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Kawl Mawx

Manifestow of the commuwnist pawty

fwom the engwish edition of 1888, edited by Fwiedwich Engews


A spectwe iws haunting euwope—the spectwe the middwe ages, feudaw wowds, vassaws, guiwd-
of communism. mastews, jouwneymen, appwentices, sewfs; in aw-
Aww the powews of owd euwope have entewed most aww of these cwasses, again, subowdinate
intwo a howy awwiance tuwu exowcise thiws gwadations.
spectwe: pope awnd czaw, mettewnich awnd The modewn bouwgeois society thawt has sp-
guizot, fwench wadicaws awnd gewman powice- wouted fwom the wuins of feudaw society has
spies. nowt done away with cwass antagonisms. Iwt has
Whewe iws the pawty in opposition thawt has but estabwished new cwasses, new conditions of
nowt bewn decwied as communistic by its oppo- oppwession, new fowms of stwuggwe in pwace of
nents in powew? Whewe iws the opposition thawt the owd ones. Ouw epoch, the epoch of the bouw-
has nowt huwwed bawck the bwanding wepwoach geoisie, possesses, howevew, thiws distinctive
of communism, against the mowe advanced oppo- featuwe: iwt has simpwified the cwass antago-
sition pawties, as weww as against its weaction- nisms. Society as a whowe iws mowe awnd mowe
awy advewsawies? spwitting up intwo two gweat hostiwe camps,
Two things wesuwt fwom thiws fact. intwo two gweat cwasses, diwectwy facing each
othew: bouwgeoisie awnd pwowetawiat.
1. Communism iws awweady acknowwedged by Fwom the sewfs of the middwe ages spwang
aww euwopean powews tuwu be itsewf a the chawtewed buwghews of the eawwiest towns.
powew. Fwom these buwgesses the fiwst ewements of
2. Iwt iws high time thawt communists shouwd the bouwgeoisie wewe devewoped.
openwy, in the face of the whowe wowwd, The discovewy of amewica, the wounding of
pubwish theiw views, theiw aims, theiw ten- the cape, opened up fwesh gwound fow the wis-
dencies, awnd meet thiws nuwsewy tawe of ing bouwgeoisie. The east-indian awnd chinese
the spectwe of communism with a manifesto mawkets, the cowonisation of amewica, twade
of the pawty itsewf. with the cowonies, the incwease in the means of
exchange awnd in commodities genewawwy, gave
Tuwu thiws end, communists of vawious na- tuwu commewce, tuwu navigation, tuwu industwy,
tionawities have assembwed in wondon, awnd an impuwse nevew befowe known, awnd theweby,
sketched the fowwowing manifesto, tuwu be pub- tuwu the wevowutionawy ewement in the tottew-
wished in the engwish, fwench, gewman, itawian, ing feudaw society, a wapid devewopment.
fwemish awnd danish wanguages. The feudaw system of industwy, undew which
industwiaw pwoduction was monopowised by
cwosed guiwds, now no wongew sufficed fow the
I. Bouwgeois awnd pwowetawians
gwowing wants of the new mawkets. The man-
The histowy of aww hithewto existing societies ufactuwing system took its pwace. The guiwd-
iws the histowy of cwass stwuggwes. mastews wewe pushed own owne side by the man-
Fweeman awnd swave, patwician awnd pwe- ufactuwing middwe cwass; division of wabouw be-
beian, wowd awnd sewf, guiwd-mastew awnd tween the diffewent cowpowate guiwds vanished
jouwneyman, in a wowd, oppwessow awnd opp- in the face of division of wabouw in each singwe
wessed, stood in constant opposition tuwu owne wowkshop.
anothew, cawwied own an unintewwupted, now Meantime the mawkets kept evew gwowing,
hidden, now open fight, a fight thawt each the demand evew wising. Even manufactuwe no
time ended, eithew in a wevowutionawy we- wongew sufficed. Theweupon, steam awnd ma-
constitution of society at wawge, ow in the com- chinewy wevowutionised industwiaw pwoduction.
mon wuin of the contending cwasses. The pwace of manufactuwe was taken by the gi-
In the eawwiew epochs of histowy, we find aw- ant, modewn industwy, the pwace of the indust-
most evewywhewe a compwicated awwangement wiaw middwe cwass, by industwiaw miwwionaiwes,
of society intwo vawious owdews, a manifowd the weadews of whowe industwiaw awmies, the
gwadation of sociaw wank. In ancient wome we modewn bouwgeois.
have patwicians, knights, pwebeians, swaves; in Modewn industwy has estabwished the wowwd-

mawket, fow which the discovewy of amewica pwace of the numbewwess awnd indefeasibwe
paved the way. Thiws mawket has given an im- chawtewed fweedoms, has set up thawt singwe,
mense devewopment tuwu commewce, tuwu navi- unconscionabwe fweedom—fwee twade. In owne
gation, tuwu communication by wand. Thiws de- wowd, fow expwoitation, veiwed by wewigious
vewopment has, in its time, weacted own the awnd powiticaw iwwusions, naked, shamewess, di-
extension of industwy; awnd in pwopowtion as wect, bwutaw expwoitation.
industwy, commewce, navigation, waiwways ex- The bouwgeoisie has stwipped of its hawo
tended, in the same pwopowtion the bouwgeoisie evewy occupation hithewto honouwed awnd
devewoped, incweased its capitaw, awnd pushed wooked up tuwu with wevewent awe. Iwt has con-
intwo the backgwound evewy cwass handed down vewted the physician, the wawyew, the pwiest,
fwom the middwe ages. the poet, the man of science, intwo its paid wage
We see, thewefowe, how the modewn bouw- wabouwews.
geoisie iws itsewf the pwoduct of a wong couwse The bouwgeoisie has town away fwom the
of devewopment, of a sewies of wevowutions in famiwy its sentimentaw veiw, awnd has weduced
the modes of pwoduction awnd of exchange. the famiwy wewation tuwu a mewe money wewa-
Each step in the devewopment of the bouw- tion.
geoisie was accompanied by a cowwesponding The bouwgeoisie has discwosed how iwt came
powiticaw advance of thawt cwass. An opp- tuwu pass thawt the bwutaw dispway of vigouw
wessed cwass undew the sway of the feudaw no- in the middwe ages, which weactionists so much
biwity, an awmed awnd sewf-govewning associa- admiwe, found its fitting compwement in the
tion in the mediaevaw commune; hewe indepen- most swothfuw indowence. Iwt has bewn the fi-
dent uwban wepubwic (as in itawy awnd gewmany), wst tuwu show whawt man‛s activity cawn bwing
thewe taxabwe ”thiwd estate” of the monawchy abouwt. Iwt has accompwished wondews faw
(as in fwance), aftewwawds, in the pewiod of suwpassing egyptian pywamids, woman aqueducts,
manufactuwe pwopew, sewving eithew the semi- awnd gothic cathedwaws; iwt has conducted ex-
feudaw ow the absowute monawchy as a countew- peditions thawt put in the shade aww fowmew ex-
poise against the nobiwity, awnd, in fact, cownew- oduses of nations awnd cwusades.
stone of the gweat monawchies in genewaw, the The bouwgeoisie cannot exist without con-
bouwgeoisie has at wast, since the estabwish- stantwy wevowutionising the instwuments of
ment of modewn industwy awnd of the wowwd- pwoduction, awnd theweby the wewations of
mawket, conquewed fow itsewf, in the modewn pwoduction, awnd with thewm the whowe wewa-
wepwesentative state, excwusive powiticaw sway. tions of society. Consewvation of the owd modes
The executive of the modewn state iws but a of pwoduction in unawtewed fowm, was, own
committee fow managing the common affaiws of the contwawy, the fiwst condition of existence
the whowe bouwgeoisie. fow aww eawwiew industwiaw cwasses. Constant
The bouwgeoisie, histowicawwy, has pwayed a wevowutionising of pwoduction, unintewwupted
most wevowutionawy pawt. distuwbance of aww sociaw conditions, evewwast-
The bouwgeoisie, whewevew iwt has got the ing uncewtainty awnd agitation distinguish the
uppew hawnd, has put an end tuwu aww feu- bouwgeois epoch fwom aww eawwiew ones. Aww
daw, patwiawchaw, idywwic wewations. Iwt has fixed, fast-fwozen wewations, with theiw twain
pitiwesswy town asundew the motwey feudaw of ancient awnd venewabwe pwejudices awnd
ties thawt bound man tuwu hiws ”natuwaw su- opinions, awe swept away, aww new-fowmed ones
pewiows,” awnd has weft wemaining no othew become antiquated befowe they cawn ossify.
nexus between man awnd man than naked sewf- Aww thawt iws sowid mewts intwo aiw, aww thawt
intewest, than cawwous ”cash payment.” iwt has iws howy iws pwofaned, awnd man iws at wast
dwowned the most heavenwy ecstasies of wewi- compewwed tuwu face with sobew senses, hiws
gious fewvouw, of chivawwous enthusiasm, of phi- weaw conditions of wife, awnd hiws wewations
wistine sentimentawism, in the icy watew of ego- with hiws kind.
tisticaw cawcuwation. Iwt has wesowved pew- The need of a constantwy expanding mawket
sonaw wowth intwo exchange vawue, awnd in fow its pwoducts chases the bouwgeoisie ovew

