Being Super Moody

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You know how they often say that you need to have a good
personality and be interesting to hook a woman? Well, if you were
to think of this concept in literal terms, how do you define being

How do you break it down? Does being interesting mean being

cool? Being someone who is able to hold a good conversation?
What does it really mean?

Well, the society will give you 101 definitions of it, however, I’ll give
you just one simple explanation which is the answer of all answers.

Being interesting basically means having the capability to trigger a

bunch of exciting emotions in a girl’s mind. That’s just it. There is
nothing more to it.

Because to be honest with you, all human beings are transactional

beings. In other words, we are all in the trade of emotions and the
moment we meet someone, we indirectly start the business of
trading emotions with them.

If we feel too many bland emotions around someone, we usually

label that person as boring or average. However, if someone is able
to trigger feelings of excitement or pleasure in our senses, then we
label that person as someone who is highly interesting and we
remain intrigued.

Girls go through something similar as well around men. The other

day I was sitting at the bar and indirectly observing what was going
on around me.

There was a group of women to my right who kept on getting
approached by one man after another.

Almost every man said stuff like – “Hey, so how is your evening

“How are you girls doing today.”

“Would you girls like if I bought you all drinks?”

I mean over and over, all these men were trying their luck,
however, what they didn’t realize was that all they were doing was
boring these women and as a result nothing they did worked.

Once again, if you don’t have the ability to trigger excitement

within a woman, she will by default reject you and will struggle to
ever give you another shot.

In fact, a very similar thing happens in a relationship as well. If at

any moment, you become too bland, a girl will naturally start losing
attraction for you and will start taking you for granted. In fact, this
is probably the main reason why most relationships dwindle down
after the first few dates.

However, now the big question is, how does one trigger exciting
emotions in a girl’s mind and maintain it? Move to the first section
to learn it…

The Key is to push her to the absolute edge…
Have you ever found yourself obsessively checking your Facebook
to get updated on what everyone else is doing? Have you ever
found yourself checking your email over and over again or running
to the phone the moment you get a text from someone?

Does it seem like you have to put just about everything on hold
until you figure out exactly what it is that a certain person is doing?

Is your morning routine not complete until you’ve checked at least

five different accounts that you own on random websites or
forums? Do all of your other priorities sit on the back burner until
you get a text message returned from one person?

Why do humans do that? Well, that’s because our brain reacts very
strongly to anything which is unpredictable. If a text arrives on our
phone and we hear a ding, we instantly go into this “I must check
that now” mode because you don’t know who it’s from and your
body almost urges you to check it or else you find it hard to relax.

In the age of digital immersion, we’ve been hard-wired to live our

lives between ‘updates’. The sense of anticipation before you
upload a photograph or tweet has become almost as universal as
the feeling of tiredness at night. It’s not 100% biological, but
humankind has certainly transformed.

As technology has gotten more and more advanced, the standard

for instant gratification has gotten continually stricter and shorter
in time-span.

As out society grows more and more accustomed to being
stimulated at every turn, we become more subject to the mystery
of what’s going to pop up next on the portable universes we call

The digital age has introduced a kind of exhibitionism and access to

media that is absolutely unparalleled by any other period of time in
the entire history of mankind. We’re so over-stimulated that we
can sometimes appear absolutely starved for something wild, fresh
and new.

On the flipside, we do have the deal with the fact that just about
everything we can imagine has already been done before. With so
much power for everyone to share every aspect of their lives,
originality has become a rare commodity. We have grown to
absolutely detest things we think have been done before, or trends
that have ‘played out’.

In short, anything which is unpredictable is interesting to our

brains. Therefore, you have to do something similar around women
as well.

Modern women are even harder to impress these days than ever,
and so men have to work even harder to make a lasting impact on
them to keep them entertained. If a man isn’t interesting, then a
lot of women are going to be hard-pressed to find a reason to give
him the time of day.

It may seem like it’s a little bit vain, but it’s the reality of the world
that we live in. Truthfully, we can’t even fully blame modern digital
immersion for our short attention span. On a biological level, we

have always been somewhat inclined to fixate on things that excite
us or make us ponder the unknown.

If you really get into to, the key to understand humankind’s need to
be constantly stimulated is rooted in our biology. Even though it
may seem as though we’re only in need of stimulation because of
all the gizmos and gadgets surrounding us at all times, we’ve
actually been drawn to the unpredictable since the dawn of time.

