Chat GPT Cheat Sheet

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\. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. . } CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR E/(/ISH TEACHERS GI By Australian Curriculum Adventures 1LGenerating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide ‘creative and engaging ideas for lesson topics and activities. 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for their lessons. 3 Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest Interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson’s goals, 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, Quizzes, or assignments to gauge student Understanding '5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers ‘organize lesson content in a logical sequence to ‘ensure a smooth flow of learning, 1 Proofreading and Editing: Correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors in texts. 2.Essay Topic Ideas: Providing suggestions for essay topics and prompts. 3.Thesis Statement Development: Assisting in formulating clear and concise thesis statements. 4.Essay Outlining: Creating essay outlines and structuring ideas logically. 5 Literary Analysis: Offering insights and ‘analysis on various literary works. 6.Vocabulary Building: Providing synonyms, lantonyms, and context for vocabulary expansion. 7. Paraphrasing: Rewriting passages to avoid plagiarism while retaining original meaning 8 Citation Help: Assisting with proper citation styles (APA, MLA, etc) for references 9.Creating Summaries: Crafting concise summaries of longer texts or articles 10.Grammar Lessons: Explaining specific grammar rules and concepts to students. 41.Poetry Analysis: Offering interpretations and insights into poems and their themes. 12,Character Analysis: Providing in-depth analysis of characters in literature. 13 Literary Terms: Explaining literary devices land terms used in literature. 14. Writing Exercises: Generating writing prompts and exercises for creative and analytical writing 15, Discussion Starters: Offering thought- provoking questions to stimulate class discussions, Writing Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates. 2.Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in ‘generating progress reports that summarize students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern. +3 Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective communication of students’ progress and goals. 4,Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. '5 Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to Frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate communication. ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. = CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR HISTORY TEACHERS By Australian Carriculum Adventures -L Research Topics: Generate information and context on historical events, figures, or themes for lesson planning. 2.Creating Lesson Plans: Help design engaging and structured lesson plans for different historical topics. 3.Writing Worksheets: Assist in creating worksheets, activities, and assignments that reinforce historical concepts. 4 Developing Quizzes: Generate quiz questions to assess ‘students’ understanding of historical content. 5 ,Drafting Discussion Questions: Create thought- provoking questions for classroom discussions and debates, 6 Summarizing Primary Sources: Provide concise ‘summaries of primary source documents for analysis. 7.Crafting Lecture Notes: Help create detailed lecture notes or presentations for classroom use. £8 Generating Timeline: Create timelines of historical ‘events for visual representation, 9.Crafting Biographies: Assist in writing biographical profiles of historical figures. 10 Drafting Essay Prompts: Generate essay prompts that. ‘encourage critical thinking about historical issues. 11. Comparing Historical Periods: Help create comparative analyses between different historical periods. 12 Providing Contextual Information: Offer contextual information to help students understand the broader historical context of a topic. 13 Drafting DBQ Prompts: Assist in writing Document Based Question (DBQ) prompts for skil-building 14. Explaining Causes and Effects: Explain the causes and ‘effects of historical events, revolutions, or conflicts. 15,Suggesting Further Reading: Provide recommendations for additional reading materials, articles, or resources related to specific historical topics. 1 Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide creative and engaging ideas for lesson topics and activities. 2 Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for their lessons. 2 Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson's goals 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, quizzes, or assignments to gauge student Understanding 5. Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers organize lesson content ina logical sequence to ensure a smooth flow of learning. ‘Writing Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates, 2.Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in ‘generating progress reports that summarize ‘students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern. 3 Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective ‘communication of students’ progress and goals. 4.Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help. teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. 5 Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate \ communication, J ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, 5.Generating Feedbact feachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \, CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR GEOGRAPHY TEACHER By Australian Curriculum Adventures 1. Geographical Definitions: Provide clear definitions and. ‘explanations of geographical terms and concepts. 2.Creating Lesson Plans: Help design comprehensive lesson plans for various geographical topics. 