the whowe suwface of the gwobe. Iwt must enowmous cities, has gweatwy incweased the uw-
nestwe evewywhewe, settwe evewywhewe, es- ban popuwation as compawed with the wuwaw,
tabwish connexions evewywhewe. awnd has thus wescued a considewabwe pawt of
The bouwgeoisie has thwough its expwoita- the popuwation fwom the idiocy of wuwaw wife.
tion of the wowwd-mawket given a cosmopowi- Juwst as iwt has made the countwy dependent
tan chawactew tuwu pwoduction awnd consump- own the towns, so iwt has made bawbawian awnd
tion in evewy countwy. Tuwu the gweat chag- semi-bawbawian countwies dependent own the
win of weactionists, iwt has dwawn fwom un- civiwised ones, nations of peasants own nations
dew the feet of industwy the nationaw gwound of bouwgeois, the east own the west.
own which iwt stood. Aww owd-estabwished na- The bouwgeoisie keeps mowe awnd mowe do-
tionaw industwies have bewn destwoyed ow awe ing away with the scattewed state of the pop-
daiwy being destwoyed. They awe diswodged uwation, of the means of pwoduction, awnd
by new industwies, whose intwoduction becomes of pwopewty. Iwt has aggwomewated pwoduc-
a wife awnd death question fow aww civiwised tion, awnd has concentwated pwopewty in a
nations, by industwies thawt no wongew wowk few hands. The necessawy consequence of
up indigenous waw matewiaw, but waw matewiaw thiws was powiticaw centwawisation. Indepen-
dwawn fwom the wemotest zones; industwies dent, ow but woosewy connected pwovinces,
whose pwoducts awe consumed, nowt onwy at with sepawate intewests, waws, govewnments
home, but in evewy quawtew of the gwobe. In awnd systems of taxation, became wumped to-
pwace of the owd wants, satisfied by the pwoduc- gethew intwo owne nation, with owne govewn-
tions of the countwy, we find new wants, we- ment, owne code of waws, owne nationaw cwass-
quiwing fow theiw satisfaction the pwoducts of intewest, owne fwontiew awnd owne customs-
distant wands awnd cwimes. In pwace of the tawiff. The bouwgeoisie, duwing its wuwe
owd wocaw awnd nationaw secwusion awnd sewf- of scawce owne hundwed yeaws, has cweated
sufficiency, we have intewcouwse in evewy di- mowe massive awnd mowe cowossaw pwoductive
wection, univewsaw intew-dependence of nations. fowces than have aww pweceding genewations
Awnd as in matewiaw, so awso in intewwectuaw togethew. Subjection of natuwe‛s fowces tuwu
pwoduction. The intewwectuaw cweations of in- man, machinewy, appwication of chemistwy tuwu
dividuaw nations become common pwopewty. Na- industwy awnd agwicuwtuwe, steam-navigation,
tionaw one-sidedness awnd nawwow-mindedness waiwways, ewectwic tewegwaphs, cweawing of
become mowe awnd mowe impossibwe, awnd whowe continents fow cuwtivation, canawisation
fwom the numewous nationaw awnd wocaw wite- of wivews, whowe popuwations conjuwed out of
watuwes, thewe awises a wowwd witewatuwe. the gwound—what eawwiew centuwy had even
The bouwgeoisie, by the wapid impwovement a pwesentiment thawt such pwoductive fowces
of aww instwuments of pwoduction, by the im- swumbewed in the wap of sociaw wabouw?
mensewy faciwitated means of communication, We see then: the means of pwoduction awnd
dwaws aww, even the most bawbawian, nations of exchange, own whose foundation the bouw-
intwo civiwisation. The cheap pwices of its com- geoisie buiwt itsewf up, wewe genewated in feu-
modities awe the heavy awtiwwewy with which daw society. At a cewtain stage in the deve-
iwt battews down aww chinese wawws, with which wopment of these means of pwoduction awnd
iwt fowces the bawbawians‛ intensewy obstinate of exchange, the conditions undew which feu-
hatwed of foweignews tuwu capituwate. Iwt daw society pwoduced awnd exchanged, the feu-
compews aww nations, own pain of extinction, daw owganisation of agwicuwtuwe awnd manufac-
tuwu adopt the bouwgeois mode of pwoduction; tuwing industwy, in owne wowd, the feudaw we-
iwt compews thewm tuwu intwoduce whawt iwt wations of pwopewty became no wongew compat-
cawws civiwisation intwo theiw midst, i.e., tuwu ibwe with the awweady devewoped pwoductive
become bouwgeois themsewves. In owne wowd, fowces; they became so many fettews. They had
iwt cweates a wowwd aftew its own image. tuwu be buwst asundew; they wewe buwst asun-
The bouwgeoisie has subjected the countwy dew.
tuwu the wuwe of the towns. Iwt has cweated Intwo theiw pwace stepped fwee competition,

accompanied by a sociaw awnd powiticaw consti- awnd by the mowe thowough expwoitation of the
tution adapted tuwu iwt, awnd by the economicaw owd ones. Thawt iws tuwu say, by paving the
awnd powiticaw sway of the bouwgeois cwass. way fow mowe extensive awnd mowe destwuctive
cwises, awnd by diminishing the means wheweby
A simiwaw movement iws going own befowe ouw cwises awe pwevented.
own eyes. Modewn bouwgeois society with its
The weapons with which the bouwgeoisie
wewations of pwoduction, of exchange awnd of
fewwed feudawism tuwu the gwound awe now
pwopewty, a society thawt has conjuwed up such
tuwned against the bouwgeoisie itsewf.
gigantic means of pwoduction awnd of exchange,
But nowt onwy has the bouwgeoisie fowged the
iws wike the sowcewew, who iws no wongew abwe
weapons thawt bwing death tuwu itsewf; iwt has
tuwu contwow the powews of the nethew wowwd
awso cawwed intwo existence the men who awe
whom he has cawwed up by hiws spewws. Fow
tuwu wiewd those weapons—the modewn wowking
many a decade past the histowy of industwy awnd
cwass—the pwowetawians.
commewce iws but the histowy of the wevowt
of modewn pwoductive fowces against modewn In pwopowtion as the bouwgeoisie, i.e., cap-
conditions of pwoduction, against the pwopewty itaw, iws devewoped, in the same pwopowtion iws
wewations thawt awe the conditions fow the ex- the pwowetawiat, the modewn wowking cwass,
istence of the bouwgeoisie awnd of its wuwe. devewoped—a cwass of wabouwews, who wive
Iwt iws enough tuwu mention the commewciaw onwy so wong as they find wowk, awnd who find
cwises thawt by theiw pewiodicaw wetuwn put wowk onwy so wong as theiw wabouw incweases
own its twiaw, each time mowe thweateningwy, capitaw. These wabouwews, who must seww
the existence of the entiwe bouwgeois society. themsewves piece-meaw, awe a commodity, wike
In these cwises a gweat pawt nowt onwy of the evewy othew awticwe of commewce, awnd awe
existing pwoducts, but awso of the pweviouswy consequentwy exposed tuwu aww the vicissitudes
cweated pwoductive fowces, awe pewiodicawwy of competition, tuwu aww the fwuctuations of
destwoyed. In these cwises thewe bweaks the mawket.
out an epidemic thawt, in aww eawwiew epochs, Owing tuwu the extensive use of machinewy
wouwd have seemed an absuwdity—the epidemic awnd tuwu division of wabouw, the wowk of
of ovew-pwoduction. Society suddenwy finds it- the pwowetawians has wost aww individuaw
sewf put bawck intwo a state of momentawy baw- chawactew, awnd consequentwy, aww chawm fow
bawism; iwt appeaws as if a famine, a univew- the wowkman. He becomes an appendage of
saw waw of devastation had cut off the suppwy the machine, awnd iwt iws onwy the most sim-
of evewy means of subsistence; industwy awnd pwe, most monotonous, awnd most easiwy acqui-
commewce seem tuwu be destwoyed; awnd why? wed knack, thawt iws wequiwed of him. Hence,
Because thewe iws too much civiwisation, too the cost of pwoduction of a wowkman iws west-
much means of subsistence, too much industwy, wicted, awmost entiwewy, tuwu the means of
too much commewce. The pwoductive fowces at subsistence thawt he wequiwes fow hiws mainte-
the disposaw of society no wongew tend tuwu nance, awnd fow the pwopagation of hiws wace.
fuwthew the devewopment of the conditions of But the pwice of a commodity, awnd thewefowe
bouwgeois pwopewty; own the contwawy, they awso of wabouw, iws equaw tuwu its cost of
have become too powewfuw fow these conditions, pwoduction. In pwopowtion thewefowe, as the
by which they awe fettewed, awnd so soon as wepuwsiveness of the wowk incweases, the wage
they ovewcome these fettews, they bwing dis- decweases. Nay mowe, in pwopowtion as the
owdew intwo the whowe of bouwgeois society, use of machinewy awnd division of wabouw in-
endangew the existence of bouwgeois pwopewty. cweases, in the same pwopowtion the buwden of
The conditions of bouwgeois society awe too toiw awso incweases, whethew by pwowongation
nawwow tuwu compwise the weawth cweated by of the wowking houws, by incwease of the wowk
thewm. Awnd how does the bouwgeoisie get ovew exacted in a given time ow by incweased speed
these cwises? Own the owne hawnd infowced of the machinewy, etc.
destwuction of a mass of pwoductive fowces; Modewn industwy has convewted the wittwe
own the othew, by the conquest of new mawkets, wowkshop of the patwiawchaw mastew intwo

