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11 AUGUST 2023

MARKS: 100

TIME: 2h30

These marking guidelines consist of 15 pages


The phrase 'or any other relevant response' should be marked as follows:

• The learners' responses MUST show that they have answered the question.
• These responses MUST also LINK to the responses in the marking guidelines.



1.1.1 A✓
1.1.2 C✓
1.1.3 D✓
1.1.4 C✓
1.1.5 A✓ (5X1) (5)


1.2.1 Cyber Wellness✓

1.2.2 Job Contract✓
1.2.3 Tuberculosis / TB✓ (3X1) (3)

1.3.1 Differentiate between equity and equality (2x1) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well explained differentiation.
• Equity refers to the quality of being fair and impartial ✓ while equality is the
state of sameness/similarity in terms of status, rights and opportunities ✓.
• Any relevant definition for TWO marks (✓ ✓) (2x1) (2)

1.3.2 Discuss ONE impact of drinking and driving as a main cause of accidents
(1x 2)(2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for TWO well-explained discussion.

• Drinking and driving affects the vision of driver ✓ which could lead to
knocking other cars in the road.✓
• Drinking and driving delays the reaction of driver ✓ which could lead to
lack of control in the road.✓
• Drinking and driving affects the concentration of driver✓ which could lead
to car losing balance .✓

• Drinking and driving affects the timeous judgement of driver✓ which
could lead to taking wrong decisions in the road.✓
• Drinking and driving makes drivers to disobey road rules ✓ which could
lead to unnecessary accidents in the road.✓
• Drinking and driving makes drivers to fall asleep✓ which could lead to
lack of control of their cars in the road.✓
• Any relevant discussion for TWO marks (✓✓) (1x 2)(2)

1.3.3 Assess ONE role of sport in nation building (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained assessment.

• Sport builds tolerance✓ which makes citizen to oppose racism,

discrimination and human rights abuse. ✓
• Sport builds mutual understanding between different races ✓ which
brings different races together. ✓
• Sport builds respect✓ as sports heroes are respected by different races.

• Sport creates social cohesion among citizens✓ which makes different
races work as a rainbow nation. ✓
• Sport unites people beyond culture, language, religion, ages or income ✓
which makes citizens to have friends across races✓
• Any relevant discussion for TWO marks (✓✓) (1x 2)(2)

1.4.1 State TWO factors that contribute to unhealthy life styles. (1x2) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE marks each (✓✓) for TWO well-explained responses.

• Poor eating habits✓

• Lack of exercise✓
• Smoking✓
• Substance abuse✓
• Drug abuse✓
• Unsafe sexual activities✓
• Unsafe sexual behaviour✓
• Multiple sexual partners✓
• Succumbing to peer pressure✓
• Influence of bad friends✓
• Any TWO factors for one mark(✓✓) each (2x1)(2)

1.4.2 Define the term healthy life style. (1x2) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained definition.

• Healthy life style is a way of clean living ✓that lowers the risk of being
seriously ill or dying ✓
• Any relevant definition for TWO marks (✓✓) (1x2)(2)

1.4.3 Suggest ONE way that can be used to avoid unsafe sexual behaviours
among teenagers. (2x1) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) for a well-explained suggestion.
• Teenagers should open communication about sex with your partners✓
and express how whether you are ready or not✓
• Teenagers should avoid unwanted sexual contacts✓ and only get
involved in sexual activity when they are mature enough ✓
• Teenagers should have honesty about sex with your partners✓ and that
will prevent high risk✓
• Teenagers should use condoms✓ as a way of preventing unwanted
• Teenagers should delay sexual debuts✓ in order to take informed
• Teenagers should refrain from drinking alcohol/drug use ✓ in order to
remain sober and take clear decisions✓
• Teenagers should being in high rate zones✓ and to report wrong actions
• Any ONE relevant suggestions for TWO marks (✓✓) (2x1)(2)



Answer all questions in this section. Write your answers in full sentences.