3.Writing Worksheets: Generate engaging worksheets, maps, and activites to reinforce geographic learning, 4.Developing Quizzes: Create quiz questions to evaluate students’ understanding of geographical content, 5 Generating Case Studies: Provide examples of real- ‘world case studies related to geographic issues Questions: Generate thought- provoking questions for classroom discussions and debates, 7.Summarizing Global Issues: Provide concise summaries ‘of global environmental and social issues. 8.Creating Map Interpretations: Help explain the interpretation of different types of maps and ‘cartographic techniques, 9. Drafting Field Study Guides: Assist in creating guides or field trips or geographical studies outside the classroom, 10. Comparing Regions: Generate comparisons between different geographic regions, cultures, or ecosystems. 11 Providing Data Analysis: Help interpret and analyze ‘geographical data, graphs, and charts, 12 Explaining Geographical Phenomena: Explain natural phenomena like climate change, erosion, or plate ‘tectonics. 13 Creating Infographics: Generate visual infographics to display geographic information and statistics, 14 Suggesting Resources: Provide recommendations for relevant documentaries, articles, and websites. 15, Explaining Landforms: Assist in describing and ‘explaining various landforms, such as mountains, valleys, and rivers. {Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide creative and engaging ideas for lesson topies and activities. 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for theirlessons. 2.Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson's goals, 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, quizzes, or assignments to gauge student understanding, 5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers: ‘organize lesson content in a logical sequence to ensure a smooth flow of learning. 1LWriting Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates, 2.Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in ‘generating progress reports that summarize students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern 3,Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers Use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective ‘communication of students’ progress and goals. 4.Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help. ‘teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. '5.Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate \& communication y ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. a CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR 2&/IZI0N TEACHERS By Australian Curriculum Adventures 1 Biblical Explanations: Provide interpretations and, ‘explanations of Bible passages and stories. 2 Lesson Plan Development: Help create comprehensive lesson plans for various religious education topics. 3 Saint Biographies: Generate biographies and stories ‘about Catholic saints for classroom discussions. 4 Moral Dilemmas: Create scenarios for discussing ethical, ‘and moral dilemmas within a Catholic context. 5 Prayer Explanations: Explain the meaning and significance of different prayers, including the Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, etc. 6 Liturgical Seasons: Provide information about the significance of different liturgical seasons and feast days, ‘7.Sacramental Understanding: Help explain the seven sacraments and their importance in the Catholic faith, 8. Church History: Provide historical context and summaries of key events in the history of the Catholic Church, © Religious Art Analysis: Assist in analyzing and interpreting religious artworks and their symbolism, 10.Theology Concepts: Explain theological concepts such ‘as grace, salvation, redemption, and more, 1 Parables and Teachings: Summarize and explain parables and teachings of Jesus for classroom discussions, 12 Social Justice Issues: Provide insights into Catholic perspectives on social justice and current ethical issues. 13 Catholic Doctrine: Explain core Catholic beliefs and doctrines, such as the Trinity and the Incarnation, 14.Catholie Traditions: Provide information about various Catholic traditions, rituals, and practices. 15 Interfaith Dialogue: Help facilitate discussions about interfaith understanding and comparisons with other religions. 1Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide creative and engaging ideas for lesson topies and activities 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for their lessons. {3 Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest Interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson's goals. 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, ‘quizzes, or assignments to gauge student understanding, '5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers: organize lesson content in a logical sequence to ensure a smooth flow of learning Writing Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates, 2.Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in ‘generating progress reports that summarize students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern, 3 Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective ‘communication of students’ progress and goals. 4.Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help ‘teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. 5.Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to Frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate \& communication ] ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR SCIENCE TEACHERS By Australian Curriculum Adventures ‘LExplain Scientific Concepts: Provide clear explanations ‘of scientific concepts, theories, and principles. 2 Generate Experiment Ideas: Generate ideas for ‘engaging science experiments and demonstrations, 3.Clarify Lab Procedures: Explain step-by-step procedures for conducting specific science experiments, plify Complex Topics: Break down complex scientific topics into easily understandable explanations. 