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To: [Manager Name]

From: Francesca Knier
Date: October 13, 2023
Subject: Revisions for “How to Make a Ham & Cheese Omelet” Instructions

Recently, one of the recipes, “How to Make a Ham & Cheese Omelet,” for the upcoming release
onto Food Network’s website has been tested via a usability test on five different people (test
subjects). The purpose of this usability test was to see how well the instructions were written and
how easily they could be followed and applied. This is part of a thorough production and testing
process to ensure our content is at its best before it is publicly released. This test was set up in a
way that provided the test subjects with the supplies they needed, along with the instructions.
Test subjects were then asked to follow the instructions as best they could, and to quit when they
normally would do so. After the conclusion of the usability tests, the test subjects were then
asked a series of questions, some about their overall experience and some about the specific
sections of the instructions. The results can be seen below.

Usability Test Results

The usability test revealed that a vast majority of the test subjects encountered no problems
following the instructions and therefor were able to complete the tasks successfully. The results Deleted: R
and findings of these instructions are as follows: Deleted: for the usability of each section

Finding 1: Directions Step #6 Clarification

During the usability test, two of the users reported having trouble with step six under the
“Directions” heading. In their feedback, the users explained how there was a lot going on
in this step, and how it was a step that needed to be completed somewhat quickly, making
it difficult to understand and then execute in a timely manner. This step currently reads
“as the egg mixture cooks, gently lift cooked edges up with a spatula and tilt pan,
allowing uncooked egg mixture to fall toward the edges of the pan.”

Based on the feedback from the usability test, I suggest that step six under the
“Directions” heading be edited so that it states, “as the outside of the egg mixture
hardens, use a spatula to gently lift it up while slightly tilting the pan, allowing the
remaining liquid egg mixture to fall toward the edges of the pan.” I feel that this wording
is easier to understand from the viewpoint of the user and states this step extremely
simply. While there is a lot of information in this step, I do not think it can be split into
two separate steps as it is one simultaneous action. Ultimately, I feel that rewording this
step is the appropriate revision and is the best option in making this recipe easier to
follow and therefor attract more users. Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Finding 2: Addition of Images

During the usability test, one user made a comment that images/visual demonstrations to
accompany the steps under the “Preparations” heading would be useful for future users.
While this user did not have trouble comprehending these steps, they felt that a user could
comprehend the steps more quickly if there were images/visuals that accompanied the
statements. At the end of the usability test, all the users were asked an open-ended
question: is there anything you would add/take away from these instructions to make
them clearer/easier to comprehend? To this question, two out of the five users responded
that they felt images or pictures would be beneficial to accompany each step under the
“Directions” heading.

As the original instructions document did not have any images or visuals whatsoever, I Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or numbering
suggest that we include images to go along with each step under the “Preparations”
heading as well as the “Directions” headings in the document. Per the feedback gained
from the usability test, I feel that images would be extremely beneficial in aiding users
with executing the directions more quickly. While a digital picture would be my first Deleted: Ingredients ¶
suggestion, I feel even a simple sketch/drawing would have the same effect on helping ¶
the users. Additionally, including these images would open up this recipe to people who On the questions related to the “Ingredients” heading of
the instructions, none of the users reported having
cannot read, however can comprehend images. problems comprehending or applying what was stated. ¶

Preparations ¶
Conclusion ¶
On the questions related to the “Preparations” heading of
the instructions, no users reported issues comprehending
Overall, this usability test made it clear that for the most part, the instructions for the recipe what was stated. It is important to note that for this
“How to Make a Ham & Cheese Omelet” were usable, as not many problems or issues were specific section of the instructions, one user made a
comment that a visual demonstration or a picture/image
reported. However, this test did highlight that the document could benefit from certain steps would be helpful and enhance the usability of the
being rewritten, as well as the addition of some form of visual to accompany it. Wanting to instructions. ¶
withhold our company’s reputation for publishing only the most usable recipes, these few ¶

suggestions should be highly considered and addressed. If step six was rewritten as stated above, Directions ¶
as well as the incorporation of visuals into this document, it would be ready for publication. ¶
Under the “Directions” heading, two users reported having
trouble on step six, which reads “As the egg mixture
cooks, gently lift cooked edges up with a spatula and tilt
Recommendations pan, allowing uncooked egg mixture to fall toward the
edges of the pan.Ӧ

Based on the results that were collected from this usability test, I propose two alterations to this Additionally, all the test subjects were asked if there was
set of instructions before their official publication: anything they would add or take away from these
instructions to make them more clear/usable; two out of
the five users explained that they would add pictures that
1. Revise step number six under the “Directions” portion of the instructions to instead say correlate with the “Directions” heading content to help
“As the outside of the egg mixture hardens, use a spatula to gently lift it up while slightly users comprehend the instructions quicker. ¶
tilting the pan, allowing the remaining liquid egg mixture to fall toward the edges of the Deleted: I suggest altering
pan.” Deleted: I feel that this wording is easier to understand
from the viewpoint of the user and states this step
extremely simply. As this is one of the hardest steps
within this set of instructions, I feel this revision would
make this recipe easier to follow and would therefor
attract more users. ¶
2. Addition of photos or visual examples to accompany each of the steps under the Deleted: in
“Preparations” and “Directions” headings to aid the user’s comprehension of the Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + Level: 1 +
document. Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left
+ Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Deleted: portion
Deleted: of the instructions.
Deleted: Per the feedback gained from the usability test, I
feel that images would be extremely beneficial in aiding
users with the directions more quickly. While a digital
picture would be my first choice, I suggest even a simple
sketch/drawing would have the same effect on aiding the
users. Additionally, including these images would open
this recipe for people who cannot read, however can
comprehend images. ¶

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