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Business and Society,St Mary’s

University Twickenham

Faculty of Business and Law

School of Business
(insert Programme Name eg Business Management BA Hons)
Module title: Leadership in Organisations
Module code: MGT5026
Assignment title: Report
Type of assessment: Individual coursework
Weighting: 50%
Word count:
(10% over or under without being penalised)
Assignment issued: Early November 2023
Submission deadline: 7th December 2023
Where and when feedback can be On Moodle using rubric and notes on script
released: within 15 working days.

Learning Outcomes:
• Compare management and leadership within a business;
• Critique theories of leadership and how they apply in different businesses;
• Critically assess the role of leadership in developing a successful organisational
strategy and in planning for change in the business environment
• Assess and relate to their own capacity for developing successful leadership skills

Assignment Task:
Prepare a report profiling a prominent leader, applying leadership theories you have
learned about during the module. Discuss these in relation to the leadership style they
have demonstrated. Within the report you should also draw comparison between
leadership and management. There should also be reflection on your own leadership
qualities and approach.
1. Brief, general background of the candidate chosen
2. Critical application of theories of Leadership (for example – Trait, Behaviour,
Contingency) on their leadership style

Business and Society,St Mary’s
University Twickenham

3. Draw a comparison between leadership and management, demonstrating your

understanding. This could be interwoven into your discussion.
4. Reflective analysis of your own individual leadership qualities and approach
including critical alignment with theory
5. Qualitative analysis of “effectiveness” as a leader
6. Conclusion of the profile
2,500 words +/- 10%
Each student must upload their report to the correct submission box on Turnitin
before the deadline given.

How your work will be marked:

Allocated Marks
Explain the differences between management and
leadership in organisations,
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome (1):
Compare management and leadership within a business.

Critical evaluation of a leadership style.

Using tools, models and techniques covered within the module
critically evaluate a leadership style using examples from
different organisations. Develop an argument based on relevant
academic source materials.

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome (2): critique

theories of leadership and how they are demonstrated in
different businesses.

Critical analysis and reflection of your own leadership

By using appropriate materials critically analyse and reflect on
your own leadership style development.

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome (5): assess and

relate to their own capacity for developing successful leadership

Your profile should have an appropriate writing style, structure, 10%
referenced sources, tables and graphs.

Business and Society,St Mary’s
University Twickenham

Academic Integrity:
Academic Integrity

The purpose of this assessment is to measure your own ability to conduct research and
construct arguments, without the use of content produced by other writers, essay mill
websites or Artificial Intelligence tools (ChatGPT, QuillBot, and others). Therefore:

1. Use of any AI generated content for this assessment or work produced by other
writers (including Contracted writers) is prohibited and may be referred to an
academic misconduct panel.
2. Use of AI to paraphrase, summarise or translate content from a foreign language is
prohibited and may be referred to an academic misconduct panel.

By submitting the assignment via Turnitin, you affirm that the submission is your own original
work and that it meets the standards of academic honesty (in accordance with the
University's Academic Regulations) by signing the Academic Integrity pledge:

“I hereby declare that the work I am submitting for assessment is my own work and not that
produced by anyone else. I have not drawn on essay mills, contract cheating services, or the
work of other students past or present. I have not drawn on material generated by artificial
intelligence (AI) platforms (e.g. ChatGPT) except where this is allowed in the specific rules on
AI set out by the Module Convenor. Where use has been made of AI platforms in accordance
with the rules that apply on this module, or this assessment, I have explained explicitly in this
submission how I have used them, and how they have informed this submission. I can confirm
that this submission contains no text whatsoever that has simply been cut and pasted or
included with only minor adaptations/amendments from other sources. Sections of text
drawn directly and verbatim from other sources have always been placed in quotation marks
to show that they are quotations. I have retained earlier drafts of this submission, and any
rough notes produced during the process of drafting it, so that I can provide evidence of the
originality of this submission if requested to do so”

As stated on St Marys University website ‘All members of the University’s community have a
responsibility to be alert to the potential for academic misconduct, to adopt and promote
good academic practice and to safeguard the integrity of the University’s degrees and other
awards.’ This includes you – the students, and this is why we are asking you to:

1. Make yourself familiar with the Academic Regulations Sections 29-30

2. Complete the Academic Integrity modules on Moodle

More information on academic integrity can be accessed here:

Business and Society,St Mary’s
University Twickenham

Extenuating circumstances:

In case of an illness or another extenuating circumstance you will have to submit a form to
the Programme (within 10 working days past the submission deadline) OR University (10
days onwards) along with evidence of why you weren’t able to submit an assignment. In the
first instance, please submit your form for approval to our Programme Administrator by
emailing The policy as well as the EC form can be found here:

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