5.Create Visual Aids: Design diagrams, charts, and visuals, ‘to enhance the understanding of scientific concepts. 6 Answer FAQs: Provide answers to frequently asked ‘questions about various scientific phenomena, 7.Summarize Research Papers: Generate concise summaries of scientific research papers for classroom discussions, 8 Biographies of Scientists: Create profiles of notable scientists and their contributions to different fields 9. Environmental Topics: Assist in explaining ‘environmental issues, conservation strategies, and. sustainability concepts. 10. Exploring Biology: Help explain topics related to biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and more. Physical Sciences: Provide explanations for physics and chemistry topics, such as forces, elements, compounds, land reactions. 12 Earth and Space Sciences: Explain geological processes, ‘astronomy concepts, and earth's natural systems, 13. Health and Human Body: Assist in discussing human anatomy, health, nutrition, and diseases, 14 STEM Careers: Provide insights into careers related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 15,Current Science News: Summarize recent scientific 4 discoveries and news articles for classroom discussions. |.Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide creative and engaging ideas for lesson topics and activities. 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for their lessons. 3.Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson's goals. 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, ‘quizzes, or assignments to gauge student understanding, '5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers ‘organize lesson content in a logical sequence to ensure a smooth flow of learning. ‘Writing Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates, 2.Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in ‘generating progress reports that summarize students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern. 3 Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective ‘communication of students’ progress and goals. 4.Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help. ‘teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate communication. ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET FOR DRAMA TEACHERS i) By Australian Curriculum Adventures |.Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide creative and engaging ideas for lesson topics and activities. 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable learning objectives for their lessons. 3.Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest interactive and student-centered activities that align with the lesson's goals. 4.Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek assistance in developing effective assessments, 1 Character Analysis: Provide insights into character development, motivations, and traits for script analysis 2. Monologue and Scene Selection: Suggest appropriate ‘monologues and scenes for auditions or performances. 3 Script Interpretation: Assist in interpreting and Understanding complex scripts and plays, 4 Directing Tips: Provide tips on directing actors, blocking scenes, and enhancing stage presence. '5.Costume and Set Design: Offer ideas and concepts for eirestsrenirmentscoealion rier ‘costumes, props, and set design to enhance the arrester production, '5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers 6 Improvisation Exercises: scenarios and activities to enhance creativity. ensure a smooth flow of learning. 7.Dramatic Techniques: Explain various dramatic \ J techniques such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, and 8 Voice and Speech: Provide guidance on voice modulation, projection, and articulation techniques. 9.Stage Movement: Offer suggestions for effective stage movement and choreography. jenerate improvisation ‘organize lesson content in a logical sequence to 1LWriting Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to keep parents informed about class activities, assignments, and important dates. 10.Theatre History: Explain historical developments in 2.cresting Progress Reports: CHAT GPT con assist In theatre, famous playwrights, and influential plays ‘generating progress reports that summarize 11 Performance Evaluation: Assist in evaluating student students’ performance and highlight areas of performances and providing constructive Feedback improvement or concern 12,Drama Games: Suggest interactive drama games and 3 Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers, ‘activites to engage students and enhance ski. use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for 13 Playwriting Tips: Provide insights into playwriting, parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective character dialogue, and storytelling ‘communication of students’ progress and goals. 4.Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help. ‘teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to introduce themselves and their classroom ‘expectations to new students and their families. ‘5 Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often ‘ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate Sas ) 14 Musical Theatre: Offer guidance on integrating singing, ‘dancing, and acting in musical theatre productions. 15.Theatre Production Timeline: Help plan the timeline for auditions, rehearsals, tech week, and performances, ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET By Australian Curriculum Adventures Act as a[ ROLE], create a [TASK], The text (questions/instructions) show as [FORMAT]. you provide to Chat GPT Character from a novel you 1.Blog Post 1L.Markdown are studying Sa] 2Table 2.Proof-reader or Editor poead Bist 3.Journalist recipe 4.HTML 4 Lawyer 5.Anelysis 5.VBA 6 Product Description eyecandy 7.Social Media Post ec 6 Accountant enn 7.EMOIIS 7.Marketing Specialist eee 8.Bullet Points 8 Project Manager 10 Video or Podcast Script 9.GANNT Chart 9.Historian/Scientist/Specialist 10. Copywriter, 10.Paragraph ILTEEL Structured Essay. 