sugars
Saturated 855 during Germination of Seeds 369
Maron, D. Dvestuff, Blue , derived from Triphenylme- Lactic Acid and Glycerin; Assimilation of by Euroty-
opsis Gayoni 287
thane (P) 542 Mazey.J.T. See Illingwortli, R 10-25
Marquand, Soeie'tiS G. C. and A. Agglutinant Composition (P) 1446 Mazza, E. N. Centrifugal Separator for Gaseous Mixtures (P) 1126
Marsden, M. W. Building Material (P) 1139 Meade, E. S. Briquette, and Production of same (P) 908
Marshall, A. Sulphuric Acid ; Determination of Strength of Mebold.C. See Medicus, L 124S
1511 Medicus, L., and Mebold, C. Foodstuffs; Electrolytic Determi-
"Sulphuric Acid; Influence of Impurities on Specific nation of Traces of Metals in 1248
Gravity of 1508
Meenen, A. Lamp ; Incandesence (P) 1323
Marshall, C. P. See Miller, A. J. F 905 Meggitt, L. Sampling and Preparation of Shoddy, &c. lor
Marshall, C. R. Coriariese; Toxic Principles of the 1153 Analysis 105
Marshall, H. Persulphates as Photographic Reagents 723 Viscometor; A New 106
Marshall. W. C. Tank for Rendering Lard (P) 263 Mehner, H. Tolindines; Coupling of with Diazo Com-
Martenette,F. "Carburetter" (P) 600 pounds 766
Marter. Tanning; Rapid Process of (P) 1511 Meikle, J. Tar; Continuous Distillation of , and Apparatus
Martiu.A.J. See Cameron, D 185 therefor 109
Martin, C. Bleaching Apparatus; Electrolytic (P) 342 Meillere, G. Iodoform ; Determination of • 1196
Organic Matter; Destruction of in testing for Puos
Martin, F. M. See Moore. J. D 870, 870 phorus, Arsenic and Toxic Metals 366
Martin, H. C. Burner; Hydrocarbon (P) 1068 Meininghans, E. Iron and Steel Manufacture, and Apparatus
Martin, H. H. See Feurt, W. A 332
used therein (P) 617
Martin, H. M. Plates for Secondary Batteries (P) 1082
Meinl, J. Cocoa Substitutes; Manufacture of - — 13M
Martin, H. T. See Green, J. 0 851 Meisenheimer, J . Aromatic Nitro-Compounds; Reactions
Martin, P. L. Baryta, Anhydrous Caustic; Manufacture of of 1158
(P) 117 Meissner, O., and Richter. M. Fuel; Apparatus for Heating
Martin, R. D. Coke-Ovens; Improved Working of (P) . 245 by Liquid (P) 762
Martin, W. Disinfecting Compound (P) 271 Meister, Lucius und Briining. Alkyl-Auramines; Manufacture
Sewer-Vaults; Apparatus for Disinfecting (P) 270 of (P) . . 856
Martin. W. H., and others. Gold; Extraction of , from Anthracene Dyestuffs; Production of (P) 471
Sea Water (P) 1536 Anthranilic Acid; Manufacture of (P) i:J92
Martino, F. W. Metals; Application of Barium Compound Auramines; Manufacture of New Substituted (F) . . . 1528
for Precipitation of (P) 976 Azo Components and Azo Dyestuffs ; Manufacture of
(P) 43
Ores containing Noble Metals ; Treatment of (P) . . . 1141 Black Colour; Production of on the Fibre (P) 114
Martinson, H. M. Agitator for Wood-Pulp, &c. (P) 124$ Black Direct Colton Dyesluffs; Sulphurated (P) 44
Marx, F. Stone; Apparatus for Manufacture of Artificial Bromindigo ; Manufacture of (P) 1131
(P) 973 Colour Lakes ; Manufacture cf Fast Double (P) 249
Dialkylrhodamines; Conversion of into their Alkyl
Marxsohn, L. <See Hoert, R 961 Esters (P) 337,137
Maschinenbau-Actienges. vorm. Beck and Henkel. Fecal Sub- Dimethylamidodimethylphenylpyrazolone; Compounds of
stances ; Obtaining Fatty and Fertilising Substances with Camphoric Acid (P) 67
from (P) 627 Disazo Colour for Wool; Production of (P) 169
Mascb. Actienges. vorm. i'orstreuter. See Limpricht, 0 920 Dyeing with Indigo. (P) From Peterhauser 13i>3
Masecar.J.R. Soap Press (P) 782 DyesLuff; Blue from Para-amido-para-oxydiphenvl-
amine (P) 855
Maskrey, A. J. Gas-Producer and Recuperative Furnace Dyestuff, Blue-Grey; Manulacture of (P> 37,37
Combined (P) 1333 Dyestuil, Brown Sulphurised ; Manufacture of a • (P) 44
Mason, A. Carbonate of Lime ; Utilisation of Recovered Dvestuffs; Acridine (P) "ill, 911
(P) 1278 Dyestuffs; Anthracene . (P) From Hartmaun 1073
Dyi-stuffs; Anthracene . (P) From Hepp lSii-2, 1S80
Mason, H. See Crabtree, L 1245 Dyestuffs ; Anthracene Blue (P) 13H2
Mason, J. A., and Wilson, C. J. Hydrocarbon Burners for Dyestuffs, Blue and Grey ; Manufacture of (P) 41
Heating (P) 241

Meister, Lucius und Bruning—cont. Merrifleld, L. L., and Check ley, E. J Gas from Peat, &c.;
Dyestuffs, Blue, of the Anthracene Series ; Manufacture Machines for Production of (P) 1020
of — (P) 44 And Check ley, E. J . Gas from Pent, &e.: Production of
PyeitufTs; Blue Sulphide . (P) From Dollfus 1328 (P) 1021
Dvestuffs, Brown and Black Disizo ; Manufacture of Merrill, F. H., and Hickman, F. Acetylene Gas Generator
IP) 44 (P) 764
B.i estuffs for Cotton; Manufacture of Sulphurated (P) 44 Merton, T.I), furnace for Ore Roasting (P) 977
D.restutfs of the Aeridine Series; Yellow to Orange-Yellow
(P) 701 Meslar.s, M. Fluorine; Apparatus for Producing by
Pyescuffs ; Indigo . (P) From Homolka and Lieb- Electrolysis (P) 353
knecht 1073 Messel, R. Sulphuric Acid Process : Discussion on 1507
Dyestuffs, Orange to R3d Mordant; Production of Messenger, A. H., and Popper, V. Beetroots, &c.; Apparatus
(P) 169, 169
Dyestuffs; Ounje-Esd Azo-. (P) From Scholl 610 for Treating Exhausted Raspings of (P) 629
Dyestutts; Pyrone . (P) From Hoffmann 401 Metalline-Plalten-Ge^ellsehaft. See Ahrle, C. P. H 139, 1038
Dyestuffs, Sulphide ; Manufacture of (P) 608 Metcalf, C. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1270
Dyestuffs ; Yellow to Bed Acridino . (P) From Sohst 1530 Meteorit Gesellschaft, The. Aluminium; Improving the
Dyestuffs; Yellow to Yellowish-Orange • (P) 1529
Formylmethylanthranilic Acid; Manufacture of (P) 967, Quality of (P) 124
1528 Metzger, F. J. Thorium Determination of 563
Hydrosulphite ; Manufacture nf a (P) 704 Thorium ; Separate* of from Cerium, Lanthanum,
Indigo and its Homologues; Production of (P) 401 &c 1415
Indi jro; Purification of Crude (P) 401 Meulemeester, E. de. Wort; Rapid Separation of from
Indigo; Reduction of (P) 1528 Dregs (P) 1311
Indigo Reduction Product; manufacture of (P) 38 Meunier, E. Magnesium Amalgam ; Some Reactions of . 429
lndoxyl; Manufacture of (P) 967, 967, 967
Indoxyl or its Homologues; Manufacture of (P) 608,1024 Meura, P. Brewing, and Appliances therefor (P) 491
Isovaleramide Derivative. (P) From Liebrecht 635 Filter-Presses (Pi n>86
Paper Fibres ; Dyeing of (P) 114 Meurant, J. Metals ; Coating of • by Electrolysis (P) 4S6
Pheiiylamido-acetonitrile, 4c.; Preparation of (C) . . 1131 Meusser, A. Chlorates ; Metallic — 705
Phenylamino-acetonitrite, its flomologues and Substitu-
tion Products (P) 543, 543 Meydenbauer, A. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating
Phenyldimethylpyrazolone ; Compounds of with Cam- (P) . 397
phoric Acid (P) 67 Meyenberg, A., and others. Dyestuffs, Sulphide ; Production
Phenylglycine, its Homologues and their Salts (P) 543 of (PJ 609
Phenylglycine-o-carboxylic Acid; Manufacture of (P) 86
Plantinuiii used as Cop.tact Material; Revivifying (P) 14S4 Meyer, C. See Buettner, A 133
Rnodamine Derivatives ; Production of — ( P ) . . 44 Meyer, F. Gold ; Compounds of with Chlorine 32
Silver Compounds of the Gelatoses; Neutral Soluble Multi-coloured Fabrics (P) 342
(P) 67 Meyer, J. Ammoniacal Cuprous Oxide; Oxidation of 1561
Sulphonic Acids of Alkyl Derivatives; Manufacture of
(P) 967 Polyhalogeu Compounds of the A Ikaline Earths 720
Sulphuric Acid and Sulphuric Anhydride ; Manufacture Meyer, J. A. Burner for Crude-Oil (P) 1022
of — (Pi 1451 Meyer, J. "W.. and Arbuckle, J. W. Stills for Distillation of
Sulphuric Anhydride; Manufacture of by Contact Spirits (P) 1148
Process (P) , 117,1453 Meyer, O. Electrolytic Solution for Galvanising (P) 262
Trimethylhexahydrooxy beiizvlaniline. (P) From Mer- Meyer, R. " Jahrbuch der Chemie " 1196
ling 364 Meyer, R. J., and Koss. M. Ceria; Separation * • from
Meldola, R., and Eyre, J. V. Dtazotisation; Elimination of a Mixtures 422
Nitro Group on 1023 And Koss, M. Cerite Earths; Action of Alcoholic Hydro-
Melikoff, P. G. Hydrogen Peroxide; Behaviour of with chloric Acid on 1098
certain Salts 645 Meyer, S. M. Lamp; Electric Arc (P) 606
Helland and AValdron. Aluminium ; Influence of on the Meyer, T. Hydrogen Chloride and Sodium Sulphate; Manu-
facture of • (P) 971
Carbon in Cast Iron 861 Lead Chamber Process ; Reforms in t he 1H
Mellor, J. W. Cyanides and Cyanates; Reciprocal Determi- Meyer, W. SeeHenrich, F 1450,1450
nation of 71 Meyerhoffer, W. See J . H. van't Hoff 1277
"Higher Mathematics for Students of Chemistry and
Physics, with Special Reference to Practical Work " . 1043 Meygret, A. Plates for Storage Batteries (P) 710
Meilor, P. H. Insoluble Frits for Pottery Glazes ; Discussion Michaelis, A. Thio- and Seleno-antipyrine. and Constitution
on 322 of Autipyrine 363
Mellor, R. Yarns; Means for Dyeing (P) 1073 Michaelis, W. Cement; Hydraulic (P) 175
Melotte.J. Centrifugal Separator for Liquids (Milk) ( P ) . . . 1407 Slaked Lime: Preparation of (P) 479
Melvin, T., and Harvey, J. Sewage ; Valve Gear for Bacterio- Michell, H. C. Mica; Apparatus for Manufacture of Flake
logical Treatment of (P) 869 (P) 971
Mende, A. Hydrocarbon Burner; Incandescence ( P ) . . . 964 Non-conducting Coverings for Steam-pipes, &c. (P) 959
Mendham, C. F. Viscous Liquids; Apparatus for Controlling Micheroux, A. D. de. Fuel Blocks ; Manufacture of Artificial
Delivery of (P) 1225 • (P) 1526
Menne, H. A. E. Burner for Removal of Hardened Masses in Michireff, W. See Schaposchnikoff, W. G 1276
Furnaces (P) 1068 Mickle, P. Fibre Crosser (Paper-making Machine) (P) 719
Mennicke, H Tin-plate Scrap; Electro-Chemical Stripping Micklethwaite, F. M. G. See Morgan, G. T 1373
of (PJ 980 Mielck, H. Artificial Stone; Composition for (P) 1397
Mensching, O. See Levinstein, 1 967,1131,1131 Artificial Stone; Production of (P) 1397
Mentrel. Barium-Ammonium and Barium Amide 1476 Mierisch, O., and Kberhard, O. Milk Extracts; Manufacture
Mentzel, C. See Arnold, C 640, 725,1297 of (P) 183
Jfensel. Offtake for Hydraulic Gas-Mains 108 Mies, A. H., jun., and Cobenzl, A. Photographic Sensitised
Menzies, A. W. C. Therrao-Regulator ; The Sensitiveness of Material (P) 1554
a * 189 Mies, E. and A. H. Metal Coatings or Deposits; Obtainment
Menzies, J. Fabrics ; Waterproof (P) 341 of (P) 262
Fabrics; Waterproofing of (P) 1133 Mietzschke. Gold and Iridium ; Separation of 279
Menzies, W. J. Grains and Hops; Pressing Machinery for Miglioretti, G. See Cantu, F IIS
Treatment of (P) 868 AudMaffei, G. Casein ; Manufacture of Articles from —
Meran, J. E. G. Accumulators ; Electric • (P) 710 (P) 264
Merchant, E. F. Aerated Water ; Apparatus for Manufacture Migula, W. See Sander, E 362
of (P) 1407 Milbourne, R. J. Gas-Purifiers (P) 599
Merck. E. Benzoyl-lupinin ; Production of (P) 560 Miley Colour Photograph Co. Photographs in Colour (P) 1411
Euculyptol; Preparation of (P) 1096 Miller, A. D. Fluxing and Separating Compound (P) 862
Morphine: Preparing Alkyl Ethers of (P) 926
And Co. See Smith, Watson 1096 Ores; Treatment of (P) 978
And Co. See Blum, F 1154 See Me Uonnick, T 601
Merck. H. J., and Co. Superphosphates; Apparatus for Com- Miller, A. J. F. Furnace; Construction of a (P). 852
minuting (P) 713 And Marshall, C. P. Furnaces (P) 9J5
Merling. Q, Trimethylhexahydrooxybenzylaniline, and Manu-
facture thereof (P) 364 Miller, A. K. Lamp for Acetylene Gas (P) 1325,1325
Herrell, 0. G. See Gordin, H. M 1852 Miller, C. J. Leather; Finishing (P) 982
Miller, E., and others. See Beck and Homan 1325
Merrick, S, G. Smoke or Vapour Condenser (P) 245
Miller, E. H., and Page, R. W. Cadmium; Quantitative
Determination of 71
Miller, E. R. Asarum arifolium; Essential Oil of . .11193,1552
Miller, J . H. Distillation; Process and Apparatus for Frac- Molisch, H . Coumarin : Production of — 561
tional (P) 765 Moll, F.,and Dickhuth, M. Washing and Bleaching Processes
Gas-producing Apparatus (P) 1021
Miller, L., and others. Glass; Extracting Definite Quantities (P) 49, 54fr
oIMolten from Furnaces (P) 1233 Moll-van-Charante, J . Methylglucosides; Acetyl Derivatives
Miller, S. B . See Gill, A. H 833 of the Two 723
Miller, T. and E., and Klahn, E. Liquid Hydrocarbons; Mols, A. /SeeCrispo, D 403
Burningof (P) 961 Mond, L. Gas-Producers (P) 460,600
Miller, W. H . and R. W. Incandescence Burner Cap (P) . . . 1 0 6 9 Zinc ; Obtainmeut of by Electrolysis, and Apparatus
Miller, W. Lash. Caustic Soda and Bleaching-Powder; Dis- therefor (P) 354
cussion on Electrolytic 451 Monin. Gypsum Sludge from Bones ; Utilisation of ( P ) . 1408
Millet, L. Clay Hydraulic Pipes, Vases, &c.; Strengthening Monteith, F . W. Furnaces; Improvements in Working
(P) 707 (P) 1268
Mills, E. J. Spirits; Discussion on Maturing of 101 Montel, L. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 765,1069
Mills, Prof. Birmingham Sewage ; Discussion on 670 Montgomery. B. W. See Taylor, F 1074
Milne, J., and Goulding, W. and H. M. Disintegrating Ma- Montgomery, J . H . White Lead; Apparatus for Manufacture
chines (P) 713
of (P) 1544
Milne,S. See Bertram, D. N 1188
Montgomery, W . Carpet; Washable and Waterproof (P) 127t>
Milne, W. A. Peat Blocks ; Composite (P) 330
Montupet, A. Furnaces for Heating Asphalt, &c. (P) 1390
Peat-Press (P; 1227 Moody, S. E. See Peters, C. A 140
Mills, C. W. Digesters ; Gas Separator for (P) 362 Moore, D. McF. Lamp; Electric-Tube (P) 964
Minis, J. C. Oils; Kenning Asphaltie Mineral (P) 1528 Moore, E . H . See Shade, A. A. 1541
Minder, J . Rubber-coated Materials; Preparing and Treat-
ing (P) 1239 Moore, G. H . Ogston. Oils, Lemon, Orange, and Bergamot;
Mines.E. See Crook, W. A 1525 Physical Properties of — 363
Minet, A. Ferric Oxide in Alcoholic Solution 1346 Moore, H . K. Caustic Alkali; Production of (P) 971
" Monographien uber angewaiidte Elektrochemie " 1159 Moore, J . D., and Martin, F. M. Compartments; Charging
with Gas (P) 870
Miniat, K. Mono-hydroxvbenzalbromindanone ; Preparation And Martin, F . M. Sulphur Dioxide; Apparatus for
of 336 Generating (P) 870
Minozz', A. " Fosfati, Perfosfati et Concimi Fosfati, Fabrica- Moore, J . W., and White, J . A. Paper-making Machine (P) .. 494
And White. J . A. Paper-making Machine; Fourdrinier
zione ed Analisi " K61 (P) 635
Miskolczy, J . Metals; Hardening and Tempering • (P) . . 976 Moore, O. H . Pulp Screen (P) 635
Missire, F . and M. L. Mantles for Incandescence Gas-Light-
ing (P) 763 Moore, Russell W. Potassium Cyanide; Composition of
Mist, L. See Deltour, E 1147 Commercial 392"
Mitchell, F . A. Roofing Compound (P) 1233 Moore, T. S. See Hewitt, J . T 195
Mitchell, G. Copper Matte; Reduction of to Refined Moore, W. H . Leather Colouring Machine (P) 614
Copp-r (P) 1081 Moorman. Tar Coating for Damp Walls 1279
Furnace for Smelting Copper (P) 483 Moorwood, H. S. See Bennett, J . F 1068
Furnaces; Smelting (P) ';75 Morani, F . Furnace ; Electric (P) 852
Gutta-Percha, &c.; Extraction of (P) 626 Morel, L. A. Gluten; Manufacture of 787
Slag Steam Generator (P) 1401
And Copeland, L. D. Steam; Generating from Hot Morgan, G. T. Diazo-amines and Amiiio-azo Compounds ;
Slag (P) 1401 Influence of Substitution on the Formation of . . . 36
Mitchell, J . See Norcross, F. C 977 Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Discussion on 1375-
Tests for Bromide, &c.; Discussion on 1376
Mitchell, J. A. Gas-Producer (P) 1526 And Micklethwait, F. M. G. Silver Solutions; Reduction
Mittelman, B. Syrups; Purification and Filtration of Centri- of Ammoniacal by Organic Substances 1373
fugal 919 Morgan, J . J . " Aids to the Analysis and Assay of Ores, Metals,
Mjoen.J. A. "Wood-Tar; Chemical Composition of Norwegian and Fuels, &c." 1303
335 Morgan, J . Livingstone, R. " T h e Elements of Physical
Mobberley, J . A. Floors for Drying Bricks, Pottery, &c. (P) . 1279 Chemistry" 798
Moehlau, R. Leucauramines ; New Reactions of 336 Morgan, M. W. Burner; Hydrocarbon (P) 1069
And Heinze, M. Leucauramines; Synthesis of Arylated Morison, D. B . Evaporating and Condensing Apparatus (P) . 1267
Moritz, E. Yeast; Buchler's Method of Preparing Distillery
Moehrer. P. F . V., and Hopp, J. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus
Seed 417
for Generating (P) 699
Mork, H. S., and others. Cellulose Esters (P) 1345
Moerner, C. T. Arsenic; Determination of Small Quantities Morrell, J. A. Sugar; Apparatus for Manufacture of ,
(I ) 1086
of 1195
Moeser, L. T., and Eidmann, W. E. Boron Nitride; Produc- Morrell, R. S., and Crofts, J . M. Carbohydrates; Action of
tion of SH8 Hydrogen Peroxide on 506
Metals of the Alkalis; Production of (P) 1338 Morris, J. L. Condenser for Ammonia Gas (P) 1534
Moeslinger. Wines; Acids in -, and Retrogression of Morrison, W. Accumulators; Process of Forming ( P ) . . . 1540
Acidity of Wine 181 Electrodes for Secondary Batteries; Forming (F) . . . 979
Moest, M. See Hofer, H 1237 Morriss.H.E. See Bayldon, O. H 461
Mohr, D. Carbohydrates ; Thermal Effects in the Building. Morse.G.E. See Wiederho'.d, 0 90S
up and Breaking-down of •—- 77 Morss.S.B. Hydrocarbon Lamp (P) 464
Mohr, O. Beer-Wort; Contraction of , on Cooling 933 Morton, W. J . Fluids for Artificial Fibres; Dispersing
Diastase; Influence of Carbonic Acid on Action of . . . . 359 (P) 1074
Diastatic Power, according to Lintners Method; Deter- Morun. Gaseous Fuel for Explosion Motors (P) 1447
mination of 931 Mosher, J, A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) i'l i», W69,
Lipase in Animal Organs; and Reversibility of its Action.. 1353 See Hamm, W. S 106!)
Mohr, W. T. Bone-Black Kiln (P) 1239 And Hamm, W. S. Acetyleue Gas Generator (P) 465,
Moir, J . Di-indigotin; Preparation of 1451 Mott, S. D. Burner ; Hydrocarbon — (P) 002
Hotter, W. H. Ore-roasting and Fnrae-saving Apparatus ( P ) . 1400-
Moissan, H . Ammonium Amalgam 121,1102 Mountany, C , and Farnsworth, AV. Sewage; Means for
Carbides that are Decomposed by AVater 329
Formic Acid ; Synthesis of 362 • Distributing (P) 140S
Gases, Liquefied ; Manipulating in Sealed Tubes 876 Mouraux, L. See Woestelandt, F 35S
Hyposulphites of Alkali Metals and Alkaline E a r t h s ; Moureu, C. Acids from Heptine, Octine, and 11K ir Deriva-
Synthesis of Anhydrous 1394 tives (P) l«0-
Iodine Pentafluoride; Properties of 1353 Heptine and Octine; Useiul Products from (P) 188,
Lime in State of Fusion; Some Properties of . . . 406,1041 And Desmots, H. Acetylene Hydrocarbons ; Condensation
Petroleum ; Theory of the Formation of 335
Potassium Hydride; Characteristics of 285 Of- 42ft
Sodium Hydride; Preparation and Properties of . . . . 285 And Desmots, H. Secondary Alcohols; Synthesis of
Sulphammonium; Preparation and Properties of 1042 Acetylenic 429
And Dilthey, W. Calcium Silicide 566
And Dilthey, W. Calcium Silicide ; Characteristics of 504 Mourlot. AVood; Apparatus foi Carbonising (P) 1448
And Helt. Vanadium Silicide; Preparation of 1301 Moussette, O. J. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating
And Smiles, S. Silicon Hydride; Preparation and Pro- (P) 699
perties of a New 504 Muehlhaeuser, O. Sulphuric Acid Manufacture; The Fun
And Smiles,S. Silicon;NewPropertiesofAcnorphous 1041 in- 102«
Zinc Sulphide; Turbidity in Filtrates from Kj'JO