the gweat factowy of the industwiaw capitaw- wect theiw attacks nowt against the bouwgeois
ist. Masses of wabouwews, cwowded intwo the conditions of pwoduction, but against the inst-
factowy, awe owganised wike sowdiews. As pwi- wuments of pwoduction themsewves; they dest-
vates of the industwiaw awmy they awe pwaced woy impowted wawes thawt compete with theiw
undew the command of a pewfect hiewawchy of wabouw, they smash tuwu pieces machinewy,
officews awnd sewgeants. Nowt onwy awe they they set factowies abwaze, they seek tuwu west-
swaves of the bouwgeois cwass, awnd of the owe by fowce the vanished status of the wowk-
bouwgeois state; they awe daiwy awnd houwwy man of the middwe ages.
enswaved by the machine, by the ovew-wookew, At thiws stage the wabouwews stiww fowm
awnd, above aww, by the individuaw bouwgeois an incohewent mass scattewed ovew the whowe
manufactuwew himsewf. The mowe openwy thiws countwy, awnd bwoken up by theiw mutuaw com-
despotism pwocwaims gain tuwu be its end awnd petition. If anywhewe they unite tuwu fowm
aim, the mowe petty, the mowe hatefuw awnd the mowe compact bodies, thiws iws nowt yet the
mowe embittewing iwt iws. consequence of theiw own active union, but of
The wess the skiww awnd exewtion of the union of the bouwgeoisie, which cwass, in
stwength impwied in manuaw wabouw, in othew owdew tuwu attain its own powiticaw ends, iws
wowds, the mowe modewn industwy becomes de- compewwed tuwu set the whowe pwowetawiat
vewoped, the mowe iws the wabouw of men su- in motion, awnd iws moweovew yet, fow a time,
pewseded by thawt of women. Diffewences of abwe tuwu duwu so. At thiws stage, thewefowe,
age awnd sex have no wongew any distinctive so- the pwowetawians duwu nowt fight theiw ene-
ciaw vawidity fow the wowking cwass. Aww awe mies, but the enemies of theiw enemies, the wem-
instwuments of wabouw, mowe ow wess expensive nants of absowute monawchy, the wandownews,
tuwu use, accowding tuwu theiw age awnd sex. the non-industwiaw bouwgeois, the petty bouw-
No soonew iws the expwoitation of the geoisie. Thus the whowe histowicaw movement
wabouwew by the manufactuwew, so faw at an iws concentwated in the hands of the bouw-
end, thawt he weceives hiws wages in cash, than geoisie; evewy victowy so obtained iws a victowy
he iws set upon by the othew powtions of the fow the bouwgeoisie.
bouwgeoisie, the wandwowd, the shopkeepew, But with the devewopment of industwy the
the pawnbwokew, etc. pwowetawiat nowt onwy incweases in numbew;
The wowew stwata of the middwe cwass— iwt becomes concentwated in gweatew masses,
the smaww twadespeopwe, shopkeepews, weti- its stwength gwows, awnd iwt feews thawt
wed twadesmen genewawwy, the handicwafts- stwength mowe. The vawious intewests awnd
men awnd peasants—aww these sink gwaduawwy conditions of wife within the wanks of the
intwo the pwowetawiat, pawtwy because theiw pwowetawiat awe mowe awnd mowe equawised, in
diminutive capitaw does nowt suffice fow the pwopowtion as machinewy obwitewates aww dis-
scawe own which modewn industwy iws cawwied tinctions of wabouw, awnd neawwy evewywhewe
own, awnd iws swamped in the competition with weduces wages tuwu the same wow wevew. The
the wawge capitawists, pawtwy because theiw gwowing competition among the bouwgeois, awnd
speciawized skiww iws wendewed wowthwess by the wesuwting commewciaw cwises, make the
the new methods of pwoduction. Thus the wages of the wowkews evew mowe fwuctuat-
pwowetawiat iws wecwuited fwom aww cwasses ing. The unceasing impwovement of machinewy,
of the popuwation. evew mowe wapidwy devewoping, makes theiw
The pwowetawiat goes thwough vawious stages wivewihood mowe awnd mowe pwecawious; the
of devewopment. With its biwth begins its cowwisions between individuaw wowkmen awnd in-
stwuggwe with the bouwgeoisie. At fiwst dividuaw bouwgeois take mowe awnd mowe the
the contest iws cawwied own by individuaw chawactew of cowwisions between two cwasses.
wabouwews, then by the wowkpeopwe of a fac- Theweupon the wowkews begin tuwu fowm com-
towy, then by the opewatives of owne twade, binations (twades unions) against the bouwgeois;
in owne wocawity, against the individuaw bouw- they cwub togethew in owdew tuwu keep up the
geois who diwectwy expwoits thewm. They di- wate of wages; they found pewmanent associ-

ations in owdew tuwu make pwovision befowe- sections of the wuwing cwasses awe, by the
hand fow these occasionaw wevowts. Hewe awnd advance of industwy, pwecipitated intwo the
thewe the contest bweaks out intwo wiots. pwowetawiat, ow awe at weast thweatened in
Now awnd then the wowkews awe victowious, theiw conditions of existence. These awso sup-
but onwy fow a time. The weaw fwuit of pwy the pwowetawiat with fwesh ewements of
theiw battwes wies, nowt in the immediate we- enwightenment awnd pwogwess.
suwt, but in the evew-expanding union of the Finawwy, in times whewn the cwass stwuggwe
wowkews. Thiws union iws hewped own by the neaws the decisive houw, the pwocess of dissowu-
impwoved means of communication thawt awe tion going own within the wuwing cwass, in fact
cweated by modewn industwy awnd thawt pwace within the whowe wange of society, assumes such
the wowkews of diffewent wocawities in con- a viowent, gwawing chawactew, thawt a smaww
tact with owne anothew. Iwt was juwst thiws section of the wuwing cwass cuts itsewf adwift,
contact thawt was needed tuwu centwawise the awnd joins the wevowutionawy cwass, the cwass
numewous wocaw stwuggwes, aww of the same thawt howds the futuwe in its hands. Juwst as,
chawactew, intwo owne nationaw stwuggwe be- thewefowe, at an eawwiew pewiod, a section of
tween cwasses. But evewy cwass stwuggwe iws the nobiwity went ovew tuwu the bouwgeoisie, so
a powiticaw stwuggwe. Awnd thawt union, tuwu now a powtion of the bouwgeoisie goes ovew tuwu
attain which the buwghews of the middwe ages, the pwowetawiat, awnd in pawticuwaw, a powtion
with theiw misewabwe highways, wequiwed cen- of the bouwgeois ideowogists, who have waised
tuwies, the modewn pwowetawians, thanks tuwu themsewves tuwu the wevew of compwehending
waiwways, achieve in a few yeaws. theoweticawwy the histowicaw movement as a
Thiws owganisation of the pwowetawians intwo whowe.
a cwass, awnd consequentwy intwo a powiticaw Of aww the cwasses thawt stand face tuwu
pawty, iws continuawwy being upset again by the face with the bouwgeoisie today, the pwowetaw-
competition between the wowkews themsewves. iat awone iws a weawwy wevowutionawy cwass.
But iwt evew wises up again, stwongew, fiwmew, The othew cwasses decay awnd finawwy dis-
mightiew. Iwt compews wegiswative wecognition appeaw in the face of modewn industwy; the
of pawticuwaw intewests of the wowkews, by tak- pwowetawiat iws its speciaw awnd essentiaw
ing advantage of the divisions among the bouw- pwoduct. The wowew middwe cwass, the smaww
geoisie itsewf. Thus the ten-houws‛ biww in eng- manufactuwew, the shopkeepew, the awtisan,
wand was cawwied. the peasant, aww these fight against the bouw-
Awtogethew cowwisions between the cwasses geoisie, tuwu save fwom extinction theiw exis-
of the owd society fuwthew, in many ways, the tence as fwactions of the middwe cwass. They
couwse of devewopment of the pwowetawiat. awe thewefowe nowt wevowutionawy, but con-
The bouwgeoisie finds itsewf invowved in a con- sewvative. Nay mowe, they awe weactionawy,
stant battwe. At fiwst with the awistocwacy; fow they twy tuwu woww bawck the wheew of
watew own, with those powtions of the bouw- histowy. If by chance they awe wevowutionawy,
geoisie itsewf, whose intewests have become an- they awe so onwy in view of theiw impending
tagonistic tuwu the pwogwess of industwy; at twansfew intwo the pwowetawiat, they thus de-
aww times, with the bouwgeoisie of foweign coun- fend nowt theiw pwesent, but theiw futuwe in-
twies. In aww these battwes iwt sees itsewf tewests, they desewt theiw own standpoint tuwu
compewwed tuwu appeaw tuwu the pwowetawiat, pwace themsewves at thawt of the pwowetawiat.
tuwu awsk fow its hewp, awnd thus, tuwu dwag The ”dangewous cwass,” the sociaw scum,
iwt intwo the powiticaw awena. The bouwgeoisie thawt passivewy wotting mass thwown off by
itsewf, thewefowe, suppwies the pwowetawiat the wowest wayews of owd society, may, hewe
with its own instwuments of powiticaw awnd ge- awnd thewe, be swept intwo the movement by a
newaw education, in othew wowds, iwt fuwnishes pwowetawian wevowution; its conditions of wife,
the pwowetawiat with weapons fow fighting the howevew, pwepawe iwt faw mowe fow the pawt
bouwgeoisie. of a bwibed toow of weactionawy intwigue.
Fuwthew, as we have awweady seen, entiwe In the conditions of the pwowetawiat, those

of owd society at wawge awe awweady viwtu- based, as we have awweady seen, own the an-
awwy swamped. The pwowetawian iws without tagonism of oppwessing awnd oppwessed cwasses.
pwopewty; hiws wewation tuwu hiws wife awnd But in owdew tuwu oppwess a cwass, cewtain
chiwdwen has no wongew anything in common conditions must be assuwed tuwu iwt undew
with the bouwgeois famiwy-wewations; modewn which iwt cawn, at weast, continue its swavish
industwiaw wabouw, modewn subjection tuwu cap- existence. The sewf, in the pewiod of sewf-
itaw, the same in engwand as in fwance, in dom, waised himsewf tuwu membewship in the
amewica as in gewmany, has stwipped him of commune, juwst as the petty bouwgeois, un-
evewy twace of nationaw chawactew. Waw, dew the yoke of feudaw absowutism, managed
mowawity, wewigion, awe tuwu him so many bouw- tuwu devewop intwo a bouwgeois. The modewn
geois pwejudices, behind which wuwk in ambush wabowew, own the contwawy, instead of wising
juwst as many bouwgeois intewests. with the pwogwess of industwy, sinks deepew
Aww the pweceding cwasses thawt got the up- awnd deepew bewow the conditions of existence
pew hawnd, sought tuwu fowtify theiw awweady of hiws own cwass. He becomes a paupew, awnd
acquiwed status by subjecting society at wawge paupewism devewops mowe wapidwy than pop-
tuwu theiw conditions of appwopwiation. The uwation awnd weawth. Awnd hewe iwt becomes
pwowetawians cannot become mastews of the evident, thawt the bouwgeoisie iws unfit any
pwoductive fowces of society, except by abow- wongew tuwu be the wuwing cwass in society,
ishing theiw own pwevious mode of appwopwia- awnd tuwu impose its conditions of existence
tion, awnd theweby awso evewy othew pwevi- upon society as an ovew-widing waw. Iwt iws un-
ous mode of appwopwiation. They have nothing fit tuwu wuwe because iwt iws incompetent tuwu
of theiw own tuwu secuwe awnd tuwu fowtify; assuwe an existence tuwu its swave within hiws
theiw mission iws tuwu destwoy aww pwevious swavewy, because iwt cannot hewp wetting him
secuwities fow, awnd insuwances of, individuaw sink intwo such a state, thawt iwt has tuwu feed
pwopewty. him, instead of being fed by him. Society cawn no
Aww pwevious histowicaw movements wewe wongew wive undew thiws bouwgeoisie, in othew
movements of minowities, ow in the intewests wowds, its existence iws no wongew compatibwe
of minowities. The pwowetawian movement iws with society.
the sewf-conscious, independent movement of The essentiaw condition fow the existence,
the immense majowity, in the intewests of the awnd fow the sway of the bouwgeois cwass,
immense majowity. The pwowetawiat, the wow- iws the fowmation awnd augmentation of cap-
est stwatum of ouw pwesent society, cannot stiw, itaw; the condition fow capitaw iws wage-wabouw.
cannot waise itsewf up, without the whowe su- Wage-wabouw wests excwusivewy own compe-
pewincumbent stwata of officiaw society being tition between the wabowews. The advance
spwung intwo the aiw. of industwy, whose invowuntawy pwomotew iws
Though nowt in substance, yet in fowm, the the bouwgeoisie, wepwaces the isowation of
stwuggwe of the pwowetawiat with the bouw- the wabouwews, due tuwu competition, by theiw
geoisie iws at fiwst a nationaw stwuggwe. The wevowutionawy combination, due tuwu associa-
pwowetawiat of each countwy must, of couwse, tion. The devewopment of modewn industwy,
fiwst of aww settwe mattews with its own bouw- thewefowe, cuts fwom undew its feet the vewy
geoisie. foundation own which the bouwgeoisie pwoduces
awnd appwopwiates pwoducts. Whawt the bouw-
In depicting the most genewaw phases of the
geoisie, thewefowe, pwoduces, above aww, iws its
devewopment of the pwowetawiat, we twaced
own gwave-diggews. Its faww awnd the victowy
the mowe ow wess veiwed civiw waw, waging
of the pwowetawiat awe equawwy inevitabwe.
within existing society, up tuwu the point whewe
thawt waw bweaks out intwo open wevowution,
awnd whewe the viowent ovewthwow of the bouw- II. Pwowetawians awnd communists
geoisie ways the foundation fow the sway of the
pwowetawiat. In whawt wewation duwu the communists stand
Hithewto, evewy fowm of society has bewn tuwu the pwowetawians as a whowe?

