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BSBPMG532 v1.

0 Student Assessment Tasks 1 of 30

BSBPMG532 v1.0 Student Assessment Tasks 2 of 30
Unit Outcomes.........................................................................................................................3
Delivery Method......................................................................................................................3
Assessment Tasks.................................................................................................................... 3
Assessment Summary..............................................................................................................3
Assessment Results................................................................................................................. 4
Reasonable Adjustments.........................................................................................................4
Rules and Principles of Assessment........................................................................................4
Assessment Conditions............................................................................................................5
Complaints and Appeals..........................................................................................................5
Plagiarism................................................................................................................................ 5
Guidelines for Submission.......................................................................................................6
ASSESSMENT TASKS.................................................................................................................7
Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment.........................................................................7
Assessment Task 2 – Major Project......................................................................................14
Details of the Project You Are Undertaking for This Assessment.........................................14
Part I. Consultation.............................................................................................................. 16
Part II. Quality Management Plan........................................................................................17
Part III. Review..................................................................................................................... 18
Questionnaire for Students...................................................................................................19

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Unit Outcomes
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage quality within projects. It involves
determining quality requirements, implementing quality control and assurance processes, and using
review and evaluation to make quality improvements in current and future projects.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation,
business, or as a consultant.

Delivery Method
This unit will be delivered using a blended approach. You will be required to attend classes as
scheduled in your timetable, complete all learning activities as set by your trainer and assessor and
a range of self-directed learning tasks.

If at any stage, you are unable to complete any of the above activities, you must contact your
trainer/assessor immediately to make alternative arrangements.

Assessment Tasks
To complete these assessments, you will require access to:
 Office equipment, including calculators, photocopiers and telephone system
 Computers with appropriate software to view 2-D CAD drawings, run costing programs and
print copies
 Onsite assessments undertaken by your trainer during workplace visit

Assessment Summary
Once you have demonstrated to your trainer/assessor that you have the required skills and
knowledge for the unit they will inform you that you are ready to be assessed.

Task Description Due Date

Assessment Task 1: Students are required to complete all
As per training plan
Knowledge Assessment questions to a satisfactory level.
Assessment Task 2: Students are required to complete a
As per training plan
Workplace Assessment number of tasks and observations
To gain competency in this unit you must accurately complete the following assessment tasks:

If you are unable to submit an assessment on or before the due date you must make arrangements
with your trainer/assessor before the due date for an extension and a new submission date. This
should be followed-up with an email to giving the reason for required

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Assessment Results
At the completion of each assessment task your trainer/assessor will deem your work to be:
 S – Satisfactory. You have completed your assessment task adequately meeting all of the
 NS – Not Satisfactory. You have not provided enough evidence to meet all aspects of the
assessment task.

Once all assessment tasks have been submitted you will receive an overall result for this unit being:
 C – Competent. All of the required assessments have received a result of ‘S’ meaning you have
demonstrated that you can successfully meet all of the unit outcomes.
 NYC – Not Yet Competent. One or more of your assessment tasks have received a result of NS
meaning that you have not met the necessary requirements for that assessment.

Please refer to the student handbook for further information on re-assessment.

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Reasonable Adjustments
An adjustment is any measure or action that you may require because of a disability, which has the
effect of assisting you to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as
students without a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while taking
into account factors such as the nature of your disability, your views, and the potential effect of the
adjustment on yourself and others, who might be affected, and the costs and benefits of making
the adjustment.

We must maintain the academic integrity of a course and consider the requirements or
components that are inherent or essential to its nature when assessing whether an adjustment is
reasonable. There may be more than one adjustment that is reasonable in a given set of
circumstances. We will make adjustments that are reasonable and that do not cause unjustifiable
hardship to you and our organisation.

If at any time whilst you are undertaking the assessment and you require further clarification on
the task or you believe you require an assessment to be adjusted due to a disability or other
impacting situations, please speak to your trainer/assessor for further information or possible
options. During the assessment process your trainer/assessor can assist you with gaining an
understanding of the task, but they are unable to provide you with the response or any answers.

Rules and Principles of Assessment

All assessment tasks have been designed to ensure that they meet all of the learning requirements
of the unit you are undertaking. They have also been designed to meet the rules and principles of
assessments ensuring that all assessment tasks are:
 Fair
 Valid
 Flexible
 Reliable
 Authentic
 Sufficient
 Current

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Assessment Conditions
The assessments for this unit must be conducted in a quiet classroom or home study environment
and workplace observations.