Dfuelilhauser, B. See TJIlmann, F 337 Naef, P.—emit.
Mueller. Half-Silk Tissues; Production of Lustrous (P) 1134 Gas-Producers (P) 109
Mueller, A. Glue and Gelatin; Analysis of 874 Gas ; Production and Utilisation of (P) 244
Mueller, D. Iodine; Quantitative Estimation of in Gas; Treating Solids with in Catalytical Reactions
Presence of Bromine or Chlorine 499 (P) 1027, 1076
And Friedberger, O. Periodic Acid ; Preparation of Free Gases or Liquids: Means for subjecting Matter to the
1112 Action of (P; 173
And Friedberger, O. Persulphates ; Production of Gases; Purification of Heating— (P) 1021
by Electrolysis without Diaphragm 706 Gases ; Treatment of Materials with • (P) 961
See Foerster, F .'o2,1235,1235 Heat from Furnaces, &c.; Utilising (P) 1020
Liquids ; Evaporation of (P) 1019
Mueller, H. C, and Langenbeck, K. Tiles j Glazing of Liquids ; Treatment of fir Precipitation, Ac. (P) . . . . 1232
(P) 477 Ores; Apparatus for Lixiviating (P) 916-
Mueller. J. A. Tin : Lenssen's Method for Determination of Ores; Treatment of—• with Liquids or Ga>es (P) 1231
141 Solids, Liquids and Gaseous Fluids; Treatment of (P) 1232
Tin Ores ; Analysis of • 141 Naegell, H. See Kiliani, H 14)8
Mueller, J. L., and Bonnet, J. Mantles ; Machines for Manu- Nagel, O. Ricinus Oilcake 30
facture of Incandescence (P) 401 Spelter; Manufacture of (P) 776
Mueller, T. H. Gas ; Apparatus for Froduc.ion of (P) .. 1133 Name, R. <i. van. Copper; Determination of as Sul-
Mueller, Von Gustav. " Die Chemische Industrie in der phocyanide 1099-
Peutschen Zoll- und Handelsgesetzgebung des neun-
zchnteu, &c." 1252 Namias, R. Gelatin; Action of Chromium Compounds on 1338
Mueller, W. &e Hillig, O.M 96 Naske, T. Sulphur in Pig-Iron ; Determination of 568'
Mueller-Eau, B. See De Meulemeester 1148 Nastjukoff, A. M. Benzene and Cellulose; Reaction between
Muentz, A. Casein as a Fining Agent for Wines 359 1302
Muttly, S. T. Ores ; Treatment of Gold and Silver (P) .. 1333 OxyceKuloses ; Notes on the 63
Mugnier, J. Textile Fabrics ; Manufacture of (P) 341 Nathan. Non-Alcoholic Beverages; Manufacture of (P) 1408
Muir, J. Metals; Changes in produced by Sudden Nathan, F. L., and others. Nitroglycerin; Appar. tus for
Cooling 1455 Manufacture of (P) 927.
Mullay, T. S. Antifouling and Preservative Composition (P). 1149 Nathan. L., and Bolze, H. Beer ; Brewing of , and Appa-
ratus theivfor (P) 491'
Mullen, J. A., and Pope, E. J. Paper Stock ; Machine for National Steel Refn.ing Co. See Jamieson, B. K.
Treating (P) 1S51 Naudet, L. See Manoury, H 59, 628
Mumford, F. T. Ores or Slimes; Apparatus for Electrolytic Nauhardt, P. Tin ; Electrolytic Treatment of 251
Treatment of (P) 1144 Tin; Electrolytic Treatment of , and Apparatus
Mumford, J. B., and Newlands, P. R. Washing and Disinfect-
ing Powder (P) 1092 therefor (P) «6*
Mumme, P. Beer; Brewing Two Kinds of • in One Opera- Nay lor, G. See Illinsworth, R 1025.
tion 181 Naylor, W. Trades Waste ; Hacterial Treatment of 1091
Munson, L. S. See Tolman, L. M 1238 " Trades Waste: I is Treatment and Utilisation" 877"
Murco, H. See Astruc, A 1352 Neander, E. von. Ether Explosions 789
Murdook, R. L. See Forster, J. J 1145 Neeley, C. E. See Montgomery, J. H 1544
Murmann, E. Aluminium Alloy (P) 77t> Neely, I. L. Separator; Gas and Water (P) 4S3
SeeFlor, F 1225 Neil, J. M. See Browne, D. H 1083
Murphy. Thermo-Regulator; Discussion on New Form Neild.E. E., and Campbell, F. Solder for Aluminium (P) . . . 976
of 457 Neill, J. W. See Officer, R. H. ' 1141
Murphy, A. J. Arsenic Analysis; Two Possible Causes of And Biirfeind, J. H. Metals ; Recoxery of lrom Ores
Discrepancy in 957 (P) 978
Murphy, E. E. Water ; Apparatus for Distilling (P) 787 Nelson, A. W. Disinfectant (P) 635
Murphy, .1. Composition for Building Material, &c. (P) 1233 Nelson, C. P. See Evans, W. C. B 696
Murphy, T. Furnaces; Inclined Grate • (P) 1524 Nerniit Electric Light Co. See Drake, B. M 245,1226
Murray, T. R. Pumps for Gases or Vapours (P) 32t> See Garrard, C. C 398, 462
Muskett, E. A. See Scimmell, J. B 1461 See Mance, Sir H. C 461
Muspratt, E. K. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 951, 955, 956 See Ram, G. S 540
Muspratt, M. Water Carriage in Great Britain; Discussion Nernst, W., and Borchers, W. " Jahrbuch der Elekirochemie " 1477
on , 754 Nesbitt, H. Charcoal Manufacture; Discussion on 745
Muthniann, W., and others. Cerium Metals ; Electrolytic Pro- Nettleton, C. Boiler-cleaning Composition (P) 1523
duction of 412 Neubaecker, P. Vaporising Apparatus (P) 108
Myers, A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 604 Neubauer, H. Phosphoric Acid in Ground Thomas Slag;
Myers, H. C. Sugar-Beet as a Reclaimer of Arid and Alkali Determination of Citric Soluble 1415
Regions. II S34 Neuberg, C. Carbohydrate Groups in Egg Albumin 136
Ketoses; Isolation of 506,1103
Mynders, A. P. Viscid Substances ; Apparatus for Drawing And Wohlgemuth, J. d-Arabinose, d-Arabomc Acid, and
off (P) 1225 Quantitative Determi nation of Arabiuose 1103
Mysik.B. See Andrlik, K 920 Neuhaus, C. Hide ; Manufacture of Waterprouf Objects from
Mjtteuaere, F. de. Cinchona Bark, &c. ; Determination of the Raw (P) 48*
Alkaloids in 721 Neumann, A. Press for Beet Slices (P) 921
Cinchona Bark ; Testing of 931 Neumann, B. Calcium Carbide; Equation representing
Reaction during Reduction by 1302
Metals; Extraction of by Calcium Carbide 1140
Neumann, J. W. Burner for Liquid Fuel (P) 088
Neuray, T. Oil Filter (P) 1145
Nevegold, F. Furnace ; Reverberatory Smelting • (P) . . . 868
New Jersey Zinc Co. See Stone, G. C 1395,1395
N New Process Manufacturing Co. See Kay, S. W 1129
Newlands, P. R. See Mumford, J. B 1092
Newlin, S. L., and Mathisen, J. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1180
Naccari, A. Aluminium : Polarisation of 259 Newsone, T. Cellulose from Cotton of the Cotton-Seed Husk
Hadeou.T. SeePhelps, II. W 1397 (P) 68
Naef.P. Air or Gas; Apparatus for Compressing, &c. (P) 1126 Newton, C. R. Oxidising Enzymes 182
Catalytical Reactions; Treating Solid Material with Gas, Newton, G. A. Artificial Stone and Marble (P) 1455
applicable to (P) 33 Newton, O. B. J., and Billington, C. Alloys ; Improved
Coke ; Apparatus for Manufacture of (P) 908
Coke; Manufacture of (P) 1128 (P) 1457
Cooling and Refrigerating, and Apparatus therefor (P) . . . 10t>4 Newton, W. J. Sewage; Apparatus for Treatment of (P) 1149
Fuel; Apparatus tor Injecting Fluid into (P) 33 Niblett, J. T. Batteries ; Secondary (P) 125
Fuel; Treatment or Bituminous (PJ 459 Nicholls, W. S. See Oollin, G. W 539
Fuel; Treatment of , with Recovery of By-Products
(P) 33 Nichols, C. H. Photographic Flush-Light Apparatus ( P ) . . . . 1245
Furnaces, Gas Engines, i c . ; Utilising Waste Heat from Nicholson, J. R., and Brown, H. Coke Ovens (P) 1445
— (P) 1066 Nicholson, J. T. School of Technology; Mechanical and En-
Furnaces j Heating Blast for—- (P) 1029 gineeriug Departments of the 1512
Nicolai, H. Coffee free from Caffeine; Manufacture of Oftedal, S. Cement Testing, and Manufacture of Cement
(P) 1035 Ware 1078
Nicolai, O., and Boerner, F. Soldeis for Aluminium and its Ogden, A. W. See Winton, A. L 1290,1295,1295
Alloys (P) 10S1 Ogden, J . A. Ores; Apparatus for Boasting (P) 1400
Nicolaysen, C. Sublimation Apparatus: A Simple 69 Oger. Wines; Making Champagne (P) 1547
Nieolle, M. Vital Colorations by Means of Coal-Tar Dyestuffs 1042 Ogilvie, D. J . Paint; Manufacture of (P) 918
Niedenfuehr, H. H. See Luety, F 475 Pigments; Producing Black and Dark Carbonaceous
Nielsen, A.N. Oil, Whale and Seal; Bleaching nl (P).. 262 (P) 1460
Nielsen, L. C. Burner for Incandescence Oil Lamps (P) . . . . 602 Ogilvy, D. J . Lampblack; Production of (P) 1084
Nietzki, R., and Slacoszewicz, J. Fluorindines; Synthesis of Paint Drier (P) 782
35 Ohlsson, O. Centrifugal Machine (P) 761
Niewerth.H. Ores; Reduction of (P) 351 Ohly, J . Citric Acid; Manufacture of 871
Nihoul, E. Tannin in Plants ; Origin and Role of 865 Okun, M. S. Lamp; Eiectric Arc (P) 606
And Dufossez, P. Portland Cement; Retardation of Omeliansky, W. L. Cellulose ; Hydrogen and Methane Fer-
Setting of 859 mentation of 418
Nikaido, Y. Sulphuric Acid in Soluble Sulphates; Volumetric O'Nelll.E.C. See Stillman, J . H 1336
Determination of 1247 Onslow.A.W. £eeSale, M. T 851
Nikiforoff, A. Benzenes and their Homologues: Production Oppermann, C. T. J . Active Material for Secondary Batteries
of (P) 541 (P) 1282
Nilson, O. M. Evaporating Apparatus (P) 783 Batteries; Composition for Use in Secondary ( P ) . . . 1143
Nilsson, F. O. Separator Drum ; Centrifugal (P) 244 Oppermann, H . Milk-Albumin; Production of Oxidised
Nissel, A. Guaiacol, Cinnamic Acid and Tannin ; Compound (P) 1091
of (P) 1096 Oram, E. Distilleries and Breweries ; Apparatus for Treating
Nissen,!,. See Buecka, H. J 717 Liquid Bye-Products of (P) 1035
Nissenson, H., and Crotogino, F. Sulphuric Acid ; Decompo- Ordody, L. von. Fibres ; Production of from Reeds, &c.
sition with lor Analytical Purposes 1248 (P) 1025
Tin Alloys ; Concentrated Sulphuric Acid a Solvent for Ordway, C. Vacuum Evaporating Apparatus (P) 1267
Nobis, L.. and Wenzel, A. Concrete; Composition for Use as Orengo. See Battistini 762
Orlott, N. A. Sulphur ; Existence of Blue or Green Modifica-
— (P) 1079 tion of 876
Nodon and Piettre. Oxidation by the Electric Current ( P ) . . 1539 Orth,H.,jun. See Hoepfner, C. , 1027
Sugar Juice; Purification of (P) 1288
Sugar Juices; Electrolytic Purification of (P) 629 Osann, B. Cast-Iron; Testing, Examining and Classifying
Noelliing, E. 2.3-Dihydroxyphenazine; Tinctorial Properties 551
of . 542 Osborne, T. B. Edestin ; Reactions of with Acids and
Dyestuffs derived from Naphthyidiphenyl-, Dinaphthyl- Alkalis 420
phenyl-, and Trinaphthyl-methaue 1450 Protein Bodies ; Sulphur in 505
Gallocyanines 469 Protein Molecule; Basic Character of the 420
Indogenides with Tinctorial Properties 1450 And Cornelison, R. W. Zein ; Extraction of (P) . . . . 358
Naphthalene; peri-Derivatives of , and Ring Forma- Osbourn, M. P . Feed-Water Heaters, Filters, and Purifiers
tion from 247 (P) 1267
Report on Communications 677—682 of Societe de St.
Denis 1023 Oschatz, H. Enamelling Metal Articles (P) 11S9
And Federmann. Azo- and Azoxybenzene ; m-Hydroxy Osenbrueck, A. Absorber for Refrigerating Machines, &c. (P) 1224
Derivatives of 400 O'Shaughnessy, F . B. Birmingham Sewage, and its Treat-
And Thesmar, G. Nitro-and Amino-Xylene Derivatives.. 398 ment 665
Norcross, F. C, and Mitchell, J. Blast Furnace (P) 977 Oshima, K. Yeast, Gum, and Invertase 1340
Norman, L. I. X. Brewing Syrup; Manufacture of (P) . 1191 Osius.G. See Stroh, G 1326
Norris, G. L. Arsenic in Iron and Steel; Detennination of Osmond, F . Nickel Steels; Magnetostriction of 485
393 Ost, H. Magnesium Chloride; Behaviour of in Steam
Silicon in Ferro-Silicon ; Determination of 537 Boilers 1177
Norris, J. F., and MacLeod, G. Triphenylmethane ; Prepara- Salt Solutions; Behaviour of towards Copper, &,c. ... 1177
tion of 168 Oster.V. Filter for Water (P) 1150
North American Fuel Co. Fuel; Briquettes of Artificial Ostersetzer.J. See Golding, W 858
(Pj 1020 Ostrejko, R. Charcoal of Great Decolorising Power (P) 58
North, B., and Lee, W. C. Alkaline Hydrate or Bicarbonate Ostwald, W. Nitric Acid and Nitrogen Oxides; Manufacture
in Presence of Monocarbouate ; Estimation of — . . . 322 of (P) 548
Norton, J. T., jun. Sodium Thiosulphate ; Action of on O'Sullivan, J . Emergencies in Vitrol Works; Discussion on
Solutions of Metallic Salts 51 229
Notkin, N. Air; Carburetting , and Apparatus therefor Oswald.A.M. tfeeRogers,C 124
(P) 163 Oswald, T. H., and Bowman, F . E. Gas-producing Plant (P) 34
Ottinowski, \V. J . Sugar Juice; Diffusion for Obtaining Con-
Notkin Syndicate, The. See Purves, W. 1 10 S, 163 centrated . Protess (P) 358
Nott, J . H . /SfeeKinsey.H 397 Ottensoser, D. See Kaufmaun, 0 1326
Nouzaret, J. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating Ottermann, G. Cyanides; Manufacture of (P) 914
(P) 699 Ousihoff.J. See Dement] eff, K 173
Novak.F. ToningBaths 276 Outerson.A. Paper-Making (P) 1093
Novy.F.G. ,See Freer, P. C 495 Oving. Gaseous Mixtures; Measuring the Constituents in
Nycander, O. E. Fermentation ; Apparatus for Alcoholic Preparing (P) 1447
(P) 984 Oxford, A. J . Yeast; Treatment for Utilisation of (P) . . 421
Oxygen ; Separation of from Nitrogen (P) 345
Oxylin-Werke Actien-Ges. See Minder, J 1239
Ozon Maatschappy System. See Vosmaer 1292

Oberwalder, M'. C. Metals; Composition for Cleaning

(P) 1081
O'Brien, A. P. Nitre Oven; Construction of (P) 408
O'Brien, J. Flowers; Dual Odours of 12*4
Ochs, M. T. J. Plaster ; Composition of (P) 1"79
Oddy,T. >S<*>Heap,C 550 Paal C Albumin; Action of Caustic Alkalis upon 996
Odernheimer, E. Calcium Carbide; Sampling of 1065 Gold; Colloidal Form o f — 991
Oehler, K. Colouring Matters and Intermediate Products ; Gold ; Manufacture of Colloidal (P) 916
Manufacture of (P) • .-•• Mercuric Oxide ; Colloidal Form of 995
silver ; Colloidal Form of 994
Sulphonic Acids, and Colouring Matters therefrom ( P ) . . . . Ill Silver; Manufacture of Colloidal (V) 916
Oesiner, A., and Co. See Wuensch, A 1544 Silver Oxide; Colloidal Form of — 994
Oesterreicher, A. See Habermann, J 18?, 192 Paas and Jacobsen. Leather; Preservation of (P) 1405
Oetling, C. Lubricants and Lubricating Apparatus (P) 851 Pacific Acetylene Gas Co. See Kincaid, F . L 1069
Officer, R. H. and F. H., and others. Ores ; Cyanide Process Packard, G. A. Gold Precipitation by Zinc Dust 1280
of Working (P) H4I