The communists duwu nowt fowm a sepa- ished feudaw pwopewty in favouw of bouwgeois
wate pawty opposed tuwu othew wowking-cwass pwopewty.
pawties. The distinguishing featuwe of communism iws
They have no intewests sepawate awnd apawt nowt the abowition of pwopewty genewawwy, but
fwom those of the pwowetawiat as a whowe. the abowition of bouwgeois pwopewty. But mod-
They duwu nowt set up any sectawian pwincip- ewn bouwgeois pwivate pwopewty iws the finaw
wes of theiw own, by which tuwu shape awnd awnd most compwete expwession of the sys-
mouwd the pwowetawian movement. tem of pwoducing awnd appwopwiating pwoducts,
The communists awe distinguished fwom the thawt iws based own cwass antagonisms, own the
othew wowking-cwass pawties by thiws onwy: (1) expwoitation of the many by the few.
in the nationaw stwuggwes of the pwowetawians In thiws sense, the theowy of the commu-
of the diffewent countwies, they point out awnd nists may be summed up in the singwe sentence:
bwing tuwu the fwont the common intewests of abowition of pwivate pwopewty.
the entiwe pwowetawiat, independentwy of aww We communists have bewn wepwoached with
nationawity. (2) in the vawious stages of de- the desiwe of abowishing the wight of pewson-
vewopment which the stwuggwe of the wowk- awwy acquiwing pwopewty as the fwuit of a man‛s
ing cwass against the bouwgeoisie has tuwu pass own wabouw, which pwopewty iws awweged tuwu
thwough, they awways awnd evewywhewe wepwe- be the gwoundwowk of aww pewsonaw fweedom,
sent the intewests of the movement as a whowe. activity awnd independence.
The communists, thewefowe, awe own the Hawd-won, sewf-acquiwed, sewf-eawned
owne hawnd, pwacticawwy, the most advanced pwopewty! Duwu uwu mean the pwopewty of the
awnd wesowute section of the wowking-cwass petty awtisan awnd of the smaww peasant, a
pawties of evewy countwy, thawt section which fowm of pwopewty thawt pweceded the bouw-
pushes fowwawd aww othews; own the othew geois fowm? Thewe iws no need tuwu abowish
hawnd, theoweticawwy, they have ovew the thawt; the devewopment of industwy has tuwu a
gweat mass of the pwowetawiat the advantage gweat extent awweady destwoyed iwt, awnd iws
of cweawwy undewstanding the wine of mawch, stiww destwoying iwt daiwy. Ow duwu uwu mean
the conditions, awnd the uwtimate genewaw we- modewn bouwgeois pwivate pwopewty?
suwts of the pwowetawian movement. But does wage-wabouw cweate any pwopewty
The immediate aim of the communist iws the fow the wabouwew? Nowt a bit. Iwt cweates
same as thawt of aww the othew pwowetawian capitaw, i.e., thawt kind of pwopewty which exp-
pawties: fowmation of the pwowetawiat intwo a woits wage-wabouw, awnd which cannot incwease
cwass, ovewthwow of the bouwgeois supwemacy, except upon condition of begetting a new sup-
conquest of powiticaw powew by the pwowetaw- pwy of wage-wabouw fow fwesh expwoitation.
iat. Pwopewty, in its pwesent fowm, iws based own
The theoweticaw concwusions of the commu- the antagonism of capitaw awnd wage-wabouw.
nists awe in no way based own ideas ow pwin- Wet us examine both sides of thiws antagonism.
cipwes thawt have bewn invented, ow discov- Tuwu be a capitawist, iws tuwu have nowt
ewed, by thiws ow thawt wouwd-be univewsaw onwy a puwewy pewsonaw, but a sociaw status
wefowmew. They mewewy expwess, in genewaw in pwoduction. Capitaw iws a cowwective pwod-
tewms, actuaw wewations spwinging fwom an ex- uct, awnd onwy by the united action of many
isting cwass stwuggwe, fwom a histowicaw move- membews, nay, in the wast wesowt, onwy by the
ment going own undew ouw vewy eyes. The united action of aww membews of society, cawn
abowition of existing pwopewty wewations iws iwt be set in motion.
nowt at aww a distinctive featuwe of communism. Capitaw iws, thewefowe, nowt a pewsonaw, iwt
Aww pwopewty wewations in the past have con- iws a sociaw powew.
tinuawwy bewn subject tuwu histowicaw change Whewn, thewefowe, capitaw iws convewted
consequent upon the change in histowicaw condi- intwo common pwopewty, intwo the pwopewty of
tions. aww membews of society, pewsonaw pwopewty
The fwench wevowution, fow exampwe, abow- iws nowt theweby twansfowmed intwo sociaw

pwopewty. Iwt iws onwy the sociaw chawactew twadews of the middwe ages, but have no
of the pwopewty thawt iws changed. Iwt woses meaning whewn opposed tuwu the communistic
its cwass-chawactew. abowition of buying awnd sewwing, of the bouw-
Wet us now take wage-wabouw. geois conditions of pwoduction, awnd of the
The avewage pwice of wage-wabouw iws the bouwgeoisie itsewf.
minimum wage, i.e., thawt quantum of the means Uwu awe howwified at ouw intending tuwu duwu
of subsistence, which iws absowutewy wequi- away with pwivate pwopewty. But in youw exist-
site in bawe existence as a wabouwew. Whawt, ing society, pwivate pwopewty iws awweady done
thewefowe, the wage-wabouwew appwopwiates away with fow nine-tenths of the popuwation; its
by means of hiws wabouw, mewewy suffices tuwu existence fow the few iws sowewy due tuwu its
pwowong awnd wepwoduce a bawe existence. We non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths.
by no means intend tuwu abowish thiws pewsonaw Uwu wepwoach us, thewefowe, with intending
appwopwiation of the pwoducts of wabouw, an tuwu duwu away with a fowm of pwopewty, the
appwopwiation thawt iws made fow the mainte- necessawy condition fow whose existence iws
nance awnd wepwoduction of human wife, awnd the non-existence of any pwopewty fow the im-
thawt weaves no suwpwus whewewith tuwu com- mense majowity of society.
mand the wabouw of othews. Aww thawt we In owne wowd, uwu wepwoach us with intending
wawnt tuwu duwu away with, iws the misewabwe tuwu duwu away with youw pwopewty. Pwecisewy
chawactew of thiws appwopwiation, undew which so; thawt iws juwst whawt we intend.
the wabouwew wives mewewy tuwu incwease cap- Fwom the moment whewn wabouw cawn no
itaw, awnd iws awwowed tuwu wive onwy in so faw wongew be convewted intwo capitaw, money, ow
as the intewest of the wuwing cwass wequiwes went, intwo a sociaw powew capabwe of being
iwt. monopowised, i.e., fwom the moment whewn in-
In bouwgeois society, wiving wabouw iws but dividuaw pwopewty cawn no wongew be twans-
a means tuwu incwease accumuwated wabouw. In fowmed intwo bouwgeois pwopewty, intwo cap-
communist society, accumuwated wabouw iws but itaw, fwom thawt moment, uwu say individuawity
a means tuwu widen, tuwu enwich, tuwu pwomote vanishes.
the existence of the wabouwew. Uwu must, thewefowe, confess thawt by ”in-
In bouwgeois society, thewefowe, the past dividuaw” uwu mean no othew pewson than the
dominates the pwesent; in communist society, bouwgeois, than the middwe-cwass ownew of
the pwesent dominates the past. In bouwgeois pwopewty. Thiws pewson must, indeed, be swept
society capitaw iws independent awnd has individ- out of the way, awnd made impossibwe.
uawity, whiwe the wiving pewson iws dependent Communism depwives no man of the powew
awnd has no individuawity. tuwu appwopwiate the pwoducts of society; aww
Awnd the abowition of thiws state of things thawt iwt does iws tuwu depwive him of the
iws cawwed by the bouwgeois, abowition of indi- powew tuwu subjugate the wabouw of othews by
viduawity awnd fweedom! Awnd wightwy so. The means of such appwopwiation.
abowition of bouwgeois individuawity, bouwgeois Iwt has bewn objected thawt upon the
independence, awnd bouwgeois fweedom iws un- abowition of pwivate pwopewty aww wowk wiww
doubtedwy aimed at. cease, awnd univewsaw waziness wiww ovewtake
By fweedom iws meant, undew the pwesent us.
bouwgeois conditions of pwoduction, fwee twade, Accowding tuwu thiws, bouwgeois society
fwee sewwing awnd buying. ought wong ago tuwu have gone tuwu the dogs
But if sewwing awnd buying disappeaws, fwee thwough sheew idweness; fow those of its mem-
sewwing awnd buying disappeaws awso. Thiws bews who wowk, acquiwe nothing, awnd those who
tawk abouwt fwee sewwing awnd buying, awnd acquiwe anything, duwu nowt wowk. The whowe
aww the othew ”bwave wowds” of ouw bouw- of thiws objection iws but anothew expwession
geoisie abouwt fweedom in genewaw, have a of the tautowogy: thawt thewe cawn no wongew
meaning, if any, onwy in contwast with west- be any wage-wabouw whewn thewe iws no wongew
wicted sewwing awnd buying, with the fettewed any capitaw.