1 Presentation 12.Cover Letter or resume 13.Email Sequence 14.Headline 15.Poem 16.Game or activity 1.Create an outline for an article ‘on the topic of [TOPIC]. 2.Youare writing a [TYPE OF ARTICLE] article about [TOPIC], We are going to write it in stages. Please write the first part [COPY FROM make a list of 10 new ideas for [INSERT DESIRED PURPOSE, e.g. social media post) Give mea step-by-step guide to the following problem with clear instructions on how to OUTLINE} Please review the following a a CSAS TNE RSE text. Correct all grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest improvements, [Text] 4.Now write different buzzstyle headlines, I can use. Explain the following topic as if I would be [NUMBER] years old. [TOPIC] or ‘Comparative eae Satirical Motivational I want to learn the following Analytical Depressed ill INSERT SKILL Imaginative oo stl INSERT SAL, oa Encouraging am a beginner. Descriptive Thoughtful Please create a 30-day Humorous Informal training program for me so! Poetic Inspirational pamemnceraer. eet Journalist ‘Humorous aD Conversational Solemn Creative When working in the same chat, Chat GPT remembers your conversation. (nae) Which means it links your prompts, This allows you to work on the same topic in the same style and tones. \. CHAT GPT CHEAT SHEET S FOR @yHSiCAL EDUCATION TEACHERS By Australian Curriculum Adventures 1.Generating Lesson Ideas: CHAT GPT can provide Creative and engaging ideas for lesson topics and 1LFitness and Exercise Explanations: Explain various fitness concepts, exercise techniques, and training activites Pe 2.Creating Learning Objectives: Teachers often use 2.Create Workout Plans: Generate personalized workout CHAT GPT to help formulate clear and measurable plans for students based on their fitness goals aaa eet rer tae ease 3 Rules of Sports: Explain the rules, regulations, and 3.Designing Activities: CHAT GPT can suggest strategies of different sports and games. interactive and student-centered activities that 4 Health and Nutrition: Provide information on healthy align with the lesson’s goals ‘eating habits, nutrition, and its importance for physical 4 Crafting Assessments: Teachers may seek well-being. assistance in developing effective assessments S.Injury Prevention Tips: Provide tips on preventing Quizzes, or assignments to gauge student injuries during physical activities and exercises. Understanding. 6 Designing Circuit Training: Help create effective circuit ‘5 Sequencing Content: CHAT GPT can help teachers Fecal enna seettrianra organize lesson content in a logical sequence to 7.Outdoor Activities: Suggest outdoor activities, games, ensure a smooth flow of leaming. land sports for different age groups. XX A 8. Team Building Activities: Generate ideas for team- building activities to faster cooperation and ‘communication. 9 Fitness Assessment Tools: Explain various fitness, 1LWriting Email Updates: Teachers ask CHAT GPT to help draft clear and informative email updates to ‘assessment methods and how to interpret results. keep parents informed about class activities, 10. Adapting for Special Needs: Provide guidance on assignments, and important dates. adapting physical activities for students with special 2 Creating Progress Reports: CHAT GPT can assist in needs. ‘generating progress reports that summarize Warm-up and Cool-down: Explain the importance of students’ performance and highlight areas of improvement or concern 3.Drafting Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes: Teachers Use CHAT GPT to create agendas and notes for parent-teacher meetings, ensuring effective communication of students’ progress and goals. 4 Generating Welcome Letters: CHAT GPT can help. ‘teachers craft warm and welcoming letters to proper warm-up and cool-down exercises before and after physical activities. 12 Motor Skills Development: Provide insights into ‘developing motor skils in children and adolescents, 13 Sports Psychology: Explain psychological aspects of sports performance, motivation, and focus. 14 Outdoor Education: Suggest strategies for introduce themselves and their classroom incorporating outdoor education and nature-based expectations to new students and their families activities. 5 Responding to Common Queries: Teachers often 15 Physical Education Curriculum: Assist in planning ‘curriculum units and lessons that align with educational standards, ask CHAT GPT for help in drafting responses to frequently asked questions from parents or students, ensuring consistent and accurate \& communication J ‘Generating Test Questions: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to create a variety of test questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. 2.Creating Rubries: CHAT GPT can help in developing clear and detailed rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing student. ‘workand assigning grades. 3.Drafting Exam Instructions: Teachers may ask CHAT GPT to help them write clear and concise instructions for exams and ‘assessments, ensuring that students understand what is expected of them. 4, Providing Sample Answers: CHAT GPT can generate model answers or solutions to demonstrate the expected quality and depth of student responses, S5.Generating Feedback: Teachers can use CHAT GPT to assist in creating constructive and personalized feedback for students, highlighting strengths and suggesting areas for improvement. Want more? ‘SPELLING AND GRAMMAR ‘SPELLING AND GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS. WORKSHEETS. FOR TEACHERS’ EYES ONLY MEME OF THE WEEK) NOVEL STUDY & STUDENT BOOKLET INTRODUCE OR REFRESH KEY OEOGRAPHICAL CONCEPTS! NOVEL STUDY & STUDENT hy BOOKLET Geo and Match Bundle Cole 7a Go to on TPT to check out more teaching resources.

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