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WORDS: 217 TIME: 25 min

The pie graphs depicted draw the conclusion of a survey of different children's activities
taking in this case both genders, whereas the activities are mainly about cultural and leisure
ones for both boys and girls such as: basketball, listening to music, reading and more
presented into two graphs.

Generally, the children have approximately the same participation percentages among all
the activities. However, the girls are more involved than boys. starting with the three
commun activities which are: reading, listening to music followed by playing computer
games, where we can notice that both boys and girls have the same proportion when it
comes to listening to music accounting for 10%. on the other hand, girls participate in
reading much more than boys with a spectacular rate of about 21% while 2% of boys are
regarding computer games, we can notice that boys are more interested in participating with
a percentage of about 34% which is considered as the highest rate overall comparing with
16% of girls participation.

Furthermore, boys are involved and interested more in spending their time on playing
basketball, skateboarding and finally soccer with a approximate rate presented as the
following: 26%, 11%,17% respectively. whereas girls are more into dancing, netball and
gymnastics with a comparative percentages as the following: 27%, 15%,11% respectively.
The line graph depicted illustrates the average annual expenditures on cell phone and
residential phone services regarding a consumer expenditure survey elaborated by the US
Bureau of labor statistics between 2001 and 2010.

Generally, it is easy to notice that consumers’ expenses on cell phone services have seen a
spectacular increase over years. in contracts, the expenditure on residential phone services
experienced a plummet drop since 2001 estimated of a little less than 400$.
in the first year where the survey have been lunched, the expenditures on residential phone
services start declining from about 700$ to approximately 550$ in 2006 while amid in the
exact period of time, using cell phone services have exceeded and seen a considerable
increase to the exact amount which is 550$. by the end of the survey in 2010, consumers’
expenses on cell phone services reached its peak with more than 700$ whereas the
expenditure on residential phone services have decreased gradually to reach 400$ in 2010.


The bar chart depicted displays the average percentages of people who ate five portions of
fruit and vegetables per day around the UK presented mainly in 3 categories as the
following: Men, women and finally children from 2001 to 2008.

Generally, it is obvious that women show the highst percentages amoung all the other
categories. the rates have seen a dramatic increase starting from 2001 at a little over 20% to
more than 30% marking its peak in 2006. the corresponding figure dicreased gradually to
little less than 30% between 2006 and 2008.

Moving on to the other segments, men and children eating percentages remained stable
during the first three years. in the fourth year, both categories show comparatively the exact
growth where they have approximately exceeded 20% accounting for 25% for men and 22%
for children. in 2007, the percentages of men who ate fruit and vegetables per day remains
the same. However, children’s consumption of fruits and vegetables have seen a slight
increase then it decreased again along with men by 2008.


the line graph depicted outlines the amount of goods that have been transported in the UK
from 1974 to 2002 by four differents selected transportation types as the following: by road,
water, rail and pipeline mesured in million tonnes.

Generally, goods transported by road present the highest amount which have exceeded 70
million tonnes in the period of study, followed by the goods transported via water which have
reached a little over than 60 million tonnes and the ones transported via rail developing to
about 40 million tonnes. finally, the amount of good that have been transported by pipeline
shows the lowest amount at a little more than 20 million tonnes amid in the same period of

during the period between 1974 and 1978 all the goods that have been transported
experienced a constant evolution. the items transported by road, water and pipeline have
seen a comparative increase from 1978 to 2002. However, transportation by rail was the
only one that saw a drop to about 25 million tonnes followed by a gentle increase by 2002.



The table depicted shows information and predictions regarding the change of the rates of
the population aged 65 and above in three continent which are: Canada, germany and the
UK between 1988 and 2030.

Generally, all the countries experienced a spectacular increase in the populations

percentages starting from Germany in the first place followed by canada and the UK
accounting for 30.42%, 26,35% and 20.35% respectively.

Moreover, the most noteworthy increment regarding the change in the proportion of the
population is dedicated to germany as stated before with a significant growth of about 10%
which went up from 20.45% in 1988 to about 30.42% in 2030. In comparision, the
corresponding figure will remain increasing until reaching its peak in 2030 which have
surged from 16,32% in 1988 to 26.35% in 2030 regarding Canada’s prediction .
In terms of the UK, the country predict a gradual increase of about 6% starting with
approximately 14,23% in 1988 to 20.35% in 2030.
The table depicted outlines the consumer’s expenditure of three diffrent categories
presented as the following: food, drinks and tabaco followed by clothing and footwear and
finally leisure and education regarding five selected countries such as: ireland,
italy,spain,sweden and turkey in 2002.

Generally, food, drinks and tabaco presentes the largest eras of expenditure regarding all
countries, followed by clothing and footewar in the seconde place and by the end consumers
spend the less amount on leisure and education.

Furthermore, turkey presente the largest expences regarding the food, drinks and tabacco
accounting for 32.14% followed by ireland with almost 29% and by the end spain, iyaly and
sweden which they have recorded approximately the same rates accounting for 18.80%,
16.36% and 15.77% respectively.

Moving on to the second category which include clothing and footwear where all the rate
have not exceeded 7%. however, italy have recorded a significant percentage of about 9%.
in terms of leisure and education, all the countries have recorded at little less than 5% of
consumer expenditure amid in the same period of time.


The pie chart depicted illustrates the expenditures of a school in the UK over five different
selected categories such as insurance, teachers salaries, furniture and equipment,
resources followed by the end with other workers salaries from 1981 to 2001.

Generally, it is noticeable that the largest eras of expenditure is dedicated to teachers’

salaries over the period of study which have exceeded 40% in all stages, followed by other
workers salaries, ressources, furniture and equipment along with insurance in the last place.

Starting from 1981, expenditure on teachers salaries and on ressources have seen a slight
increase until 1991 accounting for 50% and 20% respectively. However, the corresponding
figures decreased to about 45% and 9% by 2001.

The most noteworthy increment is dedicated to the expenditure on insurance and furniture
and equipment which have experienced a spectacular growth from 2% to 8% and 15% to
23% by 2001 respectively. in terms of the other categories such as resources and the
expenditure on equipment have reached 9% and 23% by 2001.


The two pie charts presente and shows the percentages of students joining North West
university according to two parameters which are in the first place their faculties such as
bussiness, computing, law, medecine followed by science and engineering, in the second
place we have their nationalites where we have south american students, australian, african,
asian and finally the european ones.

Generally, the first pie chart illustrates the percentages of students by faculty where it is
obvious that the highest proportion of students are attending the faculty of arts accounting
for 23% followed by computing, science, bussiness, engineering, law and medicine with a
percentages of about 22%, 21%, 14%, 9%, 6%,5% respectively.

Furthermore, the second pie chart presente the arts students as they are presenting the
majority of students. the south american students present the significant percentage of about
79% followed by the european ones at almost 21% followed by the asian, african and the
australian students accounting for 6%, 2%, 4% respectively.


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