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Causes and Effects of Earthquakes

Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of electricity trapped in the
Earth's crust, and its miles one of the maximum dangerous herbal phenomena of its capability
to spoil entire towns and reason tremendous human losses. Over the decades, earthquakes
prompted very extraordinary harm like what happened in Japan and Indonesia whilst the
tsunami struck them, and lots of different countries

Earthquakes constitute a great and imminent hazard to humanity, but it's miles one of the
basic natural geological phenomena, as it's miles a manner to relieve what is referred to as
stress throughout the surface of the earth. Seismic waves reason the Earth's surface to vibrate
‫و‬And additionally another motive for earthquakes by means of humans at some stage in the
creation of some works, which includes digging tunnels for roads or railways, or even
because of detonating mines while sporting out such works. This rock falls may additionally
occur as a result of the crumble of mines dug inside the floor, even though such human
activities may It produces imperceptible seismic waves, but a few other activities may also
have a super and exquisite impact similar to those big herbal earthquakes, consisting of
conducting navy exams for a few nuclear weapons including bombs in the floor, and such
tests have been banned because of their grave risks that It ought to end result in huge seismic

When earthquakes occur, plenty of issues occurs, One of these troubles is causing the autumn
of the ground stage or falling rocks from the mountain tops, as well as touchdown in areas
that incorporate caves or underground cavities, which causes the destruction of installations
and infrastructures inclusive of buildings and roads, Another trouble is endangering human
life. Earthquakes have killed hundreds of human beings like what passed off in Japan after
they misplaced their lives 20,000 and lost greater than 2,500 human beings, the cost had to
restore the damage caused by the tsunami in japan was about 2 hundred billion dollar
In conclusion, earthquakes are very dangerous, but they're a herbal coincidence and people
can't forestall them, but it is able to take preventive measures to lessen harm as lots as viable
and keep the valuable human life.

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