Global Comms Comms Cheat Sheat

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Lesson 1: Establishing Key Principles: 7Cs of Effective Communication

1. Clarity
2. Concreteness
3. Conciseness
4. Courtesy
5. Consideration
6. Correctness
7. Completeness

G107: Communication in
the Global Workplace-
Lesson 1 and 2

Lesson 2: Back to basics

Ethical issues:

-Plagiarism ( related to stealing all types of information and passing of as one’s own)

- must give credit, paraphrase, give the right citation format

-Stereotyping: assigning a set of ideas towards a certain group of people

-Misrepresentation- false statement or material fact made by a party that will affect decision in making a

Disclosure of private information: making any secret information known

Ways to prevent them:

1. Have respect, integreity and credibility:

Do not make stereotypical statements about other people, do not commit plagiarism check other
sources of information to ensure that website is reliable before citing it
Ensure that information represented is accurate.

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