The assessments for this unit must also be conducted in a safe environment for the safety of all
students and trainers/assessors. Your trainer/assessor will cease the assessment at any time that
they believe it has become unsafe for yourself and/or others around you.

If the assessment is ceased due to safety reasons your trainer/assessor may require you to undergo
further training or make further adjustments to the task and/or environment prior to providing you
with the opportunity to be re-assessed.

If you are unable to show competency in all of the required assessment tasks your trainer/assessor
will inform you that you will need to undertake the assessment task again.

Prior to undertaking the re-assessment process, you may be required to complete further learning
activities to consolidate your skills and knowledge. Once you can demonstrate to your
trainer/assessor that you possess the required skills and knowledge, they will inform you that you
are ready to be assessed again.

Please refer to your student handbook for further information on re-assessment.

Complaints and Appeals

If you believe that you have been unfairly assessed and wish to appeal your trainer/assessor’s
decision or have any complaints in regards to your training or assessment results, please refer to
our complaints and appeals procedure located on our website for further information.

All work submitted must be your own work and not copied from any other source. Any information
utilised to assist you with your learning activities or assessments must be correctly referenced and
a bibliography (name of author and title of book/publication) attached.

If the work submitted is found to have been copied it will be unable to be accepted as a form of
evidence towards this unit of competency.

Please refer to our student handbook for further information.

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Guidelines for Submission
1. Complete all of the required tasks and questions.
2. It is your responsibility to keep a copy of your work in case work is damaged or misplaced.
3. Ensure all work is your own and not plagiarised.
4. Use the referencing style as outlined by the trainer/assessor for all learning activities and
assessment tasks.
5. All assessment tasks must be accompanied by the Unit Assessment Record sheet (UAR) which will
be provided by your trainer. You must indicate which assessment task is included in your
submission and complete all required sections of the UAR and submit the signed UAR to the
trainer at the time you submit your completed assessment.
6. All assessments must be submitted by the due date being the proposed end date on your training
plan. Any extension requests must be requested prior to the submission date and must be
approved by your trainer/assessor prior to the submission date.
7. Any extension to the submission must also be notified to the Training Manager via email to providing the reason for extension.

Your trainer/assessor will provide you with feedback on your learning activities and assessment tasks
after they have completed marking them generally within 14 days of submission.

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Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Assessment

1. Answer the following questions about quality management.

i. Explain how quality management helps achieve a project’s goals.

The quality management plan contains the identified quality objectives and
standards for the project and each product output throughout the project life
cycle. It includes project scope and schedule, quality metrics, controls and

ii. Explain what quality is in the context of quality management.

quality management is necessary so that a project will have quality consistency

throughout its life cycle and satisfy its purpose. this process involves identifying
standards and quality requirements for both product and project, sharing goals
with stakeholders, delegating tasks appropriately.

iii. Explain what quality-control is.

This is the process of monitoring and recording results of quality activities to

confirm that project deliverables and output meet quality requirements.

iv. Explain what quality-assurance is:

This is the process of auditing quality requirements and results from quality
control measurements to ensure that future outputs are completed in a manner
that meets specified requirements and expectations.

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2. Answer the following questions about quality standards.

i. Explain what quality standards are.

Quality standards are documents that provide specifications, requirements,

guidelines or characteristics that quality activities must comply with.

ii. Why are quality standards important for organisations?

Maintaining quality standards help businesses satisfy their customers/client’s

quality requirements, ensure the safety and reliability of their products and services,
define and control internal processes, and meet environmental objectives.

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3. Listed below are quality assurance techniques and tools. Briefly describe how each is
used in quality assurance.

Quality assurance
Use of the technique in quality assurance

Quality audits are structured reviews used to

determine whether project activities comply with
i. Quality audit quality policies, processes and procedures.

Process Analysis is done to examine project

activities and processes. This will also allow you to
create a process improvement plan for areas that
need corrective and remedial measures.
ii. Process analysis Process analysis is used to identify needed quality
improvements by examining problems and
constraints experienced during operation of the
project processes.

Quality assurance tools Use of the tool in quality assurance

Cause-and-effect diagrams are used to identify

possible causes for a quality problem and helps
i. Cause-and-effect
sorts these causes into categories.