2.1 Define the term Online Gender Based Violence. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) each for ONE well-explained definition
• The process of applying sexual, physical, mental and economic harm/threats
/coercion/manipulation✓ which is done via social media✓
• Any other relevant definition for Online GBV for TWO marks ( ✓✓) (1x2)(2)

2.2 State TWO reasons why LGBTQI+ communities are also victims of Gender Based
Violence. (2x1) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark (✓) each for TWO well-explained qualities
• Patriarchal society who believe in traditional ways of boys and girls sexuality ✓
• Fear of change in their communities✓
• LGBTQI+ communities are not culturally accepted✓
• LGBTQI+ communities are not religiously accepted ✓
• LGBTQI+ communities are experiencing hate crime among communities ✓
• Communities want to force LGBTQI+ communities to be live normal life✓
• Any TWO relevant reasons for ONE mark each (✓✓) marks. (2 x 1) (2)

2.3 Explain how Gender Based Violence contribute to broken family structures
(1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks (✓✓) each for ONE well-explained effect (1x2) (2)
• Gender Based Violence destroys relationships✓by making lovers/partners fight
on daily basis ✓
• Gender Based Violence create hatred among families✓due to jealousy between
partners ✓
• Gender Based Violence results in separation ✓by where partners live far away
from one another ✓

• Gender Based Violence creates divorce✓and couples fail to stay together✓
• Gender Based Violence results in deaths/orphans✓where couples kill one
another ✓
• Gender Based Violence creates emotional damage ✓and couples end up
committing suicide
• Any TWO relevant explanations for TWO (✓✓✓✓) marks each. (2x2) (4)
2.4. Discuss TWO roles of educational programmes such as Comprehensive
Sexuality Education (CSE) in creating sexuality awareness (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follow:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well explained discussions
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education equip children with knowledge of
sexuality education ✓in order to understand them as sexual beings ✓
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps teachers to differentiate between
sex and sexuality ✓in order to teach sexuality education well ✓
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education equip children with skills to sexual
delay debut ✓until they are ready and mature enough ✓
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps to minimize teenage
pregnancies✓as they are informed about avoiding unprotected sex ✓
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps learners to avoid unsafe sexual
behaviours✓ which can affect them ✓
• Comprehensive Sexuality Education equip children to understand gender
diversity ✓in order to accommodate other children with different sexualities ✓
• Any TWO relevant discussions for TWO (✓✓✓✓) marks each (2x2) (4)

2.5 Assess TWO long term effects of Gender Based Violence among men. (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks each (✓✓) for TWO well explained explanations
• Men who experienced gender based violence become abusive to future
partners✓as they can’t handle the consequences of abuse ✓
• Men who experienced gender based violence will low self- esteem✓as they lack
self confidence ✓
• Men who experienced gender based violence experience fertility
challenges✓as they were exposed to dangerous objects ✓

• Men who experienced gender based violence experience suicidal thoughts ✓as
they don’t have support structures at their communities✓
• Men who experienced gender based violence suffer from depression✓as they
can’t stop thinking about the abuse ✓
• Men who experienced gender based violence experience post-traumatic
stress✓as they don’t get professional help ✓
• Any TWO relevant explanations for TWO (✓✓✓✓) marks each. (2x2) (4)
2.6 Recommend TWO effective on line strategies that could be used to prevent
Gender Based Violence among LGBTI+ communities (2x3) (6)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
THREE marks each (✓✓✓) for TWO well explained recommendations
• Use online chats ✓to discourage violence against LGTQI+ communities ✓in
order to minimize abuse✓
• Organise TV talk shows ✓which screened live on u tube ✓in order to create
• Create a facebook/twitter/instagram page✓which discourages violence
against LGTQI+ communities✓in order to allow people accept them✓
• Use whatsapp statuses ✓that expose people who abuse LGTQI+
communities ✓in order to minimize abuse✓
• Create whatsapp videos ✓that discourage violence against LGTQI+
communities ✓in order to minimize abuse✓
• Create tiktok videos ✓that discourage violence against LGTQI+
communities ✓in order to minimize abuse✓
• Any TWO relevant recommendations which incorporate fact, substantiation
and intended outcome for THREE (✓✓✓) marks each. (2x3) (6)