Paessler, J., and Appelius, W. Hide Powder and Hides; Paul, A. Dyestuffs ; Dyeing with Sulphur 856
Action of Various Acids, &c. on 1461 Paul, B. H., and Cownley, A. J. Ipecacuanha; Indian .. 1294
Pagan, J. T. Metal Borings and Turnings ; Treatment of And Cownley, A. J . Ipecacuanha; Valuation and Deter-
mination of Alkaloids of 1299
(P) 076
Page. Antiseptic Compounds: Manufacture of • (P) 1466 Paul, F., and Gundack, A. F. Gas; Generation of (P) .. 332
Page, A. D., and Wood, G. Oil Atomizer and Mixer (P) 8S2 Pauli.R. See Singer, L 1181
Page R. H. Organic Peroxides; Manufacture ot (P) 137,13*8 Pause, T. O. Cement for Floors, &c.; Composition of (P) 973
Page, R. W. &e Miller, E. H 71 Paweck, M. Zinc; Gaivano-technical and Electro-metal-
Pailheret, F. Sw Bodin, E 11*7 lurgical, Extraction and Refining of (P) 140$
Paint, A. * e Freyss. G 14*9 Peake, E. Sewage; Purification of (P) 1149
Pakes, W. C. C, and Barnes, "\V. H. Sterlising Apparatus (P) 1314 Peakes,W.R. Fuel; Artificial (P) 763
Palmaer. W. Tetramethyl Ammonium j Electrolytic Pro- Pearce, J. H. India-Rubber; Machine for Working (P) 626
duction of 1251 Plastic Compositions ; Machines for Mixing (P) . 264,1188
See Erioson-Auren, T 126 Peard.G. W. See Bates, D 482,976
See Wiborgh, J. G 1189
Pearse, H.,and levers, E. F. Antifriction Metal Alloy (P) . . . 1234
Palmer, X. F. Stone; Machine for Moulding Artificial
Pearson, J. T. Abrasive Materials; Manufacture of , and
(P) 650
Apparatus therefor (P) 1224
Palomaa, M. H. Receiver for Fractional Distillation 724 Pease, F. N., and McDonnell, M.E. Detergent, and Manufac-
Pampe and Trolle. Combustible Emulsion for Explosion ture thereof (P) 263
Motors (P) 1339
Gas for Heating, Lighting, and Power (P) 1447 Peasley, W. W. Furnace; Construction of (P) 968
Pan-American Light Co. See Mende, A 1164 Peck, J. Bricks; Burning of. • (P) 1397
Panaotovic, J. V. Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine ; Spectro- Peckham, S. P. Cement Testing ; Further If otes on . . . . 831
scopic Detection of 3557 Peckinpaugh, S. S. See Thibodo, P. H 1155
Panchaud de Bottens, A. Hydrogen Electrode; Depolarisation Pedersen, J. T. Soap and Candles; Machines for Wrapping
of , by Aromatic Bodies 877 (P) 918
Naphthalene; Electrolytic oxidation of 1237 Peffer, H. C. Soap containing Hydrated Alumina (P) 1032
Pannertz, F. Gas ; Modification of Schilling's Apparatus for Pellet and Delamere. Calcium Oxalate ; Gases Evolved on
Determining Specific Gravity of 139 Decomposition of , by Heating 193
Pantjuehow, N. Benzene ; Manufacture of in Russia... 1448 Pellet, H. Beetroot Juice ; Calcium Salts in 866
Panzer, T. Alkaloids, Vegetable; Resistance of • to Decay 274 Beetroot; Mineral Constituents of the 028
Casein Derivative containing Sulphur Chlorine 145 Beetroot; Relation between Phosphoric Acid and Ammonia
Paolini, V. See Balbiano, L 1293 in the 628
Colorimeter; Use of the : 865
Pane, E. C. H. See Henneberg, \V. S 55 Molasses ; Analysis of Cane 428
Paratt, P. W. Regulator for Oil Burning Furnaces (P) 462 Reducing Sugars of the Cane 416
Parker, A. Electrio Furnace (P) 1129 Salicylic Acid in Wines; Determination of 1416
Parker. H. Paper; Machine for Making (P) . . . 271, 494, 494 Sugar Cana and Beetroot; Phosphoric Acid per 100 of
Paper-making Machines; Paper-making Wire for Sugar in 628
(P) 1293 Sulphurous Acid Solutions ; Specific Gravity of 171
Paper-Pulp; Machinery for Forming into Streets And Klein, L. Sugar Juice; Preservation of Samples of
(P) 870 179
Pulp- and Paper-making Machine (P) 494 And S. de Grobert. Salicylic Acid in Wine; Deter-
Parker, J. Gordon. Leather for Bookbinding 128 mination of 1416
Tanyard ; Application of Kjeldahl's Method of Estimating Pelletier, E. le. Burner; Hydrocarbon-Vapour (Pj 1068
Nitrogen in the • 838
Pellin. See Broca 1448
Parker. J. M. See Thiele, F. C 110 Peltzer and Son. Steaming Tissues; Apparatus for —— (P) .. 1134
Parker, T. J. Purity of Standard Drugs and Chemicals ; Dis- Peniakoff, D. A. Ores; Purification of Aluminous ( P ) . . . 615
cussion on 1436
Pentecost. Kjeldahl's Method Applied in the Tanyard ; Dis-
Parker, W. H. Matches; Manufacture of (Pj 1155 cussion on 842
Parkin, W. C. See Williams, A 719
Pereda, M. Pineapple Beverage; Manufacture of (P) . . 634
Parnell, E. B. Ores of Gold and Silver; Treatment of
Pereire, G., and Guignard, G. P. Acetone; Distilling Wood
(P) 351 for Manufacture of (P) 541
Parone, E. Gardenia Oil; Properties and Composition of And Guignard. G. P. Acetone from Saccharine Sub-
Essential 1295 stances (P) 511
Parr, S. W. Copper; Volumetric Determination of 929 And Guignard. G. P. Acetone ; Manufacture of • (P) 1098
And Guignard', G. P. Alcohol, Denatured; Manufacture
Parrott, P. J. See Lowe, V. H 559 of —— (P) 558,1090
Parry, E. J. Camphor Oil as an Adulterant 1214
Civet; Commercial 1553 Perfect Gas Machine Co. See Broichgans, S 1324
Lavender Oil; Valuation of 1153 Pergami, A. See Tortelli, M 1187
Otto of Rose 561 Pergeline, S. Coal Blocks; Smokeless (P) 459
Shellac; Adulteration of 782 Perkin, A. G. Luteolin and Apigenin 1450
And Cosle, J. H. " The Chemistry of Pigments " 145
Perkin, F. Moll wo. Bicarbonates ; Test for 1376
Parry, W. K., and Adeney, W. E. Sewage; Discharge of •
Bromide and Iodides; Simple Qualitative Test for . . . 1375
into a Tidal Estuary 1035
Parsons, C.L. α-and 6-Eucaine ; Identification and Properties Reduction of Silver Solutions; Discussion on — - 1375
of 273 Perkin, W. H., jun. Brasilin and Hematoxylin. Part VI. .. 110
And Stewart, M. A. Arsenic; Retention of by Iron And Kevan Lean. "An Introduction to Chemistry and
in the Marsh-Berzilius Method 1114, Physics" 369
Partridge,G. M. G. Sweetening Substance, and Manufacture And others. Cotton and Cotton Goods; Fireproofing of
(P) 1531
thereof (P) 1154 And Whipp Bros. Cotton and Cotton Goods; Reducing
Partridge, H. See Harris, I. L 1069 the Inflammability of (P) 857
Partridge, J. A. Hops, Malt, &c.; Treating and Drying Perkin, W. H., sen. Hexoses. Disaccharoses, and Polyhydric
(P) 7S6 Alcohols; Magnetic Rotation of some 144
Parziale, T. Soap ; Manufacture of (P) 864 Perkins, F . J . Hides; Machine for Treating (P) 713
Passburg, E. Drying Apparatus; Vacuum (P) 458 Perkins, J. B. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1069
Passburg, H. Sugar Loaves ; Production of (P) 1546 Perman, E. P. Ammonia Solution ; Influence of Salts, &c. on
Passmore, P. B. Atmospheric Gas-Burners (Pj 1446 Vapour Pressure of Aqueous 116
Passow, H. Cement; Production of (P) 860 Perrin, H. Beetroot Juice; Apparatus for Extracting Ammonia
Pataky, C. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 1021 from (P) 58
Acetylene Generator (P) 1389 Enamels and Photographic Plates; Application of Colours
Pate, J. Sizing Preparation (P) 271 to (P) 1155
Paterson, D. Compound Dye Shades ; Influence of Absorption Photographs; Production of Enamelled Polychrome
(P) 1245
Spectrum on Gaslight Appearance of 611
paterson, R. M. See Craig, G 117 Perron, C. Nickei and Copper-Nickel Ores; Treatment of
Paterson, W. See Scott, R 493 (P) 1281
Paterson, T. L. Address to Scottish Section 1380 Persichetti, S. Broom; Use of in Paper-Manufacture (P) 1467
Patterson, T, S. Adaptor for Vacuum Distillation 456 Pet and Claudel. Gasifier for Combustible Liquids (P) 1447
Chermo-Rdgulator; Modified Form of 456 Peterhauser, F. Dyeing with Indigo (P) 1393
Patton, W. P. Floats for Steam or Water Traps (P) 336
Peters. Yeast for Food Preparations; Washing with Plews, A. S. Antimony Ores containing Gold; Treatment of
Acetic Acid (P) 132 (P) 259-
Peters, 0. A., and Moody, S. {3. Persulphates; Determination Antimony Oxide; Manufacture of White (P) 1027
of- 140 Ploeg, J. van der. Antimony ; Extraction of from Ores,
Peters, H. See Trotman, S. K 693,694 &c. (P) 552
Peterson, H. A, s-u?ar; Centrifugal Extractor for (P) . . 1406 Plotts, W. Burner; Oil Injector (P) 852
Peihybridge, W. Telluride Gold Ores; Treatment of Plummer, C. H., and Stare, F. T. Vegetables; Method of
(P) 123,350 Canning (P) 787
Petit, P. Saccharose; Heat of Inversion of 195 Podmore, A. E. See Thomas, J 962
Petrenko, G. I. Phosphates; Action of Hydrogen Peroxide Poehlman, H. E. See Steele, E 1155
on 645 Poerscke, R. Electrodes for Galvanic Batteries (P) 1082
Petriecioli, O., and Reuter, M. Antimony; Volumetric Deter- Poetter, H. Safety Blasting Composition (P) 1471
mination of 73
Pettibone, H. Gas; Apparatus for Proportioning and Mixing Poh], E. Carbon Electrodes and Coke ; Manufacture of
(P) 906
(P) 852 Metals; Production of in Finely-divided State (P) . . . 1334
Peyrusson. Tannic and Tinctorial Extracts; Treatment of Poirrier, A. F. Dyestuff; Blue Sulphur (P) 1229
(P) 1462 Pokorn>, J. Dyestuffs; Qualitative Analysis of Artificial 1299
Peyton, E. P. Metals: Pickling Iron and other , and Polenske, E. Borax Distilled with Methyl Alcohol; Behaviour
Utilising the Waste Products (P) 976 of : 195
Pfaff, B. Formaldehyde; Determination of 1102
Pollaczek, E. Furnace Gases; Desulphurising (P). 1270,1446
Pfauhauser, W. Tin, Spongy and Crystalline; Electrolytic
Pollak, J. CotoJne ; Examination of 136-
Formationof 261 SeeHerzig.J 608
Pfaudler Vacuum Fermentation Co. Fermentation of Liquids; See Lippmann, E 1*271,1271
Mechanism fnr Use in (P) 1191 Pollatschek, P. Cotton-Seed Oil; Chilled 1032
Pfenniger, A. Dyestuffs; Sulphide , and Manufacture Margarine in Russia 882
thereof (P) 701 Saponification; Method of 487
Pflster, J. Timber; Apparatus for Impregnating (P) ...1231 Pollitt.G.P. See Lunge, G 1329
Wood ; Apparatus fur Impregnating and Dyeing (P) 1455 Polmeteer, A. J. Copper-Mine Water; Precipitant for Treat-
Wood Staining, in Pattern (P) 1231,1393 ment of (P) i>78
Phelps, E. W., and Nadeau, T. Uas-Burners; Incandescence Copper; Precipitation of from Water (P) 787
(P) 697
Phelps, W. J. Lamps; Incandescence Electric (P) 1179 Pomeranz, C. Maltose and Glucose: Equilibrium between
Philip, A. "The Electro-Plating and Electro-Eeflning of 1353
Metals," being a New Edition of Watts'" Electro- Pominerhanz, G. See Ulbrich, C 154$
Deposition " 1251 Pompili.R. SeeGaruti,P 259,778
Philipp,C. See Seifert, B. R 1530 Pompino, R. y. Sugar; Extraction of from Dried Saccha-
Philippet. SeeEscande 130 rine Matters (P) 35»
Philippi, W. H. Tanning of Hides and Skins (P) 1286 Pond, F. J. Translation of, Heusler's "The Chemistry of the
Phillippe, L. Kapok Oil: Variation of Mean Molecular Terpenes" 1251
Weight of the Fixed Fatty Acids 1336 Pontio. Metals ; Separation of certain 929
Phillips, C. B. Cream Separator (P) 1291 Poole, C. W. Burner; Hydrocarbon (P) 602
Phillips, C. O. Cotton-seed Oil: Production of (P) 1084 Pope.E.J. See Mullen, J. A , 1551
Phillips, H. B. Timber; Drying Red-Wood (P) 708 Popp. Zinc and Iron Plates; Covering with Copper or
And Godden, H. L. Furnace Gases and Smoke; Apparatus Brass by Jileclrolysis (P) 485
for Combustion of (P) 460 Poppe.O. SeeKlic,K 625
Phillips, J. F. See Lever Brothers 487 Popper, H. Food-stuffs; Manufacture of -—• fiotu Molasses
Phillips, J . R. Plates; Apparatus for Tinning and Treating (P) 492
(P) 1235
Pickling and Swilling Apparatus (P) 1235 Popper, V. See Messenger, A. H 629
Phillips, W. B. Zinc Blende; Removal of Iron from . . . . 120 Porchere aine. Onho-Benzoic Sulphamide and its Salts;
Phinney.E.D. See Buckley, J. D 96S Obtainment or (P) «7
Pianko, M. Leather; Manufacture of Grain and Pebbled Port G. M. Leather and Fabrics ; Composition lor Preserving
(P) 1085 (P) 1239
Picard, H. K. See Sulnian, H. L 975 Portemont. Sugar-boiling: Apparatus for (P) 1545
Picard L., and Co. Azo Dyestuffa derived from Picramic Porter, H. Effluents; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Dis-
Acid (P) 39 charge of
Pich.T. Flux for Brazing (P) 410 Portes, L., and Desmoulieres, A. Salicylic Acid; a Normal
Pickles, T. Mercerising Cotton Fabrics (P) 704 Constituent of Strawberries 182
Portland Cement Fabrik Hemmoor ana Valeur, P. F. Fire-
Pictet, A., and Genequand, P. Acetic Acid; Compound of proof Lining for Kilns (P) 1279
with Nitric Acid 1250 Posno, V. Liquids; Vessels for holding Volatile Inflammable
Pictet, R. P. Liquid Air; Apparatus for Industrial Produc- (P) 70(
tionof (P) 407 Possetto.G. "Vegetable Butter" 55
Piettre.J. SeeNodon.A 629,1288,1639 Posternak. Vegetables; Preparation o" tlie Phusplio-Organic
Pilat, L., and Grardel, J. Food for Cattle from Molasses (P) . 924 Matter of (P) M64
Pinner, A., and Schwarz, R. Pilocarpine; Research on . 272 Postranecky, C. Stirringand Mixing Apparatus (P) 1386
Pinnow, J. Aromatic Nitro Compounds; Reduction of . 965 Potel,A.P. See Klett, C. L 1464
Organic Compounds; Sensibility of Colourless to Potter, C. E. See Jowett, H. A. D 11,1153
Light , 1353 Potter, C. V. Solution for Separating Metals from Sulphide
Pitoy, H. F. Alimentary Substance; Manufacture of (P) 716 Ores (P) 410
Pittsburgh Blue-Print Co. See Whinery, S. B 1349 Potter, H. N. Lamp ; Electric Glower (P) 607
Piutti, A., and Comanducci, E. Bignonia catalpa; The Acids Lamp ; Mercury Vapour (P) 1825,1325
of—- 1037 Lamps; Treating Ballast Wires for Eled ric (P) 852
Place, J. F. Air and Gases; Liquefaction of (P) 1322 Potter, H. W. Insulating Compound (P) 553
Air and Gases; Receptacles for Liquefied (P) 1322 Potter, J. A. Pig-iron; Manufacture of (P) 351
Plaissetty. A. M. Filaments and Mantles; Incandescence And Harvie, W. C. Mattes ; Treatment o[ (P) 1333
(P) 1389 Potut, J. Sulphuric Aeid ; Manufacture of (P) 706
Plante. See under Bezosnard 1448 Pouget, J. Olives; Determination of Oil in 1196
Plantinga, P. Tar; Apparatus for Extracting from Gas Poulenc, C. "Les Nouveautes Chimiques pour 1902" 797
Poulenc.G. See Hecht, E 187
(P) 963
Pouteaux, A., and Wolff, A. Battery; Secondary (P) . . •. 260
Plath, G. Nitric Acid; Apparatus for Distillation of (P) 772 Power, E. H. Fuel; Apparatus for Spraying Liquid (P). 961
Plato, W. See Ruff, O "88 Power, F. B., and Lees, K. H. Rue Oil; Constituents of Es-
Plattner, E. Sue St. v. Kostanecki 1130 1468
Playne, A. W., and Macdonald, L. W. Indigo Vat Dyeing, and Powers, V., and The Bevois Patent Lighting Co. Gases;
Substances therefor (P) 1132 Apparatus fo
Apparatus for Generating, Storing, and Purifying
Indigo Vats ; Preparation of (P) 1532 84
Pleus B. Quinizarin and Anthrarufln; Reduction of
with Hydriodic Acid 1273

" Z Z i ' E S * i n g M — D i a s t a s e s ; C a u s e o f E r r o r i n Inve Putzeys, J. E. C. I. Water; Means and Apparatus for Puri-
Enzymes ; Failure of'the T e s t ' f o r — a«f fying (P) 1408
Emotium oriza; Diastatic Ferments in — '.'.'.'.'.'.'.''.''"" i AVater; Purification of (P) 1466
Molybdenum Salts, &c.; Producing Fast Shades on Lea- Pyatt, R. See Muffly, S. T 1333
mer By 1533 Pvrisoiith Isolating Material Co. Insulating Bodies: Electric
Praag, D. J. van. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1069 (P) 1282
Praetorius H Fuels ; Mixing Liquid — , and Apparatus
uiereior \t?) ^g
Prampolini, W. India-Rubber Substitute; Preparation of —
\") qg j
Prangey L. and Grobert, J . Sugar Juices : Apparatus' for
Carbonation of (P) ' 4,y
Pratt, A. Heating Liquids or Gases under Pressure ; Appa- Q
ratus tor • (P) 1523
Pratt F M Deodorising Process (P) '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'.'. 1188 Quain, J. R., and Turnbull, T. T. Lamps; Electrolytic Incan-
Meal; Deodorising (P) . . . . . . £o81 descence (P) 907
Pravicha, E and Douillet, E. Separating Apparatus'for QuarzitolCo. See Loewenthal, J 1233
•kiqums {rj ^^g Quennessen. See Leidi6 499,640
Preas, J . H . See Denton, J. A .........'...'. 927 Quinan, W. R. Sulphuric Acid; Apparatus for Manufacture of
Precht, H . Potassium Magnesium C a r b o n a t e ' ; " P r o d u c t i o n
Concentrated (P) 772
Quinby, W. 0., and others. Explosive Compounds; Manu-
(P) U7 facture of (P) , 723
Precht, J . Acetone Sulphite ; Characteristics of '........'' 1245 Quinn. B. B. See Lincoln, J . C 1091
}' , F \ . , E x t r a c t i o u Apparatus 195 Quintaine,E. Tin; Obtainment of — by Electrolysis (P) 779
Soluble Starch ; Acetylation of '.'.I'.'.'.'.'.'. 129 Quintaret, G. Caoutchouc ; Two Indo-Chinese Lianas yield-
Preiss, L . E. Hydrocyanic Acid ; Detection'of — l>97 ing 415
Prescott A. B a n d Sullivan, E . C. " F i r s t Book of Quali- Quist, J., and Bain, 3. A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 909
tative Chemistry. F o r Studies of Water Solution a n d
-Mass Action Q32
Prescott S.C. Translation of Effront's'" E n z y m e s a n d t h e i r
Applications " 3g 9
' SsFagf?odmC~'(P)W- Iron
' ™d Ste'elV Treatment'of
Prestwich, J. & farns and Threads •'Treatment of ' - ' - with
Pretzl, A. D. Potassium Ammonium Chromate . 6S8
Preussner.L. Cement; Magnesia 257
Prevost A J., jun. Sewage ; Apparatus for Treatment of ——
\X) ^ Qg- Raabe, F. V. 31, Textile Fibres ; Treatment of (P) 48
B , ^ W w n d ,' a " R 1 ? b l ! e ! , : Recovery of from Waste'(!>) 865 Raasloff, H. de. Centrifugal Machine (P) 1234
Rubber Waste; Reclaiming Rubber from Vulcanised —— Rabe, H. Sulphuric Acid, Anhydrous; Production of (P) 407
v*/ 357 Raben, F., and Wrede. F. Beer Yeast for Bakers; Purifi-
Price, T.S. Persulphuric Acid and its Salts; Action of Col- cation of (P) 715
loidal Platinum upon 343 Rabinowitsch, A. M. Benzines; Commercial 607
Priestman, F Paint or Varnish ; Composition'ior"Removing Rabs. V. Water; Sterilisation of with Chlorine 361
(r) jQg^ Raczkowski, S. de. See Bordas, F 1041
Prinsen-Geerligs H. C " Cane Sugar, and the Process'of its Eadcliffe, J. Gas, Combustible; Apparatus for Production of
Manufacture in Java " H59 (P) 109
Sugar Extracted
by Maceration; Determination' of'——,
. an* Crushmir of Canes 714 Gas, Combustible; Production of (P) 109
And Hamakers, K. R. Sugar; Extraction of •—- ( P ) ' '628, 921 Rader, C. 1., and Smeeth, E. E. Blast Furnaces (P) 483
°ivfnE; ? e e r , W . o r t ; Caramelising during Mashing . . . . 715 Raff, J. E. Lighting; Air-Pressure System of (P> 601
Malt; Analysis and Valuation of Kilned — — . . . 784. Ragosine, A. Lubricating Oil; Manufacture of • in Baku 910
Procter, H. R. Leathers Dyed with Coal-Tar Colours; Dis- Petroleum Industry in Japan, during 1902 1228
cussion on ... 1 <S8
Rahn, O. See Wallach, 0 1193
Spirits; Discussionon Jjj
And F A Tannin; Rahtjen, A. Indigo, Mono- and Di-brom- and Mono- and
tfr P a T ' ' ' AbsorpYion'oF— by'Fiil Di-chlor-; Manufacture of (P) 543
Proelss, H. Cocaine; Detection of 14,2 Raikow, P. N. Alcohols, Monovalent Fatty; Flashing Points
Proescher, F. Metliylrubazonic Acid ; New Synthesis of'——'. 700 of , and of their Aqueous Solutions 796
Prosssr, D. W. See Thomas, J . L .' 163 Formaldehyde; Investigation of 422
1 r0S
' h J - T ^ " " " n , 1 0 ™ Acid, Action of upon Lead'.'.'.'.' 250 Halphen's Reaction lor Cotton-Seed Oil; Chemistry of
AndLjseocq, E. Blendes containing Fluorine; Roasting Sublimation in the Sun's Rays; Orientating Influence of
And others. Zinc Furnace Cinder;MetaUieLead in Light in — 1418
Crude 874
Railroad Gas Lighting Co. See Caldwell, C. W 1227
Prothiere, E. Zinc; Volumetric Determination of 724 Rak, A. Batteries for the Diffusion Process (P) 78S
And Revaud, A. Sodium Sulohide ; Preservation of Stan- See Hyros 1462
dard Solutions of 1473 Ralston, J. C. Ores of the Repuolic District; Treatment of
Prudent,]). Sugar Runnings ; Treatment of (P) 130 (P) 1079
Prunier. Bismuth Compounds of Organic Acids . . 135 Ram, G. S., and Nernst Electric Light Co. Lamps; Incan-
° | k o T ^ - W - A l l °y of Aluminium (P) 978 descence Electric (Pj 540
See Drake, B. M 1226
steel, Manufacture of (P) 349 Ramage, A. S. Ferric Oxide Pigment stained with various
Przibjila, C. Potash Industry ; Disposal of Waste Liquors Dyestuffs (P) 1238
from the f^ 251 Ferrous Liquors; Treatment of (P) 12S5
Pschorr, R. 9-Amino-10-Hydroxyphenanthrene and 9.10- Terpene Peroxide ; Production of (P) 188
Rainorino, K. Phosphorus in Iron ; Rapid Determination of
Diamino-phenanthrene 1094 641
Puckncll, W. A. Chloroform ; Determination of 76 Phosphorus ; Separation of in the Martin Furnace . . 1233
Pueschel.C. See Viertel, H 144a Ramorino, C. Manganese in Steel; Rapid Determination of
Purnn Sing. Oantharides ; Japanese 1295 Silicon in Ferro-Silicons ; Determination of 191
Pure i'ood Co. See Taylor, P. B 1090 Ramsay, Sir W. Preface to Morris W. Travers' " The Experi-
Purgotti A. and L. Matches; Manufacture of Non-Poisonous mental Study of Gases " 78
Mixture for (P) 498
And others. Gutta-Percha; Experiments on the Chemical
Behaviour of 1367
Pursall, A. J., and Jackson, H. D. Lamp; Wax-burning
Ramstedt, C. W. Heat; Apparatus for effecting Exchange
(P) 4g3
of between Liquids or Fluids (P) 458
Purves, W. T and The Notkin Syndicate. Carburetting Randolph, L. M. Insulating Compound, and Manufacture
Apparatus ; Automatic (P) 1B3 163 thereof (P) 91R
Pushin.N.A. See Kurnakoff, N. S 143 Paint; Insulating (P) 918
Putallaj, J. p. Glass-Furnace (P) H71 Plastic Compound, and Manufacture of same (P) 782
Putnam C H . Cupola-Furnace Slag; Recovery and Value Ranger, R. K. See Iinox 632
ot iron in . . . . . , , . 119
Bank, J., and Trantom, W. Oils, Vegetable; Separation of Rennoldson, W. L. Address to Newcastle Section 1379
from Ground Seeds (P) 413 Renny, A. Oil Fuel; Apparatus for Burning (P) 1269
Ransom.G. See Brochet, A 54,352,408 Renstrom, C. Copper ; Hardening of (P) 620,1458
Ransom, H. B., and others. Liquids; Apparatus for Discharg- Copper or its Alloys; Hardening of (P) 1030
ing over Filter-Beds (P) 1465 Renwiek. Tests for Bromide, &c.; Discussion on 1376
Ransome, B. L. Concrete Joint (P) 479 Renz, C. Thallium Compounds of the Alkaloids 1409
Ranwez,F. ScsameOil; Detection of 141 Repiton, F. Copper ; Volumetric Determination of 641
Raoult.F.M. " Cr.voscopie" 567 Retort Coke Oven Co. See Wiloox and Wagener 1323
Raphael, M., and Elius, L. Insulating and Packing Material Reubold, F. Dyestuff; Sulphide , and Manufacture thereof
(P) 353 (P) 610
Bapp, R. Platinum Process ; Use of Glycerin in the 68 Reusch, P. Sulphur; Removal of from Coke and Pig-iron 861
See Albert, R 1033 Reuter, M. See Petriccioli, 0 73
Raschen, J., and The United Alkali Co. Electrolytic Cells (P) 979 Revaud, A. See Prothiere, E 1473
Ratchkowsky.A. See Marino 1082 Rex Acetylene Generator Co. See Freeman, D. 0 1128
Eatner, C. Tin; Determination and Separation of 1249 Reychler, A. Antipyrine; Salts of 987
Raupenstrauch, G. A. Metallic Soaps; Preparation of Solu- Reynaud and Bonna. Cellulose; Conversion of into
tions of (P) 1550 Glucose, &c. (P) 1406
Bauschenbach, A. E. See Weber, P. C. R 549 Reynaud, G. Dextrin and Alcohol; Manufacture of (P) . 1290
Rauter, G. Glass ; Oxidation and Reduction in Melting 174 Reynolds. D. Steel; Production of direct from Oxide Ore
Rauthmell, T. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for Generating (P) 1185
(P) 34, 245 Wrought Iron and Steel; Direct Production of (P) .. 976
Rawcirth, J. S. Smoke ; Prevention of—- 1268 Reynolds, F. A. Burners; Fuel-Feed for (P) 602
Rawson, W. S. Sterilising Apparatus (P) 6S4 Reynolds, J. E. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 605
And Littlefield, R. D. Crucibles, &c.; Refractory Im- And Grubb, G. R. Films on Plate Glass; Production of
pervious (P) 52 (P) 366
Ray, A. J. See Lewis, T. E 962 Reynolds, P. P. and J. J. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1325
Ray, S. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1129 Rhead, E. Ii., and Sexton, A. H. "Assaying and Metallurgical
Raymond.E.B. Oil-Burner (P) 1068
Read Holliday and Sons, and others. Dyestuffs; Black , Analysis for Students, Chemists, and Assayers " 567
and Intermediate Compound (P) 1528 Rhodes, J. Dyeing Apparatus (P) 474
And others. Dvestuffs; Sulphide , and Intermediate Rhodin, B. E. F. Canstic Soda and Bleaching Powder; Elec-
Products (P) 1451 trolytic Manufacture of at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario . 449
Read, H. V. R. Containers for Compressed or Liquefied Gas Rhodin, J. G. A. Electrolytic Apparatus (P) sue
(P) 914 Soda and Bleaching Powder ; Production of by Elec-
Read, B. H. Electrodes for Electric Arc Light (V) 334 trolysis 705
Ribaud, G. L. Vacuum Pan for Brine, &c. (P) 614
Reagan, J. Furnaces; Improvements in (P) 1324,1324 Rice.W.P. Grain; Steeping of (P) 1547
Eebuffat, O. Calfium-Sulpho-Aluminate, and Action of Sea-
Water on Portland Cement 1535 Richard, E. Iodo Derivatives of Phenols ; Preparation of 423
Waters containing Silicon and Magnesium ; Puiification Resorcinol; Determination of 423
Of 1549 Richards, J. W. Alloys ; Aluminium-Zinc 121
Recklinghausen, M. von. .SeeVogt.A 458 Richards, P. A. E. Alloys; Determination of Platinum, Gold,
Eecoura, A. Aluminium Chloridosulphate; Preparation and Silver in 1249
cf • 1453
Chromic Sulphate; Action of Hydrochloric Acid on .. 1076 Richards, T. W. Phase Rule; Application of to the
Reed, C.J. Electrolytic Apparatus (P) 778 Melting Points of Copper, Silver, and Gold 975
Salts; Treatment, of Solutions of — (P) 778 And Singer, S. K. Hydrochloric Acid ; Quantitative Sepa-
Metals; Electro-depO3ition of (P) 1541 ration of from Hydrocyanic Acid 499
Eeed, H. 0. Analysis of Tanning Materials: Filter-Papers and Richardson, C. Cement Analysis; Discussion on Standardisa-
tion of 1222
Soluble Solids 691 Paraffin in Petroleum Residues, Asphaltic Oils, and
Reed, J. V. See Kastle, J. H 504 Asphalts Fluxed with Parafnn Oils; Determination
Reeves, W. Thermometers for Brewers' Use (P) 632 of 690
Refineria de San Luis. Supar; Extraction of from Dry And Wallace, E. C. Sulphur; Occurrence of Free in
Beaumont Petroleum 316
Materials (P) 1406 Richardson, E. J. flee Joly, C 1386
Reichard, C. Morphine in Opium ; Determination of 1476 Richardson, F. W. Arsenic Determination in Malt Liquors ;
Potassium ; Quantitative Determination of 140
Reichenbaeh, C. O.; Mercerised Cotton Yarn (P) 1183 Methods for 901
Reichert. F. J., and Heydemann, C. L. J. J.; Coffee Extract Richmond, H. D. Milk ; Composition of 133
And Harrison, J. B. P. Boric Acid in Butter; Rapid
(P) 1344 Determination of 929
Reid, W. F. Alcohol Duty; Discussion on 830 Richter, A. Fermentation; Theory of 1239
Gutta-Percha; Discussion on 137S Richter, G. Air ; Apparatus for Moistening (P) 362
Impurities in Sulphuric Acid; Discussion on 1510 Richter, H. Nitrocellulose; Denitration of (P) 1038
Nitrocellulose; Discussion on Will Test for 824
Proceedings of Annual Meeting 952, 955 Richter, M. See Meissner, 0 762
Reduction of Silver Solutions ; Discussion on 1375 Richter, P. G. Foods; Preparation of Preserved (P) ... 360
Sulphuric Acid; Discussion on Determination of Strength Ricker, J. H. Fuel Compound (P) 1180
of—- 1512 Ridder, G. de. Water; Determination of Organic Matter in
Sulphuric Acid Process : Discussion on 1507
Tests for Bromine, &c.; Discussion on 1376 368
Reim&nn, C. Tobacco and its Products; Improvement of Rideal, S. Birmingham Sewage ; Discussion on 669
Spirits ; Discussion on Maturing of 101
(P) 728 Water; Purification and Sterilisation of 1149
Reimer. See Haarmann 1348 Riechelmann and Leuscher. Sandal-Wood in Cocoa ; Detec-
Reinhardt, G. Rafflnose; Determination of 504 tion of 1157
Bernhardt, H. Bismuthose ; Preparation of 1244 Rieck, M. Chocolate ; Manufacture of (P) 492
Reinman, A. L. Lamps ; Incandescence Electric (P) . . . . 540 Rieder, J. Copper Sulphide; ElectrolytieaUy Produced — . 978
Reinohl, D. C. See McFarlane, J 918,1084,1084 Riedler. Leather Dyeing ; Improvements in (P) 1538
Reiser, O. See Emmerling, 0 429 Rieger, F. Phosphoric Acid in Organic Substances; Determi-
Reisert, H. Water; Removing Sulphuric Acid from (P) 1550 nation of —- 277, 503
Reiss, R. A. Mercury Bichloride ; Action of on the Riegler, E. Chlorides, HC1, Silver and Phosphates; Gaso-
Unfixed Silver Bromide Gelatin Plate 872 metric Determination of • 73
Reitlioffer, J. W. Rubber Sponge ; Manufacture of (P).. 127 Riemer, A. Steel; Want of Homogeneity of Soft Basic Martin
Reitlinger, A. Sulphur in Coal and Pyrites ; Determination of 480
1298 Riensch, H. Straining Apparatus for Waste Liquids (P) 1064
Remane, H. Lamp; The Osmium 1445 Riesberg, Van V. W. Carbonic Acid Gas, &c.; Apparatus for
Remsen, I. "A College Text-Book of Chemistry " 145 Making (P) 1138
Reniy, T. Hops; Aroma and Bitter Principles of 1341 Riesenfeld, H. See Abegg, B 547
Renard, R., and Becker, A. Iron Ore; Treatment of (P) 1333 Rigaud, A. Hides; Apparatus for Colouring (P) 475
Renault, B. Fuels; Micro-organisms from the Fossil . . . . 727 Eigaud,H.C. See Briant, L 491
Rendschmidt, K. Flash-light Cartridge (P) 873 Uigby. J. S. Kilns for Portland Cement or Lime (P) 118
Rene. See Senderens, J. B 169 Portland Cement; Manuring (P) 1184
Whiting; Manufacture of , and Apparatus therefor
(P) 178