PDPCs are used to systematically identify

ii. Process decision potential problems in achieving quality goals and
program chart objectives by anticipating those problems and
(PDPC) brainstorming countermeasures.

Tree diagrams are used to represent

hierarchies of organisational structures and tasks
to assist in quality decision-making and planning
iii. Tree diagram by detailing the component parts of any complex
structure or task.

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4. Listed below are quality control techniques and tools. Briefly describe how each is used in
quality control.

Quality control techniques Use of the technique in quality control

Statistical sampling means choosing part or a

sample of a population of interest for inspection
(for example, selecting five hundred products at
random from a group of one thousand) to gather
quality control data and make decisions on
i. Statistical sampling whether a group of products or deliverables meet
quality requirements without inspecting the entire
group. This will allow you to identify variance to
quality metrics and what causes them.

Inspections are done to examine a work

product to determine if it conforms to quality
standards. The results include measurements and
may be conducted at any stage. Inspections are
ii. Inspection also called reviews, peer reviews, audits, or
walkthroughs. In some areas, these terms have
narrow and specific meanings. Inspections may
also be used to validate any defect repairs.

Quality control tools Use of the tool in quality control

Histograms are graphs used to show frequency

distributions of different causes of quality control
i. Histogram problems. These are quality control tools used to
describe tendencies and dispersion.

Pareto charts are bar graphs that show the

significance of different causes of quality control
ii. Pareto chart problems by their influence and impact. These
diagrams are quality control tools usually
organised into categories that measure
frequencies and consequences.
These are quality control tools that are also called
iii. Scatter diagram correlation charts. They are used to explain changes in
the relationship between dependent and independent

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variables. Scatter diagrams show the relationship of
pairs of numerical data, one variable plotted on each
axis, and are used when a variable is not within quality
control parameters and is systematically affected by
another variable.

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5. Answer the following questions about the continuous process improvement model.

i. What is continuous improvement?

Reviewing processes and implementing agreed changes must be done continually

throughout the project life cycle to ensure consistent quality in all your
processes and products. Continually means that you are regularly reviewing your
project processes and implementing your agreed changes throughout the
project life cycle. This refers to continuous improvement, which is the ongoing
development of products, services, or processes through improvement over time
or all at once.

ii. List the four steps of the PDCA cycle used in continuous improvement.

1. Plan- Identify project areas that need corrective measures and must be updated or
2. Do- Practice implementation on sample size or small scale.
3. Check- Analyse results and determine difference or improvement
4. Act- Determine if the change or update was successful if so, implement on a larger

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6. Answer the following questions about Lean management and Six Sigma.

i. Explain what Lean management is.

Lean Management is a set of management practices that are used to improve efficiency
and effectiveness by reducing and eliminating non-value-adding activities and waste.

ii. Explain what Six Sigma is.

Six Sigma is a management methodology that is focused on reducing process variation
and enhancing process control.

iii. Explain what Lean Six Sigma is.

Lean Six Sigma is a combination of Six Sigma and Lean. It focuses on customer satisfaction
by valuing defect prevention over defect detection. Lean Six Sigma reduces variation, waste,
and cycle time while also promoting the use of work standardisation and flow

iv. List the eight types of waste in Lean manufacturing.

 Defects
 Overproduction
 Waiting
 Non-utilised talent
 Transportation
 Inventory
 Motion
 Extra-processing

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7. Answer the following questions about Total Quality Management (TQM).

i. Explain what Total Quality Management (TQM) is.

TQM is a management approach focused on long-term success by having all members of
an organisation participate in improving processes, products, services, and the work

ii. List the eight primary elements of TQM.

 Customer-focused
 Total employee involvement
 Process-centred
 Integrated system
 Strategic and systematic approach
 Continual improvement
 Fact-based decision making
 Communications

8. Listed below are methods used in managing continuous improvement. Briefly describe
how each is used in managing continuous improvement.

Methods used in managing

How each is used in managing continuous improvement
continuous improvement

Process standardisation involves establishing rules on

how processes, procedures or tasks are to be completed.
i. Process This is used as part of continuous improvement to optimise
standardisation workflow and improve quality.

