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Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for

various purposes.

 Purposive communication is defined as a type of communication that takes place with a purpose
in mind. Communications generally take place for serving five purposes such as informing,
expressing feelings, imagining, influencing, and meeting social expectations.

Common types of purposive communication are:

1. Talking intelligently on a subject of import
2. Reporting on group work and/or assignments
3. Writing and delivering a formal speech
4. Writing minutes of meetings and similar documents
5. Preparing research or technical paper
6. Making an audio-visual or web-based presentation

Different types of communication skills that are used in such forms of purposive
communications are:
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
5. Viewing

What is the importance and purpose of purposive communication?

It develops students' communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intellectual
awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating
effectively and approximately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context.

What is the Bible simple definition?

: a book made up of the writings accepted by Christians as coming from God. b. : a book
containing the sacred writings of some other religion. 2. not capitalized : a publication widely
read and considered very important.

What is movement competency training?

The Movement Competence strand helps children & youth develop the movement competence
needed to participate in physical activities through the development of movement skills and the
related application of movement concepts and movement strategies.

What are the 5 movement competency training?

The MCS is composed of five tasks designed to assess global movement competency: (1) squat,
(2) lunge and twist, (3) bend and pull, (4) push-up and (5) single-leg squat.

What are the specific skills in movement competency?

Fundamental movement skills can be categorised into three groups: body management skills,
locomotor skills and object control skills. Body management skills involve balancing the body in
stillness and in motion.
What is mathematics in the modern world?
The course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual and
aesthetic dimensions and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

What is art appreciation?

Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops student's ability to appreciate, analyze, and
critique works of art.

What is art in your own words?

Art is a creative activity and technical skill.

What is cultural enrichment?

Cultural Enrichment courses are concerned with the study of the social, intellectual, and artistic
achievements of cultures; how they were produced; why they were produced; the influence of the
context of the times on their production; and their consequences.

What is the importance of cultural enrichment?

Research suggests adults who engage children in culturally responsive educational experiences
help to: Build young children's self-confidence and skills. Increase children's awareness,
appreciation, and inclusion of diverse beliefs and cultures. Maximize children's academic
achievement and educational success.

What is knowledge and philosophical foundations of social work?

Its mission is to enable all people to develop their full potential, enrich their lives, and prevent

What is the philosophical foundation of social work?

At the core of social work practice is respect for the dignity, rights and worth of individuals as
they realize their potential to become fulfilled, contributing members of society.

What is NSTP 1?
NST0101 National Service Training Program 1
The course mandated by Republic Act No. 9163, otherwise known as the National Service
Training Act of 2001, aims to enhance the civic consciousness of the students “by developing the
ethics of service and patriotism” while undergoing Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS).

What is the definition of social work?

Social work is a profession in which trained professionals are devoted to helping vulnerable
people and communities work through challenges they face in everyday life.
 Social work is a dynamic and unique helping profession rich with meaning, action, and the power
to make a difference for individuals, families, groups and communities.The primary goal of social
work is to improve a society’s overall well-being, especially for the most vulnerable populations.
Many social workers provide direct services to clients helping them cope, manage, and overcome
problems such as poverty, abuse, addiction, and mental illness by providing counseling,
connecting clients with needed resources, and empowering clients to create change in their own
Why do you want to be a social worker?
As I grew older, my passion for helping others turned into a desire to pursue a career as a social
worker. It perfectly combines my love for people, my compassionate nature, and my dedication to
social justice. Whether it's providing financial assistance or offering emotional support – it all

 My reason on becoming a Social Worker is to help others and to give them the most accurate and
updated information out there to help them overcome the obstacles in their way and be someone
to make a difference in their lives of many.
Why are you choose a social worker course?
You will learn how to make a positive impact
Social Work is all about understanding and striving to improve the lives of people in society. Social
Workers listen to people's needs, from young children to people struggling with addictions, and help them
to cope and improve their quality of life.
What are your expectation in this subject?
As a student, it is normal to have expectations from all subjects even before the start of classes. It is usual
for teachers to ask their students about their expectations too so here are some examples of expectations
from all subjects that you can say are the following:

 I expect our subjects to widen our knowledge about the topics being taught in these subjects. In
this way, you can express your intention to learn more about the subject.
 I expect our subjects to provide us a holistic approach, entertaining attack, real-life examples, and
hands-on training. In this way, you can express your intention to relate your learning to your own
experiences and circumstances.
 I expect our subjects to make us well-equipped not only for examinations, but also for the real
world. In this way, you can express your intention to apply your learning even outside the
What is your expectation to your teacher?
I expect my subject teacher to be knowledgeable and skilled in the subject and provide many real-life
examples or scenarios in which the information can apply.

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