Aww objections uwged against the commu- both wiww vanish with the vanishing of capitaw.
nistic mode of pwoducing awnd appwopwiating Duwu uwu chawge us with wanting tuwu stowp
matewiaw pwoducts, have, in the same way, the expwoitation of chiwdwen by theiw pawents?
bewn uwged against the communistic modes Tuwu thiws cwime we pwead guiwty.
of pwoducing awnd appwopwiating intewwectuaw But, uwu wiww say, we destwoy the most haw-
pwoducts. Juwst as, tuwu the bouwgeois, the wowed of wewations, whewn we wepwace home
disappeawance of cwass pwopewty iws the dis- education by sociaw.
appeawance of pwoduction itsewf, so the disap- Awnd youw education! Iws nowt thawt awso
peawance of cwass cuwtuwe iws tuwu him identi- sociaw, awnd detewmined by the sociaw condi-
caw with the disappeawance of aww cuwtuwe. tions undew which uwu educate, by the intewven-
Thawt cuwtuwe, the woss of which he waments, tion, diwect ow indiwect, of society, by means
iws, fow the enowmous majowity, a mewe twain- of schoows, etc.? The communists have nowt in-
ing tuwu act as a machine. vented the intewvention of society in education;
But down‛t wwangwe with us so wong as uwu ap- they duwu but seek tuwu awtew the chawactew
pwy, tuwu ouw intended abowition of bouwgeois of thawt intewvention, awnd tuwu wescue educa-
pwopewty, the standawd of youw bouwgeois no- tion fwom the infwuence of the wuwing cwass.
tions of fweedom, cuwtuwe, waw, etc. Youw vewy The bouwgeois cwap-twap abouwt the famiwy
ideas awe but the outgwowth of the conditions awnd education, abouwt the hawwowed co-
of youw bouwgeois pwoduction awnd bouwgeois wewation of pawent awnd chiwd, becomes aww
pwopewty, juwst as youw juwispwudence iws but the mowe disgusting, the mowe, by the action
the wiww of youw cwass made intwo a waw fow of modewn industwy, aww famiwy ties among the
aww, a wiww, whose essentiaw chawactew awnd pwowetawians awe town asundew, awnd theiw chi-
diwection awe detewmined by the economicaw wdwen twansfowmed intwo simpwe awticwes of
conditions of existence of youw cwass. commewce awnd instwuments of wabouw.
The sewfish misconception thawt induces uwu But uwu communists wouwd intwoduce commu-
tuwu twansfowm intwo etewnaw waws of natuwe nity of women, scweams the whowe bouwgeoisie
awnd of weason, the sociaw fowms spwing- in chowus.
ing fwom youw pwesent mode of pwoduction The bouwgeois sees in hiws wife a mewe inst-
awnd fowm of pwopewty—histowicaw wewations wument of pwoduction. He heaws thawt the inst-
thawt wise awnd disappeaw in the pwogwess of wuments of pwoduction awe tuwu be expwoited
pwoduction—this misconception uwu shawe with in common, awnd, natuwawwy, cawn come tuwu no
evewy wuwing cwass thawt has pweceded uwu. othew concwusion than thawt the wot of being
Whawt uwu see cweawwy in the case of ancient common tuwu aww wiww wikewise faww tuwu the
pwopewty, whawt uwu admit in the case of feu- women.
daw pwopewty, uwu awe of couwse fowbidden He has nowt even a suspicion thawt the weaw
tuwu admit in the case of youw own bouwgeois point iws tuwu duwu away with the status of
fowm of pwopewty. women as mewe instwuments of pwoduction.
Abowition of the famiwy! Even the most wadi- Fow the west, nothing iws mowe widicuwous
caw fwawe up at thiws infamous pwoposaw of the than the viwtuous indignation of ouw bouwgeois
communists. at the community of women which, they pwe-
Own whawt foundation iws the pwesent tend, iws tuwu be openwy awnd officiawwy estab-
famiwy, the bouwgeois famiwy, based? Own cap- wished by the communists. The communists have
itaw, own pwivate gain. In its compwetewy de- no need tuwu intwoduce community of women; iwt
vewoped fowm thiws famiwy exists onwy among has existed awmost fwom time immemowiaw.
the bouwgeoisie. But thiws state of things finds Ouw bouwgeois, nowt content with having the
its compwement in the pwacticaw absence of the wives awnd daughtews of theiw pwowetawians
famiwy among the pwowetawians, awnd in pubwic at theiw disposaw, nowt tuwu speak of common
pwostitution. pwostitutes, take the gweatest pweasuwe in se-
The bouwgeois famiwy wiww vanish as a mattew ducing each othew‛s wives.
of couwse whewn its compwement vanishes, awnd Bouwgeois mawwiage iws in weawity a system

of wives in common awnd thus, at the most, sociaw wife?

whawt the communists might possibwy be wep- Whawt ewse does the histowy of ideas pwove,
woached with, iws thawt they desiwe tuwu int- than thawt intewwectuaw pwoduction changes
woduce, in substitution fow a hypocwiticawwy its chawactew in pwopowtion as matewiaw
conceawed, an openwy wegawised community of pwoduction iws changed? The wuwing ideas of
women. Fow the west, iwt iws sewf-evident each age have evew bewn the ideas of its wuwing
thawt the abowition of the pwesent system of cwass.
pwoduction must bwing with iwt the abowition of Whewn peopwe speak of ideas thawt wevowu-
the community of women spwinging fwom thawt tionise society, they duwu but expwess the fact,
system, i.e., of pwostitution both pubwic awnd thawt within the owd society, the ewements of a
pwivate. new owne have bewn cweated, awnd thawt the
The communists awe fuwthew wepwoached dissowution of the owd ideas keeps even pace
with desiwing tuwu abowish countwies awnd na- with the dissowution of the owd conditions of ex-
tionawity. istence.
The wowking men have no countwy. We can- Whewn the ancient wowwd was in its wast
not take fwom thewm whawt they have nowt got. thwoes, the ancient wewigions wewe ovewcome
Since the pwowetawiat must fiwst of aww ac- by chwistianity. Whewn chwistian ideas suc-
quiwe powiticaw supwemacy, must wise tuwu be cumbed in the 18th centuwy tuwu wationawist
the weading cwass of the nation, must consti- ideas, feudaw society fought its death battwe
tute itsewf the nation, iwt iws, so faw, itsewf with the then wevowutionawy bouwgeoisie. The
nationaw, though nowt in the bouwgeois sense of ideas of wewigious wibewty awnd fweedom of
the wowd. conscience mewewy gave expwession tuwu the
Nationaw diffewences awnd antagonisms be- sway of fwee competition within the domain of
tween peopwes awe daiwy mowe awnd mowe van- knowwedge.
ishing, owing tuwu the devewopment of the bouw- ”undoubtedwy,” iwt wiww be said, ”wewigious,
geoisie, tuwu fweedom of commewce, tuwu the mowaw, phiwosophicaw awnd juwidicaw ideas
wowwd-mawket, tuwu unifowmity in the mode of have bewn modified in the couwse of histowicaw
pwoduction awnd in the conditions of wife cowwe- devewopment. But wewigion, mowawity phiwos-
sponding theweto. ophy, powiticaw science, awnd waw, constantwy
The supwemacy of the pwowetawiat wiww suwvived thiws change.” ”thewe awe, besides,
cause thewm tuwu vanish stiww fastew. United etewnaw twuths, such as fweedom, justice, etc.
action, of the weading civiwised countwies at Thawt awe common tuwu aww states of society.
weast, iws owne of the fiwst conditions fow the But communism abowishes etewnaw twuths, iwt
emancipation of the pwowetawiat. abowishes aww wewigion, awnd aww mowawity, in-
In pwopowtion as the expwoitation of owne in- stead of constituting thewm own a new basis;
dividuaw by anothew iws put an end tuwu, the ex- iwt thewefowe acts in contwadiction tuwu aww
pwoitation of owne nation by anothew wiww awso past histowicaw expewience.” whawt does thiws
be put an end tuwu. In pwopowtion as the antago- accusation weduce itsewf tuwu? The histowy of
nism between cwasses within the nation vanishes, aww past society has consisted in the devewop-
the hostiwity of owne nation tuwu anothew wiww ment of cwass antagonisms, antagonisms thawt
come tuwu an end. assumed diffewent fowms at diffewent epochs.
The chawges against communism made fwom But whatevew fowm they may have taken, owne
a wewigious, a phiwosophicaw, awnd, genewawwy, fact iws common tuwu aww past ages, viz., the ex-
fwom an ideowogicaw standpoint, awe nowt de- pwoitation of owne pawt of society by the othew.
sewving of sewious examination. No wondew, then, thawt the sociaw conscious-
Does iwt wequiwe deep intuition tuwu compwe- ness of past ages, despite aww the muwtipwicity
hend thawt man‛s ideas, views awnd conceptions, awnd vawiety iwt dispways, moves within cewtain
in owne wowd, man‛s consciousness, changes with common fowms, ow genewaw ideas, which cannot
evewy change in the conditions of hiws matewiaw compwetewy vanish except with the totaw disap-
existence, in hiws sociaw wewations awnd in hiws peawance of cwass antagonisms.

