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San Sebastian, Ramon, Isabela



I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions and be able to shade the letter of the correct
answer in the provided answer sheet.

1. What do you call the path followed by a projectile?

a. Project b. Projectile c. Target d. Trajectory
2. What is the shape of the trajectory of a projectile?
a. Circular b. Elliptical c. Hyperbolic d. Parabolic
3. What force enables objects to fall on to the ground?
a. Frictional Force b. Magnetic Force c. Gravitational Force d. Tension Force
4. Which of the following composed the two linear motions of a projectile?
a. Horizontal and Circular Motion c. Horizontal and Vertical Motion
b. Vertical and Circular Motion d. Vertical and Curvilinear Motion
5. What is referred to as an object that is given an initial velocity and is then acted solely upon by
gravitational force?
a. Project b. Projectile c. Target d. Trajectory
6. If you throw a baseball straight up, what will its vertical velocity be at the highest point?
a. 0m/s b. 9.8m/s c. 0m/s2 d. -9.8m/s2
7. In a race, a girl runs 100 m in 20s, what is her average speed?
a. 5m/s b. 9.8m/s c. 5m/s2 d. -9.8m/s2
8. Supposed that a ball at rest accelerates uniformly over 6s and covers 180m. What is the acceleration of
the ball?
a. 10m/s b. 9.8m/s c. 10m/s2 d. -9.8m/s2
9. At what axis in the cartesian coordinate system is horizontal motion usually associated?
a. x-axis b. y-axis c. z-axis d. w-axis
10. What is the acceleration of a freely-falling object on earth?
a. 9.8 m/s2 b. -9.8 m/s2 c. 6.4 m/s2 d. Cannot be determined
11. Which of the following statements BEST shows horizontal motion?
a. A bird catching its prey c. A cheetah leaping to catch a prey
b. Skateboarding in a U ramp d. Running in a 100-yard dash
12. Vertical motion is a type of motion that is affected by gravity. Which of the following satisfies an object
moving in vertical motion?
a. Book on top of a table c. Ball on the fifth floor of a building
b. Chandelier suspended in a ceiling d. Fruit falling from a tree
13. A stone is just released from the window of a train moving along a horizontal straight track. The stone
will hit the ground following:
a. Hyperbolic path b. Straight path c. Circular path d. Parabolic path
14. A bomb is dropped from an airplane moving horizontally at a constant speed. When air resistance is
taken into consideration, the bomb ____________.
a. flies with the airplane c. falls to earth ahead of the plane
b. falls to earth behind the airplane d. falls to earth exactly below the airplane
15. Consider a plane moving with a constant speed at an elevated height above the Earth's surface. During
its flight, the plane drops a package from its luggage compartment. Where will the luggage land with
respect to the plane?
a. Directly below the plane c. Behind the plane
b. In front of the plane d. None of the above
16. A particle moves in a plane with constant acceleration in a direction from the initial velocity. The path of
the particle will be ____________.
a. a parabola b. an ellipse c. a straight line d. an arc of a circle
17. Which of following describes momentum?
a. Mass times its velocity. c. Force times its acceleration.
b. Force times the time interval. d. Mass times its acceleration.
18. Which of these is the quantity of matter in an object?
a. force b. mass c. motion d. time
19. What is impulse?
a. the change in volume of an object. c. the original momentum of the object.
b. the change in momentum of an object d. a force applied to an object for a period of time.
20. Which of the following would describe momentum?
a. p=mv b. p=m/v c. p=v/t d. p=F/t
21. What is the impulse of an object moving with constant momentum?
a. 0 c. the same with momentum
b. 1 d. none of these
22. What word can best describe the total momentum in an isolated system?
a. conserved b. large c. lost d. low
23. What is the unit of velocity?
a. kg b. kg●m/s c. m/s d. all of these
24. Calculate the momentum of a car, which has a mass of 1000 kg and moves with a velocity of 20 m/s.
a. 500 kgm/s b. 10, 020 kgm/s c. 20000 kgm/s d. 99 980 kgm/s
25. The total momentum of two objects before collision is 50 kg. m/s. What will be their total momentum
a. 50 kg●m/s b. 175 kg●m/s c. 350 kg●m/s d. not enough information
26. Which best describes potential energy?
a. energy of motion b. energy as heat c. stored energy d. energy that is doing work
27. Which of the following are two types of Mechanical Energy? (ME)
a. kinetic and potential energy c. potential and chemical energy
b. kinetic and nuclear energy d. thermal and kinetic energy
28. Which example best represents kinetic energy?
a. stretched rubber band c. a computer
b. glass of milk d. a flying kite
29. Another word for kinetic energy could be _______ energy.
a. moving b. safe c. potential d. stored
30. Which of the following is used to express the unit of energy?
a. watt b. joule c. coulomb d. kilowatt hour
31. What form of energy is associated with motion?
a. chemical energy b. potential energy c. sound energy d. kinetic energy
32. What law states that the total Energy in an isolated system remains the same?
a. Law of Conservation of Momentum c. Law of Conservation of Energy
b. Law of Definite composition d. Law of conservation of Mass
33. The potential energy of an 8-kg object on top of a cabinet is 256 J. What is the height of the cabinet?
a. 3.27 b. 5.27 c. 7.5 d. 9.2
34. What is considered as the measure of hotness or coldness of an object?
a. conduction b. convection c. heat d. temperature
35. What is the energy transferred form one object to another due to a difference of temperature between
two objects?
a. conduction b. convection c. heat d. temperature
36. Who is the English physicist who established that various forms of energy are basically the same?
a. Isaac Newton b. James Joule c. Gregor Mendel d. Marie Curie
37. Which is the unit of energy that is equivalent to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature?
a. calorie b. joule c. coulomb d. kilowatt hour
38. Which process of heat flows from higher temperature to a lower temperature?
a. conduction b. convection c. non-spontaneous d. spontaneous
39. Which process of heat flows from lower temperature to a higher temperature?
a. conduction b. convection c. non-spontaneous d. spontaneous
40. A 120J of energy is added to a system that does 40J of external work, by how much thermal energy of
the system is raised?
a. 60J b. 80J c. 160J d.180J
41. If 500calories of heat are added to a gas, and the gas expands doing 500J of work on its surroundings,
what is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
a. 1555J b. 5915J c. 5159J d.1597J
42. While a gas does 400J of work on its surroundings, 900J of heat is added to the gas. What is the
in the internal energy of the gas?
a. 500J b.400J c. 900J d.300J
43. Who among the following scientists discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism?
a. Andrei Marie Ampere c. Hans Christian Oersted
b. Michael Faraday d. Alessandro Volta
44. In power stations generating electricity, power is measured in _________.
a. joule b. kilojoule c. kilowatt d. megawatt
45. What energy transformation takes place in a generator?
a. electrical to mechanical c. mechanical to electrical
b. heat to mechanical d. chemical to mechanical
46. Transformers are used to raise the voltage along substations and lower it for residential consumption.
What kind of transformers is used to raise the voltage?
a. Step-up b. Step-down c. Neither of the two d. Both.
47. If a 100 W light bulb is lit for 8 hours each day for 20 days in a month. How many kilowatt-hours will the
bulb consume?
a. 16 b. 160 c. 1600 d.16000
48. Shayne turned on a lamp switch in her room. Which of the following is the correct path of electrical
that can be traced back to the source?
a. power plant  transmission substations  distribution substations  residences
b. transmission substations  power plants  residences  distribution substations
c. residences  distribution substations  power plants  transmission substations
d. distribution substations  transmission substations  power plants  residences
49. Last month, Ms. Alcantara’s electric meter reads 8765 kWh. How much will she pay for power
if the charge of electric company per kWh is 6.88 pesos and her electric meter reads 9975 this month?
a. ₱ 8765.00 b. ₱ 8324.80 c. ₱ 1210.00 d. ₱ 3457.42
50. Jaypeth paid ₱1250.00 for electric bill. How much energy (in kWh) is consumed if the electric company
charges ₱6.88/kWh?
a. 186.81 b. 181.69 c. 188.61 d. 181.86