Monitoring performance of personnel, processes,

outputs and deliverables ensures that problems, both
ii. Performance current and potential, are identified and resolved. It also
monitoring ensures that improvements are continuously implemented
throughout a project or a process, rather than only at the

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Assessment Task 2 – Major Project
Details of the Project You Are Undertaking for This Assessment

The tasks included in this Workplace Assessment must be completed within the context of a
workplace project you are managing.
For your assessor’s reference, complete the table below by providing the required details and
information of the project you are undertaking for this assessment.

Candidate’s name TARIQ PERVAZ

Workplace/organisation KASI HOMES PVT LTD


State/territory where the VIC

project is being undertaken

Overview of the project Building the town houses after demolishing the old house

Candidate’s role/title in this Project Manager


Project sponsor/client Peter D

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Assessment Task 2 – Major Project

The goal of this assessment is to assess your practical knowledge and skills in:
 Determining quality requirements
 Implementing quality processes
 Implementing project quality improvements

The workplace assessment is divided into 3 tasks:

1. Part 1 – Consultation
2. Part 2 – Quality Management Plan
3. Part 3 – Review
These tasks must be completed as part of a formal workplace project that you are managing.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while
being observed by the assessor and submit any required documentation.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will also discuss with you these tasks as well as
instructions and guidance for satisfactorily completing them. They will also organise the resources
required for this assessment (listed below).

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Part I. Consultation

While being observed by your assessor, meet with at least two relevant project stakeholders and
your project team to identify quality objectives and standards relevant to the project.

Your assessor will divide the class into groups of 4-6 for the purpose of this discussion in a
simulated environment. Your assessor will:
 Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
 Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
 Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

You must:
 Identify at least two objectives and two standards
 Develop your quality metrics for the project
 Select the quality management methods and tools you will use for resolving quality issues

Record the minutes of your discussion with the relevant project team and stakeholders.
After completing this task, submit the minutes of your discussion with the relevant project
stakeholders to your assessor.

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Part II. Quality Management Plan

Develop the Quality Management Plan which you will implement for your project based on the
consultations and review of documents in the previous tasks.
You will be assessed on:
 Practical knowledge of quality management plans.
 Practical skills relevant to developing quality management plans.
Use your organisation’s template for developing quality management plans, or you may use the
Generic Quality Management Plan template provided along with this workbook.
Your assessor will also:
 Provide you with a copy of policies and procedures relevant to developing quality
management plans, for your reference; and discuss these policies and procedures with you.
 Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
 Discuss with you the requirements listed in the Assessor’s Checklist prior to the assessment.
 Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
 Quality management plan you developed, or the completed Generic Quality Management
Plan template, to your assessor.
 Copies of the supporting documents you referenced in developing the quality management
plan, e.g., the project management plan, stakeholder register, etc.

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Part III. Review

In your groups formed for task 1 review two project outcomes against performance requirements
documented in the quality management plan.
Project outcomes to be reviewed will differ based on the project, and the organisation’s goals,
e.g., a business project may have an outcome of sales output meeting target sales goals, etc.
You will need to:
 Review and document processes and implement any agreed changes throughout the
project lifecycle
 Review the project outcomes against performance requirements outlines in the QMP
 Identify and document any lessons learned and recommend improvements
Use your organisation’s template for documenting reviews of project outcomes against
performance requirements, or you may use the Generic Quality Audit template provided along
with this workbook. You must complete one documentation for each project outcome you review.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
 Documentations of the two reviews of project outcomes against performance requirements
you completed, or the completed Generic Quality Audit templates
 Documented lessons learned and suggested improvements, or completed Generic Lessons
Learned template
Please use the below Scenario along with discussion with the trainer’s explanation to fill out the
We lost 4 weeks due to bad weather in the first 6 weeks of the project What could we do
differently on the next project.

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Questionnaire for Students
To be filled in upon completion of Learning Activities and Assessment Tasks for each unit
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: All responses and comments should be as honest as possible to allow
PARKERBRENT to review and improve training, support and services.
1. Do you feel you were given enough support over the duration of this unit?
 Yes
 No

2. Did you find the Learning Activities and Assessment Tasks to be?
 Easy
 Manageable
 Difficult

3. Were the Learning Activities and Assessment Tasks delivered in class in a way which was easy to
understand and comprehend?
 Yes
 No

4. Did you find the Student Learning and Support Resources relevant and useful for this unit?
 Yes
 No

5. Did your trainer provide you effective feedback and assistance on Learning Activities and
Assessment Tasks?
 Yes
 No

Comments: Multiple Choice Questions

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