You see, when something is unpredictable a human being

experiences a heavy surge of dopamine which causes information
seeking behavior within our body. This very hormone keeps you on
the edge and won’t let you relax until and unless you get the
information you seek.

Dopamine is essentially like a natural drug that the brain releases in

response to the things that you feel compelled to do. A lot of
people will refer to it as a ‘pleasure’ neuron, but in truth, it’s a little
bit more sophisticated than that. Dopamine is released in response
to something that you’ve personally associated with feeling good.

Because all of us love pleasant surprises, then, we’ve conditioned

ourselves to release dopamine when we’re anticipating something
that hasn’t quite happened yet. The term that we’ve developed to
refer to this sensation of ‘happy waiting’ is “hype”, and it truly
permeates just about every section of our lives in the first world.

Therefore, if you truly want to shake up a woman emotionally and

make her see you as the most interesting guy she’s ever come
across, then you need to push her to the absolute edge by being
highly unpredictable.

When you give a woman the feeling of getting prepared for
something unpredictable, you’re causing her to actively engage in
the biological phenomenon that we’ve already discussed here. To
put it simply, if you want to please your woman, you’re going to
need to learn how to manipulate her dopamine.

When I say ‘manipulate her dopamine’, I don’t mean put her on

antidepressants! I’m talking about giving her a constant volley of
reasons to wait with bated breath on your next action. When she
can’t think of what you’re going to do next, she’s going to see you
like the next episode of her favorite TV show or the next chapter of
a really good book.

Why do you think it is that we love mystery stories so much? Why

is it that the entire world fell in love with Sherlock Holmes and still
idolizes him and Watson’s exploits generations later? What is it
about these stories centered on open answers that just completely
dominate the creative industry?

It’s the very same reason that your lady is going to find you so
fascinating when you learn to start being unpredictable. To her,
your life will be like series of pieces that come together to form the
patchwork of some unsolvable matrix.

Would any of the classic mystery thrillers be as exciting if we knew

the answer from the very beginning? Absolutely not.

As long as a woman can’t figure you out and you’re still like this big,
huge puzzle she can’t solve, she will always experience feelings of
excitement and intrigue around you. She’s going to prioritize you
over other men because you’re going to present a certain kind of

inquiry to her that she can’t ever fully develop an answer for.

By contrast, if you’re always bland and predictable, she’s going to

want to avoid you life the plague. How do people feel when they’re
told the ending to something before it even begins?

They feel absolutely dreadful, because everybody hates spoilers. If

you’re a predictable guy, you become like a walking spoiler that she
will want nothing to do with.

The key, then, is to become a walking cliffhanger instead. Every

time that the two of you interact, or at least most of the time, you
should leave her wondering about what’s going to happen next
time the two of you meet. She should meet you and depart from
your company with an inability to make any predictions about what
you’ve done and what you will do.

However, now the big question is, how do you do it?

You may be a little bit unsure of how to go about it, at this point.
We’ve talked so much about the value of being unpredictable that
you might be strapping on a parachute as we speak.

There’s no need to go crazy! You don’t have to jump from airplanes

to be unpredictable to a woman; there’s a very simple key to
keeping women interested through excitement and constant

Move on to the next section to learn how…

You have to become extremely moody…
You may have assumed that the key to being unpredictable was to
do a lot of super extreme things, but that would be unrealistic and
totally unnecessary. You don’t need to uncover the Fountain of
Youth or invent a new flavor of chocolate to make a girl want to
stick to you for your unpredictability.

In order to become unpredictable magnets, we’re not going to

have to go out and do anything that lies beyond our doorstep. To
accomplish what we’re after, we’re going to look inward instead of
outward. Instead of trying to do a whole bunch of random and
crazy stuff, we’re going to leave the women guessing with our
behavior. It’s as simple as that.

I am sure you must have heard of the female mood swings,

however, have you ever heard of the male mood swings? Well, this
thing isn’t too common, however, I used to fake it and get many
girls to go absolutely crazy with attraction for me.

There’s a fair bit of stigma surrounding men who are little bit on
the emotional side, but this stigma is completely unnecessary. A
man’s emotions are just as real and valid as a female’s; just because
they’re real, however, doesn’t mean we can’t exercise any
legitimate control over them.

On the contrary, we’re going to be using emotions to our

advantage instead of simply reacting to them. Women may not be
used to men who are in-tune with their feelings, and you can bet
that they’re not all super familiar with men who have learned how
to use their emotions in the big fatal game of attraction.

