SK One Bailan

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Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

Dear Sir & Mam,


We, the Sanguniang Kabataan Aspirants under the name of “SK ONE BAILAN”
sincerely extend our intention to run for the upcoming election this October 30, 2023. Our
aim is to lead, serve, and facilitate changes through our platform that highlights the fair
access to education, the safety of the youth through free from drugs and vices advocacy, and
enrichment through environmental care and proper waste management. However, presently
we are still finishing our studies and we are experiencing great difficulties due to a lack of the
funds required to achieve our plans and goals prior to the election proper. With this, we are
knocking on your kind heart and pleading for your monetary assistance at any amount
coming from your heart. It will be used to support the activities that we are planning to do
and reach out to our youth voters.

We firmly believe that we have established a clear plan to achieve our desire to serve
and help our community in Bailan. With your kind support, we assure you that your money
will not go to waste and it will help us secure our post for this election with prayers to win
this election. Thank you for your assistance and understanding of our current situation.

Truly yours,

Frits Dapat Carmelo ____________________________

Kristine Lee Dadivas ____________________________
Rowena Baylon ________________________________
Maxenne Zoe Dangan Pelaez_____________________
Perry Shan Paolo Roxas_________________________
Sakhy Dapat Manaois ___________________________
Lew Martin Agustin _____________________________

RECEIVED________________________________ 001 ___________________________

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