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Read this conversation and put it in the

correct order. Write in the spaces
provided. (0.5 each)
• ⸻-And cavity wall insulation?
● ⸻—Sometimes walls have two
parts: an inner wall and an outer
wall. Cavity wall insulation means
that the insulation material is inside
the wall.
● ⸻-Ah, OK. So solid wall is
outside and cavity wall is inside?
● ⸻—I see. Thank you.
● ⸻—OK, I understand. And what
types of insulation do you use for
cavity wall
● ⸻-Our company uses three
types of cavity wall insulation to fill
the gap: foam, mineral wool, or
polystyrene beads.
● ⸻-Yes, exactly.
● ⸻-What about pipes?
● ⸻-For pipes, we normally use
felt tape or foam tubing.

1- b) Sometimes walls have two parts: an
inner wall and an outer wall. Cavity wall
insulation means that the insulation
material is inside the wall.
2- c) Ah, OK. So solid wall is outside and
cavity wall is inside?
3- e) OK, I understand. And what types of
insulation do you use for cavity wall
4- f) Our company uses three types of
cavity wall insulation to fill the gap: foam,
mineral wool, or polystyrene beads.
5- a) And cavity wall insulation?
6- h) What about pipes?
7- i) For pipes, we normally use felt tape or
foam tubing.
8- g) Yes, exactly.
9- d) I see. Thank you.

A. Rewrite each sentence using the right
punctuation marks.
. she was far from home⸻⸻-
. was she lonely ⸻⸻-
. how could she cheer up
. when they grow up they need less
. what a lovely day⸻⸺

1-She was far from home.
2- Was she lonely?
3- How could she cheer up?
4- When they grow up, they need less
5- What a lovely day!

C. Are these sentences simple, compound,
or complex? Write in the space provided.
(0.75 each)
1.⸻—-I don't smoke because it isn't
good for health.
2.⸻—You will not pass in the exam if
you don't study hard.
3.⸻⸺My sister and I go to school
everyday at 8 am and come back home at
2 pm.
4.⸻⸺-I'm very happy to meet you.
He didn't study hard, so he didn't pass.

● I don't smoke because it isn't good
for health."
for health."
○ Type: Complex
○ Explanation: This sentence
consists of an independent
clause ("I don't smoke") and a
dependent clause ("because
it isn't good for health").
● "You will not pass in the exam if you
don't study hard."
○ Type: Complex
○ Explanation: This sentence
has an independent clause
("You will not pass in the
exam") and a dependent
clause ("if you don't study
● "My sister and I go to school every
day at 8 am and come back home at
2 pm."
○ Type: Compound
○ Explanation: This sentence is
compound as it includes two
independent clauses joined by
the coordinating conjunction
● "I'm very happy to meet you."
○ Type: Simple
○ Explanation: This is a simple
sentence as it consists of one
independent clause.
● "He didn't study hard, so he didn't
○ Type: Compound
○ Explanation: This sentence is
compound, containing two
independent clauses ("He
didn't study hard" and "so he
didn't pass") joined by the
coordinating conjunction "so."

B. True or False
1. -----Fragment is the two parts of the
2.-⸺ Run- on is two sentences joined b a
3⸻—Subject is the first part of the
sentence it tells whom or what the
sentence is about.
4.⸻--predicate says something about
the verb.
5.⸻--Sentence is group of words that
tell about the same topic.

1- False - A fragment is an incomplete
sentence, not the two parts of a sentence.
2- False - A run-on sentence is two or
more independent clauses improperly
joined, not necessarily by a subordinator.
3- True - The subject is indeed the first
part of the sentence, providing information
about whom or what the sentence is
4- True - The predicate does convey
information about the action or state of
being of the subject, often involving the
5- False - A sentence is a group of words
that expresses a complete thought, not
necessarily limited to the same topic.

Complete this text about extreme weather
and construction sites with the words in
the box.
dry - hot - building - weather - blow -
lightning common - bad
- stick - wet -
1.⸺-⸺weather often causes long
delays on construction sites. 2.⸻—
materials behave
differently, equipment needs protection
and injuries are more 3.⸻⸻—• In 4.
⸻- weather, paint and concrete dry too
fast, sand gets into machines and other
equipment, and injuries include
dehydration and sunburn. In 5.
⸻—weather, a big problem is mud.
Strong wind 6.⸻—things away. 7.⸻-
can kill. And in cold weather, workers
require special clothing and fingers to
metal, common. In short, weather is

1 - Hot
2- Bad
3- Common
4- Dry
5- Wet
6- Blows

I. Mention four construction materials
Il. Mention four construction equipments

I. Four construction materials:
1- Concrete
2- Steel
3- Bricks
4- Wood
II. Four construction equipments:
1- Excavator
2- Crane
3- Bulldozer
4- Concrete mixer
True or False

1.⸻— The subject is the person or

thing about which something is being
2.⸻—-Subject is the first part of the
sentence it tells whom or what the
sentence is about
3.⸻—predicate says something about
the verb
4.⸻⸺Sentence is group of words that
tell about the same topic

1- True ; The subject is indeed the person
or thing about which something is being
stated in a sentence.

2- True ; The subject is typically the first

part of the sentence and provides
information about whom or what the
sentence is about.

3- True ; The predicate does convey

information about the action or state of
being of the subject, often involving the

4- False ; A sentence is a group of words

that expresses a complete thought, not
necessarily limited to the same topic. It
can cover various aspects or elements.

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