There was a time when I was dealing with this extremely difficult
girl, I mean, she was really uptight and would very often say some
rude things to me.

When I say uptight, I mean up to the ceiling and wound up tighter

than dreadlocks. She was so overtly rude with some of the things
she said to me that even I questioned why I put up with it at times.
There was no doubt in my mind that she would probably have
eaten a thinner-skinned man alive.

Despite the big number of reasons to stop dealing with her

treatment, however, I stuck around and bore with it. I wasn’t
always sure if I’d made the right decision, but eventually, sticking
around paid off. I’ve got a story to show you exactly how I was able
to make it all worth it, simply by being a little bit unpredictable.

One day we got into a very good chat over the phone and it
seemed like things were flowing really well. However, at that
moment, I knew that she was a loose cannon and she could flip any
second. Therefore, in order to ensure that won’t happen, I did
something funny.

This was generally out of character for me, but in the heat of the
moment, I was ready to go through with it just to see what kind of
reaction I would get. Even though I knew she could be as mean as a
rattlesnake, I played my gambit and tested her for a reaction. It was
probably one of the best moves that I’ve made to date.

I told her that I am feeling this weird connection with her and I felt
as if I’ve known her for years. Next I told her that I was feeling
amazing around her and her company soothed me in a manner

that I couldn’t quite place a finger on.

I really, really laid it on thick. For that brief moment in time, our
conversation morphed into my Shakespearean monologue of all
manner of hideously lovely things that she reminded me of. I was
completely caught up in the act of describing just how much this
nasty, crabby, insulting woman made me feel ‘special’.

So in short, I said a bunch of positive things over and over.

However, after a few minutes while she was talking, I suddenly said
– “Hey, I don’t know why, I don’t feel like talking anymore.”

That was the coup de grace. After basically vomiting up my heart to

this woman out of nowhere, I gave her the cold shoulder just as
quickly as I had started to gush at her. You know how Shakespeare
asked, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” You could
compare my move here to the hottest summer day of all time,
followed by a free-fall dive into the Arctic Ocean.

“I think I am going to go.”, and then I just hung up. That was all that
she wrote. It was not, however, all that she texted. Safe to say, my
move had more or less paid off in the end. My little performance
hadn’t simply went over well; it ROCKETED over my expectations. It
worked so well that I wasn’t sure if I’d actually overdone it.

My phone blew up with her texts asking me what went wrong and
why I suddenly hung up on her. I didn’t bother to respond to any
and just went to bed. The next morning when I woke up, I saw
around 18 texts from her from last night and she continued texting
me, pressing me to answer her.

Do you have any ides what that felt like? We’re talking about a

woman was so bitter than she could probably put a frown on a
Happy Meal toy. She was the empress of ice, and yet with just a
tiny bit of my emotional potpourri, I’d managed to melt her like the
Wicked Witch. She had surrendered eighteen texts to me, and all I
had surrendered was a couple of sentences.

It may seem a tiny bit sinister, but you have to understand what a
compelling thing it was to observe. I had only done it to make sure
that she wouldn’t get bored over the phone, as a joke, but it
wound up being more like I’d dropped gigantic box of dynamite on
her brain. It was like I cracked something that wasn’t supposed to
be cracked, and she was texting the spilled contents like an un-
stopped dam.

Well, the rest of the story isn’t that important, however, what’s
important here is the main message. You see, what I did there was
turn myself into someone who is highly unpredictable by being

I hadn’t actually had to do anything; all that we had really done

was carry on a quick conversation on the phone, before I made
things get a little bit unpredictable with my moody turnabout. I
didn’t need to do it for an awfully long time, and the amount of
time she spent responding to me was tenfold what I had spent
gushing to her.

When I was complimenting her, she figured that I probably liked

her a lot, however, when I suddenly said that I don’t feel like talking
anymore and just wanted to go, that pushed her to the edge
because now I turned into this highly unpredictable guy.

Even though she was normally a very prickly kind of girl, my

moodiness had managed to get under her skin in a way that I
would have never actually been able to predict. I thought that my
time with her was going to be over at just about any moment, but
after that one emotional volley, I had her wrapped around my
finger like a rubber band.

A good thing to understand is that a lot of women use a bad

attitude as a way to defend themselves. If you have a girl who
seems unusually abrasive or snarky, but still spends time with you,
then you can safely bet that she’s probably compensating for
something. Instead of playing her game, you can bend the game to
your best advantage.