3.1 Define the term affirmative action. (1x2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) each for ONE well-explained definition
• The practice/policy that that gives opportunities to qualified individuals/groups ✓
that have been disadvantaged through discrimination ✓
• Any other relevant definition for Affirmative action for TWO marks (✓✓) (1x2)(2)

3.2 State any TWO reasons why job advertisements are vital in a recruitment process.
(2x1) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE mark (✓) each for TWO well-explained reasons
• Job advertisements serve as announcements of open job opportunities ✓
• Job advertisements inform potential job seekers about the vacancies✓
• Job advertisements inform potential job seekers about job requirements ✓
• Job advertisements inform potential job seekers about method of sending
• Job advertisements helps to employers to recruit relevant employees✓
• Job advertisements inform potential job seekers about closing date of
• Any TWO relevant reasons for TWO marks (✓✓) (2x1) (2)

3.3 Briefly explain ONE role of organized labour in any work place. (2x1) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO mark (✓✓) for TWO for a brief explanation
• Organized labour helps to improve working conditions ✓by negotiating with
an employer to provide good working conditions✓
• Organized labour helps to improve the economic power of the working
class ✓by negotiating with an employer to provide improved
• Organized labour lobby for better labour laws ✓by negotiating politicians
and legislators for improved labour laws✓

• Organized labour fights for eradication of retrenchment ✓by negotiating
with employees to distribute work accordingly to avoid retrenchments ✓
• Any other ONE relevant explanation for TWO marks (✓✓) (2x1) (2)

3.4 Discuss TWO negative effects of recruiting delivery drivers without valid
drivers’ licenses. (2x2) (4)
• Delivery drivers without valid drivers’ licenses will cause road accidents
✓as they are not properly trained to drive. ✓
• Delivery drivers without valid drivers’ licenses will cause companies to
lose profit ✓as they will fail to deliver goods properly ✓
• Delivery drivers without valid drivers’ licenses will be arrested by traffic
police ✓as they will fail to provide valid licenses. ✓
• Delivery drivers without valid drivers’ licenses will break company
vehicles✓as they do not how to drive vehicles✓
• Any other TWO relevant discussions for TWO marks each. (✓✓✓✓)
(2x2) (4)
3.5 Assess TWO contributing factors why most employers prefer applicants with
experience. (2x2) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO marks (✓✓) each for TWO contributing factors.
• Applicants with experience need less supervision ✓so companies will not hire
supervisors. ✓
• Applicants with experience work independently ✓so companies can live them
to work on their. ✓
• Applicants with experience are more reliable ✓so companies will not forfeit
profits ✓
• Applicants with experience provide excellent inputs during staff discussions ✓so
companies will gain more income ✓
• Applicants with experience come with good track records ✓which they use to
enhance their new jobs’ expectations. ✓
• Any other TWO relevant contributing factors for TWO marks each. (✓✓✓✓)
(2x2) (4)

3.6 Suggest TWO strategies that the South African government can implement to
address job bribery and corruption during recruitment process. (3X2) (6)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
THREE marks each (✓✓✓) for TWO well explained suggestions
• The South Africa government can appoint independent interview committees✓
which will run interviews fairly✓in order to appoint relevant applicants ✓
• The South Africa government should consider candidates with highest
qualifications✓ in that specific job✓in order to avoid incapable appointees ✓
• The South Africa government can use surveillance cameras✓ which will record
interview process✓in order to appoint relevant applicants ✓
• The South Africa government can appoint independent auditors✓ which will
audit the interview process✓in order to find culprits ✓
• The South Africa government can ensure that selection is based on applicants’
ability✓ to perform duties✓in order to appoint people who will know their duties

• The South Africa government can investigate applicants’ track records✓ to
know how they were working in their former companies✓in order to appoint
people with good track records✓
• Any other relevant suggestions for THREE marks EACH (✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(3x2) (6)

