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Healing Harvest Homestead

Herbal Remedies
How to Use 10 Herbs You Probably Have for Common Complaints

By Heidi Villegas, MA,

Aromatherapist & Herbalist
Copyright 2020

FDA Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I'm an herbalist and

aromatherapist. In no manner stated or implied, is any information
found here meant to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or
illness. Please seek medical advice for health issues. All statements are
my own opinions based on years of study and experience.
Healing Harvest Homestead

Welcome, and
Thank You!
I'm Heidi Villegas, and I'm so glad you downloaded my Herbal
Remedies Guide! I'm excited to have you join the community for
learning herbalism, self-reliance skills, how to use essential oils safely,
and lots more!

I also have a FREE 5-Day Herbal Foundations email course you're

invited to take so you can further your herbal studies a bit more! This
email course will give you a great start to knowing some herbal basics,
as well as how to make some of my favorite herbal remedies that we
use in our family too!

You can sign up for that free email course right here:

*I've been asked why I'm giving the 5-Day Herbal Foundations Course
away for free, and it's simply because I have a mission! My mission is to
help bring back the traditions of folk medicine that humans used to
have access to and that have been educated out of us in the past 100
years. We all deserve to be empowered in our wellness and health...and
this means having choices.
The more you know, the more choices you have!

Welcome! I hope this guide is helpful, and I'm so glad you're here!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,
Latin Name: Lavandula angustifolia
What to Have Ready: essential oil, dried lavender buds
stress support
bug bites & minor cuts and scrapes
deodorizer & antimicrobial

Remedies with Lavender:

1) Headache:
Add a drop of essential oil to a tsp of carrier oil (almond or
olive oil work fine) and dab onto your temples, back of the
neck, and rub the rest on your palms. Breathe in deeply.
2) Bug Bites and Scrapes:
Use lavender tea or diluted essential oil to help heal the
area quickly and provide relief from minor pain/itching.
3) Relaxation:
Diffuse the essential oil
4) Sleep:
Create a linen spray with the essential oil by adding 24
drops to a 2 ounce spray bottle along with 1 1/2 ounces
water and a teaspoon of vodka. Shake well and spray on
linens. OR, just diffuse for about 30 minutes before going
to bed.

Latin Name: Capsicum annuum

What to Have Ready: cayenne powder, cayenne tincture

to stop bleeding
for pain (it has a numbing effect)
soothes joint inflammation when used topically
can help enhance metabolism

Remedies with Cayenne:

1) For a bleeding wound:
Sprinkle the powder on the cut, and bandage. Wash first if
2) Decongestant
Sprinkle it into some lemon, ginger, and honey tea to help
open nasal passages and provide extra immune support
3) Pain Relief:
Use cayenne to create a topical pain relief salve for
neuralgia, joint pain, sore muscles. You can find it here:
4) Circulation:
Use as an ingredient in your fire cider to warm your body
and increase circulation generally in your body.
Latin Name: Mentha x piperita
What to Have Ready: fresh leaves, dried leaves, essential
oil, hydrosol
upset stomach/nausea
soothes the entire digestive tract
bug and rodent repellent
opens sinuses and helps alleviate congestion
pain relief, especially for sore muscles-topical use
boosts energy and mental focus

Remedies with Peppermint:

1) For a headache:
Dab a drop of essential oil (diluted in a teaspoon of carrier
oil) onto your temples, base of the neck, top of spine, and
on your forehead.
2) Decongestant
Drink peppermint tea or diffuse peppermint essential oil
3) Pain Relief:
Useful in salves and massage oils for sore muscles.
4) Mental focus; to wake up; for energy
Use the essential oil. Inhale directly from the bottle or
from your cupped palms
5) Digestion and Upset Tummy:
Drink a cup of peppermint tea. Combine with ginger for
added help. (Not for those with acid reflux)
Latin Name: Matricaria chamomilla
What to Have Ready: dried herb, about 4-8 ounces,
stress support
cold and flu
eye irritation
skin soothing
Remedies with Chamomile:
1) Irritability, Anxiety:
Make a cup of chamomile tea and sip it to relax and calm.
Chamomile is safe for children and is helpful for teething
2) Eye Irritation
Use the tea as a wash for irritated eyes. It can be helpful
in beginning cases of mild infection.
3) Sleep:
Drink a cup or two of chamomile tea to help you sleep.
4) Chamomile Steam for Skin
Chamomile herbs make for a delightful steam for your
skin! Just place 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the dried flowers in a
bowl. Pour just-boiled water over the flowers, and place
your face over the bowl. Cover your head with a towel,
and enjoy feeling your pores open. Use a natural toner
Latin Name: Salvia spp.
What to Have Ready: dried herb, about 4-8 ounces, fresh
herb, tincture
canker sores
sore throat
cooling hot flashes
drying up mother's milk
brain and cognition
Remedies with Sage:
1) Sore Throat Tea:
Drink sage tea with honey for soothing a sore throat.
2) Hot Flash Help:
Drink the tea or use a tincture of sage to help cool hot
3) Memory and Cognition
Taking a bit of sage tincture or drinking tea with sage can
help promote brain health
4) As a Natural Cleaner
Infuse dried sage into 5% vinegar for two weeks. Strain
off the herbs. Dilute the sage infused vinegar with water
and add a drop or two of essential oil. Spray away to clean
5) Canker Sores:
Use the tea or tincture (diluted with water) as a gargle or
mouth rinse.
Latin Name: Cinnamomum verum
What to Have Ready: powdered cinnamon, cinnamon
sticks, essential oil
oral care, tooth ache
candida overgrowth
balances blood sugar levels
brain and cognition
Remedies with Cinnamon:
1) Digestive Tea
Drink a tea made with cinnamon to help digestion. Include
ginger, fennel, and peppermint if desired for extra power.
2) Add to Your Tea and Coffee for Blood Sugar Balance
Studies have shown that cinnamon may help your body
regulate blood sugar levels. **Not a substitute for medical
3) Memory and Cognition
Diffuse cinnamon essential oil along with some
peppermint and/or rosemary for a brain boost.
4) As a Natural Cleaner
Infuse vinegar with some cinnamon and oregano or thyme
for two to three weeks as a base for an all-purpose
cleaner. Just dilute it 1/4 infused vinegar with 3/4 parts
water. Add essential oils for more cleaning power if
Latin Name: Thymus vulgaris
What to Have Ready: fresh thyme; dried thyme; essential

expectorant (helps with coughs)
wound healing
helps the body fight off infection in the skin

Remedies with Thyme:

1) Thyme Tea for Fighting Off Cold & Flu

Drink a tea made with fresh or dried thyme to fight off
infections. Add honey for additional help with cough and
congestion. Steep 1 tbsp dried herb or 2 tbsp fresh herb in
12 ounces just boiled water. Steep 5 to 15 minutes and
enjoy. Breathe in the steam for some extra help with
congestion, while it's steeping.

2) Herbal Steam

Aromatic plants such as thyme, rosemary, peppermint,

sage, etc. are all wonderful for supporting your
respiratory system. Find out how to do a proper herbal
steam here:

Latin Name: Allium cepa

What to Have Ready: one fresh red onion on hand

cold and flu
highly nutritious, containing anti-oxidants
mild hemostat

Remedies with Red Onion:

1) Cough Syrup:
Cut up an onion into one inch or smaller pieces and place
in a jar. Cover with raw honey. Put a lid on and set aside
for 8-12 hours. You'll find an amazing liquid syrup on top
of the honey and onions that is an amazingly effective
cough syrup!
2) To Stop a Nose Bleed
Cut open an onion and hold it under the nose. The fumes
will help stop the bleeding.
3) Bone Broth and Onion Tonic
This is a tea of sorts, only it's made with bone broth.
Simply decoct (simmer) the onion slices in the broth for 20
minutes on low. You can strain off the onions or just leave
them in the drink. This will help keep you well, and if you
have a cold or flu, will help you recover faster!
Latin Name: Allium sativum
What to Have Ready: fresh garlic cloves, dried garlic,
minced garlic, etc.
cold and flu fighter
helps rid the body of worms (anthelminthic)
ear aches and mild infection
digestive support
may help balance blood sugar
excellent immune booster
heart health; blood thinner
Remedies with Garlic:
1) Garlic Ear Oil
You'll often find this herbal oil including mullein flowers,
which are excellent for ear aches and supporting the
sinuses, but you can also make it with just garlic. Place
1/2 tbsp crushed fresh garlic in a small jar. Barely cover it
with oil. Let infuse for 2-6 hours or so. Strain off the
garlic. Massage the outer ear with the garlic oil. *I do not
recommend putting oil into your ears without the advice
of a medical doctor. **You can also rub this oil onto the
feet, and cover with warm socks.
2) For Immune Support
Simply eat lots of garlic every day! One of the ways I love
to use fresh garlic is to infuse cloves in white 5% vinegar
in the refrigerator. The infused vinegar is delicious, and I
use the garlic and the vinegar freely when I cook!
Latin Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
What to Have Ready: fresh rosemary, dried rosemary,
essential oil, hydrosol
air cleanser (when diffused)l
immune boosting
cognitive health and memory
helps with anxiety and low energy
hair and scalp issues--may improve and speed hair

Remedies with Rosemary:

1) Hair Conditioning and Dandruff Rinse
Using either fresh or dried herbs, fill a jar about half-full
(fresh) or 1/3 full (dried) with rosemary. Pour raw apple
cider over to within an inch of the top. Shake well. Infuse
for two to four weeks. Strain off the herb. Dilute 1/4 cup
vinegar infusion to 1 cup water. Rinse your hair after
washing for a wonderfully cleansing and conditioning
2) Drink a Daily Tea of Rosemary for Brain Health
Drinking a daily cup of rosemary tea, steeped only five
minutes (as it's too strong otherwise), supports your brain
health! **Be sure to check with your doctor if you have
A Few Easy-to-Find or Grow Plant Substitutes for
Common Over-the-Counter Drugs
You can make your own plant medicine! Visit to find out more!
Pain Relief/Aspirin & NSAIDs:
Willow Bark (Salix alba), Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum spp.), Valerian (Valeriana
Antihistamine Action: Nettle (Urtica dioica); Sinus Congestion, Runny Nose,
Irritation: Mullein (Verbascum thapsis) and Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) or
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita), Spearmint (Mentha spicata),
Feverfew (Tanacetum spp), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Peppermint (Mentha x piperita), Calendula
(Calendula officinalis)

Sleep Aids:
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Skullcap (Scutellaria spp), Passion Flower
(Passiflora incarnata), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Antibiotic Plants:
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia
aquifolium), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Cayenne Pepper Powder (Capsicum annuum), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium),
Kaolin clay
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Elder flower (Sambucus spp), Sage (Salvia spp)

These are just a few ideas! Visit to learn how to make your
own plant medicines that are safe and effective!
More Ways to Use Your Herbs!
Immune System Supportive
Rosemary, Cayenne, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Sage, Onion,

Peppermint, Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Chamomile

Sleep, Stress, Relaxation

Chamomile, Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary

Helping with Pain

Cayenne, Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint
First Aid
Cayenne (bleeding), Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary, Peppermint, Sage,

Cough & Congestion

Chamomile, Garlic, Onion, Thyme, Cayenne, Rosemary, Peppermint
Fever (Warms the Body to Fight Off
Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Sage, Thyme
Peppermint, Rosemary, Lavender, Cayenne, Chamomile
I hope you print out this resource and keep it in a place for reference,
like your kitchen or medicine area. To find out more about herbs for
wellness & beauty, using essential oils safely, and self-reliance topics,
Consider one last chance to take my Herbal Medicine Making Basics
course for over 65% off! Click Here for more information!

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