Rigby, T. Ammonia and Tar from Furnace Gases, &c. (P) . . 1268 Roessler, F. Sodium Cyanide; Manufacture of (P) 1232,1534
Eignon, J. A., and Eisenniann, E. Arc Lamp with Inclined Rogers, C, and Oswald, A. M. Zinc; Extraction and Re-
Carbons; Continuous (PJ 908 covery of (P) 12*
Bigolot. White Lead and Zinc White ; Report on Comparative Rogow, M. Vanillin Action of Benzaldehyde on 136
Painting Experiments with 1S43 Rohland. P. Hydration; Influence of Catalytic Agents on
Eiley, A. J., and Strathy, F. R. L. Liquid Combustibles; Velocity of 1233
Vaporisation of (P) 1127 Rojahn, W. See Soden, II. von 66,1410
See Strathy, F. R. L 763
Riley, F. G. Mash Tuns for Brewing Purposes (P) 558 Rojat, D. Filtering Apparatus (P) 1126
Riley, J . C. Liquors; Ageing of Alcoholic (P) 132 Rolland, E. Dyeing Machine (P) 1133
Riley, J. E., and Barnes, J. Arsenic and Sulphur; Recovery Rcimmel, W. See Schoenfeld, F 1342
of (P) 1533 Rooney, J. J. L a m p ; Incandescence Electric (P) 1527
Riley.W.A. See Heron, J 868 Rooper, W. O. Grindstones ; Artificial (P) 347
Biley, W. C. Cocaine; Sterilising and Preserving (P) . . 1096 Root.F. J. See Brandt, W. S 1527
Eimbach, C. See Kroebpr, E 875 Roques, F., and Gerngross, A. Iodoform and Di-iododithymol;
Rindell, A. Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate ; Solubility of Examination of the Mother Liquors of — 1193
And Gerngross, A. Periodates ; Preparation of 1138
in Water 195
Rink, J. J. SesLaCour, p 913,1539 Rose Gold Reclamation Co. Gold and other Precious Metals;
Eintoul, W. See Nathan, F. L 927 Separation of " Precious Particles " of (P) 915
Riotte, C. C. and E. A. Mixing or Spraying Device (P) 597 Rose, M. See Hindley, E 473, 618
Rose T, K. Alloys ; Phase Rule and Establishment of Equili-
Ripley, l>. C. Glass-gathering Machine (P) 707 brium in Solid 53
Glass-Ware; Apparatus for Manufacture of (P) 1S30 Rosebrugh. Prof. Caustic Soda and Bleaching-Pow der ;
Ris, C. Dyestuff; Blue S u l p h i d e — - (P) 610 Discussion on Electrolytic 451
Dyestuff; Green Sulphur , and Manufacture thereof
(P) 769 Rosee D'Infreville, L. G. M. Batteries ; Lead-zmc (P) .. 260
Ritter, E. Cholesterol and Phytosterol in Fats ; Quantitative Rosenberg, H. Leather; Imitation , and Production
Determination of 643 tuereof (PJ : 627
Rivers, W. E. Kiln for Ceramic Ware (P) 615 Rosenberg, L. B. Quartzite; Applicability of South Russian
Rivett, J. See Hill, J. H 5S)7 , for Manufacture of uiuas Brick 117
Riviere, L. Sugar Juices ; Purification of (P) 58 Rosenbluth, E. M, Carbide Cartridges (P) 863
Rix, W. P. Pottery Glazes; Preparation and Behaviour of Lamp; Acetylene Gas General ing (!J) 606
Insoluble Frits for 317 Rosenfeld, A., and Silber, J. Rubrescin ; A New Indicator... 723
Pottery; Vapourous Method of Glazing ]4dl Rcsenhaip, A., and Huldschinsky. E. Zinc and Cobalt; Quan-
titative Separation of 1351
Roach, W. G. and A. C. Marble and Stone; Colouring
Rosenhain, W. Calorimeter for Coal 147S
V-T/ ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOO
Roach. W. L. Sewage ; Apparatus for Distributing , &c. Platinum ; Recrystallisation of 1042
Rosenheim, A., and Huldschinsky, E. Nickel and Zinc ; Quan-
(P) : 1H9 titative Separation of 141
Roake, J . S. Distilling Apparatus (P) 246, 853, 9tiS Rosenheim, O. Arsenic; Decomposition of Compounds of
Roan, J. Water; Apparatus for Purifying (P) 1150 Selenium and Tellurium by Moulds ; I t s Influence on
Eoberts.T. See Societ6 Buffaud 49 Test for 1039
Roberts,A.B. See Berry, A. E 1343 Rosenthal. Gasifier for Liquid Fuel (P) 1525
Roberts, C. P. and G. P. Furnaces ; Construction of (P) 1226 Rosenthal, E. See Epstein, W 39
Roberts, F. C. Hot Blast Stoves (P) 762 Rosenstiehl, A. Grape Musts; Bouquet of Wines from Stirile
Ore Roasters (P) 1081 922
Roberts, I. L. Calcium Carbide ; Manufacture of (P) . . . 1227 Yeasts; Action of Tannins and Colouring Matters on
Activity of 181
Roberts, J. L. Carbides; Electric Production of (P) 353 And Suais, E. Azo-Dyestuffs; Action of Sulphides,
Roberts, W. L. H. Kiln ; Continuous Cement and Lime Sulphites, and Hyposulphites on 470
(P) 973 And Suais, E. Azo-JJye.-.tuHs ; Reduction of Nitrated 470
Robertshaw, C. D. See Walker, J. H 1157 Ross.A. See Shackleion, J 109
Robertson, Dr. Nitrocellulose; Discussion on Will Test for Ross, F. W. F . ' See Ciantar. U 269
825 Ross, J., and Mackenzie, A. W. Bungs or Stoppers for Casks,
Robertson, A. R. See Macfarlane, J. W 1224 &c. (P) 1019
Robertson, J. K. See Strachan, R. P 904 Ross, J. H. Acetylene Gas Generators (PI 465,1269
Robertson, R. Nit) oeellulose ; The Will Test for 819 Ross, R., and Leather, J.P. Gas-Oils; The Constitution
Robin-Langlois, J. Sugar; Apparatus for Refining (P) . 128S of- 676
Sugars; Rapid Relinmg of White (P) 59 Ross, W. L. Furnace for Sterilising Air (P) 1150
Robinson, M. W. Battery; Bichromate (P) 1(>82 Rosset, G. Batteries; Primary or Secondary (P) 153»
Robinson, W. E. Soap Crike (P) 355 Batteries ; Self-regenerating Depolariser for (P) 125
Kocca, E. Oil; Apparatus for Refining (P) 78a Rossi, A. J. Alloys of Copper and Titanium ; Production of
Oil; Refining of (P) 782 (P) 863
Roclie, D.A. Hydrogen Peroxide; Oxalic Acid in 190 Titanium; 1 Combination of -—- with Iron (P) 1587
'iitauium ; Metallurgy of 1332
Eochet, L. L.. and Giraudeau, G. L. Stiffening Material for
Fabrics (P) 405 Rossi, C. Diazo Compounds ; Action of Silk on 250
Beck, W. S. Pigment; Production of Oxide of Iron (P). 178 Rossing, A. Calcium Sulphide in Bone-Charcoal; Determina-
Eocques, X. Wine Modified by Mycoderma vini; Composition tion of 1474
of a 1148 Rossiter E. C, and others. Cyanides; Manufacture of
And Sellier, G. Wine, Volatile Acids m ; Determination (P) 173
Of 193 Cyanides of the Alkalis; Manufacture of (P) 345
Koflaet.W. Yarns or Fabrics ; Producing Tariegated Effects Rostovzeff, S. See Graebe, C 1070
on (P) 1328
Roemer, A. Cotton Yarns ; Mercerising , and Apparatus Roth, K. See Kahlbaum G. VV. A 480
therelor (P) 48 Roth, O. See Gnehm, 14 968
Roemer, M., and Schmidlieiny, J. Glass-melting Furnaces Rothberg, M. E. Coke Oven (P) 1067
(P) 347 Rotbenberg, L. See Koch, R 1269
Roepper,C."W., and Scholl, G. P. Electrolysis; Apparatus Rother, J. Disinfectant Powder; Manufacture of ( P | . . . 925
for Fused-Bath (P) 778 Medicinal Compounds containing Mercury Compounds
Roesch, CandCo. Bleaching and Dyeing Apparatus (P) 342,473
Dyeing Apparatus (P) 1532 (P) 872
Fibres and Fabrics ; Apparatus for Treating (P) 473 Rothermel, W. E. See Hemingway, J 1067
Roeeer. Allyl Iso-sulphocyanate ; Determination of 645 Rothmund, V. Calcium Carbide ; Formation of 761
Roessing, A. Alloys; Separation of Copper, Lead, Antimony, Rothwell, R. P. " The Mineral Industry; its Statistics, Tech-
and Tin in 191 nology. &c." : 1364
Copper Sulphide; Solubility of in Alkaline Sulphides 191 Rott E. 8t«ne and Tiles; Manufacture of Artificial
Roeseler and Hasslacher Chemical Co. See Roessler, F 1232 ' (P) 479
Soeusler, Ueiu^ehe Gold- und Silber-Scheide-Anstalt vorm. Roubleff, A. Lamps for Disinfecting, ice.; Slow Combustion
Alkali Cyanides; Manufacture of (P) S45 (P) 788
Cyanamide and its Compounds- Manufacture of (P) 275 Rouillon, L. See Blachier, J 60
Indoxyl Derivutives and Hotnologues; manufacture of
(P) 169 Roupioz, C. Acetylene Generator (P) 1389
Indoxyl Derivatives from Aromatic Glycines (P) Ill
Indoxyl Derivatives: Manufacture of (P) 169

Rousseau, L. Crucibles; Construction of (P) 959 Saatmann, F. W. Drying and Absorbing Apparatus (P) 695
Roussel, E. Tissues ; Printing of (P) 701 Sabatier, P., and Senderens, J. B. Methane; New Synthesis
Fabric ; Decorated , and Production thereof (P) 473 Of 504
Roux. Joint; a Metallic Hermetical (P) 1458 And Senderens, J. B. Nitro-Derivatives ; Direct Reduc-
tion of 1070
Roux, E. Galactose: Now Base Derived from -.. 1418 And Senderens, J. B. Nitrogen ; Direct Reduction of the
Rowe.A.W. &e Gill, A. H 780 Oxides of 1157
Rowley, J . M. See Gebhard, L. G 603 And Senderens, J. B. Oxides of Carbon ; Hydrogenation
Rowley, W. B. and S. H., and others. Clay ; Apparatus for of 5 '.6
And Senderens, J. B. Petroleum; Synthesis of—- S53
Moulding Articles in (P) ". 477
Sabeck, A. Clay; Rational Analysis of 426
Rowley, W. H. White Lead; Manufacture of (P) 1543
Sachs, F., and Barschall, H. Ketopyrazolones 700
Roy. See under St. O. Roy. And Goldmann, M. a-Cyanobeuzylaniliuey and μ-cyana-
Royle, J. J., and Royles, Ltd. Sterilising Apparatus (P) 1192 zomethines; Substituted 1326
Royle, T. Potassium Chlorate; Discussion on Explosion of AndKerapf, R. Nitrobenzaldehydes ; Preparation of 541
by Heat 219 And Lewiii, W. ^j-Diniethylaminobenzaldehyde 1149
Rozenband, M. See Ullmanii, F 337 Sachse, J . H. Petroleum in N.W. Germany; Production
Rozycki.A. See Kostauecki 35,36 of 699
Rubaads. Wood-charcoal from Aromatic Plants (P) 1466 Sachse, O , and Kaufmann, L. Brine Evaporators (P) 548
Rubel, W. Alloy of Aluminium (P) 710 Sachsenroeder, G. H. Paper, Wrapping-, or Packing, Material-
Rubenbauer, J. Hydroxides of the Heavy Metals ; Solubility (P) 1193
of in Caustic Soda 876 Sack, M. See Haber, F 777
Rubsch, G., iun. Cyaniding; Agitating Machine for Sackur, O. Sulphuric Acid; Physical Chemistry of 475
(p).: «i Sackville, J. A. Bleaching and Dyeing Apparatus (P) 474
Rudolphs, J., and Landin, J. Metals ; Extraction of •—- from Sadler and Co., and Driedger, A. Anthraquinone ; Manufac-
Oxide Ores (P) 977 tureofPure (P) 1072
Ruebel.E.A. &eGnehm,R 168 Sadtler, S. S. Metals; Extraction of , from Ores and
Ruecker, K. Wood; Fireproofhig of (P) 347 Scrap (P) S64
Rueekforth, R., and Dormeyer, C. Filter-Presses; Employ- Saefstroem, F. Matches; Ignition Composition for (P).. 562
ment of • in the Brewery 716 Safety Explosives Co., Ltd., and Phiersch, H. A. Explosives
Rueff, E. Magnesia; Compounds of (P) 479
(P) 1349
Rueping, M. Wood; Impregnation of (P) 1381
Saget.G. Benzidine Blue 1023
Ruesager, H. E. Portland Cement; Manufacture of (P). 118
Benzidine Blue, and some Reactions of Benzidine 1181
Ruetgers Chem. Fabrik. Cresolsj Separation of Para- and
St. C. Legge, J . See under Legge.
Meta- (P) 1410 St. Denis, Soc. Anon. de. Colouring Matters; Black Substan-
Para-cresol Oxalic Ester; Preparation of (P) 1410 tive (P) Ill
Ruff, O., and Plato, W. Calcium; Preparation of Metallic 1458 DyestuUs; Black Substantive (P) 40, 40
Ruff, W . J . Pasteurizer (or Beer (P) 923 Dyestuffs; Blue Sulphide (P) Ill
Ruijter de Wildt, J. C. de. See Kostanecki, V 497 /SeePoirrier.A. F 1229
Jtulf, A. Gas-Pumps; Automatic - — (P) 539 St. Niementowski. Dyestuffs; Azo , and Limits of
Rumney, W., and Co., and Young, A. S. Textile Fabrics; Formation of Diazomino Compounds 1390
printingof (P) 340 St. O. Roy, F. M. Incandescent Light; Apparatus for
Rung,F. SeeBinz,A. 930,1229 Producing (P) 763
Eupp, E. Sulphurous Acid ; Iodometry of 1473 St. Plews, A. Antimony; Preparation of White Oxide of
And Finnk, A. Phosphorous Acid ; Iodometry of 1473 (P) 1458
And Finck, A. Phosphorous Trihalides 1473 St. v. Kostanecki. See David, E 1130
And Schaumann, G. Bismuth; Iodometric Determina- And Plattner, E. Tetrahydroxyflavone; Preparation of
tion of 1558 1130
And Schiedt, A. Ferrocyanides and Ferricyanides; And Tambor, J. Catechin; Formula of 854
Iodometric Method for 1099 Salamon A. G. Malt-makin?; Experiments in 418
And Schiedt, A. Thiocyanates; Determination of . . . 990
Rushworth, F. Textiles ; Method and Apparatus for Water- See Smith, H. W 1077
prooang (P) 1276 Sale, M. T., and Onslow, A. W. Gas; Obtaiment of High-
iRussell, E. J., and Smith, N. Deninger's Carbon Sulphide ; Pressure (P) 851
Non-existence of 1476 Salentey, [/. See Demautke, F. L 919
JRussell, H., and White, A. H. Incandescent Mantles ; Rela- Sales, G. de R. de, and Gueugnon, P. Accumulator (P) 621
tion of Heating to Lighting Power of Gas, with Re- Salisbury, H. L. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 604
ference to 1020 Salkowski, E. Araban; Behaviour of , to Fehling's
Russell, J. K.,and Clausen.W. F. Lamp ; Incandescence Gas Solution 1159
Are (P) 466 Salom, P. G. Lead; Electrical Reduction of 1187
Russell. W. H. nndG. E. Incandescence Burner for Hydro- Salt, J. Pottery Fusible Tell-tales 255
carbons (P) 1227 Saltar, J. Gases; Purification of , and Apparatus therefor
Rust, C. Potassium Permanganate ; Titration of 147S
iRuthenberg, M. Iron Ores; Electric Concentration of . . 1402 (P) 332
Ores; Magnetic Concentration of Low-Grade in Sand, J., and Singer, F. Mercuric Compounds from Terpineol
Electric Furnace 621 and Dimethylheptenol 1293
-Rutherford, E., and Soddy, F. Thorium Compounds; Radio- Sandberg, G. Tallow Substitute from Fish Oil (P) 1403
Activity of 196, 795
Train Oil; Obtaining an Odourless Product from (P) 413
Rutten, J . Ferrocyanide Manufacture at the Hague Gas-
Sander, C. Silver; Loss of , in Roasting Zinc Blendes 616
Works 1277
Sander, E , and others. Stereotyping; Turf Matrix Pulp for
Ruzicka, S. Lead ; Action of Water on 270
(P) 362
Rylander, J. A. Eggs ; Preservation of (P) 183
Sander, K. Silver in Muffle Residues; Determination of . 191
Ryn, J . J. L. van. "On the Composition of Dutch Butter " . . 78
Sanders, 0. F. See Goetze, P. C. B 1083
Sanders, J. A. See Goetze, P. C. E 1083
Sanders, R. D. Metals ; Electro-Deposition of (P) 485
Sanderson, H. W., and Humphrey, E. E. Paper Printed with
Water Colours ; Rendering .washable (P) 1231
Sanderson, T. C. Antimony Ores ; Smelting of- (P) 1457
s Sandmann, O. Calcium Carbide and Acetylene; Some
Reactions of 932
Saager, A. See Kehrmann, F 337 Sandoz, Chemical Works vorm. Dyestuffs, Sulphide ; Manu-
Saare, D. Wheat and Maize Starches of Commerce 129 facture of (P) 1451
Saare, O. Malt; Conversion of Percentages of Extract in , Saniter, F. L., and Smith, J . L. Furnaces; Open-Hearth
from Windiseh's to Balling's Tables 556 Steel (P) 1141
Malt; Purchase of , on Analysis 656 Sankey, J. W. Insulating Composition, and Application of
Starch Syrup; Density of 265 same (P) 1282
Starch Syrup; Strength and Acidity of 1405 Sanson, L. H. M. Carburetter for Explosion Engines ( P ) . . . . 801
And Hanow, H . Benzene and Alcohol in Denatured
Spirit; Determination of 367 Sansonnet. See Masson 1405
And Hauovr, H. Ethyl Alcohol in Fusel Oil; Determina- Sarcoli, L. See Ulpiani, C 268,1288,1547
tion of , 367 Sargeant, E. W. See Gwynne, J 1322
Sargent, G. AV. Metals ; Heating of (P) 1081
Satie, C. See Jeakcard, P 67

