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Reflection Choice Board

A- 1 point talking to a peer and discuss one way you could have supported us during the course

One way you could have supported us during this course would have been longer class time sometimes
to ensure we finished our work or projects, so we did not forget about it later. But you were incredibly
supportive, and you understood, and I appreciated it that you would give my peers extra time to
complete work.

A- 3 points talk to an ENGL 1302 student

B- 1 point talking to a peer and discuss an assignment we would have liked to do in this course

An assignment we would have liked to do in this course would have been another creativity project like
the Language Map where we were allowed to design on a poster and design it however, we wanted and
just let our creativity flow. It would be beneficial because it would allow us to get to know each other
C- 1 point talking to a peer and discuss one thing you learned about yourself this semester

One thing I learned about myself this semester was that I can write. Before this course, I thought I was
not good enough to write a paper, but Professor Bazaldua taught me to not overthink it and just let my
thoughts take over.

C- 2 points talking to a peer and discuss how you supported peers

We supported our peers this semester by messaging each other to get the work done or asking them if
they ever needed help with anything and we can support them next semester by checking up on them
and asking them how they are doing in 1302.

C- 3 points one thing I learned about writing this semester that can be beneficial in ENGL 1302

One thing I learned about writing this semester that can be beneficial to us in 1302 would be learning
the difference between the APA and MLA format, I think 1302 is going to be more writing so I need to
know how to effectively use them.
D- 1 point positive message on the board

D- 2 points a letter to my past self

D-3 points letter to future 1301 students

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