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Business Services



BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3
June 2023
National Vocational Qualification of Jamaica (NVQ-J)

Project Assessment

Business Management Supervision (BSB30510V01)

Level 3

Project Duration: (4) weeks DUE DATE: __June 2, 2023____


1. This project consists of four (4) tasks.

2. All tasks are to be completed individually.

3. Any form of duplication of other candidates’ work will attract strong penalty. DO

4. All projects must be submitted on both soft (flash drive) and hard copy format.
All files placed on flash drives are to be placed in folders and named
according to the following requirements:

a. Label flash drive (with appropriate graphics) to include:

i. Project title
ii. Prepared by
iii. Date submitted

5. Files should be saved on flash drive as “your name”, with an:

a. Introduction
b. Acknowledgement

6. Marks will be awarded for originality, creativity, and presentation of project.

7. All referenced sources must be properly cited in accordance with APA reference
standards, and a detailed reference list prepared.

8. The instructor must retain a copy of all your work.

BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3

June 2023
This assessment incorporates the following units:

Units Codes
1 Coordinate the recruitment, selection, BSBBAD0663A
and induction of staff
2 Plan and manage meetings BABBAD0553A

3 Manage budget and forecasts FSFACC0103A

4 Produce job costing information FSFORG0023A

5 Prepare reports for management FASORG0023A

6 Organize schedules BSBBAD0743A

BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3

June 2023
The Case

A & R Entertainment of 25 Mountain Road, Kingston, was hired by MJA Consultancy Co. Ltd of 1A Valley
Drive, Montego Bay, St James, to plan a 2-day business networking conference. MJA is expecting 200
persons to participate in the conference. The conference will be held at the Clutzforth Court Hotel, 16
Chelsea Avenue, Kingston 5. It will host 6 speakers at an honorarium of $30,000.00 per speaker.

The Director of A & R Entertainment had a team meeting to discuss several key objectives needed to
ensure that the event is a success. You were appointed as the planning manager, and you were tasked
with the following activities:

1. Human Resource

Coordinate the recruitment, selection and induction of a business manager who will be responsible for
the overall strategic management of the conference. This position must be filled within 3 months and will
require you to do the following:

a. Develop a recruitment plan to fill the position in accordance with the organization’s policy.

b. Create an internal posting for the position.

c. Create a 3-day induction checklist.

d. Save all related tasks in a folder called Human Resource.

Sub-total = 20 marks
2. Planning and Management

As the planning manager, you will be required to meet with the sponsors, team leaders, and other

a. Prepare an invitation letter to be sent to members of the planning committee for the networking
conference. Include a list of ten (10) invitees.

b. Develop a schedule for the five (5) planning meetings that will be held, to be sent as an attachment
with the letter in (a) above.

c. Draft the agenda for the first meeting and provide the minutes for the final meeting held before the

d. Create a 2-day programme of activities/schedule for the networking conference.

e. Generate a database of all participants to the conference. The database must include personal
information, work information, and products of interest.

f. Create a feedback form to be completed by all participants who will attend the conference.

Sub-total = 40 marks

BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3

June 2023
3. Financial Management

A budget is a critical element of this networking conference. As the business manager, you are required
to draft the budget to fund the conference, and must ensure that A & R Entertainment realizes a profit
of $300,000.00.

a. Determine the registration fee to be charged to each participant.

b. Use a template to generate the income and expenditure budget for the business networking
conference. The expected profit from the conference is $300,000.00

Additional information:

Cost for venue 250,000.00 per day
Advertising 100,000.00
Decoration and banner 50,000.00
Stationery (including: press kit and name tags) 80,000.00
Food and refreshments 3,000.00 per day – per

You will be required to include additional expenses that the conference may incur.

Sub-total = 20 marks

4. Financial Forecast & Feedback

As the manager of A & R Entertainment, you are required to complete the cash flow forecast and
provide a feedback to the director. Your cash flow forecast will predict the bank balance at the end of
each month for every month of the year. Use the information below to complete this task.

a. A & R Entertainment has on its books four (4) major events to run, which will take place in March,
May, August, and October.

b. The total of $2,850,000.00 in ticket sales will be earned in the months that the events are held.
The March event will earn $650,000.00, and the other events in May, August, and October, will
earn $700,000, $850,000, and $650,000.00 respectively.

c. Expenditure on casual salaries, travel and transport, and venue hire, will occur only in the months
in which the four events take place. These expenditures will be the same for each event.

d. Salaries and office and administration expenses will occur evenly every month.

e. The company's opening bank balance on 1st January is $50,000.00.

f. The company will receive a grant of $500,000.00 in July.

g. The company will make a small income from merchandising during the months in which the four
events are staged. The event in March will earn $13,000.00 in merchandising income, and the

BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3

June 2023
other events in May, August, and October will earn $16,000.00, $18,000.00, and $13,000.00

• Additional information:

Expenditure $
Salaries 1,200,000.00
Casual Wages 100,000.00
Office and Administrative Expenses 360,000.00
Travel & Transport 560,000.00
Venue Hire 240,000.00

You are required to:

a. Generate the cash flow forecast for January to December 2017.

b. Prepare a summarised report of the forecast for the year with a cover letter to the director of the

Sub- total = 20 marks


BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3

June 2023
BSB30510V01 – 1.0 Project - Business Management Supervision Level 3
June 2023

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