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Ben Alima
December 2nd, 2023

Self Assessment

When I started this course, my main objective was quite clear. To enhance my writing

abilities. Little did I know that composition classes offered more than just refining writing skills.

Throughout the semester I did not only improve my writing prowess, I also explored various

methods of analyzing texts engaged in research based writing, presented arguments supported by

research findings, and critically evaluated both my own work and that of my peers. As I reflect

on these learning outcomes I realize that I've had a range of experiences, all contributing to my

development as a researcher and writer.

Among all the learning outcomes, understanding and analyzing texts proved to be

challenging for me. Reading between the lines and grasping meanings from language nuances

didn't come naturally at first. However with the help of readings and exposure to texts I have

made significant progress in comprehending, analyzing, and expressing the intricacies found

within different pieces of writing. Though I don't claim to have mastered this skill I do

acknowledge the strides I've made.

On the other hand, conducting inquiry based writing and research within a community

was an area where I felt confident and purposeful. At the start of the course even though I had

limited knowledge about computer science I took the initiative to research identity kits and tasks

related to my profession. This process helped me gain an understanding of my field going

beyond the basics and showing clear progress in my learning.

I thought I was already skilled in constructing arguments based on research findings

before taking this course. However the emphasis on rhetoric in this class has greatly enhanced

my ability to create arguments. By using strategies like appealing to emotions and establishing

authority I have strengthened my writing skills. This was particularly evident when I explored

how artificial intelligence intersects with computer science roles, integrating research findings to

support my claims.

One transformative aspect of this course has been examining both my writing and that of

others. In workshops I've shifted from having a grasp of my peers papers to conducting analyses

of their main points. Additionally I've progressed from correcting identified mistakes to editing

and reevaluating my own work resulting in a more polished and refined final product.

In conclusion, through self assessment it is clear that I have made improvements in most

of the learning outcomes presented in this course. I've evolved from being a student who wanted

to improve my writing abilities to becoming a researcher and writer. Now I can deeply analyze

texts, write with curiosity, build arguments, and revise my writing thoughtfully. This

transformation is showcased in my portfolio, which contains most of my writing and edits about

the research topic I explored.

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