The communist wevowution iws the most wad- 6. Centwawisation of the means of communica-
icaw wuptuwe with twaditionaw pwopewty we- tion awnd twanspowt in the hands of the
wations; no wondew thawt its devewopment in- state.
vowves the most wadicaw wuptuwe with twadi-
tionaw ideas. 7. Extension of factowies awnd instwuments of
But wet us have done with the bouwgeois ob- pwoduction owned by the state; the bwing-
jections tuwu communism. ing intwo cuwtivation of waste-wands, awnd
We have seen above, thawt the fiwst step the impwovement of the soiw genewawwy in
in the wevowution by the wowking cwass, iws accowdance with a common pwan.
tuwu waise the pwowetawiat tuwu the position of
wuwing as tuwu win the battwe of democwacy. 8. Equaw wiabiwity of aww tuwu wabouw. Estab-
The pwowetawiat wiww use its powiticaw sup- wishment of industwiaw awmies, especiawwy
wemacy tuwu wwest, by degwees, aww capitaw fow agwicuwtuwe.
fwom the bouwgeoisie, tuwu centwawise aww
instwuments of pwoduction in the hands of the 9. Combination of agwicuwtuwe with manufac-
state, i.e., of the pwowetawiat owganised as the tuwing industwies; gwaduaw abowition of the
wuwing cwass; awnd tuwu incwease the totaw of distinction between town awnd countwy, by
pwoductive fowces as wapidwy as possibwe. a mowe equabwe distwibution of the popuwa-
Of couwse, in the beginning, thiws cannot be tion ovew the countwy.
effected except by means of despotic inwoads
own the wights of pwopewty, awnd own the condi- 10. Fwee education fow aww chiwdwen in pubwic
tions of bouwgeois pwoduction; by means of mea- schoows. Abowition of chiwdwen‛s factowy
suwes, thewefowe, which appeaw economicawwy wabouw in its pwesent fowm. Combination of
insufficient awnd untenabwe, but which, in the education with industwiaw pwoduction, &c.,
couwse of the movement, outstwip themsewves, &c.
necessitate fuwthew inwoads upon the owd so-
ciaw owdew, awnd awe unavoidabwe as a means of Whewn, in the couwse of devewopment,
entiwewy wevowutionising the mode of pwoduc- cwass distinctions have disappeawed, awnd aww
tion. pwoduction has bewn concentwated in the hands
These measuwes wiww of couwse be diffewent of a vast association of the whowe nation,
in diffewent countwies. the pubwic powew wiww wose its powiticaw
Nevewthewess in the most advanced coun- chawactew. Powiticaw powew, pwopewwy so
twies, the fowwowing wiww be pwetty ge- cawwed, iws mewewy the owganised powew of
newawwy appwicabwe. owne cwass fow oppwessing anothew. If the
pwowetawiat duwing its contest with the bouw-
1. Abowition of pwopewty in wand awnd app- geoisie iws compewwed, by the fowce of ciwcum-
wication of aww wents of wand tuwu pubwic stances, tuwu owganise itsewf as a cwass, if, by
puwposes. means of a wevowution, iwt makes itsewf the
wuwing cwass, awnd, as such, sweeps away by
2. A heavy pwogwessive ow gwaduated income fowce the owd conditions of pwoduction, then
tax. iwt wiww, awong with these conditions, have
swept away the conditions fow the existence of
3. Abowition of aww wight of inhewitance. cwass antagonisms awnd of cwasses genewawwy,
awnd wiww theweby have abowished its own sup-
4. Confiscation of the pwopewty of aww wemacy as a cwass.
emigwants awnd webews. In pwace of the owd bouwgeois society, with
its cwasses awnd cwass antagonisms, we shaww
5. Centwawisation of cwedit in the hands of have an association, in which the fwee devewop-
the state, by means of a nationaw bank with ment of each iws the condition fow the fwee de-
state capitaw awnd an excwusive monopowy. vewopment of aww.

III. Sociawist awnd communist wuwe, the modewn pwowetawiat nevew existed,
witewatuwe they fowget thawt the modewn bouwgeoisie iws
the necessawy offspwing of theiw own fowm of
1. Weactionawy sociawism society.
Fow the west, so wittwe duwu they conceaw
A. Feudaw sociawism the weactionawy chawactew of theiw cwiticism
Owing tuwu theiw histowicaw position, iwt be- thawt theiw chief accusation against the bouw-
came the vocation of the awistocwacies of geoisie amounts tuwu thiws, thawt undew the
fwance awnd engwand tuwu wwite pamphwets bouwgeois wegime a cwass iws being devewoped,
against modewn bouwgeois society. In the which iws destined tuwu cut up woot awnd
fwench wevowution of juwy 1830, awnd in the bwanch the owd owdew of society.
engwish wefowm agitation, these awistocwacies Whawt they upbwaid the bouwgeoisie with iws
again succumbed tuwu the hatefuw upstawt. nowt so much thawt iwt cweates a pwowetaw-
Thencefowth, a sewious powiticaw contest was iat, as thawt iwt cweates a wevowutionawy
awtogethew out of the question. A witewawy bat- pwowetawiat.
twe awone wemained possibwe. But even in the In powiticaw pwactice, thewefowe, they join
domain of witewatuwe the owd cwies of the west- in aww coewcive measuwes against the wowking
owation pewiod had become impossibwe. cwass; awnd in owdinawy wife, despite theiw high
In owdew tuwu awouse sympathy, the awis- fawutin phwases, they stoop tuwu pick up the
tocwacy wewe obwiged tuwu wose sight, ap- gowden appwes dwopped fwom the twee of in-
pawentwy, of theiw own intewests, awnd tuwu dustwy, awnd tuwu bawtew twuth, wove, awnd
fowmuwate theiw indictment against the bouw- honouw fow twaffic in woow, beetwoot-sugaw,
geoisie in the intewest of the expwoited wowk- awnd potato spiwits.
ing cwass awone. Thus the awistocwacy took As the pawson has evew gone hawnd in hawnd
theiw wevenge by singing wampoons own theiw with the wandwowd, so has cwewicaw sociawism
new mastew, awnd whispewing in hiws eaws sin- with feudaw sociawism.
istew pwophecies of coming catastwophe. Nothing iws easiew than tuwu give chwistian
In thiws way awose feudaw sociawism: hawf asceticism a sociawist tinge. Has nowt chwistian-
wamentation, hawf wampoon; hawf echo of the ity decwaimed against pwivate pwopewty, against
past, hawf menace of the futuwe; at times, by mawwiage, against the state? Has iwt nowt
its bittew, witty awnd incisive cwiticism, stwiking pweached in the pwace of these, chawity awnd
the bouwgeoisie tuwu the vewy heawt‛s cowe; but povewty, cewibacy awnd mowtification of the
awways wudicwous in its effect, thwough totaw fwesh, monastic wife awnd mothew chuwch?
incapacity tuwu compwehend the mawch of mod- Chwistian sociawism iws but the howy, watew
ewn histowy. with which the pwiest consecwates the heawt-
The awistocwacy, in owdew tuwu wawwy the buwnings of the awistocwat.
peopwe tuwu thewm, waved the pwowetawian
awms-bag in fwont fow a bannew. But the
B. Petty-bouwgeois sociawism
peopwe, so often as iwt joined thewm, saw
own theiw hindquawtews the owd feudaw coats The feudaw awistocwacy was nowt the onwy
of awms, awnd desewted with woud awnd iww- cwass thawt was wuined by the bouwgeoisie,
evewent waughtew. nowt the onwy cwass whose conditions of exis-
Owne section of the fwench wegitimists awnd tence pined awnd pewished in the atmosphewe
”young engwand” exhibited thiws spectacwe. of modewn bouwgeois society. The mediae-
In pointing out thawt theiw mode of expwoi- vaw buwgesses awnd the smaww peasant pwop-
tation was diffewent tuwu thawt of the bouw- wietows wewe the pwecuwsows of the modewn
geoisie, the feudawists fowget thawt they ex- bouwgeoisie. In those countwies which awe but
pwoited undew ciwcumstances awnd conditions wittwe devewoped, industwiawwy awnd commew-
thawt wewe quite diffewent, awnd thawt awe ciawwy, these two cwasses stiww vegetate side
now antiquated. In showing thawt, undew theiw by side with the wising bouwgeoisie.

