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Ejercicios Verbos frasales:

Ejercicio 1 Elige la opción correcta para el significado de la palabra en negrita:

1. I went back home.

a. salí
b. volví
c. marché

2. I was going out with my girlfriend.

a. salía
b. salí
c. entraba

3. They had gone on strike.

a. han ido a la huelga
b. habían ido a la huelga
c. fueron a la huelga

4. We were going over old times.

a. discutíamos
b. repasábamos
c. hablábamos

5. We were going up to the door.

a. marchamos
b. fuimos
c. subíamos

6. I have to turn on the washing machine.

a. apagar
b. encender
c. arreglar

7. He is asking for a pillow.

a. pidiendo
b. preguntando
c. recogiendo

8. After days of negotiations, the talks broke down.

a. fracasaron
b. continuaron
c. se cancelaron

9. She will come back.

a. continuará
b. llegará
c. regresará

10. Did you find out where was the treasure?

a. descubriste
b. preguntaste
c. buscaste

11. I am going to get out.

a. salir
b. entrar
c. llegar

12. We are late, hurry up!

a. date prisa
b. continúa
c. mantente lejos

13. Put on your white trousers.

a. Compra
b. Quítate
c. Ponte

14. The book was sold out.

a. agotado
b. cansado
c. recogido

15. Please, shut up.

a. regístrate
b. múdate
c. cállate

Ejercicio 2 Elige la opción correcta del significado del phrasal verb de acuerdo con la
1. I got over a terrible flu
To recover
To dream
To lie

2. He looked the number up in the phone book

To discover
To find
To search

3. I want to carry on with my studies

To continue
To realize
To call
4. He is trying to give up smoking
To surrender
To continue
To leave
5. What time did you get up this morning?
To sleep
To dream
To rise
6. They called the travel off because of the rain.
To go
To try
To cancel

7. Everybody cleared out when the store closed

To enter
To live
To leave
8. What time are you coming back?
To go
To leave
To return
9. He cut in when I was working on the project
To interrupt
To enter
To like
10.They came across some lost Egyptian ruins in the jungle.
To find
To think
To discover

Lesly Lugo C.I: 30.560.219.

Informática sección “A”.

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