Satow. Coals of Bengal and Japan ; Discussion on 212 Schlotterbeek, F. See Buslow, C 985
Schlotterbeek, J. O. Argeinone Mexicana; Alkaloidal Con-
Sattier, L. Ssz Wachwitz, H 176 stituents of 560
SauViermann, S. Asbestos; Behaviour of , inXon-huninous And Watkins, H. C. AlkaHils of Adlumia Cirrhosa 1316
Flames 396 And Watkins H. C. Stylophorum, Diphvllum ; Chemistry
of " 273,423
Mantles; Incandescence (P) 962
Saner, A. Prussian Blue; Obtainment of (P) 15*! Schmalfuss, G. Adhesive Mediums ; Manufacture of (P)
Sauerstoffe Fahrik, Berlin. Inlialable Gases; Apparatus for 416,1405
Supplying Pure (P) 361 Schmatolla, O- Phenolpbthalein as an Indicator 1557
Saulles, A. B. d>. See Corners, G. G 620,620,1525 Schmelling, N. W. See Sokolow, N.AV 420
Sannders, A. G. AbsorbentMineral Preparation (P) 1159 ] Schtnidhammer, W. Ore Process in the Martin Furnace;
Savage, E. L. Heating Engine (P) 1345 . Special Modification of the 1184
Savelsber&A. See Habsr, C 177 Schmidheiny, 3. See Roemer, M 347
Savery, T. H. Paper-making Machine (P) 491 Schmidt, A. Casein Films ; Waterproof 64
Sawamura, S. Mannan ; Liquefaction of • , by Microbes... 1547 Schmidt, C. Liquids : Apparatus for Supplying Reagents for
Saxe, 8. Plumping and Tanning Process (P) 627 Purifying (P) 925
Scammell, J. B., and Muskett, E. A. Oils; Solidifying and Schmidt, H. B., and Joslin, O. T. Glycerin ; Apparatus for
Toughening (P) 1101 Refining (P) 108*
S c a t t e r e d , H. W. Glass; Framing •—, by Electro-deposi- Schmidt, W. AVarp Yarns ; Printing of (P) 1132
t b n (P) 13.30 Schmiedel, F. K. P;iper; Producing Darker Shades on
See Tainan, J 1027, 1027 Coloured (P) 969
Schaal, E. and !\T. Rosin: Hardening of 782 Schmitz and Kreutzer, G. Ben- Brewing ; ~Wet Bruising Mill
Schaefer. K Fish-Powder; Manufacture of (P) 924 for (P) 359
See Kuorre, G. von 1403 Schmitz, C. Beer: Continuous Production of 1843
Schaefer, W. Bunsen a-nd Similar Burners (P) 881 Schmitz, H. See Tafel, J 790
Incandescence Gas Lamps (P) 962 Schmitz, W. Textiles ; Making Xon-shrbjkable. &c. (P) 1025
Schaer, E. Oxidising Compounds; " A c t i v a t i n g " Actions of Schneible. J. Fermented Liquors ; Manufacture of (P)-- 868
Various Substances on 1102 Malt Liquors ; Manufacture of (V) 716,1290
Sehaertler, C. Parobek's Plate-Cooler; Theory aud Practice Schneider, L. Furnace Dust; Examination of 1474
of 1441 Sehnetzer, K. Soap; Machine for Moulding • (P) 1543
Schniewind, F. AV. C. Gas ; Manufacture of (P) 331
Schander, A, See Fieund. M 1100 Gas: Plant for Manufacturing (P) 698
Schaposclmikoff, W. G., and MichirefT, W. Oxalic Acid: Schoelkopf and Co. See Albee, AV. L 982
Function of , in the Chromic Acid Indigo Discharge Schoelkopf, Hartford, and Hanna Co. See Culmar.n, E 1892
Process 1270 Schoen, C, and Schweitzer, E. Resists under Azo Dyestuffs . 1182,
Seharf, A. See Blau, F 34 1453
Scharfie, A. Vapour: Generation of (P) 1322 Schoenfeld, F. Yeasts, Bottom-Fermentation ; Separation of
Sctaaumann, G. See Rupp, E 1338 High and Low Attenuating 267
Scheele, T. A. See Lehmann, F 332 Yeasts'of the Saaz and Frohberg Types ; Observations on 359
Sckeele, W. T. Soup Material: Manufacture of (P) 1192 Behaviour of
Scheibler, F . Sugar Cubes ; Removing Dust from Faces of And Rommel, AV. Lager Beer ; Rodlet Bacterium causing 1342
Cloudiness in a
(I,)..: 922 Schoenfeldt and Dennhardt. AVeissbier; Causes of Red Dis- 1343
Sugar : Manufacture of Cube (P) 1146 coloration of 329
Seheidel, A. Metals: Extraction of , from their Ores (P) . 775 Scholl, A. Gas Densifying and Exhausting Apparatus ( P ) . . . 610
Schell, O. Beer-coolers; Attachment for (P) 1090 Scholl, F. Dyestuff; Orange Red Azo (P) 778
Sehenck, K. iied Phosphorus ; Experiments on 36S Scholl, G. P. See Roepper, C. AV 57
Schepeler, H. A. Sec Urodin, C. F DOT Schollmeyer, G. Sugar-Juices ; Purification of (P)
Scherding, A. K. Healing Devices for Use with Liquid Fuel Scuomburg, A'on. Air; Disinfecting Power of Hot 1466
(P) 330 Schott, H. p-Xitrosocarbazole ; Preparation of • (P) 1418
Seherhag, F. Glass ; Colouring (P| 4(0 Schrader. Foodstuff, containing Molasses (P) 1548
Schering, E. Cliem. Fab. auf Actien. Camphene : Manufac- Sehraube, C , and Bucherer, H. T. Dyestull, Azo ; Manufac-
ture of (P) 15,53 tur.-of (P) 856
Hydroxy-Carboxylic Acids ; Manufacture of Ortho (P) US And Voigtiaeader-Tetzner, AV. Dyestuff; Red Disazo
Schestaktff. P. Free Fatty Acids in Fats and Oils 1187 (P) 1530
Scheurer, A. Cotton Tissues; Influence of the Hygrornetric 701 Sehrefeld, O. Cane Sugar in Preserved Fruit containing Glu-
State of • , upon their Tenacity cose : Determination of • 614
Cotton Tissues ; Influence of Various operations on the 702 Sohreiber, C. Printing Plates for Autotype Tone Printing (P) 1469
Tenacity of Schrciber, K. Fats : Decomposition of by Micro-
Tissue Printing: Use of Foimic Acid and Formates in 472 organisms 723
Bchidrowitz, P. Morphine in Opium; Reichard's Method for
Determining fill. Schreiner, O., and Downer, AV. R. A'olatile Oils; Specific
Spirits ; Discussion on Maturing of 100
100 Gravities and Coefficients of Expansion for 274
•Whisky; Chemistry of 811 Sebribaur. See Baudoin 108ft
Sohicilt, A. See Rnpp, E 990,1099 : Schrieek, H. van der. Filter-Presses for Brewery Mashes . . . . 716
Schiele. J. Silver Plating and Gilding (P) 917 j Scln-ODsdorff, H. Chrysitiin; Reduction of with Hydri-
Schierz, F. A. See Tays, A. H 4S0 odie Acid 1273
Schiff, V. See Bernheiiner, 0 55,5(10 Sehroeder, P. von. Quick Tanning from the Physico-Chemical
; Point of View 627
Schiff, 8. Carburetted Air Apparatus 162 Sehroader, R. Yeast Albumin; Preparation of 1418
Sehild, H. Fuel-Cakes: Manufacture of (P) 1323 Schrottky, E.C. Rice; Malting of (P) 132,492
Schill, C. H. Gas; Manufacture of , and Apparatus Kchuehard, E. See Stavenhagen 481
therefor (P) 1323 Sehueder. AVater; Huenermann's Method for Sterilising 985
Schiller, H. Centrifugal Sizing Apparatus for Wood Pulp, &c. S'huemann, H. Spirit and Liquid Hydrocarbons; Vaporising
(P) 271 (P) 1127
Schilling, J . Thoria; Occurrence of , in Minerals "1243
Thorite and Orangite 1293 Schuetz, O., and Dallmann, G. Urea Quinate (P) 275
Schilling, R. See Kremer, C '.. 917 Schukareff A. See Louguinine, W 481
Schilz, E. Ores: Cyanide Process for Treating (PJ 619 Schulte. Zinc ; Obcainment of from the Oxide (P) 1437
Schimmel and Co. Artificial Cinnamon Oil; Preparation of Schulte iin Hofe, A. Indigo; Preparation of from Indigo-
fera Tinctoria (307
( p ) : Sehulte-Steinberg, H. Thomas-Powt'er; Manufacture of -
Schiadler, J . Citric Acid in Wine ; Detection of 1415
Schirmer, B. F. Pasteurising Apptrs tns (P) 1291 j (P) 133S
Sehirp, P. Dyeing and Bleaching Apnaratus (P) 1132 ; Schultes.s. Jhiilding Materials; Colouring of (P) 1535
Dyeing and Bleaching Machinery (P) 406 ! Schultz, C. B. See Deissler, R 977
ScMag, B. See Ulmann, M 553 I Schultz, G. Diamond Yellow G ; Preparation of —- 248
Schlsrb, L. M. Meats; Process for Curing (P)...... . *'69 And Flachslaender, J . Methylanthiauilic Acid r""'
Schluuning, W. See Friz, O fos And Tiehomiroff, M. Erica Base; Some lsom?rides of
Schnltz, von G. and Julius, P. " Tabellarische Uebersicht der
Schlwnann, H . W., and L e Castr<>, A. Textile Fabrics; in Handel betiiidlichen kiinstlichen organischen Farb-
Electrical Treatment of (P) ie 1 stoffe " , 997

Schulze. E. Carbohydrates; Drying , mid Determining Seldner, J . J . Grease-containing Mate;ial; Treatment of
Water of Crystallisation of 281 (P) 413
Sehulz". "P. A. Alloys; Behaviour of some to Law of Selg, O. and Guntrum, C. Beer; Apparatus for Converting
Wort into (P) ". 492
Wiedemann and Franz 1535
And Guntrum, C. Beer; Converting Yeast into • ( P ) . 492
S c h u l z e . J . H . Malt; Determination of Water in "iOS8
Sella, C. Fibres and Tissues; Fulling and Oiling (V>) 704
Schuppman, C. A. Kilns or Furnaces (P) 153G
Sellars, J . C. Building Blocks and Artificial Stone (P) 1233
Schuyten, M. C. Antipyrine; Ferric Haloid Compounds of
187 Sellier, G. Wine ; Apparatus for Determining Volatile Acids
Antipyrine Nitroprnsside, Ferrocyanide, and Ferri- in 367
cyanide; Preparation of 136 See Rocques, X 193
Schwalbe, C. lee Mill 498 Semprum, E. See Fortun, R 777
Schwartz, E. H. Mslting Furnace and Treating Metals Senderens, J . B. Aniline, Toluidines and their Analogues:
therein (P) 1234 Manufacture of — - (P) 907,1529
Schwartz, R. Prussian Blue in Gas-purifying Materials; Sesquit odium Phosphate 548
Determination of 1249 And others. Anilines, Toluidiues, and Analogous Bases ;
Sulphite Lyes containing Soda ; Determination of Alkali Manufacture of (P) 169
in 1298 See Sabatier, P 504,566. S53,107», 1157
Schwarz. Sand Bricks 1183 Sendy, W. See Bull, H . C 130
Schwarz, C. L. A. Packing Material for Articles Sensitive To Senger, E. AVater in Tar ; Determination of 1475
Light (P) 989 Serviss, G. F. " O t h e r Worlds; their Nature, Possibilities,
Schwarz, H. Coking Badly-caking Coal, and Apparatus there- and Habitnbility in the Light of the Latest Dis-
for (P) 597 coveries" 56K
Schwarz, L. Ethyl Chloride; Receptacle for (P) 1154 Settergrcn. B. Mixer or Vaporizer for Hydrocarbon Engines
Schwarz, R. See Pinner, A 272 (P) : . . . . 003
Schwarz, W. Artificial Stone; Apparatus for Preparing Settlik, B. 2"7-Dihydroxynapt'th;tlt'ne; Dyeing Artificial
Materials for (P) 479 Silk wilh 472
Schwechler, J . Soap Graimlator (P) 981 Seuminicht, J . A. F . C. Cement; i>li;ifc Furnace for Burning
Schwede. Tanning; Rapid Method of 1104 (P.) ". S6D
Schweitzer, E. See Schoen, C 1182,145:! Sexton, A. H. & e R h e a d , E . L 567
Schweitzer, G. Tannin; Determination of 1250 Seyewetz, A., and Biot. Sodium Tetrir/oditolylsiilphile ; Com-
pounds of with Aromatic Amines and Phenols,
Schweitzer, J . Sugar; Manufacture and Refining of ( P ) . 416 and Dyestuffs therefrom 706
Schweitzer, J . O. Sugar; Manufacture and Refining of And Biot. Dyestuffs; Azo from Compounds of Sidinni
(P) 1033 Tetrazoditolyl Sulphite n>71
Schwerin. B. Sugar: Extraction of (P) 556 Seyewetz. See Lumiere Brothers 561,889.1469,1409,1544
Schwerin, Count. Sugar; Extraction of (P) 59 Seyfert, F . See Kochs, B 1145
Schwerin, G. B. Water; Apparatus for Extracting • from Seyler, H. Sage Oil, German ; New Constituent of 363
Mineral and other Substances (P) 13.15 Sejmour, J . Gas and Air; Apparatus for Mixing—— ( P ) . 906,
Scofteld, W . E. Carbide-Feeding Device for Acetylene 1178
Generators (P) 000 Shackleton, J., and Ross, A. Acetylene Gas Generators ( P ) . . 109
Scott, C. H. Linoleum ; Press for Pressing (P) 025 Shade, A. A. Furnace : Electric (P) 1541
Shadforth. J . T. Furnace for Treating Metals, Minerals, &r.
(P) 13S0
tion of Substances therein (P) 913 Sharpe, D. Paper-Pulp; Screen Apparatus foi (P) 494
Tallow and other Fatty Bodies ; Meltiug or (P) 711 Sharpies, P. M. Centrifuial Liquid-Separator (P) 270<
Scott, G. C. Amalgamating Machine (P) 019,1141 Sharpneck. E. L. Ores ; Apparatus for Treatment of Copper
Scott, G . L . Filtering Devices (P) 1030 — (P) 1141
Scott, R. Furnace for Quicksilver (P) 877 Sharps, H . B. See Quinby, W. C 723
And Paterson, W. Water Softening and Liquid Purifying Shan-, C. I I . " Sulphur C a n d l e " (P) 78S
Apparatus (F) 493 Shaw, J . Dyeing Apparatus (P) 1393
Scott, B. C. Spirits; Ageing or Treating (P) 1035 Shearer, A. Emergencies in Vitriol W o r k s ; Discussion
Scott, R. W. Charges for Guns ; Explosive (P) 1246 on 229
Scott-Mcncrieli, W. D. Liquids; Apparatus for Distributing S h e d d . O . M . See Kastle, J . H . 2S0
over Large Areas (P) > 301,1465 Sheedy, D., and lies, M. W. Roasting Furnace (P) 1401 '
Scott-Smith, G. E. See Allen, A. H 1475 S h e o l i n . G . F . See Barker, J . H 362
Scott-Snell, C. Gas Lighting; Pressure System for In- Shepard, C. V. Tea Leaves ; Method of Withering (P) . . 493
candescent (P) 1179 Shepherd, E . S., and Jones, C. Photographic Plates and
Scoville, W. L. Cinchona Alkaloids Soluble in Ether 00 Films ; Devices for Testing (P) 497
Scudder, F . Effluents; Discussion on Manchester Bill for Sherman, H. C, and Snell. J . F . Oils; Relation of Heat of
Discharge of 5S2 Combustion to Sp. GΓ. of - — 024
Sherman, H. S., and others. Oils ; Temperature Reaction of
Seaman, H . J . See Hurry, E. H 1079
Seaver, J . W. Coke ; Manufacture of (P) 1179 with Sulphuric Acid 504
Sebelle, C. Acetylene Gas Generator. (P) 464 Sherman, J . S., and Harms, G. H. Vapour-Burner (P) 002
Sherriff, R- R. See Duncan, H 158
Shinn, J . A. Artificial Sand, aud Production of Same (P) 1S97
Shirasawa, H . See Tsahirch, A 1037
Shoening, W . Eggs; Preserving (P) 1291
Processes (P) v z * , ••<-*
Shooter, W. L. Shellac: Dissolving and Obtaining
See Giroux, L. D 1035
Varnish (P) 'J81
Secllaczek, K. Liquor from Diffusion Vessels; Drawing off 030 Shortt, P. E. Lamp Gasoline (P) 404
and Measuring (P) 1324
Seeger, J. B. Burner for Crude Oil (P) 791 Shukoff, A. A. Oil and F a t Industries in Russia SI
Tallows and Oils; Constants of Russian .; 55
Seel, E. Aloin Derivative, and Manufacture of Same (P) . . . . 1142
(P) . . 13S6
Shuler I). P. Ores; Treating Copper-Nickel-Sulphide
Seeman, R. Ores; Apparatus for Treating Copper
(P) 'SO
Seemen, R. J. E. von. Evaporating Apparatus (P) 970 Sieber, B. Disinfecting Media; Classification of (P) 1030
Seibert, H, and Tempel. G. Liquor and Caustic Alkali Lye:
Siebcrt. O. See Herzberg, W 107S
Electrolytic Production of a (P) 769 Siedel, J . E. Separator; Centrifugal for Milk (P) 717
Seidel, P. Indigo-diacetic Acid; aud Manufacture thereof 701
(P) Rii'dlcr P Otiium ; Characteristics of Persian 1346
Indigo; Manufacture of from Indole (P) 252 SKahlbaum.G.W.A 480
Seidell, A. Sodium Sulphate and Sodium Chloride : Solubility349, 773 Siemens and Co Carbon for Are Lamps ; Encased ( P ) . . 1525
of Mixtures of And Viertel, II. Electrodes for Arc Lamps (P) 962
Seidler. Le
See Cameron, V. yK 158 Siemens and Halske Aetienges. Asbestos Fibre Objects:
Seifert, B.Leathers Dyed with
R. and others. Coal-Tar
Indigo Colours; Discussion
and Intermediate on
Products Impregnating with Silica (P) 707
,30 Carbon for Electric Arc Lnmps (P) 1+4K
(P) -.. 15?
•>70 Cells; Electrolytic Polarisation — - (P) 125
Seige. Alcohol Vapour; Disinfecting Action of Electric Larnp Filaments: Material lor (P) 13S9
"• Selas " Ges. mil beschr. Haftung. Gas and Air; Producing a 961 Electric Lighting; Incandescence Bo lies for (p) «l
Mixture of (P)

Siemens and Halske Acfcienges—cont. Smith, H. F. Lamps; Incandescence Vapour (P) 1021
Liquids ; Apparatus for Filtering and Treating them Vapour-Burner (P) 464
withGases(P) 696 Smith, H. G. Eucalyptus Maearthnri Oil; Constituents of J 1295
Metals in their Ores; Conversion of into Sulphates
(P) 914 Eucalypi us Oils; Peppermint Odour in w
- 187
Ores: Dry Sulphatingof (P) 617 Smith, H. W., and others: Sulphocyanides j Treating CoaK
Thorium: Manufacture of (P) 872 Gas for Manufacture of (P) 1077
Water; Filter-sterilising of (P) 14«6 Smith, J. and J. R. Oil and other Liquids; Filtering and
Ytterite Group; Manufacture of Elements of the (P) 872
Zirconium; Manufacture of (P) 872 Cleansing (P) 1144
Siermann, E. Wood Refuse; Distillation of 164 Smith, J. B., and Wincott, G. P. <*as-Producers (P)* 762
Smith, J. F. Naphthalene; Solubility of 1•
Sievert, P. T. Glass Articles: Manufacture of Hollow Smith, J. L. See Sanitftr, F. L 1141
(P) 477
fiievcrts, W. H. A., and Juergens, J. P. 0. Gas-Burner; In- And Bedford, R., jun. Steel; Open-Hearth Process of
candescence (P) 4G4 Manufacturing (P) 351
Sigoyer, S. de. Sucrose; Extraction of • from Sugar Smith, J. N. See Lowe, J. T 1227
Liquors (P) , 629 Smith, J. W. Alloys of Copper and Manganese; Discussion >
Silber, J. Ses Rosenfeld, A , 728 on 84*
Recording Apparatus for Electrical Pyrometer; Discussion
Silber.P. See Ciamician, G 876,1477 on 845
Silbermann, H. Light and Colouring Matters 466 Smith, L. Volcanic Dust in St. Vincent; Analysis of . . . . 931
Silk; Weighting with Tin Compounds 1275 Smith.M. A. Filter-Presses (P-) 1464
Silberrad, O. Alcohol Duty; Effect of on Chemical Smith.N. See Russell,E. J 1476
Industry 827 Smith.P. J. SeeStiens.P 1082
Silberstern, L. See Friedlaender, P 1272 Smith, R. F. W. See Electric Ozone Syndicate 553
Silicate Brick Syndicate. See Anderson, O. H 974 Smith, R. G. White Wine; Clouding of 1034
Silverman.M. SeeWlnton.A. L : 1300 Smith, W. A. Varnish Oils; Production of • (P) 1238
Simon, A. Metals and Alloys; Electrical Manufacture of Smith, Watson. Cineol (Eunalyptol) Arsenate (P) 1096
(P) 3110 Eucalyptol Arseniate and Eucalyptol from Eucalyptus
Simon, G. Albuminoids of Cows' Milk; Research on . . . . 132 Oils (P) 1194
Simon, R. Drying Apparatus for Brewers' Grains (P) 1148 Smith-Rewse, H. S., and Coates, T. Gas-Purifiers, &c. (P) . . . 762,
Simons, J. Fuel Briquette (P) 1520 Smoke Exterminator and Fume Condenser Co. Smoke, Fumes,
Simonson, F. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 605 and Gases; Means for Condensing (P) 1286
Carbide Holder 1270 Smythe, J. A. See Garrett, F. 0 398
Sims, F. L. H. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1067 Snell.J.F. See Sherman, H. C 624
Sims,H. Filter; Oil (P) 625 Snelus, G. J. Iron and Steel and Alloys thereof; Manufacture
Sinclair, D. Copper or Bronze Surfaces; Iridescent Coating of (P) .' 1333
of (P) 1083 Soar.A.B. Filtering Apparatus (P) 904
Sioger.F. <SeeSand,J 1293 Society Anon, de Carbonisation. Coke-Ovens (P) 330
Singer, L., and Pauli, R. Paraffin Wax and Lubricating Oil Societe, Anon, de St. Denis. See St. Denis.
from Mineral Oils, &c. (P) 1181 Society Anon. Prod. F. Bayer and Co. See Bayer and Co., F.
Singer.S.K. See Richards, T. W. 499 Societe B. Buffaud aad T. Robatel. Mercerising Apparatus
Sisley, P. Carmine Blue 468
Dyeing Animal Fibres with Acid Dyestuffs 770,1230 Societe Bayerische Eggenfabrik. Cast-iron Resembling Steel;
Silk Fabrics; Spontaneously Developed Stains on 1328 Production of - — (P) 1537
Sjollema, B.. and Tulleken, J . E. Butter; Halphen's Test for Societe Beige de Deglycerination. See Danoise, G 35S,
Cotton-Seed Oil in 1344 Soeieto Beige pour la Fabrication des Einaux Artistiques.
Skinner, L. B., andHawley, R. H. Arsenic and Antimony in Glass or Mirrors; Manufacture of (P) 347"
Ores; Determination of 1156 Societe Chiin. des Usiees du Rhone. Indigo Production on
theFibre (P) 704
Skita, A. See Fischer, E 472,968 Meta-Toliiic-aldehyde-o-Sulphonie Acid; Preparation of
Skoupil, J. Textiles and Fibres; Dyeing, &c. aad Apparatus (P) , 39
therefor (P| 48 Substituted Sulphinides (P) 67
Textiles; Apparatus for Dyeing, Sui. (P) 50 See Koetschet. J 127S.1275
Societe de Construction Mecanique de St. Quentin. Suj;ar
Skrabal, A. Iron ; Electrolytic Preparation of Pure 1402 Juice; Continuous Carbonation and Sulphuration of
Skraup, Z. H., and Koenig, J. Cellobiose 144 (P)..... 138
And Kremann. R. Acetochloroglucose and Acetochloro- Societe de Laire et Cie. a- and /3-Ionone: Manufacture of
gttlaotose; Synthetic Researches with 1-44
Slsboszewicz. J. &£e Nietzki, R 35 Homologues of (P) 791
SUns-Kantschieder. J. Limestone; Dalmatiau Bitumous 478 Society de l'lndust. Chim. a Basle1. See Basle.
See Ehrmann, C 501 Societe de 1'Industrie Verriere. Glass; Manufacture of
Slavicek, V. Condenser; Fractional (P) 633 by Electricity (P) 1027:
Society de Prod. Chim. de Droogenbnsch. Tarns; Treating
Sleeman, J. Grain: Apparatus for Melting 4o. (P) 1148 Nitrocellulose for Manufacture of Lustrous ( P ) . . 548
Slosson.E.E. See Knight, W. C 1070 Societe Derepas Freres. Photographic Paper 1896
Slough. J. T. Adhesive Cement (P) 1280 Societe des Bruleurs Roger. Burners for Hydrocarbon
Sly.M.L. Iron Scrap; Treatment of (P) 483 Vapours (P) 851
Sellwood, A. Muffles or Furnaces for Annealing (P) 411 Society de3 Engrais Complete. Town Refuse; Quick Removal.
Smart, E. B. Sodium Amalgam ; Manufacture of (P) . . . 351 of and Conversion into Manure (P) 361
Sirart. R.H. See Blake, M 416 Soeietedes Etablissements A. Maguin. Beetroot Washer and
See Lang, J 1189 Stoner (P) 921
Smart. V . J. Burner; Vapour (P) 108S Soetete des Industries Economiqucs Moteuro Charon. See
Smettli, E.E. See Rader, C. 1 482 Gentz, L „ 697
Smetlmm, A. Carbonate of Lime; Discussion on • 530 Society des Matieres Colorantes de St. Denis. See St. Denis.
Smethurst, W, Borax and Boracic Acid: Treating Substances Societe des Plaques et Paiiicrs Photographiques. Hydrosulphu-
for Production of (P) 970 rous Acid or Hydrosulphitcs; Powder for Producing
Smidlin, R. Antiseptics ; Manufacture of — (P) 63 (P) I 1395
Smiles, S. See Moissan, H 504,1041 Societii des Produits Aniylaces. Rice Starch; Manufacture of
Smith. Keene, and French Co. See England, J. W 1550 (P) 1545
Smith. E. F. Tan Bark: Apparatus for Leaching <P)... 488 Societe des Produits F. Bayer and Co. See Bayer and Co., F.
Zinc and Copper; Electrolytic Precipitation of 155S Societe dites Englische Woltenwaaren Manufaktur. Fixing
Smith,F.A. Upsher. See Greenish, H. C 559 Pigments in Calico Printing (P) 704
Smith, 6. G. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1324 Soeiete Edison end others. Electric Lamps; Sealing Wires into
(P) 333
Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 1269 Soeieto Electro-Metallurgique Francaise. Electric Furnaee
Carbide Holders (P) 12f9 with Moving Electrode (P) 1419
Smith, G. H. Eucalyptus Oils; Sesquiterpene of 363 Electric Furnace Arransed for being Tipped (P) 915
Fertiliser, and Manufacture thereof (P) 1085 Iron and Steel; Manufacture of by Jilectric Heating
Smith, G. R. Cotton Tarns ; Effect of Moisture, Acids and Metallurgical Operations: Utilising"the Waste*H*it'of.
Alkalis on 471 (P) 1029
Smitl),H. Malting Drum; Pneumatic (P) 868 Sociotc formerly Durand, HiiRuenin. et Cie. See Durand,
Hugueniu ai:d Co.
Milk; Discussion on Composition of 1513 D -2
Societe, G. and P. de Mestral. Arc Lamps and Electrodes there- Spooner. H. J. Fuel: Apparatus for Preparing Peat, &c. for
for (P) 962
Society G. Charles and A. Marquand. See Marquand, Soc. Useas (P) 163
G.C.andA 1446 Spooner, J . E. G. and J . C. Liquid or Vapour : Means for Pre-
Societe Geneste, Herscher et. Cie. Disinfecting Apparatus (P) 133 venting Escape of from Vessels (P) 696
Socie'te, Gouvy et Cie. and Marthelot, M. Steel; Direct Trans- Sprague, I. B. Wood; Preservation of (P) 479
formation of Iron Scrap and Waste into • (P) 1399 Spreckels, C. A., and Kern, C. A. Sugar and Sugar Solutions •
Purification of (P) .' 715
Societe Indust. de Cellulose. Cellulose Material for Combs, And Kern. C. A. Sugar-bearing Material; Purifying Fluid
&c. (P) 1550 (P) 781
Society Italiania dei Forni Electriei. See Levi, G 629 And Kern, C. A. Sugar Crystals: Treatment of (P).. 784
Soeiete K. Oehler. Sodium Sulphate and Concentrated Hydro- And Kern, C. A. Sugar Products ; Intermediate (P) 982
chloric Acid Gas ; Preparation of (P) 1454 Spring, W. Water; Filtration of through Sand and
Soeiete la Metallurgie Nouvelle et Gin. Sulphide Ores ; Treat- Loam 86a
ment of-—• (P) 1537 Springborn, E. Fuel, Artificial; Manufacture of (P) 245
Societe, " Le Lait." Milk Preserving (P) 1035 Sprosser, L. Carbon Anodes ; Electrolysis of Alkali Chloride
Societe L. Prangey and J . de Grobert. Vacuum Pans ( P ) . . . . 1406 Solutions with 121
Socie'te, Ozon-Maatschappij. Ozonisers; Silent Discharge in Squire, P. W., and Caines, C. M. Oil of Turpentine; Acetic
(P) 1539 Acid Test for (P) 92a
Socteto Paul Chapuy and Co. Batteries; Electric ( P ) . . . 54 Ssergejew. A l k a l o i d s ; L a c t a t e s of c e r t a i n 4<x;
Societe pour la Production de la Vapeur Surchauffee. Gas Stack, T. L. F . M i l k ; P a s t e u r i s i n g a n d Separating (P).. 633
Producer (P) 851 Staekpole, M. D. Slime Problem in Cyaniding Talcose Ores.. 1080
Steam; Generating and Superheating (P) 904 Staedel, W. Hydrogen Peroxide ; Crystallised 980
Societe pour i'Ind. Chim. a Basle. See Basle Chemical Stalker, R. J. Wood, Composition for Preserving (P) 707
Works. Standard Steel Car Wheel Co.; Furnace for Steel-making
Socie'te Salinen-Direction Liineberg. Common Salt; Manufac- 970
ture of Pure (P) 1395 StaneK, V. B'etaine ; Preparation of
Societe Sucriere de Toury. Molasses; Manufacture of Cattle See Andrlik, K '.'.'.'.'.'. 920
Food from (P) 924 Stang, C. Yeast and Spirit; Use of certain Materials
Societe " Trust Chimique." Starch ; Manufacture of Soluble making (P) 1290
(P) .' 1288 Stanger, H., and Blount, B. Cement Analysis; Proposed
See Partridge 1154 Standaidisation of '
Society of Chemical Industry, Basle. See Basle Chemical Stanley Electric Manufacturing Co. See Auerbach and
Works. Gubing _ jiy
Soddy, F . Uranium : Radio-Activity of 790 Stanley, J. C. W. Brewers' Grains: Apparatus for Expressing
See Rutherford, E 190
Rendering Apparatus (P) !.'!!.'!"1 1 712
Sodeau, W. H. Nitrocellulose; Discussion on Will Tost for
Stanley, L. W. Hydrocarburetted Air for Motor Engines, &c
, 825 (p) 1066
Soden, H. von, and Rojahn, AV. Bergamot; New Crystalline
Compound from Essence of 66 Stansfield, E. Barium ; Preparation of 258
Napthalene in some Essential Oils 1410 Stapf, T. Blast Furnaces (P) 432
Soederberg, C. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1069 Star Patent Fuel Co., and Heatii, T. E. Fuel: Apparatus for
Soerensen.C. P. Aluminium; Rendering capable of being Manufacture of Artificial (P) 130^
Welded or Soldered (P) -.1235 Stare,F.T. See Plummer, C. H " 7g7
Sohst, O. Dyestuff; YeUow to Red Acridine (P) 1530 Starke, J. Albuminoids; Influence of the Medium on the
Sokolow, N. W., and others. Agar-Agar; Industrial Use of Properties of j3o
in Russia 420 Solanine in Tobacco Seeds 1 1 " i3(j
Starling, H. A., and E. H. Translation of Buiige's "Text-
Solomon, U. See Drake, B. M 215 Book of Physiological and Pathological Chemistry ".'.. 797
Solonina, R. See Decker, H. . . , 1274 Stassano, E. Furnace; Electric Revolving (P) 1284 1540
Solvay and Co. Soda Crystals in Blocks ; Production of Ores; Electrical Smelting of (P) / 1284
(P) 1395 Stassfurter Chem. Fab. vorm. Vorster and Grueneberg.
Sodium Carbonate and other Salts; Manufacture of Potassium Cyanide; Purification of (P) f.' 475
Potassium and Sodium Cyanide; Briquettes of a Mixture
(P) 107(i of (P) 253
Somer, A. Cell; Electrolytic (P) 1237 Sodium and Potassium Cyanides; Production of Anhy-
Somer, W. K. F. G. Tanning ; Rapid Process of (P) .415 d r o u s — (P) *. 2 5 3
Sorel, A. Ferments and Fe-riDentations ; Testing- 1240 Stauber, E. Drying Apparatus (P) 32
Molasses Distillery ; Abnormal Fermentations in the . 632 Stauss, C. W. Furnace; Construction of a (P) 852
Sorel, £1. " La Grande Industrie Chimique Minerale " 9S3 Stavenhagen, A., and Schuchard, E. *• [Alloys of Tungsten
Molybdeuum, Uranium, and Titanium with other
Sorge, A., jun. Water; Purification of Feed (P) 1380 Metals 4g-^
South, R. See Gray, G. F. and H. N 1397 Stead, J. E. Efficiency of Wilson Gas Producers 70
South Western Rubber Co. See Thane, J 4SS Stearns, J. S. Smoke, Products of Combustion, &c. • Apparatus
Southby, A. G. Beers; Brewing Barley Malt (P) 420 for Treatment of (P) _' i3c,t
Southey, A. W. See Clnbbe, E . J S3, 320 Steel, T. See Grcig-Smith, R !'.!'.!" 1381
Spang, J . See Dorr, A. M 775 Steele, B. D., and Denison, R. B. Solutions; Transport
Speltie, F. V. Oil; Extraction of from Fish, and Obtain-
ing Dried Residues for Use as Guano (P) 413 Number of Very Dilute (P) " 352
Spence, F . M., and others. Sodium Bichromate : Manufacture Steele, E., and others. Explosives; Improvements in (P) 1155
of (P) 253 Steele, W. F. Gas-makitg Apparatus (P) 152(j
Spence, P.. and Sons. See Knscht, P 1025 Steenbergh, B. van. Carburetted-Hydrogen Gas ; Apparatus
See Knecht. E 1531 for Manufacture of tP) j6i
SeeLamb.M.C , 1280 Steffen. Fodder Rich in Sugar; Manufacture of a (P)... 1463
Spengler, C. Disinfectant (Formaldehyde) ; Manufacture of ()»
Steffen, C. Saccharine • « . .
Juices; Obtaining Pure Concentrated
(P) 1150 Sugar Boiling; Processor (P)
Sugar Diffusion Apparatus (P)
Sperry, E. A. Electrodes; Envelope for Battery (P) 621
Elements for Secondary Batteries (P) 1540 Steiger, J . Cement; Manufacture of (P) 499 43(1
Ore and Like Concentrators (P) 775 Stein, G. Cotton; New Discharge Effects on ' 339
Sperry, E. S. Alloys containing Copper and Zinc; Improving Stein, L., and Storr, W. Glass or Porcelain Plates (P) ".' 1535
Casting of (P) 482 Steinau, C. R. P. Ores; Purification of Zinc-bearing ( p ) . 710
Spica, M. Gallic Acid in Tanning Materials: Detection and Steinbach, J., and Duderstadt, F . Asphalt Mixture • Blocks
Determination of 281 from (P) ; 1O7S
Spiegel, C. Fnrcaces for Burning Naphtha Residue (P) 330 Steine*, R. Fuel, Artificial; Manufacture of (P) (JQQ
Spies.A. Furnaces; Smelting (P) 350 Steinitzer, F . Centrifugal Apparatus for Quantitative Analysis 562
Spilker, A. See Kraemer. G 540 Steinmetz, C. P. Glowers for Pyro-electric Limps (P) 462
Spiller, J . Gutta-Percha; Discussion on 1372 Ste^nmetz, E. G. Battery; Secondary (p)
Spillern-Spitzer. Saccharine Liquids; Purification and Decolo- Steinweg, C. E. Mttals and Compounds; Hollow Bodies from
ration of (P) 1406 W 177
Spitta, A. See Buehner, E 784 Steteer, L. A. India-Rubber; Apparatus for Devulcanising