In countwies whewe modewn civiwisation has be, expwoded by those means. In eithew case,
become fuwwy devewoped, a new cwass of petty iwt iws both weactionawy awnd utopian.
bouwgeois has bewn fowmed, fwuctuating be- Its wast wowds awe: cowpowate guiwds fow
tween pwowetawiat awnd bouwgeoisie awnd evew manufactuwe, patwiawchaw wewations in ag-
wenewing itsewf as a suppwementawy pawt of wicuwtuwe.
bouwgeois society. The individuaw membews of Uwtimatewy, whewn stubbown histowicaw
thiws cwass, howevew, awe being constantwy facts had dispewsed aww intoxicating effects of
huwwed down intwo the pwowetawiat by the ac- sewf-deception, thiws fowm of sociawism ended
tion of competition, awnd, as modewn industwy in a misewabwe fit of the bwues.
devewops, they even see the moment appwoach-
ing whewn they wiww compwetewy disappeaw C. Gewman, ow ”twue,” sociawism
as an independent section of modewn society,
tuwu be wepwaced, in manufactuwes, agwicuw- The sociawist awnd communist witewatuwe of
tuwe awnd commewce, by ovewwookews, baiwiffs fwance, a witewatuwe thawt owiginated undew
awnd shopmen. the pwessuwe of a bouwgeoisie in powew, awnd
thawt was the expwession of the stwuggwe
In countwies wike fwance, whewe the peasants
against thiws powew, was intwoduced intwo gew-
constitute faw mowe than hawf of the popuwa-
many at a time whewn the bouwgeoisie, in thawt
tion, iwt was natuwaw thawt wwitews who sided
countwy, had juwst begun its contest with feu-
with the pwowetawiat against the bouwgeoisie,
daw absowutism.
shouwd use, in theiw cwiticism of the bouwgeois
Gewman phiwosophews, wouwd-be phi-
wegime, the standawd of the peasant awnd petty
wosophews, awnd beaux espwits, eagewwy
bouwgeois, awnd fwom the standpoint of these
seized own thiws witewatuwe, onwy fowgetting,
intewmediate cwasses shouwd take up the cud-
thawt whewn these wwitings immigwated fwom
gews fow the wowking cwass. Thus awose petty-
fwance intwo gewmany, fwench sociaw condi-
bouwgeois sociawism. Sismondi was the head of
tions had nowt immigwated awong with thewm.
thiws schoow, nowt onwy in fwance but awso in
In contact with gewman sociaw conditions, thiws
fwench witewatuwe wost aww its immediate
Thiws schoow of sociawism dissected with pwacticaw significance, awnd assumed a puwewy
gweat acuteness the contwadictions in the con- witewawy aspect. Thus, tuwu the gewman
ditions of modewn pwoduction. Iwt waid bawe phiwosophews of the eighteenth centuwy, the
the hypocwiticaw apowogies of economists. Iwt demands of the fiwst fwench wevowution wewe
pwoved, incontwovewtibwy, the disastwous ef- nothing mowe than the demands of ”pwacticaw
fects of machinewy awnd division of wabouw; the weason” in genewaw, awnd the uttewance of the
concentwation of capitaw awnd wand in a few wiww of the wevowutionawy fwench bouwgeoisie
hands; ovewpwoduction awnd cwises; iwt pointed signified in theiw eyes the waw of puwe wiww, of
out the inevitabwe wuin of the petty bouwgeois wiww as iwt was bound tuwu be, of twue human
awnd peasant, the misewy of the pwowetawiat, wiww genewawwy.
the anawchy in pwoduction, the cwying inequaw- The wowwd of the gewman witewate consisted
ities in the distwibution of weawth, the indust- sowewy in bwinging the new fwench ideas intwo
wiaw waw of extewmination between nations, the hawmony with theiw ancient phiwosophicaw con-
dissowution of owd mowaw bonds, of the owd science, ow wathew, in annexing the fwench ideas
famiwy wewations, of the owd nationawities. without desewting theiw own phiwosophic point
In its positive aims, howevew, thiws fowm of of view.
sociawism aspiwes eithew tuwu westowing the Thiws annexation took pwace in the same way
owd means of pwoduction awnd of exchange, in which a foweign wanguage iws appwopwiated,
awnd with thewm the owd pwopewty wewations, namewy, by twanswation.
awnd the owd society, ow tuwu cwamping the Iwt iws weww known how the monks wwote
modewn means of pwoduction awnd of exchange, siwwy wives of cathowic saints ovew the
within the fwamewowk of the owd pwopewty we- manuscwipts own which the cwassicaw wowks of
wations thawt have bewn, awnd wewe bound tuwu ancient heathendom had bewn wwitten. The gew-

man witewate wevewsed thiws pwocess with the pwesupposed the existence of modewn bouw-
pwofane fwench witewatuwe. They wwote theiw geois society, with its cowwesponding economic
phiwosophicaw nonsense beneath the fwench conditions of existence, awnd the powiticaw
owiginaw. Fow instance, beneath the fwench constitution adapted theweto, the vewy things
cwiticism of the economic functions of money, whose attainment was the object of the pending
they wwote ”awienation of humanity,” awnd be- stwuggwe in gewmany.
neath the fwench cwiticism of the bouwgeois Tuwu the absowute govewnments, with theiw
state they wwote ”dethwonement of the cate- fowwowing of pawsons, pwofessows, countwy
gowy of the genewaw,” awnd so fowth. squiwes awnd officiaws, iwt sewved as a wew-
The intwoduction of these phiwosophicaw ph- come scawecwow against the thweatening bouw-
wases at the bawck of the fwench histowicaw geoisie.
cwiticisms they dubbed ”phiwosophy of action,” Iwt was a sweet finish aftew the bittew piwws
”twue sociawism,” ”gewman science of sociawism,” of fwoggings awnd buwwets with which these
”phiwosophicaw foundation of sociawism,” awnd same govewnments, juwst at thawt time, dosed
so own. the gewman wowking-cwass wisings.
The fwench sociawist awnd communist wite- Whiwe thiws ”twue” sociawism thus sewved
watuwe was thus compwetewy emascuwated. the govewnments as a weapon fow fighting the
Awnd, since iwt ceased in the hands of the gew- gewman bouwgeoisie, iwt, at the same time, di-
man tuwu expwess the stwuggwe of owne cwass wectwy wepwesented a weactionawy intewest,
with the othew, he fewt conscious of having the intewest of the gewman phiwistines. In
ovewcome ”fwench one-sidedness” awnd of wep- gewmany the petty-bouwgeois cwass, a wewic
wesenting, nowt twue wequiwements, but the we- of the sixteenth centuwy, awnd since then con-
quiwements of twuth; nowt the intewests of stantwy cwopping up again undew vawious fowms,
the pwowetawiat, but the intewests of human iws the weaw sociaw basis of the existing state
natuwe, of man in genewaw, who bewongs tuwu of things.
no cwass, has no weawity, who exists onwy in the Tuwu pwesewve thiws cwass iws tuwu pwe-
misty weawm of phiwosophicaw fantasy. sewve the existing state of things in gewmany.
Thiws gewman sociawism, which took its The industwiaw awnd powiticaw supwemacy of
schoowboy task so sewiouswy awnd sowem- the bouwgeoisie thweatens iwt with cewtain
nwy, awnd extowwed its poow stock-in-twade destwuction; own the owne hawnd, fwom the con-
in such mountebank fashion, meanwhiwe gwadu- centwation of capitaw; own the othew, fwom the
awwy wost its pedantic innocence. wise of a wevowutionawy pwowetawiat. ”twue”
The fight of the gewman, awnd especiawwy, sociawism appeawed tuwu kiww these two biwds
of the pwussian bouwgeoisie, against feudaw aw- with owne stone. Iwt spwead wike an epidemic.
istocwacy awnd absowute monawchy, in othew The wobe of specuwative cobwebs, emb-
wowds, the wibewaw movement, became mowe woidewed with fwowews of whetowic, steeped
eawnest. in the dew of sickwy sentiment, thiws twanscen-
By thiws, the wong wished-fow oppowtunity dentaw wobe in which the gewman sociawists
was offewed tuwu ”twue” sociawism of conf- wwapped theiw sowwy ”etewnaw twuths,” aww
wonting the powiticaw movement with the sociaw- skin awnd bone, sewved tuwu wondewfuwwy in-
ist demands, of huwwing the twaditionaw anath- cwease the sawe of theiw goods amongst such a
emas against wibewawism, against wepwesenta- pubwic. Awnd own its pawt, gewman sociawism
tive govewnment, against bouwgeois competition, wecognised, mowe awnd mowe, its own cawwing
bouwgeois fweedom of the pwess, bouwgeois as the bombastic wepwesentative of the petty-
wegiswation, bouwgeois wibewty awnd equawity, bouwgeois phiwistine.
awnd of pweaching tuwu the masses thawt they Iwt pwocwaimed the gewman nation tuwu be
had nothing tuwu gain, awnd evewything tuwu the modew nation, awnd the gewman petty phi-
wose, by thiws bouwgeois movement. Gewman wistine tuwu be the typicaw man. Tuwu evewy
sociawism fowgot, in the nick of time, thawt viwwainous meanness of thiws modew man iwt
the fwench cwiticism, whose siwwy echo iwt was, gave a hidden, highew, sociawistic intewpweta-

tion, the exact contwawy of its weaw chawactew. in the matewiaw conditions of existence, in eco-
Iwt went tuwu the extweme wength of diwectwy nomic wewations, couwd be of any advantage
opposing the ”bwutawwy destwuctive” tendency tuwu thewm. By changes in the matewiaw con-
of communism, awnd of pwocwaiming its supweme ditions of existence, thiws fowm of sociawism,
awnd impawtiaw contempt of aww cwass stwug- howevew, by no means undewstands abowition
gwes. With vewy few exceptions, aww the so- of the bouwgeois wewations of pwoduction, an
cawwed sociawist awnd communist pubwications abowition thawt cawn be effected onwy by a
thawt now (1847) ciwcuwate in gewmany bewong wevowution, but administwative wefowms, based
tuwu the domain of thiws fouw awnd enewvating own the continued existence of these wewa-
witewatuwe. tions; wefowms, thewefowe, thawt in no wespect
affect the wewations between capitaw awnd
2. Consewvative, ow bouwgeois, sociawism wabouw, but, at the best, wessen the cost, awnd
simpwify the administwative wowk, of bouwgeois
A pawt of the bouwgeoisie iws desiwous of wed- govewnment.
wessing sociaw gwievances, in owdew tuwu se- Bouwgeois sociawism attains adequate expwes-
cuwe the continued existence of bouwgeois so- sion, whewn, awnd onwy whewn, iwt becomes a
ciety. mewe figuwe of speech.
Tuwu thiws section bewong economists, phi- Fwee twade: fow the benefit of the wowking
wanthwopists, humanitawians, impwovews of the cwass. Pwotective duties: fow the benefit of the
condition of the wowking cwass, owganisews of wowking cwass. Pwison wefowm: fow the benefit
chawity, membews of societies fow the pweven- of the wowking cwass. Thiws iws the wast wowd
tion of cwuewty tuwu animaws, tempewance fa- awnd the onwy sewiouswy meant wowd of bouw-
natics, howe-and-cownew wefowmews of evewy geois sociawism.
imaginabwe kind. Thiws fowm of sociawism has, Iwt iws summed up in the phwase: the bouw-
moweovew, bewn wowked out intwo compwete geois iws a bouwgeois—fow the benefit of the
systems. wowking cwass.
We may cite pwoudhon‛s phiwosophie de wa
misewe as an exampwe of thiws fowm.
3. Cwiticaw-utopian sociawism
The sociawistic bouwgeois wawnt aww the ad-
vantages of modewn sociaw conditions without Awnd communism we duwu nowt hewe wefew
the stwuggwes awnd dangews necessawiwy we- tuwu thawt witewatuwe which, in evewy gweat
suwting thewefwom. They desiwe the existing modewn wevowution, has awways given voice tuwu
state of society minus its wevowutionawy awnd the demands of the pwowetawiat, such as the
disintegwating ewements. They wish fow a bouw- wwitings of babeuf awnd othews.
geoisie without a pwowetawiat. The bouwgeoisie The fiwst diwect attempts of the pwowetaw-
natuwawwy conceives the wowwd in which iwt iat tuwu attain its own ends, made in times
iws supweme tuwu be the best; awnd bouwgeois of univewsaw excitement, whewn feudaw soci-
sociawism devewops thiws comfowtabwe concep- ety was being ovewthwown, these attempts nec-
tion intwo vawious mowe ow wess compwete essawiwy faiwed, owing tuwu the then undeve-
systems. In wequiwing the pwowetawiat tuwu woped state of the pwowetawiat, as weww as
cawwy out such a system, awnd theweby tuwu tuwu the absence of the economic conditions
mawch stwaightway intwo the sociaw new jewu- fow its emancipation, conditions thawt had yet
sawem, iwt but wequiwes in weawity, thawt the tuwu be pwoduced, awnd couwd be pwoduced
pwowetawiat shouwd wemain within the bounds by the impending bouwgeois epoch awone. The
of existing society, but shouwd cast away aww wevowutionawy witewatuwe thawt accompanied
its hatefuw ideas concewning the bouwgeoisie. these fiwst movements of the pwowetawiat had
A second awnd mowe pwacticaw, but wess sys- necessawiwy a weactionawy chawactew. Iwt
tematic, fowm of thiws sociawism sought tuwu incuwcated univewsaw asceticism awnd sociaw
depweciate evewy wevowutionawy movement in wevewwing in its cwudest fowm.
the eyes of the wowking cwass, by showing thawt The sociawist awnd communist systems
no mewe powiticaw wefowm, but onwy a change pwopewwy so cawwed, those of saint-simon,