II. Illustrate

51-55. Illustrate a situation that demonstrates conservation of mechanical energy.

Illustration Rubric
5 4 3 2
Over-all Great job! Very Illustration is on- Illustration is Illustration is
Content informative and topic, but it is missing somewhat off-topic. completely off-topic, as
creatively done some creativity and if you did not even
insight. understand the topic.

III. Essay

Explain briefly how heat engines processes conforms with the mechanisms of how Geothermal Plants
generates electricity.

Scoring Rubrics for Essay

5 – Discussions do not have misconceptions; with complete scientific evidence.
4 – Discussions do not completely show scientific evidence.
2 – Discussions do not show complete scientific evidence; with misconception.
0 – There is no discussion shown.

IV. Graphic Organizer

56-60. Arrange the following energy transformations that takes place in a geothermal power plant by
the terms below inside the appropriate box.
• Electrical Energy
• Kinetic Energy of steam rotating turbine
• Thermal Energy of Water trapped in underground reservoirs
• Thermal Energy from earth’s interior
• Thermal Energy for Distribution
• Kinetic Energy of Turbine and Generator

V. Create

56-60. Construct a simple turbine unit

5 4 3 2
The turbine functions The turbine slightly The turbine malfunctions The turbine does not
very well. It has an malfunctions upon during testing. It lacks function. It is not
outstanding creativity testing. It is somewhat style and creativity. It creative. It was
and style. It is intact creative. It was slightly was damaged after damaged before and
after testing. damaged after testing. testing. after the testing

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