Stephen, A. Medicinal Compounds; Preparation of (P). 722 Street, E. A. G. Battery ; Electric (P) 1237
Steptan, K. Caraphene; Manufacture of (P) 1194 Strehlenert, R. W. Silk Filaments; Apparatus for Spinning
And Helle, J. Terpineol: Preparation of a New 987 Artificial (P) 969
Stephani, 0., and Boecker, T. Extraction Apparatus 10S7 And Westergren. Silk ; Artificial 113
Stephensou, J. H. Compositions; Antifouling for Ships Stritar, M. J. See Zeisel, M. J 642
(P) 179 Strocmholm, D. Double Salts ; A Class cf • 1561
Stephenson, L. T. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 465 Stroh.G. AmmoniaStill (P) 1326
Sternau, S., and Strassburger, L. Lamp; Alcohol ( V ) . . . . 852 Strong, H. A. Gases; Cooling and Liquefaction of (P) . . 345
Sternberg., W. Biraethylene Tartrate, and Manufacture of Struebing, M. Heat Non-conducting Material for Building
same (P) 791 Purposes (P) 1078
Methylene Citric Acid, and Manufacture of same (P) 791 Strutters, J.. See Rothwell,R. P 1354
Sterne, E. D. See McFarlane, 3 464 Struve, H. Cognas; Test for Choline in 1040
Sterrett, F. 0. Pump for Handling Heavy Oils (P) 625 Stuart. C. Lustreing Machine (P) 1135
Steuart, D. S. S. Pulverising, Crushing, and Grinding Silk Fibre; Intensifying the Lustre of—- (P) 1134
Machines (P) '. 904 Silk: Intensifying the Lustre of • • (P) 1276
Stevens, C. W. Stove; Manufacture of Artificial (P) .... 774 Stubblebine, W. Furnaces ; Metallurgical (P) 977
Stevens, J. W. See Anderson, G. H 985 Furnaces (P) 1445
Stevens, M. T. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 605 Stiibbs, G. See Thorpe, T. E 1037
Stevens, P. Glass; Composition for use as a Backing for Stuehler, M. See Malmendier, C 1224
Articles of (P) 707 Suenden, O. Sodium Hypochlorite; Instability of • in
Stewart, J. E. See Lyle, W. G 193 Solution 1183
Stewart, M. A. See Parsons, C. L 1114 Stuerler, A. L. de. Fruits and Foods; Preservation of
Stewart-Wallace, J. S. Mineral Oils, or Distillates and (P) 493
Residues: Treatment of (P) 099 Stukes, J. M. Eggs; Compound for Preservation of (P) . 493
Sthamer, R., Fabrik Chem. Praeparate von. Cellulose Lakes,
and Manufacture thereof (P) 356 Eggs, &c., Packing Compound for (P) 787
Hydrocellulose ; Acetylated (P) 64 Stute, C. Drying Apparatus; Centrifugal (P) 1267
Hydrocellulose ; Manufacture of (P) 65 Suais, E. See Rosemitiehl, A 470,470
Stiasny, E. Leather Dyeing; Application of Salts of Heavy Sudre, C. G. White Lead ; Substitute for (P) 140*
Metals in 1329 And Thierry, C. V. Distillers' Spent Residues; Apparatus
Stiegelmann, A. J. Indigo; Resist White under (P) 769 for Treating • (P) 1548
Stiens, P., and Smith, P. J. Batteries; Storage and Sue, H. Carbonic Acid Gas; Apparatus for Charging Liquids
Electrolytes (P) 1082 with (P) 869
Stiepel, C. Sugar Beetroots ; Analytical Diffusion Apparatus Suevern.K. Horsehair: Artificial 249
for Valuation of 860 Sugiyama, N. Camphor. Camphor Oil, and Manufacture of
Still. Coke-Ovens; Bye-Product Recovery (P) 1446 Safrol 1551
Still, C. Distilling Apparatus ; Continuous (P) 699 Sullivan, E. C. See Prescott, A. B 932
Stillman, J. M., and O'Neill, E. C. Fatty Acids of Fat of the Sulman, H. L., and Kirkpatrick-Picard, H. F. Ore Slimes;
Oalifornian Bay Tree 1336 Treatment of (P) 1081,1234
Stillman, T. B. Cements; Determination of Alkalis in Port- And Pickard, H. K. Sulphide Ores; Treatment of • .. 976
laud and Natural — - 191
Stillwell, A. G. Graphite in Ores 759 Sulphides Reduction, Lim. See Ellershausen, F 978
Stilwell-Bierce and Smith-Vaile Co, See Giesler, A 1543 Sulphur Elimination Syndicate. See Gutensohn, A 1281
Stire, P. G. Powder; Semi-smokeless (P) 366 Summers, B. S. Fibres; Retting Vegetable (P) 613
Stirling, R. Petroleum Oil; Appliance for Raising 1-223 Summers, S. L. Acetsalicylphenetidine, and Production
thereof (P) 1154,1154
Stock, A., and Doht, W. Antimony Hydride; Preparation of Bismuth Oxyiodide Methylenediaallate (P) 275, 275
995 Methylene Diaceto Di-salicylic Acid (P) 1194
Stockem, L. See Borchers, W 1284,1284 Methylene Di-guaiacol; Camphoric Acid Ester of (P) 119*
Stocks, H. B. Carbonate of Lime; Formation of under Methylenedisaiicylic Acid, and Production thereof
Various Conditions 527 (P) 1154
Sussman. Active Material for Manufacture of Accumulator
Stoddart, C. W. Sulphur in Coal; Determination of 1298 Plates (P) 1539
Stoddart, F. W. Sewage Filter; Continuous 183 Sutherst, W. F. Cheese; Chemical Changes in the Ripening
Stoeckmann, L. Fuel: Increasing the Heating Value of of 219
(P) 33 S \vager, J. Sugar Juice; Purification of (P) 130
Stoeder, W. Digitoxin in Digitalis Leaves; Determination of Swales, H. See Hampson, F. G 984,1191
2S3 Swan, J. W. Proceedings of Annual Meeting 950, 951
Opium and its Preparations; Decermination of Morphine Swift, F. E. Furnase; Biick and Kiln (P) 860
in 194
Stoermer, M. Glass ; Dulling of Window 174 Kiln ; Continuous for Bricks (I,) 1140
Stokes, H. >r. Petroleum from Cuba 541 Swift, T. B. Copper Bullion; Determination of Gold and
Silver in 1559
Stolle, R. Hydrazine; Volumetric Determination of . . . . 13jl Swinburne, J., and Ashcroft, E. A. Metals ; Extraction of
Stone, G. C. Arsenic Fumes; Apparatus for Separating (P) 351
from Furnace Gases (P) 1395 And Asheroft, E. A. Metals; Extraction of from
Sulphuric Acid; Apparatus for Production of by the SulphideOres (P) 482
Contact Process (P) 1395 And Ashcroft, E. A. Sulphides Ores; Treatment of (P) 349
Sulphuric Anhydride; Apparatus for Cooling and Ab- And Ashcroft, E. A. Zinc Chloride for Electrotytic Pur-
sorbing (P) 476 poses ; Treatment of (P) 411
Stone,H. Wood; Identification of 117 Swindjll, W. Gas Producer (P) 245
Storbeck.O. See Bodlaender, G 1282 Syniewski, V. Amylodextrin ; Iodine Compouud of 1341
Storch,C. Caseinogen of Asses Milk 1344 Starch; Action of Formaldehyde on 1341
Storer.F.H. Mannose; Detection of 1474 Starch; Constitution of • 1341
Storr, W. See Stein, L 1535 Szalay, E. von. Lamps for Acetylene Gas (P) 961
Stovel.H.R. See Haultain, H. E. T 916 Szczepanik, J. Photographs in Natural Colours (P) 1097
Strachan, R. P., and Robertson, J. K. Storage and Discharge Szterkhers, S. Red Lead; Technical Analysis of 1156
of Inflammable and Volatile Solutions (P) 904
Strache, H. Water-Gas; Apparatus for Generating (P) . 1021
Strange, E. H., and Graham, E. Varnishes ; Manufacture of
(P) 1239 T
Strassburger, L. See Sternau, S 852
Strathy, F. R. L., and Riley, A. J. Acetylene Gas Lighting
(P) 763 Tafel, J. Cathodic Polarisation in Dilute Sulphuric Acid 1186
See Riley, A. J 1127 And Schmitz, K. Lead and Mercury Cathodes in Sulphuric .
Acid Solutions ; Reducing Action of 790
Straup, J. F, Lubricants and Lubricating Oils (P) 1032 Taffe, H. Salicylic Acid in Foods; Detection of 1040
Straus, A. Sponge Substitutes; Forming— (P) 981 Tagliani, E. See Lepetit, R 107S
Straus, E. Flour from Sweet Potatoes (P) 633 Tailfer, L. Bleaching Apparatus; Electrolytic 611
Strauss.E. See Hotoann, K. A 143 Talbot, B. Ammonia; Production of (P) 1188
Strecker, O. C. Lithographic Printing Plates of Heavy Metals
Talcott.F.D. Milk-Heater (P) 1648
or Alloys (P) 775
Lithographic Printing Plates; Preparation of (P) . . . 1135

Taluau, J. Stained-Glass Windows (P) 1027 Thiele, F. C. Petroleum from Beaumont; Free Sulphur in
And Scattergood, H. W. Glass; Method of Framing 1271
(P) * J 027, Ki27 And others. Mineral Oils and Distillates; Refining
(P) 110
Tambor, J . See St. v. Kostaneeki S54 Thiele, H., and Dfickert, H. Potassium Permanganate Solu-
Tanatar, S. Hydrogen Peroxide; Molecular Compounds of tion : Standardisation of —~ 140
with Salts 65 Thierry, C. V. See Sudre, C. G 154S
Tanret, C. Manneotetrose and Manniotriose ; Characteristics Thierry, J. M. J. Distillers' Spent Residue or Wash: Treat-
of 1033 ment of , and Apparatus therefor (P) 360
Tapp, H.. and Akester, \V. H. Liquid Hydrocarbons; Utilisa- Thiersant, H. de. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 1226
tion of , for Heating Purposes (P) 1127 And Coulson, W. A. Acetylene Gas; Apparatus for
Taquet, H. M. Zinc Ores; Treatment of (P) 410 Generating — ( P ) 461
Tarbouriech, M. Hydrogen Peroxide ; Titration of 725 Thiersch, H. A. See Safety Explosives Co 1319
Tardy, E. Badiana: Chinese Oil of 1347 Thilmany, A. Pigments and Colouring Matters ; Composite
Kadiana; Japanese Oil of 1346 (P) 56
Bitter Fennel; Oil of 1347 Thiriot, L. Lead Glazes with Golden Yellow Sheen 1232
Thiry, J. Coke-making; Recovery of By-Products in 761
Tate. F. Technical Teaching in Lancashire 1364
Thoeins, B. Evaporating Apparatus; Multiple Effect (P) 783
Taylor, C. H. See Christian, G. H 1237 Thoerner, W. Wood Pulp; Sampling , ai:d Estimating
Taylor, C. V . Bunsen Burner (P) 463 Moisture of 611
Gas-Burner ; Incandescence (P) 961 Thofehrn. H. G. C, and De Saint Seine, B. Copper and
Taylor, B. D. Co. Formald.hyde Gas; Apparatus for Pro- Nickel: Extractionof 862
ducing (P) 133 Thomann, G. See Gnehm, R 968
Taylor, E. M. Bleaching and Scouring Compound (P) 340 Thomas. See Izart 1541
Taylor, E. R. Carbm Bisulnhide; Manufacture of , in the
Electric Furnace (P) 1236 Thomas, B. M. Artificial Fuel and Preparation of samn (P) . 1067
Chemicals; Production of , in Electric Furnaces ( P ) . . 979 Thomas, J., and Podmore, A. E. Lumps ; Incandescent Gas
Electric Furnaces and Production oi Chemicals therein (P) «S2
(P) 353,1283 Thomas, J. L., and Prosser, D. W. Gas Producer (P) 163
Furnace; Electric (P) 1143
Taylor, F., and others. Bleaching Vat (P) 1074 Thomas, P. Galactose; Separation of from Glucose 491
Taylor.H. B. Voltaic Cell (P) 1540 Starch -, Preparation of Soluble 1033
Taylor, J . Furnaces; Construction of (P) 597 Thomas. V. Iodides; Volumetric Determination of • 873
Taylor, J . B. Gas-Burner ; Incandescence (P) 909 Thallium ; Volumetric Determination of 501
Paper applicable for Electric Insulation (P) 1193 Thomine, E. See Croizier, H 1178.. 1397
Taylor, J . R. Producer-Gas; Generation of , and Thompson, A. Tannin; Volumetric Determination of . . . 1 tie
Apparatus therefor (P) 539 Woods and Extracts containing Tannin; Analysis of . 141t>
Taylor, M . T . Charcoal Manufacture ; Discussion on 745 Thompson, C. W. Separating or Filtering Apparatus (P) 1524
Taylor, V. B. Coating Tray for TIse in Desiccation of Eggs Thompson, G. Filters for Liquids containing Copper, &c. (P) 54
Thompson, L. McGregor. Gas-Lighters (P) 697
(P) 1090
Taylor, R. L. Cobalt and Nickel; Modification of Rose's Thompson, W. P. Furnaces for Use of Gas (P) 597
Method of Separating 426 Hydrocarburetted Air; Obtaimnent and lisa of (P) •. 539
Hypoiodous Acid 503 Sepai'ating Apparatus (P) 244
Taylor, T. F . Electro-plating Apparatus (P) 1031 Thorns, H., and Beckstroem, R. Calamus Oil: Constituents
Tays, A. H., and Schierz, F . A. Clay Slimes; Treatment of of 1295
And Beckstroem, R. Calamus Oil; the Caiameon of . 1295
- — , by the Cyanide Process, with Agitation 480 Thomson, G. Manganese Alloys; Production of—- (P) 1399
Tedesco. Oils used in Painting; Decolorising Vegetable
(P) 1460 Steel and Steel Alloys; Manufacture of (P) 349
Varnish ; Manufacture of (P) 1461 Thomson.J.M. See Nathan, F. L 027
Tei, B. Pyrazolonephenyldimethylsalicylate; Preparation of Thorn, J. II. Fruits ; Composition for Preserving ( P ) . . . 634
272 Thorne, L. T., and Jeffers, E. H. Hydrochloric Acid; Purifi-
Teisler, E. Eggs; Preservation of (P) 269 cation of from Arsenic 792
Tejada, .T. de D. Acetylene Gas Generators and Portable Thornley, G. See Knox, J 632
Lamps (P) 907 Thornton, 11. See Wilkinson, J 764
Tellier. Alcoholic Liquors; Concentration of (P) 1407 Thorpe, T. E. " Essays in Historical Chemistry " 797
Tempel,G. See Seibert, H 970 And Stubbs, G. Taxine; the Alkaloid of Yew 1037
Terne, B. Fertilisers; Manufacture of (P) 1287 Thovert. J. Electrolytes ; Retrograde Diffusion of 710
Terraneou, E. Gas-Burners ; Atmospheric • (P) 598 Thron, H. Anisic Acid Ethers of Cinchona Alkaloids ( P) . . . 637
Cinchona Alkaloid Carbonic Acids; Making Alkyl Ethers
Tervooren,H, Reducing Sugar in Syrups; Determination of of (P; 926
1560 Cinnamic Ether of Cinchona Alkaloids (P) 638
Teter-Heany Developing Co. See Heany, J . A 979,979 Salicylquinine, &c.; Salicylate of (P) 722
Tetry, L. Mentha Pulegium Essence; Proximate Analysis of Succinic Acid Ether of Cinchona Alkaloids (P) 63S
'. 496 Thurlovf.X. Camphor; Production of (P) 791
Thame, J . Waterproof Composition for Floors, Walls, &c. Thurnaeur, L. See Falk, Stadelmann and Co 164
(P) 1286 Thurston, S. H. Metal on Metal: Impacting (P) . 1142,1142
And The South Western Rubber Co. lndia-Rubber; Thwaite, B. H. Blast-Furnace Gases ; Apparatus for Cooling
Treatment of Crude (P) 488 and Cleansing (P) 352
Thames Mining Machinery Co. See Martin, W. H 1536 Thwing, C, B. Thermo-Electrie Element (P) 1333
Theilgaard, A. E. J. V. J. Caoutchouc, &c.; Devulcanising Thermo-Eleetric Generator (P) 1335
(P) 1461 Tice,W. Gas-Lamp Incandescence (P) 464
Theisen, E. Gase« and Vapours: Means for Causing , to Tichomiroff, M. See Schultz, G 46!)
Move in Contact with Liquids (P) 904 Tiemann. Citral Series; Isomerisation of Members of the
Gases; Apparatus for Washing (P) 1322 1553
Thesmar, G. See Noelting, E ' 398 Tismann, H. P. Graphite,- Temperature Limits for Separa-
Theulier, B. Orange Flowers : Essential Oil of Sweet -, or ration of from Martensite in Cast Iron 258
Portuguese N'croli Oil 722
Sweet Orange Flmver Essence 636 Tiesenholt, W. von. Bleaching-Powder; Composition of . 913
Verbena Oil; Preparation of —— 1468 Tiffenenu, M. Metho-ethenylbenzene 728
Thialon, C. See Castelnau, M 851 Tigerstedt, A. Discharge for Tannic Acid Mordants : Indan-
Thibault, P. Basic Bismuth Galjate of the Codex; The threne Blue 912
Supposed 135 Paranitraniline Red; Sodium Sulphite as a Resist under
Bismuth Oxyiodogallate; Preparation of 1244 545
Resist under Indanthrene Blue 912
Thibodo, F . H., and Peckinpaugh. S. S. Photo-Etching (P) .. 1155
Tilden, W. A., and Burrows, H. Pinene and other Terpenes;
Thiel, A. Thiocyanates; Idometric Determination of . . . . 1298
New Derivatives of 1037
Thiel, G. Iron; Partial Elimination of Impurities from
(P) 1457 Till, T. See Rowley, W. B 477
I r o n : Production of (P) 1281 Timur, J. Tap, Socks or Stoppers; Safety (P) 326
Thomas and Bertrand-Thiel Processes Compared 119 Timinans, W. G. Emergencies in Vitrei Works; Discussion
Thiele, E. Filaments; Manufacture of from Cellulose on 2S9
Solutions (P) , 1393 Timonoff, V. See Danilev:>ky, C. and A 341
Tirmnnn. H. and H. Priming Caps; Manufacture of
(P) 562

