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A108 Laboratory Practices and Safety

Lesson 8- Hazard Identification and Risk Management

In the picture above, the hazards involved are that the chemicals might be corrosive and corrode the
hands of the laboratory personnel when he gets in contact with the chemical and when he does not
handle the chemical properly. In addition to that, he might slip, trip , fall and possibly get injured by
the broken shards on the floor.
Question to ponder about: According to the context shown in the case study above, explain the
importance of risk assessment. (6)

Answering techniques

1. Understand the context: Identify keywords in the question and infer the message of the
2. State the answer according to the context
3. Apply CDE – Claim, Data Explanation with reference to the context to the question. In this
case, the question requirement is to give 12 points on why risk assessment is important in
this case and elaborate on each point based on the context
4. Link back to the question requirement.

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