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Climate change.

The earth is dying, and it needs our help.

When you see long-term temperature shifts in the weather, what do you think is causing it as you
go outside and it’s scorching hot or bitterly cold? What do you think is causing polar bears, snow
leopards, giant pandas, koalas and so many other species to be dying so fast that they may
become extinct? Climate change is the reason for these temperature changes, and it is killing the
organisms and the earth we live so freely on. Climate change is occurring because of the
greenhouse gas emissions that are released when we burn fossil fuels. Fossil fuels become
emitted into the air when we burn coal, oil, and gas which all release carbon dioxide and
methane. Burning these fossil fuels is creating a blanket around the earth that is trapping all of
the heat, and it is causing it to continuously warm. When the earth continuously warms, water
evaporates, and it destroys ecosystems that run the world in places that we do not even think of,
like beneath the surface of the ground in the soil. Due to the water evaporating and places
becoming dryer than ever, forest fires are started and become uncontrollable. Remember the fires
that occurred in Australia in 2019 and 2020 causing over 3 billion animals to be harmed? Those
fires could have been contained if the earth was not in a climate crisis. Animals are dying
because their habitats are becoming destroyed by what we are doing to the earth. Forests are
being burnt or cut down and oceans are becoming filled with plastic. The animals that are used to
being surrounded by ice are now walking on grass, and swimming aimlessly in the oceans for
food that is long gone. Polar bears are finding themselves stranded on icebergs in the middle of
the ocean separated from their family and dying alone. By not doing anything to save our planet
and everything that makes up this beautiful place we get to call home, we are all failing the
future generations of every species. Maybe there will no longer be humans if we continue in the
direction we are heading currently. Humans need to change, and it needs to start now.
The things that are causing climate change to be so apparent in today’s world, according to the
United Nations, are things that can easily be changed and accounted for with the technology we
currently have and use on a day-to-day basis. The burning of gasoline when driving your
motorized vehicle releases carbon emissions, by switching to an electric vehicle, would not be an
issue whatsoever. This is something we are completely capable of switching to. If that is not an
option for you, using other modes of transportation like riding a bike, taking public
transportation, or even walking are all ways we can help to decrease the number of emissions
being released into the atmosphere. Making a simple change like using less electricity can also
help with climate change because the power that is produced to power electricity is mainly made
from coal, oil, or gas. A larger change would be switching to solar panels, which are a renewable
source of energy powered by the sun or wind. We can take large steps and shifts within our lives
such as changing our cars or the way we get around, or we can make small steps and shifts
within our lives such as recycling or using less electricity within our homes to better the planet.
Either way, choosing to turn green and save the earth, not only will save the human race, but it
will also prevent helpless animals from dying for no reason other than climate change.

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