• In this question, candidates answer must be written in full sentences as
far as possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and
should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of
answers given.
State FOUR causes of conflicts in relationships
Marks should be awarded as follows:
One mark each for FOUR causes of conflicts (✓✓✓✓).
• Jealousy✓
• Power struggles✓
• Selfishness✓
• Lack of communication✓
• Hatred✓
• Cheating✓
• Bad mouthing✓
• Breaking promises✓
• High Expectations✓
• Disputes✓
• Disagreements✓
• Continued lies✓
• Any other FOUR relevant causes of conflicts for FOUR MARKS (✓✓✓✓)

Assess TWO ways why competing could not be an ideal way of resolving

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each TWO well explained impacts.
• Competing people are overly assertive✓ they do not co- operate in solving
conflicts ✓as they want to outshine others ✓ in order to succeed in any
• Competing people go to conflicts with an intention to win ✓ as disregard
other people’s feelings ✓as they want to win at all costs ✓ in order to
resolve conflicts in their own way✓
• Competing people normally go for a win in the conflict✓ while other people
lose ✓as their feelings are not considered ✓ in order to have one-sided
solutions to conflicts✓
• Competing people always want their point of view to be taken✓
irrespective of other people’s feelings ✓as they want to push their agenda
✓ in order to win conflicts at all costs✓ (4x2) (8)
• Any other TWO relevant assessments for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)

Evaluate two roles of communication as alternative way of resolving conflicts
in relationships.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) each for TWO well explained evaluations.
NB: For a candidate to get full marks he/she has to state both the positive and negative

• Communication allows other people to state their own solutions ✓ which will help
to resolve conflicts ✓ but some people don’t have good communication skills ✓
which may result in further conflicts ✓
• Communication offers quick delegation of responsibilities ✓ which will help to
resolve conflicts easily ✓ but it does not keep a written record ✓ which will make it
very difficult to retrieve its evidence in future ✓
• Communication helps to express their feelings freely ✓ which makes see how
people think in resolving conflicts✓ but some people are rude when given
opportunity to speak✓ which may result in further confrontations ✓
• Communication helps to avoid misunderstandings ✓ which will help to resolve
conflicts ✓ but some people can communicate through lies✓ which will make
arguments to stay for more time ✓
• Any other TWO relevant evaluations for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)

State FOUR programmes that the youth can join to achieve their health and
fitness goals.

Marks should be awarded as follows

ONE mark ✓ each for FOUR programmes (✓✓✓✓)
• Aerobics classes✓
• Ballroom dance classes✓
• Yoga classes✓
• Outdoor Cycling clubs✓
• Mountain climbing clubs✓
• Tennis/Soccer/Netball/Cricket/Volleyball/Rugby /Athletics clubs/Fun walks clubs✓
• Indoor Cycling clubs✓
• Nutrition clubs✓
• Fitness/Gym centres ✓
• Any other FOUR relevant programmes for ONE mark each(✓✓✓✓) (4x1) (4)

Assess the two ways why dieting is important in achieving health and fitness
goals (2x4) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each TWO well explained ways.

• Nutrition is a critical aspect of achieving health and fitness goals ✓, because what
you eat needs to checked ✓as it contributes to gaining weight ✓which will prevent
you from achieving your health and fitness goals✓
• A balanced diet ✓, helps to support the bodies’ basic needs ✓which fuels work
out sessions ✓in order to achieve health and fitness goals✓
• Eating too hours before training✓ will make your body balanced ✓when running
✓which will prevent stomach cramps✓
• Good nutrition makes your body ✓, to burn calories ✓as it contributes to burning
fats ✓which will enable you to achieve your health and fitness goals✓
• Nutrition helps to enhance athletic performance ✓ in your exercise routine✓as
eating well ✓remains the best way to stay healthy and fit✓
• Good food ✓gives you energy✓ you need to finish the race✓ and achieve your
health and fitness goals in time ✓
• Any other TWO relevant assessments for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)