A girl you spend time with, who’s giving you a lot of flak, is highly
likely to have some kind of emotional hypersensitivity that she’s
trying not to make super obvious.

To cloak her emotional vulnerability, she’ll overcompensate by

acting mean spirited and grumpy. As my experience here proves,
though, the ice armor is not tough to penetrate.

Since she’s trying to compensate for emotional softness, being

moody is the best way to cut through that façade and make her
give into what she really feels.

She’ll likely be expecting you to reciprocate her general snark, or

give up pursuing her altogether, but we’re not going to play that
game. By being moody, we have a sneaky and yet highly effective
approach to victory.

I have done this multiple times as well in many other situations. I

would get into a situation where I know a girl was asking for a kiss,

I would go really close to her and just before kissing her I’d distance
myself and say something like – “This isn’t the right time for this”.

And then act as if nothing really happened.

The routine was relatively easy to remember after I had committed

it to a science. In essence, there were only two real steps to the
making the whole thing work; hot and cold. I would become highly
emotionally vulnerable, just to catch their attention, and then I
would turn into a cold golem and feign forgetting all about it.

It was almost frightening to see how effective this technique

turned out to be. I was never expecting it to take off as powerfully
as it had, but it was like clockwork. Every single girl that I tried it
on, even if she wasn’t actually a mean as the first one that I
mentioned, unfailingly responded to it in a big way.

You see, girls aren’t used to this kind of behavior from men, in fact
there are a handful of men who are even capable of doing things
like these.

As we mentioned before, men are highly accustomed to playing

into a certain ‘role’ when it comes to emotional expressiveness.
The macho man, and even the average joe, is expected to be a lot
more stoic than the average female is.

The very reason we say “be a man” is due to the fact that society
has associated man with less expressiveness.

Even though the stereotype is often disproven, it is an extremely

pervasive stereotype. It’s so pervasive that a great majority of

women have bought into it too, and as a result, they’re not very
accustomed to seeing their beliefs be proven wrong. They expect
minimal responsiveness, but with this trick, they’re left

Many adult women have been conditioned to believe that it is

actually on they who have any real emotional capacity. They
believe that if a man expresses any emotion, it’s going to be over
something like sports or cars.

Even if this is TRUE for you, there’s no reason that you can’t still use
this technique to give them a real jolt out of their usual sphere of

By acting moody, you’re essentially rocking the boat of a woman’s

entire sense of up and down. She’ll be a little bit bewildered at
first, and wonder if you were actually joking about all of the things
you said.

Your coldness, though, will likely seal the deal. Because the
coldness is so definite and yet inconclusive, she’ll probably come
running after you for some kind of answer.

To be completely honest, it is very possible to overplay the part

when it comes to this technique. You certainly want to appear
relatively vulnerable, but you don’t want to commit to it so fiercely
that you actually risk just coming off as a crybaby.

You want to act emotionally volatile, but balance it out with an

equal ration of “masculine” stoicism at the end.

To make this work most effectively, you may not want to jump into
the move from the very beginning. It may be a good move to just
play her game in the beginning, like I did when I was enduring the
girl who often insulted me.

Let her be lulled into a false sense of security by normal behavior,

and wait until you’re more or less familiar with one another. She’ll
never suspect that the moodiness is on the horizon until it’s
directly in front of her face.

The moment you become unpredictable, she thinks a lot more

about you, tries to figure you out with a lot more effort and in the
process finds herself feeling more and more attraction for you.

I mentioned earlier that there is a very good reason why people are
so attached to things like mysteries and thrillers.

The unpredictable nature is absolutely addicting, and a lot of the

time, people will be drawn to keep on investing in the story for no
other reason than to just know what’s going to happen next. It will
frustrate them to no end, but they’ll be unable to let it go!

Your moodiness is basically going to be like a sudden twist in the

plot that snatches up their interest out of nowhere. Instead of
being a predictable man, you’re going to become the story that
they’re dying to figure out.

Their peace of mind won’t be achieved until they can understand

exactly why you acted in the way that you did.

Women are accustomed to running all kinds of little tests on men
in the primary stages of a relationship to see what they’re made of,
and because of that, they tend to believe that it’s something that
only they can do.

By throwing the woman into uncertainty though, you’re giving her

a taste of something she’s probably never experienced before.

Even though the tricky nature of what you’re doing may be slightly
frustrating to her, we already mentioned that many people are
unable to put mystery novels down because of the unsolvable plot.

