Ethics 1st Homework

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Moran. Mae Kristine G.

1. Present a clear definition based on your own understanding of the following terms:
Ethics is what makes the community peaceful and easy to live with. It makes us human beings in dealing with other people and our surroundings. If all of
us follow the ethical standards then I guess we will have no crimes at all. We wouldn’t have to worry about our future and the things that we do, what might
be the negative effects because we are doing it according to ethics. Each of us would be happy and contented because every member of the community is
fair and just and has the responsibility to do what is better for all.
When talking about value, it is of something important to us. But in relation to values, for me it is a core standard of a person. This is built as you go
through life. Experiences can make us who we are. Values also guides us in choosing what is important from what is not. We shouldn’t dwell much on the
things that are not important to us. Like spending more time with our family and close friends or those people who give us importance. They are ones that
are necessary in our life because they are the ones who give us strength, they are also the main reason why we go on living.
If there are bad habits of a person, there are also good habits that we call virtues. Each one of us are equip with this good quality. I believe that a human
being has an inner goodness in each one of us. Doing humanitarian acts like giving food to the poor, not throwing garbage anywhere or practicing proper
waste disposal, initiating relief operations because you are feeling heartbroken when you see people or places that are devastated by natural or man-made
calamities, praying for COVID-19 to end or for someone who is sick to get better, wanted to defend what is right and many more. I think that we have many
good qualities that sometimes we forgot to acknowledge them as our virtues because these are simple acts that we normally do.
Thinking about it, morality is the basic of all standards, it is to know what is right from wrong. Since we were little or those who have children, right from
wrong is what we always teach our children. Since being good is innate that is why it is so easy for us to identify right from wrong, good from bad. People
know the difference but sometimes we turn a blind eye. When we were little it is easy to follow what is right but when we become matured individuals it is
the hardest thing to do especially when that questionable act can benefit us. We tend to be lenient, forgiving and tolerant to others faults. And sadly a
wrong deed that keeps on repeating can sometimes be normal in the eyes of young people. That is why we need to have proper education.
Education is having knowledge. If you want to gain knowledge in a formal setting then you go to an institution but anywhere we go we can be educated.
The more we do something, the more we take risks, the more we engage ourselves either through reading or doing, the more we travel; the more we are
learning and that is education still. I also believe that there are bad education. For example the students see the teacher having a fist fight or smoking or
drinking, or even swearing in front of the students, then that can be a bad education. The students might say that if my teacher is doing it then why can’t
we? It can also be through going to bars, wherein you can see things that are not supposedly done in public. As curious as students are, they might thought
to follow what they see and think that they are “cool” and invite more people to join them.
2. Through educators, the young and future generations receive knowledge and traditions that help them enter into reality. This is however, the opposite of what
is happening today.


Presently the teachers teach the young how to be independent, to stand on their own feet, to gain more awards and medals, to look at rich,
professionals and powerful people as the basis of success and encourage the young to be like them or to have the same goals as them. We teach them to earn
more money, to have fame and power for them to be happy and successful which in turn make them into materialistic beings. This is the opposite of true
education. Education should be wholistic approach. Money, awards or medals is not the be all and end all of everything. We want our students to be good
individuals but we ourselves are practicing differently, then we should not expect a different result. There is the saying that goes, “you cannot give, what you do
not have”, so if the teacher is materialistic then what she’s going to teach will reflect about who she is. But others will also say “follow what I say, do not follow
what I do”, this will make the credibility of the teacher questionable which is disadvantageous on her part when her students will not follow her instructions
because she’s lacking credibility and her actions are different from what she’s saying. Teachers should practice what they teach or preach. Learners tend to look
at their teacher as their role model so whatever their teacher is doing they tend to imitate it whether it is good or bad.
Teachers must first and foremost review and apply again the things that we learn in the Code of Ethics for Teachers when we were in our undergraduate
studies. We go back to the basic. Identify right from wrong, good from bad, listen to our conscience, be morally upright, and to use our freedom properly, to use
it to choose what is morally good. Teacher teaches also the cultures and traditions that contains values, wisdom and knowledge. It is the past that guides us to
the correct way of dealing the present and future. We are the knowledge and value provider. We should teach from our heart and mind so that it will transfer to
the heart and mind of our learners too. Education conveys learning and character. And it should be wholistic. We, as teachers should think that teaching is a
vocation and not a job. Let’s help the students to be enlightened and become civic-minded people. Teachers produce global leaders for tomorrow that’s why it is
important to teach value driven leadership, the leaders that are fair minded and ethical.

3. While basic education aims among other things, the acquisition of competencies, higher education is tasked to develop a well-rounded person, development of
the mind and character. It is an education in criticism.

“To criticize helps the inquiries to arrive at the need to be true, the ultimate, the beautiful and the inner standard of judgment which is identical for all humans.
It is the search for GOOD. ”


Criticizing helps people in general to be better much more with our students. Young people need to be guided properly because they are fragile,
doubtful and skeptical and they can easily be manipulated by some unethical groups that have different views of life. Our learners need also to be prepared by
the real life situation. In reality, life is not all beds and roses and if they started earning a living they can meet different kinds of people telling them both positive
and mostly negative things. In order for them to be prepared teacher gives feedback both positive and negative in anything that they do whether that is part of
academic or not, graded or not, in school or outside the campus. They also need more explanation as to why it is wrong and why they should do this and that. It
is not enough to reprimand them. They need to understand the reason behind our reprimanding and the reason why they shouldn’t do this or that. If they
cannot grasp what we wanted them to comprehend then the tendency is they will just do it all over again. But it doesn’t mean that we are going to stop if there
is a repetition of their bad actions. No. We should be consistent of our rules and to make sure that we are also following the rules that we ask them to follow.
They will understand also that in everything that they do, there is always a consequence. This is either bad or good depending on what you do. This is the reason
while in the classroom and in school we must let them feel responsible in whatever they do, for them to understand the effects of all their acions and for them
to be better individuals and that they become ready to face the outside world when leaving the school premises for good.

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