Recommend TWO strategies that sporting bodies like SARU (South African
Rugby Union) could use to accommodate people with disabilities in their
sporting activities. (2x4) (8)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) each for TWO well explained recommendations.
• People with disabilities can be hired as team managers✓ to expose them to other
teams✓ so that they are accommodated in management of teams✓ which will
enable them to feel part of their societies ✓
• People with disabilities can be hired as team coaches✓ to coach young players
on new systems of play ✓ so that they are accommodated in grooming teams✓ in
order to be proud of having been part of grooming young players ✓
• People with disabilities can be trained as team doctors/physiotherapist✓ because
they know how nurse all players✓ so that they are part of teams✓ which will have
a career on being team doctors/physiotherapist ✓
• Sporting bodies could organize national games for people with disabilities✓ in
order to compete with other peers✓ who have same disabilities✓ and this will
make people see what they can also do✓
• Sporting bodies could provide relevant equipment like wheel chairs ✓ to allow
them to participate in activities✓ which require movements✓ and they can finally
use those equipment even for their own private use✓
• Sporting bodies could provide sponsorships for people with disabilities ✓ which will
cater for their specific travelling and prize money✓as they are also part of their
communities ✓ and these incentives will encourage them to participate fully.✓
• Any other TWO relevant recommendations for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)

State FOUR social media platforms that most young people use (4x1) (4)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
One mark (✓)each for FOUR social media platforms (✓✓✓✓).
• Instagram✓
• Twitter✓
• Facebook✓
• Tiktok✓
• YouTube✓
• WhatsApp✓
• Telegram✓
• Google+✓
• Facebook manager✓
• Any other FOUR relevant social media platforms for ONE mark each(✓✓✓✓)
(4x1) (4)

Analyse TWO ways which bullies to do cyberbullying (2x4) (8)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) each for TWO well explained analysis.
• Cyberbullying is done through digital devices✓ like cell
phones/computers/tablets✓to send you fearful texts✓which will scare you ✓
• Cyberbullying is done by stealing your pictures from facebook ✓ send them to
contacts✓then threaten to expose you✓if you don’t give money✓
• Cyberbullying is done by sharing your secrets✓ with other people✓when you find
out about it ✓they want you to pay them in order to keep it a secret ✓
• Cyberbullying is done through sharing your private information✓ with strangers or
enemies✓in order to embarrass you ✓and you will end leaving in fear ✓
• Cyberbullying is done through taking pictures of you ✓ doing critical things like
cheating✓and threaten to send this information to your partner✓if you don’t pay
them huge amount of cash✓
• Cyberbullying is done through sharing your harmful information✓ to your friends
and colleagues✓ which you have kept as a secret✓ and embarrass you✓
• Any other TWO relevant analysis for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)

Critically discuss TWO ways of preventing cyberbullying among teenagers
(2x4) (8)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
FOUR marks (✓✓✓✓) for each for TWO well explained critical discussions.
• Teenagers should educate themselves about cyberbullying ✓in order to know
how it starts ✓ and why it is done✓ in order to prevent it accordingly ✓
• Teenagers should educate others about cyberbullying ✓in order to know how it
starts ✓ and why it is done✓ in order to prevent it as a team ✓
• Teenagers should speak out about cyberbullying ✓either to a
friend/teacher/family member✓who would assist him/her when bullied ✓in order to
prevent it immediately ✓
• Teenagers should not share passwords ✓with strangers ✓ as they will have
access to their social media account✓ and be able bully them as they like ✓
• Teenagers should avoid posting their movements and locations ✓in social media
platforms ✓ as bullies will know what they are planning✓ and bully them easily ✓
• Teenagers should carefully screen all friends requests on facebook ✓before
accepting them ✓ as bullies have a tendency to use fake accounts✓ to bully them
people ✓
• Teenagers should turn on privacy settings on their digital devices ✓in order to
block unwanted texts ✓ as bullies won’t be able ✓ to enter into their cyber space

• Any other TWO relevant assessments for FOUR marks each (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓)
(2x4) (8)


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