Tissier.L. See Grignard, V 286 Tucker, H. G. Burner for Crude Oil (P) 106S
Titus, J. C. Carburettor and Gasoline Regulator; Combined Tucker, W. A. Moisture-proof Coating for Brick or Stone (PI 1079
(P) 601 Tueschel, G. Paint for Renovating Cane and other Furniture
Tkatsch. A. See Badische Anilin mid Soda Fabrik 338 (Pi 263
Tocb, M. Barium Compounds: Discussion on Manufacture Varnishing; Process of —— (P) 1084
of 392 Tugendhat,B. See Uirich, G 769
Paints and Pigments ; The Composition of 102, 452 Tulleken, J. E. See Sjollema, B 1341
Toenjes, C, Dyeing Apparatus (or Linoleum, Paper, &c. (P) . 114 Tally, A. P. T. Electric Primary Cells (P) 1458
Toernell, V. Tubular Dust-filter for Breweries 631 Tally, C. B. Methane-Hydrogen Water-Gas Plant at Sligo . . . 1118
Tolliurst, C. H., and Goldthwaite. A. G. Starch: Apparatus Turnbull, Dr. Thermo-Regulator; Discussion on New Form
for Treating (f) ; 1190 of 457
And Goldthwaite, A. G. Starch; Manufacture of Laundry Turnbull, A. Leather Industry: Bacteria in the 179
(I , ) 1W» Turnbull, T. T. See Quain, J. R 907
Tollens, B. Pentosan Determination Method ; Application of
the 875 Turner, C. Rendering Apparatus (P) 1238
Pentoses and Pentosans ; Determination of • X75 Twynam, T. Tin ; Separation of from Metals (P) 978
Sec Browne, C. A., jun 72S Tylaikow, N. Safnowei'Oil; Investigation of 864
Tolman, h. M. Cotton Seed Oil; Modification for Beechi'.; T y m s . J . C . Bleachins Kier (P) 341
Test for — 643 Bleaching Kier, with Circular Valves (P) 612
And Munson, L. S. Oils: Refractive Indices of certain T.yrer, T. Alcohol D u t y ; Discussion on Effect of , on
Vegetable 1233 Cherairnl Industry 830
Tolmar.n, C. See Freyinann, 0 603 Nitrocellulose; Discussion on Will Test for • 824
Toltz, M., and Llpschutz, A. Acetlylene Gas (Compressed) Proceedings of Annual Meeting 952, 95 L, 956
Lighting System (P) 397
Tomliiison, V. Sewage and Foul Water; Purification of
(P) 361
Tomlinson, T. Hydrocarbon Oils: Apparatus for Treatment
and Utilisation of (P) 462
Toinpkins, H. S. Burner for Lamps (P) 602 Ueberroth, W. W. See Young, F. S H26
Tompkins, P. W. See Curtis. M , 1519 Uhlmann, W. See Hartwich, C 1285
Tone, F . J . Carborundum Articles, and Making same (P) . . . 1-27!) Ulbrich, C, and Pommerhanz, G. Lubricant of Good Elec-
trical Conductivity (P) 1543
Iron and Steel; Manufacture of (P) 1231
Ulke, T. Metals; Electrolytic Separation of (P) 779
Topaloff, W. See Biehringer, J 96ii
Metals ; Refining of Composite (P) 486
Topham, C. F. Cellulose: Regulating Flow of Solutions of Ullmann, F. Diphenyl Derivatives; Manufacture of ( P ) . 38
— (P) 870 Triphenylmethane; Properties ol 858
Textile Fibres from Solutions of Cellulose ; Apparatus fcr And Consonno. F. Halogen Dinitronaphthalenes;
Producing and Twisting <P) 989
Characteristics of 1272
Tortelli, M., and Pergami, A. Fatty Acids; Mean Molecular And Goldberg, J. Monohydroxybenzophenones : Prepara-
Weight of Insoluble 1187 tion of 1293
Tossizza, 0. J . Ores; Electroiiietalluncical Treatment of i And others. 3'-Alkyhnnino-9-phenyl-1.2-naphthacridines. 837
(P) 775,1336 ;
Zinc Ores and Blende ; Electro-Metallurgical Treatment I Ullrich, E-, and Fussgaenger, V. Black Colour from Amino-
of (P) aso, 1031 ] and Hydroxy-amino-diphenylamine Compounds 1184
Tourchanitioff, S. See Dnnilevsky, C. and A 341 Ulmann. M., and Schlaz, B. Aluminium ; Soldering , and
Tourle, A. B., and Arzt, H. Murine Signal Lights (P) 907 Material therefor (P) 553
Towle Manufacturing Co. See Walker, W. H 1S38 Ulpiani, C. ar.d Sarcoli, L. Prickly Pear Jnice; Alcoholic
Towne, A. L., and Clougb, E. F, Acetylene Gas Generator Fermentation of • 1288
(P) '. 601 And Sarcoli, L. Fig-Must: Alcoholic Fermentation of
Indian 208,1547
Townsend,C. P. Aluminium : Metallurgy of 53
Uirich, A., and Benade, C. Cotton Padded with β-jfaphthol;
Trades Progress Co. See Miller, L 1232
Trails, L. Sewage; Purification of (P) 122 Action of Heat. Moisture, and Steam on 1452
Uirich, G., and Tugendhat, B. AVool; Mordanting with
Transparent Cellulose Products Co. See Feval, L 1151 Chrome 769
Trantoin, W. Sec Rank, J 413 Umney, J . C. Medicines; Standards foi 1*87
Trapp, S. M. Burner; Oil (P) 1324, And Bennett, C. T, Neroli Oil: Chinese 1152
Traver, A. F. See White, A. H 1012 And Bennett, C. T. Olive Oil; Varieties and Tests of 1151
Travers, Morris W. " The Experimental Study of Gases " 78 Underwood. W . J . Torch and Rocket; A Combined Marine
Treadwell. F G. Potassium I'ercarbonare as a Substitute for (P) 927
Hydrogen Peroxide in Analysis 72 Union Lsad and Oil Co. See Bailey, J. W 1337,1337
Treichler, D. H. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 907 Union Light and Heat Co. See Graf, J . J H28
Trenckinann and Co. Leather ; Manufacture of Waterproof United Alkali Co., The. See DuiT, E. J 33,344,697,905
(V) 415 See McKechnie, I) 350
Tricart, A. See Bab6, 0. L 1142 See Raschen, J "'y
Trillat, A. Glycerin in Wine ; Determination of 1580 United Asbestos Co. See Barratt, S. H. H I3*8
Vanillin : Production of 06 United States Distillation Co. See Goss, W. F. M 1523,1523
United States Glass Co. See Ripley. D. C 1330
See Adrian 874
United States Indurated Fibre Co. Fibre-ware; Indurating
Trillat, J. J. A. Formic Aldehyde Vapours ; Composition for (P) 636
Production o." (P) 1036 Untiedt, H. Boiling, Evaporating, and Distilling Apparatus
Tripp, E. J. See Dewar, J . L 1191 (P) I322
Trivick, S. Ores; Treatment of Gold and Silver (P) 1141 Urbain, A. E. Carbon Tetrachloride : Manufacture of
Trolle. See Pampe 13S9,1417 (P) 926
Trotman, S. R. Kjeldahl's Method applied in the Tanvard: Urban, J. See Froinery, M HBO
Discussion on '. . st2 Utz. Cod-Liver Oils; Examination of 1*03
Wijs" Method of Determining Iodine Value of Oils -nd Milk : Test for Boiled and Unboiled 280
Fats ; Discussion on 1439 Sesame Oil in Chocolate ; Detection of 642
And Peters, H. Cod Oils; Analysis of for Tanning Sesame Oil; Tests for U98
Purposes C93
And Peters, H. Nitrates in Water; Determination of
by the Indigo Carmine Method 694
Truehot, P. Copper; A nalysis of Industrial £01
Vanadium ; Electrolytic Determination of 991
Vanadium; Separation of from Molybdenum U91
Truehot and Agron. Alcoholic Liquids; Apparatus for Vahlen, E. Mornhigeuine and Epiosine 1294
Treating with Gases (P) 1407 Morphine; Relation of Chemical Constitution to Action
Truesdell, A. JE. Electrolytic Cell (P) 1540 of 926
Tschirch, A., and Heuberger, K. Rhubarb: Chinese 1153,1551 Valenta, E. Printing-Colours; Determination of Covering
And Koch, M. Manila Copal: Characteristics of 712 Powerof 339
And Shirasawa, H. Camphor; Formation of in the Sensitisers for Gelatino-Bromide 638
Tree 1037 Silver Images Bleached by Corrosive Sublimate; Blacken-
Tsctuiftaeff, L. Organo-Magnesium Compounds as Reagents ing of. 1*69
See Eder, J . M 1348
for the Hydroxyl Group 1559
Tueker A. E., and Cory, C. Fuel; Artificial (P) 459

Valerius, T. L. Pasteurising Apparatus (P) 869 Vis,G.N. Brine ; Purification of (P) 91*
Valeur, P. F. See Portland Cement Fabrik Hemmoor 1279 Urine; Treatment of (P) 706
Vamosey, Z. von. Antiseptic, Disinfectant, and Purgative Brine; Vacuum Apparatus for Boiling (P) I'M, 971
Vacuum Evaporating Apparatus (P) '61
Preparations (P) 1114
Viscose Syndicate. Viscose; Treatment of (P) 65
Tan Laer, H. Teast; Special common in High-Fermen-
tation Beers 1190 Visser, L. E. O. de. Phosphorescence of Sulphides o£ I he
Alkaline Etrths 565
Van Slyke, L. L., and Hart, E. B. Cheese ; Relation of Voelker, A. Glass Furnace; Electric (P) H39
certain Salts to American Cheddar 1290 Glass; Manufacture of (P) 773
Vandercook, W. A. See Livingstone, E. L 1227 Glass; M»aufactureof by Electj-ical Heating (P) 971
Vandervoort, H. .See Leeocq, E 1180 Voelker, R. "Wallcoverings; Washable Embossed (P) .. 1277
Vanino, L. Barium Sulphate as a Eeagent for Solutions of Voelker, W. L. Filaments for Electric Lamps (P) ,. S3S
Colloidal Metals 426 Voetter, E. Dyestuffs; Printing with Sulphide (P) 1231
Formaldehyde in Solution; Gravimetric Determination Vogel, H. F. See Bramson, M 1271
of 193
And Hauser, O. Bismuth Nitrate ; Action of Mannitol on Vogel.L. II. See Harris, J 1269
65. Vogelsang, A. Bleaching Linen Yarn or Thread (P) 132S
And Hauser, O. Bismuth Suiphoeyanide ; Double Com- Bleaching Textiles ; Electrolytic Method and Apparatus
pounds of with Potassium Sulpllocyanirte 66 for (P) 612
And Hauser, O. Bismuth Trichloride and Tri-Iodide; Electrolytic Cells, and Electrodes therefor (i>) 620
New Compounds of 422 Vogt, A., and Recklinghausen, M. von. Liquid under Pressure ;
Varagniac. See Catton 14C6 Apparatus for Production of (P) 458
Varry, B.C. Photographic Prints ; Apparatus for Producing Voigtlaender-Tetzner, W. See Sehraube, C 1530
by Artificial Light (P) 9S9 Volf, C. H. de. Lamp; Hydrocarbon (P) 76*
Vathis, S. Photographic Prints ; Polychromatic (P) 1412 Vollmann, P. Malt for Beer to be Quickly Tapped; Prodnc-
Photographic P r i n t s ; Production of Multicolour ( P ) . 723 tionof (P) 359
Vaubel, W. Dyestuffs. Azo ; Presence of Diazo-amino and Malt for Rapid Production of Matured Beer (P) 62
Diazohydrojy Compounds in 41)1 Voiney, C. W. Sodium Nitrate; Decomposition of by
Vaucher, C. Gallocyanines 468 Sulphuric Acid. I K 547
Vaughan, G. C. Tan-Bark ; Apparatus for Leaching • ( P ) . 783 Volpert, F. Explosives ; Manufacture of (P) 1039
VaupeJ, H . Cattle-Food containing Molasses ; Manufacture Von Heyden, Chem. Fabrik. Acetyl-Quinine; Manufacture of
Of (P) 984 (P) 1294,
Acetyl-Salicylic Acid; Manufacture of Salts of 1296
Vaux,C. See liriant, L 180 Alkaline Salts of Aromatic Substances containing Hydroxyl
Veillon, L. Ses Gnehm, R , 338 Radicles (P) 3i>
Velna, G. de. Coke; Manufacture of (P) 1178 Indoxyl or Indigo ; Production of (P) HS1
Venter, O. Dveing Loose Material, and Apparatus therefor See Hentschel, W 1554
See Seifert, B. R 1530
(P) 310 Von Soden and Henle. Oil of Rue; Algerian 4S*
Ventre Pacha. Sugar; Colorimetric Detection of Traces of Vongerichten, E. Apiose, a β-nydrosymethylerythrose 566
1M0 Vorlaender, D. See Wangerin, A 991,1156
Veuuleth, "\V. Liquids ; Apparatus for Concentrating Vosburgh, H. E. Furnace; Reduction (P) 1538
(P) 459 Vosmaer, A. Ozonising Apparatus (P) 35S
Verbiese, F. Sucraso or Invertase in Industrial Fermenta- Ana Lebret, A. Liquids and Gases : Apparatus for Treat-
tions 180 ing one with the other (P) 1292,1523
Verein Chemiseher Fabr. and Clemm, A. Sulphuric Anhydride; Votocek, E. Rhodeose; Oxidition Products of 1353
Production of (P) 253 Vozarik, A. Guanidine ; Determination of 1041
Verein Spiritus-Fabr. Yeast; Production of Artificial (P) 715 Vreeland, C. T>. Pigment; Production of a (P) «53
Vereinigte Chininfabr. Zimmer and Co. Cinchona Alkaloids ; Pigment (White) and Paint Composition (P) 264
Carbonic Ac>d Ethers of (P) 983 Pigment (White); Production of a (P) 2<*»
Cinchona Alkaloids; Acidyl Derivatives of , and Vrooman, N. L., and Kirkiaud, R. R. Paper-Pulp Screener
Manufacture thereof (P) 275 (l>) 1036,1036
Di-Cinchona Alkaloid Carbonic Acid Esters; Manufacture And Kirkiaud, R. R. Paper-Pulp Strainer (P) 271
of (P) 1294
Vereinigte Gummiwaaren-Fabrike Harburg-Wein. See Vulitch, Douschan de. Cementing Agent for Fuels and
Ueithofler, J. \V. Minerals (P) : I** 6
Vereinigte Kunstseide Fabriken. Artificial Silk Threads and And D'Orlowsky,J. Calcium Carbide; Manufacture of
Ribbons (P) 968 (P)..... 909
Verhegeen, W. J. H., and others. Eggs, &c; Preservation of Vulte, H. T., and Gibson, H. W. Metallic Soaps from Linseed
" (P) 717 Oil; Solubility of in Hydrocarbons 051
Vermont Farm Machine Co. See Kimball, P. L 154S
Vernay, J . and J . B. Acid-resi.sting Lining (P) 1386
Verschoore, P. Vacuum Pump which cannot become Unsealed
(P) 905
ViaLE. Sewage; Treatment of (P) 925
Viard, G. Cadmium, Mercury, and Tin; Precipitation of
Chlorides and Bromides of .
Cupric Chloride and Bromide ; Precipitation of
Vickeroian, O. H. White Lead ; Manufacture of (P) 1543
"Wachwitz, H., and others. Metals; Welding of • (P) 176
Vidal, H. R. Amino-hydroxyl Derivatives ; Production of
(P) 38 Wacker.L. Anthraquinones; Hydroxyamino and Nitroso 400
Dyestuffs, Sulphide; Production of (P) 471 Diazo Group; Replacement of the by the Amino
Metallic Nitroso Derivatives of Phenols, Cresol, and Group . „ 1129,1528
Naphthol (P) 543 Nitronaphthalenes ; Reduction Products of the 542-
Paints and Dyes; Manufacture of (P) 1188 Waddell, J. Nitrite: Determination of 611
Phenol, Cresol. or Naphthol; Di-and Trinitro Derivative Wafer.W.H. See Duncan, A. D 963
of (P) 544 Wagener.D.E. See Wilcox, J. F 1323
Vierdag, P. J . H. See Verheirzen, W. J. H 717 Wagg, S. R. Paper Manufacture; Kenning or Pulping Engines
Viertel, H. See Gebr. Siemens and Co S(>> for (P) 986
And Pueschel, C. Carbons for Arc Lights (P) 144S "Wagner, M. Acetylene Gas Apparatus (P) 34
Vigne, G. Vanillin; Manufacture of (P) C8 Wagoner, L. Gold and Silver; Detection and Determination
Vignon, L., and Bay, I. Nitric Esters : Saponification of . 1303 of 501
Vildorola, L. V. L. R. T. Copper ; Production of (P) 709 Wahl, A. Amines, Aromatic; Thiosulphates of 287
Vilim, J., and Hauser, F. Photographic Half-Tones in P iut- Wahlberg, A. Steel Ingots; Influence of Chemical Composi-
ing, &c. (P) 1296 tion on Soundness of 7.74
Ville, J . Dyestufis of the Triphenvlmethane Series ; New Red Waite.C.N. Films: Manufactuie of Cellulose (P) 274
(P) 39 Waite, T. Water; Apparatus for Softening, &e. • (P) 1292
Dyestuffs; Triphenylmethane (P) Oil Wakely, TV*. Furnaces; Construction of (P) 599
Villiger, V. See Baeyer, A 607, 853,1301,1326 Walbaum, H., and Huething, O. Cinnamon Oil from Ceylon . 1095
Vincent, C. Silver; Tellurium in Ingots of American . . . . 409 Walbinger, M. Pasteboard and Paper; Impregnation of
Tirgos, W. H. Cyanide Solutions contaiuirg Copper; Titra- (P) 1243
tion, Use, and Precipitation of 34S Waldbauer, J. Barium Chloride; Production of (P) 858

Waldron. See Mellani 881 Weaver. B. Insulators ; Material Suitable for (P) 64
Walker, J., and Warhurton, G. Hexabromides oi GIvcerkles Webb, J. F., and others. Metals: Recovery of Precious
and Fatty Asi.ls 1144 ,
by Electrolysis (I ) 485
Walter, J. U. Metals; Preventing Oxidation of Molten Webb, T. G., and others. Concentrating Apparatus (P) 253
(P) :. 770 I And others. Xoxious Ytipours, &?. : Apparatus for Ex-
And Robsrtshaw, C. 1). lio s in Oil; Determination of hausting nnd Condensing (P) 253
Mineral Oil in 1157 ' Webb's Patent, Ltd. Sec Webb, T. G 25;i, 253
t a l k e r , M. S. Gas Burner (P) 11S0,11S0 Webber, W. (). Compressed Air and Gases ; Preheating and
Walker, S. See Ilindley, E 473, ei3 Moistening (P) 1020
Walker, W. II. Alloy of Silver (I , ) 153S Weber, A. Glass Tanks or Vessels for Fermenting, &c. ( P ) . . . 1343
See Mork, II. S 13tr> Weber, C. O. Antimony Sulphide ; Analysis of Golden ... 1559
Wallace, E.O. See Richardson, C 310 j India-Rubber : Theory of Yule misauon of - — 712
Wallach, O. Terpenos and Essential Oils (iS. 1152, 12H, 12!i6 ] Latex and Rubber from Oastilloa Elastica 1461
(Kalui, 0.) Terpineol; Resc in-h on ll'J3 Sulphur in India-Rubber: Determination of — 1560
And Cairns, A. India Rubber; Manufacture of Com-
Wallerstein, M., and Vrt'iind, H. II. Wort and Yeast; Appa- pounded (P) 264'
ratus for Mixing and Aerating (P) 632 And Frauke'i burst, Ltd. Textile Fabrics; Recovery of
And Fremiti, H H. Wort ; Apparatus for Aerating Volatile Solvents used in Treatment of (P) 968
IP) ". 360 Weber, F. C. Furnace ; Electric Snelting (P) 1083
Wallis, C, and Lagerwall, U. E. M. Roller Mills (I ) 107 Metallic Oxides ; Treat i.ent of ( P) 1142
Wallis, H. W. Ores ; Treatment of (P) 4S1
Weber, F. C. R., and Kausdienbach, A. B. Earthenware;
Walsh, G. E. Copper ; Electroh't ie Refining of 177
Drying , and Apparatus therefor (P) 549
Walsh, T. Textiles ; Apparatus for Steamin::, Agoing, &c.
Weber, F., jun. Furnaces ; Construction of (P) 331
(P) (113
Walter, C M . Tanning and Leaching Apparatus (I , ) 15i4
Weber, G. Stone; Production of Imitations of (P) 540
Walter, S. L., and Kcincr, F. W. Ooppvr ; Hardening of Webi/r, J. E. Lavender Oil ; Adulteration of with
(P) (116 Salicylic Acid t 1244
Walter, W. Syrups : Apparatus for Cooling (P) 9S2 Weber, W. Aseptic Preparation from Pancreas, an 1 Produc-
tion thereof (P) 271
Walther, J. A. 0. Carb mie Acid: Obtaining Organic Sub- Pmci'etis Preparation and Production thereof IP) 637
stances from (P) OSS
Webster, J. C. Solder for Aluminium (P) 11S5-
Walther, R. ]';. Lamps; Incandescence Yupour (I*) . . 333,539
Weehsler. S. Colours for Printing; Prepaiation of (I , ).. 782
Walz, C. J. .Disinfecting Apparatus (P) 9S5
See Adelsberger and Friedmann 1337
Wangerin, A., and Vorlaender, D. Indigo; A'oluinetric Deter-
mination oi 091 Week, J. Steiilising Apparatus (P) S69
And Yorlaender, t>. Oxygen Dissolved in Water ; Titration Weeks, J. W. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating
of 115S (P) 1127
Wanklyn, J. Alfred. " Arsenic." Second Edition, revised . . . . 1043 Weddell.G. Tiblc Salt; Manufacture of (P) 421
Warburg, E. Ozone ; Spontaneous Decomposition of .... 772 Wedderburn. G. Lamp; Incandescence Carburetting (P) 1325
Warburton, G. See Walker, J 1144 Wedekiud, E. Monopersulphuric Acid: Action of Hydro-
chloric, Hydrobroiiic, an:l Hydrolluoric Acids on 1074
Ward. Alkaline, Hydrate or Bicarbonate; Discussion on Zirconia ; Reduction of 1561
Estimation of 325 Wedekind, R., and Co. Dyestuffs, Anthracene; Production of
Ward, G. Iodine Yaluo of Oils : Discussion on Determination (P) 402
of 450
Proceedings of Annual Meeting i>51 Weeks, J. W. Aoatylyne Gas Generator (P) 909-
Thenuo-Regulator; Discussion on New Form of 457 Wefers Bettink, H. Mannitol; Detection of 142
Wegelin, G. Soot; Manufacture of , and Apparatus there-
Ward, G. J. Alumina; The Role of in Blast Furnace for (P) 1022.
Slasrs 4."2 [ Wegerer, H. Wood ; Grinding Machine for • (P) 788
Insoluble Fruits for Pottery Glazes; Discussion oa .. 322
Wehmeier, H. C, and Daubenbis, W. J. Mixing Apparatus (P) 059
Ward, J . Furnace; Portable Oil (P) 462 Wehmer, C. Textile Fabrics ; Spots on caused by Asper-
Furnaces: Construction of (I ) 5W gillus Fumigatus 472
And International Oil Furnace Co. Furnace lor Manu-
facture of Calcium Carbide, &c. (P) 4<>1 j W'ehrlin. A., and others. Photographic Printing Paper;
Ward, .1. W. Burners for Incandescence. Gas Lighting ( P ) . . . 333 Manufacture of in Alsace 1038
Weightman, A. T. C.ithodic Reduction 1538
Ward, W. Paint for Submerged Surfaces ; Quick-Diving
(P) : 50 Weigl, J. Ethyl Alcohol ; Bactericidal Action of I486.
Wardle, W. Yeast; Preparation of for Manufacture of Weigmann, H. Lactic Acid ; Indirect Determination of . 428
Food or Manure IP) 183 Weil, E. L., and Evans, T. W. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) . 604
Wardwell, S. W. Yarn: Preparation of for Dyeing, &c. 1 Weil, F. Stannous Chloride; Volumetric Determinations of
(P) J025 Copper, &c. by means of 191
Varin. Alkaloids in Kola Preparations; Determ^ation Weiler-Lei' Meer, Ohem. Fabriken vorm. Dyeing Piece Goods
of 1352 with Suiphur Dyestuils (P) 1328
Cinchona sueeirubra Bark : Fluid Extract of 1467 Dveing Process for Sulphide Dyestuffs (P) 547
Kola Nut and its Fluid Extract; Determination of the Dyestuff; Sulphide, Black (P) 112
Alkaloids of 645 ' iiyestutl; Sulphide for Cotton (P) 112
\Jarr, G.C., and Wright, W. T. Vegetable Fat; Manufacture Dyestuffs: Blue-Bla?k : Manufacture of ( f) 39
Dyestulfs, Sulphide ; Manufacture of (P) 966, 907
of Kdible (P) ; 2C2 Reduction by Means of Iron and an Alkali (Pj 402
Yfairen, F. J. Asphalt Cements, &c.; Manufacture and Use Weili, S. Marble ; Manufacture of Imitation (P) 1078
of (P) 1233
Cement Compositions ; Making and Laying (P) i»15 Wein, H. See Duilek, A 697
Warren, J. W. Hydrocarbon Oils ; Purification of (P) . . 1070 Weinberg, A. Dyestuffs; Blue Azo -,— for Wool (P) 068
Warring, F. B. See Caton, F. E 1021 Dyestuff; Brown-Violet Sulphur (P) 911
And Herz, R. Dyestuffs, Sulphide; Production of Blue
Wartenberu, H. See Conustein, W 1511 — (p; 471
Set Vischcr, T 1345 And Lange, O. Dyestuff; Yellow Sulphur — (P) 1530
Wnrth, fl. Alumina and Ferric Oxide; Mutual Action Weinrich, M. Massecuite ; Apparatus for Purifying (P) . 630
of at Incipient White Heat 285 Masseeuites, &c.; Apparatus and Process for Treating
Washburn, G. P. Acetylene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating (P) : 146S
(P) 098 Raw Sugar; Purifying and Preserving (P) 1545
•Washington, G. Lamp; Incandescence Hydrocarbon Weintraub, N. Acetone Sulphite; Vse of in Photographic
[V) • 1129 Laboratories 1164
Wass, A. G. Printers' Varnish and Ink (P) 1032 Weisberg. Saccharine Juices ; Purification of (P) 1496
Waterbury, G. H. Copper ; Extraction of frem Ores (P) 351 Weisenfeld, M. Malt Grain ; Germinating in the Steep-
Watkins, H. C. See Schlotterbeck, J. 0 273, 423,131B ing Trough (P) ; 131
Waning, A. See BuM, II. C 319 Weiss. Printing with Sulphur Dyestuffs (P) 1533
Watson, W. S. Soap Press (P) 8il Wreiss, J. B., and Anderson, L. C. Liquids; Apparatus for
Watts,F. Citrate or Lime and Concentrated Lime Juice in Saturating with Gases (P) 408
the West Indies 442 Weiss, K. See Fischer, 0 400
Waiin, C. Cement or Artificial Stone (P) 1184 Weiss, L. See Muthmann, W 412
Way, H. E. Ore-testing Tablet (P) 1030 Weiss, R. Discharges with Powdered Aluminium and Mag-
WeathiThead, A. J. and E. H. Furnace ; Brass-founders' nesium , 47$
Dyeing and Bleaching Apparatus (P) 1393-
Melting (P) 48,3 Dyeing Apparatus U') 1074