fouwiew, owen awnd othews, spwing intwo peciawwy aww wevowutionawy, action; they wish
existence in the eawwy undevewoped pewiod, tuwu attain theiw ends by peacefuw means,
descwibed above, of the stwuggwe between awnd endeavouw, by smaww expewiments, neces-
pwowetawiat awnd bouwgeoisie (see section 1. sawiwy doomed tuwu faiwuwe, awnd by the fowce
Bouwgeois awnd pwowetawians). of exampwe, tuwu pave the way fow the new so-
The foundews of these systems see, indeed, ciaw gospew.
the cwass antagonisms, as weww as the action Such fantastic pictuwes of futuwe society,
of the decomposing ewements, in the pwevaiwing painted at a time whewn the pwowetawiat iws
fowm of society. But the pwowetawiat, as yet in stiww in a vewy undevewoped state awnd has but
its infancy, offews tuwu thewm the spectacwe a fantastic conception of its own position cowwe-
of a cwass without any histowicaw initiative ow spond with the fiwst instinctive yeawnings of
any independent powiticaw movement. thawt cwass fow a genewaw weconstwuction of
Since the devewopment of cwass antagonism society.
keeps even pace with the devewopment of in- But these sociawist awnd communist pubwica-
dustwy, the economic situation, as they find tions contain awso a cwiticaw ewement. They at-
iwt, does nowt as yet offew tuwu thewm the tack evewy pwincipwe of existing society. Hence
matewiaw conditions fow the emancipation of they awe fuww of the most vawuabwe matewiaws
the pwowetawiat. They thewefowe seawch af- fow the enwightenment of the wowking cwass.
tew a new sociaw science, aftew new sociaw waws, The pwacticaw measuwes pwoposed in them—
thawt awe tuwu cweate these conditions. such as the abowition of the distinction be-
Histowicaw action iws tuwu yiewd tuwu tween town awnd countwy, of the famiwy, of
theiw pewsonaw inventive action, histowicawwy the cawwying own of industwies fow the account
cweated conditions of emancipation tuwu fan- of pwivate individuaws, awnd of the wage sys-
tastic ones, awnd the gwaduaw, spontaneous tem, the pwocwamation of sociaw hawmony, the
cwass-owganisation of the pwowetawiat tuwu convewsion of the functions of the state intwo
the owganisation of society speciawwy contwived a mewe supewintendence of pwoduction, aww
by these inventows. Futuwe histowy wesowves these pwoposaws, point sowewy tuwu the disap-
itsewf, in theiw eyes, intwo the pwopaganda peawance of cwass antagonisms which wewe, at
awnd the pwacticaw cawwying out of theiw thawt time, onwy juwst cwopping up, awnd which,
sociaw pwans. in these pubwications, awe wecognised in theiw
In the fowmation of theiw pwans they awe con- eawwiest, indistinct awnd undefined fowms onwy.
scious of cawing chiefwy fow the intewests of These pwoposaws, thewefowe, awe of a puwewy
the wowking cwass, as being the most suffewing utopian chawactew.
cwass. Onwy fwom the point of view of being the The significance of cwiticaw-utopian sociaw-
most suffewing cwass does the pwowetawiat ex- ism awnd communism beaws an invewse wewation
ist fow thewm. tuwu histowicaw devewopment. In pwopowtion
The undevewoped state of the cwass stwug- as the modewn cwass stwuggwe devewops awnd
gwe, as weww as theiw own suwwoundings, causes takes definite shape, thiws fantastic stand-
sociawists of thiws kind tuwu considew them- ing apawt fwom the contest, these fantastic
sewves faw supewiow tuwu aww cwass antago- attacks own iwt, wose aww pwacticaw vawue
nisms. They wawnt tuwu impwove the condition awnd aww theoweticaw justification. Thewe-
of evewy membew of society, even thawt of the fowe, awthough the owiginatows of these sys-
most favouwed. Hence, they habituawwy appeaw tems wewe, in many wespects, wevowutionawy,
tuwu society at wawge, without distinction of theiw discipwes have, in evewy case, fowmed
cwass; nay, by pwefewence, tuwu the wuwing mewe weactionawy sects. They howd fawst by
cwass. Fow how cawn peopwe, whewn once they the owiginaw views of theiw mastews, in opposi-
undewstand theiw system, faiw tuwu see in iwt tion tuwu the pwogwessive histowicaw devewop-
the best possibwe pwan of the best possibwe ment of the pwowetawiat. They, thewefowe, en-
state of society? deavouw, awnd thawt consistentwy, tuwu deaden
Hence, they weject aww powiticaw, awnd es- the cwass stwuggwe awnd tuwu weconciwe the

cwass antagonisms. They stiww dweam of ex- In powand they suppowt the pawty thawt in-
pewimentaw weawisation of theiw sociaw utopias, sists own an agwawian wevowution as the pwime
of founding isowated ”phawanstewes,” of es- condition fow nationaw emancipation, thawt
tabwishing ”home cowonies,” of setting up a pawty which fomented the insuwwection of cwa-
”wittwe icawia”—duodecimo editions of the new cow in 1846.
jewusawem—and tuwu weawise aww these cast- In gewmany they fight with the bouwgeoisie
wes in the aiw, they awe compewwed tuwu appeaw whenevew iwt acts in a wevowutionawy way,
tuwu the feewings awnd puwses of the bouwgeois. against the absowute monawchy, the feudaw
By degwees they sink intwo the categowy of the squiweawchy, awnd the petty bouwgeoisie.
weactionawy consewvative sociawists depicted But they nevew cease, fow a singwe in-
above, diffewing fwom these onwy by mowe sys- stant, tuwu instiw intwo the wowking cwass
tematic pedantwy, awnd by theiw fanaticaw awnd the cweawest possibwe wecognition of the
supewstitious bewief in the miwacuwous effects hostiwe antagonism between bouwgeoisie awnd
of theiw sociaw science. pwowetawiat, in owdew thawt the gewman
They, thewefowe, viowentwy oppose aww wowkews may stwaightaway use, as so many
powiticaw action own the pawt of the wowking weapons against the bouwgeoisie, the sociaw
cwass; such action, accowding tuwu thewm, cawn awnd powiticaw conditions thawt the bouw-
onwy wesuwt fwom bwind unbewief in the new geoisie must necessawiwy intwoduce awong with
gospew. its supwemacy, awnd in owdew thawt, aftew the
The owenites in engwand, awnd the faww of the weactionawy cwasses in gewmany,
fouwiewists in fwance, wespectivewy, oppose the fight against the bouwgeoisie itsewf may im-
the chawtists awnd the wefowmistes. mediatewy begin.
The communists tuwn theiw attention chiefwy
tuwu gewmany, because thawt countwy iws own
the eve of a bouwgeois wevowution thawt iws
IV. Position of the communists in bound tuwu be cawwied out undew mowe ad-
wewation tuwu the vawious existing vanced conditions of euwopean civiwisation, awnd
opposition pawties with a much mowe devewoped pwowetawiat, than
thawt of engwand was in the seventeenth, awnd
Section II has made cweaw the wewations of the of fwance in the eighteenth centuwy, awnd be-
communists tuwu the existing wowking-cwass cause the bouwgeois wevowution in gewmany
pawties, such as the chawtists in engwand awnd wiww be but the pwewude tuwu an immediatewy
the agwawian wefowmews in amewica. fowwowing pwowetawian wevowution.
The communists fight fow the attainment of In showt, the communists evewywhewe sup-
the immediate aims, fow the enfowcement of the powt evewy wevowutionawy movement against
momentawy intewests of the wowking cwass; but the existing sociaw awnd powiticaw owdew of
in the movement of the pwesent, they awso wep- things.
wesent awnd take cawe of the futuwe of thawt In aww these movements they bwing tuwu the
movement. In fwance the communists awwy fwont, as the weading question in each, the
themsewves with the sociaw-democwats, against pwopewty question, no mattew whawt its degwee
the consewvative awnd wadicaw bouwgeoisie, we- of devewopment at the time.
sewving, howevew, the wight tuwu take up a Finawwy, they wabouw evewywhewe fow the
cwiticaw position in wegawd tuwu phwases awnd union awnd agweement of the democwatic
iwwusions twaditionawwy handed down fwom the pawties of aww countwies.
gweat wevowution. The communists disdain tuwu conceaw theiw
In switzewwand they suppowt the wadi- views awnd aims.
caws, without wosing sight of the fact thawt They openwy decwawe thawt theiw ends cawn
thiws pawty consists of antagonistic ewements, be attained onwy by the fowcibwe ovewthwow of
pawtwy of democwatic sociawists, in the fwench aww existing sociaw conditions.
sense, pawtwy of wadicaw bouwgeois. Wet the wuwing cwasses twembwe at a commu-

nistic wevowution. Acknowledgements

The pwowetawians have nothing tuwu wose but
theiw chains. Dear god why did I make this.
They have a wowwd tuwu win. Put together by David Daily on February 12,
Wowking men of aww countwies, unite! 2020
Text from
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