Even though she may feel like your moodiness aggravates her, she’ll
be so invested into figuring you out that she’ll be unable to help
wanting to be around you.

In a sense, the woman may think that she’ll be able to figure you
out if she just spends enough time with you to clear up a certain
pattern in the things that you say or what you do. You have to
beware; as soon as you do this, you’ll have risked putting her on a
bit of mission. Her mission will be to crack the mystery behind your
unpredictable moodiness.

When you sense that she’s trying to figure you out, you can rest
assured that the ball is now fully settled in your court. It takes a bit
of work to get to this position, but you can be satisfied in the
reality of a pretty significant achievement; you’ve effectively
turned her into a chaser, and she probably won’t even realize it.

The last thing that you want to do, however, is let her have her

cake and eat it too. Even though you may be tempted to drop the
act and let her have her satisfaction, this is the exact opposite of
what you want to do.

You don’t want to have her stop coming after you to figure out how
you tick; the more driven she is to solve the mystery, the better.

Don’t forget to keep comparing your moodiness to the plot of

thrilling mystery novel. If the story were to suddenly end on a
random and abrupt note, it wouldn’t be a good story at all. The
reader would probably just wind up getting disappointed and fall
out of love with the plot itself; that’s not what we want.

You want to keep this girl on her chase after the key to you
behavior for as long as possible. The more unpredictable that she
perceives you to be, the less able she’ll be to let you go. You’ll still
be spending time with her, but the entire time, she’ll be constantly
anxious to look for a sign of something to clue her in on your

It may seem like it’s a tiny bit sinister, but never forget; this is how a
lot of women get their daily entertainment. Even though the plots
of romances and thrillers may make them frustrated or even cry,
they love those stories for all of the emotions that they evoke
within them. No matter how she appears to react to your
unpredictability, on some level, you’ll know that she loves it.

Let’s just take a look at the dynamic of two very different

relationships. One of these relationships will be like the one we’ve
been covering in the entirety of this report; the unpredictable man
and the woman determined to figure him out. The other will be a
traditionally happy couple with no drama whatsoever.

The traditionally happy couple got together long ago, as the girl
next door and all-American boy generally do. They’ve never had a
slip-up, they’re always seem to have general harmony with one
another, and they’ve never had an actual fight. There are no bumps
and bruises on their relationship, and they have each other figured
out perfectly.

They’ve got each other figured out so perfectly that there’s not a
single thing left to discover about one another. Even though
they’ve been married to each other for five years, happily, the
happiness is starting to become monotonous.

There’s no more ‘spark’ in their relationship, because they’ve

become as predictable to one another as the hands of the clock.

This couple seems happy, but in truth, they are actually stuck with
one another and have no escape. They’re bored to tears, but
because there are no overt problems, there’s no legitimate reason
to break up that would look reasonable.

They are trapped in perpetual limbo, and it’s only a matter of time
until one of them CREATES a reason for the other to leave.

All of this, just to break the boredom. It’s crazy, right? Never forget,
there’s a reason why solitary confinement is considered cruel and
unusual: boredom can be worse than physical pain. A predictable
relationship is just solitary confinement with two people.

An unpredictable relationship, however, is harmonious in its

complete and utter turbulence. The woman just can’t figure the

man out, and so she works hard to discover exactly what makes
him tick. She’ll want to know what makes the TWO OF THEM tick
together. Though it’s chaotic, there’s never any lack of surprises.

The constant rises and fall in emotions, the doubt, the mystery, and
unpredictability will create a constant flow of dopamine that’s fed
by the fire of conflict and frustration. She’ll have been driven crazy,
but in the most ironic way, the craziness will become her
motivation. The attraction will rise and dip, but the dips will swivel
into meteoric rises and extremely passionate reconciliations.

Though the unpredictability doesn’t make for a drama-less

relationship, there is ALWAYS a reason for the woman to assert her
affection and desire for closeness. The man puzzling her will
present a challenge, and a challenge always trumps sheer

She’ll be attracted to you like people are attracted to their goals; so

close, and yet always so far.

As long as she can’t figure you out, she is going to remain attracted
to you, however, the moment you become predictable, she will
lose all that attraction and start taking you for granted.

To keep her from taking you for granted, you’ve just to keep her on
her toes. She’ll never stop looking for the reasons why you act the
way you do, but the whole time, she’ll remain absolutely crazy for


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