Weissbers, I. Dyestuff. Black, containing Sulphur ; Manu- WxederhoM, O. Gns-Burncrs for Use with Incandescence
factureof (P) 39 Mantles (P) 1269
And Morse, G. K. Mantles ; Machine for Saturating
Welch, E. K. Mortar Composition (P) 11*0 Incandescence (P) .'. 90S
Welch, J. W., and others. Sewage; Apparatus for Treatment Wiese, C. C. A. E.,and Groeschner, C. F . M. Buoys or Signals ;
of (P) 787 Illuminating (P) 54(1
Wellmnn-Seaver-Morgan Engineering Co. See Seaver, J. W. . 117H Wijs, J. J . A. Iodine Monochloride; Use of in Iodine
Wellman, S. T. and C. H. Coke Ovens (P) 397 Absorptions 930
Welmans, P. Theobromine in Cocoa; Determination of . 1476 Wilbert, M. I. Photographic linage; Reversal of ihe , and
Welsbach, C. F. Auer von. Anodes; Manufacture of Carbon Subsequent Development in Actinic Light 638
(P) 1282
Batteries; Secondary (P) lit Wilcox, C. L. Evaporator for Sugar Juice (I , ) 630
Wenck, A. Molasses ; Manufacture of Spirit from 12S9 Vnieox, J. V., and Wagener, I). E. Retort Coke Oven (P) 1323
Wenghoeffer, L. Picric Acid: Manufacture of (P) 6S W i l d . R . C . Solidified Spirit (p) 214,1220
"Wenmaekers, E. Sulphuric Acid; Manufacture of by Wilderman, M. See~Edser, E 125
Contact Process (P) 1394 Wilding. E. Sec Arat, H 921
Wenzel. A, See Nobis, L 1079 See Dsvies, M. P 7S(>
Wenzel, W. Sulphurous Acid; Apparatus for Makina (P) 1027 Wildl. See under Rnijter de Wildt.
Werneeke, E. Filter-Press; Rotary (P) 459 Wilhelm, P. Indigo; Reduction of 545
Werner, A. Y., and Ellis, P . B. Rubber-like Gum from Grease- Wilkes, M. Hydraulic Presses ; Swinging Table for (P) . 12St>
wood ; Extraction of (P) 626 Wilkius, M. P.. and Aspinwall, H. C. Powder; Machine for
Werner, J . Syrup Cooler (P) 731 Granulating (P) 49S
Werner. W. A. P. Filaments ; Apparatus for Producing Fibre- Wilkinson, C. R. Malted Grain; Drying o[ (P) 360
less (P) 6H Wilkinson, J . Building Materials ; Slabs or Plates for Use as
Wernicke, O. H. L. See Roach, W. G. and A. C S5S (P) US
Wesener, J . A. Nitrogen (Kjeldahl) Apparatus l>39 And others. Carburetter (P) 764
Wessell.C. Spelter; Refining (P) 71ii Wilkinson, J. P. See Barr, J 717
Wessling, H. See Gibson, \V. H 915, 915 Wilkinson, W. S. Paving Material; Manufacture of (P) 1397
Wesson.M.B. See Lewis, T. E 9U2 And Burchinal, C. I I . Asphaltic Paving Composition (P) 1139
Westergren, J . Silk; Properties of Artificial 1452 Will. Beor; Pasteurised 1464
See Strehlenert 113 Will, W. Nitrocellulose ; Researches 011 the stability of .
Westfalisch - Anhaltische - Sprengstoff - Actienges. Blasting 1470,1554
Compositions (P) 1471,1471 Willauie. Copper; Electrolytic Determination of 502
Westinghouse. Copper; Treatment of Minerals of (P) .. 1457
Williams, A., and Parkin, W. C. Celluloid ; Rendering
Westinghouse, G. Gas; Production and Utilisation of (P) 851
Non-inflammable (P) 71a
See Knox, W. J 14110 William s, D. T. Vanadium ; Estimation of 3S!)
See Potter, H. N 1325,1325 Williams, E. B. Sugar Cane Diffusion Process (P) 266
Wetherhill, W. C. Furnace for Zinc Production (P) 1401 Williams, J . Textile Fabrics ; Water-proofing and Rot-
Weyermann, M. Roasted Malt Decoctions; Production of proofing (P) 1132
Tasteless (P) 923 Williams, J. H. Coating Metal Plates ; Apparatus for (P) 710
Weygang, C. Oils, Fats, &c ; Treatment of (P) 1403 Williamson. A. D. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 765
Weyl, T. Ozone ; Manufacture of Compounds of Fatty Acids Acetylene Gas Puriner (P) 606
and their Derivatives with (P) 637 Williamson, 3. A., and Dupre, L. W. Translation of Krauch's
Wezel, J . Paper; Preparation of Coated Printing (P) . . . 114 " The Testing of Chemical Keagents " 1477
Wlmrton, F. M. Fibres and Textiles; Waterproofing and Willis, G. M. Separator for Storage Battery (Giass Wool) (P) 485
Preserving (P) 012 Willis, R. H. Cement; Adhesive , and Manufacture
Wharton, J. M. See Dye, W. H 1068 thereof (P) 415
Wheelwright, C. S. Garbage ; Apparatus for Cooking (P) 12S5 Wills, E. C. Steel; Apparatus for making (P) 077
Sulphate of Lime ; Apparatus for Draining (P) 1534 Willshear, E., and Amos, E. C. Furnaces; Refuse Destructor
Whinery, S. B. Blue-printing Apparatus (P) 1349 (P) 361
Whipp Bros. See Perkin, W. H.. j'un 857 Willstaetter, R. Tropidine; Conversion of into Tropine . 871
And Todd. See Perkin, W. H., jun 1531 And Fourneau, E. Lupinine; Characteristics of 3193
White, A. H. Alums; Aluminium and Sulphuric Acid in; And Fourneau, E. Lupinine; Investigation of 871
Determination of — - 793 Wilmotte, C , and Goddyn, M. Iron and Stee., Manufacture
See Russell, H 1020 of-—-(P) , 976
And Traver, A. F. Incandescent Mantle ; Theory of the
Wilson Fiiter Syndicate, The. See Wilson, J 1224
." 1012
White, B. C. Briquettes ; Machine for Moulding (P) E99 Wilson.C.J. See Heist, L. G 983
White, F. R. Hydrocarbon Oils ; Apparatus for Burning See Mason. J. A , 214
(P) 906 Wilson, 1C. Aiuminium Alloys ; Electrical Conductivity of
certain '.... 1283
White, H. Resists under Indigo on Textile Fibres (P) 1230 Aluminium ; Progress in the Manufacture of 175
White, .T. Emergencies in Vitriol Works : Disciv-sion on 22ft Wilson. G. M. Chlorine and Caustic Soda; Electrolytic
Paper-Pulp; Apparatus for Straining (P) 493
Wijs' Method of Determining Iodine Values ; Discussion Apparatus for Production of (P) 476
on 1439 Wilson, H. Maclean, and Halliwell, E. D. Indigo Waste
White, J. A. See Moore, J. W 494,635 Waters 702
White, J. H. and E. L. Match-making Machinery (P) 425 Wilson, J . Filter-Press (P) 76i
White. W. G. Indigo; Producing Discharge and Resist Filter-Presses, &c. (P) 904
Mantles for Incandescence Gas-Lighting (PJ 698
Effects on and under 702 And others. Filter Presses (P) 1224
White, W., jun. Steel; Manufacture of (P) 019 Wilson, S. E. Garbage; Method and Apparatus for Treating
Wbiteley.H. See McKenna, W. S 460 (P) 1292
Wilson, T. M. Erick-kiln (P) 1397
Whittield, C. Gas ; Apparatus for Generating, Purifying, and Wilson, W. W. See Calico Printers' Association 703
Storing Combustible (P) 961 Wilton, T. Liquids ; Apparatus for Raising and Forcing
Whitham, F. E. Grinding Apparatus for Reducing Minerals, (p) : oc7
&c. (P) 1455 Wimmer, O. B. Ses Bueeka, H . J 717
Whitney, F. L. Wool and Fibre; Apparatus for Scouring Winand, P. Gas for Driving Engines; Rapid Production of
(P) 1531 (P) 1178
Whittaker, C. M. Black-dyed Cotton; Examination of . . 1024 Liquids, Vapours, and Gases; Apparatus for Purify- •
ing (P) 1523
Wiborgh, J . G., and Palmaer, W. Manure; Manufacture ol Winch, A. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 1069
from Apatite (P) 11S9 Winckler, F. Soda; Obtaining in Small Crystals (P) . . . 1533
Wichelhaus, H. Sulphur Trioxide; Apparatus for Experi- Wincott, G. P. See Smith, J. B 7g2
Wichmann, withand Gabler, M. Hexamethvlenetetraraine 276 Windham, F. Acetylene Gas Generators (P) 1067
Quinate (P) '. 270 See Woodhall, J. W 245
Wickham, D. Beer; Apparatus for Cooling and Aerating Windhausen, F., sen. and jun. Refrigerating Machines (P) .. 760
(P) 1407
Windisch. Malt Analysis 1240
Widmar, W. Hydroxycinchotine 135
Malt; Sulphuring of — - 61
Windiseh, K. Fluorine in Musts and Wines 62
Wines; Natural Occurrence of Salicylic Acid in . . . . . 039

Windisch, VV. Barley ; N a t u r e of the Proteolytic Enzyme of Wollaston, T. R. W a t e r ; A p p a r a t u s for Softening (P) . . 559
Germinated 14(53 Wollheim. H . , a n d B a u m e r t , P . L a m p ; I n c a n d e s c e n c e S p i r i t
Barley: Steeping of — by Alternate Water and Air 41S
Filter-Presses for Brewery Mashes 71
716 Wolskel, A. A s p h a l t ; P r e p a r a t i o n of (P) 347
Filter Presses instead of Mash T u n in the Brewery 78.5
Lager Beer; The Cellarage of Woltereck, IT. C. See Dibdin, W. J 1127
Malt; Advantages of Aerating and Steeping Alternately . . 61 Wood. Alumina in Blast Furnace Slags: Diseu»sionon . 453
M a l t ; Sulphuring of lliiO Wood.A. See Rray, A 118*
Malt; Yieidof Extract in 631
Wood.G. See Page, A. D 852
And Hasse. R. Brew-house Work ; Sources of Error in
Control of (183 Wocd, H. E. China: Use of Bone in English 1451
And Hasse, E . Malting : Studies on 1340 Wood, J. C. See Lambourne, W. T 5911
And Hasse, R. Mashing Process ; Course of Transformation Wood, J . S. Acetylene Gas Generator (P) 765
of Starch and Albumin in the 357 Wood, J . T. Kjeldahl's Method Applied in the Tanyard;
Wine, If. H. Alum; Obtaining (P) 153-1 Discussion on ^U
Calcium Sulphate and Bye-Products ; Obtaining (P) 1531
Wood, T . J . See Major, J 340
Hydrogen Sulphide ; Manufacture of (P) 254
Magnesium Sulphite; Manufacture of (P) 254 Wood, W., and Birtlett, H. " Woodite " ; Manufacture of
Wingate, H. O r e s : Direct Cyaniding of Wet Crushed in (P) 201
Xew Zealand 1456 Woodhall, J . W., and Windham, F . Calcium Carbide ; Use of
Zinc Precipitate obtained by Cyaniding Ores; Treatment Naphthalene with 245
of 1456 Woodman, A. G. Waters; Significance of Phosphates in
Winkelmann, A. Palladium ; Diffusion of Hydrogen t h r o u g h Natural 1242
'. 77 Woolcock. W. J . Phenazone, Sodium Salicylate, and Mag-
Winkle, E. r a n . Oil; Extraction of from Cotton-Seed (P) 263 nesium Sulphate ; Interaction "between 422
Winkler, C. " Handbook of Technical Gas Analysis " 729 Worel, K. Colour Photography 1097
Winkler, L. W. Albuminoid and Proteid-Ammonia; Deter- Workman, O. P. See Klein, E 1408
mination of 1041 Worms, R. Lamp; Incandescence Tnpom (P) 1269
Sulphuretted Hydrogen in Mineral Waters; Determination Worms, W. W. Albumin; Crystalline from White of
of— : i9o Crows' Eggs l^1
Winkler, O. Paper; Sew Zealand Flax as Raw Material for Worthley, N. T. ",SVc Heaton J Iβ*
Woussen, H.,and Caussin de Perceval, P. Glucose and Mal-
Winship. W. E. Batteries; Active Material for Secondary tose ; Production of (P) 60
(P) 1031 Wrana, J . Brewers'Pitch ; Causes 01 Greyness in Cask . 868
Winsloe. R. H., and Hurt, B. Sulphuric Acid: Apparatus for Wredc, F. See Ilsbeu, F 715
Manufacture of — !P) 1183,1183 Wright. C. M. P. Concentrates; Cyaniding by Percolation 1456
Winteler, F. Bleaching Powder; Formation of 1073
Hydrofluoric Acid, Aqueous ; Determination of Strength Wright, J. Casks; Detection of Abstraction of Contents from
of 277
277 (P) 1221
Winter, J . L. Matrix ; Paste-board — - IP) 630 Wright. J . M. See Blakely, H 348
Winter, K. Beer; Influence of Different Malting on Character Wright. R. Aerated Liquids: Manufacture and Supply of
of — - 134-2 (P) S21
Wintgcn. M. Food Preparations from Vegetable Protein 6X3 Wright, U. G. See Gnehra, R «6
Winton, A. L. Foods ; Use of Co:il-Tar Dyestufl's in 1291 Wright, W. Feed-Water Heater (P) 596
And Ogden, A. W. Lemon Extract 1295 Wright, W. T. See Warr, G. C 262
And Ogden, A. W. Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, and V/rightson, W. P. Printing Machine for Carpets and Linoleum
Noodles 12Q0
And Ogden, A. W. Orange Extract 1295
(P) 1133
And Silverman, M. Vanilla Extract 1300 Wroblewski. A., and others. Enzymes ; Action of one on
another 206
Winton, H. D. Cereal Food: Preparation of (P) 1549
Wuensch. A. Chrome-Tanning ; Process of (P) 1544
Cereal Foods ; Preserving (P) 1549
Wuerster, C. Paper ; Sizing of (P) f>36
Wirth, E. N i t r o c o m p o u n d s ; Reduction of Aromatic (P) 1181 Wulff, G. See Freund, M 871
Wisbar. See Dalen, G 1466 Wnlkan, H. Starch and Zein ; Obtaininent of (V) 030
Witt, G. E. Burner for Crude Oil (P) 462 W ureter, C. Paper, &c.-. Machine for Tearing up (P) . . . 271
Witt, Dr. O. N. " Die Chemische Industrie des Deutsehen Pulping Machine (P) 271
Reiches im Beginne des zwanzigsten J a h r h u n d e r t s " . . 1252 W.ynmii, H. B. Filter: Oil (P) 625
Wittenberg, W. W., and others. Rubber : Vulcanising, &c. Wyroubolf. Prussian Blue : Solubility of 1337
(P; ." 1280 Wyss. G. Carhonylferrocyanides : Action of Light on . . . 932
W i t t e r . H . See Bamberger, E 467 Thionyl Chloride ; Use of in Manufacture of Acetic
1 4 6 7
Woch, O. G. Malt Analysis; Limits of Applicability of Results Anhydride *
of '. 1240
Woiiicka, G. W. Wall Finish, and Making same (P) 1279
Woehler, L. See Engler, C 257
Woehlk, A. Citric Acid in Milk ; Detection of 561
Citric Acid: Reaction of with Bromine and Potassium
Permanganate 361
Woelbling, V. See Liebermanii, C S54
Woestelandt, F., and Mouraux, L. Saccharine J u i c e s ; De-
coloration and Defecation of (P) 353
Wogrinz, A. See Fraenkel, S 797 Yaneev. A. Acetvlene Gas ; Apparatus for Generating
Wohl, A. Acetyl Chloride : Manufacture of (P) 1411 ' (P) ; 699
Gas Analysis by means of Flasks 1412,1413 Yeiser. I I . C. See Roach. W. G. and A. C 858
Sugar : Extraction of from its Solutions ( P) 11911
And Kollrepp, A. Sugar; Recovery of (P) C3t> Young, A. S. See Itumney, W., and Co 310
Young. F . S., nnd Griffiths. W. S. Magnesium Carbonate;
Wohlfahrt.T. See Elbs, K 1335
Manufacture of (P) 872
Wohlgemuth, J . See Neuberg, C 1103
And Ueb'Ti-oth, W. W. Filter (P) 1123
Wojczynski, M. See Wroblewski, A 266
Young, J . A. Ammonia Generator (P) 1278
Wolf, A. Composition for Coating Surfaces (P) 56
Young, J . B. See Job, R 093
Wolf.C. Dyeing Apparatus for Yarn (P) 912 Young, J . H. Metals; Compound for Cleaning and Soldering
Fibre ; Apparatus for Dyeing, &c. f P) 50
Textiles; Apparatus for Dyeing a n d Bleaching (P) . . (P) ~: 15S8
Wolf, H. Incandescence Mantles ; Incinerating, &c, and Young, R. F., and Baker, B. F. Cement Analysis 1298
Apparatus (P) .' 1127 Young, S. Alcohol. Absolute : Preparation of 721
Wolfe, J . S., and Englert, L. K. Alloys; Production of Mixtures ol'Constant Boiling Point 1560
(P) '. 411
411 And Fortey, E. C. Alcohols; Properties of Mixtures of
And others. Copper Alloy (P) 3511 the Lower with Benzene. &e 721
TVolff.A. See Pouteaux, A 260 And Fortey, B. C. Alcohols ; Properties of Mixtures of
the Lower — — with Water 720
Wolff, H. R. Centrifugal Machine for Sugar (P) 1346
Anil Fortey, E. C. Fractional Distillation as a Method of
Wolffenstein, R. Peroxide Preparations; Manufacture of Quantitative Analysis 726
(P) 51 Y'ounz, W. L. Fire-extinguishing Apparatus; Chemical •
•Wolfs, H. See Behrend, P 1148 (
Yousbasheff, L.p Ore or) Fuel; : Manufacture
7 6 Artificial
of i
Wollasbon, J . R. See Welch, J , W „ 787 Blocks of (P) cial

Zilles, H. Wool-Paper; Manufacture of (P) 49*
Zimmer, C. L. V. Insulating or Protective Compounds (P)... 1540
Zimmermann and Co., Chem. Fabrik vorm. Colouring Mat-
Z ters ; Green-Biack containing Sulphur (P) 169
Zingg, E. K. Paint Oil ; Composition of (P) «4
PAGE Zinno. S. Tartaric Acid; Synthesis of from Scientific and
Zaloziecki, A., and Frascta, G. Petroleum; Investigation of
Galician 335 Industrial Points of View 986
Zamaron, J. Beet-Juice; Defecation of with Minimum of Zoder, G. W., and Hayne, W. P. Press for Oleaginous Sub-
stances (P) 487
Lime 1239 Zoeppritz.E. See Dhnroth, 0 467
Zanner. A. Sulphuric Acid; Apparatus for Concentrating Zohlen, O. Auramine; Action of Dimethvlsulpbate on
(P) 470 Michler's Ketone and 1390
Zdarek, E. Mercury Tannate of Constant Composition; Pre-
paration of 789 Zschiedrich, G. E. Covering for Floors, Walls, &c. (P) 918
Thymol; Volumetric Determination of 875 Zschocko, E. See Labhardt, H 484
Zdvihal.F. See Andrlik, K 920 Zsigmondy, E. Ceramic Objects; Producing Coating of
Zega, A. Fungi ; Composition of Edible 268 Metallic Lustre on (P) 70.7
Colloids; Deep Red Gold Solution as a Reagent for . . 192
Lubricating Oils ; Determining the Viscosity of 1083 <-»lass ; Composition for Ruby • (P) 7 1027
Ziegenbein, H. Digita'.is Leaves ; Valuation of 1291 Solutions; Colloidal , 1250
Ziegler. See Fellner 1533 Zuber.E. See Wehrlin, A 1038
Zeisel, S.. and Fanto, It. Glycerin: Determination of .... 992 Zucker and others. See Haas, H. L 1281
And Stritar, M. J. Cellulose; Determination of 042 Zuckschwerdt, S. Bricks; Treatment of Refractory ( P ) . 1233
Zeitschel, O. See Hesse, A 1102 Potassium Cyanate; Production of (P) 1278
Zelinsky, N. D. Petroleum ; Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Zuehl, E. Caoutchouc ; Regeneration of (P) 865
160 Celluloid; Composition Resembling (P).. f>5,65,65, 65,65
Zerbau, F. See Hofmann, K. A 368 Celluloid-like Substance ; Manufacture of (P) 719
Pyroxylin Compound (P) 870
Ziegler. See Fellner 479, 550 Zweck, J. L. Photographic Flash-Light Lamp (P) 497
Ziegler, M. Furnaces for Coking Peat, &e. (P) 1127
Zwermann, C. H. Enamel-sifting Apparatus (PJ 1232
Zikes, H. Brewing Water; Value of Analysis of 1147

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